- Jun 2024
assets.pewresearch.org assets.pewresearch.org
The public’s attitudes diverge in similarways on some of the more severe behaviors in the scenario. Most prominently, 85% of Americansthink that Julie experiences online harassment when she begins to receive vulgar messages abouther looks and sexual behavior. But substantially fewer (although still a majority at 66%) think thatthe social media platform has an obligation to step in and address that behavior.
So this explains it more people see it as harassment, but not all think the platform should step in, but they should if the student asks them to.
So should we have a policy stating students cannot copy discussion board entries outside of the LMS without student permissions
The public has a higher threshold for behaviors thatconstitute “online harassment” than for behaviors that necessitate a responsefrom social media platforms
Not sure I completely understand this, I think if a post is shared publicly without the original people in the incident being asked, there should be grounds for a Civil suit and much of this would stop.
Again,majorities agree that the platforms should step in to address behaviors such as threateningmessages.
platforms are responsible to police
ave found that online harassment is a common phenomenon in thedigital lives of many Americans, and that a majority of Americans feel harassment online is amajor problem.
prevalence of online harassment
- Apr 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP)<br /> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_in_Basic_Life_Principles
- Sep 2023
www.timesunion.com www.timesunion.com
- Dec 2022
adanewmedia.org adanewmedia.org
Activists within this movement, as well as academics writing about online harassment, have tended to ground their discussions of the problem with reference to free speech discourse. However, this language, with its grounding in the Western liberal tradition, comes with considerable limitations. I argue here that an intersectional approach requires us to explore a much more radical rethinking of the political traditions in which we ground responses to online harassment.
- Nov 2022
www.thecut.com www.thecut.com
- Jun 2022
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
We will continue to listen and work to make Hypothesis a safe and welcoming place for expression and conversation on the web
What has been done to improve this situation since this post six years ago?
- Feb 2022
healthydebate.ca healthydebate.ca
Enough with the harassment: How to deal with anti-vax cults. (2022, January 26). Healthy Debate. https://healthydebate.ca/2022/01/topic/how-to-deal-with-anti-vax-cults/
- Nov 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
“keeping students safe” means you must violate due process?
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Anne Applebaum</span> in Mob Justice Is Trampling Democratic Discourse - The Atlantic (<time class='dt-published'>11/07/2021 13:41:11</time>)</cite></small>
- Jul 2021
www.thecut.com www.thecut.com
Early on, circa 2015, there was a while when every first-person writer who might once have written a Tumblr began writing a TinyLetter. At the time, the writer Lyz Lenz observed that newsletters seemed to create a new kind of safe space. A newsletter’s self-selecting audience was part of its appeal, especially for women writers who had experienced harassment elsewhere online.
What sort of spaces do newsletters create based upon their modes of delivery? What makes them "safer" for marginalized groups? Is there a mitigation of algorithmic speed and reach that helps? Is it a more tacit building of community and conversation? How can these benefits be built into an IndieWeb space?
How can a platform provide "reach" while simultaneously creating negative feedback for trolls and bad actors?
- Mar 2021
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Oreskes, N. (n.d.). Jeffrey Epstein’s Harvard Connections Show How Money Can Distort Research. Scientific American. https://doi.org/10.1038/scientificamerican0920-84
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @factmata: We are excited to launch of a side project we worked on this summer—Https://t.co/2yGSgkqzTG. We scan Twitter profiles with…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 6 March 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1323664538777124867
- Aug 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
At a start-up competition in 2014 in San Francisco, Lisa Curtis, an entrepreneur, pitched her food start-up, Kuli Kuli, and was told her idea had won the most plaudits from the audience, opening the door to possible investment. As she stepped off the stage, an investor named Jose De Dios, said, “Of course you won. You’re a total babe.”Ms. Curtis later posted on Facebook about the exchange and got a call from a different investor. He said “that if I didn’t take down the post, no one in Silicon Valley would give me money again,” she said. Ms. Curtis deleted the post.
