162 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are a new trend in mobile application development that are rapidly gaining popularity due to their ability to mimic the experience of native mobile applications while running directly from a user's web browser. Comment Progressive Web Apps are built using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but are optimised for smaller screens and limited internet connectivity. They are more reliable, engaging, and faster than traditional web apps and can work seamlessly on any device and platform.

      Deliver Progressive Web Apps with the capability of allowing fast, reliable, and engaging user experiences across platforms. PWAs are the best of both worlds, taking all that a web app has to offer you and pairing it with everything that its rival-the mobile application-provides, thus including offline functionality, push notifications, and an interface similar to that of an app-but without the app store. Whether better engagement or performance, PWAs are a cost-effective option for business companies.

  2. Aug 2024
  3. Jun 2024
    1. Website Development Your website may be the first thing a prospect or business partner sees about your company and brand. How do you want to present yourself? Our talented website design team in Indianapolis has the skills and tools to ensure the visitor has the best experience on any device. Whether you need a complete new website design, update your current website or bug fix it, we can help.

      Discover comprehensive web development services at MEGAstream Media, Indianapolis's leading web design company. Our expert team specializes in creating responsive websites tailored to your business goals, ensuring exceptional user experiences and maximum online visibility.

  4. Apr 2024
  5. Feb 2024
  6. Sep 2023
    1. To build HIPAA compliant software, developers need to be aware of and comply with several key requirements outlined in the HIPAA Privacy Rule and Security Rule. These requirements are designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of protected health information (PHI) and to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of PHI.

      Building software compliant with HIPAA standards necessitates a deep understanding of its Privacy and Security Rules to safeguard protected health information effectively.

    1. We will try to add two tests for response code in order to know that our request was successful. Another test we will add for response time <  2 sec in order to understand how fast request was processed by server. If it will be executed slower then for 2 seconds, our test will fail. In this case I use 2 seconds just for example it might be greater or lower number, but 7 seconds is usually a maximum time for request execution. So in order to add tests, go to “Tests” in request section of application and add this few lines : tests["Status code is 200"] = responseCode.code === 200; tests["Response time is less than 200ms"] = responseTime < 2000; When this is done hit on Send button again and execute your first test.

      Good case -- importance of adding tests to validate response codes and times, ensuring optimal server performance and response.

    1. Configuring PyCharm: Open PyCharm with ‘Pytest Web Framework’ Press Ctrl+Alt+S > Project Click ‘Project Interpreter’ Select Python 3.6 Click ‘OK’ Go to write over 100500 automated tests!!!

      This section provides a step-by-step guide on setting up PyCharm for automated testing using the 'Pytest Web Framework'.

    1. There are many reasons why you might want to migrate from one stack to another. Maybe you’re looking for a more robust solution, or perhaps you’re trying to simplify your development process. Whatever the reason, it’s important to know that it is possible to migrate from one stack to another.

      Migration between tech stacks can be driven by various motivations, including the need for enhanced capabilities or a desire for a more streamlined development workflow.

    1. It also simplifies Magento order management, providing a centralized dashboard for handling customer orders and inquiries. Efficient order management can lead to improved customer satisfaction and increased sales. For more insights, check out this Magento Commerce Resources page.

      Magento's order management system offers a unified platform, making it easier for businesses to manage customer interactions and orders, enhancing operational efficiency.

    1. Developers use tools like Postman for API test automation to create WMS system integration technologies that help you increase efficiency by automating manual processes. The WMS connects all of your warehouse locations so that you can easily access information about your inventory, orders, and shipments from any computer.

      Leveraging tools such as Postman, developers can automate API tests, leading to the creation of efficient Warehouse Management System (WMS) integrations that streamline operations.

    1. Additionally, they are at the forefront of sharing valid product ideas with their team since they have an expert understanding of coding best practices as well as mobile and web programming services.

      Developers play a pivotal role in product ideation due to their deep knowledge of coding standards and expertise in both mobile and web development.

    1. Time Required to Code: Every project comes with a deadline, and the time set out by your client to get the work done is a crucial part of your decision. If you have a tight deadline, you might be better off with the fastest front-end framework you can find. One that would work well with your team’s capabilities to ensure great results in the shortest time possible.

      The efficiency of a front-end framework can significantly impact project timelines. Choosing a framework that aligns with the project's deadline and the team's proficiency can ensure timely delivery.

    1. So now we have a file that you need to open in JMeter UI, configure number of threads that you want to execute and you are good to go.

      After converting the Postman test into a JMeter format, users can easily adjust the concurrency settings by configuring the number of threads in the JMeter UI, offering flexibility in load testing scenarios.

    1. Let’s add a test that will validate that number of results on a page is lower then total number of results.

      This code snippet in Postman ensures that the number of displayed results on a single page is always less than the total count of results, ensuring pagination is functioning correctly.

  7. Aug 2023
    1. In computing, the robustness principle is a design guideline for software that states: "be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others". It is often reworded as: "be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept". The principle is also known as Postel's law, after Jon Postel, who used the wording in an early specification of TCP.


      Robustness principle: be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others.

  8. Jun 2023
  9. May 2023
    1. https://share-on-mastodon.social/

      A really neat customizable "Share on Mastodon" button for your pages or posts.

  10. Jan 2023
  11. Dec 2022
  12. Nov 2022
  13. Oct 2022
    1. Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. Start your project with a Postgres database, Authentication, instant APIs, Edge Functions, Realtime subscriptions, and Storage.


      Found as presumably it's being used by https://www.explainpaper.com/ with improper configurations

  14. Sep 2022
    1. CTO services

      CTO services, or CTOaaS, stands for part-time tech and business advisory of the Chief Technology Officer to assist Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

      The core benefit of a startup fractional CTO compared to an in-house CTO is the price effectiveness of such a service as a company only pays for the services needed.

