- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for: James Hansen - 2023 paper, key insight - James Hansen, leverage point - emergence of new 3rd political party, leverage point - youth in politics, climate change - politics, climate crisis - politics
Key insight: James Hansen
- The key insight James Hansen conveys is that
- the key to rapid system change is
- WHAT? the rapid emergence of a new, third political party that does not take money from special interest lobbys.
- WHY? Hit the Achilles heel of the Fossil Fuel industry
- HOW? widespread citizen / youth campaign to elect new youth leaders across the US and around the globe
- WHEN? Timing is critical. In the US,
- Don't spoil the vote for the two party system in 2024 elections. Better to have a democracy than a dictatorship.
- Realistically, likely have to wait to be a contender in the 2028 election.
- the key to rapid system change is
- The key insight James Hansen conveys is that
- paper - Global Warming in the Pipeline
- Michael Mann's critique of the paper
Washington is a swamp it we throw out one party the other one comes in they take money from special interests and we don't have a government that's serving the interests 01:25:09 of the public that's what I think we have to fix and I don't see how we do that unless we have a party that takes no money from special interests
for: key insight- polycrisis - climate crisis - political crisis, climate crisis - requires a new political party, money in politics, climate crisis - fossil fuel lobbyists, climate change - politics, climate crisis - politics, James Hansen - key insight - political action - 3rd party
key insight
- Both democrats and conservatives are captured by fossil fuel lobbyist interests
- A new third political party that does not take money from special interests is required
- The nature of the polycrisis is that crisis are entangled . This is a case in point. The climate crisis cannot be solved unless the political crisis of money influencing politics is resolved
- The system needs to be rapidly reformed to kick money of special interest groups out of politics.
- Given the short timescale, the earliest we can achieve this is 2028 in the US Election cycle
- Meanwhile what can we do in between?
- How much impact can alternative forms of local governance like https://sonec.org/ have?
- In particular, could citizens form local alternative forms of governance and implement incentives to drive sustainable behavior?
- James Hansen - key insight - political action - 3rd party
- key insight - James Hansen
- climate change - pollitics
- climate crisis- fossil fuel lobbyists
- local governance
- climate crisis - leverage point - youth - politics
- climate crisis - politics
- James Hansen - 2023 paper
- leverage point - emergence of 3rd political party
- money in politicis
- climate change - politics
- climate crisis - leverage point - new party that takes no money from special interest
- leverage point - youth in politics
- climate crisis - requires a new political party
- key insight - polycrisis - climate crisis - political crisis
www.collapsemusings.com www.collapsemusings.com
for: climate crisis - multiple dimensions, polycrisis - multiple dimensions, climate crisis - good references, polycrisis - good references, polycrisis - comprehensive map, power to the people, climate change - politics, climate crisis - politics
comment / summary
- The content on this website may be what some call "doomers" that support a narrative of unavoidable catastrophe and civilization collapse
- The author does an excellent job of drawing together many scientifically validated research papers and news media stories on various crisis and integrates them together to support his narrative.
- As the author states, it is still incomplete but it is comprehensive and detailed enough to use as a starting foundation to build a complex polycrisis map upon. becaues it shows the complexities of the interwoven nexus of problems we face and the massive network of feedbacks between them that makes solving any one of them alone in isolation an impossibility
- The Cascade Institute focuses on social tipping points, complexity and polycrisis. We could synthesis a number of tools to map out and reveal effective mitigation strategies including:
- Cascade Institute tools
- Social tipping point tools
- SRG mapping tool along with Indyweb / Indranet
- Culture hacking tools
- SIMPOL strategy
- Downscaled Earth System Boundary tools
- SRG Deep Humanity BEing journey tools
- James Hansen's recommendation that the biggest leverage point is new form of governance
- We need to rapidly emerge a new global third political party that does not take money from special interest groups
- Progressive International comes to the same conclusion as James Hansen, that the key leverage point for rapid whole system change is radically new governance that puts power back to the hands of the people - power to the people
- Indyweb's people-centered, interpersonal methodology is a perfect match for SONEC circle-within-circles fractal structure
- mention to @Gyuri
- I've seen this circle-within-circle fractal, holonic group idea with Tim's software as well as Roberto's
- Feebate from local governance groups (from another Doomer site - Arctic Emergency)
- What the author's narrative shows is
- how precarious our situation is
- how many trends are getting far worse in the immediate future
- how we are already undercapacitated to deal with existing crisis so how will we deal with new ones that are exponentially worse?
