5,188 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. NP_000208.2

      THis is not the correct value - it should be GRCh38/hg38 until a new assembly is released.

    2. Functional

      Implement the search among our variants, which would be classified as "functional"

    3. Affected Domain

      Generate this image.

    4. (PubMed:19903818, PubMed:8845167)

      Write a small script that turns these into little link icons (similar to the one in the related variants panel) and populates it with the pubmed link.

    5. Ensembl Gene

      Add the ensembl transcript version as well.

    6. dbSNP

      Try to get this out of VEP output.

    7. genome

      This should be Reference sequence, rather than "genome"

    8. Coordinate

      Get this from the list of variants file

    9. Structure

      Update the gene_list.csv file such that it chooses the right PDB name from the uniprot annotations - sometimes there are more than one, so the script must look for the most complete structure, if that exists.

    1. Substitution

      Make sure this pre-selects possible mutations from the list file.

    1. for - post - LinkedIn - Nafeez Ahmed - Elon Musk is a Trojan horse in Republican Party - Story in Byline Times from Silicon Valley Whistleblowers - to Byline Times - Silicon Valley Whistleblowers - Elon Musk - https://hyp.is/DgWYiueMEe-G1jNnlM9BGg/bylinetimes.com/2025/02/07/silicon-valley-whistleblowers-warn-elon-musk-hijacking-republicans-to-control-entire-us-government/ - Byline Times - Silicon Valley Whistleblowers Warn Elon Musk ‘Hijacking’ Republicans to Control Entire US Government - Nafeez Ahmed

    1. “I’m leaving and I’m never coming back,” I say while putting on my coat. I use my mother’saggrieved, underappreciated tone. The little brown dog transfers her gaze from me to the table, thelast place she remembers seeing toast. The Labrador, who understands English, begins howlingmiserably. She wins the toast sweepstakes and is chewing loudly when I leave, the little dog barkingferociously at her.

      1st read through, saw this as odd. but after reading it again, its hinting at the response being more important for the dogs. A concurrent theme throughout the story.

    1. To destabilize the current society and accelerate the fall of liberalism, some Silicon Valley protagonists like Peter Thiel finance extreme rightwing media and actors.

      for - quote - To destabilize the current society and accelerate the fall of liberalism, some Silicon Valley protagonists like Peter Thiel finance extreme rightwing media and actors - SOURCE - article - Guido Palazzo

    2. Longterminism has its own research institute in Oxford and is financially supported by Thiel, Bezos, Musk and other relevant libertarians.

      for - longterminism - libertarianism - to - Guardian article - ‘Eugenics on steroids’: the toxic and contested legacy of Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute - 2024, Apr 28. - Future of Life Institute closes down! - https://hyp.is/R3wU4uYEEe-MwW8DKwDeoQ/www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/apr/28/nick-bostrom-controversial-future-of-humanity-institute-closure-longtermism-affective-altruism

    1. Hello there. My name is Louq. Im going to use hypothes.is for my annotations.

      If you are reading this. Congrats, welcome to hypothes.is. You may explore my blog if you want to see more. Happy annotating!

  2. Feb 2025
    1. Activate the H5P plugin

      once H5P chapter is reviewed, add link to the (not yet existing) section "Active the H5P plugin"

  3. Jan 2025
    1. for - Attending to attention and intention - from - search - Google - interesting results returned - word similiarity attention intention - https://hyp.is/efl1Et-2Ee-plyeK0BERqA/www.google.com/seairch?q=word+similiarity+attention+intention&oq=word+similiarity+attention+intention&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEIOTYwNmowajSoAgCwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 - to - search - Google - etymology intention - comment - Nice diagram showing attention and intention - I learned etymological relationship - attention is stretching towards ( an object) - intention is stretching out - because I did not understand "stretch out", it triggered a search for - "etymology intention"

