19,785 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. Identifiability: The number of correct versus incorrect clicks
    2. Find-ability / scan-ability: The time it took a participant to find and click on a requested element
    3. To make sure that participants couldn’t learn and predict where text field alternatives might show up during the test, we randomized the order in which we presented those text fields.
    4. To improve the usability of text fields and to determine which text field variables to alter, our researchers and designers conducted two studies between November 2016 and February 2017, with actual users.
    5. You might not always notice, but Material Design is constantly evolving and iterating based on research.
    6. However, some users didn’t know that they could interact with and click on the text field. It looked like an empty box. The line affordance under the old text fields was not clear to some users. The line was confused with a divider.
    7. The label and input were confused with body text, especially in dense compositions.
    1. This way the text will wrap above the shape even though the div extends to the top.
    2. shape-outside: inset(100px 100px 100px 100px 10px);
    3. It might be better to think of it this way: with the shape-outside property we’re changing the relationship of other elements around an element, not the geometry of the element itself.
    1. The default fill_in method of Capybara is case sensitive. This is apparently due to their use of XPath. Anyhow, this seems to not be very well aligned with the entire idea of DSLs and letting non programmers write tests.

      not very well aligned

    2. After some searching i found a stack overflow problem that didn't fix my issue but anyhow… I simply used a little ruby and the capybara library to find the field myself with some case insensitive regex and the ruby detect method
    1. It's strange to me that the text returned is in all caps (how it's styled after CSS), but the matcher is actually testing against the text in the unstyled HTML. I spent a while digging through the source code and I still can't figure out why this works.
    1. CSS-generated content is not included in the DOM. Because of this, it will not be represented in the accessibility tree and certain assistive technology/browser combinations will not announce it. If the content conveys information that is critical to understanding the page's purpose, it is better to include it in the main document.
    1. A falsey return value from #validate will deviate the flow and go straight to End.fail_fast.

      Similar to: How, in Rails, aborting a before_action causes all later ones to be skipped.

    1. Requirement #2 contains an unwarranted assumption. The body needs to flow not around the sidebar, but around the sidebar's position. That may seem like splitting hairs, but it isn't -- because what if there were something floated where we want to put the sidebar? The body would flow around that space. If we could put the sidebar in that same location, we'd have a solution.
    1. There has been some Quality-of-Life changes as well, which I really appreciate. For example, the long elevator in level 10 has been replaced with a teleporter. There's been some balance changes as well, but aside from level 10, I haven't checked them out.
    1. Which HTML tag I should use to enclose such notes to add a semantic meaning of a note that may be useful to read at a given point of a tutorial, but is not part of the main tutorial flow?
    2. A better description is in the specification itself. Why read secondary remarks when the source is written so good?
    3. I respectfully disagree with your assessment. You are referencing the quote "It's not appropriate to use the aside element just for parentheticals, since those are part of the main flow of the document." However the OP specifically said that they are looking for a semantic element for "a note that may be useful to read at a given point of a tutorial, but is not part of the main tutorial flow". That is what "aside" is for. It's not part of the main content flow.

      That's a tough one. I can see it both ways.

    4. An admonition is a parenthetical
    5. <aside> is appropriate if the side note "could be considered separate from the content"

      From a programmer's perspective:

      • It shouldn't be in an <aside>, if it is actually directly about what is in <main>
      • An <aside> should be able to be evaluated on its own, (almost entirely) in isolation from, and not dependent on anything in, the <main> content. This could be especially important/relevant for screen readers.
    6. <aside> is not appropriate if the side note is "a parenthetical". The W3C gives no examples of what it means.
    7. In my opinion, the W3C definition is unnecessarily confusing and restrictive. The dictionary definition of aside is "a temporary departure from a main theme or topic", and the spec should just stick to that, rather than introducing subtle distinctions.
    8. I believe the accepted answer is not quite correct. According to the HTML5 working draft, the <aside> element can be used to mark up side notes in certain, but not all cases:
    9. Of course, there is no reason why you can't use <aside> for all sidenotes, if it makes your code simpler. Think of it as civil disobedience. :)
    10. The dictionary definition of aside is "a temporary departure from a main theme or topic"
    1. I actually think this is Not Constructive, since there's no absolute rule about which pairings can be joined into a single word or hyhenated, and it's pointless having "votes" here about each specific case. Follow a style guide if you have one, or search Google Books and copy whatever the majority do. Or just make your own decision.
  2. www.thefreedictionary.com www.thefreedictionary.com
    1. a temporary departure from a main theme or topic; brief digression.
    1. Tangentially is defined as briefly mentioning a subject but not going into it in detail, or is defined as going off in a different direction.

      in the case of

      briefly mentioning a subject but not going into it in detail the topic/subject need not be related at all (it sounds like).

