89 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. Briefing Doc: Exploration des Techniques de Facilitation

      Ce document synthétise les concepts clés et les méthodes de facilitation présentées dans le "Kit de Facilitation" (https://www.atelier-collaboratif.com/telechargements/kit-de-facilitation.pdf).

      Thèmes Principaux:

      Importance de la préparation:

      Avant chaque atelier, une phase de réflexion est essentielle pour définir l'objectif, identifier les participants et les livrables attendus.

      Il faut également anticiper les risques et les solutions possibles. Le "Kit" propose un plateau "ORGANISATION" pour structurer cette préparation (p.4).

      Diversité des pratiques:

      Le kit présente un éventail de "cartes pratiques" (p.5) classées selon leur niveau de difficulté (S'améliorer, Prioriser/Décider, Briser la glace, Générer des idées, etc.) et proposant des techniques variées pour chaque étape d'un atelier collaboratif.

      Importance de l'intelligence collective: La plupart des techniques présentées visent à stimuler la participation active de tous, à encourager le partage d'idées, et à favoriser la co-construction de solutions. Idées et Faits Marquants:

      Le rôle du facilitateur:

      Le facilitateur joue un rôle central dans la réussite d'un atelier. Il guide le groupe, assure le bon déroulement des activités, et veille à créer un environnement propice à la collaboration.

      L'utilisation d'outils visuels:

      Des outils comme les post-it, les tableaux, les cartes, etc. sont fréquemment utilisés pour faciliter la visualisation des idées, la structuration des discussions, et la prise de décisions collective.

      L'importance du feedback:

      Plusieurs techniques (ex: ROTI Agile, Perfection Game) permettent de recueillir du feedback des participants, ce qui est crucial pour l'amélioration continue des ateliers. Exemples de Techniques et Citations:

      La Rétrospective 4L (p. 6):

      Permet de faire le bilan d'une activité en utilisant l'analogie d'une voiture. Les participants identifient sur des cartes "ce qui freine" (le vent) et "ce qui pousse" (le moteur).

      Gommettocratie (p. 9):

      Technique de priorisation simple et visuelle.

      Les participants votent pour les idées qui les séduisent le plus en collant des gommettes.

      Le Réseau Social en Papier (p. 11):

      Un jeu ludique pour briser la glace et permettre aux participants de se connaître. World Café (p. 18): "Inventé en 2009 par Jim Benson et Jeremy Lightsmith".

      Cette technique favorise le dialogue et l'échange d'idées sur plusieurs sujets en petits groupes.

      Impact Mapping (p. 24):

      Permet de "représenter visuellement les impacts et hypothèses de développement d'un produit".

      Méthode du Point de Vue (POV) (p. 25):

      "Le point de vue est la perception du problème vue par l'utilisateur." Cette méthode permet de se centrer sur les besoins des utilisateurs.


      Le "Kit de Facilitation" est une ressource précieuse pour tous ceux qui souhaitent animer des ateliers collaboratifs efficaces.

      Il propose une grande variété de techniques et d'outils pour chaque étape du processus, de la préparation à la mise en œuvre des décisions.

  2. Oct 2024
    1. The chief methodological contribution is using themodel priors to analytically derive a closed-form expression that directly explains (1.1);
    2. we propose a probabilistic modelof text generation that augments the log-linear topic model of Mnih and Hinton (2007) with dynamics, inthe form of a random walk over a latent discourse space
  3. Sep 2024
    1. We contribute toward a critical practice of creative computing by making explicit existing glasses HCI researchers have used to conceptualize creative work.
    2. By linking theory to practice, this work contributes toward articulating the “goals” [112] and roles for computing in creative work.

      in connecting theory to practice, the authors advance understanding toward the goals and roles of using computers in creative work.

    3. we discuss strategies for integrating more feminist values into creativity-oriented HCI research
    4. we sketch a set of provocations about the value-laden questions implicated by each epistemic position. This serves as a starting point for reasoning about the trade-offs and politics in creative computing and research.

      the authors outline questions related to the assumptions in various ways of understanding knowledge; in questioning these assumptions, the authors start a conversation about the trade-offs and politics in creative computing research.

