- Nov 2023
www.theodinproject.com www.theodinproject.com
In addition to that issue, too many new developers also jump into learning frameworks too early in their education; the prospect of not having to practice writing vanilla CSS is very tempting. As a result, many developers do not get enough CSS practice under their belts to solidify the fundamentals of this very important language.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we've got to leave the bottom left-hand corner and that only gives you three other spaces to go to and I've already noted that one of those spaces may be a place that has a certain utility short-run 00:50:27 but don't try to build your culture there because you can't do it it's a place that you want to be in for a while but then you wanna leave so it really only gives you two places
for: major cultural paradigms, modernity - leaving, cultural transition, cultural evolution, MET, Major Evolutionary Transition, kiey insight - 4 major cultural paradigms
key insight: 4 major cultural paradigms
- This matrix doesn't quite capture what Ruben is proposing because he later talks about neo-indigenous, which means taking elements of modernity but within an overall indigenous framework, so a hybrid
- It would be worth exploring implications for an evolutionary framework of Major Evolutionary Transitions (MET)
educationaltechnology.net educationaltechnology.net
Punya Mishra and Matthew J. Koehler’s 2006 TPACK framework, which focuses on technological knowledge (TK), pedagogical knowledge (PK), and content knowledge (CK), offers a productive approach to many of the dilemmas that teachers face in implementing educational technology (edtech) in their classrooms.
- Sep 2023
thescimus.com thescimus.com
Time Required to Code: Every project comes with a deadline, and the time set out by your client to get the work done is a crucial part of your decision. If you have a tight deadline, you might be better off with the fastest front-end framework you can find. One that would work well with your team’s capabilities to ensure great results in the shortest time possible.
The efficiency of a front-end framework can significantly impact project timelines. Choosing a framework that aligns with the project's deadline and the team's proficiency can ensure timely delivery.
- Aug 2023
www.advancedfictionwriting.com www.advancedfictionwriting.com
Ingermanson, Randy. “The Snowflake Method For Designing A Novel.” Advanced Fiction Writing, circa 2013. https://www.advancedfictionwriting.com/articles/snowflake-method/.
Designing writing in ever more specific and increasing levels. Start with a logline, then a paragraph, then acts, etc.
Roughly the advice I've given many over the years based on screenplay development experience, but with a clever name based on the Koch snowflake.
you only have to solve a limited set of problems, and so you can write relatively fast.
- May 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How To Use The ACE Framework This Week
ACE Framework - Add - Connect - Express
yet another acronym
hmmm... because... as a tool for building/developing thoughts
- Apr 2023
Clearly this type of reasoning has an argumentation scheme. One premisedefines or describes a goal. The other premise describes a means of achieving thegoal. The conclusion directs the agent towards action to carry out the means.6But this type of reasoning is so common and distinctive, having manyvariants and subspecies of argumentation, that it is misleading to call it anargumentation scheme. Better to call it a type of reasoning that can be used inargumentation in different types of dialogue (as in Walton, What Reas., 1990).
- Agential Network
- Case and Inferential Qualifications
- Conclusions and Goal Relations
- Normative Framework
A person who puts forward an argumentation anticipates criticism, and bychoosing a particular type of argumentation, using the one argumentationscheme rather than the other, he implies that he thinks he knows which routewill lead to the justification of his standpoint. At any rate, whether he reallythinks this or not, if he is to be taken seriously by the other party, he may beheld to be committed to deal with the critical questions which pertain to ajustification via the argumentation scheme that is inherent in his argumentation.In relying on a certain argumentation scheme, the arguer invokes a particular testing method in a dialectical procedure, in which certain criticalreactions are relevant, and others not. Each argumentation scheme calls, as itwere, for its own set of critical reactions. In conjunction with each other,these reactions constitute a well-rounded test for checking the soundness of anargumentation of the type concerned. (p. 98)This way of describing argumentation schemes suggests that they are normativelybinding, in the following sense. If the hearer accepts the premises of the speaker'sargument, and the argument is an instance of a genuine and appropriate argumentation scheme (for the type of dialogue they are engaged in), then the hearer mustor should (in some binding way) accept the conclusion. This does not appear to be"validity" in the same sense in which the word is familiarly used in deductive (orperhaps even inductive) logic. But it does appear to express a normative or broadlylogical sense of validity, bindingness, conditional acceptability, or whatever youwant to call it
- Initial Speaker has goal in mind thus presents reasoning that invites particular types of attention
- This includes Supportive and Critical attention
- The reasoning is normative in that it conformism to the shared communicative standards. Not definitive logical ones.