      What about in the case fo:

      is defined as going off in a different direction. Does the fact that it's going off in a different direction imply that it at least starts out connected/related to the original (starting point) subject (as it does in the geometry sense of tangential)? Or does it permit "jumping" to another topic (in another direction) without being related/connected at all??

      I don't think I like this definition very much. It doesn't quite fit the sense I'm trying to use it for in my tag:

      tangentially related content (aside)

      Ah, here's a definition that matches what I thought it meant (one of the senses anyway): https://hyp.is/3Bn2bpZ7Eeu3Ok8vg03AVA/www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/tangential

    1. He frequently interrupted his narrative with amusing asides.

      Aside seems to imply that it is somewhat related, even though not directly related.

    2. a comment or discussion that does not relate directly to the main subject being discussed : digression
    1. a remark or passage that departs from the theme of a discourse : digression The speaker inserted some often amusing parentheses during his speech.
    2. an amplifying (see amplify sense 1) or explanatory word, phrase, or sentence inserted in a passage from which it is usually set off by punctuation explained further in a parenthesis
    3. one or both of the curved marks ( )

      strange that it means one or both of them

    1. Show/hide output and metadata differences in the diff editor
    2. We are continuing an overhaul of our default startup editor in order to provide relevant extension-contributed tips and walkthroughs, intended to make both core VS Code features and extension contributions more approachable to new users.
    3. We continued improving our support extending the Markdown renderer in Notebooks.
    4. Limitations: When there are multiple distinct ranges of cells selected, most commands will only be executed against the first range or the focused range. We will continue improving this experience in upcoming releases.
    5. Now VS Code's generic debugger UI supports all data breakpoint access types defined in the Debug Adapter Protocol as context menu actions in the VARIABLES view: Break on Value Read: breakpoint will be hit every time a variable gets read. Break on Value Change: breakpoint will be hit every time a variable gets changed (this action was previously available). Break on Value Access: breakpoint will be hit every time a variable is read or changed.
    1. Warning: might be influenced by nostalgiaI'm really happy to have found this little gem on steam :)
    2. This is the game that introduced me to RTS genre in the 90s though it might be nostalgia speaking but i absolutely adore this game.
    3. Maybe its a bit of nostalgia, but that can't change anything on greatness of the game.
    4. believe me, they are not just copy paste each and every single mission is completely different
    1. If you like puzzle games, this is certainly a game for you. Well designed level progression that helps you build a good understanding of the underlying rules of the world
    1. the game is designed in such a way that you don't need too many tries to figure out boss patterns or tricky platforming sections. Another nice feature is that you can warp between different areas so you don't have to do a bunch of backtracking.
    1. this game is - well not exactly bad, but it also isn't a very good game of the genre - there are some riddles and puzzles that can give you quite the headache. I like hard puzzles, I like games where all isn't quite obvious - but I also like a barrier-free gaming experience.
    1. It feels like it was thrown together in a weekend using parts from "Think To Die" since even the successful act of feeding your chickens has the same blood-splatter-on-camera-lens that you would get from scoring in Think To Die where your goal is to kill all of your people as opposed to this where you are feeding animals, so what's with the blood splatter? It just shows a lack of attention to detail.
    2. The blood when you get the animal to food is really off putting. It doesn't make sense, is the player suppose to be eating the animal once you get it to food? If the dev just removed that it would make this game MUCH MUCH better.
    1. The problem is the 'power-ups' (aka cheats?): the ice cubes, bombs, and especially the teleports. They seem needed to solve some levels (at least for 3 stars completion), but because they are widely available (5 of each / level) they are completely overpowered. Why would you try to solve a level without them, when you can use them? It removes the incentive to actually solve the puzzles the hard way. It breaks the game. Shame.
    2. The Not So Good: The Dev/s seems to be in hiatus -- still waiting for the "coming soon" additional levels: Laser Land.
    1. This is an unfinished/abandoned 2D "diving" game (basically a flyer/"platformer") where you swim through an underwater maze and collect various objects. The game wasn't finished, it's clunky, and lacks polish. The developer dumped it on Steam as a quick cash grab and ran. This should be removed from Steam until completed (if ever). I can't recommend incomplete games,
    2. I would be really proud to show it off it was "my baby", but as a player, it's incredibly boring.
    3. The gameplay (swim to treasure chests to loot them and kill sharks on your way) is basic.
    4. The movement speed is painfully slow. There's nothing to do on your way.
    1. I love puzzles.I love detective games.I love story rich adventures.I love point and click games.Somehow this title FAILED in all four departments.The gameplay is Painfully broken.
    1. these events can break the flow of the game and force the player to repeat sections until they master the event, adding false difficulty to the game.
    1. An ingenious and adorable piece of casual gaming. Definitely recommended.
    2. Motivation is provided by an ever-escalating difficulty, though not to the point where you feel frustrated.
    3. A non-pretentious yet funny and innovative physics puzzle game
    4. A Game-design MasterpieceTake one simple game mechanic, and make the absolute most of it – that's exactly what the developers of Jim is Moving Out did, and it worked really well! The core of this game is stunningly simple: a few little boxes (furniture) inside a big box (Jim's house), one or two flying fellas (the players) and a physics engine. Think about the most creative ways you could make this into a game. Anything you think about, this game did it. What if you had to squeeze through narrow holes without breaking too much furniture? It's in the game. What if the room had wheels? Yep, it's there too. What if one of the walls was missing and you had to avoid losing the furniture? The whole co-op is about this. Zero gravity? Yes, even that is in the game.
    1. I must say I am quite surprised by so many negative reviews. To me this little game is pure genius. There's something about it you just can't put your finger on... something strange, hard to define. The premise is utterly simple - roll left or right - but the game keeps adding new possibilities every level. And it doesn't make a fuzz about it. "Here's something completely new, it's there, who cares". The mechanics and physics are spot on and the game explores them brilliantly. Visually it's beautiful and the characters you interact with are strange and fascinating. A feeling of novelty and discovery permeates the game from start to finish.Here's my suggestion: watch some videos of the gameplay and see if it bothers you. If not, go for it, for you've barely seen the tip of the iceberg.
    1. Reminds me ofo DVONN, but only with respect to disappearing hexes/spaces. DVONN is a much much better (actually strategic) game.

