67 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. Apr 2024
    1. Reading comprehension is one of the skills that South Africa needs most. It will be in short supply until basic reading skills are taught correctly.

      no reading skills no comprehension.

    2. When decoding is a slow, laboured process this places demands on cognitive processes like working memory. By increasing speed and accuracy in reading, cognitive resources are freed and the child can begin to comprehend what they are rea
    3. A child needs at least two kinds of skills before they can comprehend what they’re reading. These are oral language skills (listening, speaking and knowing how spoken words sound) and decoding skills (knowledge of letter-sound relationships to turn a written word into a spoken word).
    1. An exception is a recent study showing that children’s listening comprehension was uniquely related to text reading fluency after accounting for list reading fluency for first graders. However, this unique relation appears to depend on children’s developmental level of word reading proficiency such that listening comprehension was uniquely related to text reading fluency only for skilled word readers but not for average word readers in first grade (Kim et al., 2011). Thus, a certain level of word reading proficiency might be needed for listening comprehension to play a role in text reading fluency. These results lend support to the verbal efficiency theory (Perfetti, 1985, Perfetti, 1992), which posits that children’s word reading proficiency influences the consolidation of fluency component skills. For readers with slow and nonautomatic word reading, word reading will constrain meaning construction processes in text reading fluency and reading comprehension. For children with skilled word reading, cognitive resources are available for meaning construction (i.e., comprehension), thereby allowing listening comprehension to be related to text reading fluency (Kim et al., 2011).

      I need to look at whether stories or lists are better for my age group. Or both?

    2. text reading fluency was uniquely related to reading comprehension in Grade 2, but not in Grade 1, after accounting for list reading fluency and listening comprehension.

      Text reading fluency related to reading comprehension in Grade 2

    1. ◆ a row of ugly, squat houses *一排低矮難看的房子My edit:一排醜陋的違建;一排難看的違建 ★ squat houses 是「違建」,不是低矮的房子。

      蘇老師在此改掉錯誤理解 squat house 為「低矮的房子」,稱正解為「違建」,但我有不同看法如下。



      a row of ugly squat houses

      問題就來了,這樣寫,squat house視爲一個複合名詞(名詞+名詞)的機會更大,這裡名詞squat源自動詞squat(非法占用房屋)的意思,而squat house意思就是:被人非法占用的房屋。

      然而,理解為「違建」則是錯的。違建是建築物本身違法興建起來,但 squat house 本身除非特例,否則當爲合法的建築,只是恰被非法占用、占住,尤其在貧民區裡經常有遊民非法占用空置建築的情形。

      例如,以下找到某書中的 squat house 實際用例:有個人非法占住某間 squat house,被警察趕出。


      結論:a row of ugly, squat houses 的確是「一排低矮難看的房子」,文法上不允許把「squat house」理解為「被占用的房子」,如果更進一步,不僅無視文法且誤解「squat」而誤解爲房子本身「違建」,那就該反省自己是否真的理解這句英文了!

  3. Mar 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:08:05][^1^][1] - [00:32:52][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une conférence sur l'application des théories de la cognition incarnée à l'éducation, en particulier comment les interactions entre le corps, l'environnement physique et les processus cognitifs peuvent améliorer la compréhension en lecture.

      Points forts: + [00:08:05][^3^][3] Introduction de la conférence * Présentation par Guillaume Jimenez * Thème : "Du sens au sens" + [00:09:00][^4^][4] Le concept de cognition incarnée * Influence du corps et de l'environnement sur la cognition * Exemples d'apprentissage des gestes + [00:11:00][^5^][5] Objectifs de recherche * Améliorer les performances scolaires * Interaction entre représentation mentale et aspect physique des tâches + [00:14:07][^6^][6] Programme de la journée * Plusieurs conférences sur la cognition incarnée * Application à la compréhension et à l'émotion + [00:21:39][^7^][7] Présentation de Julie Le Serf * Focus sur le matériel pédagogique * Influence sur la compréhension en lecture + [00:28:00][^8^][8] Difficultés en compréhension écrite * Statistiques et actions de l'Éducation nationale * Importance de la cognition incarnée dans l'éducation Résumé de la vidéo [00:32:55][^1^][1] - [00:57:19][^2^][2]: La vidéo explore l'impact de la présentation du texte sur la compréhension écrite, en se concentrant sur la vitesse de lecture, le mode de présentation, et l'influence du sentiment d'efficacité personnelle.