- all these crisis will impact our supply chains. Why are these important? Our reliance on technology is dangerous and makes us very vulnerable
- Think of your laptop, cellphone or other electronic device that relies on a vast, complex and globally operational internet. Imagine that tidal surges wipes out the globally critical data centers located in New York. Or imagine electronic factories in China and Taiwan are wiped out due to extreme weather. How will you get or fix a broken piece of electronic equipment? We rely on each millions of specialized jobs all working smoothly in order for our laptop to continue working and communicating with each other.
- recommendation for new Indyweb / Indranet tools
- independent time and date stamp tool for every online, virtual sentence we write so we recognize in a long composition when we inserted a new idea
- ability to trace rapid trains of thought to reveal how new insights emerge from within our consciousness
- While writing this, I just recalled that we should have a way to time and date stamp every single virtual online action, like in this annotation because recall happens so nonlinearly and we won't have a hope to trace and trailmark without it. Hypothesis doesn't have time and date stamps of every sentence available to the user. So we don't know what nonlinear memory recall led to a specific sentence in an annotation. We need some independent Indyweb / Indranet tool that will do this universally. Trains of thoughts are so fragile we can forget the quick cascades very easily.
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
for: James Hansen, paper - Global Warming in the Pipeline, prediction - May 2024, find - May 2024 prediction, suggestion - debate - James Hansen - Michael Mann, climate crisis - politics, climate change - politics
- See the Dan Miller interview in the reference below
- The key point for SRG work in mobilizing and awakening the sleeping giant of the commons is summarized in the 3rd required action in the last sentence of his abstract:
- "Current political crises present an opportunity for RESET, especially if young people can grasp their situation." (Bold is from SRG)
- James Hansen Dec. 2023 interview discussing this paper
- https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2F8Ag3UVSrlhE%2F&group=world
- Dan Miller, who interviews Hansen and who has coauthored a paper with him, states in the interview that May 2024 is a test date for validating the paper's claims:
- https://hyp.is/HRKEfqYAEe6lGJ_E57_9Mw/docdrop.org/video/8Ag3UVSrlhE/
- Find
- Identify the section in the paper that Miller is alluding to which makes the prediction about events of May 2024.
- Michael Mann's critique of the paper
- James Hansen Dec. 2023 interview discussing this paper
- Michael Mann - critique of James Hansen 2023 paper
- find - may 2024 prediction data
- climate change - politics
- Dan Miller - James Hansen Dec 2023 interview
- James Hansen - prediction - May 2024
- suggestion - debate - James Hansen - Michael Mann
- paper - Global Warming in the Pipeline
- climate crisis - politics
- James Hansen
- Nov 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
haha, china and russia and friends are shitting all over your "scientific models".<br /> the ONLY problem is "too many humans", aka overpopulation, caused by pacifism.<br /> these "save the world" policies are collective suicide for the 95% useless eaters. byee!