    1. There were a few times I felt like making notes, but never ended up needing to because the scale of the puzzles is kept manageable throughout.
    1. A PvP level was added just for the sake of ♥♥♥♥♥ and giggles, the only purpose of this this is game is achievement farming.
    1. Fortunately for fans of high quality puzzle games, RUSH is anything but simple.

      I agree. A good puzzle should not be too simple.

    1. I'll tell you my intention right away, because the language difference between us may offend you. For those things I don't understand, I apologize in advance (if you don't need my apology and feel that my apology is offensive to you, I firmly withdraw my apology).
    1. {Graphics}☐ Great - ☐ Good - ☑ Simple - ☐ Bad{Gameplay}☐ Great - ☑ Good - ☐ Meh - ☐ Unplayable{Audio}☐ Great - ☑ Good - ☐ Nothing Special -☐ Bad{Audience}☑ Kids - ☑ Teens - ☑ Adults{Difficulty} ☐ Too easy -☑ Just Right - ☐ Easy to Play/Hard to Master - ☐ Too Hard{Story}☐ Great - ☐ Good -☐ Simple - ☐ Barely a Story - ☑ No Story{Game Time}☐ 100+ - ☐ 61-99 - ☐ 39-60 - ☐ 11-30 -☑ 0-10 {Overall}Very enjoyable Chess Puzzle Game that should appeal to both Chess and Puzzle Gamers.
    1. Academy Games has always prided itself in the quality of its rules. Most of our rules are taught in stages, allowing you to start playing as soon as possible without needing to read everything. We are very careful about the order we teach rules and rely heavily on graphics and pictures to facilitate understanding. We also include a large number of detailed picture examples, often with 3D renders, that help you understand the context of the rules.
    2. During development, we are constantly trying new and diverse game mechanics. The game's rules can change hour to hour as we test which ideas work best. Rules start out as just ideas and we record which ideas work and which ones don't. This forms the first development ruleset which is essentially a change log that notes why ideas do or don't. As the rules are consolidated, there are rarely any pictures to indicate what a rule is referring to,  since prototype art is also changing constantly. Terminology can also change section to section as we explore what wording works best. This makes the development rules impossible to understand for anyone other than the development team.
    3. We also include a large number of detailed picture examples, often with 3D renders, that help you understand the context of the rules. For these reason, we generally don't start laying out the final rulebook until production art is complete. Writing and laying out a 20 page rule book like this generally takes about 3 months from start to finish, usually requiring a complete rewrite or two, and involves dozens of editors.
    4. We use an online editing program called ProofHQ, where you and our development team will review the rules, discuss ideas, and add comments and suggestions, so that these rules are of the same high quality as our other game rules. We have used this process for years, because integrating outside eyes and ears is an invaluable asset.

