- Jan 2025
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Ein neuer Bericht der europäischen Kommission sagt aus, dass die EU dreimal so schnell dekarbonisieren muss wie bisher, um das Ziel zu erreichen, die Emissionen bis 2030 um 55% zu reduzieren. Den Zahlen der European Environment Agency zufolge reicht der gegenwärtige Kurs nur für eine Reduzierung um 43%. Ein Haupthindernis sind die enorm hohen fossilen Subventionen. Die Selbstverpflichtungen von EU-Staaten vor der COP28 treffen z.T. verspätet ein, und die vorliegenden sind einem Bericht des Climate Action Network zufolge sehr unzureichend. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/24/eu-must-cut-emissions-three-times-more-quickly-report-says
State of the Energy Union: https://energy.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-10/COM_2023_650_1_EN_ACT_part1_v10.pdf CAN-Bericht: https://caneurope.org/content/uploads/2023/10/NECPs_Assessment-Report_October2023.pdf
- Dec 2024
Monitor, Report andEvaluate Progress
Puntos de acción
Emplear métodos participativos e inclusivos para desarrollar mecanismos de seguimiento y evaluación ex ante y ex post para evaluar y mitigar el sesgo en los sistemas y procesos de IA.
Realizar auditorías de los sistemas de IA para detectar y abordar la discriminación directa e indirecta que afecta especialmente a las comunidades marginadas.
Asegurarse de que los sistemas de IA se sometan a pruebas rigurosas para detectar sesgos y que se los controle de forma continua y sistemática para detectar resultados discriminatorios.
Introduce, review and revisepolicies, laws and regulations
Puntos de acción
Desarrollar protocolos claros que aseguren que las decisiones e intervenciones cumplan con los criterios de legitimidad, necesidad y proporcionalidad, a fin de garantizar la protección de los derechos y libertades de terceros cuando pueda haber conflictos de intereses entre las partes interesadas (lo que puede dar lugar a impactos desproporcionados en un grupo o grupos en comparación con otro grupo o grupos de personas).
Garantizar que existan marcos jurídicos suficientes (tanto nacionales como internacionales) para proteger y brindar reparación a las personas afectadas por la IA.
Permitir que las personas afectadas por sistemas de IA busquen soluciones sin temor a represalias.
Desarrollar estrategias para garantizar que el público en general sea consciente de los riesgos y oportunidades relacionados con la IA, y de los mecanismos disponibles para identificar cuándo el uso o la aplicación de la IA puede haber resultado en una violación de sus derechos.
Ensure inclusive design anddemocratic innovation processes
Puntos de acción
Implementar medidas de codiseño que involucren a las comunidades marginadas y otros stakeholders relevantes a lo largo del ciclo de vida de la IA.
Involucrar a las comunidades marginadas en la identificación de problemas, la formulación de problemas, el diseño y la toma de decisiones en materia de gobernanza de la IA.
Integrar perspectivas diversas en el diseño y desarrollo de la IA para evitar sesgos sistémicos y resultados discriminatorios.
Asegúrese de que los procesos de información y consulta sean accesibles e inclusivos para los grupos marginados. Crear y distribuir materiales de fácil lectura con antelación para garantizar que las personas sin educación formal o conocimientos de inteligencia artificial puedan comprender los temas clave. Evitar la jerga técnica cuando sea suficiente con un lenguaje sencillo.
Incorporar principios de diseño inclusivos y transformadores y metodologías participativas en las estrategias nacionales o regionales de IA para garantizar que los sistemas de IA respeten la autonomía, la dignidad y los valores culturales de los grupos marginados.
Aplicar políticas de protección, incluidos mecanismos para denunciar casos de discriminación, situaciones de violencia y otras situaciones que dificulten la participación de las mujeres y otros grupos marginados en el lugar de trabajo en igualdad de condiciones con los demás. Garantizar el acceso a estos mecanismos para permitir la denuncia y la reparación de agravios.
Engage, enable or empoweridentified stakeholders
Puntos de acción
Asignar un presupuesto para los costos de participación. Incluir líneas presupuestarias específicas para cubrir los costos de participación de representantes de grupos marginados, como compensación por su tiempo y experiencia, y adaptaciones razonables para garantizar la accesibilidad (por ejemplo, intérpretes de lengua de señas, intérpretes guía para personas sordociegas, intérpretes de lenguas indígenas).
Al facilitar la participación, considera las dinámicas de poder específicas del contexto, incluyendo género, expresión de género, edad, raza, clase, cultura, identidad, habilidades y lenguaje, para garantizar una inclusión efectiva. Además, crea incentivos que motiven a los actores privados a involucrarse activamente en el diseño, desarrollo y gobernanza de sistemas de IA inclusivos.
Map the context andidentify rights at risk
Puntos de acción
**Mapear políticas y marcos normativos internacionales relevantes sobre derechos humanos, así como compromisos regionales o nacionales aplicables. **
**Mapear y evaluar si los tratados internacionales y leyes nacionales existentes son suficientes para proteger, promover y garantizar los derechos involucrados, revisando análisis legales disponibles para determinar la solidez de dichas protecciones. **
Considerar las características sociales, económicas, demográficas, políticas, históricas y culturales que puedan influir en el proceso, identificando las principales causas de exclusión de grupos marginados y cómo la IA puede amplificarlas.