      Points saillants: + [00:32:55][^3^][3] Vitesse de lecture et compréhension * Lecture lente peut indiquer des difficultés + [00:33:20][^4^][4] Présentation du texte * Présentation progressive améliore la compréhension + [00:34:02][^5^][5] Contexte éducatif global * Importance du contexte et de la pédagogie + [00:36:15][^6^][6] Sentiment d'efficacité personnelle * Influence sur la performance et la compréhension + [00:37:15][^7^][7] Poids du support matériel * Poids plus lourd pourrait améliorer la compréhension + [00:41:19][^8^][8] Taille de police des caractères * Taille adaptée peut affecter la compréhension Résumé de la vidéo [00:57:21][^1^][1] - [01:20:20][^2^][2]: La vidéo présente une conférence sur la compréhension et la cognition incarnée chez les jeunes enfants, en mettant l'accent sur le rôle des émotions dans le développement de la compréhension des récits.

      Points forts: + [00:57:21][^3^][3] Introduction de la conférence * Remerciements et contexte de la recherche + [00:59:21][^4^][4] Compréhension chez les jeunes enfants * Importance des émotions dans l'apprentissage + [01:02:01][^5^][5] Difficultés de compréhension * Stratégies pour améliorer la compréhension + [01:05:00][^6^][6] Rôle de la mémoire de travail * Impact sur la compréhension des textes + [01:09:43][^7^][7] Développement des compétences émotionnelles * Influence sur la compréhension des récits + [01:17:50][^8^][8] Entraînement à la compréhension * Méthodes et résultats de l'étude Résumé de la vidéo [01:20:23][^1^][1] - [01:57:18][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une méthode pour enseigner les émotions aux enfants en maternelle, en utilisant des albums de littérature jeunesse et des rituels quotidiens pour aider à la compréhension des émotions et à la construction de la structure narrative.

      Points forts: + [01:20:23][^3^][3] Introduction de la méthode * Utilisation d'albums et rituels + [01:21:02][^4^][4] Rituels quotidiens * Identification des émotions de base + [01:24:41][^5^][5] Choix des albums * Albums centrés sur les émotions + [01:25:01][^6^][6] Impact sur les enfants * Amélioration de la compréhension émotionnelle + [01:29:06][^7^][7] Résultats de l'étude * Progrès significatifs dans la compréhension émotionnelle + [01:33:57][^8^][8] Discussion et conclusion * Importance des émotions dans la compréhension de récit Résumé de la vidéo [01:57:21][^1^][1] - [02:25:19][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo aborde les effets des pauses sur la compréhension de textes oralisés, en particulier pour les élèves dyslexiques ou faibles lecteurs. Elle explore comment les pauses peuvent aider à gérer les ressources attentionnelles et améliorer la compréhension.

      Points forts: + [01:57:21][^3^][3] Effets des pauses * Impact sur la compréhension de texte + [02:00:03][^4^][4] Résultats mitigés * Sonorisation des textes pour dyslexiques + [02:03:13][^5^][5] Insertion de pauses * Améliore l'apprentissage dans les vidéos + [02:17:02][^6^][6] Modèle de partage temporel * Nouveau modèle de mémoire de travail + [02:23:10][^7^][7] Expérience avec pauses * Amélioration chez les élèves dyslexiques Résumé de la vidéo [02:25:20][^1^][1] - [02:50:02][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente une discussion sur l'efficacité de l'oralisation des textes pour améliorer la compréhension chez les élèves dyslexiques. Elle explore les différentes techniques et leur impact sur la compréhension des élèves.

      Points forts: + [02:25:20][^3^][3] L'oralisation des textes * Importance pour les élèves dyslexiques + [02:26:08][^4^][4] Comparaison voix naturelle/artificielle * Meilleure compréhension avec voix naturelle + [02:27:00][^5^][5] Impact des pauses * Amélioration significative avec pauses + [02:28:00][^6^][6] Difficultés de lecture * Les pauses aident même les élèves en difficulté + [02:29:23][^7^][7] Durée optimale des pauses * Recherche sur l'engagement dans la tâche + [02:36:03][^8^][8] Présentation suivante * Transition vers un autre sujet de recherche Résumé de la vidéo 02:50:05 - 03:12:34 : La vidéo traite de la simulation mentale et de l'imagerie mentale dans la compréhension du langage, en se concentrant sur les différences entre les bons et les faibles compreneurs.