    1. 10% of natural or semi-natural habitat per km2 is a sharper threshold, below which evidence suggests that many NCP would almost no longer be provided.

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems -absolute minimum of 10% - below this, many of Nature's contribution to people would no longer be provided

    2. human-modified ecosystems, we systematically analysed six critical NCP at local scales

      for - stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales

      stats - earth system boundary - biodiversity - human modified ecosystems - 6 critical Nature's Contribution to People at local scales - pollination pest and disease control - water-quality regulation - soil protection - natural hazards mitigation - recreation

    3. nature's contributions to people (NCP)

      for - definition - NCP - nature's contribution to people

  4. Aug 2024
    1. IPBES (2019) identifies 18 NCPs

      for - definition - Nature's Contribution to People - 18 categories

      definition - Nature's Contribution to People - 18 categories

      • Regulating Contributions -These are the services provided by nature that regulate environmental conditions.

        • Climate regulation
        • Air and water purification
        • Flood and disaster regulation
        • Disease regulation
        • Pollination
        • Pest and disease control
      • Material Contributions - These are the tangible products obtained from nature.

        • Food and fiber
        • Freshwater
        • Genetic resources
        • Wood, fuel, and other materials
        • Medicines
        • Energy
      • Non-material Contributions - These are the intangible benefits derived from nature.

        • Cultural identity and spiritual inspiration
        • Recreation and ecotourism
        • Aesthetic experiences
        • Knowledge and education
        • Sense of place and belonging
        • Mental and physical health
  5. Feb 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:09:31][^2^][2] :

      Cette vidéo présente le programme de sciences participatives Vigie-Nature École, qui propose aux enseignants et aux élèves de collecter des données sur la biodiversité ordinaire autour de leur établissement scolaire. Ces données sont ensuite analysées par des chercheurs du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle pour étudier l'impact des changements globaux sur la biodiversité.

      Points clés : + [00:00:13][^3^][3] Les sciences participatives * Impliquent le public dans la résolution d'un problème scientifique * Peuvent avoir différents niveaux de participation * Construisent de la connaissance scientifique + [00:01:12][^4^][4] Vigie-Nature École * Est un programme porté par le Muséum national d'histoire naturelle * Aide les chercheurs à collecter des données sur la biodiversité ordinaire * Propose neuf protocoles simples et adaptés au contexte scolaire + [00:03:35][^5^][5] Comment participer * Se connecter sur le site de Vigie-Nature École * Choisir le ou les protocoles qui correspondent à ses séquences * Télécharger le livret de participation et les outils de détermination * S'inscrire sur le site et créer une ou plusieurs classes * Décrire l'environnement de son établissement scolaire * Transmettre ses données sur le site + [00:06:39][^6^][6] Que faire en extérieur * Réaliser les protocoles dans la cour de l'établissement scolaire * Sensibiliser les élèves à la biodiversité ordinaire * Réfléchir à des actions pour améliorer la biodiversité * Comparer des milieux différents et l'impact humain sur la biodiversité

    1. get us only partly there (around 40 percent).

      for - Paris Agreement - U.S. commitments - contribution from IInflation Reduction Act

      Paris Agreement - U.S. commitment - contribution from Inflation Reduction Act - U.S. committed to 60% emissions reduction by 2030 - If Inflation Reduction Act is fully implemented without GOP-stacked court blocking it - it achieves 40% - Biden 2024 win is necessary, but not sufficient - Trump 2024 win will be a step in the wrong direction

  6. Nov 2023
    1. Motivation and Contribution:

      Motivation: * 什么样的visual Instruction是一个好的Instruction。基于这个问题,复杂的指令推理任务,对于提升MLLM的性能更加有效。

