70 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. lots of homes right along the ocean completely torched so the question is why didn't they have hoses that they could put in the ocean and pump seawat onto the roofs and structures to keep the Cinders from uh setting the place light and burning It To The Ground just a thought

      for - climate crisis - forest fires - home protection - outside rooftop sprinkler systems - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10

      // - COMMENT - Paul brings up a very good point. There is an existing low cost innovation that was pioneered and successfully deployed in Canada that could have prevented the destruction of many of the buildings that were destroyed, namely - rooftop sprinkler systems - There are many rooftop sprinker systems available now. They should actually be mandated into law to have one in high risk fire areas. - https://search.brave.com/search?q=canada+forest+fire+prevention+rooftop+sprinkler+system&source=desktop&summary=1&conversation=375a9992d731deff34143a

    1. As we consider the complexity of people, the layered, living contexts of problems faced and the entangled factors that contribute — the monster metaphor seems appropriate

      for - multiple reinforcing feedback loops between many different levels - source - article - Medium - Dancing with "Monsters" - Donna Nelham - 2022, May 2

  2. Dec 2024
    1. my passion is to catch these stories very early to prevent and treat them right away um working with birth trauma working with the baby's experience um that will prevent a lot of the stories from repeating and the stories can repeat in such a way that then they become another layer and by the time somebody comes to you as the adult the story has repeated then there's other there's other like inherent places in the body and in the life of the person that are organizing them

      for - awakening the sacred - healing birth trauma - that gives rise to many layers of repeating stories - Youtube - Pre and Perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White

  3. Nov 2024
    1. for - climate crisis - Youtube - climate Doomsday 6 years from now - Jerry Kroth - to - climate clock - adjacency - Tipping Point Festival - Indyweb / SRG complexity mapping tool - Integration of many fragmented bottom-up initiatives - The Great Weaving - Cosmolocal organization - Michel Bauwens - Peer-to-Peer Foundation - A third option - Islands of Coherency - Otto Scharmer Presencing Institute - U-labs - Love-based (sacred-based) mini-assemblies interventions to address growing fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam - Ending the US / China Cold War - Yanis Varoufakis

      YouTube details - title: climate Doomsday 6 years from now - author: Jerry Kroth, pyschologist

      summary - Psychologist Jerry Kroth makes a claim that the 1.5 Deg C and 2.0 Deg C thresholds will be reached sooner than expected - due to acceleration of climate change impacts. - He backs up his argument with papers and recent talks of climate thought leaders using their youtube presentations. - This presentation succinctly summarized a lot of the climate news I've been following recently. - It reminded me of the urgency of climate change, my work trying to find a way to integrate the work of the Climate Clock project into other projects. - This work was still incomplete but now I have incentive to complete it.

      adjacency - between - Tipping Point Festival - Indyweb / SRG complexity mapping tool - Integration of many fragmented bottom-up initiatives - The Great Weaving - Cosmolocal organization - Michel Bauwens - Peer-to-Peer Foundation - Islands of Coherency - Otto Scharmer - Presencing Institute - U-labs - Love-based (sacred-based) mini-assemblies interventions to address growing fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam - Ending the US / China Cold War - Yanis Varoufakis - and many others - adjacency relationship - I have been holding many fragmented projects in my mind and they are all orbiting around the Tipping Point Festival for the past decade. - When Indyweb Alpha is done, - especially with the new Wikinizer update - We can collectively weave all these ideas together into one coherent whole using Stop Reset Go complexity mapping as a plexmarked Mark-In notation - Then apply cascading social tipping point theory to invite each project to a form a global coherent, bottom-up commons-based movement for rapid whole system change - Currently, there are a lot of jigsaw puzzle pieces to put together! - I think this video served as a reminder of the urgency emerged of our situation and it emerged adjacencies and associations between recent ideas I've been annotating, specifically: - Yanis Varoufakis - Need to end the US-led cold war with China due to US felt threat of losing their US dollar reserve currency status - that Trump wants to escalate to the next stage with major tariffs - MIchel Bauwens - Cosmolocal organization as an alternative to current governance systems - Roger Hallam - love-based strategy intervention for mitigating fascism, polarization and the climate crisis - Otto Scharmer - Emerging a third option to democracy - small islands of coherency can unite nonlinearly to have a significant impact - Climate Clock - a visual means to show how much time we have left - It is noteworthy that: - Yanis Varoufakis and Roger Hallam are both articulating a higher Common Human Denominator - creating a drive to come together rather than separate - which requires looking past the differences and into the fundamental similarities that make us human - the Common Human Denominators (CHD) - In both of their respective articles, Yanis Varoufakis and Otto Scharmer both recognize the facade of the two party system - in the backend, it's only ruled by one party - the oligarchs, the party of the elites (see references below) - Once Indyweb is ready, and SRG complexity mapping and sense-making tool applied within Indyweb, we will already be curating all the most current information from all the fragmented projects together in one place regardless of whether any projects wants to use the Indyweb or not - The most current information from each project is already converged, associated and updated here - This makes it a valuable resource for them because it expands the reach of each and every project