      Points forts : + [02:50:05][^1^][1] Simulation mentale dans la lecture * Temps de regard plus court pour les verbes d'action rapide + [02:51:00][^2^][2] Temps de lecture et actions réelles * Lecture plus lente pour les phrases impliquant des actions longues + [02:51:44][^3^][3] Étude sur la perception de la forme * Impact de la forme perçue sur le temps de réponse + [02:54:35][^4^][4] Réplication avec des enfants * Observation de processus de simulation mentale similaires + [02:55:24][^5^][5] Difficultés de compréhension et imagerie mentale * Lien entre les troubles de compréhension et l'imagerie mentale + [03:00:01][^6^][6] Comparaison entre bons et faibles compreneurs * Moins d'imagerie mentale chez les faibles compreneurs lors de la lecture Résumé de la vidéo [03:12:36][^1^][1] - [03:36:41][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente une discussion sur l'effet de la manipulation physique et mentale sur la compréhension, en mettant l'accent sur l'importance de l'imagerie mentale dans l'apprentissage. Elle explore les capacités d'imagerie mentale chez les enfants et comment leur entraînement peut améliorer la compréhension et la résolution de problèmes arithmétiques.

      Points forts: + [03:12:36][^3^][3] Manipulation physique et mentale * Effet positif sur la compréhension + [03:13:00][^4^][4] Importance de l'imagerie mentale * Entraînement spécifique améliore la compréhension + [03:14:00][^5^][5] Capacités d'imagerie chez les enfants * Stratégie utile pour la compréhension de texte + [03:25:05][^6^][6] Résolution de problèmes arithmétiques * Approche centrée sur la compréhension + [03:26:01][^7^][7] Gestes professionnels des enseignants * Impact sur l'apprentissage et la compréhension Résumé de la vidéo 03:36:43 - 04:00:46 : La vidéo présente une méthode pour améliorer la compréhension des problèmes mathématiques chez les élèves, en utilisant des gestes concrets et abstraits pour faciliter l'apprentissage et la résolution de problèmes.

      Points forts : + [03:36:43][^1^][1] Amélioration de la compréhension * Utilisation de modèles mentaux * Transition vers des représentations mathématiques + [03:37:35][^2^][2] Opérationnalisation avec les enseignants * Adaptation aux questionnements des enseignants * Utilisation d'outils pour anticiper les besoins des élèves + [03:38:04][^3^][3] Focus sur l'accompagnement et les gestes * Formation sur l'accompagnement des élèves * Importance des gestes dans l'enseignement + [03:39:02][^4^][4] Anticipation des enseignants * Préparation des séances en fonction des objectifs * Découverte de nouvelles méthodes d'enseignement + [03:40:01][^5^][5] Leviers d'intervention * Réponse aux difficultés des enseignants * Traduction des résultats de recherche en pratiques concrètes + [03:41:07][^6^][6] Gestes concrets et abstraits * Différenciation entre gestes séquentiels et non séquentiels * Impact sur le processus d'apprentissage des élèves Résumé de la vidéo [04:00:47][^1^][1] - [04:04:07][^2^][2]:

      Cette partie de la vidéo discute d'une méthode pédagogique évaluée par des prétests et des posttests, montrant des résultats significatifs dans l'amélioration de la compréhension des élèves.

      Points forts: + [04:00:47][^3^][3] Évaluation pédagogique * Prise en compte de tous les élèves * Informations fournies par les prétests et posttests + [04:01:38][^4^][4] Pratique de la méthode * Utilisation depuis un certain temps * Comparaison avec des classes témoins + [04:02:33][^5^][5] Résultats significatifs * Amélioration notable de la compréhension * Différence entre les classes expérimentales et contrôles + [04:03:14][^6^][6] Conclusion de la présentation * Remerciements pour les questions * Annonce d'une pause et des ateliers suivants

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:20:29][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente une nouvelle approche expérimentale pour les conseils de classe dans un collège, où les élèves analysent et présentent leur bulletin scolaire à leurs parents en présence d'un enseignant. L'objectif est d'encourager les élèves à réfléchir sur leurs performances et à s'impliquer davantage dans leur parcours éducatif.