      having more eyes is better

    1. The story behind this game started many years ago. My two sons were playing Pokemon, collecting cards and constantly talking about these fantasy creatures. I noticed, amazed, that after a while they knew by heart names, complicated properties and relations of somewhere around hundred, maybe more, characters! How did it happen, seemingly effortless? Did they study hard? Not in the sense we normaly think about studying. They were playing. They were having fun. And their hungry brains, like kids have, just absorbed the names, properties and relations. Seemingly effortless.


    1. [0.5] Controls & Training & Help[0.1] Menu & Settings[0.4] Sound & Music[0.1] Graphics[0.1] Game Design[0.3] Game Story[0.1] Game Content[0] Completion time (level/game)?[0] is it Enjoyable & Fun?[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related[0] BONUS point: Review for VRStars received: 1.6/10
    1. Nothing but a lazy asset flip from the Unity Asset Store:https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/sky-flight-full-game-template-113460And yeah, the developer bought a low poly winter landscape as well. Buy two asset kits, replace above asset kit for gameplay and then replace the map with a new winter low poly asset map to try and "hide" the laziness and using asset kits. SMH.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJPJqok8iecExport, change the name to "Bird" and ready for Steam in less than 10 minutes of work! The developer couldn't even be bothered to make a way to EXIT the game much less add Steam high scores, controller support, or achievements! NOT RECOMMENDED! *Refunded this myself* ..Let your wallet talk and Please don't support lazy developers like this one.
    1. In MetalSkies we take the approachability of Risk and combine it with greater strategic depth. That's why we've spent dozens of hours perfecting MetalSkies' gameplay mechanics and strategic balance.


    2. Have you ever played Risk? If you're looking at this game, there's a good chance you have! I wager you know the frustration of losing your huge army to one a third its size because of a handful of random dice rolls. The pace of Risk is great, but I find it hard to take the 5th straight roll of snake eyes.


    3. Have you ever tried Axis and Allies? I did too. And by tried, I mean just that!  Two hours after opening the box, we finished the manual and nearly died laughing. There was no way we'd have enough time left to play the game, AND we had already forgotten the first half of the directions anyway!


    1. Fatum Betula is, arguably, a nearly perfect video game, depending upon your philosophy when it comes to criticism. If you, like me, believe that to a large extent the success of a game depends upon how well it achieved what it set out to do, I think you can get very far with such an argument.
    1. This approach is preferable to overriding authenticate_user! in your controller because it won't clobber a lot of "behind the scenes" stuff Devise does (such as storing the attempted URL so the user can be redirected after successful sign in).
    1. however, if this is relevant to just one spec, you don't necessarily need to include devise helpers to all your controllers specs, you can just explicitly include those helpers in that one controller describe block: require 'spec_helper' describe MyCoolController include Devise::TestHelpers it { } end
    1. let(:warden) do instance_double('Warden::Proxy').tap do |warden| allow(warden).to receive(:authenticate!).with(scope: :user) .and_return(authenticated?) allow(warden).to receive(:user).with(:user).and_return(user) end end let(:user) { instance_double(User) } let(:authenticated?) { true } def simulate_running_with_devise stub_const( 'Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV', Rack::MockRequest::DEFAULT_ENV.merge('warden' => warden), ) end
    2. Yes, you are right. That was a very bad workaround. Stubbing methods on NilClass can be compared to switching to dark side of force. Powerful but comes with a huge price. I highly don't recommend using my workaround from 1 year ago.
    3. There is no request.env in functional tests because the functional tests are supposed to remain at the controller level.
    4. Could you please update the wiki yourself? Thanks!
    1. class AuthConstraint def initialize(&block) @block = block || ->(_) { true } end def matches?(req) user = current_user(req) user.present? && @block.call(user) end def current_user(req) User.find_by_id(session[:user_id]) end end This is a flexible approach to defining route access based on any desired variable (roles, auth, etc...)