      to - climate clock - https://hyp.is/R_kJHKGQEe28r-doGn-djg/climateclock.world/ - love-based intervention to address fascism, populism and polarization - Roger Hallam - https://hyp.is/wUDpaKsAEe-DM9fteMUtzw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiKWCHAcS7E - ending the US / China cold war - Yanis Varoufakis - https://hyp.is/Yy0juqmrEe-ERhtaafWWHw/www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BsAa_94dao - Cosmolocal coordination of the commons as an alternative to current governance and a leverage point to unite fragmented communities - Michel Bauwens - https://hyp.is/AvtJYqitEe-f_EtI6TJRVg/4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com/p/a-global-history-of-societal-regulation - A third option for democracy - Uniting small islands of coherency in a time of chaos - Otto Scharmer - https://hyp.is/JlLzuKusEe-xkG-YfcRoyg/medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/an-emerging-third-option-reclaiming-democracy-from-dark-money-dark-tech-3886bcd0469b - One party system - oligarchs - Yanis Varoufakis - https://hyp.is/CVXzAKnWEe-PBBcP5GE8TA/www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BsAa_94dao - What's missing is a third option (in the two party system) - Otto Scharmer - https://hyp.is/M3S6VKuxEe-pG-Myu6VW1A/medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/an-emerging-third-option-reclaiming-democracy-from-dark-money-dark-tech-3886bcd0469b

    1. The very unusual fact that many Americans opted to not vote for any of the national candidates while still casting votes for down-ballot candidates in their respective local elections suggests they were highly frustrated with the two options presented to them.

      for - 2024 US election results - many Americans voted for down-ballot candidates but not national candidates - suggested no options available to voters - Otto Scharmer

  4. Oct 2024
    1. the rulers are no longer Kings presidents or prime ministers but the market economy for the B this is the first time that the ruler is an economic agent instead of a political one

      for - adjacency - the largest companies in the world have more capital than many countries - the society of the spectacle - lobby industry

      adjacency - between - the largest multi-national companies in the world have more capital than many countries - the society of the spectacle - adjacency relationship - It is a well publicized fact that the world's largest multi-national companies have more capital than many countries - This fact is a prime example of the conclusions of the society of the spectacle, - Governments are coopted to serve the needs of the multi-nationals through corporate lobbyists - In fact, multi-national corporations are called "multi-national" precisely because they are so large that they exceed the boundaries of nation states, they are LARGER than nation states - Advertising, movies and products all flow trans-nationally across political boundaries - Military weapons developed by the military industrial complex and sold to nation states make modern warefare between them exponentially more harmful - In the end, the elites within such corporations benefit from the most from the consumption - The diversion is towards maximizing their profits at the expense of all else: - people - the environment - life on earth

  5. Sep 2024
  6. Jun 2024
  7. May 2024
    1. for - Oded Rechavi - neurobiology - gene centrism - critique - from - youtube podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Ray Noble - Denis Noble

      summary - Rechavi performed experiments with C Elegan and demonstrated that it possesses a type of neuron that - produces RNA that in response to elevated temperature change is transmitted to reproductive cells so that the offsprings encode it in the genome, and it is better adapted to deal with elevated temperatures

      question - How many species do this? Is it generally found throughout nature?

      from - outube podcast interview - book - Understanding Living Systems - Ray Noble - Denis Noble - https://hyp.is/OUlGVBXrEe-iaBeZhH_4DQ/docdrop.org/video/oHZI1zZ_BhY/

