221 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Dec 2023
  3. Aug 2023
    1. Health care is an area that will likely see many innovations. There are already multiple research prototypes underway looking at monitoring of one’s physical and mental health. Some of my colleagues (and myself as well) are also looking at social behaviors, and how those behaviors not only impact one’s health but also how innovations spread through one’s social network.
      • for: quote, quote - Jason Hong, quote - health apps, health care app, idea spread through social network, mental health app, physical health app, transform app
      • quote
      • paraphrase
        • Health care is an area that will likely see many innovations. -There are already multiple research prototypes underway looking at monitoring of one’s
          • physical and
          • mental health.
        • Some of my colleagues (and myself as well) are also looking at
          • social behaviors, and how those behaviors
            • not only impact one’s health but also
            • how innovations spread through one’s social network.
  4. Jul 2023
      • for: social tipping point, STP
      • title
        • Creating Change: How to Make Big Things Happen
      • guest
        • Damon Centola
      • description
        • a very clear exposition of how complex contagion works and what must be done to spread complex behavior change
      • comment
        • this is particularly important for rapid whole system change and mobilizing a bottom-up movement to deal with our current polycrisis
  5. Jun 2023
    1. it's actually daunting chilling even to see how this 00:51:43 book is which is really about conservative white evangelicals in the United States I'm an American historian how much it is resonating with people around the world right now in ways that 00:51:57 that should be alarming
      • quote

        • "it's actually daunting chilling even
          • to see how this book,
            • which is really about conservative white evangelicals in the United States
            • I'm an American historian
          • how much it is resonating with people around the world right now
            • in ways that that should be alarming"
        • Author
          • Kristin Kobes Du Mez
      • Comment

        • the viral and rapid global spread of evangelical christianity
          • is coupled with an equal spread of corrosive patriarchy and authoritarianism
        • The global spread of authoritarianism is linked to the global spread of Evangelical Christianity
        • This is an important observation which begs a global response
  6. Feb 2023
  7. Jan 2023
    1. if enough of us will change the way we   00:02:33 think about what deb mean then the social design  of our society will change i'll change along with   this

      !- importance of viral spread of new ideas : on debt - if enough people think differently about it - it will also change the social design of debt within society

  8. Aug 2022
    1. Come back and read these particular texts, but these look interesting with respect to my work on orality, early "religion", secrecy, and information spread:<br /> - Ancient practices removed from their lineage lose their meaning - In spiritual practice, secrecy can be helpful but is not always necessary


  9. Apr 2022
    1. Kai Kupferschmidt. (2021, December 1). @DirkBrockmann That percentage number tells you “how likely an infected passenger from South Africa or Botswana travels to each country and exits the airport there”. So: “0.9% in Germany means that out of 1000 such individuals, 9 are expected to have Germany as their final destination.” [Tweet]. @kakape. https://twitter.com/kakape/status/1466107478807097354

    1. Health Nerd. (2021, March 28). Recently, Professor John Ioannidis, most famous for his meta-science and more recently COVID-19 work, published this article in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation It included, among other things, a lengthy personal attack on me Some thoughts 1/n https://t.co/JGfUrpJXh2 [Tweet]. @GidMK. https://twitter.com/GidMK/status/1376304539897237508

    1. Prof. Christina Pagel. (2021, May 3). THREAD: Update on B.1.617 (‘India’) variant in England using latest data from the Sanger institute. This data excludes sequenced cases from travellers & surge testing so ‘should be an approximately random sample of positive tests in the community’ TLDR: warning signs! 1/10 https://t.co/0UzhM8GNIA [Tweet]. @chrischirp. https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1389273187586875396