    1. We’ve always advocated that our AI processes are orders of magnitude inefficient.

      read this paper. AI improvements

    1. M. Chirimuuta

      for - from - Chapter 9 of book - The Brain Abstracted: Simplification in the History and Philosophy of Neuroscience - M. Chirimuuta - 2024 - https://hyp.is/Ne0vsN8TEe-0gKfJ_-CHFQ/watermark.silverchair.com/c008400_9780262378628.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAA1AwggNMBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggM9MIIDOQIBADCCAzIGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMQiuxj5ADRMKA_9kUAgEQgIIDA4n2hqWRY4iDrmrcDrCx6YjsLiXeoqGBMrezs_kymEj3y1Jqh_UlW5WfGUNhBfTC5IpUGikuqBzjC9_UepW_n-SIy8wOnvMB8W08sihzohH-Dzof0oothB7tfYDAZJe04dVrYtUetmqDpi53kj_LaU6h3UNR9ZZpc8KFqtL_0IGhnMT8wvJiknRHbD-SXDTiVAFAzRGKqckrbrrm4KDfIjCpbBRa1QaRVoTIgo0Kwp4J8Mb9KNA0czcYDBkL4vjLBNZY-a0VdIJlYAzbyHeLOtugVKGmq1Lfu8K1zMNEi6HMthJDxRx9Kmv3Jbgy0hi7_dcwkURYj4VuBDU24DihiwMlXYgkl3uAop9jwd-fvlbExhBUD_FoR4kmq4iegAr62meXal4dvA2BwJIv_zISyqP3ez4LEZZpGp1r3OCq1bK4r-ono7w0h3VOCkBXq2BWUy4lb2Norec7yGcWxYLf3bvMJyxxRVKjcpV4us6IlDg6bLE5a2YCp9uh8vdZC_YjH-bkHUnxIapqN4D1iCvRUhtG9mvlnx4PBPZPUSTKEf9AxvVOp2nST27YGVUbKU8Qq6J6y5hD7vhTqx9-YjinBxOw2FH_hVL1ZgDSpO-glVzORMJRI1WYUz_w7Kfc3eG3OBVB6amY7_FULAqhtICn_N1Xao-hAFAkfIEk0MMQd0XkGIMtsRKUL_5Rhzw_kGnHMnWFCCVdlt1LKGvkDqo_0kxYB1aKEUiykx8nsmZOksso2VCRTXBhBMcsrDmOpBM4zKPpbi0qfRwPEJmQ2JkhNoVFhSJvdmJ8yoAd4ZH6i--LohA_TCmrD-wE6hjCDrmm9VbwYqyLXslzulCS_9IQBG9k_jMZ5doqutYbJs6UrpWHcYqKeT0HKbzPWGp3uMmDTvs-YUyUkmwTxH7GTlaNC5eUJ64sQt7-GhcqbPq30Pe5tLvX2ztPyln1uiuH9GBY_RiXWR2JMmYz46Kue3Iu35mJCKpfNWTO-z41USYMNMMjlB0jgsUGT0BzedInF9UvZ31M9Q - to - pdf of book - The Brain Abstracted: Simplification in the History and Philosophy of Neuroscience - M. Chirimuuta - 2024

    1. for - Youtube -Right way to eat sugar - No inflammation - health - diet - how to minimize insulin spike when eating sugar - Dr. Anshul Gupta M.D. 2024 Nov

      summary - combine with protein or good faats to slow down sugar release - exercise 15 minutes after eating sugar - eat in the morning, not the evening - eat small portions - stevia and monkfruit are the only sugar substitutes

    1. he is the most powerful person in the world himself he is the elite of all Elites so this elitist cabal if there were one he'd be a part of it right and and that's what breaks down their framework If there really were this deep state globalist cabal

      for - youtube - Trump's Epstein Problem just got much worse! - polycrisis - misinformation - conspiracy theory - inconsistency with Trump now in power - If Deep State cabal existed and had all this power, why allow Trump to win? - Luke Beasley - 2025, Jan 30

    1. Modular development is a significant advantage of Angular development services. In this instance, mobile applications are separated into manageable, compact pieces. Developers may now create apps with disparate components that function as a whole. It makes debugging and development easier.

      Learn how Angular can enhance your mobile app development, offering powerful features for seamless cross-platform applications. Explore the benefits of using angular for mobile app development, from scalability to easy integration with other tools, and why it’s a top choice for developers.

    1. The success factors of startups can vary depending on the development stage of the company. As the organization moves into the startup phase, the strategy, core team expertise and diversified knowledge become crucial. Various models have been proposed to understand the factors that contribute to the success of startups at different stages of their development. These models provide insights into the seed startup process, organization creation and exchange with the market [18,60]. It is important to note that the success factors in one phase may not necessarily guarantee success in other phases [67]. Additionally, the choice of financing sources for startups varies depending on their lifecycle stage and financial requirements [50]

      Success factors for startups evolve through their lifecycle, requiring adaptability and strategic shifts at each stage. It would be quite interesting to see this study [50] that looks into different financing sources based on the startup lifecycle page.

    1. View and Restore Previous Revisions Pressbooks saves the last 10 revisions of any changes you’ve made for each of the three separate stylesheets. You can access these revisions on the Custom Styles page below the save button. To view or restore a previous version of one of your stylesheets: Click the date stamp for the revision you’d like to view to open the Compare Revisions interface for a particular stylesheet Find the revision you’d like to restore from and click the ‘Restore This Revision‘ button

      This could be a separate chapter (or included in the Editor chapter)

    1. Meeting Diverse Learning Needs - Accessibility and Accommodations. Las Positas College is committed to creating a teaching and learning environment that facilitates equitable access and helps ensure academic success for all students. As current and future teachers, we all must think about how best to support each of our students and their learning processes.

      I can personally experience that Las Positas College not only provides stuents with equal opportuities for admission ,but also requires students to practice such educational philosophy throughout their academic journey in the college.

    2. These can be helpful for you, but there are also serious concerns. • Ai can change the authenticity of your writing, turning into a “voice” that is not your own. For example, Grammarly often changes my word choices so they don’t sound like something I’d actually say. That goes beyond just checking grammar. • It can definitely lead to plagiarism, basically creating something that is not from you. • The information is often incorrect or made up, for example citing resources that don’t actually exist.

      This resonates with me, so I think after I use grammar correction, I still need to go back and check my writing to express my ideas in a way that suits my style and tone.