      Contribution: * 基于这些发现,作者设计了一个系统的方法,来自动的创作高质量的复杂的推理指令集。作者采用了一种生成,复杂化,重构的范式,充分利用多个阶段来猪骨增加指令的复杂度,同时保持质量。 * 基于这些方法,作者创建了一个生成的视觉推理指令数据集,包含32k的示例,命名为ComVint。然后在四个MLLMs模型上微调。实验结果显示,可以明显的提升现有模型的性能。

  7. Oct 2023
    1. .

      Some experiments which involve conscious perception of external stimuli with reports/tasks have shown activation of prefrontal areas, but this activation may have been related to the reports/tasks rather than the conscious experiences (not indicative of content-specific NCC). Other experiments which involve conscious perception of external stimuli without reports/tasks showed more posterior activation than anterior activation (indicative of content-specific NCC).

    2. .

      Within-state paradigms comparing conscious individuals to unconscious or minimally conscious individuals have revealed posterior area activity to show the most difference between consciousness and unconsciousness or minimal consciousness (there is a "posterior hot zone" which may be indicative of the NCC).

    3. However, neuroimaging experiments can sample brain activ-ity systematically and noninvasively in healthy volunteers (Pol-drack and Farah, 2015) and, with appropriate methodologies,they can also provide valuable information about the functionalspecificity of brain regions (Moran and Zaki, 2013; Poldrack andFarah, 2015).
    4. .

      Compared with case studies (lesions) and electrical stimulation studies, neuroimaging studies are less accurate in determining the exact brain regions that contribute to consciousness. Neuroimaging often covers multiple brain areas, some of which may not be directly involved in modulating content-specific NCC.

    5. C

      bottom-horizontal fMRI images of someone wo experienced anoxic lesions to their posterior corpus callosum, resulting in permanent coma following head trauma.

    6. F

      Sagittal fMRI image of an individual who displayed content-specific changes in experience (feeling of intention to move) following electrical stimulation of the temporoparietal cortex.

    7. D

      Mid-sagittal fMRI image of an individual who displayed content-specific changes in experience (intrusive thoughts) following electrical stimulation of the ACC.

    8. E

      Bottom-horizontal fMRI image of an individual who displayed content-specific changes in experience (inability to perceive faces) following electrical stimulation of the fusiform gyrus.

    9. Together, stimulation studies support the idea that some pos-terior cortical regions may contribute directly to specific contentsof experience, but the evidence for prefrontal regions is scarceand indirect.
    10. .

      Many studies have demonstrated that electrical stimulation of the posterior cortex induces discrete changes in the content-specific NCC more reliably than electrical stimulation of the anterior cortex. Hence, most evidence suggests that posterior regions of the brain contribute more to the content-specific NCC than do anterior regions of the brain.

    11. .

      For the most part, electrical and TMS stimulation of the frontal cortex does not elicit content-specific changes in experience. Stimulation of the ACC and MCC (posterior areas), however, does elicit some content-specific changes in experience, suggesting that posterior area stimulation is more likely to excite content-specific NCC than frontal area stimulation.

    12. .

      Several studies have shown that electrical stimulation and EEG activation of posterior cortical areas is effective at restoring consciousness in subjects where it is impaired, demonstrating that the excitability of the full NCC can be modulated through arousal systems.

    13. Electrical stimulation during neurosurgery is an important source ofevidence for a direct contribution of different brain areas to con-sciousness (Penfield, 1959; Desmurget et al., 2013), as indicatedby its superior value in predicting postoperative deficits com-pared with fMRI or diffusion tensor imaging (Borchers et al.,2011).
    14. diffusion tensor imaging

      A technique that detects how water travels along the white matter tracts in the brain.

    15. Figure 2.

      anatomical images depicting clinical evidence for the full (A, B, C) and content-specific (D, E, F) NCC.