      Points saillants: + [00:00:13][^3^][3] Introduction de l'expérience * Première tentative au collège * Potentiel de généralisation + [00:01:12][^4^][4] Analyse du bulletin par les élèves * Présentation aux parents * Compréhension des commentaires et notes + [00:03:21][^5^][5] Identification des forces et faiblesses * Auto-évaluation des compétences * Conseils personnalisés des enseignants + [00:09:56][^6^][6] Réflexion sur l'orientation future * Impact des résultats sur les projets d'orientation * Importance de l'auto-évaluation pour le progrès + [00:15:01][^7^][7] Réactions positives des participants * Élèves, parents et enseignants valorisent l'approche * Prise de conscience et responsabilisation des élèves + [00:19:51][^8^][8] Conclusion sur l'expérience * Bulletin comme outil de mesure de progrès * Dialogue renforcé entre élèves, parents et enseignants

  4. Jan 2024
    1. We forget vast amounts of what happens to us in life

      forget -> get

    2. Pictures of entire lives, of the choices that people make and how those choices work out for them, those pictures are almost impossible to get.

      人生的整個景象, 什麼選擇帶來什麼結果, 這都難以取得(難以預知)。

  5. Sep 2023
    1. Since speed-reading has become a national fad, this new edition of How to Read a Book deals with the prob­lem and proposes variable-speed-reading as the solution, the aim being to read better, always better, but sometimes slower, sometimes faster.

      Framing of his book as a remedy to the speed reading fad in the 1970s...

      What did those books at the time indicate that their purpose was? Were they aimed at helping people consume more (hopefully with greater comprehension?) while there was a continuing glut of information overload building up in society?

      Which is better, more deep understanding of less or more surface understanding of more? How does combinatorial creativity effect the choice?

  6. Jul 2023
  7. Jun 2023
  8. Nov 2022
    1. Systematic skimming, in other words,anticipates the comprehension of a book's structure.

      also includes opening oneself up to open questions one might either ask themselves or those which the author proposes.

    2. A better formula is this : Every book should be readno more slowly than it deserves, and no more quickly than youcan read it with satisfaction and comprehension.
  9. Jul 2022
    1. By setting carefully constructed distractors we can train [thelearners] to reason their way through the linguistic and intel-lectual problems posed by the text. (p. xxii). . . in comprehension training we want [the learner] to recognizethe areas of comprehension error (through the distractors) so thathe learns to respond accurately and more maturely to what hereads. (p. xiii)


      Distractors help students improve their reading skills by reasoning their way to the right answers. Munby (1968) - read more.

    2. Comprehension questions are local rather than general. They focusattention on the message of a particular text and, although they mayrequire the learners to use more generalisable knowledge (like theinterpretation of reference words or modal verbs), this requirementis usually hidden to the learner, and often to the teacher, by themessage-focusing effect of the question.


      Test to many aspects, making tracking focuses quite difficult. What are other types of reading questions that can benefit students deliberately? What are the benefits of comprehension questions?

  10. Apr 2022
    1. Researchers have demonstrated, for instance, that intentionallyimitating someone’s accent allows us to comprehend more easily the words theperson is speaking (a finding that might readily be applied to second-languagelearning).
    1. Le proportion des « inactifs » au sens de Facebook ou des « enquêteurs » désireux de simplement prendre part dans la terminologie de Dewey

      Je ne suis pas certaine d'avoir compris ; Les inactifs et les "enquêteurs" désireux de prendre part sont-ils une même population ?

    1. être culturel

      Je ne suis pas certaine de comprendre l'usage d'être culturel.

    2. le patrimoine littéraire suppose, pour être reconnu comme objet commun partagé, des supports d’inscription qui permettent sa matérialisation et son partage

      à partir de quelle définition part l'idée de patrimoine littéraire ? C'est-à-dire comprenant toute la littérature (littérature fiction, scientifique, etc.), tout les objets culturels qui en dérivent (dans le cas d'oeuvre transmédiales), ou la littérature selon le panthéon littéraire ?

    3. processus de patrimonialisation du patrimoine littéraire,

      Je pense comprendre l'idée mais cela me semble un peu "méta", dans le sens où cela donne l'impression qu'il y a une réflexion de considérer patrimoine l'idée déjà constituée d'un patrimoine : soit de déplacer le corpus littéraire d'une définition de patrimoine à une autre.

    4. commémorer l’auteur

      Il ne me semble pas retrouver cette thématique dans ce qui suit.

    5. remédiatisation

      Le terme me fait écho directement à la notion de remédiation par Bolter et Grusin (Remediation: Understanding new media) -- à savoir le passage d'un média à un autre média -- mais je crois qu'il s'agit ici davantage d'une re-communication autour d'un objet culturel.

