- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Deep Humanity BEing journeys - David Eagleman - sensory technologies - constructed reality - sensory substitution - David Eagleman
summary - Neuroscientist David Eagleman is best known for his sensory substitution experiments and the development of a consumer electronic watch-type device that can translate sounds into vibration. - His research work shows how much of our reality is constructed - His new device from his company, Neosensory has enabled deaf people to construct a richer reality with the new signals the device is conveying to the deaf user - It brings up deep philosophical questions of what is the world if we can continue sensing the world in new ways? - If we can expand our unwelt in so many ways, are we opening the door to transhumanism? And if so, would this create a new kind of inequality? There are many ethical questions this technology raises. - Sensory substitution technology can be excellent technology for Deep Humanity BEing journeys
I think there are you know literally hundreds or thousands of discoveries to be made quite accidentally like that just from walking around with an infrared detector ultraviolet and it's not that people don't have cool stuff set up in Labs I mean it's not like we've never seen an UltraViolet or infrared but doing it as a citizen scientist and just walking around in the world I think we'll pick up on lots of stuff
for - sensory substitution - citizen science - David Eagleman
when it comes to for example people who are deaf there's a learning curve everything has this learning curve to it but when it came to blind people understanding three-dimensional space there was Zero learning curve they immediately got it immediately
for - philosophical question - Immanuel Kant - question - can blind people detect 3D space? - Sensory substitution experiment answer is yes - Neosensory - David Eagleman
an early one that we did but was with drone Pilots so we're feeding in the pitch yaw roll heading and orientation of the Drone as the pilot is flying around so it's like he's become one with the Drone
for - sensory substitution for Drone pilots - oh oh military applications in wars like Ukraine!
you can feel that as you're walking around you can feel that data on your wrist
for - sensory substitution - like a new interoception - new exterocepation - feel the data
what we're doing is feeding in real-time data from the stock market he's making buy and sell decisions and we're seeing if he can come to have a better sense of the economic movements of of the planet
for - idea - question - sensory substitution - can we make a sensory substitution for climate change impacts?
prosthetic leg um you have a very difficult time walking because obviously you're not getting any smata Sensation from the leg so we just just put in pressure and angle sensors o sorry we put in pressure and angle sensors and then the person can feel uh what the leg is doing and um an
for - BEing journey - The Buzz - sensory substitution - for detecting somatic pressure and angle from artificial leg - Neosensory - David Eagleman
a lot of people as they get older their vestibular function diminishes and they can't tell when they're tilting they can't tell when they're off axis and the problem is then they end up falling and they break a hip and they end up in the hospital and then things go downhill so um we just we built a little um you know a n axis uh motion detector and IMU and we can tell where they are axis wise and and when they're tilted we just tell them and they feel it on their wrist
for - BEing journey - The Buzz - sensory substitution - for detecting tilting in older people - prevent falls from losing balance - Neosensory - David Eagleman
you know play tones you feel the buzz and uh and after eight weeks it's driven the tenus down it it's not a cure people don't H have a lack of tenus but it's clinically very significant
for - tinnitus - mitigation via the Clarify - sensory substitution - vibrate at the same time as the sound - to decrease amplitude of tinnitus - Neosensory - David Eagleman
we made this thing called the clarify for people with high frequency hearing loss
for - BEing journey - consumer electronic device - the Clarify - sensory substitution - auditory to vibration compensation - for high frequency hearing loss in older people - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- sensory substitution - The Clarify - Performs better than conventional hearing aids - Neosensory - David Eagleman
The Buzz for deafness
for - BEing journey - consumer electronic device - The Buzz - sensory substitution device - auditory to vibration - for deaf people - Neosensory - David Eagleman - The Buzz - 100x cheaper than cochlear implant surgery - being used around the globe
all deaf people that I've met so far are surprised that microwaves make beeps or your car blinker makes a clicking sound you these are just things they didn't know and so there's all kinds of stuff they're picking up on
for - sensory substitution - opens up new universe of experiences for deaf people - David Eagleman
when you hear something you know your eardrum is vibrating that goes your CIA stuff happens ships off to your brain but it's all happening in here and yet you believe you hear the dog out there and it turns out the same thing happens after about half a year of wearing this
for - sensory substitution - after 6 month - signal on skin - sounds like there is an external source of sound - same thing happens with our ear - David Eagleman
it's a linear increase in performance and the reason I mentioned that is because as probably know that's the signature of unconscious learning
for - insight - linear increase in performance - indicates unconscious learning - David Eagleman - sensory substitution
- The Buzz - 100x cheaper than cochlear implant surgery - being used around the globe
- BEing journey - The Buzz - sensory substitution - for detecting somatic pressure and angle from artificial leg - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- sensory substitution - like a new interoception - new exterocepation - feel the data
- idea - question - sensory substitution - can we make a sensory substitution for climate change impacts?
- BEing journey - consumer electronic device - The Buzz - sensory substitution device - auditory to vibration - for deaf people - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- sensory substitution - citizen science - David Eagleman
- philosophical question - Immanuel Kant - question - can blind people detect 3D space? - Sensory substitution experiment answer is yes - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- sensory substitution - opens up new universe of experiences for deaf people - David Eagleman
- sensory substitution - after 6 month - signal on skin - sounds like there is an external source of sound - same thing happens with our ear - David Eagleman
- - transhumanism - sensory substitution - unwelt
- sensory substitution for Drone pilots - oh oh military applications in wars like Ukraine!