    16. Although frontal injuries can slightlyincrease the threshold for perceiving some brief (16 ms) andmasked visual stimuli, patients still experience them (Del Cul etal., 2009), suggesting that these frontal regions may modulate theNCC (i.e., act as background conditions) rather than contribut-ing directly to consciousness (Kozuch, 2014).
    17. By contrast, there is little evidence for loss of specific con-scious contents after frontal damage (Penfield and Jasper, 1954).
    18. prosody

      Patterns of rhythm and sound used in poetry.

    19. With regards to content-specific NCC, there is abundant neu-rological evidence that lesions in the posterior cortex can cause aloss of specific contents of experience (Farah, 2004).
    20. B

      mid-sagittal fMRI image of someone who experienced anoxic lesions to their posterior corpus callosum, resulting in permanent VS following head trauma.

    21. .

      traumatic lesions to the posterior corpus callosum appear to permanently cause states of VS (coma, or impeded consciousness), whereas traumatic lesions to the frontal lobe do not seem to do this.

    22. VS

      Behavioral state similar to coma.

    23. A,

      Bilateral view of the left and right frontal lobes of someone who experienced extensive prefrontal lobe damage without a noticeable change in consciousness, with certain anatomical regions labeled (top). Lateral view of the left and right hemispheres of that same individual, with certain anatomical regions labeled (bottom).

    24. .

      There are many examples of people who have experienced bilateral lesions to the frontal lobe and still retained most, if not all aspects of consciousness. These instances lend credence to the idea that the anterior cortex may not account for the full NCC. Even when such damage causes deficits in cognition, perception, or executive function, consciousness does not appear to be significantly altered and effected individuals still seem capable of living normal lives.

  8. Nov 2022
    1. Donations

      To add some other intermediary services:

      To add a service for groups:

      To add a service that enables fans to support the creators directly and anonymously via microdonations or small donations by pre-charging their Coil account to spend on content streaming or tipping the creators' wallets via a layer containing JS script following the Interledger Protocol proposed to W3C:

      If you want to know more, head to Web Monetization or Community or Explainer

      Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a grant from the Interledger Foundation, so there would be a Conflict of Interest if I edited directly. Plus, sharing on Hypothesis allows other users to chime in.

  9. Apr 2022
  10. Jan 2022
    1. The basic GAN trainingrecipe is to train the generator G and an adversarial discrimi-nator D simultaneously [8]. Additionally, we jointly train anencoder E with the generator G, using a reconstruction loss(i.e., the Encoder and Generator function together as an au-toencoder). Finally, we add two components that introducethe classifier into the training procedure.

      Adjustments made in virtue of this new research.

    2. a) A conditionalgenerative model that maps an embedding w into an outputimage. b) An encoder that maps any input image into anembedding w, so that the generator can modify attributesin real images. c) A mechanism for “intervening” with thegeneration process to change visual attributes in the image

      Network architecture in detail, generative model: StyleGAN2 -> question, are there possible alternatives to using StyleGAN2?

    3. Our contributions are as follows

      Contributions, but then elaborated more

    4. driving latent attributes in the GAN’s StyleSpace to captureclassifier-specific attributes

      Details on what specific attributes are visualized -> does so by generating counterfactual examples.

    5. StylEx, explains the decisions of aclassifier by discovering and visualizing multiple attributes that affect its prediction.

      Main contribution of the paper.

  11. Oct 2021
  12. Apr 2021
  13. Mar 2021
  14. Dec 2020
    1. Better contribution workflow: We will be using GitHub’s contribution tools and features, essentially moving MDN from a Wiki model to a pull request (PR) model. This is so much better for contribution, allowing for intelligent linting, mass edits, and inclusion of MDN docs in whatever workflows you want to add it to (you can edit MDN source files directly in your favorite code editor).
  15. Nov 2020
  16. Sep 2020
  17. Aug 2020
  18. Jul 2020
    1. O’Connor, D. B., Aggleton, J. P., Chakrabarti, B., Cooper, C. L., Creswell, C., Dunsmuir, S., Fiske, S. T., Gathercole, S., Gough, B., Ireland, J. L., Jones, M. V., Jowett, A., Kagan, C., Karanika‐Murray, M., Kaye, L. K., Kumari, V., Lewandowsky, S., Lightman, S., Malpass, D., … Armitage, C. J. (n.d.). Research priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A call to action for psychological science. British Journal of Psychology, n/a(n/a), e12468. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjop.12468