- Aug 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
when you when you sort of take a step back and look at that part of the distraction and the 00:14:47 chaos that Trump and these GOP trolls deliver it's it's a wonderful Boon for the oil and gas industry and the Koch brothers and the guys that fund these campaigns and the federal Federalist 00:14:59 Society you know that's owning the Supreme Court they want to keep doing business as usual and the easiest way to do that is to have this big chaotic GOP that ignores climate change and to play 00:15:11 into what they want is the mainstream media not focusing more on climate change let alone making those two connections and a lot of mainstream media is scared to make that connection because oil companies are paying the bills 00:15:23 and CNN and every other network
- for: polycrisis, Trumpism, Chaos, distraction, climate crisis, climate communication, complexity, adjacency climate change fossil fuel industry, adjacency climate change big oil, adjacency climate change politics big oil, quote adjacency climate change fossil fuel industry, quote adjacency climate change big oil
- key insight
- claim
- One big reason that big oil is funding GOP to keep the chaotic Trump story as the main headline is to foster distraction from climate change impacts
- big news story in the US is Donald Trump and the election, climate change impacts of extreme weather is minimized
- the distraction of politics from a chaotic GOP is perfect distraction for the masses to ignore climate change and for big oil to continue BAU
- claim
- paraphrase
- quote
- when you take a step back and look at that part of the distraction and the chaos that Trump and these GOP trolls deliver
- it's it's a wonderful Boon for the oil and gas industry and the Koch brothers and the guys that fund these campaigns and the federal Federalist Society that's owning the Supreme Court
- they want to keep doing business as usual and the easiest way to do that is
- to have this big chaotic GOP that ignores climate change and
- to play into what they want
- the mainstream media not focusing more on climate change let alone making those two connections
- a lot of mainstream media is scared to make that connection because oil companies are paying the bills of CNN and every other network
- author
- Noel Casler
- complexity
- big oil - media influence
- quote - adjacency - climate change - politicis
- adjacency - climate change - Trump
- polycrisis
- adjacency - climate change - politics
- quote - adjacency - climate change - fossil fuel industry
- climate change - Trump as distraction
- climate change - distraction
- quote - adjacency - climate change - big oil
- quote - adjacency - climate change - Trump
- big oil
- quote
- fossil fuel - media influence
- Jul 2023
at third act where we organize old people like me over the age 00:05:36 of 60. we're concentrating on democracy and on climate they seem uh they seem the twin crises that we face
for: polycrisis, dual crisis, climate change and political polarization
key insight
- we have to deal with climate crisis AND political polarization simultaneously
- unless we solve the political polarization problem, we will be stuck in policy gridlock
- Apr 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
the best predictor of whether we agree with the science is simply where we fall on the political spectrum.
Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, climate scientist at Texas Tech University
the referent "the science" is "the [climate] science" in this context
- Jan 2023
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
Environmentalists say bulldozing the village to expand the Garzweiler mine would result in huge amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. The government and utility company RWE argue the coal is needed to ensure Germany's energy security.Police officers use water cannons on protesters in Luetzerath on Saturday. (Thilo Schmuelgen/Reuters)The regional and national governments, both of which include the environmentalist Green party, reached a deal with RWE last year allowing it to destroy the abandoned village in return for ending coal use by 2030, rather than 2038.Some speakers at Saturday's demonstration assailed the Greens, whose leaders argue that the deal fulfils many of the environmentalists' demands and saved five other villages from demolition.What on Earth?Why the reversal of a decades-old coal policy sparked controversy in Alberta"It's very weird to see the German government, including the Green party, make deals and compromise with companies like RWE, with fossil fuel companies, when they should rather be held accountable for all the damage and destruction they have caused," Thunberg said."My message to the German government is that they should stop what's happening here immediately, stop the destruction, and ensure climate justice for everyone."
Assuming the facts are correct and complete here, it's surprisingly naive of Thunberg to take this view. One unknown is whether the displaced villagers were suitably compensated for being evicted. Still, taking 8 years off the deadline to end coal use - that's a pretty massive win and could set the stage for even more in the future.
- Apr 2021
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
Hotez, P. (2021). Covid-19: A disaster five years in the making. BMJ, 373, n657. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n657
- Jul 2020
Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., Rosenthal, S. A., Kotcher, J., Ballew, M. T., Bergquist, P., Gustafson, A., Goldberg, M. H., & Wang, X. (2020). Politics and global warming, April 2020 [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/d7vbq
- Aug 2019
www.theamericanconservative.com www.theamericanconservative.com
The experts seem divided
97% consensus is not a "divided" unless one wishes to make it a controversy.
www.nationalreview.com www.nationalreview.com
For an update supporting the "97%" figure, see Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on human-caused global warming - IOPscience
- Aug 2015
www.vox.com www.vox.com
The right-wing base has a coherent position on climate change: It's a hoax, so we shouldn't do anything about it. The left-wing base has a coherent position: It's happening, so we should do something about it. The "centrist" position, shared by conservative Democrats and the few remaining moderate Republicans, is that it's happening but we shouldn't do anything about it. That's not centrist in any meaningful ideological sense; instead, like most areas of overlap between the parties, it is corporatist.
The worst possible outcome.