640 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. music, politics, and energy of its time and indefatigably dedicated to authentic depictions of Blackness.

      Show that young black people can relate to characters with their culture and be able to see themselves with what they might not always get with other super heroes.

    2. increasing authentic representation of people of color

      At the time many of the times most famous pronounced super heroes were all white. With Captain America, Superman, and Batman to name a few.

    3. It limits the complexity and the roundedness of the characters.

      That solely writing a character to depict blacks also does no justice to the character as it makes the character bland, so therefore why he creates characters with complexity and with the character being black, it helps the black community in the long run as it does not show stereotypes nor have a white washing effect.

    4. Hughes’s essay delivers a lesson

      To teach that the black community can do anything no matter there skin religion and or gender

    5. monolithic depiction of Black people and Black culture

      Monolithic meaning not open to new ideas and remaining with the same old stereotypes and depictions of blacks in the past.

    6. With a focus on increasing authentic representation of people of color, Milestone Media created a world of splash pages and panels that is both inextricably bound to the music, politics, and energy of its time—much like the Black Arts Movement

      This site is here to help the Black community get more involved in poetry and music and other jobs that we may think only white people run

    7. “My problem—and I’ll speak as a writer now—with writing a black character in either the Marvel or DC universe is that he is not a man. He is a symbol. Like Wonder Woman—if you write Wonder Woman, she is all women

      I agree with this not a lot of people go out and say my favorite hero is Wonder woman or my favorite hero is Black panther. I think we need more male black hero's

    8. felt the paucity of characters of color, queer characters, and women characters within American comics needed to be addressed

      We need more hero's that are of different origin's I know of a few hero's that are black (Black Panther, Storm, and cyborg just to name a few.

    9. characters of color, queer characters, and women characters within American comics needed to be addressed.

      All of these things being prevalent as there was still issues with women rights, gays being shamed , and blacks still being discriminated and stereotyped.

    10. Black artist downtown became more and more isolated from that so-called ‘mainstream’ by the growing need to fully express [their] soul and mind connection with Black struggle in [their] art and in the street”.

      Shows me that black artists are dying down which isn't a good thing

    11. Cam Newton and Colin Kaepernick

      Here I see Cam Newton abiding by the NFL therefore assimilating to the white audience, while I see Colin Kaepernick using his freedom of speech to voice his opinions on black lives

    12. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X

      MLK taking the civil approach with civil protest, and Malcom X taking the violent riot approach of demanding rights now

    13. If white people are pleased we are glad.

      To me you shouldn't do something just to please someone do it because you like to do it

    14. confines of society.

      What I don't get is that if he came from a child hood where he was a slave and saw the impossible happen being the freedom of slaves, why not continue the ambitions of the slaves but instead continue to fight for their right stop be actually equal instead of being free, but confined by white society.

    15. Be stereotyped, don’t go too far, don’t shatter our illusions about you, don’t amuse us too seriously. We will pay you,’ say the whites.”

      Shows me that the whites don't understand where this young poet is coming from and now yawl want to be nice to him just doesn't make sense

    16. lack race should be to obtain marketable skills within the current confines of society.

      I can see why Booker T says this because after all he was a slave, when coming from an upbringing like that, all anybody would want is to just live life like how society already is instead of giving in for hope for change that might never come.

    17. The Negro artist works against an undertow of sharp criticism and misunderstanding from his own group and unintentional bribes from the whites.

      People are gonna hate you for what you do and that's the truth I make music and not everyone likes it but I'm still standing tall

    18. higher education

      Ironic how Booker T was the first one to set up a school for high education, which eventually led to Dubois getting his education and being Booker T biggest opponents.

    19. no great poet has ever been afraid of being himself

      This is true through everything like being a song writer don't be someone your not just because a certain crowd doesn't follow you be yourself and your time will come

    20. the young poet tells Hughes that he wants to be “a poet—not a Negro poet,” which Hughes takes to mean that, at best, the young poet seeks to downplay his race

      This shows me that this young poet doesn't believe in his race it shows me he is less confident about his race.

    21. founded for the higher education of African Americans.