      Good solution, and might be needed if you want to base routes on roles, etc. — but this one is even easier if all you need is for it to be conditional based on signed in or not (because devise provides authenticated helper):


    2. This is a great application for using route constraints.
    3. scope module: 'authenticated', constraints: AuthConstraint.new { |user| user.present? } do # Management dashboard root 'dashboards#index' end root 'home#index'
    4. answered
    1. fill_in('Foo', with: 'bar', fill_options: { clear: :backspace })

      first sighting: fill_options: { clear: :backspace })

      first sighting: fill_options as an option at all (for fill_in only, I presume)

      I wonder they added at all as a response to this:

      See also: https://hyp.is/ZcXVJJMyEeucgmPXYFP9yg/github.com/teamcapybara/capybara/issues/203

      (which key should have been pressed, backspace, space?)

    1. Most of my work has been writing computer software, but this has touched on a wide range of other areas: scientific equipment, data analysis, visualization, geological exploration, simulation of complex systems, economic modeling, maps, “big data”, trend analysis, artificial intelligence, and web software.
    2. I am not at Stanford anymore. I just have my web pages here because I have an alumni account at Stanford. Thank you, Computer Science Department!
    3. Why interactive explanations? I find that I learn best when combining the language side of my brain (reading, formulas) with the visual side of my brain (illustrations, interaction). I want to learn not only by reading something or watching something, but by playing with it. I’m mostly focused on small, self-contained articles, but I’m also interested in interactive textbooks.
    4. I create interactive explanations of math and computer science topics at Red Blob Games[1]. I explore topics related to computer game development, as I’ve found that’s a rich source of motivating examples. My favorite topics are related to maps (grids, paths, procedural generation) and simulations (transportation, economics, complex systems, AI).
    1. Only two of the three coordinates are needed to find each hex, the third coordinate can be used as a check. Trios of hex coordinates always add up to 0.
    1. International backers have two options:  a) quick delivery but expensive shipping b) slow delivery but cheap shipping
    2. Please note: The shipping cost does not include any local import tax you may have to pay in your own country. 
    1. I'm maintaining one that can be run and asserted on: https://github.com/cirosantilli/rails-cheat/blob/master/app/test/integration/capybara_test.rb
    2. I have a 2 radio buttons with the same id and label, only different values, (true, false)....anything I can do to choose false?

      If you just do find_field(radio_input_name) you end up with

         Ambiguous match, found 2 elements matching visible field "name" that is not disabled
    1. why do you guys think have_css matcher is named the way it is? I mean, it sure deals with css identifiers, but have_css gives(at least to me) the impression that the page has certain stylesheet loading.
  3. Mar 2021
    1. The reason Final Form does this is so that pristine will be true if you start with an uninitialized form field (i.e. value === undefined), type into it (pristine is now false), and then empty the form field. In this case, pristine should return to true, but the value that the HTML DOM gives for that input is ''. If Final Form did not treat '' and undefined as the same, any field that was ever typed in would forever be dirty, no matter what the user did.
    2. If you change a form value to '', Final Form will set the value in its state to undefined. This can be counterintutive, because '' !== undefined in javascript.
    3. // WRONG ❌ - values.myField might be undefined! if (!values.myField.match(/myexpression/)) {
    4. If you are doing a regular expression check, your function should handle undefined as a potential value.
    5. Your validation functions should also treat undefined and '' as the same. This is not too difficult since both undefined and '' are falsy in javascript. So a "required" validation rule would just be error = value ? undefined : 'Required'.
    1. If you've ever talked about regular expressions with another programmer, you've invariably heard this 1997 chestnut: Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.
    1. Addition of the keyword would allow such syntax as If ThisThing Ain't Nothing Then According the source "We're just trying to keep up with advances in the English language which, as you know, is changing almost as fast as technology itself."
    1. Whenever I get a new cookbook, I go through it and bookmark recipes that are either worth considering, or that go on a list to definitely try. Usually the maybes outnumber the definites. In this case, I've bookmarked a large number of recipes that I DEFINITELY will make.
    1. It seems the game is trying to be similar to Monkey Island, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Imitation is sometimes considered flattery afterall.
    1. _Underline_

      I really like that they allow this. How come most other Markdown flavors (including GitHub, GitLab) don't provide a way to underline text?

    1. If you want to know more about the story behind this best-selling game, check out the New Yorker Article.
    2. A Dark Room makes use of the ProMotion and BubbleWrap gems. During its development Amir used all the refactoring techniques of the Ruby language and also ran the built-in spec framework in the background
    3. Not enjoying Xcode, Amir used RubyMotion instead. Amir had real-world experience with Xcode and Objective-C, but didn't like it at all. Amir also has a Ruby background and went with RubyMotion to build A Dark Room. The command-line interface, the testing framework, the gems libraries and the CocoaPods integration and the freedom to use any text editor contributed to his decision.