Instead, we hope to show, theseargumentation schemes can best be revealed as normatively binding kinds ofreasoning when seen as moves, or speech acts in the setting of dialogue. In thispragmatic framework, two participants are reasoning together in a goal-directed,interactive, conventionalized framework called a dialogue. An argument is evaluated as good (correct, reasonable) to the extent that it contributes to the goal of thedialogue. An argument is evaluated as bad (incorrect, fallacious) to the extent thatit blocks the goals of the dialogue.
- Normative Reasoning Frameworks
- Goal Directed Sequential Speech Acts.
- Positive Argument = Speech act for Goal / Negative Argument vice versa
- Document ~ Speech act
campustechnology.com campustechnology.com
And micro degrees or certificates give quick recognition of learning and skills achieved that are sometimes lacking in more traditional programs
Not just the content. Also the narrative. Recognition is huge.
- Mar 2023
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
twitter.com twitter.com
The beauty of FAST framework Overloaded with information → Filter Drowning in busywork → Automate Descending into chaos → Structure Doing things over and over → Templatize
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>The beauty of FAST framework<br><br>Overloaded with information → Filter<br><br>Drowning in busywork → Automate<br><br>Descending into chaos → Structure<br><br>Doing things over and over → Templatize pic.twitter.com/kn6Gi27DLG
— Andrew Altshuler (@1eo) February 4, 2023
- Feb 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Kawakatsu et al. (1) make an important ad-vance in the quest for this kind of understanding, pro-viding a general model for how subtle differences inindividual-level decision-making can lead to hard-to-miss consequences for society as a whole.Their work (1) reveals two distinct regimes—oneegalitarian, one hierarchical—that emerge fromshifts in individual-level judgment. These lead to sta-tistical methods that researchers can use to reverseengineer observed hierarchies, and understand howsignaling systems work when prestige and power arein play.
M. Kawakatsu, P. S. Chodrow, N. Eikmeier, D. B. Larremore, Emergence of hierarchy in networked endorsement dynamics. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118, e2015188118 (2021)
This may be of interest to Jerry Michalski et al.
- Jan 2023
www.complexityexplorer.org www.complexityexplorer.org
3.1 Guest Lecture: Lauren Klein » Q&A on "What is Feminist Data Science?"<br /> https://www.complexityexplorer.org/courses/162-foundations-applications-of-humanities-analytics/segments/15631
Theories of Power
Patricia Hill Collins' matrix of domination - no hierarchy, thus the matrix format
What are other broad theories of power? are there schools?
Relationship to Mary Parker Follett's work?
Bright, Liam Kofi, Daniel Malinsky, and Morgan Thompson. “Causally Interpreting Intersectionality Theory.” Philosophy of Science 83, no. 1 (January 2016): 60–81. https://doi.org/10.1086/684173.
about Bayesian modeling for intersectionality
Where is Foucault in all this? Klein may have references, as I've not got the context.
How do words index action? —Laura Klein
The power to shape discourse and choose words - relationship to soft power - linguistic memes
Color Conventions Project
20:15 Word embeddings as a method within her research
General result (outside of the proximal research) discussed: women are more likely to change language... references for this?
[[academic research skills]]: It's important to be aware of the current discussions within one's field. (LK)
36:36 quantitative imperialism is not the goal of humanities analytics, lived experiences are incredibly important as well. (DK)
www.complexityexplorer.org www.complexityexplorer.org
Seven Principles of Data Feminism
- Examine power
- Challenge power
- Rethink binaries and hierarchies
- Elevate emotion an embodiment
- Embrace pluralism
- Consider context
- Make labor visible
Abolitionist movement
There are some interesting analogies to be drawn between the abolitionist movement in the 1800s and modern day movements like abolition of police and racial justice, etc.
Topic modeling - What would topic modeling look like for corpuses of commonplace books? Over time?
wrt article: Soni, Sandeep, Lauren F. Klein, and Jacob Eisenstein. “Abolitionist Networks: Modeling Language Change in Nineteenth-Century Activist Newspapers.” Journal of Cultural Analytics 6, no. 1 (January 18, 2021). https://doi.org/10.22148/001c.18841. - Brings to mind the difference in power and invisible labor between literate societies and oral societies. It's easier to erase oral cultures with the overwhelm available to literate cultures because the former are harder to see.