  15. Jun 2022
  16. May 2022
  17. Apr 2022
  18. Mar 2022
    1. We can help you build a stunning website & mobile application, custom software development, highly optimized hardware & device firmware, and connected IoT solutions for businesses of all sizes and verticals.
  19. Feb 2022
    1. What criteria do we pay attention to when we want to order some service? Certainly, the cost is important. When it comes to website development, the final cost depends on many factors. The first and one of the most important factors is what kind of website you want to create. In this article, we will try to help you understand how much it costs to build a website, and estimate the approximate cost of your website’s creation.
    2. What criteria do we pay attention to when we want to order some service? Certainly, the cost is important. When it comes to website development, the final cost depends on many factors. The first and one of the most important factors is what kind of website you want to create. In this article, we will try to help you understand how much it costs to build a website, and estimate the approximate cost of your website’s creation.
  20. Jan 2022
    1. Web 4.0: The Internet of Things and AI

      Web 4.0 : The Internet of Things en AI Web 4.0 article Web_4.0 comes after Web 3.0, Web 2.0 and Web 1.0. What does it mean and what can we expect from it? The new web 4.0 has the following internet features....

  21. Dec 2021
  22. Nov 2021
    1. Avoid These Costly Mistakes During Web Application DevelopmentDmitryCEOCustom SoftwareHomeBlogTechnologyAvoid These Costly Mistakes During Web Application DevelopmentPublishedJan 16, 2020UpdatedJan 16, 202015 min readAccording to the Startup Genome Report, over 90% of startups fail after launch. There can be different reasons like skipping the market research, hiring wrong specialists, too early scaling, and so on. However, one of the most important elements of startup success is the product you provide. Neglecting estimates, avoiding the MVP stage, designing unnecessary functionality, and saving time on testing may become fatal errors that can result in a complete failure. In this article, we will tell you about the most costly mistakes you should avoid during web app development to succeed after product launch.

      According to the Startup Genome Report, over 90% of startups fail after launch. There can be different reasons like skipping the market research, hiring wrong specialists, too early scaling, and so on.

      However, one of the most important elements of startup success is the product you provide. Neglecting estimates, avoiding the MVP stage, designing unnecessary functionality, and saving time on testing may become fatal errors that can result in a complete failure.

      In this article, we will tell you about the most costly mistakes you should avoid during web app development to succeed after product launch.

    1. Do you have a high-quality and almost irresistible application in your bag? Your potential customers will not enjoy your app to the full if they cannot access it easily and quickly. That is why you need to consider how to choose the right SaaS hosting provider carefully. In this article, we will review different SaaS cloud hosting options and their strengths and weaknesses. Read on to find out how to make hosting for your SaaS application reliable, cost-effective, and scalable.

      Do you have a high-quality and almost irresistible application in your bag? Your potential customers will not enjoy your app to the full if they cannot access it easily and quickly. That is why you need to consider how to choose the right SaaS hosting provider carefully.

      In this article, we will review different SaaS cloud hosting options and their strengths and weaknesses. Read on to find out how to make hosting for your SaaS application reliable, cost-effective, and scalable.

    1. 4 Best Payment Solutions for Online MarketplacesDmitryCEOMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurship4 Best Payment Solutions for Online MarketplacesPublishedAug 7, 2020UpdatedAug 7, 20209 min readDid you know that payment solutions for online marketplaces can shape your e-commerce business and its success? Thus, Uber succeeded in its global expansion right after it switched to Braintree. In early Uber’s scaling, even a dollar-euro currency conversion wasn’t available. Now, with Braintree, it processes mobile payments in 130 currencies in 80+ countries. Of course, each marketplace faces its own payment challenges. So, you should rely on a payment solution with the features vital right for your e-commerce platform. To identify them, let’s dig deeper into two-sided marketplace payment processing, and analyze the best payment gateways for marketplaces.

      Did you know that payment solutions for online marketplaces can shape your e-commerce business and its success? Thus, Uber succeeded in its global expansion right after it switched to Braintree.

      In early Uber’s scaling, even a dollar-euro currency conversion wasn’t available. Now, with Braintree, it processes mobile payments in 130 currencies in 80+ countries.

      Of course, each marketplace faces its own payment challenges. So, you should rely on a payment solution with the features vital right for your e-commerce platform. To identify them, let’s dig deeper into two-sided marketplace payment processing, and analyze the best payment gateways for marketplaces.

    1. Spree Commerce: How to Quickly Build an Ecommerce WebsiteAlinaE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipSpree Commerce: How to Quickly Build an Ecommerce WebsitePublishedAug 31, 2020UpdatedAug 31, 202011 min readThe hype around Amazon and eBay has driven up the demand for marketplace development services. Business owners turn to software consultancies to launch a thriving e-commerce website. Here comes a question: what do they need to get the most successful online marketplace website? We believe that a profitable e-commerce project starts with the right tech stack. The main qualities that a modern marketplace should possess are scalability, easy customizations, and flexibility. Therefore, it’s important to choose the technologies that will help these qualities.

      The hype around Amazon and eBay has driven up the demand for marketplace development services. Business owners turn to software consultancies to launch a thriving e-commerce website. Here comes a question: what do they need to get the most successful online marketplace website?

      We believe that a profitable e-commerce project starts with the right tech stack. The main qualities that a modern marketplace should possess are scalability, easy customizations, and flexibility. Therefore, it’s important to choose the technologies that will help these qualities.