    1. Join Our Monthly Newsletter !function(o,t,e,a) { o._aoForms=o._aoForms||[],o._aoForms.push(a); var n=function() { var o=t.createElement(e); o.src="https://info.eco.ca/acton/content/form_embed.js", o.async=!0; for(var a=t.getElementsByTagName(e)[0],n=a.parentNode,c=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),r=!1,s=0;s<c.length;s++) { if(c[s].getAttribute("src")==o.getAttribute("src"))r=!0; } r ? typeof(_aoFormLoader) != "undefined" ? _aoFormLoader.load({id:"848d016b-1834-4191-98c4-2e9c48ba54a2:d-0034",accountId:"42902",domain:"info.eco.ca",isTemp:false,noStyle:false,prefill:false}) : "" : n.insertBefore(o,a) }; window.attachEvent ? window.attachEvent("onload",n) : window.addEventListener("load",n,!1),n() } (window,document,"script",{id:"848d016b-1834-4191-98c4-2e9c48ba54a2",accountId:"42902",domain:"info.eco.ca",isTemp:false,noStyle:false,prefill:false}); wp.i18n.setLocaleData( { 'text direction\u0004ltr': [ 'ltr' ] } ); ( function( domain, translations ) { var localeData = translations.locale_data[ domain ] || translations.locale_data.messages; localeData[""].domain = domain; wp.i18n.setLocaleData( localeData, domain ); } )( "default", {"translation-revision-date":"2024-11-04 22:51:08+0000","generator":"GlotPress\/4.0.1","domain":"messages","locale_data":{"messages":{"":{"domain":"messages","plural-forms":"nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;","lang":"en_CA"},"Notifications":["Notifications"]}},"comment":{"reference":"wp-includes\/js\/dist\/a11y.js"}} ); var gform_i18n = {"datepicker":{"days":{"monday":"Mo","tuesday":"Tu","wednesday":"We","thursday":"Th","friday":"Fr","saturday":"Sa","sunday":"Su"},"months":{"january":"January","february":"February","march":"March","april":"April","may":"May","june":"June","july":"July","august":"August","september":"September","october":"October","november":"November","december":"December"},"firstDay":1,"iconText":"Select date"}}; var gf_legacy_multi = []; var gform_gravityforms = {"strings":{"invalid_file_extension":"This type of file is not allowed. 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var(--gf-field-img-choice-check-ind-icon-size-md);--gf-field-pg-steps-number-color: rgba(17, 35, 55, 0.8);} "*" indicates required fields .ao2gf-848d016b-1834-4191-98c4-2e9c48ba54a2 { font-size: 11pt; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; background-image: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto; background-position: center center; .ao2gf-848d016b-1834-4191-98c4-2e9c48ba54a2.ao2gf input, .ao2gf textarea, .ao2gf select{ background-color: #FFFFFF; border-color: #CCCCCC; border-width: 1px; color: ; font-size: inherit; font-family: inherit; } .ao2gf-848d016b-1834-4191-98c4-2e9c48ba54a2.ao2gf input:focus, .ao2gf textarea:focus, .ao2gf select:focus{ border-color: #3B99FC; } .ao2gf-848d016b-1834-4191-98c4-2e9c48ba54a2.ao2gf input.ao2gf-error, .ao2gf textarea.ao2gf-error, .ao2gf select.ao2gf-error{ border-color: #FF0000; border-width: 1px; } .ao2gf-848d016b-1834-4191-98c4-2e9c48ba54a2.ao2gf span.ao2gf-error-message{ color: #FF0000; font-size: 11px; } .ao2gf-848d016b-1834-4191-98c4-2e9c48ba54a2.ao2gf ::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: darkgrey; font-size: inherit; font-family: inherit; text-align: inherit; } .ao2gf-848d016b-1834-4191-98c4-2e9c48ba54a2.ao2gf ::-moz-placeholder { color: darkgrey; font-size: inherit; font-family: inherit; text-align: inherit; } .ao2gf-848d016b-1834-4191-98c4-2e9c48ba54a2.ao2gf :-ms-input-placeholder { color: darkgrey; font-size: inherit; font-family: inherit; text-align: inherit; } .ao2gf-848d016b-1834-4191-98c4-2e9c48ba54a2.ao2gf :-moz-placeholder { color: darkgrey; font-size: inherit; font-family: inherit; text-align: inherit; } .ao2gf_input_672f909ba8bac { background-color: rgb(57, 155, 55); background-image: none; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: auto; background-position: center center; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border-radius: 6px; display: inline-block; text-decoration: none; font-size: 12pt; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent; border-width: 0px; padding: 10px; } First Name*Last Name*Email Address* Company NameCompany Name

      Labeled Forms: The forms on Eco Canada are well-labeled, which I think will allow screen readers to correctly identify input fields (name, email, company, etc) and guide users through the process. This is an essential feature that ensures everyone can complete forms without confusion and join the Eco Canada community.