    1. However, certain algo-rithms executed on the MEG do not scale well with thenumber of parent events, i.e., they can become very re-source intensive, especially when old parts of the MEGare referenced as parents [8]. In practice, the maximumnumber of parent events therefore has to be restrictedto a finite value d.
  8. Feb 2024
  9. Jan 2024
    1. i want to now uh introduce the key concept in in whitehead's mature metaphysics concrescence

      for - key insight - concrescence - definition - concrescence - Whitehead - definition - The many become the one - Whitehead - definition - Res Potentia - Tim Eastman - definition - superject - Whitehead - definition - moment of satisfaction - Whitehead - definition - dipolar - Whitehead - definition - ingression - Whitehead definition - CONCRESCENCE - is the description of the phases of the iterative process by which reality advances from the past into the present then into the future - this definition is metaphysical and applies to all aspects of reality

      • Concrescence is the process by which

          • The "many" here refers to the past
          • the perished objects in the past environment
      • There's another domain that whitehead makes reference to

        • He's a platonist in this sense, though he's a reformed platonist
        • He makes reference to this realm of eternal objects which for him are pure possibilities
        • i was mentioning Tim Eastman earlier
          • He calls this domain "RES POTENTIA", the realm of possibilities which have not yet been actualized
      • And so for Whitehead
        • the realm of possibility is infinite
        • the realm of actuality is finite
      • In the realm of actuality, there's a limited amount of certain types of experience which have been realized
        • but the realm of actuality draws upon this plenum of possibility and
        • it's because there is this plenum of possibility in relationship to the realm of actuality that
        • novelty is possible
        • new things can still happen we're not just constantly repeating the past
      • Whitehead describes the process of concrescence or each drop of experience as DIPOLAR, having two poles:

        • a physical pole and
        • a mental pole
      • Each concrescence or drop of experience begins with the physical pole

        • where the perished objects of the past environment are apprehended or felt and
        • these feelings of the past grow together into this newly emerging drop of experience
        • and then in the process of their growing together
          • the actualized perished objects of the past environment
          • are brought into comparison with eternal objects or pure potentials possibilities and
          • these possibilities INGRESS so there's
            • INGRESSION of eternal objects and
          • PREHENSION of past actualities
          • INGRESSION of potentials PREHENSIONS of past actualities
      • and what the ingression of eternal objects do is provide each occasion of experience, each concrescence with

        • the opportunity to interpret the past differently
      • to say maybe it's not like that maybe it's like this
      • and so these ingressions come into the mental pole
      • If the physical pole is what initiates the experience of each concrescing occasion

        • the mental pole is is a subsequent process that compares
          • what's been felt in the past with
          • what is possible alternatives that could be experienced that are not given yet in the past
      • The subjective form is how the occasion fills the past

      • The subjective aim is what draws the many feelings of the past towards the unification and the mental pole
        • where
          • the ingression of eternal objects and
          • the feelings of past actualities
        • are brought together into what Whitehead calls this MOMENT OF SATISFACTION
      • it's the culmination of the process of concrescence
        • where a new perspective on the universe is achieved - This is the many have become one
      • They are increased by one when the satisfaction is achieved
      • It's a new perspective on the whole
      • As soon as this new perspective is achieved
        • it becomes a SUPERJECT which is not a subject enjoying its own experience anymore
        • it's a perished subject
      • The superject is the achieved perspective that has been experienced
        • but then perishes itself int a superject-hood to become
        • one among the many that will be inherited by the next moment of experience, the next concrescence and
      • This superject has objective immortality in the sense that
        • every subsequent concrescence will inherit the satisfaction achieved by the prior concrescences
      • And so this is the most general account in Whitehead's view that we can offer

        • of the nature of reality
        • the nature of the passage of nature
        • the movement
          • out of the past
          • through the present and
          • into the future
      • Experience is always in the present and the satisfaction that is achieved by each moment of concrescence is enjoyed in the present

        • but as soon as we achieve that
        • it perishes and the next moment of concrescence arises to inherit what was achieved
        • and this is an iterative process
        • it's repeating constantly and it's cumulative
      • It's a process of growth
        • building on what's been achieved in the past
  10. Dec 2023
    1. many people are complex systems thinkers even though they don't know it
      • for: example - systems thinking, quote -: many people are complex systems thinkers