    1. Zhong, H., Wang, Y., Shi, Z., Zhang, L., Ren, H., He, W., Zhang, Z., Zhu, A., Zhao, J., Xiao, F., Yang, F., Liang, T., Ye, F., Zhong, B., Ruan, S., Gan, M., Zhu, J., Li, F., Li, F., … Zhao, J. (2020). Characterization of Microbial Co-infections in the Respiratory Tract of hospitalized COVID-19 patients. MedRxiv, 2020.07.02.20143032. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.02.20143032

  19. Jun 2020
  20. Apr 2020
  21. Nov 2019
  22. Jul 2019
    1. A tool to help determine weights (or a feature of a creditmap tool) seems most likely to be successful. Such a tool would likely have provide simultaneous views of the credit map and weights: one that allows a detailed view of any particular contriponent and its weight, and the other that provides a view (perhaps graphical) of the entire creditmap and weights.

      Great idea! Doesn't seem to exist yet, but it should also take in account the quality of each contribution (a few high-quality contributions can be more important than many low-quality contributions).

    2. The value of transitive credit is in measuring the indirect contributions to a product, which today are not quantitatively captured

      Should contributions to a product really be quantitatively captured? Wouldn't that lead to the same dead-end as with citation in scientific publication?

    3. how the credit map for a product A, which is used by a product B, feeds into the credit map for product B

      Transitive credit's 3rd element: transitive nature

    4. Any product should list all authors (as currently listed as authors of a paper), all contributors (as currently listed in the acknowledgements of a paper) and all component products that have been used, including both publications and other products such as software and data (as currently either cited, acknowledged, or not included in a paper).

      Transitive credit's 1st element: credit (called "contriponent" - combination of contributors and components)

    5. Methods for doing this weighting, whether using a taxonomy or a more traditional list of authors, and analysis of these methods and their impact would likely be developed if this overall idea moves forward.

      Transitive credit's 2nd element: weight

  23. Feb 2019
    1. A group of local or global learners who reach a common outcome while connecting and learning online

      It is important to collaborate with other people so that we can get a better understanding of other opinions and views. We can share knowledge base by collaborating and we can even develop an even better understanding of ideas just by explaining our views to other people.

  24. Oct 2018
    1. a design briefing a development methodology or tools an interaction technique an interactive system a reflective analysis results from fieldwork and ethnography, e.g., findings, guidelines, etc. results from laboratory studies, e.g., findings, techniques, methods, etc. theory or model.

      type of contributions

  25. Dec 2016
    1. to be happy and to have meaning in the world, you must concentrate on developing Knowledge and allow it to contribute itself where it knows it can be of the greatest benefit. This will fulfill your need for relationship and community.
    2. You are preparing to be a contributor in a new set of circumstances. You must have great confidence in your own experience in order to prepare because there will be little agreement around you. Perhaps you cannot define your intent, but that is okay because Knowledge is working within you. You are the forerunner of great change, but the great change will come in the next century, and it will be greater than what you experience now.
    3. eople did not come here on vacation. Vacation is when you go Home. Then you lie on the beach-if there were a beach! No, you came here to work, to experience and to contribute. That is why your stay here is so brief.If coming to the world were a holiday, you could come for hundreds of years, but it's not a holiday. If you think it's a holiday, you will feel empty because life here cannot give you what you had before. The world does not possess the reality of your Spiritual Family, and so the intimacy and integration that are absolutely natural in your former state cannot be duplicated here completely. Yes, the world can be lots of fun, but only for those who are contributing because they are enjoying their own presence in the world. The world is bringing forth the value that they have brought with them. This is entirely natural and is no sacrifice.