15 Matching Annotations
- Last 7 days
twit.tv twit.tv
for - Indyweb dev - Dan Ingalls - Lively Kernel
- Oct 2023
www.ietf.org www.ietf.org
5.2. Key ? was(DESCRIPTION) when(DATE) resync This "metadata" command form provides nothing more than a way to carry a Key along with its description. The form is a "no-op" (except when "resync" is present) in the sense that the Key is treated as an adorned URL (as if no THUMP request were present). This form is designed as a passive data structrue that pairs a hyperlink with its metadata so that a formatted description might be surfaced by a client-side trigger event such as a "mouse-over". It is passive in the sense that selecting ("clicking on") the URL should result in ordinary access via the Key-as-pure-link as if no THUMP request were present. The form is effectively a metadata cache, and the DATE of last extraction tells how fresh it is. The "was" pseudo-command takes multiple arguments separated by "|", the first argument identifying the kind of DESCRIPTION that follows, e.g,
ARK Kernel Metadata Query
arks.org arks.org
ARK systems such as Noid and N2T can record and provide metadata about any resource with an ARK. That metadata becomes available via APIs, and can be seen when you add “?” to the end of an ARK URL. (See “Inflections” below) ARK metadata is very flexible, with no initial required metadata, but with support for multiple metadata schemas. This flexibility is intentional: ARKs are designed to support a full digital object workflow, including the earliest stages before a resource is well-understood or described.
ARK Metadata
- May 2023
www.iso.org www.iso.org
— interoperability with other data from other sources,
- Sep 2022
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
Drivers run in kernel mode to access the hardware
- Dec 2020
manjaro.org manjaro.org
Switch the core with one click Power-users and people who need special features of the Linux Kernel that don’t come with the default one, can just switch to a different Kernel with one click. Do you make music or need other realtime features? Just switch to an RT-Kernel. Do you need the newest improved open-source graphics drivers? Just switch to a newer one. Manjaro supports multiple installed Kernels at the same time. Just re-boot your system and make your selection in the boot menu.
vjordan.info vjordan.info
- Oct 2020
superuser.com superuser.com
Future kernel updates would require the updated kernels to be signed again, so it makes sense to put the signing commands in a script that can be run at a later date as necessary. A sample script /root/module-signing/sign-vbox-modules is given below.
- Aug 2020
Linus' note on mmap vs read/write
- Sep 2019
setosa.io setosa.io
Here's a playground were you can select different kernel matrices and see how they effect the original image or build your own kernel. You can also upload your own image or use live video if your browser supports it. blurbottom sobelcustomembossidentityleft sobeloutlineright sobelsharpentop sobel The sharpen kernel emphasizes differences in adjacent pixel values. This makes the image look more vivid. The blur kernel de-emphasizes differences in adjacent pixel values. The emboss kernel (similar to the sobel kernel and sometimes referred to mean the same) givens the illusion of depth by emphasizing the differences of pixels in a given direction. In this case, in a direction along a line from the top left to the bottom right. The indentity kernel leaves the image unchanged. How boring! The custom kernel is whatever you make it.
I'm all about my custom kernels!
- Aug 2018
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
Reinstalling a kernel from a chroot
- Jul 2017
- Feb 2017
jlouisramblings.blogspot.com jlouisramblings.blogspot.com
wiki.ubuntu.com wiki.ubuntu.com
select proprietary or out-of-tree modules (ex. vitualbox, nvidia, fglrx, bcmwl, etc.)
If anyone is wondering what other modules they refer to, or how to discover any on your own system, this StackExchange thread on how to identify out-of-tree modules might help.
- Jul 2016
www.crashcourse.ca www.crashcourse.ca