  23. Oct 2021
    1. Choosing a PWA Development Company: Key Points to ConsiderAlinaE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistDmitryChief Executive OfficerPWAHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipChoosing a PWA Development Company: Key Points to ConsiderNov 10, 202012 min readThe term “progressive web application” has been floating around recently. So what are PWAs: a buzzword or a decent alternative to native apps? Codica team firmly believes that this technology can be beneficial for businesses. It is not by chance that we have added PWA apps to our list of prominent web development trends for 2020. This technology offers users an app-like experience. Besides, progressive web applications are easy to install, launch, and maintain and they cost less compared with building native apps. To launch a successful progressive web application, you need to partner with a reliable PWA development company. Here comes the most difficult part. There are plenty of software houses offering similar services. The question is: How do you find the right one? To make things easier for you, we covered the key factors you need to consider while choosing a PWA development partner. Besides, in our article you will find out why building a PWA can be challenging even for experienced software development companies.

      Progressive web applications are considered one of the most important web development trends for 2021. PWAs are easy to launch and maintain, being a great alternative for native apps due to their cost-efficiency.

      In this article, we will discuss the main points of choosing the software provider for building your progressive web app.

    1. Vue.js vs React: Comparison of Two Most Popular JS FrameworksEugeneFrontend DeveloperVueReactHomeBlogDevelopmentVue.js vs React: Comparison of Two Most Popular JS FrameworksSep 23, 202126 min readNowadays, every company aims to create a high-quality web solution within a short time frame. To put it into practice, the developers’ community chooses from many JavaScript libraries and frameworks and debates to find the best one. At Codica, we consider Vue.js and ReactJS the most rapidly developing tools for the front-end development for many reasons. While these technologies can help create the same products and applications, both of them have pros and cons. The purpose of this article is to compare Vue.js vs React.js in different aspects: from general information to technical features. Both these web development tools have mature communities, wide support and popularity, but Vue.js is a framework and React is a library. So, why do we compare oranges and apples?

      Nowadays, every company aims to create a high-quality web solution within a short time frame. To put it into practice, the developers’ community chooses from many JavaScript libraries and frameworks and debates to find the best one.

      At Codica, we consider Vue.js and ReactJS the most rapidly developing tools for the front-end development for many reasons. While these technologies can help create the same products and applications, both of them have pros and cons.

      The purpose of this article is to compare Vue.js vs React.js in different aspects: from general information to technical features. Both these web development tools have mature communities, wide support and popularity, but Vue.js is a framework and React is a library. So, why do we compare oranges and apples?

  24. Sep 2021
    1. Codica Named a Top E-commerce Web Development Company by ManifestIrina TurchanovaSaaS Growth ResearcherAwardsHomeBlogCodica WayCodica Named a Top E-commerce Web Development Company by ManifestAug 26, 202110 min readCodica is a professional team that provides software consultancy services to all-sized businesses. We have been building unique and complex custom web solutions for more than six years, helping our customers reach their business goals and prosper.

      Manifest, a Clutch’s sister website, is also a business news platform. Our Manifest profile ranks among the top 60 e-commerce app development companies in Ukraine and Top apps Developers.

  25. Aug 2021
    1. Question and Answer Website Development: Functionality and Best PracticesTimur YilmazTech JournalistMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipQuestion and Answer Website Development: Functionality and Best PracticesAug 25, 202117 min readSocial media is a jumping-off point for many people to get informed. Yet, on such platforms, users are more likely to voice opinions rather than share knowledge. That's when the websites to ask questions become a good help. For example, Quora's monthly active user base grew from 200 million to 300 million in 2018 alone. In 2021, the 6.6 million downloads of the Reddit app represented a 128% increase over the previous year. What is a selling point for this kind of platform and how to build one? How do they remain beneficial in a years-long run? How Q&A websites managed to survive social network dominance? Read on to find out.

      Social media is a jumping-off point for many people to get informed. Yet, on such platforms, users are more likely to voice opinions rather than share knowledge.

      That's when the websites to ask questions become a good help. For example, Quora's monthly active user base grew from 200 million to 300 million in 2018 alone. In 2021, the 6.6 million downloads of the Reddit app represented a 128% increase over the previous year.

      What is a selling point for this kind of platform and how to build one? How do they remain beneficial in a years-long run? How Q&A websites managed to survive social network dominance? Read on to find out.

    1. With JavaScript, you can actually calculate the width of the scrollbar and whether it’s visible by comparing two properties—window.innerWidth and document.body.clientWidth. If these are equal, the scrollbar isn’t visible. If these are different, we can subtract the body width from the window width to get the width of the scrollbar:const scrollbarWidth = window.innerWidth - document.body.clientWidthWe’ll want to perform this both on page load and on resize, in case someone resizes the window vertically and changes the overflow. Then, once we have the scrollbar width, we can assign it as a CSS variable:document.body.setProperty("--scrollbarWidth", `${scrollbarWidth}px`)

      missing feature: vw/vh can't be used "directly" because doesn't account for scrollbars

    1. How to Build a SaaS Startup in 10 Smart StepsAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistSaaSStartupHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Build a SaaS Startup in 10 Smart StepsJul 30, 202018 min readSaaS solutions are noted for their flexibility. This quality serves as a key reason why 37% of businesses switch to cloud-based systems. Given their growing popularity, the idea of launching a company offering SaaS products seems very lucrative. So, how to build a SaaS startup? In this article, we will answer this question, and guide you through the main stages of starting a SaaS business. You will learn to make market research and write a lean plan. Also, we will discuss the most suitable pricing models and effective marketing strategies. Finally, you will know how to track the progress of your startup.

      SaaS solutions are noted for their flexibility. This quality serves as a key reason why 37% of businesses switch to cloud-based systems. Given their growing popularity, the idea of launching a company offering SaaS products seems very lucrative.