.... that's how the american capital of IT works. Same way as the american capital of Cinema.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Lerback, J. C. (2020). Equity: A mathematician shares her solution. Nature, 583(7818), 681–682. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-02205-8
- Jul 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Wikimedia Foundation. (2020, June 15). COVID-19 and human rights: How to share the facts on Wikipedia. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kktZtDFhRho
firstdraftnews.org firstdraftnews.org
John, B. (2020, May 19). Ethical questions for covering coronavirus online: Key takeaways for journalists. First Draft. https://firstdraftnews.org:443/latest/ethical-questions-for-covering-coronavirus-online-key-takeaways-for-journalists/
- May 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Savage, M. (2020, May 10). A return to work is on the cards. What are the fears and legal pitfalls? The Guardian | The Observer. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/09/coronavirus-return-to-work-employment-law-logistical-nightmare
- Apr 2020
But recent events have made me question the prudence of releasing this information, even for research purposes. The arrest and aggressive prosecution of Barrett Brown had a marked chilling effect on both journalists and security researchers.
At Brown’s sentencing, Judge Lindsay was quoted as saying “What took place is not going to chill any 1st Amendment expression by Journalists.” But he was so wrong. Brown’s arrest and prosecution had a substantial chilling effect on journalism. Some journalists have simply stopped reporting on hacks from fear of retribution and others who still do are forced to employ extraordinary measures to protect themselves from prosecution.
Having said all that, I think this is completely absurd that I have to write an entire article justifying the release of this data out of fear of prosecution or legal harassment. I had wanted to write an article about the data itself but I will have to do that later because I had to write this lame thing trying to convince the FBI not to raid me.
I could have released this data anonymously like everyone else does but why should I have to? I clearly have no criminal intent here. It is beyond all reason that any researcher, student, or journalist have to be afraid of law enforcement agencies that are supposed to be protecting us instead of trying to find ways to use the laws against us.
- security research
- intent to commit/facilitate a crime
- absurd
- journalism: chilling effect
- chilling effect
- don't turn innocent people into criminals (through bad laws)
- good intentions
- laws/law enforcement agencies are supposed to be protecting us
- freedom of speech
- a government for the people?
- fear of prosecution/legal harassment
- journalist rights
- researcher rights
- Apr 2019
Bullyingis not a conflictbetween students or among groups of students. Conflictis a mutuallycompetitive or opposing action or engagement, including a disagreement, an argument ora fightwhich is a normal part of human development
I think it is very important for students to understand the difference between conflict and bullying. Many students may dismiss their bullying behavior by claiming that they were just having an argument or disagreement with another student, when in fact that was not the case. Therefore, students need to understand when the argument or disagreement is not mutual and that they can be at risk of and H.I.B. investigation.
behave appropriately
Students feed off of adult behavior. If they see that a teacher is having positive interactions and supporting others, they will respond accordingly. If they see the opposite, they will think that mal-adaptive behavior and negative interactions are appropriate.
Students have higher requirements put on them these days. There is so much pressure from others which stems from technology. It is important to focus on growth mindset, resiliency, and social-emotional learning in order for students to be set up for success and given the tools to help them.
Training for HIB is so important because the development of technology greatly affects how schools approach HIB situations. It previously stated that online and off school grounds conduct can have consequences, but social media is making it so hard to contain.
A parent of a student in the school; a
I think it is interesting that a parent must be part of SST. I feel like it may become a conflict of interest at some point whether there are rules in place or not. I know they are not allowed to have records, but then maybe there needs to be a separate parent outreach team?
Students have a sense of social-emotional security and feel safe from teasing, harassment and exclusion
Social-emotional learning can be a complicated concept for young students in elementary school. That is why I believe that the use of social-emotional learning, character building, and growth mindset lessons are essential for all elementary classrooms. Giving these students the foundation for this learning will allow them to feel safe. It will also allow students to see the seriousness of harassment and the affects it can have. Implementing this type of learning into the curriculum is what will help students to recognize, report, and get through harassment.