Identify desired outcomesand set clear goals
Resultados esperados con metas claras
Puntos de acción
Incluir a grupos marginados, alineándolos con recomendaciones de políticas transformadoras de igualdad de género y diversidad.
Traducir estos objetivos en planes de acción detallados que incorporen responsabilidades, indicadores de monitoreo, presupuestos y directrices, asegurando la evaluación de políticas institucionales para identificar mejoras.
Definir hitos y métricas claras para medir el progreso, considerando la sostenibilidad y relevancia de las soluciones para prevenir y abordar daños relacionados con la IA.
Identificar las principales causas de exclusión de grupos marginados y cómo la IA puede amplificarlas, analizando el contexto social, económico, político, histórico y cultural, así como los marcos legales y normativos relevantes para proteger los derechos en riesgo.
Establish a multi-stakeholder intersectoral committee to ensure diverse perspectives before identifying, planningand initiating decision-making processes related to AI.Map the stakeholdersand identify marginalisedand under-represented groupsPerform a participatory mapping of stakeholders with care to identify key marginalised and under-representedgroups that may be affected by the process. This will enable a better understanding of existing power imbalances,opportunities and needs for action.STEP 1. R1
Comité intersectorial de stakeholders múltiples.
Puntos de acción
Mapear a los stakeholders clave e invitar representantes, especialmente de grupos marginados, para compartir sus perspectivas.
Incluir académicos, ONG y comunidades técnicas, evaluando su interés en la igualdad sustantiva y la capacidad de los grupos marginados para influir en las decisiones.
Considerar sus necesidades, compensarlos por su tiempo, garantizar accesibilidad y fomentar condiciones que fortalezcan su agencia.
Establecer un comité multiactorial intersectorial que asegure diversidad en la planificación y decisiones, comprendiendo desequilibrios de poder y necesidades de acción.
Perform a participatory mapping of stakeholders with care to identify key marginalised and under-representedgroups that may be affected by the process. This will enable a better understanding of existing power imbalances,opportunities and needs for action.
Identificar grupos posiblemente marginalizados por la IA.
Plan de acción
Mapear grupos marginados y subrepresentados, instituciones responsables de derechos humanos, igualdad de género y diversidad, organizaciones representativas de grupos marginados y defensoras de derechos humanos para promover un enfoque inclusivo y equitativo en la gobernanza de sistemas de IA.
Garantizar inclusión y equidad. Identificar actores relevantes (academia, ONG y comunidades técnicas) evaluando su interés en la igualdad sustantiva.
Analizar la capacidad de grupos marginados para influir en las decisiones, considerando sus necesidades y contexto.
Garantizar compensación y accesibilidad para participantes.
Fomentar la agencia de estos grupos.
Establecer un comité multiactoral intersectorial para integrar perspectivas diversas.
- Step 6
- Traducción como mediación cultural
- Step 4
- Step 3
- Step 0
- Step 1
- Co-diseño de IA con comuninades margiandas
- Sesgos
- Step 2
- Políticas leyes y normativas con la IA y la inclusión
- Step 7
- Actores privados con IA inclusiva
- Step 5
- Mapeo de contextos para identificar derechos en riesgo
- Prevención de daños con la IA
- Auditorías de IA para la discriminación directa e indirecta
- Mapeo de grupos marginados
- Mapeo de stakeholders
- Oct 2024
Local file Local file
Rhythm, Grammar, Vocab-ulary, Punctuation, etc. It was hard to break thefaggots when they were in a bundle, but it was easyto break them when they were taken one by one.
Notice that again he's emphasizing breaking down the problem into steps, and he's using a little analogy to do so, just like he had described previously.
I often noticed that most Candidates inExaminations used to begin to write their Essays atonce. They never realised that their minds were there-by being distracted and divided among many differentprocesses, each of which is particularly hard even whentaken alone. For all at once their minds are being-called upon to Collect Ideas, to Select and decide whichare important, etc., to Arrange the Selected Ideas, andto Express them. To try all this as a single action is" most extraordinarily unscientific, even if a few brilliantgeniuses here and there have succeeded in the attempt.
One of the major affordances of using a zettelkasten or card index for writing is that it forces the writer to break things down into their constituent parts, thereby making the entire process of writing far easier and less complex. One can separately focus their attention on the smaller steps of collecting, selecting, and arranging the material before beginning to actually write.
I shall go upon the principleupon which the Romans went in their conquests, viz.' DIVIDE ET IMPERA ', ' Isolate what you have to master,and master it part by part'.
They haveto move step by step and with effort over the groundwhich the genius covers with a flying leap.
- Aug 2024
www.thermofisher.com www.thermofisher.com
Useful discussion on the pros and cons!
