- Nov 2024
usrussiarelations.org usrussiarelations.org
Andrei Dashkov
Find out more! Who was Andrei Dashkov? What did he do (if anything) in his work with the United States?
Cite your source(s)!
- Oct 2024
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I consider Valentines 'designer' typewriters, and generally overrated. If you want to write on an Olivetti, I'd go for the Lettera 22/32/DL. The Valentine is based on the Lettera 32, so the mechanical part is solid, but the Valentine is not as well-balanced as the 32. And about ten times more expensive.
Me starts thinking about cornering the market in Lettera 32s and 3D printing Valentine cases to put onto them...
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1:27:32 A Community Bill of Rights
- Aug 2024
archive.nytimes.com archive.nytimes.com
Cormac McCarthy's Typewriter Brings $254,500 at Auction by [[Randy Kennedy]] on 2009-12-04
Glenn Horowitz, a rare-book dealer who handled the auction for Mr. McCarthy, told The New York Times earlier this week: “When I grasped that some of the most complex, almost otherworldly fiction of the postwar era was composed on such a simple, functional, frail-looking machine, it conferred a sort of talismanic quality to Cormac’s typewriter. It’s as if Mount Rushmore was carved with a Swiss Army knife.”
- Jul 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Designer Marcelo Nizzoli designed the Lettera 22, 32, and Studio 44.
- Mar 2024
pedagogie.ac-reunion.fr pedagogie.ac-reunion.fr
La procédure de passage devant le conseil de discipline est précisément définie par les articlesR .511-30 à R.511-32 qui concernent les modalités de mise en œuvre du principe du contradictoire
- Oct 2023
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
Water immobilization is a cool thing! The simplest way to accomplish it is by freezing. But can you think of how water might be immobilized (so to speak) at temperatures above freezing, say at 50°F (10°C)? Think Jell-O and a new process that mimics caviar and you have two methods that nearly stop water in its tracks.
I learned that science and cooking is always connected. Even if we don't think about it in every day life like when water evaporates or freezes it is chemistry. But what I found most interesting that I learned is how water immobilization works, or to put it more simply the science behind Jell-O. When you add gelatin to water it traps the water molecules in place which creates the sort of liquid and solid hybrid we find with Jell-O.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
In dem bisher umfassendsten Klimaprozess klagen 6 portugiesische Kinder und junge Menschen vor dem Europäischen Menschenrechts-Gerichtshof gegen 32 Nationen, um sie zu einer schnellen Senkung ihrer Emissionen zu zwingen. Sie haben inzwischen erreicht, dass ein Hearing vor der Grand Jury des Gerichtshofs stattfand. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/14/young-people-to-take-32-european-countries-to-court-over-climate-policies
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Charlie Parker wrote a number of contrafacts on rhythm changes among which “Moosethe Mooche,” shown in Figure 19.1, is one of the most well known
Chapter 23 examines the 32-bar ABAC form and its two tonal variants: on-tonic and off-tonic. As an example of this formal design, “All Of You” is analyzed
Chapter 22 undertakes a study of song forms and its most common type: the 32-barAABA. Two tonal variants, on-tonic and off-tonic, are examined and, as an example ofthe on-tonic AABA formal design, “Have You Met Miss Jones?” is analyzed.
- Mar 2022
www.haaretz.com www.haaretz.com
Dagon’s father was El, the head of the West Semitic pantheon. The name Israel, shows that El was originally the tutelary god of Israel (it’s right there in the name!), but over time, Yahweh took El’s place:“When the Most High (El Elyon) divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For the Lord's (Yahweh’s) portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance” (Deuteronomy 32:8-9).
In the West Semitic pantheon of gods, El was the father of Dagon who was in turn the father of Baal. El Elyon is mentioned in Deuteronomy 32:8-9 and his name is a root word of the endonym Israel.
- Aug 2021
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2021.07.021
Resource: (ZFIN Cat# ZDB-ALT-111118-32,RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-ALT-111118-32)
Curator: @Naa003
SciCrunch record: RRID:ZFIN_ZDB-ALT-111118-32
- Mar 2021
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Results for individual PALB2 variants were normalized relative to WT-PALB2 and the p.Tyr551ter (p.Y551X) truncating variant on a 1:5 scale with the fold change in GFP-positive cells for WT set at 5.0 and fold change GFP-positive cells for p.Y551X set at 1.0. The p.L24S (c.71T>C), p.L35P (c.104T>C), p.I944N (c.2831T>A), and p.L1070P (c.3209T>C) variants and all protein-truncating frame-shift and deletion variants tested were deficient in HDR activity, with normalized fold change <2.0 (approximately 40% activity) (Fig. 1a).
AssayResult: 4.5
AssayResultAssertion: Normal
StandardErrorMean: 0.16
A total of 84 PALB2 patient-derived missense variants reported in ClinVar, COSMIC, and the PALB2 LOVD database were selected
HGVS: NM_024675.3:c.2612A>G p.(Asp871Gly)
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
AssayResult: 34
AssayResultAssertion: Abnormal
PValue: < 0.0001
AssayResult: -34
AssayResultAssertion: Abnormal
PValue: < 0.0001
AssayResult: 64.45
AssayResultAssertion: Abnormal
PValue: < 0.0001
Comment: Exact values reported in Table S3.
