234 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2016
  2. libguides.colorado.edu libguides.colorado.edu
    1. A spokeswoman for the Electric Reliability Council of Texas subsequently explained, "The wind died out. That happens."

      The author does not include a citation. What does that tell you?

    1. Why we still don’t understand the social aspects of wind power: A critique ofkey assumptions within the literature

      What does the title tell you about the author's purpose?

    2. The five key assumptions which will be critiqued are:1. The majority of the public supports wind power.2. Opposition to wind power is therefore deviant.3. Opponents are ignorant or misinformed.4. The reason for understanding opposition is to overcome it.5. Trust is key
    3. may provide useful references forfuture debates relating to new or emerging energy technologies.

      Does this suggest any way you might use this research and analysis?

    4. has aimed to draw critical attention to keyassumptions underpinning the extant literature relating to publicattitudes and responses to wind power

      Author restates purpose of the paper.

    5. The literature relating topublic attitudes and responses to wind power is well-establishedand the assumptions identified within this literature haveimplications for how the technology is discussed in policy andpractice fields. Ultimately it impacts on how the technology isdeveloped and how opponents to its development are perceivedand responded to.

      What does this tell you about the author's purpose?

  3. Jul 2016
    1. Page 15

      Rockwell and Sinclair on the importance of staying up-to-date on commercial developments in text mining and text-handling:

      we are practicing thinking in the humanities while the way people read, the tools of reading, and information privacy and organization are shifting around us. These shifts matter. If we continue to treat textuality as a subject, we need to understand how text can be mined.

  4. Jun 2016
  5. screen.oxfordjournals.org screen.oxfordjournals.org
    1. as been under-stood that the task of criticism is not to re-establish the ties betweenan author and his work or to reconstitute an author's thought andexperience through his works and, further, that criticism shouldconcern itself with the structures of a work, its architectonic forms,which are studied for their intrinsic and internal relationships. Y

      Thinking of new criticism here

  6. Apr 2016
    1. The opportunities are boundless,

      Wearable are something that I think are huge for the future. This article does an excellent job in showing what some of the features that can be sued with them are. It goes into the health industry and analyzes some of the pros and cons that come with wearables. This will help me in evaluating wearable technology in the more general term other than physical fitness.

    1. study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that just one-quarter of American youths currently engage in the recommended amount of daily physical activity.

      Having only a quarter of the youth in the nation participating in the recommended amount of physical activity is a reason that I am doing this topic how wearable technology. This should be a much higher percentage.

  7. Feb 2016
  8. rubenaf.weebly.com rubenaf.weebly.com
    1. purpose

      I get a sense of your purpose. I wonder if you might define your audience just a bit more, for your writerly sake :)

  9. sammiecurtin.weebly.com sammiecurtin.weebly.com
    1. I will keep y'all posted while working with these kiddos.

      I appreciate that you're speaking to me as an audience. This is also giving me a sense of how you will use this site right now (purpose), to check in and consider the road to your first position as you move through the st. ed's program.

  10. Jan 2016
    1. In this post we hope to both expand their definition of what annotation can be and inspire them to experiment with new ways of doing it

      purpose of article--a call to action.

  11. Nov 2015
    1. Do not misunderstand me. To know Who You Are, What You Are, and that You Are Where It’s All Happening is, indeed, Divine Fulfillment of Purpose. It is to be One with God. It is to flow with the Divine Energies. It is to be One and in Harmony with the Great Works of Divine Intelligence. BUT, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NORMAL!

      It is incredible yet simply as it is....

    2. I cannot make myself any clearer than to say: Paul, do not waste your time with heady trips of greatness, of holiness, of grand purpose, of fulfilling a Divine Purpose in the universal scheme of things that is outside or other than “simply existing.“ Existence is all of those things, but it is nothing “special.“ It is only by comparison with ignorance that that which is “normal” can seem special, and you will weaken yourself greatly if you indulge in such nonsense! This had better be a fundamental point in your awareness of what is happening here, or you will lose the Value.

      "It's no big deal" so to speak, it's all happening at once, always has been, it's not special, it's just becoming conscious of what is truly true always...

    1. PAUL: Thank you. How does Substance relate to health? RAJ: Health is the constituting Wholeness of Being, the Orderliness, Integrity, Indivisibility and, therefore, the Perfection of all Conscious Being. Being omnipotent in Its ability to fulfill Its Intent or Purpose, there is no delay or obstacle to that fulfillment. It is this unimpeded Omnipresencing of Substance which constitutes Supply in what is called health or Wholeness.

