220 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2019
    1. Engelbart also showed how to embed lists and outlines in maps:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJDv-zdhzMY&t=15m39s

      Now this is interesting. Instead of normal map here they've had to use this simple sketch/graph. Just arrows etc. BUT There maybe an actual value in that kind of simplicity!

      Question worth asking here is why we have to see all the detail on the map always? Google may have different incentives than just showing you only essential data.

  2. May 2019
  3. Apr 2019
    1. Copying some network's feature often isn’t sufficient if you can’t also copy its graph, but if you can apply the feature to some unique graph that you earned some other way, it can be a defensible advantage.
  4. Feb 2019
    1. I find it very interesting that the line for the gun control advocates and the gun rights advocates correlate so closely, it almost looks like a Rorschach test.

    2. wow that is a scary statistic, out of 33,594 gun related deaths almost 23,000 of them were suicide.

    3. that's insane to me that the US has more than double each of these other countries in gun related homicides.

    4. most of the gun related crimes in the US are committed with hand guns not riffles, that totally goes against the stereotype.

  5. Jan 2019
    1. Generation of diagrams and flowcharts from text in a similar manner as markdown. PlantUML equivalent in Javascript

  6. Dec 2018
  7. Sep 2018
    1. Whilespatial biases may contribute to these findings,asnodes belonging to the same module tend to be anatomically colocalized [7,8],they cannot explain these effects entirely [94,95].

      Very nice review. Please note the reference [94] (Pantazatos et al.) is misplaced because they did not argue that spatial biases cannot entirely explain the putative links between CGE and functional segregation. Instead, they argued there was insufficient evidence in the original Richiardi et al. study linking elevated CGE with resting state functional networks, and that spatial biases may in fact entirely account for their findings. To describe the debate/exchange more accurately, I would suggest replacing the below sentence

      “While spatial biases may contribute to these findings, as nodes belonging to the same module tend to be anatomically colocalized [7,8], they cannot explain these effects entirely [94,95].”

      with the below paragraph:

      “Spatial biases may contribute to these findings, as nodes belonging to the same module tend to be anatomically colocalized [7,8]. Pantazatos et al. argued that these findings are entirely explained by spatial biases [94]. They showed that elevated CGE, as defined in the original Richiardi et al. study, falls monotonically as longer distance edges are removed. Moreover, they showed that 1,000 sets of randomly spaced modules all have significantly high CGE when using the same null distribution defined in the original Richiardi et al. analyses. Therefore, elevated CGE is not specifically related to functional segregation as defined by resting state functional networks, which is in direct contradiction to the main conclusion of the original Richiardi et al. study. Since randomly placed modules do not align (spatially) with any distributed pattern of functional segregation, the finding of elevated CGE may instead be attributed entirely to anatomical colocalization of the nodes within each module. In their rebuttal to [94], Richiardi et al. argue spatial biases cannot explain their findings entirely [95]. However, the authors do not offer an explanation for significantly high CGE observed for randomly spaced sets of modules, other than to note that nodes tend to be closer on average compared to when modules are defined by resting state fMRI. Future work is required to dissociate the effects of spatially proximity on relationships between CGE and spatially distributed functional networks.”

  8. Mar 2018
  9. Oct 2017
  10. Jun 2017
    1. The vertices and edges of a graph, known as Atoms, are used to represent not only "data", but also "procedures"; thus, many graphs are executable programs as well as data structures.

      Rohan indicated that procedures are also part of the graph. let us find out why.

  11. Apr 2017
    1. Two people can have one conversation. Three people have four unique conversation groups (three different two-person conversations and a fourth conversation between all three as a group). Five people have 26. Twenty people have 1,048,554.

      what's the equation for that?

  12. Feb 2017
  13. Sep 2016
  14. Aug 2015
    1. In this scheme, if a sub-ject is related to multiple objects by the same prop-erty, then each distinct value is listed in a successiverow in the table for that property

      Sound like [Apache CouchDB]'s map/reduce output to anyone else?