- Feb 2025
www.ian-leslie.com www.ian-leslie.com
The investor-entrepreneur Peter Thiel - whose own sanity is a topic of some debate - once noted that the disproportionate success of autistic founders in Silicon Valley is no accident. Many good ideas seem crazy until they work. Good listeners tend to be too easily convinced that their potentially transformative idea will never take off. Those impervious to social pressure, for whatever neurological or psychological reason, have the tunnel vision required to blast through mountains of scepticism and inertia.
direct source for this?
ageoftransformation.org ageoftransformation.org
Musk’s assault is aligned with a new vision inspiring the billionaire technology oligarchy backing Trump: the Dark Enlightenment ideology, inspired by transhumanist eugenics and scientific racism, which envisages national democracies being smashed and refashioned into a patchwork of authoritarian structures subservient to transnational techno-capital.
for - quote - Dark Enlightenment - Silicon Valley Neo-Reactionary - Nafeez Ahmed - 2025, Feb
quote - Dark Enlightement - Silicon Valley Neo-Reactionary - Nafeez Ahmed - Musk’s assault is aligned with a new vision inspiring the billionaire technology oligarchy backing Trump: the Dark Enlightenment ideology, inspired by - transhumanist eugenics and - scientific racism, - which envisages national democracies being - smashed and - refashioned into a patchwork of authoritarian structures subservient to transnational techno-capital.
How is this happening?
bylinetimes.com bylinetimes.com
for - from - post - LinkedIn - Nafeez Ahmed - Elon Musk - https://hyp.is/_3M0vOeLEe-RSrfue1zbFw/www.linkedin.com/posts/nafeezahmed_silicon-valley-whistleblowers-warn-elon-musk-activity-7293760025632620544-fw9w/ - article - Byline Times - Silicon Valley Whistleblowers Warn Elon Musk ‘Hijacking’ Republicans to Control Entire US Government - Nafeez Ahmed - 2025, Feb 7 - to Curtis Yarvin - critique - https://hyp.is/XsnCyOegEe-P3ytMaKH6fQ/www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xPF_SLZIPg
accuses Elon Musk of attempting to spearhead a private hostile takeover of the US Government on behalf of an extremist anti-democracy philosophy known as the ‘neo-reactionary’ movement, by effectively hijacking the Republican Party.
for - definition - silicon valley neo-reactionary movement
- Curtis Yarvin - neo-reactionary
- from - post - LinkedIn - Nafeez Ahmed - Elon Musk
- to Curtis Yarvin - critique
- silicon valley neo-reactionary movement
- article - Byline Times - Silicon Valley Whistleblowers Warn Elon Musk ‘Hijacking’ Republicans to Control Entire US Government - Nafeez Ahmed - 2025, Feb 7
- dark enlightenment
- definition - silicon valley neo-reactionary movement
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
for - post - LinkedIn - Nafeez Ahmed - Elon Musk is a Trojan horse in Republican Party - Story in Byline Times from Silicon Valley Whistleblowers - to Byline Times - Silicon Valley Whistleblowers - Elon Musk - https://hyp.is/DgWYiueMEe-G1jNnlM9BGg/bylinetimes.com/2025/02/07/silicon-valley-whistleblowers-warn-elon-musk-hijacking-republicans-to-control-entire-us-government/ - Byline Times - Silicon Valley Whistleblowers Warn Elon Musk ‘Hijacking’ Republicans to Control Entire US Government - Nafeez Ahmed
guidopalazzo.com guidopalazzo.com
As fervent believers in Longterminism, the Silicon Valley elites are not interested in the current multiple crises of our societies. On the contrary, through their social media platforms, Zuckerberg and Musk even instigate further polarization. Climate change, inequality, erosion of democracy – who cares? What counts is the far away future, not the present. Their greatest fear is not the collapse of our climate or the mass extinction of animals – they are haunted by the nightmare of AI taking over control. This would spoil their homo deus party. AI in control doesn’t need humans anymore.
for - biggest worry of silicon valley longterminists - AI takeover, not climate crisis - SOURCE - article - Guido Palazzo
To destabilize the current society and accelerate the fall of liberalism, some Silicon Valley protagonists like Peter Thiel finance extreme rightwing media and actors.