    1. threat that drone warfare involves hypermasculine killing machines (Masters 2005; Manjikian 2014) or that it entrenches the distinction between “our” space and “their” space (Gregory 2011), either of which would make violence easier
    2. Narrative offers a way to access bodily experiences, such as those of killing with or dying by drones,6 that are otherwise “impossible to reproduce” by those who live them (Wibben 2011, 44)
    3. This can involve studying the experiences of bodies coded as women, gay, or of color in flying drones.
    4. The experience of killing with drones can be both hypermasculine and emasculating, as operators are both invulnerable to physical harm and removed from the traditional masculine ideals of combat.
    5. The technostrategic discourses of drone warfare also distance the use of lethal technology from its deadly consequences, using rational language, euphemism, and abstraction. The altered spatiotemporal experience of drone warfare makes killing easier, but it also raises questions about the masculinity of drone operators. They are often depicted as being in the domestic sphere, juxtaposing their combat experience with running errands for their spouses or coaching a kids' soccer team.
    1. Making Custom Typewriter Line Spacings by [[Joe Van Cleave]]

      I suspected JVC would have a custom cut platen gear, but he's using a premarked backing sheet to adjust each line to do one and a half line spacing.

      Joe mentions that the manual adjustments on each line is a net positive in that it gives him some time to pause and collect his thoughts before continuing writing on each line.

    1. 4.3 Geopolitics- study of the effects of geography on politics and relations among states.<br /> Territoriality - a willingness by a person or group of people to defend space they claim. A people's connection to a particular piece of land.

      Neocolonialism- Process which powerful countries attempt to control weaker countries because of economic or cultural pressures. Control was indirectly exerted over developing countries. Ex. Transnational corporations based in European countries continued to control the extractions of natural resources through mining and the export of natural resources

    1. system reflexivity

      for - definition - system reflexivity (Moore et al., 2018) - the capacity to see the complexity and mobilize the agency in a system, while deeply engaging with diversity across multiple scales - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10

    2. individual reflexivity is rarely traced through to a collective influence on the broader transdisciplinary research process

      for - adjacency - individual reflexivity is rarely traced to a collective influence - Indyweb provenance - SOURCE - paper - Reflexivity as a transformative capacity for sustainability science: introducing a critical systems approach - Lazurko et al. - 2025, Jan 10

      adjacency - between - individual reflexivity is rarely traced to a collective influence - Indyweb provenance - adjacency relationship - Indyweb provenance can allow granular tracing of individual contributions to collective knowledge work - so can assist in the use of reflexivity in transdisciplinary work

    1. this leads to the undermining of every aspect of the nation-state: the welfare state; the power of the legal system; the national economy; the corporatist systems that connected one with the other; and the parliamentary democracy that governed the whole.


      // - comment - reflexive modernization appears to be a very good description of the world right now in 2025 //

    1. carbohydrate

      To identify carbohydrates (and lipids in general besides phospholipids), you can count the number of C, H, and O present in the molecule.

      The number of carbons and oxygens should be equal, whereas the number of hydrogens should be double this amount.

      You can also identify lipids by looking for the polar "head" and nonpolar "tail"!

    1. It makes a lot of sense to have this different strategy of being rooted in the real physical world and have digital nomads being as like a guild of knowledge workers that seed their specialized knowledge because localism is necessary and good, but it's also not necessarily very innovative. Most people at the local level just keep repeating stuff. It's good to have people coming in from the outside and innovating.

      for - insight - good for digital nomads to be rooted somewhere in the physical word - they are like a cosmo guild of knowledge workers - localities tend to repeat the same things - digital nomads as outsiders can inject new patterns - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2

    2. role for digital nomads. There's an author called Austin Wade Smith

      for - cosmolocal strategy - locals - permaculture, bioregional regeneration - cosmo - digital nomads - share collective protocols with locals to create cosmolocal networks - Austin Wade Smith - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2

    3. The web brings that back. It creates an open signaling system where everybody can say, "Oh, I can do that. I want to do that." They're passionate from the beginning. It's meaningful from the beginning

      for - adjacency - re-establish meaningful work - meaning crisis - to - meaning crisis - John Vervaeke - https://hyp.is/YxbmAM6AEe-SkCv8ilEAww/www.meaningcrisis.co/all-transcripts/

    4. history of labor

      for - paraphrase - history of labor - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2 - to - stats - Gallup Chairman's Blog - world poll 2024 - 15% of employees worldwide are engaged - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2

      paraphrase - history of labor - Michel gives a nice succinct summary of the broad strokes of the history of labor over the last few millennia: - Civilizations have begun as slave-based societies first - Then when the Christian revolution occurred after the fall of the Roman Empire, "Ora et Labora (Pray and Work)" was adopted to transform work into a spiritually meaningful endeavor - Then in the 16th century, this philosophy was replaced by turning labor into a commodity, where it has remained ever since, - resulting in a world where 85% of those surveyed say they are not engaged with their job

      to - stats - Gallup Chairman's Blog - world poll 2024 - 15% of employees worldwide are engaged - https://hyp.is/iOlXbNBOEe-t6hdOWtvTYw/news.gallup.com/opinion/chairman/212045/world-broken-workplace.aspx

    5. Funding the Commons

      for - event - Funding the Commons - Bangkok conference 2024 - Michel Bauwens - guest - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2 - to - Funding the Commons - Bangkok conference 2024

      to - Funding the Commons - Bangkok conference 2024 - https://hyp.is/fF-mVNBJEe-OWvM5g4ZLOQ/www.fundingthecommons.io/bangkok-2024

    6. What's missing, and that's what I try to work on is, because at the same time we have this exponential growth of millions of people doing regenerative local work, but they're underfunded, they're undercapitalized. Usually, it's like two people getting half a wage from an NGO, and they work 16 hours a day. After five years, they totally burn out. How can we fund that? I think that Web3 can be the vehicle for capital to be invested in regeneration.