  10. Mar 2022
  11. Feb 2022
    1. Yen, H.-L., Sit, T. H., Brackman, C. J., Chuk, S. S., Cheng, S. M. S., Gu, H., Chang, L. D., Krishnan, P., Ng, D. Y., Liu, G. Y., Hui, M. M., Ho, S. Y., Tam, K. W., Law, P. Y., Su, W., Sia, S. F., Choy, K.-T., Cheuk, S. S., Lau, S. P., … Poon, L. L. (2022). Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (Variant Delta) from Pet Hamsters to Humans and Onward Human Propagation of the Adapted Strain: A Case Study (SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 4017393). Social Science Research Network. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4017393

    1. Kok, K.-H., Wong, S.-C., Chan, W.-M., Lei, W., Chu, A. W.-H., Ip, J. D., Lee, L.-K., Wong, I. T.-F., Lo, H. W.-H., Cheng, V. C.-C., Ho, A. Y.-M., Lam, B. H.-S., Tse, H., Lung, D., Ng, K. H.-L., Au, A. K.-W., Siu, G. K.-H., & Yuen, K.-Y. (2022). Cocirculation of two SARS-CoV-2 variant strains within imported pet hamsters in Hong Kong. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 1–39. https://doi.org/10.1080/22221751.2022.2040922

    1. Stegger, M., Edslev, S. M., Sieber, R. N., Ingham, A. C., Ng, K. L., Tang, M.-H. E., Alexandersen, S., Fonager, J., Legarth, R., Utko, M., Wilkowski, B., Gunalan, V., Bennedbæk, M., Byberg-Grauholm, J., Møller, C. H., Christiansen, L. E., Svarrer, C. W., Ellegaard, K., Baig, S., … Rasmussen, M. (2022). Occurrence and significance of Omicron BA.1 infection followed by BA.2 reinfection (p. 2022.02.19.22271112). medRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.02.19.22271112

  12. Jan 2022
    1. You will lend him your car or your coat -- but your books are as much a part of you as your head or your heart.

      Mortimer J. Adler misses out entirely on the potential value of social annotation by suggesting that one shouldn't share or lend their annotated volumes.

      Fortunately this sort of advice wasn't previously dispensed in the middle ages or during the Renaissance, particularly by scholars. (See also The Book Nobody Read: Chasing the Revolutions of Nicolaus Copernicus by Owen Gingerich in which he outlines the spread of knowledge by sharing books and particularly the annotations within them.)

  13. Dec 2021
    1. Historians are aware of all this. Yet the overwhelming majority stillconclude that even when European authors explicitly say they areborrowing ideas, concepts and arguments from indigenous thinkers,one should not take them seriously. It’s all just supposed to be somekind of misunderstanding, fabrication, or at best a naive projection ofpre-existing European ideas. American intellectuals, when theyappear in European accounts, are assumed to be mererepresentatives of some Western archetype of the ‘noble savage’ orsock-puppets, used as plausible alibis to an author who mightotherwise get into trouble for presenting subversive ideas (deism, forexample, or rational materialism, or unconventional views onmarriage).11

      Just as Western historians erase indigenous ideas as misunderstandings or fabrications or outright appropriation of those ideas as pre-existing ideas in European culture, is it possible that we do the same thing with orality and memory? Are medievalists seeing mnemotechniques of the time and not properly interpreting them by not seeing them in their original contexts and practices?

      The idea of talking rocks, as an example, is dismissed as lunacy, crazy, or some new-age hokum, but in reality it's at the far end of the spectrum. It's so unknowable for Western audiences that it's wholly dismissed rather than embraced, extended, and erased.

      What does the spectrum of potentially appropriated ideas look like? What causes their adoption or not, particularly in cases of otherwise cultural heterodoxy?

  14. Nov 2021
  15. Oct 2021
  16. Sep 2021
  17. Aug 2021
    1. John Burn-Murdoch. (2021, May 27). NEW: B.1617.2 is fuelling a third wave in the UK, with not only cases but also hospital admissions rising. Vaccines will make this wave different to those that have come before, but it remains a concern, and one that other countries will soon face. Thread on everything we know: Https://t.co/4825qOqgrl [Tweet]. @jburnmurdoch. https://twitter.com/jburnmurdoch/status/1397995388267810818