64 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. However, with verifiable credentials in a Solid Pod, the university issues some information stating that a student completed a course and cryptography signs that information. This is a verifiable credential. They then pass that credential to the student who stores it in their Solid Personal Online Datastore (Pod). When the student wants to apply for a job, all they need to do is grant access to the credential so the company can read it. The company can confirm that the credential isn’t faked because its cryptographically signed by the university.
    1. If all human data were structured in one massive knowledge-graph (a global knowledge graph), we could unlock this potential. Fortunately, Solid is that knowledge graph.
    2. Today, data is abundant, but for the most part, unusable. Seventy percent of a data scientist’s job is just cleansing data. The modern software architecture encourages data to be hoarded only accessible through proprietary APIs. And, even with proprietary APIs the market for data integrations is expected to grow to a trillion dollars by the end of the decade. When humanity is spending the GDP of Indonesia just so that the data in System X can work with the data in System Y, the field of software engineering has failed us. So much data - data that could be used by new startups and nonprofits that couldn’t exist today - goes unused because it’s so difficult to access.
  2. Apr 2024
    1. Not sure what to make of this, a combination of Solid Pods and AP, with Solid being the data storage. Meaningless refs to data ownership (you don't own your data on Fedi, you've spread it to 100s of servers around the globe with each message. You don't even have control over the database you use in your client, unless self-hosted. You can move, without your messages.) It's just that nobody afayk mines the stuff for adtech. And data ownership doesn't legally exist in most parts of the world. So what is the purpose of Solid here, if you store recipes and ephemeral socmed messages in it? Just that it's there so you can skip having to build the database part of an AP server / client combo? So that everyone can run their personal instance with something that can also do other things? It doesn't say but that would be a potential step up (assuming people know how to run a solid pod that is).

  3. Jul 2023
    1. In fact, only 2.3% of the serous and none of 24 mucinous carcinomas harbored somatic PIK3CA mutations compared with 20% of the endometrioid and clear cell ovarian cancers indicating that the major histologic subtypes such as serous, endometrioid, clear cell and mucinous may arise through different pathways.

      test for SDGC

  4. Jun 2023
  5. Mar 2023
  6. Jan 2023
  7. Dec 2022
  8. Nov 2022
  9. whyineedtofillusername.github.io whyineedtofillusername.github.io
    1. Inbox is an application built for a diploma thesis to showcase work with Linked Data Notifications, Activity Streams and ActivityPub, using Solid pod as data provider.
  10. Jul 2022
    1. A Solid Social Knowledge GraphBy networked these second brains together via the Fediverse, the MyHub.ai toolkit creates a distributed Social Knowledge Graph for each Hub Editor.

  11. Jun 2022
    1. Tim Berners-Lee solid initiative

      Solid Initiative

      Solid creates interoperable ecosystems of applications and data

      Data stored in Solid Pods can power ecosystems of interoperable applications where individuals are free to use their data seamlessly across different applications and services.

      Solid Project

  12. Apr 2022
  13. Jan 2022
    1. Own your data, all of it. Apps that let you control your data.


      • an app in which your data stays with you
      • you control where the data is stored
      • no spam, no captcha, no sign up, no passwords, bring your own identity
      • using open protocols for flexibility and interoperability
      • do what you want with your data at any time
      • your data is accessible forever even if the app stops working
  14. Dec 2021
    1. dokieli is a clientside editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations and social interactions.
  15. Jun 2021
    1. But here's the twist. That edit window is wired to your personal cloud. That's where your words land. Then you syndicate your words back to the site you're posting to.

      This is more or less how linked data notifications work. (And Solid, of course, goes beyond that.)

    1. Apps that allow one to own/control their own data. Many apps work with [[Fission]] and [[Solid]].

      This may be one of the first places that I've seen multiple apps that appear to actually run Solid. Will have to dig further to see if it's not vaporware.

  16. May 2021
    1. Draft notes, E-mail, plans, source code, to-do lists, what have you

      The personal nature of this information means that users need control of their information. Tim Berners-Lee's Solid (Social Linked Data) project) looks like it could do some of this stuff.

  17. Dec 2020
    1. And then there was what Lanier calls “data dignity”; he once wrote a book about it, called Who Owns the Future? The idea is simple: What you create, or what you contribute to the digital ether, you own.

      See Tim Berners-Lee's SOLID project.

  18. Nov 2020
    1. This is not an issue related to using a virtual DOM. Plenty of non VDOM libraries have solved this. Imba and Solid come to mind.
  19. Oct 2020
    1. Solid is similar to remoteStorage in that it allows apps and services (including unhosted web apps) to store the user's data under the user's control.
  20. Jul 2020
  21. Jun 2020
    1. Slightly on a tangent, but https://github.com/hypothesis/h/issues/777 could be a good target for https://solidproject.org/ to address. The Web Annotation Vocabulary is defined in RDF, so there should be zero overhead.

      yes SOLID would be a neat backend for w3c annotations

  22. May 2020
  23. Jan 2020
  24. Oct 2019
    1. This can become messy when you have a lot of configurations in your Entity. Another issue is that your annotations are coupled to your source code. Your database implementations details, or any other configurations are coupled to your domain object. This goes against the guidelines of clean code. Your domain object (Entity) should only have one reason to change.

      Thank you for saying that loud.

  25. Oct 2018
    1. Recent reviews on DFT may be found in Jones and Gunnarsson (1989) and Dreizler andGross (1990)

      This is before the PAW method came along (Blochl '94), so probably nothing method-specific.

  26. Sep 2018
  27. Jul 2018
    1. For now, the Solid technology is still new and not ready for the masses. But the vision, if it works, could radically change the existing power dynamics of the Web. The system aims to give users a platform by which they can control access to the data and content they generate on the Web. This way, users can choose how that data gets used rather than, say, Facebook and Google doing with it as they please. Solid’s code and technology is open to all—anyone with access to the Internet can come into its chat room and start coding.
  28. Mar 2018