      for - work to find way to use web 3 / crypto to fund currently underfunded regenerative work done by millions of people - the missing link - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2




    1. relative humidity decreases as the temperature increases and uh it often Falls below 10%

      for - stats - Santa Ana winds dries to less than 10% relative humidity - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10

    2. the air warms adiabatically which means that it depends on the lapse rate as you as you go to lower and lower altitudes um the temperature increases so the lapse rate is actually the drop of temperature as you get further from the surface of the Earth in dry air the adiabatic lapse rate is n about 10° CS per kilometer or about a degree celsius per uh 100 MERS okay so the as the air is coming down it's warming about 1° cels for each 100 meters of desent

      for - physics - adiabatic warming - lapse rate - Santa Ana winds - venturi effect through canyons increases wind speed - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10 - stats - Santa Ana winds warms 1 Deg C every 100 meter of descent due to adiabatic warming lapse rate - SOURCE - Youtube - climate crisis - 2025 Los Angeles fires - The Catastrophic Climate Driven Conflagaration in Los Angeles - Paul Beckwith - 2025, Jan 10

    1. how central Relevance Realisation is. We did arguments around the nature of problem solving.

      for - adjacency - relevance realisation - problem solving - source - Meaning Crisis - episode 29 - Getting to the Depths of Relevance Realization John Vervaeke

      adjacency - between - problem solving - relevance realisation - adjacency relationship - Relevance Realisation is very central to the meaning crisis - It plays an important role in the nature of problem solving - in the Search Space, as proposed by Newell and Simon, they are two important issues: - Combinatorial Explosion - Problem Formulation or Problem Framing is required to avoid combinatorial explosion by zeroing in on relevant information - problem of Ill-Definedness - very often a problem formulation is needed in order to determine what the relevant information is and what the relevant structure of that information

    2. collaboration

      for - relevance realisation contributors - source - Meaning Crisis - episode 29 - Getting to the Depths of Relevance Realization John Vervaeke - Tim Lillicrap - Blake Richards - Leo Ferraro - Anderson Todd - Richard Woo - Christopher Mastropietro - Zachary Irving -

    3. for - Meaning Crisis - episode 29 - Getting to the Depths of Relevance Realization John Vervaeke

    1. What we do when we go into a sacred setting, is we play with Meta-… We have psycho-technologies - and I'll come back and give a [-] clear definition as we work that out, of a psycho-technology - but we have psycho-technologies that allow us to do this serious play with sacredness so that we are constantly being homed against horror.

      for - in other words - going nto a sacred setting - is a counter force to alienation - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke

    2. to reflect upon, to celebrate and enact Religio is to fundamentally enhance our agency, the disclosure of the world and our connectedness to it. And what else could be more valuable to us? What else could be more valuable to us?

      for - quote - to make significant, to reflect upon, to celebrate and enact Religio is to fundamentally enhance our agency, the disclosure of the world and our connectedness to it. And what else could be more valuable to us? What else could be more valuable to us? - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke

      quote - to make significant, to reflect upon, to celebrate and enact Religio is to fundamentally enhance our agency, the disclosure of the world and our connectedness to it. And what else could be more valuable to us? What else could be more valuable to us? - John Vervaeke - (see below) - And we do this, I would argue, - for the very good reason that - to make significant, - to reflect upon, - to celebrate and enact Religio - is to fundamentally - enhance our agency, - the disclosure of the world and our connectedness to it. - And what else could be more valuable to us? What else could be more valuable to us?

    3. The machinery of Relevance Realization is in that sense, deeply phenomenologically mysterious to me.

      for - quote - the machinery of relevance realisation is deeply phenomenologically mysterious to me - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke

    4. NO! You didn't get me because (changes Framing to another Framed and draws another arrow outside the bigger box, connecting to it) what's outside here still is… what is framing that? You cannot have this… You can't have it as a focal object. It is mysterious. It is phenomenologically mysterious. James pointed to this in a wonderful distinction between the I and the Me (I: Me).

      for - adjacency - I-me relationship - William James - subject-object dualism - experience vs conceptualisation of experience - finger pointing to the moon - subject / I am phenomenologically mysterious - Indyweb annotation vs Innotation - object-of-study focal shift - definition - potential vs kinetic adjacencies