How to find unbiased datasets to study these?
aspirational abolitionism driven by African Americans in the 1800s over and above (basic) abolitionism
- operationalization
- Catherine D'Ignazio
- dodging the memory hole
- intersectional feminism
- data science
- abolitionists
- slavery
- orality vs. literacy
- Data Feminism
- power frameworks
- algorithms
- watch
- emotional labor
- defunding police
- topic modeling
- aspirational abolitionism
- Lauren F. Klein
- invisible labor
zettelkasten.de zettelkasten.de
Richard Feynman was fond of giving the following advice on how to be a genius. You have to keep a dozen of your favorite problems constantly present in your mind, although by and large they will lie in a dormant state. Every time you hear or read a new trick or a new result, test it against each of your twelve problems to see whether it helps. Every once in a while there will be a hit, and people will say, “How did he do it? He must be a genius!”
Gian-Carlo Rota (1997): Ten Lessons I Wish I Had Been Taught, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1, 1997, Vol. 44, pp. 22-25.
- Dec 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Lateral thinking is a manner of solving problems using an indirect and creative approach via reasoning that is not immediately obvious.
Node.js is a platform for easily creating fast and scalable network applications that is built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that is designed to build scalable network applications... Because there are no locks, Node.js users are not concerned about deadlocking the process. Because almost no function in Node.js performs I/O directly, the process never blocks unless the I/O is performed using synchronous methods from the Node.js standard library. Scalable systems are very reasonable to develop in Node frameworks because nothing blocks them.
Node.js is the best web development framework to use if you want to keep your developers motivated and your customers satisfied with the performance of your web app. To be on the safe side, hire the right Node js development company or an expert Node.js developer with a proven track record and experience.
- Oct 2022
physicstoday.scitation.org physicstoday.scitation.org
The nature of physics problem-solvingBelow are 29 sets of questions that students and physicists need to ask themselves during the research process. The answers at each step allow them to make the 29 decisions needed to solve a physics problem. (Adapted from reference 33. A. M. Price et al., CBE—Life Sci. Edu. 20, ar43 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.20-12-0276.)A. Selection and planning1. What is important in the field? Where is the field heading? Are there advances in the field that open new possibilities?2. Are there opportunities that fit the physicist’s expertise? Are there gaps in the field that need solving or opportunities to challenge the status quo and question assumptions in the field? Given experts’ capabilities, are there opportunities particularly accessible to them?3. What are the goals, design criteria, or requirements of the problem solution? What is the scope of the problem? What will be the criteria on which the solution is evaluated?4. What are the important underlying features or concepts that apply? Which available information is relevant to solving the problem and why? To better identify the important information, create a suitable representation of core ideas.5. Which predictive frameworks should be used? Decide on the appropriate level of mechanism and structure that the framework needs to be most useful for the problem at hand.6. How can the problem be narrowed? Formulate specific questions and hypotheses to make the problem more tractable.7. What are related problems or work that have been seen before? What aspects of their problem-solving process and solutions might be useful?8. What are some potential solutions? (This decision is based on experience and the results of decisions 3 and 4.)9. Is the problem plausibly solvable? Is the solution worth pursuing given the difficulties, constraints, risks, and uncertainties?Decisions 10–15 establish the specifics needed to solve the problem.10. What approximations or simplifications are appropriate?11. How can the research problem be decomposed into subproblems? Subproblems are independently solvable pieces with their own subgoals.12. Which areas of a problem are particularly difficult or uncertain in the solving process? What are acceptable levels of uncertainty with which to proceed at various stages?13. What information is needed to solve the problem? What approach will be sufficient to test and distinguish between potential solutions?14. Which among the many competing considerations should be prioritized? Considerations could include the following: What are the most important or most difficult? What are the time, materials, and cost constraints?15. How can necessary information be obtained? Options include designing and conducting experiments, making observations, talking to experts, consulting the literature, performing calculations, building models, and using simulations. Plans also involve setting milestones and metrics for evaluating progress and considering possible alternative outcomes and paths that may arise during the problem-solving process.B. Analysis and conclusions16. Which calculations and data analysis should be done? How should they be carried out?17. What is the best way to represent and organize available information to provide clarity and insights?18. Is information valid, reliable, and believable? Is the interpretation unbiased?19. How does information compare with predictions? As new information is collected, how does it compare with expected results based on the predictive framework?20. If a result is different from