for - quote - To destabilize the current society and accelerate the fall of liberalism, some Silicon Valley protagonists like Peter Thiel finance extreme rightwing media and actors - SOURCE - article - Guido Palazzo
The new narrative of Silicon Valley is called Longterminism
for - silicon valley - latest religion - longterminism
comment - Interesting that in sustainability, shortermism of the market is seen as a handicap to addressing the polycrisis
Technodeterminism, is how Jonathan Taplin recently critically labeled this approach,26 which parallels the fervent belief of early Fascism in the power of technology: Cars, trains, machines of all kind that drive us at an accelerating speed into an entirely new world – one of our own creation. In Silicon Valley, rockets replace the cars
for - silicon valley - technodeterminism - Jonathan Taplin
In Silicon Valley, they believe in Homo Deus, the reinvention of a new species, half human, half machine.
for - silicon valley - homo deus - half human-half machine
Life is a war and only the strongest warriors will survive. Compassion with the weak is a luxury, which neither Fascists nor Libertarians can afford.
for - quote - Life is a war and only the strongest warriors survive. Compassion with the weak is a luxury, which neither Fascists nor Libertarians can afford. - article - Guido Palazzo
comment - This is a self-fulfilling prophecy that models one aspect of life - the fact that living beings must compete for resources with other living beings to survive - It ignores the other side, the cooperative and altruistic side - It ignores the intertwingledness of self and other - the individual / collective gestalts - It ignores the fundamental altruism of the mother in assuring their own survival in the world - the mOTHER, the Most significant OTHER
The world of Silicon Valley is a world of the strong in which there is no place for the weak. It is ruled by zero-sum meritocracy.
for - silicon valley - zero sum meritocracy
The Führerprinzip is the idea of the absolute leader who demands absolute obedience from followers.
for - definition - Fuhrerprinzip - silicon valley
reality distortion field
for - silicon valley - reality distortion field
- silicon valley - reality distortion field
- mOTHER - Most significant OTHER
- quote - To destabilize the current society and accelerate the fall of liberalism, some Silicon Valley protagonists like Peter Thiel finance extreme rightwing media and actors - SOURCE - article - Guido Palazzo
- silicon valley - latest religion - longterminism
- individual / collective gestalt
- silicon valley - homo deus - half human-half machine
- biggest worry of silicon valley longterminists - AI takeover, not climate crisis
- Jonathan Taplin
- silicon valley libertarian views
- self / other gestalt
- definition - Fuhrerprinzip - silicon valley
- silicon valley - zero sum meritocracy
- longterminism vs shortermism
- silicon valley - technodeterminism
- quote - Life is a war and only the strongest warriors survive. Compassion with the weak is a luxury, which neither Fascists nor Libertarians can afford. - article - Guido Palazzo
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
“We believe in accelerationism – the conscious and deliberate propulsion of technological development – to ensure the fulfillment of the Law of Accelerating Returns. To ensure the techno-capital upward spiral continues forever.” Marc Andreessen writes this in his “Techno-Optimist Manifesto”. "Democracy and freedom are incompatible", Peter Thiel concurs.
for - silicon valley accelerationism - Marc Andreessen - Techno-optimist manifesto - Elon Musk - accelerationism - LinkedIn post - Elon Musk - accelerationism
- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Cloud Capital Silicon Valley in the United States and finance don't work together Apple pay exists Google pay exists so like wej you can pay through Apple pay but a large segment of that money goes to Wall Street as a rent so there is a class like something like class war between or a fudal l war between the fom of Wall Street on the West CO east coast and the fom of cloud capital on the west coast they're clashing that Clash doesn't happen in China because both your Finance sector and your big Tech or Cloud Capital sector are under the Communist party
for - difference - China - US - tech and finance sector clash - silicon valley profits pay large rent to Wall street - In China, they harmonize - Yanis Varoufakis
- Sep 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the basic misunderstanding is about what information does what information is information isn't truth this naive view which dominates in places like Silicon Valley that you just need to flood the world with more and more information and as a result we will have more knowledge and more wisdom this is simply not true because most information is junk the truth is a very rare and costly kind of information
for - quote - Yuval Noah Harari - Most information is junk - dominant Silicon Valley view that information is truth is naive
quote - Yuval Noah Harari - (see below) - The basic misunderstanding is about what information does what information is - Information isn't truth - This naive view which dominates in places like Silicon Valley that you just need to flood the world with more and more information and as a result we will have more knowledge and more wisdom - This is simply not true because most information is junk the truth is a very rare and costly kind of information
- Mar 2021
thehypothesis.substack.com thehypothesis.substack.com
It’s the usual Silicon Valley sleight-of-hand move, very similar to Uber reps claiming drivers aren’t “core” to their business. I’m sure Substack is paying a writer right now to come up with a catchy way of saying that Substack doesn’t pay writers.