      adjacency - between - I-me relationship - William James - subject-object dualism - the eye cannot see itself - self consciousness - experience vs conceptualisation of experience - Indyweb annotation vs Innotation - object-of-study focal shift - definition potential adjacencies - definition kinetic adjacencies - adjacency relationship - William James's I-me relationship is about the paradox of self consciousness - modern humans distinguish themselves through excelling in cognitive abilities - but what happens when we turn this cognitive abilities onto ourselves? - Self consciousness is what results - reasoning about the reasoner - Just as the eye cannot truly see itself, the reasoner who reasons about him/her self cannot really do so because the "I" is NOT really the same as the "me" - the subject is not the object, - the act of framing is not the frame - the qualia is NOT the same as the idea that represents the qualia - the moon is not the finger pointing to the moon - hence the I, the act of framing the subject is phenomenologically mysterious - In contrast, in indyweb, we can replace annotation with Innotation, an inline version of annotation - This is because of the recursive nature of learning of ideas - When we digest an idea, that has an externalised (re)presentation, and it triggers the emergence of a new idea, - We can capture the newly inspired idea a an inline Innotation instead of a side bar annotation. - The reason why we would do this is because this is more homeomorphic to how knowledge context switches its role - from an active new insight - to an existing cultural artefact / object that can be digested by another mind - The difference is the idea - as a spontaneous emergent, embodied, enactive real-time , LIVING experience, which then becomes, post experience, an idea that is - a DEAD cultural artefact that is ready to be digested and potentially evoke a new strong LIVING response in another consciousness - The idea as a linguistically constructed cultural artefact is DEAD - until it interacts with another consciousness, - and at such time, the cultural artefact can deliver upon itz intended promise and potential, and trigger a LIVING learned experience. - Innotation converts the once LIVING experience of the idea at the moment of birth / Inception to the form of existing, timebound knowledge test to do the same in the future, when new minds may stumble upon it - Learning from linguistic cultural artefacts is thus - the act of conversion of - potential adjacencies into - kinetic adjacencies

    5. Relevance Realization is taking place at a level fundamentally deeper than the level of belief.

      for - Relevance realization is pre-conceptual - it takes place at a level deeper than the level of beliefs - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke - to - YouTube conversation - Micheal Levin, John Vervaeke, Gregg Henrique - 2024 // ,- comment - In light of studying a John's concept of relevance realisation now, - after partially annotating the - Micheal Levin, - John Vervaeke, - Gregg Henrique - YouTube conversation, I should return to that annotation to - finish it and - take a more critical look for comparison between - Micheal Levin's goal oriented behaviour definition of life that drives and expanding cognitive light cone and - John Vervaeke's relevance realisation

      to - YouTube conversation - Micheal Levin, John Vervaeke, Gregg Henrique - 2024 - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DrAlmzRTbGDE&group=world

    6. it is phenomenologically impossible for me to Perspectively know what it is like to be dead, because whenever I try to conjure up a frame (indicates the smallest, central box in the diagram), “Oh, I'm in a dark room! But wait, I'm still there in the dark room. There's the hereness and the nowness… Oh well, then I'm nowhere! Well, then I'm just an empty…!” No matter what I do, I can't get a framing that has within it my own non-existence, perspectively.

      for - example - what's it like to be dead? - phenomenologically impossible for me to perspectively know what it's like to be dead - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke

    7. article there called “A Secular Wonder”

      for - article - A Secular Wonder - Paolo Costa - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke - to - paper - A Secular Wonder - Paolo Costa - from book - The Joy of Secularism - 2011

      to - paper - A Secular Wonder - Paolo Costa - from book - The Joy of Secularism - 2011 - https://hyp.is/Lj9-Ss7DEe-_3TvpOSe_Ew/www.academia.edu/433395/A_Secular_Wonder

    8. book on Wonder (called “Wonder: From Emotion To Spirituality”

      for - book - Wonder: From Emotion to Spirituality - Robert Fuller - argues how central wonder is

    9. the joy of secularism

      for - book - The Joy of Secularism - Paolo Costa - article - A Secular Wonder" - to - search - Brave - search - Brave - "a secular wonder paolo" - https://search.brave.com/search?q=a+secular+wonder+paolo&source=desktop&summary=1&conversation=fdacf48f925126d3dcffd5

    10. Religio is… I'm using it in a spiritual sense, [in] the sense of a pre-egoic, ultimately a post-egoic, binding that simultaneously grounds the self and its world.

      for - definition - religio - John Vervaeke - means to bind together, to connect. Here it is used in the sense of binding that simultanously grounds the self and its world - source - Meaning crisis - episode 33 - The Spirituality of Relevance Realization - Wonder/Awe/Mystery/Sacredness - John Vervaeke




    1. for - search - Brave - "a secular wonder paolo" - https://search.brave.com/search?q=a+secular+wonder+paolo&source=desktop&summary=1&conversation=fdacf48f925126d3dcffd5

      search results returned of interest - Philpapers Paolo Costa, A secular wonder - PhilPapers - https://philpapers.org/rec/COSASW - The Dispatch - Secular Reenchantment - Christian Alejandro Gonzalez - The Dispatch - 6 days ago - Rod Dreher’s ‘Living in Wonder’ overlooks sources of meaning beyond the supernatural. - https://thedispatch.com/article/secular-reenchantment/

      to - The Dispatch - Secular Reenchantment - Christian Alejandro Gonzalez - https://hyp.is/iOA09M6oEe-QRbfPnUSn3g/thedispatch.com/article/secular-reenchantment/

