- Sep 2024
- Aug 2024
www.weaveroptics.com www.weaveroptics.com
Weaver multi-bit gunsmith tool kit
Recommended by u/Private_Bonkers over the Chapman typewriter screwdriver set at https://old.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1f0q3pw/chapman_typewriter_screwdriver_set/ljttlx1/
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I have it too, and I'm not a fan. it only contains imperial bits. So you can't use it on any brand from the European mainland, that have metric screws. They break when you over torque them, instead of the screw. That's good with very old machines. What is bad us that they only provide one of the smallest bit which is most prone to breaking. And also I have many typewriters with even thinner slots on the slotted screws. the bit holder is very fat, making it very difficult to use in narrow spaces. And typewriters have a lot of those. You're better off with a gunsmithing set from Wheeler or Weaver. This is the one I ended up buying: https://www.weaveroptics.com/gunsmithing-tools/driver-and-hammer-sets/multi-bit-tool-kit/WV-849718.html
via u/Private_Bonkers
the cons of the Chapman 0623 screwdriver set for typewriter repair
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Monopoly is not played on a cartesian plane. It's played on a directed circular graph. Therefore, it is inappropriate to use the Euclidean distance metric to compare the distances between places on the board. We must instead use minimum path lengths. Example: If we used Euclidean distance, then you would have to agree that the distance between, say, Go and Jail is equal to the distance between the Short Line and the Pennsylvania Railroad. Clearly, this is not the intention. In your example, the "nearest railroad" would be the railroad square having the shortest path from wherever you stand. With the game board representing a directed graph, there are no "backwards" paths. Thus, the distance from the pink Chance square to the Reading railroad is not 2. It's 38.
chapmanmfg.com chapmanmfg.com
https://chapmanmfg.com/products/0623-r-typewriterset<br /> #0623 Typewriter Set | Chapman MFG<br /> $53.00
- Mar 2024
Local file Local file
The development of the card system and itsmore universal adoption within recent years isundoubtedly due in the mail to the development in modernbusiness and factory organisation ; it may be regarded as anoffspring of manufacture in quantities. (Massenfabrikation, Gross-industrie.) The recognised principle in manufacture in quantities ismaximum of output with minimum of labour. The means to attainthis end is specialisation, which in its turn yields greater precisionand accuracy as it^ result. All this is equally applicable to thecard system, and the last factor, greater precision and accuracy,is one of its most conspicuous claims.
Julius Kaiser contemporaneously posits that mass manufacture and maximizing efficiency (greater output for minimum input) are the primary drivers of card index system use in the early 20th century. These also improve both precision and accuracy in handling information which allow for better company or factory operation, which would have been rising concerns for businesses and manufacturing operations at the rise of scientific management during the time period.
- Feb 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Accuracy and Precision
phys.libretexts.org phys.libretexts.org
1.3: Accuracy, Precision, and Significant Figures
Precision and Accuracy Guide
- Dec 2023
www.lapresse.ca www.lapresse.ca
Ces Palestiniens sont-ils présumés solidaires du Hammas?
deux morts
Parle-t-on de morts dûes aux bombardements mentionnés ci-haut?
Le Liban fait-il parti des groupes armés solidaires du Hammas mentionnés plus haut? Sinon, quel est le lien entre ces échanges armés et le sujet de l'article?
Aburahman al-Ghabris
C'est qui lui?
une chaîne de télévision israélienne
une délégation du Hamas
Quels sont les membres de cette délégation?
La quantité d’aide acheminée, nécessaire et urgente, continue d’être limitée et rencontre de nombreux obstacles logistiques
Limitée comment? Par qui? Pourquoi? De quels obstacles logistiques parle-t-on ici?
7 octobre
Le 7 octobre 2023, présumément
- Oct 2023
riojournal.com riojournal.com
Information quality is the strongest factor to influence organizational benefits through perceived usefulness and user satisfaction
Information quality=precision
- Sep 2023
mywiki.wooledge.org mywiki.wooledge.org
If IFS is unset, or its value is exactly <space><tab><newline>, the default, then any sequence of IFS characters serves to delimit words. If IFS has a value other than the default, then sequences of the whitespace characters space and tab are ignored at the beginning and end of the word, as long as the whitespace character is in the value of IFS (an IFS whitespace character). Any character in IFS that is not IFS whitespace, along with any adjacent IFS whitespace characters, delimits a field. A sequence of IFS whitespace characters is also treated as a delimiter. If the value of IFS is null, no word splitting occurs.