      He wants blacks to accommodate yet founded a school for high education for African Americans, that clearly goes against what many whites think of about black people. In my opinion contradicts his own statement.

    22. After emancipation

      The order that gave freedom to slaves in 10 states during the civil war.

    23. provided them rather than seek access and opportunity through protest and civil unrest:

      This is where I would disagree with him, as not seeking for opportunity in itself is already bad advice as given an opportunity one should take it.

    24. A proponent of vocational education for Blacks, Washington contended that the rights and privileges of true citizenship for Black people could only be gained through gradual struggle and the development of marketable skills.

      This proves how Booker T Washington was living a double consciences, by living his life out but also pertaining to his white counterparts.

    25. over-century-old discourse

      pre civil war and post civil war

    26. The debate over the best sociopolitical direction for African Americans not only crosses over to different generations but also crosses over to different forms of media.

      This pertains with the many different activist with all differing views from one another

    27. civil disobedience

      With Civil disobedience I think of Martin Luther King

    28. reactive aggression

      Malcolm X

    29. isolation

      This being Dubois

    30. assimilation

      This being Booker T. Washington idea

    31. in doing so often found many of their solutions standing in stark contrast to the ideas of their fellow Black intellectuals and activists.

      The disputes between ideologies, such as Dubois and Booker T, with Dubois arguing for having his rights and equality now VS Booker wanting to accommodate.

    1. I'm using this tag fo keep notes about the changes that need to be made now that Writefreely exists in its own organization on GitHub. See https://discuss.write.as/t/moving-the-writefreely-repo-on-github/2568

    1. Which HTML tag I should use to enclose such notes to add a semantic meaning of a note that may be useful to read at a given point of a tutorial, but is not part of the main tutorial flow?
    2. A better description is in the specification itself. Why read secondary remarks when the source is written so good?
    3. I respectfully disagree with your assessment. You are referencing the quote "It's not appropriate to use the aside element just for parentheticals, since those are part of the main flow of the document." However the OP specifically said that they are looking for a semantic element for "a note that may be useful to read at a given point of a tutorial, but is not part of the main tutorial flow". That is what "aside" is for. It's not part of the main content flow.

      That's a tough one. I can see it both ways.

    4. An admonition is a parenthetical
    5. <aside> is appropriate if the side note "could be considered separate from the content"

      From a programmer's perspective:

      • It shouldn't be in an <aside>, if it is actually directly about what is in <main>
      • An <aside> should be able to be evaluated on its own, (almost entirely) in isolation from, and not dependent on anything in, the <main> content. This could be especially important/relevant for screen readers.
    6. <aside> is not appropriate if the side note is "a parenthetical". The W3C gives no examples of what it means.
    7. In my opinion, the W3C definition is unnecessarily confusing and restrictive. The dictionary definition of aside is "a temporary departure from a main theme or topic", and the spec should just stick to that, rather than introducing subtle distinctions.
    8. I believe the accepted answer is not quite correct. According to the HTML5 working draft, the <aside> element can be used to mark up side notes in certain, but not all cases:
    9. Of course, there is no reason why you can't use <aside> for all sidenotes, if it makes your code simpler. Think of it as civil disobedience. :)
    10. The dictionary definition of aside is "a temporary departure from a main theme or topic"
  2. Mar 2021
    1. 本书作者王骥是迄今为止中国唯一的艺术家手作书藏家,十几年来,他斥巨资收藏了200多本艺术家手作书,却始终蜗居在30㎡的小房子里。



  3. Feb 2021
    1. Preferimos pensar que quizás hay pocas mujeres que se embarcan en la carrera de concursos y proyectos de edificación de forma solitaria porque:


    2. 1.

      puntos que son un llamado a la acción, vinculado al propósito

    3. Éstas y otras cuestiones se pusieron sobre la mesa la pasada semana en el 1º Congreso de Investigación en Arquitectura y Género “ArquitectAs: redefiniendo la profesión”, celebrado en la Escuela Técnica superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla y dirigido por Nuria Álvarez Lombardero, quien publicó el pasado mes en la ciudad viva un post de “presentación” al congreso. (Visitar aqui: http://www.laciudadviva.org/blogs/?p=20761)

      citas, fuentes de consulta

    1. 苹果准备最早明年发布它的高端 VR 设备,这款计划中的产品售价将会高达 3000 美元。代号为 N301 的 VR 设备使用了两个 8K 显示屏,采用 M1 芯片的继任者,能展示丰富的 3D 图形。苹果将会使用眼球跟踪技术以较低的保真度渲染非用户注视的目标。苹果正在测试的一个版本使用了 10 多个摄像头,从跟踪手运动到提供周围空间的即时动态,可用于混合和增强现实体验,不限于浸入式的 VR。