, some students or groups of students are at higher riskfor bullyingthan the general student population. Appearance –The way a student looks or his or her body size and sexual orientation are the top two reasons cited for frequent harassment(GLSEN, 2009)
Students are often bullied due to differences from a main group or what is perceived as a norm, and consequently physical features and sexual orientation are often subject to this. To combat this, I was thinking in schools we need to do more to emphasize that behavior that puts down others based on characteristics will not be tolerated.
Students are often bullied due to differences from a main group or what is perceived as a norm, and consequently physical features and sexual orientation are often subject to this. To combat this, I was thinking in schools we need to do more to emphasize that behavior that puts down others based on characteristics will not be tolerated.
This statistic surprised me at first, but after thinking about it, it makes sense. The bathroom is an unsupervised location (of course for privacy reasons), but a student should not feel unsafe from harassment in the bathroom. It is a basic human necessity and if a student does not feel safe, they won't go. I pose the question: how can we keep students safe in places that are meant for privacy? I am not sure I know the answer to this as monitoring the bathrooms becomes costly and time consuming and using technology to monitor may be considered an invasion of privacy.
- Dec 2018
www.pewsocialtrends.org www.pewsocialtrends.org
one-in-five women in STEM and non-STEM jobs say they have experienced sexual harassment at work
it happens in any place, any city, any country.
Discrimination and sexual harassment are seen as more frequent, and gender is perceived as more of an impediment
example of experience with gender bias in stem
- Oct 2018
motherboard.vice.com motherboard.vice.com
"I am really pleased to see different sites deciding not to privilege aggressors' speech over their targets'," Phillips said. "That tends to be the default position in so many online 'free speech' debates which suggest that if you restrict aggressors' speech, you're doing a disservice to America—a position that doesn't take into account the fact that antagonistic speech infringes on the speech of those who are silenced by that kind of abuse."
- Nov 2017
Kris Schaffer distinguishes bots, sockpuppets, and trolls, and talks about how to identify botnets. Twitter and other social media sites should be able to eliminate many of the bogus accounts. But they don't.
- Oct 2017
Mike Monteiro's short history of Twitter from the point of view of a long-time user. They went bad when they started tolerating racists for the sake of continued growth. And now Trump's tweets are a genuine threat to the entire world.
- Dec 2016
Donna Zuckerberg on replying to writers who are being harassed.
Helpful responses:
- "You're doing great work."
- "I'm sorry this is happening to you."
- Signal boost, if that's what they want.
- Support from old friends.
- Help from close friends and coworkers.
Less helpful:
- "That's horrible." (They already know.)
- "I reported the account." (She feels this doesn't accomplish anything. I think you should always report such accounts. You just don't need to tell the victim about it.)
- "What has this country come to?" (This sounds like you never noticed racism and sexism until recently.)
- "Hopefully it will stop soon." (The idea that the harassers have moved on to someone else is not a great comfort.)
- Don't ask, "What did you expect?"
- Don't suggest the victim should avoid writing about particular topics.
- Don't assume you know how they feel.
- Don't criticize them for showing the threats. (If there's some reason it bothers you, mute or unfollow.)
- Nov 2016
www.wired.com www.wired.com
https://iheartmob.org/<br> http://www.troll-busters.com/<br> http://wmcspeechproject.com/
HeartMob, TrollBusters, and the Women's Media Center Speech Project provide support for people being harassed online.
- Nov 2015
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
"swatting" - making a hoax call to a police department to trick them into sending a SWAT team to someone's home, business, or school. Apparently, this is not as hard as it should be. The hoaxer typically claims to be, or to know of, a gunman or bomber at the target address. They may say they have hostages, and threaten to kill police officers.
The article is about one Canadian teenager who duped US police departments into sending SWAT teams to people's homes around 40 times.
- Sep 2015
cms.whittier.edu cms.whittier.edu
It used to embarrass me at first but you get used to it.
Male or female, you shouldn't have to "get used to it". The work environment which is basically an area of the "built environment" that we are using to perform jobs should be one where employees are comfortable.