To this end, 44 missense variants found in breast cancer patients were identified in the ClinVar database (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar) and/or selected by literature curation based on their frequency of description or amino acid substitution position in the protein (Supplemental Table S1).
HGVS: NM_024675.3:c.3418T>G p.(Trp1140Gly)
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Source Data
AssayResult: 14.78
AssayResultAssertion: Abnormal
ReplicateCount: 2
StandardErrorMean: 9.34
Comment: Exact values reported in “Source Data” file.
Source Data
AssayResult: 7.63
AssayResultAssertion: Abnormal
ReplicateCount: 2
StandardDeviation: 0.51
StandardErrorMean: 0.36
Comment: Exact values reported in “Source Data” file.
We, therefore, analyzed the effect of 48 PALB2 VUS (Fig. 2a, blue) and one synthetic missense variant (p.A1025R) (Fig. 2a, purple)29 on PALB2 function in HR.
HGVS: NM_024675.3:c.2831T>A p.(I944N)
www.cell.com www.cell.com
Most Suspected Brugada Syndrome Variants Had (Partial) Loss of Function
AssayResult: 29.8
AssayResultAssertion: Abnormal
ReplicateCount: 13
StandardErrorMean: 5.7
Comment: This variant had partial loss of function of peak current (10-50% of wildtype), therefore it was considered abnormal (in vitro features consistent with Brugada Syndrome Type 1). (Personal communication: A. Glazer)
we selected 73 previously unstudied variants: 63 suspected Brugada syndrome variants and 10 suspected benign variants
HGVS: NM_198056.2:c.2780A>G p.(Asn927Ser)
- Feb 2021
jmg.bmj.com jmg.bmj.com
Supplemental material
AssayResult: 51
AssayResultAssertion: Normal
Comment: See Table S2 for details
Supplemental material
AssayResult: 4.9
AssayResultAssertion: Abnormal
Comment: See Table S2 for details
We analysed a total of 82 blood samples derived from 77 individuals (online supplemental table 3). These 77 individuals corresponded either to new index cases suspected to harbour a pathogenic TP53 variant or to relatives of index cases harbouring TP53 variants.
HGVS: NM_000546.5:c.673-2A>G p.?
- May 2019
sg.inflibnet.ac.in sg.inflibnet.ac.in
Optiphot fluorescence microscope, E600W fluorescence microscope and T2000E Confocal microscope Cl were from Nikon (Tokyo, Japan). Multitemp III water bath and EPS 500/400 power supply were obtained from Amersham Pharmacia Biotech (Uppsala, Sweden). Gyratory water bath shaker was purchased from New Brunswick Scientific Co., Inc (Edison, NJ). Centrivac and Biofuge table top centrifuge were from Heraeus (Allerod, Denmark). f.!-Quant microplate reader was from Bio-tek Instruments Inc. (Winooski, VT). Protean II polyacrylamide gel system and Mini Trans blot system were from Bio-Rad Laboratories (Hercules, CA). Submarine DNA electrophoresis system was procured fro Bangalore Genei (Bangalore, India). Laminar flow hoods were purchased from Kartos Ltd. (New Delhi, India). Eppendorf 581 OR centrifuge was purchased from Eppendorf (Hamburg, Germany). LS50B flourimeter was from Perkin Elmer Biosystems (Norwalk, CT). Fluostar Optima fluorimeter was from BMG labtech (Offenburg, Germany) BD-LSR flow-cytometer was from Bectinson Dickinson Biosciences (San Jose, CA). Peltier Thermal Cycler-200 was purchased from MJ research (Waltham, MA). Doc-It Gel Documentation system was procured from UVP Bio Imaging System Incorporation (Upland, CA)
- Mar 2019
thevision.com thevision.com
e trattamenti obbligatori quali sono i vaccini imposti in base all’art. 32 della Costituzione
In questo articoletto fake dall'inizio alla fine, l'autrice scrive delle cose abominevoli..Ma dove sta scritto che i vaccini sono imposti dall'articolo 32 della Costituzione Italiana?
L'art. 32 testualmente recita: "...Nessuno può essere obbligato a un determinato trattamento sanitario se non per disposizione di legge. La legge non può in nessun caso violare i limiti imposti dal rispetto della persona umana..."
- Dec 2018
reimaginingthebom.com reimaginingthebom.com
And I know that the record which I make is true. And I make it with mine own hand and I make it according to my knowledge.
In the first paragraph there is an evocation of the triad of First Principles: Mythos, Typos, Logos (GOD, Place, Word) The Mythic moves and opens up spaces. From that spatial existence known by/as Persons and Places come Things - works/words, art/artifacts, etc. Myths open spaces and rational accounts limit them. These are two parts of one eternal process. Mythos creates space through its mysterious movements. Then within the spatial existence opened by Mythos we have a spatial/special relationship between Peope & Place which always begins to generate Names and other Words. From there the Spirit continues to flow through linguistic channels (Logos) and finally deposited back into the realm of Myth to begin again. [If at any point in this process there is a failure to complete and continue the cycle then what comes about is "vain imaginings" as opposed to the reimagining encouraged on this site. This will be a major theme throughout the BOM.]