      So, how to build a SaaS startup? In this article, we will answer this question, and guide you through the main stages of starting a SaaS business.

      You will learn to make market research and write a lean plan. Also, we will discuss the most suitable pricing models and effective marketing strategies.

      Finally, you will know how to track the progress of your startup.

    1. How to Make a React Progressive Web Application (PWA)Eugene VolkovFrontend DeveloperKate KikidzhanCloud & SaaS Product ResearcherReactJavaScriptPWAHomeBlogDevelopmentHow to Make a React Progressive Web Application (PWA)Oct 7, 202021 min readThe early bird catches the worm. But the situation was not so favourable back in 2007 when Steve Jobs proposed the idea of web applications to be the model for iPhone Apps. Back then, the tech community was not yet ready to bring a huge interest in web apps. But since 2015, tech giants like Google and Microsoft have been preparing the tech ground for progressive web apps (or simply – PWAs). And now, PWA became a must-have technology for both giant corporations and small startups. Twitter, Starbucks, Google, and Aliexpress use progressive web apps to boost their online presence. At Codica, we have been helping our customers to develop their businesses by building robust PWA for our customers since 2015. That is why we have created this comprehensive guide on how to create a PWA with React. Also, you will see the most prominent progressive web app examples.

      The early bird catches the worm. But the situation was not so favourable back in 2007 when Steve Jobs proposed the idea of web applications to be the model for iPhone Apps. Back then, the tech community was not yet ready to bring a huge interest in web apps.

      But since 2015, tech giants like Google and Microsoft have been preparing the tech ground for progressive web apps (or simply – PWAs). And now, PWA became a must-have technology for both giant corporations and small startups. Twitter, Starbucks, Google, and Aliexpress use progressive web apps to boost their online presence.

      At Codica, we have been helping our customers to develop their businesses by building robust PWA for our customers since 2015. That is why we have created this comprehensive guide on how to create a PWA with React. Also, you will see the most prominent progressive web app examples.

    1. Best SaaS Product Ideas You Should Try in 2021Kate KikidzhanCloud & SaaS Product ResearcherSaaSStartupHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipBest SaaS Product Ideas You Should Try in 2021May 6, 202117 min readIn 2020, the cloud market and its most notable players, such as Google, Microsoft, Adobe, and Salesforce, cannot be taken lightly. Cloud software distribution, namely SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS models, invaded the technology world and will not go away any time soon. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic increased the importance of remote work for a business to survive, as well as high profitability. That is why the demand for SaaS solutions that tend to be more cost-effective has risen markedly. And we believe that it is better to ride the SaaS wave now rather than regret missed opportunities later. So we have prepared for you a list of SaaS product ideas that will be a great deal for cloud-based solutions for startups in 2021.

      In 2020, the cloud market and its most notable players, such as Google, Microsoft, Adobe, and Salesforce, cannot be taken lightly. Cloud software distribution, namely SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS models, invaded the technology world and will not go away any time soon. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic increased the importance of remote work for a business to survive, as well as high profitability.

      That is why the demand for SaaS solutions that tend to be more cost-effective has risen markedly. And we believe that it is better to ride the SaaS wave now rather than regret missed opportunities later.

      So we have prepared for you a list of SaaS product ideas that will be a great deal for cloud-based solutions for startups in 2021.

    1. How to Calculate the Cost to Build a SaaS App in 2021Dmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistSaaSHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Calculate the Cost to Build a SaaS App in 2021Jan 6, 202114 min readHow much will it cost to build a SaaS app? If you decided to follow the latest trends and invest in SaaS development, this question is relevant more than ever. This blog post is written to help you clear up this matter. Here, we will cover in detail the main factors that define the final cost of building a SaaS product. They include the project scope and timeline, API integration, and the required functionality. Also, you will learn how the total cost of a completed software-as-a-service product changes depending on the chosen SaaS development service provider.

      How much will it cost to build a SaaS app? If you decided to follow the latest trends and invest in SaaS development, this question is relevant more than ever.

      This blog post is written to help you clear up this matter. Here, we will cover in detail the main factors that define the final cost of building a SaaS product. They include the project scope and timeline, API integration, and the required functionality.

      Also, you will learn how the total cost of a completed software-as-a-service product changes depending on the chosen SaaS development service provider.

    1. How Much Does it Cost to Create a Classifieds Website Like CraigslistDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow Much Does it Cost to Create a Classifieds Website Like CraigslistDec 27, 201918 min readOnline classifieds websites have replaced printed ads in many ways. They help find a job, a place to live, a car, and other things we can’t do without in our everyday life. In addition, people actively use these platforms to buy or sell second-hand items. You have probably heard of Craigslist - this classifieds website is among the 20 most visited websites in the US. In this article, you will learn how to build a website like Craigslist. We will analyze how classifieds websites work, discuss revenue models that help reap profits from this type of online platform, and functionality they should have. Finally, you will take notice of the issues you may face when building a classifieds platform.

      Online classifieds websites have replaced printed ads in many ways. They help find a job, a place to live, a car, and other things we can’t do without in our everyday life. In addition, people actively use these platforms to buy or sell second-hand items.

      You have probably heard of Craigslist - this classifieds website is among the 20 most visited websites in the US.

      In this article, you will learn how to build a website like Craigslist. We will analyze how classifieds websites work, discuss revenue models that help reap profits from this type of online platform, and functionality they should have. Finally, you will take notice of the issues you may face when building a classifieds platform.