    1. For Latour, the ideology of neoliberalism has caused the operation of global capital to be elevated to the same order as that of inert matter: both are taken as fixed and obligatory realities that are entirely independent of the contingent behaviour of human beings in the world down-below.
  4. Jan 2021
    1. In the meantime, I invite you to partake of this week’s tribute to the current generation of traders who’ve withstood the destruction of price discovery at the hands of overly-intrusive central banking policy. Please enjoy, The Unbearable Lightness of Trading.

      destruction of price discovery

    1. Tag: marginalia
      • for : TrailHub4Hypothesis
    2. Tag: marginalia An Outline for Using Hypothesis for Owning your Annotations and Highlights

    1. 2. Worms A worm is similar to a virus; the difference is that worms spread on their own instead of attaching to a program and infecting it and others. A lot of the time, worms spread over a network, exploiting a vulnerability to jump from machine to machine. As they continue to recursively spread, worms infect machines at a faster rate. This wastes the network's bandwidth at a minimum, while nastier worms can spread ransomware or other problems across an entire business network.


    2. 10. Exploits and Vulnerabilities While not a form of malware, exploits and vulnerabilities are important terms in online security. Because no programmer or software is perfect, every program, OS, and website has some kind of vulnerability. Malicious actors work to find these flaws so they can exploit them to run malware or similar. advertising function refreshcontentwordcount9(){ if(contentwordcount9Changed == 'false'){ googletag.cmd.push(function(){ googletag.pubads().refresh([contentwordcount9]); googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1555342976270-7'); }); contentwordcount9Changed = 'true'; }; }; For example, say someone discovered a bug that let you create a new admin account with no password in Windows by following certain steps. Someone could write malware to run these steps on someone's PC, get admin access, and then wreak havoc. The best way to stay safe from these threats is keeping your OS and all software up-to-date. Developers patch these problems as they find them, so staying on the latest version keeps you safe from old and known exploits.


    3. 8. Rootkit A rootkit (a term which merges the admin "root" account on Unix systems and the "kit" they use) is a type of malware that gains access to restricted parts of a computer and then disguises or otherwise hides itself. Typically, a rootkit gets installed when the attacker has admin (or root) access to a machine. Once the rootkit is installed, it has privileges to do whatever the owner wants on the system. Rootkits abuse this to hide their intrusion—for example, it might cloak its presence from the installed antivirus app. Obviously, a piece of malware having complete control over your system is quite dangerous. A lot of the time, you'll have to completely reinstall the OS to get rid of a rootkit.


    4. 5. Spyware Spyware is another type of malware that can take several forms. It refers to programs that track your computer usage for some purpose and reports it back to an entity. Most programs—and even operating systems like Windows 10—collect data about your usage and report it back to the developer. They use this to improve their tools with real-world data. Proper spyware is distinguished by the fact that it collects this data without letting the user know. advertising function refreshcontentwordcount5(){ if(contentwordcount5Changed == 'false'){ googletag.cmd.push(function(){ googletag.pubads().refresh([contentwordcount5]); googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1555342976270-3'); }); contentwordcount5Changed = 'true'; }; }; While spyware often collects your data for advertising purposes, nastier spyware can also collect sensitive information like login credentials. Extreme spyware includes keyloggers, which are programs that record every keystroke you make on your machine.


    1. Utterly encapsulating gapless dark ambient experience.

      Now there's a touchstone for the ages

    2. Terrifying in its bleakness, Elegy is a record dedicated to its portrayal of loneliness, telling a story with firm roots in tension contextualised by the title’s disheartening implications.

      A dedicated sponge in the blank countenance of empty space and flat time, I'd say.