Limitation - One man's account, one man's knowledge. The content itself is a product of the quality of experience and great knowledge accumulated through the person of Nephi (who is likely a higher dimensional type for millions of others who share to some degree in the experience of "favor" and "goodness" on any and all planes). The accuracy of recording relies on the "Learning of the Jews" (Scientific Judgements and Measurements of Truth) and the "Language of the Egyptians" (Science of Expression of Truth through Active Arts).<br> Compare Alma 32:26-43
- Sep 2018
primarydocuments.ca primarydocuments.ca
In order to protect local interests, and to prevent sectional jealousies, it was found requisite that the three great divisions into which British North America is separated, should be represented in the Upper House on the principle of equality. There are three great sections, having different interests, in this proposed Confederation.
§§. 21-36 & § 91(1) of the Constitution Act, 1867
Referenced in Re: Authority of Parliament in relation to the Upper House, [1980] 1 SCR 54, 1979 CanLII 169 (SCC)
To the Upper House is to be confided the protection of sectional interests ; therefore is it that the three great divisions are there equally represented, for the purpose of defending such interests against the combinations of majorities in the Assembly.
§§. 21-36 & § 91(1) of the Constitution Act, 1867
Referenced in Re: Authority of Parliament in relation to the Upper House, [1980] 1 SCR 54, 1979 CanLII 169 (SCC)
- Section 26 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 21 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 27 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 31 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 28 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 29 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 34 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 23 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 24 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 35 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 25 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 36 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 22 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 33 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 91(1) of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 32 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 30 of the Constitution Act 1867
primarydocuments.ca primarydocuments.ca
But the very essence of our compact is that the union shall be federal and not legislative. Our Lower Canada friends have agreed to give us representation by population in the Lower House, on the express condition that they shall have equality in the Upper House. On no other condition could we have advanced a step ; and, for my part, I am quite willing they should have it. In maintaining the existing sectional boundaries and handing over the control of local matters to local bodies, we recognize, to a certain extent, a diversity of interests ; and it was quite natural that the protection for those interests, by equality in the Upper Chamber, should be demanded by the less numerous provinces.
§§. 21-36 & § 91(1) of the Constitution Act, 1867
Referenced in Re: Authority of Parliament in relation to the Upper House, [1980] 1 SCR 54, 1979 CanLII 169 (SCC)
- Section 26 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 21 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 27 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 31 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 28 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 29 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 34 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 23 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 24 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 35 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 25 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 36 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 22 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 33 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 91(1) of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 32 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Section 30 of the Constitution Act 1867
- Oct 2017
www.amnesty.org www.amnesty.org
A number of openly lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) candidates ran for seats in legislative and local elections to increase their political visibility and participation.
What this means is that the government has really not desire about the people and they don't care what is being said at all in that matter.
The government failed to finalize and implement a draft National Human Rights Plan after consulting in 2015 with human rights organizations.
Even though the DR is making great strides to be more modern, they still find difficulties in handling human rights
A number of openly lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) candidates ran for seats in legislative and local elections to increase their political visibility and participation.
It is nice to hear more about the LGBT's progression of being recognised in other parts of the world other than the U.S.
The government failed to finalize and implement a draft National Human Rights Plan after consulting in 2015 with human rights organizations.
how they can not implement a national human rights plan. they should have one
A number of openly lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) candidates ran for seats in legislative and local elections to increase their political visibility and participation.
for me is a big step for changing the world. seeing this make me happy that people are coming out and doing whats they want
A U.N.-backed study released this year estimated that there are nearly 210,000 Dominican-born people of Haitian descent and roughly another 34,000 born to parents of another nationality.
I couldn't imagine going through this. Both my parents are European immigrants and I am an American citizen, and I can't imagine being told that I can no longer be an American citizen just because my parents aren't.
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — Experts warned Friday that a Dominican court decision to strip citizenship from children of Haitian migrants could cause a human rights crisis, potentially leaving tens of thousands of people stateless, facing mass deportation and discrimination.
All humans have basic rights, and by separating families you are violating their rights People of different nationalities are feeling in violation of their rights as they fear deportation and separation of their families
Meanwhile, the military announced that it had deported 47,700 Haitians caught entering the country in the past year, more than double the nearly 21,000 deported in the previous year.
We have this type of issue now with the mass population with illegal immigrants that Trump promised to deport. When we hear about it from other countries, we think it is cruel but we voted for a president who plans on doing the same thing in our country.
Experts warned Friday that a Dominican court decision to strip citizenship from children of Haitian migrants could cause a human rights crisis, potentially leaving tens of thousands of people stateless, facing mass deportation and discrimination.
I cannot imagine having my citizenship taken away from me after fleeing from a country where it had a lot of violence and dictatorship. I can safely say that it is as if taking my safety away from me and throwing me out back to the wolves.
- Jun 2017
iiilabs.com iiilabs.com
This is 32 pages. How to highlight /