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Written inPython, Cython
Is this accurate? I don't have a lot of firsthand experience with data science stuff, but usually when looking just past surface-level you find that some Python package is really a shell around some native binary core implemented in e.g. C (or Fortran?).
When I at the repos for spaCy and its assistant Thinc, GitHub's language analysis shows that it's pretty much Python. Is there something lurking in the shadows that I'm not seeing? Or does this mean that if someone cloned spaCy and Thinc and wrote it in JS, then the subset of data scientists whose work can be done with those two packages (and whatever datavis generators they use) will benefit from the faster runtime and the the elimination of figging and other setup?
- Apr 2024
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
One of his most effective tools is what we might call the Trump Two-Step, in which the former president says something outrageous, backs away from it in the face of criticism, and then fully embraces it. The goal here is to create a veneer of deniability. It doesn’t even need to be plausible; it just needs to muddy the waters a bit.
Some of the first part of the Trump Two-Step sounds like the idea of "Schrödinger's douchebag".
- Mar 2024
www.soberrecovery.com www.soberrecovery.com
I'm reading through other's posts in this subforum and it's helping me sort things out. I'm beginning to see how wanting others to behave differently is selfish.
step 4 - self-centered vs selfish
- Jan 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
you quote Dr. King in the book where he also said, you don't need to know the pit, the layout of the entire staircase to take the first step.
for: quote - Martin Luther King Jr., quote - first steps
quote: Martin Luther King Jr.
- You don't need to know the layout of the entire staircase to take the first step
- Nov 2023
www.forrestthewoods.com www.forrestthewoods.com
It'd be a hell of a lot easier to contribute to open source projects if step 0 wasn't "spend 8 hours configuring environment to build"
I call this implicit step zero.
- Sep 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
23:00 “can I take one more step” as way for improving self (achieving succes), creating momentum
- Aug 2023
www.courier.com www.courier.com
In the Courier app, navigate to Channels and choose your email service provider. For this tutorial, we will use Gmail.
Create a Courier account if you don’t already have one, so that you can configure an email service provider in Courier, allowing it to send emails on your behalf. \
On the next screen, select Sign in with Google to give Courier permission to access your Gmail account.
- Dec 2022
www.blinkist.com www.blinkist.com
For example, you may have a great grasp of the principles of accounting theory, but lack the Excel expertise to put these principles into practice. In that case, learning Excel would be your rate-determining step, so you’d focus your drilling in this area.
Sometimes, In Order to even apply your new Knowledge, you must learn a another technique as a prerequisite
- Sep 2022
github.com github.com
PRs will introduce various mechanisms step by step. Some of these have issues already. A possible breakdown could be: Annotation collection using instance values (links also does this) Defining annotations to which multiple keywords contribute (this is new, see Need more details of annotation collection #530) Defining subschema and keyword processing results to include annotations Processing sequence for keywords that dynamically rely on the results of static keywords The actual definition of unevaluatedProperties An example of unevaluatedProperties
- Jul 2022
gist.github.com gist.github.com
5.1 Recognize that 1) the biggest threat to good decision making is harmful emotions, and 2) decision making is a two-step process (first learning and then deciding).
5.1 Recognize that 1) the biggest threat to good decision making is harmful emotions, and 2) decision making is a two-step process (first learning and then deciding).
2 Use the 5-Step Process to Get What You Want Out of Life
2 Use the 5-Step Process to Get What You Want Out of Life
- May 2022
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
This is a problem with all kinds of programming for new learners - actually writing some code is easy. But getting a development environment configured to actually allow you to start writing that code requires a ton of tacit knowledge.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
okay how about ruby? oh I have old ruby , hmmm , try to install new ruby, seems to run, but it can't find certain gems or something. oh and this other ruby thing I was using is now broken ? why do I have to install this stuff globally? You don't but there are several magic spells you must execute and runes you must set in the rigtt places.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
every time I mentor a new learner this is the number one sticking point
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
The biggest barriers to coding are technical complexity around processes like collaboration and deployment, and social obstacles like gatekeeping and exclusion — so that's what we've got to fix
tomcritchlow.com tomcritchlow.com
But… on installing node.js you’re greeted with this screen (wtf is user/local/bin in $path?), and left to fire up the command line.
Agreed. NodeJS is developer tooling. It's well past the time where we should have started packaging up apps/utilities that are written in JS so that they can run directly in* the browser—instead of shamelessly targeting NodeJS's non-standard APIs (on the off-chance everyone in your audience is a technical user and/or already has it installed).
This is exactly the crusade I've been on (intermittently) when I've had the resources (time/opportunity) to work on it.
Eliminate implicit step zero from software development. Make your projects' meta-tooling accessible to all potential contributors.
* And I do mean "in the browser"—not "on a server somewhere that you are able to use your browser to access, à la modern SaaS/PaaS"
- Mar 2022
jekyllrb.com jekyllrb.com
Get up and running in seconds.
... assuming you're a Rubyist and you have
akkartik.name akkartik.name
build easy from source code
That's the explicit goal of triplescripts.org in its early stage—eliminating "implicit step 0" from software development.