      "Health is the constituting Wholeness of Being, the Orderliness, Integrity, Indivisibility and, therefore, the Perfection of all Conscious Being."

      "Being omnipotent in Its ability to fulfill Its Intent or Purpose, there is no delay or obstacle to that fulfillment. It is this unimpeded Omnipresencing of Substance which constitutes Supply in what is called health or Wholeness."

    1. RAJ: The pink chrysanthemum stands as the radiant beauty of Itself as though there is no other thing going on. The image, as you see it, symbolizes the absolute disregard for the supposed existence of any other thing, purpose, or concept outside of Its purpose of radiating Its fullness, Its beauty—the fact that it is a glorious pink chrysanthemum. Being is that way. It radiates Itself, and there is no other than It.

      The pink chrysanthemum is a symbol for living Life to its fullest and to Shine Forth the abundance and beauty of your Being no matter what is demanding that you find another purpose.

      This is what it means to Love Thyself!!

      Holy Shit Batman, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!! (...forget this world, forget this Course, and come with wholly empty hands unto your God.)

    1. RAJ: That is a wise approach. it is only as you are fulfilling the Purpose of your Being that true progress can be made—not by attempting to fulfill the intellectually-developed ideas and concepts which you have come up with.
  12. Oct 2015
    1. The Fourth Dimension is the Governing dimension, as you are beginning to discern. There is only one thing going on, and every aspect of that one thing is perfectly harmonizing—literally the Music of the Spheres in concert—in the unfoldment of Divine Purpose.

      It's all happening at once.

    1. Existing as a material being in a three-dimensional environment is exciting, challenging, scary, but never Satisfying because it is literally to live as though One is out of One’s Mind. It is not the ultimate purpose of Man, or Being.
  13. Sep 2015
    1. do we focus on creating students who are ‘job ready’ for today, or who are ‘entrepreneurially spirited’ for the world which is likely to be on their doorstep within the next twenty years?
  14. Jul 2015
    1. In this business letter sending information

      What is the purpose of this sample letter? Try to answer this question and propose some tags in the response to characterize such purpose

  15. Sep 2014
  16. ebooks.adelaide.edu.au ebooks.adelaide.edu.au
    1. They are three-intellectual training, casual encounters, and the philosophical sciences.
  17. Feb 2014
    1. Functions of case briefing A. Case briefing helps you acquire the skills of case analysis and legal reasoning. Briefing a case helps you understand it. B. Case briefing aids your memory. Briefs help you remember the cases you read (1) for class discussion, (2) fo r end-of-semester review for final examinations, and (3) for writing and analyzing legal problems.

      Briefing a case helps you understand it and acquire skills of:

      • case analysis
      • legal reasoning

      Case briefing is good for:

      • aids memory
      • class discussion
      • end-of-semester review for final exams
      • writing and analyzing legal problems
  18. Jan 2014
    1. In a judicial opinion, the judge explains her ruling and the reasoning behind it. At its heart, an opinion is similar to a scholarly essay or even a short story. However, like any genre, the judicial opinion has some unique and unusual characteristics.

      The purpose of a judicial opinion is to explain the ruling and the reasoning behind it.

    1. Academic publishers have inverted their whole purpose for being; they used to be vehicles for the dissemination of knowledge in the most efficient way possible. Today they are useless choke points in the distribution of knowledge, even taking advantage of their positions to demand fees.
    2. There was a time when securing a contract with an academic publisher meant that the work would receive the widest audience possible.
  19. Nov 2013
    1. One might invent such a fable, and yet he still would not have adequately illustrated how miserable, how shadowy and transient, how aimless and arbitrary the human intellect looks within nature

      metaphor with the purpose of "perspective"

  20. Oct 2013
  21. Sep 2013
    1. What makes a man a "sophist" is not his faculty, but his moral purpose. In rhetoric, however, the term "rhetorician" may describe either the speaker's knowledge of the art, or his moral purpose. In dialectic it is different: a man is a "sophist" because he has a certain kind of moral purpose, a "dialectician" in respect, not of his moral purpose, but of his faculty.

      defining terms, sophist/dialectic and rhetoric/rhetorician, and moral purpose

    1. For I note that the bad repute which results therefrom does not affect the offenders only, but that all the rest of us who are in the same profession share in the opprobium.

      One purpose in writing this speech.

    1. SOCRATES: Shall we then assume two sorts of persuasion,—one which is the source of belief without knowledge, as the other is of knowledge?

      Perhaps one of Socrates' main criticisms of rhetoric.