- Jul 2023
redsweater.com redsweater.com
Browser-based interfaces are slow, clumsy, and require you to be online just to use them
Nope (re: offline). You're confusing "browser-based" and "Web-based" (sort of the way people confuse statically typed" versus strongly typed*). They're different. You can have a fully offline browser-based interface. Most common browsers are every bit as amenable as being used as simple document viewers as Preview.app or Microsoft Word is. The browser's native file format is just a different sort—not DOCX, and not PDF (although lots of browsers can do PDF, too; you can't write apps in PDF, though—at least not in the subset supported by typical browsers). Instead of Office macros written in VBA, browsers support scripting offline documents in JS just like online documents. You can run your offline programs using the browser runtime, unless they're written to expect otherwise.
- Jun 2023
static.googleusercontent.com static.googleusercontent.com
Today “REST” and “RESTful architecture” are widely used terms,and sometimes even used appropriately.
- Dec 2022
stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
Si nous restons fidèle au titre de cette sous-partie, la préférence accordée aux logiciels libres ne concerne pas que l'interopérabilité. L'enjeu principal est de garder la possibilité de décrire une vision du monde particulière. Celle-ci passe par l'agencement de l'espace numérique, plus facileemnt aménageable du côté des logiciels libres que des logiciels propriétaires.
Un logiciel propriétaire est par définition fermé : il impose sa vision du monde et l'utilisateur ne peut pas modifier cette dimension là.
Pensez à d'abord faire une présentation de la technologie avant d'en présenter les limites
Numérisation des archives papier et limites de la reconnaissance optique des caractères (OCR)
Très bien.
Attention à ne pas aller trop vite ! Le terme "limite" utilisé dans un titre sous-entend que vous émettez des réserves sur les technologies d'OCR. Ce sont des technologies très récentes (seulement quelques années) sur lesquelles nous avons peu de recul... Oui il y a des limites à pointer, mais ce sont des technologies qui évoluent très rapidement !
définir ce qu’est la numérisation
définir ce qu'est la numérisation et l'enjeu de la numérisation vis-à-vis de l'accessibilité
Je ne tiendrai pas compte non plus de l’aspect législatif de l’accessibilité, la protection des renseignements personnels par exemple.
C'est bien de le préciser. Toutefois, ne pas traiter cette question ne veut pas dire qu'il ne faut pas en tenir compte !
et humaines ..! Après tout, ce sont les "humanités" numériques !
développeurs d’applications
l'emploi de méthodes computationnelles ou des outils numériques ne fait pas des chercheurs en humanités numériques des développeurs !
référence ?
quelles technologies ? soyez plus précise
- Nov 2022
Justice Felix Frankfurter,a prolific writer as a Harvard lawprofessor before joining the SupremeCourt, was right that “[a]nything thatis written may present a problem ofmeaning” because words “seldomattain[] more than approximate preci-sion.”12
12 Felix Frankfurter, Some Reflections On the Reading of Statutes, 47 CoLUm . L. rev. 527, 528 (1947), reprinting Felix Frankfurter, Sixth Annual Benjamin N. Cardozo Lecture, 2 Rec. Bar Ass'n City of N.Y. (No. 6, 1947).
Guy de Maupassant, was no lawyer,but his advice can help guide lawyerswho seek precision in their writing.“Whatever you want to say,” he assert-ed, “there is only one word to expressit, only one verb to give it movement,only one adjective to qualify it. Youmust search for that word, that verb,that adjective, and never be contentwith an approximation, never resortto tricks, even clever ones, and neverhave recourse to verbal sleight-of-hand to avoid a difficulty.”11
11 Guy de Maupassant, Selected Short Sto- ries 10-11 (Roger Colet ed., 1971) (Maupassant quoting French writer Gustave Flaubert).
- Oct 2022
shalabh.com shalabh.com
the program idea manifests commonly as an OS process
The running program, that is (as just described).
www.se-radio.net www.se-radio.net
With HTML you have, broadly speaking, an experience and you have content and CSS and a browser and a server and it all comes together at a particular moment in time, and the end user sitting at a desktop or holding their phone they get to see something. That includes dynamic content, or an ad was served, or whatever it is—it's an experience. PDF on the otherhand is a record. It persists, and I can share it with you. I can deliver it to you [...]