- Feb 2022
- Dec 2021
luhmann.surge.sh luhmann.surge.sh
The possibility of arbitrary internal branching.
Modern digital zettelkasten don't force the same sort of digital internal branching process that is described by Niklas Luhmann. Internal branching in these contexts is wholly reliant on the user to create it.
Many digital systems will create a concrete identifier to fix the idea within the system, but this runs the risk of ending up with a useless scrap heap.
Some modern systems provide the ability for one to add taxonomies like subject headings in a commonplace book tradition, which adds some level of linking. But if we take the fact that well interlinked cards are the most valuable in such a system then creating several links upfront may be a bit more work, but it provides more value in the long run.
Upfront links also don't require quite as much work at the card's initial creation as the creator already has the broader context of the idea. Creating links at a future date requires the reloading into their working memory of the card's idea and broader context.
Of course there may also be side benefits (including to memory) brought by the spaced repetition of the card's ideas as well as potential new contexts gained in the interim which may help add previously unconsidered links.
It can certainly be possible that at some level of linking, there is a law of diminishing returns the decreases the value of a card and its idea.
One of the benefits of physical card systems like Luhmann's is that the user is forced to add the card somewhere, thus making the first link of the idea into the system. Luhmann's system in particular creates a parent/sibling relation to other cards or starts a brand new branch.
- Sep 2021
futureofcoding.org futureofcoding.org
the ghcjs compiler. But it was a real pain, I Haskell but it's just getting it to install and run and compile, it's just kind of a nightmare
Step 5 annotation!
- Mar 2021
www.chevtek.io www.chevtek.io
Write modules that are small. Iterate quickly.
- Feb 2021
chicinacademia.com chicinacademia.com
Chic in Academia. ‘Science Says Sunday – How to Spot Misinformation’, 20 December 2020. https://chicinacademia.com/2020/12/20/science-says-sunday-how-to-spot-misinformation/.
github.com github.com
While Trailblazer offers you abstraction layers for all aspects of Ruby On Rails, it does not missionize you. Wherever you want, you may fall back to the "Rails Way" with fat models, monolithic controllers, global helpers, etc. This is not a bad thing, but allows you to step-wise introduce Trailblazer's encapsulation in your app without having to rewrite it.
- rails: the Rails way
- focus on concepts/design/structure instead of specific/concrete technology/implementation
- allowing developer/user to pick and choose which pieces to use (allowing use with competing libraries; not being too opinionated; not forcing recommended way on you)
- abstractions
- freedom of user to override specific decision of an authority/vendor (software)
- making changes / switching/migrating gradually/incrementally/step-wise/iteratively
- focus on what it should do, not on how it should do it (implementation details; software design)
- leaving the details of implementation/integration up to you
- newer/better ways of doing things
- Trailblazer
- Dec 2020
www.unicef.org www.unicef.org
Despite pushback at borders, including at the border between Greece and Turkey in March 2020, and constraints on rescue operations, the influx into Europe is expected to remain high in 2020 and 2021. In 2019, some 123,700 refugees and migrants – over one quarter of them children – arrived in Europe
Context of production
Refugee and migrant response in Europe snapshot
Refugee and Migrant Response in Europe Appeal
Refugee and migrant girls and boys in Europe are vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, including gender-based violence, especially when traveling alone, in countries of arrival, transit and destination.
This is why the text exists
- Oct 2020
bio-protocol.org bio-protocol.org
Add 100 μl of TE with 1% RNase to the tube containing the pellet. To resuspend, leave at 4 °Covernight, flick to resuspend and spin at 16,000 x g for 3 min before use.
Add 100 μl of 70% EtOH, vortex briefly. Spin at 16,000 x g for 5 min. Invert to dry until no drops of ethanol are visible. If the pellet slides, push it back to the bottom of the tube with a pipette tip. It is fine to leave the pellets overnight.
Pipet 450 μl of supernatant (doing your best to avoid any loose tissue) (Figure 3) to a new tube and add 350 μl of isopropanol. Mix by inverting.
Collect ~2.0 cm of leaf tip tissue into each tube and add 500 μl of extraction buffer. Less is more! The tissue will grind better if the leaf is no longer than the length of the tube (Figure 1). The maximum number of samples for one run is 48 samples.
Load 3.2 mm chrome beads to each tube using the small spoon provided with the beads or yourmethod of choice. Use 4 beads/tube for leaf tissue of grass seedlings less than 4 weeks after germination and 5 beads for tissue of mature leaves of any age as long as they are not senescent. Yo u may collect tissue in advance and store it at -20 °C or -80 °C for at least a year prior to prepping.
bio-protocol.org bio-protocol.org
Resuspension: Dissolve the pellet in 20-50 μl of TE buffer or nuclease free water. Vortex to dissolve if needed, and centrifuge briefly to collect any droplets to the bottom of the tube. Store DNA samples at -20 °C or -80 °C until used.Note: If the DNA pellet is not colorless or white post 70% ethanol wash, add 20-50 μl of TE buffer or nuclease-free water to resuspend the DNA without disturbing the pellet. Gently pipet the liquid a few times in the tube and collect the supernatant as DNA for downstream processes. Keep the pellet until DNA is quantified. Use the DNA for PCR-based detection, or store in freezer until used.
