- Apr 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Dynastic cycle (traditional Chinese: 朝代循環; simplified Chinese: 朝代循环; pinyin: Cháodài Xúnhuán) is an important political theory in Chinese history. According to this theory, each dynasty of China rises to a political, cultural, and economic peak and then, because of moral corruption, declines, loses the Mandate of Heaven, and falls, only to be replaced by a new dynasty. The cycle then repeats under a surface pattern of repetitive motifs.[1]
Dynasties rising to a peak, then, corrupting, losing Mandate of Heaven, which another dynasty gains.
- Aug 2022
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Schumaker, E. (2021, September 22). Poll after poll shows the same thing: Americans are cool with vaccine mandates. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/most-americans-support-covid-19-vaccine-mandates-polls-2021-9
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Herman, B. (2021, July 12). Most unvaccinated people have low incomes. Axios. https://www.axios.com/covid-vaccines-low-income-poor-workers-58698275-0451-4158-a967-37189dbf673c.html
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Leonhardt, D. (2021, July 19). Vaccine Persuasion. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/19/briefing/vaccine-skepticism-vaccination-drive.html
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Beaumont, P. (2021, September 16). Which countries are enforcing mandatory Covid jabs – and how? The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/16/which-countries-enforcing-mandatory-covid-vaccination
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Ambrose, T., Campbell, L., Belam, M., & Lock, S. (2021, November 11). Covid live: Brazil reports 12,273 new cases with daily deaths down to 240; Russia’s death toll passes 250,000. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2021/nov/10/coronavirus-news-live-france-orders-those-aged-over-65-to-show-proof-of-covid-booster-shot-china-reports-drop-in-cases
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Shawna Thomas. (2021, October 13). When asked on @CBSMornings about the company’s vaccine mandate for staff, the CEO of @united airlines also said, “Out of our 67,000 U.S. employees, there are 232 who haven’t been vaccinated. They are going through the termination process.” [Tweet]. @Shawna. https://twitter.com/Shawna/status/1448261664650973186
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- Germany
- AstraZeneca
- India
- restriction
- lang:en
- EU
- surge
- COVID-19
- unvaccinated
- is:news
- vaccine mandate
- dominant strain
- blood clot
- Omicron
- Norway
Are vaccine passports moving the needle on getting people inoculated? (2021, August 5). CP24. https://www.cp24.com/news/are-vaccine-passports-moving-the-needle-on-getting-people-inoculated-1.5535875?cache=%3FclipId%3D89750%3FclipId%3D263414
www.t-online.de www.t-online.de
Hunderte Menschen protestierten gegen Corona-Maßnahmen. (2021, November 28). www.t-online.de. https://www.t-online.de/-/91225726
- Germany
- protest
- social media
- restriction
- lang:de
- lockdown
- Erzgebirgskreis
- COVID-19
- hospital
- is:news
- vaccine mandate
- measure
- police
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Reiss, D. (2021, October 15). Perspective | People lie about their ‘religious’ objections to vaccines. Proving it is hard. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/religious-exemptions-law-vaccines-dishonesty/2021/10/15/df405c38-2d0d-11ec-8ef6-3ca8fe943a92_story.html
- lang:en
- health
- religion
- politics
- COVID-19
- freedom
- safety
- cover
- vaccine mandate
- is:news
- value
- anti-vaccination
- religious exempt
SPIEGEL-Umfrage: Große Mehrheit für Impfpflicht in Coronakrise. (2021, November 22). Der Spiegel. https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/corona-in-deutschland-grosse-mehrheit-laut-spiegel-umfrage-fuer-impfpflicht-a-efa74ee2-1229-44f9-b07a-a113ad547088
- vaccination rate
- Germany
- majority for vaccine mandate
- lang:de
- Austria
- politics
- COVID-19
- survey
- is:news
- vaccine mandate
- fourth wave
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Prof. Gavin Yamey MD MPH. (2021, October 15). “Italy set a new bar on Friday for major Western democracies seeking to move beyond the pandemic by putting in place a sweeping law that requires the nation’s entire work force—Public and private—To have government-issued health passes.” https://t.co/pBOR37rhhq [Tweet]. @GYamey. https://twitter.com/GYamey/status/1448959207093452801
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And when corporations start to dominate the Internet, they became de-facto governments. Slowly but surely, the tech companies began to act like old power. They use the magic of tech to consolidate their own power, using money to increase their influence, blocking the redistribution of power from the entrenched elites to ordinary people.
"Money is its own kind of power"
The corporations built by white, male, American, and vaguely libertarian people became a focal point of power because of the money they had to influence governments and society. They started looking like "old power."
Facebook took advantage of tech's tradition of openness [importing content from MySpace], but as soon as it got what it wanted, it closed its platform off.
- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2021, December 6). I do not understand the continued narrative that makes it sound as if extant legal systems don’t already provide the framework for assessing whether rights are unduly infringed by vaxx passports and mandates. This is exactly what constitutions are for. [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1467818167766593538
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- mortality
- mask mandate
- science
- education
- Democrat
- New York
- psychology
- paediatric
- effectiveness
- social media
- behavioral science
- fact check
- children
- vaccine
- public health measure
- normalcy
- protection
- policy
- is:news
- government
- political spectrum
- school
- conservative
- vaccination rate
- partisanship
- misinformation
- cherry-picking
- lang:en
- face mask
- COVID-19
- Republican
- social distancing
- scientific evidence
- mask wearing
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof Claire J. Horwell 😷. (2021, December 2). With UK regs changing to mandatory #masks, here’s a short 🧵to answer the question: Can you wear a disposable #facemask more than once? The answer is YES. Many manufacturers state that masks should be disposed of after 8 hours but this is not true. Read on to find out why ... 1/ https://t.co/f9jXCKq3LT [Tweet]. @claire_horwell. https://twitter.com/claire_horwell/status/1466400270137630727
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Peter R. Hansen. (2022, February 3). Weighting, is the answer. The only study to find lockdowns ⬆️mortality is given weight 91.8% = 7390/8030, and then you get -0.2% to be the estimate. To summarize: -0.2% META-STUDY ESTIMATE is based on 91.8% ONE STUDY and 8.2% ALL OTHER STUDIES. https://t.co/j6e7ziPNAI [Tweet]. @ProfPHansen. https://twitter.com/ProfPHansen/status/1489366528956919808
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- protest
- Germany
- lang:en
- rally
- antisemitism
- anti-vaccine
- stigmatization
- COVID-19
- is:news
- Holocaust
- vaccine mandate
- government
- restrictions
- vaccine
respectfulinsolence.com respectfulinsolence.com
Defeat The Mandates: Green Our Vaccines reconstituted for COVID-19. (2022, January 21). RESPECTFUL INSOLENCE. https://respectfulinsolence.com/2022/01/21/defeat-the-mandates-green-our-vaccines-reconstituted-for-covid-19/
- protest
- natural immunity
- rally
- propaganda
- Joe Rogan
- defeat the mandate
- anti-vaxxer movement
- vaccine mandate
- anti-vaccine
- medicine
- podcast
- anti-mandate
- social media
- misinformation
- is:webpage
- conspiracy theory
- lang:en
- politics
- COVID-19
- children
- disinformation
- Green Our Vaccine
- online platform
- vaccine
twitter.com twitter.com
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- authority
- societal level
- policy
- common sense
- UK
- coercion
- mandate
- society
- public health measures
- responsibility
- vaccination programme
- psychology
- interdependence
- ventilation
- punishment
- engagement
- public
- lang:en
- identity leadership
- strategy
- mitigation
- risk
- collective response
- COVID-19
- laissez faire leadership
- safety
- coercive leadership
- social distancing
- is:blog
- leadership
nationalpost.com nationalpost.com
Is mandatory COVID vaccination legal? Here’s what Canada’s charter says. (n.d.). Calgaryherald. Retrieved January 14, 2022, from https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/is-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination-constitutional
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- virus
- outbreak
- England
- error
- lang:en
- vulnerable
- British Medical Association
- home working
- mask mandate
- UK
- COVID-19
- is:news
- government
- advantage
twitter.com twitter.com
Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH. (2021, October 8). Huge honor to be back @inthebubblepod with @ASlavitt We talked about engaging people with whom we disagree Why disdain for unvaccinated folks is counter-productive And why kindness and understanding (with a side of mandates) will keep our nation in good stead for the long run [Tweet]. @ashishkjha. https://twitter.com/ashishkjha/status/1446507539345125379
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- requirement
- large employer
- lang:en
- policy
- variant
- COVID-19
- vaccine mandate
- is:news
- government
- Omicron
- vaccine
- protection
- Biden
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- epidemic
- hospitalization
- policy
- legislation
- Omicron
- mask mandate
- UK
- guidance
- covid pass
- restrictions
- socialising
- education
- is:news
- booster
- government
- ventilation
- modeling
- delta
- lang:en
- daily cases
- COVID-19
- statistics
- Christmas
- vaccine
- variant
- testing
- data
- mental health
- mask wearing
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- protest
- white supremist
- vaccine mandate
- restrictions
- anti-government
- racism
- extremism
- delta
- vaccine hesitancy
- social media
- conspiracy theory
- anti-vaxxer
- vaccine
- ideology
- Australia
- protection
- New Zealand
- Indigenous community
- policy
- far-right