NB: I agree with the distinction being made here, but I disagree that the former description is inherent to HTML. It's not inherent to anything, really, so much as it is emergent—the result of people acting as if they're dealing in live systems when they shouldn't.
- Sep 2022
auth0.com auth0.com
However, while URLs allow you to locate a resource, a URI simply identifies a resource. This means that a URI is not necessarily intended as an address to get a resource. It is meant just as an identifier.
However, while URLs allow you to locate a resource, a URI simply identifies a resource.
Very untrue/misleading! It doesn't simply (only) identify it. It includes URLs, so a URI may be a locator, a name, or both!
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986 states it better and perfectly:
A URI can be further classified as a locator, a name, or both. The term "Uniform Resource Locator" (URL) refers to the subset of URIs that, in addition to identifying a resource, provide a means of locating the resource by describing its primary access mechanism (e.g., its network "location").
This means that a URI is not necessarily intended as an address to get a resource. It is meant just as an identifier.
The "is not necessarily" part is correct. The "is meant" part is incorrect; shoudl be "may only be meant as".
www.open.ac.uk www.open.ac.uk
note that this will show the historical content within the current template – so not necessarily exactly the same as the original page
jacksongl.github.io jacksongl.github.io
not designed to be secure
"secure" is used in this context to mean, roughly, "work with adversarial input"
mozilla.github.io mozilla.github.io
XBL is a proprietary technology developed by Mozilla
Example of when "proprietary" is not an antonym of "open source".
- Aug 2022
www.yisu.com www.yisu.com
在确定了precision后就会要求结合Rounding Mode做一些舍入方面的操作
theindexproject.org theindexproject.org
"Why have a locked wiki when you can instead just post static Web pages?"
What even is a locked wiki insofar as the ways it differs from traditional (pre-wiki) content publishing pipelines? Where's the wiki part of it?
- Jul 2022
www.agraddy.com www.agraddy.com
actual programming language
www.agraddy.com www.agraddy.com
I'm approaching the open source portion of this project strictly as "open source" not "open contribution" similar to the SQLite approach
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
The trouble with redefining "REST" to mean "not REST" is that the first step in learning known techniques to solve a problem is learning the terminology that people use to explain the techniques. If you think you know the terminology, but you have the wrong definition in your mind, you will not be able to understand the explanations, and you will not be able to figure out why you can't understand them, until you finally figure out that the definition you learned was wrong.
Let's call this style of API pseduoREST or JSON-RPC.
What the re-education around REST needs is a catchy label for what people call REST that works well as a light pejorative. Two-Bit History gave it a shot, coining the ad hoc acronym "FIOH", but it doesn't have the desired properties.
- May 2022
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
en organisations
je ne comprens pas, il semble manquer un concept ou un bout de phrase ?!
Local file Local file
notes don’t need to be comprehensive or precise
- Apr 2022
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
Les conséquences prévisibles renvoient ici aux atteintes aux droits d’auteurs qui caractérisent la « représentation publique » sur le web de documents sous droit acquis à titre privé et constituent le cadre qui régit les évolutions du groupe au fur et à mesure que le nombre de ses membres et que le volume de ses activités s’accroissent.
Il est peut-être nécessaire ici de bien rappeler la solution de partage et son éventuel caractère illégal pour comprendre les "conséquences prévisibles". Le texte détaille bien la situation et le problème, mais passe très vite sur la solution trouvée et ses modalités (le partage de pair à pair de documents sous droits). "L'atteinte au droits d'auteurs" arrivent alors un peu abruptement.
- Feb 2022
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
the first precision-geared mechanism known is a relatively simple—yet impressive for the time—geared sundial and calendar of Byzantine origin dating to about C.E. 600.
The first known precision-geared mechanism is a sundial and calendar of Byzantine origin dating to circa 600 C.E.
- Jun 2021
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
Time returned from a database can differ in precision from time objects in Ruby, so we need flexible tolerances when comparing in specs. We can use be_like_time to compare that times are within one second of each other.