- BEing journey - consumer electronic device - the Clarify - sensory substitution - auditory to vibration compensation - for high frequency hearing loss in older people - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- Deep Humanity BEing journeys - David Eagleman - sensory technologies
- Deep Humanity BEing journeys
- sensory substitution - The Clarify - Performs better than conventional hearing aids - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- constructed reality - sensory substitution - David Eagleman
- tinnitus - mitigation via the Clarify - sensory substitution - vibrate at the same time as the sound - to decrease amplitude of tinnitus - Neosensory - David Eagleman
- Deep Humanity BEing journeys - sensory substitution technologies - David Eagleman
- insight - linear increase in performance - indicates unconscious learning - David Eagleman - sensory substitution
- BEing journey - The Buzz - sensory substitution - for detecting tilting in older people - prevent falls from losing balance - Neosensory - David Eagleman
play.google.com play.google.com
for - BEing journey - sensory substitution - visual to auditory - The vOICe Android app - from - search - Google - google play the vOICEe visual to auditory from - search - Google - google play the vOICEe visual to auditory - ghttps://hyp.is/KU2PuJ2PEe-XesNTfrguIQ/www.google.com/search?q=google+play+the+vOICEe+visual+to+auditory&sca_esv=53a8ca786e59126d&sxsrf=ADLYWIJoqIizFiTxAfm09a65hUuKEgKq_g:1731042142105&ei=XpstZ8-RBoSdhbIP9f3VkA4&ved=0ahUKEwjPuOK_-suJAxWETkEAHfV-FeIQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=google+play+the+vOICEe+visual+to+auditory&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiKWdvb2dsZSBwbGF5IHRoZSB2T0lDRWUgdmlzdWFsIHRvIGF1ZGl0b3J5MgcQIRigARgKMgcQIRigARgKSLZMUKgLWPtDcAF4AZABAJgB1QOgAZ5VqgEGMy0yNi40uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIfoALGVcICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAg0QABiABBiwAxhDGIoFwgIOEAAYgAQYkQIYsQMYigXCAhEQABiABBiRAhixAxiDARiKBcICCBAAGIAEGLEDwgIFEAAYgATCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFwgIKEAAYgAQYFBiHAsICBhAAGBYYHsICCBAAGBYYChgewgIHEAAYgAQYDcICCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFwgIIEAAYgAQYogTCAggQABgWGB4YD8ICBhAhGBUYCsICBBAhGAqYAwCIBgGQBgqSBwgxLjMtMjUuNaAHlZsB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
www.google.com www.google.com
for - umwelt - sensory substitution - visual to auditory - V2A - David Eagleman - from - webcast - Michael Levin - Can we create new senses for humans? - interview - David Eagleman - https://hyp.is/BHS6up09Ee-1qefERFpeQg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCvFgrpfNGM - to - Google Play - Android app -
medium.com medium.com
The vOICe is the most practical and widely used, clearly demonstrated by its 100k+ downloads and around 1300 current active users on Android only.
for - BEing journey - sensory substitution - visual-to-auditory (V2A) - Android app - The vOICe - to - Android app - The vOICe - https://hyp.is/T8YlEJ0_Ee-jKFfo0TcpWQ/medium.com/mindsoft/translating-vision-into-sound-443b7e01eced
Visual-to-auditory (V2A) sensory substitution devices are designed to convert images to sound.
for - BEing journey - sensory substitution - visual-to-auditory (V2A)
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Harmonic substitution—Harmonic substitution consists of changing the qualityof a chord, that is to say altering one or several notes of the infrastructure. Themost common use of this rule produces secondary dominants: in sequencesbased on fifth relations expressed by functional degrees (I-IV-vii-iii-vi-ii-V-I),this consists of transforming any of the chords preceding V (except IV), that isto say either vii, iii, vi, or ii (all chords with minor thirds) into a seventh chord:
www.thejazzpianosite.com www.thejazzpianosite.com
Jazz Reharmonization
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Jazz musicians often use different harmonic substitutions to modify the content of diatonicprogressions. The most common harmonic modifications of the Imaj 7 –vi 7 –ii 7 –V 7progression involve the use of secondary dominant chords (V7/X), and tritone substitutions(TR/X 7). Figure 13.5 demonstrates these substitutions using Model III of harmonicrealization.The secondary dominant 7ths A7 and D7 are analyzed with two different Roman numerallabels VI7 and V 7/ii, and II 7 and V 7/V, which can be used interchangeably. The tritonesubstitutions, E≤7 and D≤7, also use two Roman numerals, ≤III7 and TR/VI7, and ≤II7and TR/V7, respectively
The ii7–V7–Imaj7 progression constitutes the perfect vehicle to introduce one of the mostimportant features of jazz harmony: the tritone substitution, notated as TR/X 7. Thetritone substitution has its theoretical origins in the equal or symmetrical division of theoctave. This substitution is associated with the dominant 7th chord and capitalizes oninversional invariance of the tritone inherent to the dominant 7th formation.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
docdrop.org docdrop.orgJazz1
harmonic substitutions
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Xuereb, S., Kim, H. S., Clark, L., & Wohl, M. (2020). Substitution behaviors among casino gamblers during COVID-19 precipitated casino closures. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/fvnmb
- Nov 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The first indication of a change in weather was the sudden collapse of the market for specialized AI hardware in 1987. Desktop computers from Apple and IBM had been steadily gaining speed and power and in 1987 they became more powerful than the more expensive Lisp machines made by Symbolics and others. There was no longer a good reason to buy them. An entire industry worth half a billion dollars was demolished overnight.
- Mar 2018