Wash the pellet: Pour out the supernatant, and remove remaining supernatant by tapping the tubes upside down on a paper towel. Add 200 μl of 70% ethanol, and centrifuge at 21,000 x gfor 5 min.Note: Consider local regulations for correct handling of isopropanol waste.
Precipitate: Transfer ca. 0.7 volume of supernatant into a new tube, add 0.85 volume of isopropanol (room temperature), and mix by inversion for 20 s. Centrifuge at 21,000 x g for 10 min.Note: Minimize transferring any debris while pipetting the supernatant.
Lysis and debris elimination: Incubate the samples in extraction buffer at 65 °C for 15 min. Vortex once during incubation. Centrifuge at 6,000 x g for 10 min.
bio-protocol.org bio-protocol.org
Add 30 μl ultrapure water or TE to the tube and let it stand for 10 min to dissolve the gDNA sample.Note: Dissolve the sample in ultrapure water for subsequent DNA sequencing. For long long-term storage, dissolvethe sample in 30 μl TE.
Add to the aqueous phase an equal volume of isopropyl alcohol. Mix by gently inverting the tubeand let it stand at -20 °C for at least 1 h. Centrifuge the sample at 12,000 x g for 15 min
Harvest 2-3 freshly picked pinnae (total wet mass: 10-20 mg) and grind in liquid nitrogen to fine powder using the thoroughly cooled mortar and pestle. And then transfer the powder into a tube.Note: All equipment should be fully cooled in liquid nitrogen during this procedure. Be careful not to let the liquid nitrogen dry while grinding, and the grinded tissue must remain frozen prior to extraction with CTAB solution. Accidental thawing may result in DNA degradation.
So unfortunately 1 step forward, 2 steps back.
www.protocols.io www.protocols.io
Fashion a shepherd's crook from a glass pipette over a flame, fish out the clump of DNA in one piece and gently swirl it in a separate conical filled with 70% ethanol for 1 minute.
Add 15 ul of CTAB buffer, plus 30 ul of beta-mercaptoethanol (BME), plus 200ul NEB Proteinase K (800 U / ml)
Grind 3.5 g of young tissue in liquid nitrogen with a mortar and pestle
www.protocols.io www.protocols.io
The DNA pellet does not dry and dissolved immediately in 300 μl 1xTE, pH 8.0 at 55°C for 10-20 minutes.
Discard supernatant and wash the pellet by adding 1.8 ml 70% ethanol, vortex thoroughly.
Transfer the entire clarified upper aqueous layer to a new 2 ml microcentrifuge tube which contains an equal or half volume of 2-propanol and vortex thoroughly.
Eppendorf Safe-Lock microcentrifuge tube with tissue sample and glass ball (6 mm) freeze at -80°C, grind in the MM300 Mixer Mill for 2 min at 30 Hz. Alternatively, grind the sample in lysis solution.
www.protocols.io www.protocols.io
In a 2 ml tube, add 800 uL of 1,5x CTAB and 1 ul of Beta-mercaptoethanol to the ground leaf material
Dissolve pallet in 1x TE (10 mM Tris, pH8, 1 mM EDTA)
Grind frozen plant material (100mg) in liquid Nitrogen
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
Step One:
Use Hypothes.is to annotate the poem. I have seeded the poem with questions and comments that you can reply to.
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. ‘COVID-19 and the Labor Market’. Accessed 6 October 2020. https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13737/.
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. ‘COVID-19 and the Labor Market’. Accessed 6 October 2020. https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13664/.
- Sep 2020
protocolexchange.researchsquare.com protocolexchange.researchsquare.com
Incubate 1-5 million cells in the labeling medium for 10 min at 37 ˚C. For adhesive cells, apply the labeling medium to the cell culture directly in dishes and incubate cells for 10 min at 37 ˚C. For suspension cells, suspend cells in the labeling medium and incubate them for 10 min at 37 ˚C.
Prepare 500 mM N3-kethoxal stock solution using DMSO. Then prepare the labeling medium by diluting the N3-kethoxal solution into pre-warmed (37 ˚C) cell culture medium to a final concentration of 5 mM. It is critical to pre-warm the medium to facilitate N3-kethoxal dissolution.
- Jul 2020
protocolexchange.researchsquare.com protocolexchange.researchsquare.com
When mice have reached their endpoint, euthanize them with a lethal injection of pentobarbital (i.p. 10 mg/kg).