- is:news
- government
- anti-vaccine
- misogyny
- Maori
- misinformation
- lang:en
- anonymity
- risk
- COVID-19
- disinformation
- Telegram
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
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- mortality
- predominant strain
- hospitalization
- transmission
- England
- health outcome
- vaccine efficacy
- stock market
- mask mandate
- UK
- science
- home-testing kit
- is:news
- virus genome
- public health measures
- government
- booster
- data
- travel restrictions
- mask wearing
- travel ban
- lang:en
- strategy
- COVID-19
- South Africa
- immunity
- vaccine
- variant
- testing
- Omicron
- protection
www.vice.com www.vice.com
How the Far-Right Is Radicalizing Anti-Vaxxers. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2021, from https://www.vice.com/en/article/88ggqa/how-the-far-right-is-radicalizing-anti-vaxxers
- protest
- anti-lockdown
- UK
- far-right
- British National Party
- mandate
- radicalization
- anti-government
- moderation
- anti-vaccine
- extremism
- vaccine hesitancy
- social media
- misinformation
- is:webpage
- conspiracy theory
- lang:en
- antisemitism
- nationalist
- COVID-19
- online community
- disinformation
- anti-vaxxer
- vaccine
- Telegram
- right-wing
- neo-Nazi
- ideology
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Oltermann, P. (2021, November 30). Germany’s chancellor-to-be Olaf Scholz ‘backs mandatory Covid jabs.’ The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/30/austria-pushes-on-with-plan-for-mandatory-covid-vaccines
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Monama, T. (n.d.). Covid-19: Almost 90% of people hospitalised in Tshwane not vaccinated, NICD. News24. Retrieved December 1, 2021, from https://www.news24.com/news24/southafrica/news/covid-19-almost-90-of-people-hospitalised-in-tshwane-not-vaccinated-nicd-20211129
- Nov 2021
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Le Page, M., Wilson, C., Hamzelou, J., Wong, S., Lawton, G., Vaughan, A., Quilty-Harper, C., Murugesu, J. A., & Liverpool, L. (2021, November 22). Covid-19 news: Austria goes back into lockdown. New Scientist. https://institutions.newscientist.com/article/2237475-covid-19-news-austria-goes-back-into-lockdown/
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Rattner, N. (2021, October 28). Some 5% of unvaccinated adults quit their jobs over Covid vaccine mandates, survey shows. CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/28/covid-vaccine-some-5percent-of-unvaccinated-adults-have-quit-their-jobs-over-a-mandate-survey-shows.html
- Labor department
- Joe Biden
- lang:en
- leave job
- testing mandate
- COVID-19
- compliance
- workforce
- survey
- vaccine mandate
- is:news
- business
gothamist.com gothamist.com
Jeffrey-Wilensky, Jaclyn, and Caroline Lewis. ‘NY Nursing Homes See Overnight Surge In Employee COVID Vaccinations Thanks To State Mandate’. Gothamist, 1 October 2021. https://gothamist.com.
- governor kathy hochul
- COVID data
- nursing home employee
- pandemic
- new york
- vaccine mandate
- government
- nursing homes
- New York
- is:website
- state mandate
- vaccinations
- new york city
- vaccine hesitancy
- vaccine reluctance
- employee covid vaccine
- lang:en
- nursing staff
- nursing home
- COVID-19
- hospital
- overnight surge
- vaccine
www.itv.com www.itv.com
Bristol University makes masks compulsory for staff and students indoors. (2021, November 16). ITV News. https://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/2021-11-16/bristol-university-makes-masks-compulsory-for-staff-and-students-indoors
- university
- hospitalization
- student
- lang:en
- England
- tough winter
- mask mandate
- COVID-19
- Bristol University
- is:news
- staff
- indoors
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Gregory, A., & editor, A. G. H. (2021, November 18). Mask-wearing cuts Covid incidence by 53%, says global study. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/17/wearing-masks-single-most-effective-way-to-tackle-covid-study-finds
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
People ‘unvaccinated by choice’ in Singapore no longer can receive free covid-19 treatment. (n.d.). Washington Post. Retrieved 12 November 2021, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/11/08/singapore-unvaccinated-medical-costs-health-care-covid-19/
abcnews.go.com abcnews.go.com
News, A. B. C. (n.d.). COVID-19 vaccine mandates moving the needle, experts say. ABC News. Retrieved November 11, 2021, from https://abcnews.go.com/Health/covid-19-vaccine-mandates-moving-needle-experts/story?id=80928249
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Otte, J. (2021, November 11). ‘No jab, no job’: Care home workers in England on the Covid vaccine mandate. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/nov/11/england-care-home-workers-on-mandatory-covid-vaccines
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Jones, S., & Giuffrida, A. (2021, November 9). At a glance: Covid vaccine mandates around the world. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/09/covid-vaccine-mandates-around-the-world