    6. être culturel que constitue la littérature s’autonomise en unité patrimoniale symbolique,

      Je ne suis pas sûre de saisir parfaitement l'extrait ici : mais il me semble déceler la distinction entre unité et collectif dans la réflexion.

      Qu'est ce qu'une unité patrimoniale symbolique ?

    7. matérialisation et à la diffusion du concept de patrimoine littéraire “à travers l’espace (infini) du web” (Alix, 2008) tout comme les maisons d’écrivain ou les promenades littéraires permettent de rendre tangible celui-ci dans un paysage et son territoire (Labbé, 2020).

      J'ai l'impression en lisant voir une opposition entre matérialité et numérique (qui serait alors compris comme immatériel)

  11. Mar 2022
    1. texte/image/édifices

      texte = synthèse image = gravure édifices = ?

      Je ne suis pas sûre du correspondant d'édifice.

    2. ont critiqué une méthode par « saucissonage » du texte, sans comprendre que notre chapitrage ad hoc (nous avons déterminé des sections d’une trentaine de pages) n’avait d’autre but que de permettre, dans la double contrainte du calendrier et du collectif, de tourner l’une après l’autre et ensemble, les 240 pages du livre en un an et demi.

      Est-ce que cela veut dire que les chercheurs ont lu d'une traite l'entièreté de l'ouvrage en dépassant la temporalité prévue par l'édition ? Ce serait un phénomène intéressant en effet qui lie enjeux de partage/diffusion avec enjeux du collaboratif/commun.

  12. Feb 2022
    1. Different independent studies indicate that writing byhand facilitates understanding. In a small but fascinating study, twopsychologists tried to find out if it made a difference if students in alecture took notes by hand or by typing them into their laptops(Mueller and Oppenheimer 2014). They were not able to find anydifference in terms of the number of facts the students were able toremember. But in terms of understanding the content of the lecture,the students who took their notes by hand came out much, muchbetter. After a week, this difference in understanding was still clearlymeasurable.

      Mueller and Oppenheimer 2014 indicate that students that took lecture notes (rather than typing them on a laptop) were able to understand the content of a lecture better and that this effect extended the span of a week. It did not show a difference in the number of facts they were able to remember.

  13. Jan 2022
    1. Most of us have been taken in by the notion that speed of reading is a measure of our intelligence. T

      Where did the idea of speed reading being a measure of our intelligence stem?

      Certainly in a world of information overload there is the perception that greater consumption is better, but lack of comprehension and memory are the enemies.

      Comprehension and the ability to remember the books we read should be of the utmost importance.

  14. Aug 2021
  15. Jul 2021
    1. One of the reasons for this situation is that the very media we have mentioned are so designed as to make thinking seem unnecessary (though this is only an appearance). The packag­ing of intellectual positions and views is one of the most active enterprises of some of the best minds of our day. The viewer of television, the listener to radio, the reader of magazines, is presented with a whole complex of elements-all the way from ingenious rhetoric to carefully selected data and statistics-to make it easy for him to "make up his own mind" with the mini­mum of difficulty and effort. But the packaging is often done so effectively that the viewer, listener, or reader does not make up his own mind at all. Instead, he inserts a packaged opinion into his mind, somewhat like inserting a cassette into a cassette player. He then pushes a button and "plays back" the opinion whenever it seems appropriate to do so. He has performed ac­ceptably without having had to think.

      This is an incredibly important fact. It's gone even further with additional advances in advertising and social media not to mention the slow drip mental programming provided by algorithmic feeds which tend to polarize their readers.

      People simply aren't actively reading their content, comparing, contrasting, or even fact checking it.

      I suspect that this book could use an additional overhaul to cover many of these aspects.

  16. May 2021
    1. Erik Angner. (2021, February 17). One point that the pandemic has brought home to me is just how narrow people’s expertise is. I’m regularly surprised by how a celebrated professor of X can exhibit a sub-college-level understanding of Y, even when X and Y are related. /1 [Tweet]. @ErikAngner. https://twitter.com/ErikAngner/status/1362006859004141570

  17. Mar 2021
  18. Oct 2020
    1. Lei, Simon A., et al. "Strategies for improving reading comprehension among college students." Reading Improvement, vol. 47, no. 1, Spring 2010, p. 30+. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A221203907/AONE?u=azstatelibdev&sid=AONE&xid=6ed72e73. Accessed 12 Oct. 2020.