Take one of the tubes stored at 4ºC and place the brain slices on a petri dish with 1X PBS. Mount the slices on a glass slide with a brush. A total of 3-6 slices can be mounted on a glass slide, depending on the size of the slices. Ensure that the slices are completely straight and not folded. Make sure to leave enough spaces in the edges for the liquid blocker marker. Allow to thoroughly dry.After slices have dried, draw a rectangle with liquid blocking marker to prevent leakage of solutions. Wash slices 6 times with PBS for 5 minutes. Prepare a blocking solution by adding 250 µL of goat serum, 50 µL of 10% Triton X and complete to a 5 mL volume using 1X PBS. Block slides for 30 min with the blocking solution. Aspirate the blocking solution and apply primary antibody (1:500 dilution, or the appropriate dilution for the antibody, in blocking solution). Let incubate overnight at 4ºC (or as appropriate for the antibody) with a wet paper towel to avoid desiccation.The following day aspirate the primary antibody. Wash slides three times with for 5 min with 1X PBS.CRITICAL STEP: once the slices are thoroughly adhered after the first drying step, do not allow slides to completely dry again because this can compromise the integrity of the tissue and the quality of the staining. Make sure to cover slides completely with the solution.Apply secondary antibody (1:500 dilution, or as appropriate, in blocking solution) and incubate for 2 hours at room temperature (or as appropriate) in a light shielded area with a wet paper towel to avoid desiccation.Aspirate the secondary antibody and wash three times with 1X PBS. This would be an appropriate time to apply DAPI or other water-soluble counterstains. For example, if this was an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model and labeling of amyloid plaques was desired, apply Methoxy-X04 diluted 1:250 in 1X PBS and incubate at room temperature for 15 minutes. Wash 2 times with 80% ethanol. Then, allow slides to thoroughly dry before mounting. Use a mounting medium of preference (we recommend Prolong Gold). Our images were acquired with a Zeiss LSM 710 Confocal, using fluorescently-labeled secondary antibodies (Figure 4).
The half brain stored in sucrose will be used for immunostaining. Extract the brain from the sucrose solution and add to a petri dish. Place the brain in a coronal or sagittal position inside the metallic cryotome holder with OCT compound as an adhesive. Let freeze inside the cryotome.CRITICAL STEP: the brain should be oriented straight and parallel to the blade in order to ensure correct slicing.If sections are used as serial sections prepare six tubes for a half brain, or if they will be stored as regions of interest label the tubes accordingly and fill them up with 1.7 mL of cryoprotection solution. Prepare cryoprotection solution by mixing 150 g of sucrose, 200 mL of 1X PBS, 150 mL of ethylene glycol, and complete to a final volume of 500 mL with 1X PBS. Store at 4ºC.Position the metallic holder into the cryotome. Start trimming the OCT adhesive until the brain appears. Start slicing the brain with a thickness of 30 µm, or as desired. Select each slice, submerge in PBS and alternate the storage of each slice into different tubes. This will ensure that a representation of the whole brain is stored on each tube.STOP POINT: Slices can be stored at 4ºC for as long as needed before mounting.
For RNA analysis, prepare a tube containing Trizol or a lysis buffer with an RNAase inhibitor of preference3.For protein extraction, prepare extraction buffer in a 50 mL conical tube containing 1 mM AESBF (or other appropriate proteinase inhibitors), 1 tablet of cOmplete and 2 mL of RIPA buffer and dilute 1:25 with 1X PBS.Place half brain inside a clean Dounce homogenizer and homogenize the brain with 500 uL of extraction buffer. Use small strokes to avoid bubbles. A total of 20-30 strokes should be enough to homogenize the tissue. With a pipette, transfer the homogenized tissue to an Eppendorf and keep on ice. Wash the homogenizer with MiliQ water between samples. Sonicate tubes on water for 10 minutes. Transfer samples to a 4ºC centrifuge, and centrifuge at 14000 rpm (table top centrifuge) for 30 min. Transfer the supernatant to a new tube and if desired, the pellet can be stored for further processing. If extracting protein or RNA from cerebral microvessels is of interest, follow this detailed protocol on extracting cerebral microvessels from cortex4 .After sample preparation:· Proceed with preferred protocol for protein measurement (Figure 2). We use Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit (ThermoFisher CAT No. 23225)· If performing RNA extraction, process samples as quickly as possible and clean all surfaces with RNAzap (ThermoFisher, CAT No. AM9780). Proceed with preferred protocol for RNA extraction. (Figure 3) CRITICAL STEP: The extraction and sectioning of the brain has to be performed as quickly as possible in order to ensure the least amount of RNA or protein degradation.
After perfusion with 1X PBS, the brain through the cranial window should look pale. Carefully remove the cranial window with forceps. Decapitate with scissors, then cut the muscles of the neck and the skin that covers the cranium. Insert the scissors through the foramen magnum, and gently start cutting the cranial bone, up to the rostral side.CAUTION: Take care to not damage the brain during this process.With forceps, remove the lateral bone flaps and expose the brain completely. Slide curved narrow forceps under the brain and carefully tilt it upward. When the brain is sufficiently loose, slide it out of the cranium with the help of the forceps and add to a clean petri dish sitting in an ice bath and wash the brain with ice cold 1X PBS to remove all hairs or other debris. With a clean razor blade, section the brain in half along the sagittal axis. With the help of curved forceps, carefully separate the cortex from the hippocampus (for more details see5) or dissect other brain regions are desired.Immerse one half (for immunostaining) in a tube containing 4% PFA and fix overnight at 4°C. After 24 hours, transfer the brain to a solution containing 30% sucrose. The other half or remaining brain sections can be snap freeze in liquid nitrogen or processed immediately for RNA or protein extraction.STOP POINT: If samples cannot be immediately processed, we recommend homogenizing the tissue immediately using a Dounce homogenizer (or other methods, such as bead mill) in the appropriate buffer, making sure to add RNAase or protease inhibitors depending on need, and then snap freeze and store at -80ºC.