expected, how should one follow up? Does a potential anomaly fit within the acceptable range of predictive frameworks, given their limitations and underlying assumptions and approximations?21. What are appropriate, justifiable conclusions based on the data?22. What is the best solution from the candidate solutions? To narrow down the list, decide which of those solutions are consistent with all available information, and which can be rejected. Determine what refinements need to be made to the candidate solutions. For this decision, which should be made repeatedly throughout the problem-solving process, the candidate list need not be narrowed down to a single solution.23. Are previous decisions about simplifications and predictive frameworks still appropriate in light of new information? Does the chosen predictive framework need to be modified?24. Is the physicist’s relevant knowledge and the current information they have sufficient? Is more information needed, and if so, what is it? Does some information need to be verified?25. How well is the problem-solving approach working? Does it need to be modified? A physicist should reflect on their strategy by evaluating progress toward the solution and possibly revising their goals.26. How good is the chosen solution? After selecting one from the candidate solutions and reflecting on it, does it make sense and pass discipline-specific tests for solutions to the problem? How might it fail?Decisions 27–29 are about the significance of the work and how to communicate the results.27. What are the broader implications of the results? Over what range of contexts does the solution apply? What outstanding problems in the field might it solve? What novel predictions can it enable? How and why might the solution be seen as interesting to a broader community?28. Who is the audience for the work? What are the audience’s important characteristics?29. What is the best way to present the work to have it understood and to have its correctness and importance appreciated? How can a compelling story be made of the work?
- Aug 2022
Local file Local file
hatis, certain problems can be formulated clearly within a framework of ideasthat is reasonably clear and well understood; certain partial solutions can beadvanced; and a range of examples can be discovered where these solutionsfail, leaving open for the time being the question whether what is needed isfurther elaboration and sharpening or a radically different approach.
- Jun 2022
udlguidelines.cast.org udlguidelines.cast.org
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework
Universal Design for Learning framework https://udlguidelines.cast.org/
- Apr 2022
www.techtello.com www.techtello.com
Companies that succeed do not ask “What exists”. They ask “What’s possible” and then determine how to get there
"what if?"
- Oct 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
theoretical frameworks
Interested in developing deeper understanding of theoretical framework in educational research, especially as they relate to Technology, Innovation & Pedagogy.
material.io material.io
Material is a design system – backed by open-source code – that helps teams build high-quality digital experiences.
materializecss.com materializecss.com
We did most of the heavy lifting for you to provide a default stylings that incorporate our custom components.
(The English here sounds awkward.)
Gyuri Lajos, in the Stop Reset Go team, recommended using Materialize CSS.
If it is based on Google’s Material Design, there are a lot of resources available to explore the possibilities. If I was building a Progressive Web App, this might be the place to start.
The project appears to be at an early stage of development, with a 1.0.0 release.
materializecss.com materializecss.com
Created and designed by Google, Material Design is a design language that combines the classic principles of successful design along with innovation and technology.
getuikit.com getuikit.comUIkit1
A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
So far, this is one of the most complete web design frameworks that I have encountered. The list of components is extensive.
- Nov 2020
www.thinktecture.com www.thinktecture.com
Although Capacitor is developed by Ionic, you can use it in combination with any framework and UI library you want. In fact, Capacitor itself promotes using it with whatever framework you want.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Frontend frameworks are a positive sum game! Svelte has no monopoly on the compiler paradigm either. Just like I think React is worth learning for the mental model it imparts, where UI is a (pure) function of state, I think the frontend framework-as-compiler paradigm is worth understanding. We're going to see a lot more of it because the tradeoffs are fantastic, to where it'll be a boring talking point before we know it.
macwright.com macwright.com
web, development ways, spa, ssa
- Oct 2020
lemoncode.github.io lemoncode.github.ioFonk1
Fonk is framework extension, and can be easily plugged into many libraries / frameworks, in this documentation you will find integrations with:
formvalidation.io formvalidation.io
FormValidation can be used with popular JavaScript frameworks such as React, Preact, Vue, Svelte, etc.
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
urql is a GraphQL client that exposes a set of helpers for several frameworks.
One package to get a working GraphQL client in React, Preact, and Svelte
- May 2020
insidehighered.com insidehighered.com
The idea behind ACE is that we elevate three characteristics that are clear, context sensitive, values driven and mission aligned, and we use them to plan assignment-, course- and institution-level responses to COVID-19 in the areas of our university that are connected to teaching and learning.