    1. How Much Does it Cost to Build a Website Like IndeedDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow Much Does it Cost to Build a Website Like IndeedJan 23, 202021 min readJob search websites have revolutionized the employer-employee relationships. No printed classifieds on the walls and no extra movements. Everything you need to do is to visit such a platform, enter the position details and choose the most relevant option to hire or apply for. Indeed is the most visited platform among other job-related online marketplaces. In this article, you will find out what makes Indeed so famous and special. Besides, we will discuss the challenges you may face before and during the development process, the things to consider before starting, and the functionality your platform should have. On the whole, you will know how to create a job search website like Indeed using 3 effective solutions.

      Job search websites have revolutionized the employer-employee relationships. No printed classifieds on the walls and no extra movements. Everything you need to do is to visit such a platform, enter the position details and choose the most relevant option to hire or apply for. Indeed is the most visited platform among other job-related online marketplaces.

      In this article, you will find out what makes Indeed so famous and special. Besides, we will discuss the challenges you may face before and during the development process, the things to consider before starting, and the functionality your platform should have. On the whole, you will know how to create a job search website like Indeed using 3 effective solutions.

    1. How much Does It Cost to Create a Bidding Website Like eBayDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow much Does It Cost to Create a Bidding Website Like eBayFeb 19, 202021 min readE-commerce platforms offer a greatly simplified shopping experience. People can purchase any kind of goods or services in a matter of minutes. We believe you have definitely heard of eBay - one of the most popular marketplaces in the world. This website gives you an opportunity to supply and purchase any product you can imagine. Hundreds of categories allow attracting lots of users interested in most of the spheres. This way, the platform generates an enormous profit. You may wonder how to build a website like eBay right? In this article, we will share steps on how to make a website like eBay, including the required functionality. Also, you will find out the pros and cons of auction websites.

      E-commerce platforms offer a greatly simplified shopping experience. People can purchase any kind of goods or services in a matter of minutes. We believe you have definitely heard of eBay - one of the most popular marketplaces in the world.

      This website gives you an opportunity to supply and purchase any product you can imagine. Hundreds of categories allow attracting lots of users interested in most of the spheres. This way, the platform generates an enormous profit. You may wonder how to build a website like eBay right?

      In this article, we will share steps on how to make a website like eBay, including the required functionality. Also, you will find out the pros and cons of auction websites.

  26. Jul 2021
    1. How Much Does it Cost to Create a Website Like Udemy or CourseraDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow Much Does it Cost to Create a Website Like Udemy or CourseraApr 27, 202016 min readUniversity education is getting more and more expensive. The College Board indicates a 3% growth of tuition and fees for private and public colleges during the past two years. Online courses have become a great alternative to traditional education. The leading eLearning websites are Coursera and Udemy, which attract millions of users wanting to gain new skills. So what makes them outstanding examples of educational platforms? How to build a Website Like Udemy or Coursera that can compete with these giants? You will find the answers in this article.

      Online courses have become a great alternative to traditional education. The leading eLearning websites are Coursera and Udemy, which attract millions of users wanting to gain new skills.

      So what makes them outstanding examples of educational platforms? How to build a Website Like Udemy or Coursera that can compete with these giants? You will find the answers in this article.

    1. How to Create a Travel Website: Types, Features, Industry TrendsTimur YilmazTech JournalistProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Create a Travel Website: Types, Features, Industry TrendsJul 13, 202119 min readMost people plan a journey by seeking advice from the same source — the Internet. As ending the pandemic is becoming more solvable, many of us think about where to travel next. Ironically, we tend to get easily overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tasks. What place is ok for a night stay? Which is the best camera backpack? Where to refuel? So today, we will figure out how a travel website works. We will also share tips on how to make your own travel website genuinely shine.

      Most people plan a journey by seeking advice from the same source — the Internet. As ending the pandemic is becoming more solvable, many of us think about where to travel next.

      Ironically, we tend to get easily overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tasks. What place is ok for a night stay? Which is the best camera backpack? Where to refuel?

      So today, we will figure out how a travel website works. We will also share tips on how to make your own travel website genuinely shine.

    1. How Much Does It Cost to create a Website Like Amazon?Dmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerDaniil TorkutDeveloper AdvocateKate DavydovaMarketplace Growth StrategistMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow Much Does It Cost to create a Website Like Amazon?Dec 10, 201917 min readToday, the ability to make a purchase in 1 click means nothing extraordinary. Still, in 1999, it was a sensation. The sensation caused by Jeff Bezos and his website, Amazon, now loved by millions of buyers and suppliers. Six figures of digital transactions, product listings, and new users prove the platform's success and constant growth.In 2018, Amazon's stock value rose to make the marketplace worth $1 trillion. The store that was started in the garage has become the second company after Apple Inc.Wondering how to build a multi vendor marketplace like Amazon? In this article, we will cover the main points to take into account when creating a similar e-commerce platform.

      Today, we know Amazon as one of the Big Four tech companies along with Google, Apple, and Facebook.

      How did it hit the big time? This question intrigues both entrepreneurs who are going to launch a multi-vendor online marketplace and owners of existing platforms.

      In this post, we want to discuss the core technical aspects that deserve your attention when you are going to launch a similar website including the right tech stack, required functionality, and the key MVP features.

    1. How to Create a Car Rental Website: All You Need to KnowDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Create a Car Rental Website: All You Need to KnowJun 18, 202116 min readWith the advent of the Internet, customers started ordering products and services online. That is how online booking systems have gained momentum. The same goes for rental services. If users want to rent a car, they visit car rental websites and book a vehicle there.Today travelers actively adopt the idea of renting a car for their business and leisure trips. They like the feeling of independence and flexibility that comes with it. Given that, it is not surprising that car reservation systems have become an integral part of the travel industry.In this article, we will discuss the core aspects of car rental website development. Follow the tips below, and you will build a successful and profitable car rental business.