Place the mouse on its back on a grate sitting on top of the rectangular bucket and tape the forelimbs and hindlimbs firmly to the grate. Perform a cut from below the ribs to the upper chest in order to expose the chest cavity. Attach hemostats to the ribs and retract in order to fully expose the heart. Insert a 21G needle attached to a perfusion pump containing 1X PBS into the left ventricle, and then perform a small cut in the right atrium. Start to pump 1X PBS to the mouse, until the fluid runs clear out of the cut in the right atrium. The liver changing from a deep red to a paler shade is an indicator of a good perfusion.CRITICAL STEP: further perfusion with 4% PFA should be avoided as half of the brain will be used for protein extraction and immunostaining results have shown significant improvement when skipping this step.
The extraction of blood is performed via cardiac puncture. Scruff the mouse from the back with the body hanging straight vertically. Insert a 22-25G needle with a 3 mL syringe just under the ribs at the body centerline. The needle should hit the heart approximately at the level of the elbow (Figure 1). Gently, withdraw the syringe plunger until blood starts to come out. If blood doesn’t come out, move the syringe slightly upwards or downwards until blood is readily withdrawn. A volume of 1-2 mL can be extracted with this technique. Do not apply additional back pressure until the blood has filled the syringe1,2.CRITICAL STEP: proper mouse restrain is important to ensure successful blood collection. This step needs to be done as fast as possible to ensure that vessels won’t collapse before the transcardial perfusion. CAUTION: applying too much back pressure can collapse the heart muscle thus interfering with the blood extraction.Rapidly transfer the blood to a vacutainer blood collection tube with EDTA. If the blood will be used for RNA extraction, apply three parts of Trizol LS per one part of blood, and process immediately or snap freeze for later processing. If the blood will sit for more than a minute in the syringe before transferring to a container with EDTA, then it may be advisable to add some EDTA to the syringe to coat the inside.STOP POINT: samples can be stored at -80ºC until further processing or can be processed fresh. Proceed to extract RNA with a preferred method.
- Jun 2020
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Kucharski, A. (n.d.). The pandemic playbook: A step-by-step guide to containing an outbreak. New Scientist. Retrieved June 17, 2020, from https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24632871-500-the-pandemic-playbook-a-step-by-step-guide-to-containing-an-outbreak/
- May 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Vaughan Bell en Twitter: “A brief guide for psychologists wanting to find research on the role of psychology relevant to COVID-19. You need to search for studies in the same way you search for studies normally. However, some pointers to sites and key words might be useful...” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved April 15, 2020, from https://twitter.com/vaughanbell/status/1242028124407242752
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Gollwitzer, A., Martel, C., Marshall, J., Höhs, J. M., & Bargh, J. A. (2020, May 5). Connecting Self-Reported Social Distancing to Real-World Behavior at the Individual and U.S. State Level. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/kvnwp
- Mar 2019
opentext.wsu.edu opentext.wsu.edu
involves a complex interaction of conscious and unconscious processes.
Ruiz, J. G., MD, Mintzer, M. J., MD, & Leipzig, R. M., MD, PhD. (2006) discuss the learning processes required to succeed in medical school. As of late, medical schools have implemented e-learning into their programs, which require many hours of study to appropriately learn material. "While e-learning should not be a substitute, it greatly compliments the learning process. -Ruiz, J. G., MD, Mintzer, M. J., MD, & Leipzig, R. M., MD, PhD. (2006)
opentext.wsu.edu opentext.wsu.edu
latent learning
Question: When observing a friend shoot a basketball, and you're waiting your turn, you are given the ball and told to shoot but its your first time. After you shoot, the ball goes in and you're bamboozled as to how this happened. What type of learning was applied?
Answer: Latent learning, which occurs when there is a reason to do a task.
Remember, the best way to teach a person or animal a behavior is to use positive reinforcement
Question: What is positive reinforcement, and what is an example from your own life?
Answer: the addition of a reward following a behavior. An example of my personal life, would be earning money when mowing my parents yard without being asked.
Why is shaping needed?
An interesting TED talks about this can be found at:
In his operant conditioning experiments, Skinner often used an approach called shaping
Question: What is shaping, and what is its purpose when learning?
Answer: Shaping is the process where you are rewarded through small steps that lead to the end goal of learning an objective. Its purpose is to learn the process of systems in a learning objective one small portion at a time.