    1. In the 1960s, the use of LSD was seen as a dichotomy between "straights" who did not use illegal drugs and those who got "stoned." However, this dichotomy made it harder to understand why certain substances like tobacco and alcohol were legal, while others like marijuana and LSD were illegal.
    2. making everyone who was stoned a part of an "illegal nation." Government authorities and parents saw illegal drug use as a dangerous practice, and many antidrug advocates made little effort to differentiate between illegal drugs. The criminalization of LSD made its use both more dangerous and more a clear sign of cultural rebellion. Just by using LSD or marijuana, an individual was declaring themselves an opponent of the status quo willing to go to jail in pursuit of a favorite form of altered consciousness.
    3. As a result, underground chemists and dealers took over, and the quality of LSD became unreliable. The US government also began to crack down on LSD use, holding congressional hearings and eventually making it illegal in 1966.
    1. The marijuana trade expanded with new entrepreneurs, including border smugglers and those in hippie tourist resorts. These groups capitalized on their existing networks and skills, such as bilingual abilities and connections with mountain growers.
    2. Mexico became a popular destination for tourists, who would travel to the country to experiment with drugs, including marijuan
    3. The demand for marijuana was fueled by the counterculture movement, with young Americans seeking to rebel against traditional values.
    1. The media played a significant role in shaping public perception by emphasizing the dangers of drugs, affecting both public and medical views on LSD and its users. Psychedelic experts, who also used the drug, faced a dilemma between their professional roles and political pressures. By the late 1960s, the credibility of psychedelic psychiatry was questioned, and therapists were seen as unqualified to address LSD abuse.
    2. In the 1960s, a moral panic emerged as politicized youth were seen as promoting immorality, creating tension between generations.
    3. The media's portrayal of LSD as a symbol of an emergent youth counterculture further exacerbated fears about the drug's impact on society. Medical experts, such as Osmond and Hoffer, criticized the media's sensationalism
    4. public panic about acid made establishing research laboratories for testing underground drugs politically unpalatable.
    5. between Leary's promotion of LSD and his criminal behavior forged a strong illustrative bond between the two activities.

      changed to be associated with crime

    6. omplained that Leary's promotion of LSD as a recreational drug undermined its potential clinical use.
    1. “But to cook, you must kill. You make ghosts. You cook to make ghosts. Spirits that live on in every ingredient,” -The Hundred-Foot Journey. Hassan, the chef and main character of the movie, learns this from his mother while she's teaching him to cook.

      for - quote - to cook you must kill - line from movie "The Hundred-Foot Journey - source - post - LinkedIn - Nora Bateson - sharing - Sherry Hess - 2025, Jan 8 - posted a comment - post - LinkedIn - Nora Bateson - sharing - Sherry Hess - 2025, Jan 8

    1. Are we not doing the same now, appearing astounded that a bunch of oligarchs are going through the same revolving doors connecting Big Business and government?

      for - relevant quote - the more things change, the more they remain the same - seems to apply to this statement - source - article - Le Monde - Musk, Trump and the Broligarch's novel hyper-weapon - Yanis Varoufakis - 2025, Jan 4

    2. For a few crumbs off their table, that they ploughed into the Trump campaign, the Big Tech brotherhood are in the process of receiving three amazing gifts

      for - Trumps three gifts to lobbyists - article - Le Monde - Musk, Trump and the Broligarch's novel hyper-weapon - Yanis Varoufakis - 2025, Jan 4 - 1. Huge government contracts - 2. Deregulation will enable a free-for-all - 3. State-sanctioned power over labor

    3. the deal they cut with Donald Trump is an incredible bargain with a rate of return that no conventional business can hope to emulate. For a few hundred million dollars that they invested in Trump’s re-election, within minutes of his victory they amassed extra wealth to the tune of hundreds of billions. To be precise, the value of Thiel’s Palantir shot up by 23% while Musk’s Tesla saw its stock rise by 40% to a capitalisation level higher than most of the rest of the global car industry combined.

      for - stats - return on investment - in supporting Trump's 2024 presidency with a few hundred million dollars: - Musk's Tesla stock - 40% increase - Peter Thiel's Palantir Investments - 23 % increase

      source / to - article - ABC News - Trump allies' company stock prices soar after election - 2024, Nov 20 - https://hyp.is/qsUg-s2wEe-aTpO80r5Mag/abcnews.go.com/Business/trump-allies-company-stock-prices-soar-after-election/story?id=115963216

    4. Aneurin Bevan

      for - further research - Aneurin Bevan - 1952 - liberal democracy's greatest paradox - How does wealth manage to persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? - source - article - Le Monde - Musk, Trump and the Broligarch's novel hyper-weapon - Yanis Varoufakis - 2025, Jan 4 - inequality - elites - source - article - Le Monde - Musk, Trump and the Broligarch's novel hyper-weapon - Yanis Varoufakis - 2025, Jan 4

    5. How does wealth manage to persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power?

      for - key insight - inequality - elites - How does wealth manage to persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? - source - article - Le Monde - Musk, Trump and the Broligarch's novel hyper-weapon - Yanis Varoufakis - 2025, Jan 4

    1. Ein neuer Bericht der europäischen Kommission sagt aus, dass die EU dreimal so schnell dekarbonisieren muss wie bisher, um das Ziel zu erreichen, die Emissionen bis 2030 um 55% zu reduzieren. Den Zahlen der European Environment Agency zufolge reicht der gegenwärtige Kurs nur für eine Reduzierung um 43%. Ein Haupthindernis sind die enorm hohen fossilen Subventionen. Die Selbstverpflichtungen von EU-Staaten vor der COP28 treffen z.T. verspätet ein, und die vorliegenden sind einem Bericht des Climate Action Network zufolge sehr unzureichend. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/24/eu-must-cut-emissions-three-times-more-quickly-report-says