      With the advent of the Internet, customers started ordering products and services online. That is how online booking systems have gained momentum. The same goes for rental services. If users want to rent a car, they visit car rental websites and book a vehicle there.

      Today travelers actively adopt the idea of renting a car for their business and leisure trips. They like the feeling of independence and flexibility that comes with it. Given that, it is not surprising that car reservation systems have become an integral part of the travel industry.

      In this article, we will discuss the core aspects of car rental website development. Follow the tips below, and you will build a successful and profitable car rental business.

  27. Jun 2021
    1. Award Winning SEO Agency London

      Award Winning SEO Agency London! As a dedicated London SEO agency, we provide proven SEO services for a whole range of clients while performing white hat techniques. #1 page ranking experts in local SEO. Get your free audit today!

    1. Cambridge SEO Nerds

      SEO Services Cambridge Dedicated SEO agency, Nautilus Marketing provides proven SEO services while performing white hat techniques 1 page ranking experts in local SEO Get your SEO audit today

    1. The salary for each profession varies from similar factors. What determines the salary of software developers? After reading this article, I concluded that the greatest role is played by the country in which the developer works. For example, there are countries where developer salaries are much lower, although skills are not inferior. Skills, background and many other points also affect. Enjoy reading!

  28. May 2021
    1. Business Directory Website Development: How to Build a Review Website Like Yelp

      Online reviews are the type of social proof most of us rely on. So, it comes as no surprise that businesses compete to be “found.”

      Luckily enough, websites like Yelp exist. Users daily rate and review restaurants, barbershops, hotel rooms, and more. That’s partially a reason why Yelp has become the most visited go-to review site in the US.

      How to build a business directory website? What features make sense to invest an effort in? Read on as we have crunched the best solutions and prepared tips on how to create a review website like Yelp. https://www.codica.com/blog/how-to-build-a-website-like-yelp/

    1. If you are involved in the real estate industry and don’t have a website, you will lose the fight. Available statistics of the National Association of Realtors (NAR) show that 95% of all homebuyers are searching online. But even the presence of a website is not enough. Over 90% of real estate companies have websites. So, to be different from the other companies you need to create something astonishing. Choosing a house is a difficult decision. That’s why people don’t only swipe on smartphones. They use their laptops to search thoroughly. This fact explains why building a great website is still important, even in the mobile-first era. In this article, we are going to guide you through the nuances of real estate website development and give you a couple of advice.
    1. Do you want to build a successful and viable web solution? Implement the most recent trends in web development for 2021 to increase engagement and grow your business.The modern world is steadily developing, and new web technologies emerge every day. These new trends offer a lot of opportunities to entrepreneurs who want to engage more users and stay competitive in the market.In this article, we want to share the top 9 latest trends in web application development in 2021 that you should know about.
  29. Apr 2021
    1. Entify your Techtale with #1 Website and Mobile App Development Company.

      Apptale is one of the top-notch web design and mobile app development company enriched with efficient and experienced developers who are all sincere and dedicated to work on the projects prior to the deadline. The high-end technologies are integrated to develop and deliver the projects with utmost results and make our clients satisfied.

    1. The best tool is no tool, the best build step is no build step, the best update is no update. HTML gives us all that, and more.


    1. My favorite part of this entire plan has to be the part where I use Github Issues as a blog. Kind of. For every new feature (or set of features) I want to add to the site—no matter how small, like adding a Favicon, for example—I will open a new issue and create a corresponding branch where the work on that feature will happen. I will basically produce a(n) infrequent stream of short “blog posts” in the form of Github issues. The live code for each issue/feature will live in the issue’s corresponding branch. As someone who tends to do multiple things at once, this will take a lot of organization and discipline, and that’s the challenging part for me.

      This is a fascinating and very illustrative use of GitHub for web development. I mostly like that she's pointing out her use case.

    2. I am going to rebuild this Web site in public.
  30. Mar 2021
    1. Eventually, you’ve got a realization of the way web development organizational structure works. Led by a project manager and supported by a project architect, it can not exist without frontend, backend, and full-stack programmers, DevOps, and Q/A engineers. Optionally, you may need UI/UX designer, business analyst, and SEO expert. Every team player separately and altogether, they make your wishes real. Now, when you know all members’ duties, it should be easier to address your questions and concerns to the right person.  
  31. Feb 2021
    1. try { const value = await localforage.getItem('somekey'); // This code runs once the value has been loaded // from the offline store. console.log(value); } catch (err) { // This code runs if there were any errors. console.log(err); }

      This looks like the best approach for me. async/await

    1. Nicely explains how to make asynchronous calls to API/services. Async/Await

    2. try/catch block to be able to catch the error


      The final result of they try catch block it that the code that follows below is almost exactly like how I usually code synchronously. It's so much easier to read.

    3. Callback Hell

      This is so easy to fall into. I've done it a few times. Always try to avoid this.

    4. Promises

      Never forget this. It's very important.

    1. n the article, we consider the following questions: the types of marketplaces; how to build a marketplace website; main steps in developing an online marketplace; the price of marketplace website creating; functions of a marketplace. https://code-care.com/blog/build-a-marketplace-website/

    1. <pre>  My Bonnie lies over the ocean.   My Bonnie lies over the sea.  My Bonnie lies over the ocean.  Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.</pre>

      This looks really useful.

  32. Nov 2020
    1. Capacitor's origins lie in Ionic's mission to provide a holistic framework for developing hybrid apps—apps that run on mobile devices, on desktops, and in the browser. It does not only replace Apache Cordova as a “bridge” to native platform access in new Ionic projects but also “provides a consistent, web-focused set of APIs”.
  33. Oct 2020
    1. I’ve worked on the web professionally for over a decade and I’ve never managed to put together a proper website that I’ve maintained and not just binned every five minutes. Yes, I’ve been making websites for over a decade and never managed to make one for myself.