      • quote:

        • many people are complex systems thinkers even though they don't know it
      • Thomas Homer-Dixon
      • date: 2023

      • examples: complex systems clichés

        • the whole of greater than the sum of its parts
          • nonlinearities
        • the straw that broke the camels back
          • emergence
      • comment

        • the first one could be that systems are not the same as just all the parts
        • the second one could also represent Tipping points and nonlinearities of complex systems
  11. Oct 2023
    1. Thank you. Steve, for raising the alarm on this catastrophe! One minor comment. It should be QC'ed, not QA'ed. Quality control is done first. Quality Assurance (QA) comes after QC. QA is basically checking the calculations and the test results in the batch records. I worked in QC and QA for big pharma for decades. I tried to warn people in early 2021 that there's no way the quality control testing could be done at warp speed. Nobody listened to me despite my decades of experience in big pharma!

      "warp speed" sounds fancy, plus "its an emergency, we have no time"...

      it really was just an intelligence test, a global-scale exploit of trust in authorities. (and lets be honest, stupid people deserve to die.)

      problem is, they (elites, military, industry) seem to go for actual forced vaccinations, which would be an escalation from psychological warfare to actual warfare against the 95% "useless eaters".

      personally, i would prefer if they would globally legalize serial murder and assault rifles, then "we the people" would solve the overpopulation. (because: serial murder is the only alternative to mass murder.) but they are scared that we would also kill the wrong people (their servants because they are evil or stupid). (anyone crying about depopulation should suggest better solutions. denying overpopulation is just another failed intelligence test.)

  12. Aug 2023
    1. highlights the dire financial circumstances of the poorest individuals, who resort to high-interest loans as a survival strategy. This phenomenon reflects the interplay between human decision-making and development policy. The decision to take such loans, driven by immediate needs, illustrates how cognitive biases and limited options impact choices. From a policy perspective, addressing this issue requires understanding these behavioral nuances and crafting interventions that provide sustainable alternatives, fostering financial inclusion and breaking the cycle of high-interest debt.

  13. Mar 2023
  14. Jan 2023
    1. 个人学习可能取决于他人行为的主张突出了将学习环境视为一个涉及多个互动参与者的系统的重要性
  15. Sep 2022
  16. Aug 2022
    1. It's a great way to test various limits. When you think about this even more, it's a little mind-bending, as we're trying to impose a global clock ("who is the most up to date") on a system that inherently doesn't have a global clock. When we scale time down to nanoseconds, this affects us in the real world of today: a light-nanosecond is not very far.
    2. There are many questions we can ask and answer about branch names. Each one is specific to one particular repository because all branch names are local to that particular repository. Any changes anyone makes in that repository affect only that one repository, at least at the time they make them.

      which assumption? well, people make the assumption that our local repo should know some fact about the remote repo, like its default branch, without actually asking the remote about itself

  17. Aug 2021
  18. Jun 2021
  19. May 2021
  20. Apr 2021
    1. Unstoppable CrapsterThis is crap shovelwareRe-skinned exact same other 10 games this sad excuse for a developer been farting out.No sound, no gameplay, no nothing.Can't press two buttons at the same time like jump and move.Plays like sonic the hedgehog just had sex with painbrushWhile having a stroke, heart attack and anal prolapse at the same time.Don't support this developer.Steam get your sh!t together, start filtering out this crap.
  21. Mar 2021
    1. A polymath, he was a leading writer, printer, political philosopher, politician, Freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, humorist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat

      In stark contrast to today’s specialist that focus on being the best at one or maybe two areas of concentration. Like many of his contemporaries, Benjamin Franklin made contributions to a broad spectrum of pursuits.

    1. The Model macro literally does what our model! step did.

      That information is not generally relevant. Only makes sense for someone who actually knew about or used the old interface.

      The docs shouldn't assume you are an experienced user / a user of the previous version.

      Would have been appropriate in a Changelog entry or announcement, but not in the general docs.