      State of the Energy Union: https://energy.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-10/COM_2023_650_1_EN_ACT_part1_v10.pdf CAN-Bericht: https://caneurope.org/content/uploads/2023/10/NECPs_Assessment-Report_October2023.pdf

    1. unless we can use our capacities for thought in an arena of rational discourse there's no hope of closing the dread Gap in time to savor ourselves

      for - quote - the return of rational discourse is necessary to save ourselves - source - Youtube - The End of Organized Humanity - Noam Chomsky - 2024, Dec

    1. for - music - review Milton Nascimento. Lo Borges - Clube Da Esquina - Classic Music Review - San Vicente - altrochchick - 2021, April 11 - to article - Medium - The truth of San Vicente in the voice of Milton Nascimento Mosaic Institute - Eduardo Campos - 2017, Oct 27 - https://hyp.is/V6DIJMuaEe-hQ1OPLsWsTw/medium.com/instituto-mosaico/a-verdade-de-san-vicente-na-voz-de-milton-nascimento-3ca69d241c53 - from - youtube - music - San Vicente - Milton Nascimento - Live at Montreal Jazz Festival - moving performance - https://hyp.is/oElbPsucEe-nqit3PkZ2Bg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0BLHm7uyO0

    1. While the food system contributes about 22-34% of the world’s greenhouse gases — it only gets about 2.5-3% of the climate funding.

      for - stats - climate crisis - funding - food system - contributes 30% of global emissions - receives 2.5% climate funding - only 1.5% of the 2.5% goes to sustainable food systems - source - Public climate finance for food systems transformation - Global Alliance for the Future of Food - 2024, Nov - reposted on LinkedIn by Jonathan Foley - to - Public climate finance for food systems transformation - Global Alliance for the Future of Food - 2024, Nov - https://hyp.is/E3p2hsqlEe-tG0ezHCPriw/futureoffood.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/ga_climatefinancereport_2024.pdf - TPC network - motivation

  4. Dec 2024
    1. Perhaps the end as we know and experience it, can become the ‘and’ as we might know it — opening space for what might follow endings…sometimes with the intense labour of new life…sometimes with what is (more) ready to flow naturally.

      for - ending may lead to anding - article - Medium - Happy andings! - In praise of "and" - Donna Nelham - 2022, May 2022

    1. "If he [Musk] is concerned about competitors getting there first, it doesn't matter as uncontrolled superintelligence is equally bad, no matter who makes it come into existence."

      for - quote - Response to Elon Musk - competition is moot - whoever creates superintelligence first week also create the progress trap that comes along with it - Roman Yampolskiy

      quote - Response to Elon Musk - competition is moot - whoever creates superintelligence first week also create the progress trap that comes along with it - Roman Yampolskiy

      • If he [Musk] is concerned about competitors getting there first,
        • it doesn't matter as uncontrolled superintelligence is equally bad, no matter who makes it come into existence.
    2. p(doom) is the "probability of doom" or the chances that AI takes over the planet or does something to destroy us,

      for - p(doom) - definition - stats - p(doom) - 0.01 to 99.999999%

      p(doom) - definition - the "probability of doom" or the chances that AI takes over the planet or does something to destroy us,

      stats - p(doom) - founders of AI - Yann LeCun - less than 0.01% - Geoff Hinton - 10% chance on the next 20 years - Yoshua Bengio - 20% - Roman Yampolskiy, AI safety scientist and director of the Cyber Security Laboratory at the University of Louisville - 99.999999%

    1. Historically, AI was a tool

      for - quote - AI: from tool b to agent - Roman Yampolskiy

      quote - AI: from tool b to agent - Roman Yampolskiy - (see below)

      • Historically, AI was a tool, like any other technology. Whether it was good or bad was up to the user of that tool.
      • You can use a hammer to build a house or kill someone.
      • The hammer is not in any way making decisions about it.
      • With advanced AI, we are switching the paradigm
        • **from tools
        • to agents**.
      • The software becomes capable of making its own decisions, working independently, learning, self-improving, modifying.
      • How do we stay in control?
      • How do we make sure the tool doesn’t become an agent that does something we don’t agree with or don’t support?
      • Maybe something against us
    1. This article of his really shifted my thinking:https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/18/opinion/neighborhood-social-infrastructure-community.html

      for - Linked In Post - reply to - rapid whole system change - neighborhood as the unit of change - Danica Virginia Meredith - to - NYTimes - Opinion - The Neighborhood is the Unit of Change - David Brooks - 2018

    1. Dekoloniale Berlin Africa Conference

      for - decolonisation conference - Dekoloniale Berlin Africa Conference - source: human rights watch - Africans and People of African Descent Call on Europe to Reckon with Their Colonial Legacies - 2024 , Nov 18

    2. for - decolonisation - colonialism - legacy of - 140 year anniversary of the dark milestone of the Berlin Africa conference which began a new cycle of horror and institutionalised plundering and dehumanisation of Africa - source: human rights watch - Africans and People of African Descent Call on Europe to Reckon with Their Colonial Legacies - 2024 , Nov 18

      // - summary - Reading this story has reminded me of a Stop Reset Go / Deep Humanity / Tipping Point Festival project idea - cosmolocal bottom up movement that creates a community-to-community sister city coupling for development between communities of global / local North and global / local South