      It's like they say, "At the plumber's house, the pipes always leak."

  34. Sep 2020
  35. Aug 2020
    1. How to Create an Online Casino Website: Challenges and Must-Have Features

      This guide by Cleveroad will help you learn more about casino web development.

    1. How to Build a Food Delivery Website: Business Models, Features, and Cost

      Read this guide by Cleveroad to learn how to create a food delivery website.

  36. Jun 2020
  37. May 2020
  38. Mar 2020
  39. Feb 2020
    1. How Much Does It Cost to Build an Online Marketplace? [Full Estimate]

      For anyone who wants to know the cost of building a marketplace website, this guide shows the price feature-by-feature and the total cost across different regions.

    1. Devstringx Technologies opened for business in 2014. Today, Devstringx is India’s most recommended IT company for software product development, mobile app development and independent software testing services which headquarter in Noida, India.

      Website and software development square measure the basics part of running a profitable business. In current promoting, the necessity of custom software is rise day by day. Devstringx technologies one in all the most effective custom software development company in Noida, India. Custom software may be used with none long-time investment. They are doing not need constant development to suit company necessities. You'll be able to expend the software at any time. There square measure multiple advantages of custom advantages development like- efficient, measurability, flexible, compatible, customized answer, security.

      Our experienced, energetic and dedicated team of custom software developers and that we provide complete it software services with budget suited to your pockets. Our consultants recognize alright the key parameter of your business and deliver the proper results on time. We provide additional complete software testing services like functional testing services, performance testing services, Api testing services, usability testing services, content testing services, agile testing services, regression testing services, compatibility testing services, automation testing services, web application testing services in India.

      We've a separate team for every field like software developers, software tester, web developer...! Our team invariably able to work and that they commit the leads to future commitment towards your company. We give higher priority to our client's satisfaction. We specialized in providing the most effective automation testing services in Noida, India.

  40. Nov 2019
    1. Training and Development Policy Wiki

      This webpage, under the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) .gov site, provides an extensive list of technology resources that can be and have been implemented into a variety of employee deveolpment programs. These tools allow for more personalized learning, active participation, collaboration, and communication.In the first section of the site, examples of Web 2.0 tools are listed that can promote collaboration and constructive learning. You can also find technologies that are used in specific sectors, such as the Federal Government and the Private Sector. Clicking on the links redirects you to additional resources on the tech tools, including how to use them effectively and professionally for employee training. Rating 10/10

    1. Hire WordPress Developers

      Hire WordPress developers & experts today. 100+ clients, 5+ years experienced WordPress developers, hourly, weekly, full-time hiring models. Hire us today.

  41. Oct 2019
    1. In this post, I’m going to guide you through peculiarities of real estate web development and give you useful real estate website tips focused on the increase of conversions.
  42. Sep 2019
    1. What is the average cost to build a website?

      Being a leading web development company, we have the expertise of working on a diverse kind of projects for our global clientele. So, we can assist you to figure out the average cost to build and maintain a website. Well, once again, keep in mind that such cost estimations are not accurate figures.

    1. The Agile Software Development Process – How We Do It

      To get your tech startup going you have to deal with a lot of challenges, and come through it unscathed. Otherwise, the failure to deal with those challenges may directly lead to mistakes and problems during the actual software development process- hampering your chances of scaling your development process.

  43. Aug 2019
    1. Centric web solution is the renowned best web development company.

      We have a very highly experienced and expert development team who are experts in web design & development.

      We provide various services like Wordpress web development, eCommerce web development, Wordpress theme design and plugin development, website maintenance & optimization.

      For more our services call us on +91 98587 58541 or visit our website https://www.centricwebsolution.com/.

      Our Services Are:-

      • Web Design & Development
      • WordPress Development
      • WooCommerce Development
      • Custom Web Application Development
      • Website Migration Services
      • Website Maintenance & Performance optimization
      • Website Plugin and API Development
      • Website Store Optimization
      • PHP Web Development
      • Enterprise Web Application Development
      • Laravel Development Services
      • Angularjs Development Services

  44. Jul 2019
    1. The web, in yet another example of its leveling effect, allows nearly everyone to see nearly every interface. Thus designers can learn rapidly from what others have done, and users can see if one web site's experience is substandard compared to others.
  45. Apr 2019
  46. quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com
    1. I can reliably predict when features get added and bugs squashed. I may not know that with WordPress.

      These pieces definitely happen on WordPress as well, it's just got an order of magnitude larger of people and infrastructure, so it can sometimes be more difficult to follow.

      Here's the best place to start for it: https://make.wordpress.org/

      You can follow along with most changes at https://core.trac.wordpress.org/

  47. Mar 2019
  48. eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu
    1. The purpose of this book is to help learners plan ,develop and deliver online training programs for adults in the workplace. This book can be understood as a guide for training managers, instructional designers, course developers and educators who are looking to transition from classroom material to self-paced instructional programs.The main purpose of this book is for people who deliver training programs to be able to design programs for online. Most importantly, the learners needs are addressed in development. Rating 7/10 material is interesting and relevant but slightly outdated.

    1. Top 10 Web Developers

      When it comes to expand the business brands, you can hire the top 10 web development companies. In this post, it is clearly mentioned the top 10 web development companies to fulfill the requirements and have ideas to expand the operations.

  49. Jan 2019
    1. Big Data is a buzzword which works on the platform of large data volume and aggregated data sets. The data sets can be structured or unstructured.  The data that is kept and stored at a global level keeps on growing so this big data has a big potential.  Your Big Data is generated from every little thing around us all the time. It has changed its way as the people are changing in the organization. New skills are being offered to prepare the new generated power of Big Data. Nowadays the organizations are focusing on new roles, new challenges and creating a new business.  
    1. People, branding your new website require extensive efforts and time for initiating the activities, which will help to build the solid base of your site.  There are so many tasks needed to complete the overall branding as we all know that first impression is your last impression.  Online branding is very important for service providers because as a marketing guy, I know that it would be like stress somewhere the majority of the people are not known about the product. 

      People, branding your new website require extensive efforts and time for initiating the activities, which will help to build the solid base of your site. There are so many tasks needed to complete the overall branding as we all know that first impression is your last impression. Online marketing is very important for service providers because as a marketing guy, I know that it would be like stress somewhere the majority of the people are not known about the product.

    1. Day by Day the amount of data and information are growing over the internet where new sites, new images are coming every second. So with handling this huge amount of data a major challenge was made to extract with relevant daily activities. So to overcome this context Web 3.0 were made and its tool became very valuable for users in an organised form.

      At last, we can conclude that 3.0 will be more connected, open and intelligent with using Web development technologies , distributed databases, machine learning, and also natural language processing.

  50. Dec 2018
  51. Jun 2018
  52. Feb 2018
    1. AIS Technolabs is an IT consulting company which provides IT services to the clients all over the globe. It is the motto of the company to work for their clients and enhance their trade success by means of their services. Our company has been established 5 years back. We have been offering our services for nearly more than a half decade and are totally aware of all types of areas in which IT solutions can be provided to our customers. We have been working with industries from diverse sectors of a different magnitude from the start-ups to the colossal organizations.

  53. Dec 2017
  54. Nov 2017
    1. Figure 4: Typical diurnal cycle for traffi c in the Internet. The scale on the vertical axis is the percentage of total users of the service that are on-line at the time indicated on the horizontal axis. (Source: [21])

      I can't see an easy way to link to this graph itself, but this reference should make it easier to get to this image in future

  55. Aug 2017
  56. Apr 2017
  57. Mar 2017
    1. All views use standards-based HTML templates

      Aurelia's standards focus means our code stays relevant down the road.

    2. One of the strengths of Aurelia is that you can write so much of your application in vanilla JS.

      By sticking close to standards, such as upcoming EcmaScript features, Aurelia code prepares for us for the future. It encourages writing code that will be relevant 2-5 years from now, or perhaps beyond.

    3. Separation of Concerns is great for developer/designer collaboration, maintainability, architectural flexibility, and even source control.

      This is a good reason why templates and logic files can be kept separate.

  58. Jan 2017
    1. According to a 2015 report by Incapsula, 48.5% of all web traffic are by bots.


      The majority of bots are "bad bots" - scrapers that are harvesting emails and looking for content to steal, DDoS bots, hacking tools that are scanning websites for security vulnerabilities, spammers trying to sell the latest diet pill, ad bots that are clicking on your advertisements, etc.


      Content on websites such as dev.to are reposted elsewhere, word-for-word, by scrapers programmed by Black Hat SEO specialists.


      However, a new breed of scrapers exist - intelligent scrapers. They can search websites for sentences containing certain keywords, and then rewrite those sentences using "article spinning" techniques.

  59. Oct 2016
  60. Sep 2016
  61. Jan 2016
    1. Comparison of AngularJS 2 and ReactJS.

      Angular is a full framework. React is a library. The latter involves more decisions about other packages, and more differences among projects.

      React uses JSX, an HTML-like syntax that compiles to JavaScript. It can tell you where your mistakes are. With Angular, you have to guess.

    1. Everything we do to make it harder to create a website or edit a web page, and harder to learn to code by viewing source, promotes that consumerist vision of the web. Pretending that one needs a team of professionals to put simple articles online will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

      Humorous talk on website bloat by Maciej Cegłowski, creator of the Pinboard bookmarking service.

  62. Dec 2015
    1. The core set of functionality we've tried to capture in the HTML5 video compositor is the timing and synchronisation of the playback of videos and other media sources. The library allows you to cut together two separate videos near seamlessly, synchronise the playback of multiple videos in parallel and manage the pre-loading of videos in a just-in-time fashion.

      The BBC is open sourcing their experimental HTML5 Video Compositor. "This is an experimental JavaScript library for playing back dynamically modifiable edit decision lists (EDLs), and applying WebGL shader based effects."


    1. In Application Shell Architecture, the shell is served up by the Service Worker and then the content is delivered—often cached by the Service Worker—dynamically from its source through API requests.

      "Progressive Web Apps", an idea for better mobile performance using HTML5 Service Workers.

  63. Nov 2015
    1. Strong arguments for abandoning icon fonts in favor of SVG icons, with plenty of links to supporting material.<br> Tyler Sticka

      Font Awesome is an SVG and CSS icon library designed for Bootstrap.

    1. In the latest version of Known, we shipped experimental support for Accelerated Mobile Pages. This is an answer to something called Facebook Instant Pages, which caches website content inside a mobile app so it can be displayed immediately. While Instant Pages content must be negotiated with Facebook, anyone can publish AMP content. So far, so good.Unfortunately, AMP redefines the HTML standard with some custom tags. That’s not great. It also requires that we load JavaScript from a specific source, which radically centralizes website content. We assume this is a shim until these features are more widely supported, so we can live with that. What’s less impressive is that AMP whitelists ad networks that participating pages can be a part of. If you’re not generating ad revenue from one of A9, AdReactor, AdSense, AdTech or Doubleclick and want to have your websites load swiftly inside social mobile apps, you’re out of luck.
  64. May 2015