  22. Feb 2021
    1. While you could program this little piece of logic and flow yourself using a bunch of Ruby methods along with a considerable amount of ifs and elses, and maybe elsif, if you’re feeling fancy, a Trailblazer activity provides you a simple API for creating such flow without having to write and maintain any control code. It is an abstraction.
    1. So, what can we do to check for None in our programs? You can use builtin Optional type and write a lot of if some is not None: conditions. But, having null checks here and there makes your code unreadable.
    1. Return None. That’s evil too! You either will end up with if something is not None: on almost every line and global pollution of your logic by type-checking conditionals, or will suffer from TypeError every day. Not a pleasant choice.
    1. We're small, but we're efficient. We can do with the number of people we have what would take twice the workforce of other companies. Everyone here wears many hats, and that allows us to cover a lot of ground without needing as many people.
  23. Jan 2021
    1. While you may have some objections due to your specific setup, please consider you’re not the usual use case. Most people install Ubuntu on a single drive, not separate /home, and not multiple disks. Most are quite happy with automatic updates - in line with how their phone is likely setup - both for debs (with unattended-upgrades) and snaps (via automatic refresh in snapd). Experts such as yourself are capable of managing your own system and are interested in twiddling knobs and adjusting settings everywhere. There are millions of Ubuntu users who are not like that. We should cater for the widest possible use case by default, and have the option to fiddle switches for experts, which is what we have.
    2. Progress is made of compromises, this implies that we have to consider not only disadvantages, but also the advantages. Advantages do very clearly outweigh disadvantages. This doesn’t mean it perfect, or that work shouldn’t continue to minimize and reduce the disadvantages, but just considering disadvantages is not the correct way.
  24. Nov 2020
    1. Notably, LLVM and JVM are by far the most prominent targets in this scenario: they’re both open-source and well-documented targets that provide a ton of firepower, and there frankly aren’t a ton of other options.
  25. Oct 2020
    1. A simple Vue project can be run directly from a browser with no need of transpilation. This allows Vue to be easily dropped into a project the way jQuery is.While this is also technically possible with React, typical React code leans more heavily on JSX and on ES6 features like classes and non-mutating array methods.
  26. Sep 2020
    1. But library users are more numerous, and so their needs are more important.
    2. remember that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
    3. Why include that six-line helper function when you can do a one-line `require`? Never mind that the required module has its own dependencies, with their own dependencies, until your users suddenly find that `npm install` involves downloading 70Mb of gubbins split into 15,000 files. I exaggerate, but barely.
    4. This happens because npm makes it ridiculously easy for people to release their half-baked experiments into the wild. The only barrier to entry is the difficulty of finding an unused package name. I’m all in favour of enabling creators, but npm lowers the barriers right to the floor, with predictable results.
    5. I offer an additional explanation: that we in the JavaScript world have a higher tolerance for nonsense and dreck.
  27. Aug 2020
  28. Jul 2020
    1. In your environment you may want to always configure internationalization, routers, user data etc. If you have many different React roots it can be a pain to set up configuration nodes all over the place. By creating your own wrapper you can unify that configuration into one place.
  29. May 2020
  30. Apr 2020
    1. there's no reasonable way to communicate effectively with the less technically minded without acquiescing to the nontechnical misuse of the term "hacker"
    2. The more easily relabeled of the two uses of the term "hacker" is the malicious security cracker: it is not only the more recent phenomenon to acquire that label, but also the one whose meaning is most easily evoked by an alternative term. This is why, when you read an article of mine that talks about malicious security crackers, I use the term "malicious security cracker"
  31. Mar 2020
  32. Feb 2020
  33. Jan 2020
  34. Jul 2019
  35. Dec 2018
    1. And if the unlike cannot be like, or the like unlike, then according to you, being could not be many; for this would involve an impossibility.

      Being cannot be many

  36. Nov 2018
  37. Oct 2018
    1. Calculations of Σ are unfortunately very difficult even for the electrongas. We must resort to approximations and this review describes theGWapproximation (GWA)(Hedin 1965a) which is the simplest working approximation beyond the HFA that takes screeninginto account.

      This is a good explanation of what GW really does. It calculates the self energy.

  38. Sep 2018
  39. Feb 2018
  40. Aug 2016
    1. From “Bow Down” come “Rise Up,”

      Still relevant to this day. They say, 'the system is broken' but I say it's not, it was designed like that on purpose..