- May 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Ira, still wearing a mask, Hyman. (2020, November 26). @SciBeh @Quayle @STWorg @jayvanbavel @UlliEcker @philipplenz6 @AnaSKozyreva @johnfocook Some might argue the moral dilemma is between choosing what is seen as good for society (limiting spread of disinformation that harms people) and allowing people freedom of choice to say and see what they want. I’m on the side of making good for society decisions. [Tweet]. @ira_hyman. https://twitter.com/ira_hyman/status/1331992594130235393
- Apr 2021
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
1a : touching lightly : incidental, peripheral tangential involvement also : of little relevance arguments tangential to the main point
- Mar 2021
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
It's a pet peeve, but I wish that people would stop describing their HTTP RPC APIs using the term "REST".
The only solution is probably to advocate for moving away from "REST" entirely—for all parties. Mend the discord by coining two new terms and clearly articulate the two meanings that should be attached to them.
("Indian" is another word like this, but that did not get fully deprecated. This is resulted in lots of confusion. "'Indian'? Like Native Americans?" "No, Indian as in 'from India'" "Oh, all right." A similar thing is happening with "open source".)
This probably involves making the terms (or at least one of them—so long as it's the right one) somewhat cool. Maybe the non-REST term should be AROH (pronounced like "arrow") for "Application RPC Over HTTP".
- Feb 2021
I agree that validation is a process that determines the property of validity of a certain object
- Dec 2020
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
to be more precise
- Nov 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
the adjective strong or the adverb strongly may be added to a mathematical notion to indicate a related stronger notion; for example, a strong antichain is an antichain satisfying certain additional conditions, and likewise a strongly regular graph is a regular graph meeting stronger conditions. When used in this way, the stronger notion (such as "strong antichain") is a technical term with a precisely defined meaning; the nature of the extra conditions cannot be derived from the definition of the weaker notion (such as "antichain")
- Sep 2020
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Wilkinson, Jack, Kellyn F. Arnold, Eleanor J. Murray, Maarten van Smeden, Kareem Carr, Rachel Sippy, Marc de Kamps, et al. ‘Time to Reality Check the Promises of Machine Learning-Powered Precision Medicine’. The Lancet Digital Health 0, no. 0 (16 September 2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2589-7500(20)30200-4.
- machine learning
- challenges
- clinical science
- is:report
- clinical practice
- revolution
- lang:en
- collaboration
- improved diagnosis
- algorithmic complexity
- machine learning powered precision medicine
- personalised medical approach
- prediction of individual responses
- electronic health database
- Aug 2020
www.indiebound.org www.indiebound.org
The Alchemy of Us: How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another | IndieBound.org. (n.d.). Retrieved August 26, 2020, from https://www.indiebound.org/book/9780262043809
stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
La relation interdite est ainsi dévoilée puisque Yoram prend des risques pour aller observer Fatima
peut-être préciser que l'interdit se retrouve dans le lexique de la vue qui devient transgressive (épier, rôder)
- Jun 2020
medium.com medium.com
Morey, R. D. (2020, June 12). Power and precision. Medium. https://medium.com/@richarddmorey/power-and-precision-47f644ddea5e
- May 2020
notes.andymatuschak.org notes.andymatuschak.org
Ericsson claims (2016, p. 98) that there is no deliberate practice possible for knowledge work because there are no objective criteria (so, poor feedback), because the skills aren’t clearly defined, and because techniques for focused skill improvement in these domains aren’t known.
According to Ericsson deliberate practice for knowledge work is not possible because the criteria are not objective (you don't know if you're doing well).
This collides with Dr. Sönke Ahrens' contention that note taking, specifically elaboration, instantiates two feedback loop. One feedback loop in that you can see whether you're capturing the essence of what you're trying to make a note on and a second feedback loop in that you can see whether your note is not only an accurate description of the original idea, but also a complete one.
Put differently, note taking instantiates two feedback loops. One for precision and one for recall.