In discussing operant conditioning, we use several everyday words—positive, negative, reinforcement, and punishment—in a specialized manner. In operant conditioning, positive and negative do not mean good and bad
Swanberg, A. B. (2010) discusses the positive and negative effects of personality traits in her" article. This applies directly to operant conditioning because once we have displayed certain traits in the classroom, or not showing up to the classroom, we begin to see the effects of operant conditioning. Once our grades start to slip, we will most likely become aware and not skip anymore, thus proves operant learning. Swanberg, A. B. (2010) states that "that there is a correlation between conscientiousness and academics."
At WSU, you can learn more from operant learning at their lab, found at:
opentext.wsu.edu opentext.wsu.edu
There are specific steps in the process of modeling that must be followed if learning is to be successful.
This simple fact is well portrayed in Steffens, K. (2006) article about self imposed learning, and what it takes to be successful at it. The link between the two isn't necessarily observing, but rather observing and then applying what we have learned. Steffens, K. (2006) writes beautifully regarding the potential for learning simply from observing and applying TELE systems.
An additional resource and example of this can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YIWd8Hx26A
It was then that Claire knew she wanted to discipline her children in a different manner.
Darling-Hammond, L., & Richardson, N. (2009) have explained this theory of observational learning well in their article, which explains teachers observing higher educators from test groups and their teaching methods. While observing it was said that "an understanding came for teaching effectively, but maybe not meeting learning standards." Darling-Hammond, L., & Richardson, N. (2009).
An example resource of this found at WSU can be located at,
- Sep 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
I believe people in sometimes feel they have no voice are say. There are pathways were people try there best to find change and still see no result i believe to have to change we have to write congress men and people in the government letters to how we may feel. We must be aware together but, its better sometimes to be the odd person out the bunch. It takes one person doing something different to see results.
- Jul 2018
Local file Local file
Step 7:
Secure the railing into the smaller holes using one 110853. Consult the graph for clarifications.
Step 8:
Flip the board over to secure the other railing. Consult the graph for clarifications.
Step 29:
Finally, pull out the railing previously installed and slide the drawers in. Secure the drawers onto the railing using 1 105021 on each sides. Consult the graph for proper alignment.
Step 27:
Secure the 2 122166 into the board with slight dent using 2 109534 screws with a Phillip-Head screwdriver. Consult the graph for proper orientation.
Step 28:
Slide the piece into place with previously attached anchor piece. The piece is secured when you head a click.
Step 25:
Insert the 4 101345 studs into the boards with appropriate pre-drilled holes.
Step 26:
Attach the boards to the desk, next to the circular cutouts.
Step 24:
Flip the desk to the upright position. Insert the 2 123603/112818 into the circular cutouts.
Step 22:
Align the base of the desk with the previously assembled piece. Consult the graph for proper orientation.
Step 23:
Secure the legs into the main frame using 7 100218. Consult the graph for proper alignment.
Step 20:
Flip the frame over and align the legs with the frame as shown in the graph.
Step 21:
Insert the legs into the frame.
Step 18: It is time to assemble the legs of the desk. Attach the bar as shown. Please note, the cutout should face upwards.
Step 19:
Secure the legs by firmly pushing down the insertions.
Step 17:
Place the desk surface on the studs previously inserted. The two holes should face away from the opening of drawers. Secure the surface by screwing the 1 100218 into the pre-drilled hole using the 100001 tool provided with your package. Consult the graph for proper alignment.
Step 15:
Secure piece assembled in the previous step using the 4 102509 with a Flat-Head screwdriver. Consult the graph for proper alignment.
Step 16:
Insert the 8 101345 studs into the pre-drilled holes.
Step 13:
Attach the side panels to the back panel by using 4 101345 studs. Consult the graph for proper alignment.
Step 14:
Attach the previously assembled piece into the underside of the desk using 4 101345 studs. Consult the graph for proper alignment.
Step 11:
Now for the side panels of the desk. Secure the railing using 2 110853 into the smaller pre-drilled holes. Consult the graph for clarification.
Step 12:
Secure the 2 124639 into the back panel of the desk using a Phillip-Head screwdriver. Consult the graph for proper alignment.
Step 9:
Secure the piece we previously assembled into the underside of the desk using 2 101345 studs.
Step 10:
Screw 2 102509 into the larger pre-drilled holes using a Flat-Head screwdriver.
Step 5:
Secure the back panel of the drawer by sliding one side in first. There are 2 110519 for each side, secure them by hand or a hammer.
Step 6:
Screw 100481 using a Phillip-Head screwdriver into the underside of the desk. Make sure they are secured in the top-most and bottom-most positions.
Step 3:
Secure the two 103114 pieces into the side panels, using a Flat-Head screwdriver. Consult the graph for clarification of corresponding pieces.
Step 4:
Slide in the base of the drawer, please note that the edge with the cutout should face the front panel of the drawer, as shown in the graph.
Step 1:
There are two drawers inside the ALEX desk, we are going to assemble them first. Secure the two 118331 screw inside pre-drilled holes farther away from the cutout of the front panel of the drawer with a Phillip-Head screwdriver in a clockwise motion, consult the graph for clarification of screws used.
Step 2:
Connect the side pieces of the drawer by inserting the two 101345 studs into the remaining holes in the front panel.