- Feb 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Anderson, Ian, and Wendy Wood. ‘Habits and the Electronic Herd: The Psychology behind Social Media’s Successes and Failures’. PsyArXiv, 23 November 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/p2yb7.
- Aug 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
At a start-up competition in 2014 in San Francisco, Lisa Curtis, an entrepreneur, pitched her food start-up, Kuli Kuli, and was told her idea had won the most plaudits from the audience, opening the door to possible investment. As she stepped off the stage, an investor named Jose De Dios, said, “Of course you won. You’re a total babe.”Ms. Curtis later posted on Facebook about the exchange and got a call from a different investor. He said “that if I didn’t take down the post, no one in Silicon Valley would give me money again,” she said. Ms. Curtis deleted the post.
.... that's how the american capital of IT works. Same way as the american capital of Cinema.
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Romeo, N. (n.d.). What Can America Learn from Europe About Regulating Big Tech? The New Yorker. Retrieved August 19, 2020, from https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/what-can-america-learn-from-europe-about-regulating-big-tech
- Nov 2019
www.adl.org www.adl.org
Zuckerberg at Facebook, Sundar Pichai at Google, at its parent company Alphabet, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Brin’s ex-sister-in-law, Susan Wojcicki at YouTube and Jack Dorsey at Twitter. The Silicon Six
This reminds me of the PayPal Mafia
- May 2019
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
Other situations might admit changes requiring years of special training, very expensive equipment, or the use of special drugs.
My reply to another post about historical context might be helpful. https://hyp.is/R07lQCldEem5RmPv1ywB5g/worrydream.com/Engelbart/
- Dec 2018
app.getpocket.com app.getpocket.comPocket1
When you look at those cities, you’ll also find some of the most innovative solutions to the way we conduct commerce. Not one-hour delivery or meal kits on demand, but the boom in a parallel retail model that is decidedly social and human focused.
Less efficiency driven and more people/human oriented
- Jun 2017
bostonreview.net bostonreview.net
Ed Finn, on the other hand, seeks to hold the technology industry to account: he believes we need “more readers, more critics,” posing questions about who technology serves, and to what ends.
Hartley too readily accepts Silicon Valley’s flattering self-descriptions of its values and vision for the world. The positivity of entrepreneurship does not sit comfortably with the skeptical outlook that the liberal arts nurture, and Hartley fully embraces entrepreneurship.
Interesting. Not critical, not liberal arts, enough.
Hartley believes that liberal arts insights can right the ship: “We can pair fuzzies and techies to train our algorithms to better sift for, and mitigate, our shared human foibles.”
I'm somewhat optimistic about this. Of it actually happens...
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
a techno-libertarianism that was contemptuous of most government attempts to regulate disruptive innovation.
Turns out this has been a bad look. I wonder if it'll really cost Uber, though.
radical libertarian ideology and monopolistic greed of many Silicon Valley entrepreneurs helped to decimate the livelihood of musicians and is now undermining the communal idealism of the early internet.
- May 2017
www.inverse.com www.inverse.com
Every time you check your phone and see a like or comment or retweet, your brain releases a little bit of dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with reward.
Device addiction
- Sep 2016
motherboard.vice.com motherboard.vice.com
Even some of the world's largest companies live in constant "fear of Google"; sudden banishment from search results, YouTube, AdWords, Adsense, or a dozen other Alphabet-owned platforms can be devastating.
- Jul 2016
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Google’s chief culture officer
Her name is Stacy Savides Sullivan. She was already Google’s HR director by the time the CCO title was added to her position, in 2006. Somewhat surprising that Sullivan’d disagree with Teller, given her alleged role:
Part of her job is to protect key parts of Google’s scrappy, open-source cultural core as the company has evolved into a massive multinational.
And her own description:
"I work with employees around the world to figure out ways to maintain and enhance and develop our culture and how to keep the core values we had in the very beginning–a flat organization, a lack of hierarchy, a collaborative environment–to keep these as we continue to grow and spread them and filtrate them into our new offices around the world.
Though “failure bonuses” may sound a bit far-fetched in the abstract, they do fit with most everything else we know about Googloids’ “corporate culture” (and the Silicon Valley Ideology (aka Silicon Valley Narrative), more generally).
- Jun 2015
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Celebrities joined the service,
Rule number one of Silicon Valley: get (pay? bribe?) famous people to use it.
often winning the company’s weekly “Getting [expletive] Done” award,
Ah, #startuplife.
Usually it’s not simply because the ideas are bad (although some certainly are),
Like this one: