33 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. Thorpe is often amused by the objects he finds in the machines. “I’ve found pens, memory sticks, house keys, Lego bricks, little rubber toys, all sorts inside,” he says.

      I often find things inside typewriters...

  2. Dec 2024
    1. for - polycrisis - crime - drug problem - source: Free Documentary - Youtube - World's Most Feared Cartel | Mexico: Inside the Sinaloa Dec 2024

      // - Summary - This documentary shows the complexity of the drug problem by showing the supply side - It shows the many feedback loops that keep people trapped in this illicit industry


    1. here can be life threat early life threat there can be fear and Terror in the 's body from things that they experience um so they arise as a collage of Sensations emotions and behaviors so they rise quickly and they're layered on top of each other

      for - pre and perinatal trauma - fear and terror can happen to the baby inside the womb - later they arise as a collage of sensations, emotions and behaviors layered one on top of the other - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White

  3. Sep 2024
    1. the inside and the outside

      for - adjacency - inside / outside - complexity / simplicity - multi scale competency architecture - black box - example - human consciousness

      adjacency - between - inside / outside - black box - multi scale competency architecture - complexity / simplicity - adjacency relationship - inside / outside complexity /simplicity relationship articulates - the black box phenomenal prevalent in design and also - what Michael has been talking about with the complexity naturally found at lower levels of multi scale competency architectures - As he noted earlier, in this lab experiments, - it's practical to make use of the higher level signals in the living system - and virtually impossible to make use of trying to manage the lower level system signals - I like to think of human consciousness in the same terms - What appears to consciousness are signals like intero-ception signals of hunger that creates the thought ' I'm hungry, I want to get some food ' - whilst countless lies level signals that operate all the cells in our body are invisible

  4. Jun 2024
    1. for - AI - inside industry predictions to 2034 - Leopold Aschenbrenner - inside information on disruptive Generative AI to 2034

      document description - Situational Awareness - The Decade Ahead - author - Leopold Aschenbrenner

      summary - Leopold Aschenbrenner is an ex-employee of OpenAI and reveals the insider information of the disruptive plans for AI in the next decade, that pose an existential threat to create a truly dystopian world if we continue going down our BAU trajectory. - The A.I. arms race can end in disaster. The mason threat of A.I. is that humans are fallible and even one bad actor with access to support intelligent A.I. can post an existential threat to everyone - A.I. threat is amplifier by allowing itt to control important processes - and when it is exploited by the military industrial complex, the threat escalates significantly

  5. May 2024
    1. for - wicked problems - synthentic opiods coming to EU faster due to successful Taliban war on poppy industry

      summary - the new synthetic opiod "Nitazene" is being manufactured in China and replaces the banned fentanyl. It is 300x stronger than heroin. - Due to the Taliban's successful war on drugs that has stamped out 95% of the poppy production, EU drug addicts are turning to the far more deadly nitazine

      from - youtube - BBC - Inside the Taliban's war on Drugs - https://hyp.is/hKPiKBYbEe-2ZCPwUTz0Lg/docdrop.org/video/W-gMRFEZOGY/

  6. Mar 2023
    1. Die schiere Menge sprengt die Möglichkeiten der Buchpublikation, die komplexe, vieldimensionale Struktur einer vernetzten Informationsbasis ist im Druck nicht nachzubilden, und schließlich fügt sich die Dynamik eines stetig wachsenden und auch stetig zu korrigierenden Materials nicht in den starren Rhythmus der Buchproduktion, in der jede erweiterte und korrigierte Neuauflage mit unübersehbarem Aufwand verbunden ist. Eine Buchpublikation könnte stets nur die Momentaufnahme einer solchen Datenbank, reduziert auf eine bestimmte Perspektive, bieten. Auch das kann hin und wieder sehr nützlich sein, aber dadurch wird das Problem der Publikation des Gesamtmaterials nicht gelöst.

      Google translation:

      The sheer quantity exceeds the possibilities of book publication, the complex, multidimensional structure of a networked information base cannot be reproduced in print, and finally the dynamic of a constantly growing and constantly correcting material does not fit into the rigid rhythm of book production, in which each expanded and corrected new edition is associated with an incalculable amount of effort. A book publication could only offer a snapshot of such a database, reduced to a specific perspective. This too can be very useful from time to time, but it does not solve the problem of publishing the entire material.

      While the writing criticism of "dumping out one's zettelkasten" into a paper, journal article, chapter, book, etc. has been reasonably frequent in the 20th century, often as a means of attempting to create a linear book-bound context in a local neighborhood of ideas, are there other more complex networks of ideas which we're not communicating because they don't neatly fit into linear narrative forms? Is it possible that there is a non-linear form(s) based on network theory in which more complex ideas ought to better be embedded for understanding?

      Some of Niklas Luhmann's writing may show some of this complexity and local or even regional circularity, but perhaps it's a necessary means of communication to get these ideas across as they can't be placed into linear forms.

      One can analogize this to Lie groups and algebras in which our reading and thinking experiences are limited only to local regions which appear on smaller scales to be Euclidean, when, in fact, looking at larger portions of the region become dramatically non-Euclidean. How are we to appropriately relate these more complex ideas?

      What are the second and third order effects of this phenomenon?

      An example of this sort of non-linear examination can be seen in attempting to translate the complexity inherent in the Wb (Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache) into a simple, linear dictionary of the Egyptian language. While the simplicity can be handy on one level, the complexity of transforming the entirety of the complexity of the network of potential meanings is tremendously difficult.

  7. Jan 2023
  8. Oct 2022
    1. passenger-docker images contain an Ubuntu 20.04 operating system. You may want to update this OS from time to time, for example to pull in the latest security updates. OpenSSL is a notorious example. Vulnerabilities are discovered in OpenSSL on a regular basis, so you should keep OpenSSL up-to-date as much as you can. While we release passenger-docker images with the latest OS updates from time to time, you do not have to rely on us. You can update the OS inside passenger-docker images yourself, and it is recommend that you do this instead of waiting for us.
  9. Sep 2022
    1. A workaround you can use is to move additionalProperties to the extending schema and redeclare the properties from the extended schema.
    2. Because additionalProperties only recognizes properties declared in the same subschema, it considers anything other than “street_address”, “city”, and “state” to be additional. Combining the schemas with allOf doesn’t change that.
    3. It’s important to note that additionalProperties only recognizes properties declared in the same subschema as itself. So, additionalProperties can restrict you from “extending” a schema using Schema Composition keywords such as allOf. In the following example, we can see how the additionalProperties can cause attempts to extend the address schema example to fail.
    1. In your scenario, which many, many people encounter, you expect that properties defined in schema1 will be known to schema2; but this is not the case and will never be.
    2. When you do: "allOf": [ { "schema1": "here" }, { "schema2": "here" } ] schema1 and schema2 have no knowledge of one another; they are evaluated in their own context.
  10. Jun 2022
    1. before you can think out of the box, you have tostart with a box

      Can it be?! Twyla Tharp has an entire chapter in her book on creativity that covers a variation of the zettelkasten note taking concept!!!

      Does the phrase "thinking outside of the box" make a tacit nod to the idea of using a card index (or the German zettelkasten) for note taking, sense making, and thinking?

  11. Sep 2021
  12. May 2020
  13. Nov 2019
    1. Using Technology to Help First-Gen Students

      This article highlights the need for and benefits of implementing more technology tools to support first-generation college students' learning, engagement, and success. For many first-gen students, especially those from low-income backgrounds, the transition to college can be challenging; this leads to lower retention rates, performance, and confidence. The authors, drawing off of research, suggest mobile devices and Web 2.0 technologies to prevent these challenges. Example of such tools include dictionary and annotation apps that are readily-accessible and aid in students' understanding of material. Fist-gen students can also use social media apps (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to maintain supportive connections with family, peers, and mentors. Rating: 8/10

  14. Dec 2017
    1. the desponding view that the condition of man cannot be ameliorated, that what has been, must ever be,

      This view that the condition of man, be it race, ethnicity, or social class, cannot be changed for the better (or maybe even seen as better) basically resulted in possibly the worst days history has ever seen.

  15. Nov 2017
    1. the erection, preservation & repair of the buildings, the care of the grounds & appurtenances and of the interests of the university generally

      It is fascinating to me that they were so concerned with the buildings themselves. I would have thought that taking care of the buildings and the grounds would have been a given, but it was important enough to include in this document. Caroline Peterson

    2. they are of opinion that it should consist of distinct houses or pavilions, arranged at proper distances on each side of a lawn of a proper breadth, & of indefinite extent in one direction at least

      This description of the proposal for the lawn is very specific. Since I am in an aesthetic engagement currently, I noticed how the idea wanted it to be symmetrical. The lawn today is very symmetrical; sometimes if I'm standing in the middle by the lawn rooms and I can't see the Rotunda, I'm not sure which direction it is because both sides look the same. At most college campuses, some individual buildings are symmetrical, but in contrast, the entire plan for the layout of the university was symmetrical.

    1. mathematical and physical sciences which advance the arts & administer to the health, the subsistence & comforts of human life:

      Interesting, that this sentence presents the notion that studying math and science is harnessed to establish and advance what is considered to be "the comfort zone" of human life.

    2. Rhetoric

      Knowing that American principles shared commonalities with those of the ancient Greeks makes the choice of "Rhetoric" as one of UVA's classes no surprise to the reader. It would have been interesting to see what this rhetoric class was like; could it have been a neo-Thinkery, similar to that seen in Aristophanes' The Clouds?

    3. Anglo-Saxon

      Interesting that the writers of this document - who spoke English - referred to their own language as belonging to its primitive ancestor. Beowulf was written in Old English, which (if you don't know) looks absolutely nothing like the English in this document, let alone the English we speak today. Now think about how far a cry Anglo-Saxon is from modern English. To claim that "Anglo-Saxon" and modern English are one and the same would be to make an abominable oversimplification of the similarities between these two languages.

  16. Oct 2017
    1. It will form the first link in the Chain of an historical review of our language through all its successive changes to the present day, will constitute the foundation of that critical instruction in it, which ought to be found in a Seminary of general learning

      It is particularly noteworthy that the authors thought to use Anglo Saxon to teach about the development of language over time. Since this was the language spoken by most of the prospective students, tracking its changing history would provide an engaging demonstration of the dynamic nature of language. In other words, by using Anglo Saxon, students would be able to identity their own contemporary role in the timeline of an always developing language. Having this knowledge, students would (perhaps unconsciously) attain an understanding of how all art, not just language, can change meaning over time. This could help students in time grasp the developments occurring to their university which is, in many ways, a work of art in itself.

      -Joe S.

    2. To enlighten them with mathematical and physical sciences which advance the arts & administer to the health, the subsistence & comforts of human life:

      I believe this sentence very accurately characterizes the intentions and the foundations of the New College Curriculum; The New College seeks to provide students with a core knowledge of the arts (especially how they are applied in our society) that can be further strengthened and complemented in studies of math and science should students so choose in the future. This sort of foundation, outlined in both the document and the mission of the New Curriculum, is important because it can allow students to examine a wide range of academic fields before studying concrete methods of applying those fields practically. Since I am taking the Art: Inside/Out Engagement, I also sought to interpret this sentence in taking "arts" literally to mean art in its various expressive forms. In this way, this sentence helps develop the important concept that art and maths/sciences in no way exist in conflict with each other; while many believe these two subjects to be on opposite sides of an academic spectrum, this section of the Rockfish Gap Report helps to remind that art and science can freely interact and engage with each other to work for the benefit of both.

  17. Sep 2017
    1. To develope the reasoning faculties of our youth, enlarge their minds cultivate their morals, & instil into them the precepts of virtue & order

      I find it interesting that the University made it a goal to cultivate the morals of the students attending their school. They also stress how they want to instill the precepts of virtue and order. They want to achieve this, yet they based the location of their school to be around the centrality of the white population. I do not believe this is cultivating the morals of their students. This is narrowing their viewpoints, and not expanding on the multitude of cultures that lie within the United States.

    2. The tender age at which this part of education commences, generaly about the tenth year, would weigh heavily with parents in sending their sons to a school so distant as the Central establishment would be from most of them

      The University set out a goal for the parents of young boys to begin their studies of the ancient languages at the year of age ten. This is an extremely young age, considering that the boys would be going to college eight years later. The minds of the young boys seem to be too young to be able to grasp this form of art. This correlates to my Engagement, Art Inside/Out, by focusing on the art aspect. Latin, Greek, and Hebrew are forms of art in the language aspect. This piece of art is powerful and intriguing; however, it may be too complex for the minds of ten year olds who are still trying to develop.

  18. May 2017
  19. Dec 2016