  5. Dec 2020
    1. There's a bug in Hypothesis (at least the sidebar client) such that it's possible to post annotations with comments to the the public, but if you want to highlight something and make it similarly public, then it's not possible...

      I'm using this tag as a workaround. The annotation comment should be a Markdown-style quote (i.e. set off by an ASCII right-pointing angle bracket / less-than sign).

  6. Nov 2020
    1. Anthony Tattersal

      I suggest to add a link to his biography or any other link that tells the reader who he is

    1. By keeping the price of ebooks high, publishers keep paperbacks as a valid option for readers. That way, the world of physical books isn't under threat of becoming extinct due to ebooks.

      Do you like this reason?

    2. If you're an avid reader, you may know the pain of losing or damaging your books. Ebooks, however, don't share this problem.

      How long do ebooks last?

      Has one of your ebooks ever become damaged?

      Have you ever lost an ebook?

    3. On top of this, ebooks are very convenient for the readers buying them. Buying a physical book involves going to a bookstore and hoping they have it in stock, or ordering it online and waiting for it to arrive. For ebooks, you go to a website, click the "Buy" button, and download the book to your PC or reader.

      Are people willing to pay for convenience?

    4. This constraint is the reason ebooks sometimes cost more than paperbacks. For example, a publisher can list the price of their physical book at $27.95 and the ebook at $20, which is a reasonable 30 percent markdown.

      Explain why ebooks sometimes cost more than physical books.

    5. Unlike with physical books, Amazon has no control over the price of ebooks. If someone has performed the steps required to publish an ebook via Kindle Direct Publishing, they set the price as they please, with no exceptions.

      Do you think this is true for authors who don't have a following?

    6. However, ebooks utilize the agency model when sold. Instead of letting the retailer choose the price, the publisher states what they're selling for. The publisher gets 70 percent of each transaction, and the retailer gets the remaining 30 percent.

      How is the pricing system for ebooks different from the one for physical books?

    7. Everything makes sense when you imagine all of the people who helped make the book who need paying. For one, the author has to get their agreed royalty cut from every sale. From there, the editors, proofreaders, cover artists, and marketers all need to be paid. These obligations don't leave the publisher with a lot of money for themselves.

      Who else needs to be paid besides just the author?

    8. a physical book takes around $1-2 to produce. If this is true, however, then why are they priced a lot more than that?

      Does this surprise you?

    1. Oh, and from a language/design perspective, you can actually turn regular words in a sentence into channels, just as many people do with @replies. For example: I’m coming to #barcamp later today.

      Because the use of hashtags is inline and you can turn regular words into hashtags (and therefor channels), there is no friction to do so.

    2. It also enforces actual use in the wild of tags, since no evidence of a tag will exist without it first being used in conversation. This means that representing channels in tagclouds across the site that grow and fade over time, and are contextual to all of Twitter or to a single user, is the ideal interface for displaying this information.

      Hashtags have the added benefit that they won't show up for others if they're not used.

      If you look at which hashtags are being used (trending), you get a taxonomy of micro-contexts, ranked by popularity, with which you can navigate Twitter. All from the bottom up.

    3. I also like that the folksonomic approach (as in, there are no “pre-established groups”) allows for a great deal of expression, of negotiation (I imagine that #barcamp will be a common tag between events, but that’s fine, since if there is a collision, say between two separate BarCamps on the same day, they’ll just have to socially engineer a solution and probably pick a new tag, like #barcampblock) and of decay (that is, over time, as tags are used less frequently, other people can reuse them — no domain squatting!).

      The folksonomic approach (user-generated tagging) is beneficial because it allows complexity to emerge bottom-up.

    4. Every time someone uses a channel tag to mark a status, not only do we know something specific about that status, but others can eavesdrop on the context of it and then join in the channel and contribute as well. Rather than trying to ping-pong discussion between one or more individuals with daisy-chained @replies, using a simple #reply means that people not in the @reply queue will be able to follow along, as people do with Flickr or Delicious tags. Furthermore, topics that enter into existing channels will become visible to those who have previously joined in the discussion. And, perhaps best of all, anyone can choose to leave or remove topics that don’t interest them.