You know I love a good framework, and the ACE framework from Robin DeRosa is aces! Adaptability: create flexibility for learners (and everyone). Connection: connect activities beyond the classroom. Equity: include everyone.
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
Not clear whether it could (easily) be used "standalone" — without any child checkboxes.
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
n. Key to this model is the assumption that online education has evolved as a subset of learning in general rather than a subset of distance learning
This article helps the reader understand the major theories that are related to technology using the leaning theories, theoretical frameworks, and models. Rate: 4/5
- Mar 2019
techbuzztalk.com techbuzztalk.com
Here we have depicted 5 best Hybrid app development frameworks in 2018 along with their features, pros, and cons so as to make your job easier.
Here we have depicted 5 best Hybrid app development frameworks in 2018 along with their features, pros, and cons so as to make your job easier.
- Aug 2018
Local file Local file
Figure 1 matches stakeholders in the OER ecosystem with their primary roles.
- Mar 2018
hansard.parliament.uk hansard.parliament.uk
Common approaches are being considered in a number of areas, which will help to provide the necessary environmental protections. While the UK Government and the devolved Administrations sometimes make different choices on implementation of some policies, these common rules provide significant benefits, such as making it simple for businesses from different parts of the UK to trade with each other and enabling us to meet our international obligations and, therefore, protect our common resources. This is pertinent to the environmental commitments and protections that he rightly raised.
nvironmental protection is a devolved matter. However, while the UK is a European Union member state, most environmental law in the four countries of the UK is guided by common frameworks set at EU level. This amendment would require the four Governments to work together on proposals to establish minimum common environmental objectives and standards. As such, I hope it will appeal to all parts of the House. UK-wide frameworks will be needed to establish areas of common policy across the UK, even in areas of devolved competence. Crucially, this amendment would insist that devolved legislatures are equal stakeholders in the forming of those common policy areas. I will cover the principle of UK-wide frameworks, and my major concerns about Clause 11, when we get to that point of the Bill. Today, I will focus on the substantive relevance of this issue to the environment.First, I will say a word about why common frameworks are needed. No area of policy will be more affected by the outcome of the common frameworks debate than the environment. According to analysis by the Institute for Government, there are more than 140 distinct policy areas where EU law intersects with devolved powers. The greatest number of these relate to the environment, which is unsurprising given that the EU frameworks have been widely created for environmental policy purposes.Approximately 80% of environmental laws in the UK, including in the devolved nations, have some basis in EU legislation. Transboundary co-operation and common standards are widely recognised as important for the effective protection of the environment and the prevention of unfair regulatory competition. There are persuasive reasons for seeking to maintain common standards across the four nations of these islands post Brexit. Such frameworks would provide a set of minimum common standards and should be jointly agreed between the UK and devolved Governments. They will be important in a range of areas, such as the conservation of wildlife on land and at sea, environmental assessment and the co-ordination of action to address air and water pollution.I shall give some examples of common frameworks. EU legislation relating to the natural environment—including the birds and habitats directives—currently helps to underpin effective environmental action by providing minimum common standards for site and species protection across the four nations. This facilitates the creation of a more ecologically coherent network of protected sites than would otherwise be the case. Such an approach will still be needed for the UK outside the EU, helping to ensure that actions in one jurisdiction complement, and do not counteract, conservation outcomes across these islands.Similarly, the common frameworks provided by EU legislation—relating to the assessment of the likely environmental impacts of plans, programmes and projects—mean that consistent mechanisms are in place for assessing transboundary effects as well as allowing for public participation and transparency in decision-making across the four nations. Co-operation and joint agreement on common frameworks that provide minimum standards and shared high-level objectives are therefore needed.
GUK briefing
I warmly endorse the comments that have already been made on the importance of getting the environmental dimensions right as we leave the European Union
- Jan 2018
www.laurenbcollister.com www.laurenbcollister.com
flash is garbage and nobody uses it anymore. most use HTML5 or Flash
- Jan 2014
todomvc.com todomvc.comTodoMVC1
Developers these days are spoiled with choice when it comes to selecting an MV* framework for structuring and organizing their JavaScript web apps.
Cool project to help choose a framework, by building an app that uses each framework.
blog.stevensanderson.com blog.stevensanderson.com
Rich JavaScript Applications – the Seven Frameworks (Throne of JS, 2012)
Good summary of JS frameworks