      Description: This article delves into the importance of comprehension and vocabulary for college level students. It outlines different tools students can use online to help them comprehend such as annotations and graphic organizers.

      Rating: 9/10

      Reasoning for the rating: This article uses many sources as it describes the methods to best comprehend complex texts. It also takes time to explain the importance of comprehension in English classes as well as outside. It supports each method with an example or explanation for the success of the model. Though it touches upon ineffective methods, it does not delve into why they fail.

    1. Description: Banner discusses the correlation between literacy blogs and reading comprehension in students. He outlines the relationship between socialization and motivation. Furthermore, he describes the steps a teacher can use to implement literature blogs in their classroom.

      Rating: 7/10

      Reason for the rating: Banner uses multiple sources to support his theories and methods. The examples given in the text are well-thought out, but focus on middle school and high school students. Additionally, the website "Emerging Ed Tech" is designed to be a space where educators can discuss how to integrate technology effectively in their classrooms.

  19. Sep 2020
    1. Speaking fewer quality sentences is more helpful in expressing feeling than an hour of blabber

      People often find that saying fewer words means they are not interested in conversation or want to get speaking over with, but I find the ability to summarize important because it means you completely processed what the person has said. Quality over quantity is an important distinction.

  20. Aug 2020
  21. Jul 2020
    1. At least five processing practices occur during online research and comprehension, each requiring additional new skills and strategies when they take place online:

      5 Practices are:

      1. Identify important questions
      2. Locating information
      3. Evaluating information critically
      4. Synthesizing information
      5. Reading and writing to communicate
  22. Jun 2020
  23. May 2019
  24. Mar 2019
    1. This is Bloom's taxonomy of cognitive objectives. I selected this page because it explains both the old and new versions of the taxonomy. When writing instructional objectives for adult learning and training, one should identify the level of learning in Blooms that is needed. This is not the most attractive presentation but it is one of the more thorough ones. rating 4/5

    1. Strategy Exchange

      When students share what they found with each other, they are helping each other to find more information.

      By figuring out what is the best out of all the MP3 players, they are comprehending the information that is being presented on each website.

      Collaborating with each other to boost their comprehending skills.

  25. Feb 2019
    1. noise

      What is Locke's notion of "noise"? He seems to be using it with a negative connotation, where noise is meaningless and incomprehensible, a clamor of sound and incongruencies that prevent understanding.

      But noise does not necessarily have to be meaningless or incomprehensible--it just takes the right way of listening to make sense of it (Cf. Ratcliffe's Rhetorical Listening).

    2. much easier got, and more clearly retained

      And if one does not "get" or "retain" what's deemed a "simple idea," what does that mean for that one's sense of self or personhood?

      Does that mean the concept of the simple changes or does the person's status change?

    3. quite lost the sense of it,

      Stage 2 to Stage 4 is a quick drop

    4. rcti

      To me it seems that Locke is pointing out that people have different notions of complex concepts, and they are presented as fact, as insurmountable; Corder sees the presence of different notions of concepts and urges that we attempt to reach out to one another and understand those differences. We don't have to (or perhaps even can't) eliminate those differences or come to a common understanding of those concepts, but we at least have to acknowledge that we have our own notions, shaped by our rhetorical contexts.

    5. xactly the same idea

      Is this even possible?

      (Cf. Kent's Paralogic Rhetoric, where he discusses the uncodifiable ways that we communicate, particularly in the face of needing to make jumps and guesses to even approach understanding another's meaning)

  26. Jul 2018
    1. Welcome to the Newsela Instructional Content Platform. We solve the problem of reading engagement holistically for students, teachers, and principals. See our results See our results Fresh, adaptive reads for every subject. ELA Science Elementary Math SocialStudies Our Content Partners World-class students (yours)deserve world-class instructional content. History Bio National Geographic The Washington Post The Guardian ProCon.org Encyclopædia Britannica Scientific American Associated Press The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History PBS Newshour Smithsonian Perfect for elementary, too. With content and activities created specifically for students in grades 2-6, Newsela fits seamlessly into your elementary literacy routine. Learn more Assessments FTW. Every great love affair with reading begins with engagement, and Assessments are the ultimate in engagement. Know if students did the reading, if they’ve understood it, and much more. (All from the comfort of your mobile device.) Quizzes. Annotations. Writing Prompts. Teach vocabulary in context with Power Words. Forget word lists and memorization—the best way to learn new words is for students to encounter them in context while they read. Available on hundreds of articles. 5 Power Words with student-friendly definitions are embedded in hundreds of articles. Students can practice Power Words by completing 10 practice activities after reading. Words and points are collected on each student’s Word Wall. 123 Is your district missing something? Not anymore. We designed the Newsela Instructional Content Platform to fit perfectly into how your district already works. Integrate with Google Classroom, Canvas, Clever and more. Learn about PRO Learn about PRO It’s time to solvereading engagement. Join our community of 1,300,000 educators and counting. Join Learn about PRO Close Teachers Administrators Newsela About Newsela Pro Company Careers Content Partners Help Learning & Support Follow Us Press Blog Twitter Facebook Youtube Instagram © 2018 Newsela | info@newsela.com | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy

      Newsela- Articles customizable to any reading level:) Keep as a future resource

  27. Oct 2017
  28. instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com
    1. In order to escape falsifica-tion they destroyed the testability of their theory. It is a typical soothsayer's trick to predict things so vaguely that the predictions can hardly fail: that they become irrefutable.

      In Popper's eyes, astrologist strives to take away any possibility of them being wrong, and make their theories irrefutable

    2. Even if our measuring instruments at the time did not allow us to pronounce on the results of the tests with complete assurance, there was clearly a possibility of refuting the theory

      Even though there was no precise evidence to prove the possible refute of the theory, the possibility of it being incorrect is enough.

    1. an obvious absurdity in every respect-but that the way God has been thought of for thousands of years is no longer convincing;

      God can never "die", as God had never existed. The notion of God is merely a extension of human imagination, and that the "death of God' is only that people are starting to stop imagining God.

    2. Is wickedness, however we may define it, this being "determined to prove a villain," not a necessary con-dition for evil-doing?

      Perhaps the writer is trying to challenge the rules of law and court

  29. Sep 2017
    1. The best government has no more title to it than the worst

      The writer is stating that no matter how good the government is, they should never have any power in interfering the freedom of the press.

    2. will often attempt to control the expression of opinion, except when in doing so it makes itself the organ of the general intolerance of the public

      It seems here that Mill means that a government will attempt to control the public's opinion, lest they become the subject of the public's opinion

  30. Jul 2017
    1. In short, online reading compre-hension is online research. Second, online reading also becomes tightly integrated with writing as we communicate with others to learn more about the questions we explore and as we communicate our own inter-pretations. A third difference is that new technologies such as browsers, search engines, wikis, blogs, e-mail, and many others are required. Addi-tional skills and strategies are needed to use each of these technologies effectively

      Literacy, in general, is not simply knowing how to read read text. It also extends to know what to do what the information you acquire from reading. Reading also encompasses underatanding. For example, underatanding traffic lights and signs are a type of literacy that not involve text, but they communicate meaning that you need to know how to read and synthesize into action.

    2. (1) reading to identify important questions, (2) reading to locate information, (3) reading to evaluate information criti-cally, (4) reading to synthesize information, and (5) reading and writing to communicate information

      When I think of reading comprehension, I think of a person being able to read a text. While reading a text, they are processing, analyizing, and inferencing the text. Finally, they are able to discuss the text and answer questions. Then, I see this definition of and realize that there are some other important pieces that I'm missing.

  31. Feb 2016
    1. The viewer should be able to obtain a complete understand from various levels and mediums of information. One way to effectively convey information to the patron is through the use of technology

      Multiple senses should be activated in a museum environment

  32. Nov 2013
    1. home

      Maybe other than saying "home" say "support"? What is a "technical home?" Or a "legal home"?

    2. people

      How do you "invest" in people? I understand investing in businesses and nonprofits. Maybe unpack this a little. How is "investing" different from supporting?

    3. We make sure the Fellow invests, both personal resources as well as money into their projects

      This sentence is just awkward. No need for the comma after invests. Maybe just reword this?

  33. Oct 2013
    1. For there are who read and yet neglect them; they read to remember the words, but are careless about knowing the meaning. It is plain we must set far above these the men who are not so retentive of the words, but see with the eyes of the heart into the heart of Scripture. Better than either of these, however, is the man who, when he wishes, can repeat the words, and at the same time correctly apprehends their meaning.

      Parts: comprehension, retention, and ability to convey truth and meaning; deep insight and truth seeking study, with or without need of training in speech.