      Twitter's hashtags form a dual purpose. They label a status with a certain tag, telling us something about the intended context of that Tweet.

      The ease of which makes it frictionless for anyone to jump into the conversation.

      But they also equip an interested eavesdropper with the ability to follow along with a conversation. This idea (at the time this was being discussed at Twitter) was already happening with Flickr and Delicious tags.

    5. This is how it works in IRC, and how it needed to work in Twitter.

      The idea of:

      When you use a hastag and the channel with that name doesn't exist, it gets created, is an idea that came from IRC.

    6. Now, in thinking about implementing channels, it was imperative that I not introduce any significant changes into the way that I currently use Twitter any more than I have for other features that have been added to Twitter (for example, @replies or direct messages). Channels would need to be a command-line-friendly addition, and one that would require absolutely zero web-based management to make the most of it (to draw a distinction, Pownce fails this test with its Friend Sets, since it requires use of their website to take advantage of this feature).

      The requirements [[Joe Messina]] laid out for a concept of "channels" on Twitter was that:

      1. It shouldn't add any friction to his current use
      2. It shouldn't require any web-based management to make the most of

      Twitter of 2020 satisfies these requirements. You just type #something, and you can click on that hash or search for it to see results.

    7. Jaiku comes closest with their channels implementation, making it extremely easy to create new channels (simply post a message that begins with a hash (#) and your intended channel name — and if the channel doesn’t exist, it’ll be created for you):

      [[Joe Messina]] details an example from [[Jaiku]] where you can create a channel by simply posting a message that starts with a hash (#). If the channel doesn't exist, it will be created for you.

    8. I’m more interested in simply having a better eavesdropping experience on Twitter.

      [[Joe Messina]]'s reason for suggesting the hashtag was his interest in having "better eavesdropping experience on Twitter"

  7. Oct 2020

      Curso Habilidades digitales y competencias informacionales para ciencias 2020


      Layla Michán

  8. Sep 2020
    1. including computer vision, machine vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, audio recognition, social network filtering, machine translation, bioinformatics, drug design, medical image analysis, material inspection and board game programs, where they have produced results comparable to and in some cases surpassing human expert performance<br> yes ma

    1. “Who are you then?" "I am part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good.”

    1. So how do you use inline tagging to add keywords and categories while you read? Simply highlight a passage and add a note beginning with a period (.) followed by a single word or abbreviation (with no spaces).


  9. Aug 2020
    1. Perfil

      Voilà ! Aqui vamos a mais uma apresentação, mas agora com outros formalismos e curiosidades!

      Sou Thays do Carmo, advogada, recém graduada em Direito pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília, e mestranda pela UnB na Linha de Pesquisa 2.

      O tema objeto de minha dissertação de mestrado relaciona-se à pesquisa empírica em direito, busco encontrar padrões argumentativos típicos das decisões que estabelecem a modulação de efeitos no STF.

      Assim, estou com grandes expectativas de aperfeiçoar minha estratégia de pesquisa para que os dados estejam cada fez mais organizados, sistematizados e coerentes.

    1. Concreto pero bastante entendible. Aunque quedan muchas dudas, creo que picándole aprenderemos..

    1. Excelente taller, creo que sería muy útil otro para reforzar lo aprendido hoy. Gracis

    1. Curso Hypothesis DGBSDI

      Segunda parte del Taller, excelente herramienta

  10. Jun 2020
    1. A Firefox/Hypothesis extension has been in the works for quite a while,

      I published an unofficial Firefox extension here. Just download and install the XPI file. Go here for a discussion about it. So far only thing I found that doesn't work is annotating local PDFs, because Firefox is more restrictive about this than Chrome.

  11. May 2020
  12. Apr 2020
    1. ing was that the teacher-education students in our study did not see their set online tasks as being valuable to their

      FOllow up later

    1. Whether you’ve just purchased a new PC or reinstalled Windows, the first task you’ll likely do is installing apps.

      True that

    1. Offering your product in a free and paid version is nothing new and it’s entirely legitimate for OSS products,

      I feel as if this has been popular in the whole entire software industry!