- Apr 2020
www.techrepublic.com www.techrepublic.com
In mainstream press, the word "hacker" is often used to refer to a malicious security cracker. There is a classic definition of the term "hacker", arising from its first documented uses related to information technologies at MIT, that is at odds with the way the term is usually used by journalists. The inheritors of the technical tradition of the word "hacker" as it was used at MIT sometimes take offense at the sloppy use of the term by journalists and others who are influenced by journalistic inaccuracy.
stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca stylo.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
le « devenir-animal » de l’humain
hum j'aurai besoin d'une rapide définition
nous apparaissent féconds pour réfléchir le concept d’homme.
rapidement dis les grands thèmes de l'oeuvre qui t'ont poussé à la choisir elle
devenir humain
Il faudrait que tu expliques en quelques mots (genre une parenthèse) ce que tu entends par cette expression de devenir humain
se révèle à nous épuisée devant les changements économiques, politiques et sociaux qu’elle a elle-même engendrés
j'expliciterai en quoi elle est épuisée, des exemples rapides après l'ouverture de deux points.
kokociel.blogspot.com kokociel.blogspot.com
Just as with wine-tasting, having a bigger vocabulary for colours allows specific colours to be perceived more readily and remembered more easily, even if not done consciously.
- Oct 2017
wellcomeopenresearch.org wellcomeopenresearch.org
Virtually all interviewees
An actual number may have been more useful here. In other words, did only 1 not say it? Or some only said it indirectly?
- May 2017
www.analyticsvidhya.com www.analyticsvidhya.com
Precision: It is a measure of correctness achieved in positive prediction i.e. of observations labeled as positive, how many are actually labeled positive. Precision = TP / (TP + FP) Recall: It is a measure of actual observations which are labeled (predicted) correctly i.e. how many observations of positive class are labeled correctly. It is also known as ‘Sensitivity’. Recall = TP / (TP + FN)
Example: In cancer research you may want higher recall, Since you want all actual positive observations to classified as True Positive. A lower Precision maybe alright because some healthy people classified as cancerous can be rectified later.
- Apr 2017
science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
The Administration could also exercise its regulatory authority—most potently, to direct the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to allow reimbursement for molecular profiling of cancers
Perhaps the most important measure to keep precision medicine initiate alive. Surge in risk and treatment response prediction in genomic assays is of little value without practical means of affordable molecular profiling of a patient's tumor or more importantly, pre-diagnosis genomic screen.
- Aug 2016
Local file Local file
a different and relatively unclear pattern
different and inconsistent patterns
really low
no or low (<10%)
Thedata displayedthat it is roughly possible to
My data suggest that it is possible to qualitatively
a totally reliable method
considered quantitative
used for measurements ofheart
primer sets are not tissue-specific; you used them for all tissues; only the measurements themselves are tissue-specific
the expression of transcripts
qRT-PCR cannot show transcription termination: all it can do is verify the RNAseq data, i.e., more relatively more transcription upstream of an active CGI compared to transcription across the CGI. It is important to be precise about what qRT-PCR can and cannot do.
transcripts terminating
transcripts terminateacross
transcription extends across
transcripts terminating
different samples
orders of magnitude more
sodium metabisulfite
depth-of-sequencing-normalised and log-transformed read coverage data
RNA-seq data
transcriptional activity
which means that onlythe intragenicpromoter influencestissue-specific gene transcription
reducing the potential of tissue-specific host promoter activity confounding the observations
RNA-seq data
RNA-seq data
(blue box)
(low blue data point)
terminating upstream
(red diamond)
(high red data point)
(lower left cornerof the figure)
(low x value)
(red diamond in the bottom right cornerindicate transcripts across)
(large difference in y values: high blue versus low red data point)
(upper right cornerof the figure)
(large x value)
amount of fragments spanning
transcripts terminating
(scaled) amount of cDNA fragments mapping
RNA-seq data
from a large difference to a non-existing difference in absoluteterms
no difference between across and upstream
terminating across than upstream
extending across than terminating upstream
RNA-seq data plots were
A scatter plot of intragenic CGI activity versus the upstream and across quantities for all 30 tissues was
scalingfora comparable dataset
scaling across tissues to make quantities comparable
conducting a permutation test for resampling of the dataset
randomly permuting the intragenic CGI activities across tissues
aligned sequenced cDNA fragments
overlapping with the host gene
spanning across the intragenic CGI
host gene exon-anchored
sense and antisense orientation
separately for the sense and antisense orientations of transcription from the CGI relative to the host gene
CGI transcriptional states
Dnmt1 copies
during cell division
DNA methylation
in vertebrates (in bacteria, 5mA is common)
there may be different methylation patterns
too vague
what is 'it'?
-most exon
mitotically or meiotically heritable