- Nov 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Erklär-Artikel im Guardian über Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) und Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Bei der Verabschiedung der Summary for Policy Makers des letzten Teils des AR6 haben sich vor allem Vertreter Saudi-Arabiens dafür eingesetzt, Hinweise auf CDR und CCS aufzunehmen und Hinweise auf erneuerbare Energien zu streichen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/25/carbon-dioxide-removal-tech-polarising-climate-science
- Jul 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die Crisis Advisory Group begründet in einer Studie zu Carbon Credits, dass diese nur für die Entfernung von CO2 aus der Atmosphäre vergeben werden sollten, nicht für die Vermeidung von Emissionen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jun/26/voluntary-carbon-market-offsetting-industry-reforms-cccg-climate-crisis-advisory-group-aoe
- Verra
- Carbon offsets
- Climate Crisis Advisory Group
- Mercedes Bustamante
- Mark Maslin
- carbon credits
- David King
- Jan 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
for - nature-based carbon sequestration - reestablish whale populations - Nate Hagen - The Great Simplification - David King - climate crisis - solutions - progress trap - overfishing - whales
johnhalbrooks.substack.com johnhalbrooks.substack.comHwæt!1
To illustrate this liminal space between the oral and the literate, here is an illustration from the Vespasian Psalter, a manuscript from the late eighth century, that depicts King David singing the Psalms: David is accompanying himself with a harp, and there are horn players and a couple of people apparently clapping along with the beat. But there are also two scribes behind him, who are writing down his song. Here we have a representation of a culture in a transitional stage between oral and literate transmission of poetry—the oral performance of a poem and the written transmission of the same poem are both present in the image.
- Dec 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- expert: David Tong
- event: COP28
- expert: Kjell Kühne
- Adnoc
- country: UAE
- expert: Gareth Redmond-King
- NGO: Oil Change International
- NGO: Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit
- actor: Adnoc
- 2023-08-17
- topic: Methane emissions
- actor: Sultan Al Jaber
- NGO: Leave It in the Ground Initiative
- process: methane reduction
- Jan 2023
the city of Khirbet Qeiyafa, radiocarbon dated to the end ofthe 11th and the beginning of the 10th century BCE, existed during theperiod to which the biblical tradition attributes this battle. The question thenarises if and how the excavation at Khirbet Qeiyafa contributes to ourunderstanding of this tradition.
Since Khirbet Qeiyafa is radiocarbon dated to the end of the 11th and beginning of the 10th century BCE in a location where the biblical tradition situates the battle between David and Goliath, how might its excavation contribute to our knowledge of this time period and these events?
Garfinkel, Yosef, Saar Ganor, and Michael G. Hasel. In the Footsteps of King David: Revelations from an Ancient Biblical City. Thames & Hudson, 2018. https://thamesandhudson.com/in-the-footsteps-of-king-david-9780500052013.
- Nov 2022
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
- May 2020
www.sciencemag.org www.sciencemag.org
Kupferschmidt, K. (2020, May 11). U.K. government should not keep scientific advice secret, former chief adviser says. Science | AAAS. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/05/uk-government-should-not-keep-scientific-advice-secret-former-chief-adviser-says
- interview
- advice
- decision making
- secret
- scientific community
- COVID-19
- response
- UK
- science
- government
- lang:en
- David King
- is:news
- evidence