    2. By far the most common method of income is to provide a service alongside the OSS product. Pick any OSS project from random and there’s a good chance that they utilize this method in one way or another.

      This makes sense

    3. self-taught lone wolves

      I wonder why this is

    4. open source and profit are mutually exclusiv

      wow I did not know this

  13. Mar 2020
    1. To be fully compliant with GDPR, you would also need to enable Show Reject All Button setting.
    2. Consent Model. In the case of GDPR, you must choose the Opt-in. This means that you cannot start tracking people before the consent was given.
    3. This cookie consent notification is just a tool for getting consent, it’s not capable of managing your tracking tags because every website and every GTM container is unique, therefore there is no universal solution. As a result, you will have to manually update all your tracking tags with additional firing rules.
    4. Configuring OneTrust’s cookie consent solution is just half of the task. Your tracking scripts (like Google Analytics, Google Adwords, etc.) will still continue working as they always did unless you import my GTM recipe and then reconfigure all of your tracking tags. Yup, there’s a lot of manual work waiting ahead.
    5. if you are using some tools/scripts on your website that are used to identify individuals and their data is processed by you or 3rd parties), that can be done only when a person gives consent
  14. Feb 2020
    1. The biggest drawback of algorithmic feeds is that you might be looking at irrelevant content. When you see something on your timeline and want to comment, you will have to check the timestamp to see if your comment is still relevant or not.
    1. uld argue the text is most guilty of exoticism as it reflects a sense of wonder about different groups of people without any reference to respective racial superiority or inferi

      guilty of exoticism - wonder, "otherness"

    2. “the Anglo-Saxon readers and viewers of these texts probably considered them true”

      early english readers probably considered the wonders real

  15. Jan 2020
  16. Nov 2019
  17. Oct 2019
    1. A conexão e colaboração entre os associados é um valor levado a sério pelos coworkings. E nada melhor do que criar e manter uma rede de relacionamento bem estruturada, de acordo com os seus objetivos. E como esses espaços prezam pelo compartilhamento e trabalho co-criativo,

      Explicar como os espaços de coworking exploram a conexão entre integrantes do local

  18. Sep 2019
  19. Aug 2019
    1. bough    .

      Sonnenizio does have a capping couplet

    2. 1913

      An italian sonnet has one octave with the rhyme scheme abba abba with a sestet with the rhyme scheme of the poets choice

    3. ; Petals

      The poem is so short that there isn't really a true Volta (Turn of phrase), but if there was one, it would be between the two lines

    4. crowd

      This poem has a rhyme scheme, crowd and bough

    5. The

      100% not a sonnenizio

    6. crowd

      An English Sonnet/Elizabethan Sonnet is a type of sonnet with 3 quatrains and 1 couplet (usually a capping couplet). The rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg

    7. Brief Poems by Ezra Pound

      Here is small collection. Thanks DP!

  20. Jul 2019
    1. Nikkei Asian Review

      Hello, I am the Citerpress bot :) I think this sentence is mentioning a news article without an explicit link. I looked in my news database and here is what I found:

      Hit #1 (score of 39.0)

      Hit #2 (score of 37.9)

      Hit #3 (score of 37.2)

      Hit #4 (score of 34.3)

      I did my best! My annotations will get better and better with time, as I index new pages every day.

  21. Jun 2019
    1. It is “undermining behaviour from managers” that is forcing women out of the tech industry.

    2. Noble describes entering the term “beautiful,” and shows a screen of pictures of white people. She entered “ugly”, and the results were a racial mix.

    3. She search for “three black teenagers” in 2010, and getting mug shots as the result. Then searched “black girls” in that same year brought the viewer to porn sites.

    4. Noble focuses on degrading stereotypes of women of African descent as a prime example of these prejudices, which translate to overt racism.

  22. Apr 2019
  23. Mar 2019
    1. personalize learning infographic

      This is not quite what it sounds like. It is a Pinterest style page with links to assorted articles that relate to personalized learning, most of which are presented in an infographic. It is sufficiently useful if one has the patience to click through to the infographics. Usability is satisfactory although the top half of the page is taken up with graphics that are not directly related to the content. rating 3/5

  24. Jan 2019