299 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. This looks at Caffeinate::Mailing records where send_at has past, skipped_at is nil, and the associated Caffeinate::CampaignSubscription is has empty ended_at and unsubscribed_at values.
  2. Aug 2024
    1. This seems to be more than just a thin wrapper like https://github.com/rainerschuster/final-form-material-ui was. I kind of prefer the simplicity of focus of final-form-material-ui.

      This appears to be attempting to do too much. Though if it gives you exactly what you want, great.

  3. Jan 2024
    1. Zusammenfassender Artikel über Studien zu Klimafolgen in der Antarktis und zu dafür relevanten Ereignissen. 2023 sind Entwicklungen sichtbar geworden, die erst für wesentlich später in diesem Jahrhundert erwartet worden waren. Der enorme und möglicherweise dauerhafte Verlust an Merreis ist dafür genauso relevant wie die zunehmende Instabilität des westantarktischen und möglicherweise inzwischen auch des ostantarktischen Eisschilds. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/31/red-alert-in-antarctica-the-year-rapid-dramatic-change-hit-climate-scientists-like-a-punch-in-the-guts

  4. Dec 2023
  5. Nov 2023
    1. ActiveRecord::Base.normalizes declares an attribute normalization. The normalization is applied when the attribute is assigned or updated, and the normalized value will be persisted to the database. The normalization is also applied to the corresponding keyword argument of query methods, allowing records to be queried using unnormalized values.

      Guess I don't need to use mdeering/attribute_normalizer gem anymore...

  6. Oct 2023
    1. There is an interesting theme of staying true to a center or core of a story which is broadly similar to David Lynch's staying true to the original idea. The difference may be that Lynch is staying true to his own original idea which started the process whereas Coppola is distilling out a core from an original source and then focusing on that rather than having Puzo's own original core.

      Which core is the "true" one?

  7. Sep 2023
  8. Jun 2023
    1. I’ve heard-suggested that ActiveSupport, which does a ton of monkey-patching of core classes, would make potentially-nice refinements. I don’t hold this opinion strongly, but I disagree with that idea. A big value proposition of ActiveSupport is that it is “omnipresent” and sets a new baseline for ruby behaviors - as such, being global really makes the most sense. I don’t know that anyone would be pleased to sprinkle using ActiveSupport in all their files that use it - they don’t even want to THINK about the fact that they’re using it.
    1. If you develop a pure frameworkless Ruby application or embed Ruby and don't need any of the listed integrations, you can depend on the airbrake-ruby gem and ignore this gem entirely.
  9. May 2023
    1. ar Governor Ritter:This letter is sent as a cover to the report being submitted according to the requirements of C.R.S. 26-5.5-104 (6) that are as follows:“On or after July 1, 1994, the Executive Director of the State Department shall annually evaluate thestatewide Family Preservation Program (Program)

      Letter from CDHS to the Governor of Colorado - Di, Ph, D., Malone, O., Ritter, B., Governor, K., & Beye. (2008). OFFICE OF CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILY SERVICES G. [LINK]

    1. Contents

      **more finished version of this document available here. I pick it up there after the annotations made on this document> CDHS Family First Prevention Services Act forms and resources Prevention Services PreventionPlan_Sept 30 2021


    2. InColorado,theintentofplacementpreventionservicesistoproactivelystrengthenandsupportfamiliesasearlyaspossible,beforetheyareincrisis,regardlessofwhethertheyareformallyinvolvedwiththechildwelfaresystemornot

      In Colorado, the intent of placement prevention services is to proactively strengthen and support families as early as possible, before they are in crisis, regardless of whether they are formally involved with the child welfare system or not.

    3. ColoradohasastrongfoundationandhistoryofprovidingpreventionandearlyinterventionservicesthroughtheuseofCoreServices,IV-EWaiverinterventions,CMPsandintegratedhumanservicesdelivery

      As previously described, Colorado has a strong foundation and history of providing prevention and early intervention services through the use of Core Services, IV-E Waiver interventions, CMPs and integrated human services delivery. In addition,

    4. Thepriorityistoprovideservicestothoseinneedasearlyaspossibletostrengthenfamilies,boosthealthandwell-being,andavoidmoredifficultandcostlycriseslater

      The priority is to provide services to those in need as early as possible to strengthen families, boost health and well-being, and avoid more difficult and costly crises later. It is clear that

    5. Thus“childwelfare”meanssomethingmuchbroaderinthisstate;withawidearrayofsupports,Coloradoaimstoaddresstherootcausesofcrisisandinstabilitythroughintegratedpreventionandservicedeliveryfocusedonsupportingwholefamilies

      Thus "child welfare" means something much broader in this state; with a wide array of supports, Colorado aims to address the root causes of crisis and instability through integrated prevention and service delivery focused on supporting whole families and individuals across generations.

    6. TitleIV-EWaiverDemonstrationProject(Waiver).TheColoradoWaiverfocusedonfiveinterventionstobuildonexistingchildwelfarepractice:FamilyEngagement,PermanencyRoundtables,Trauma-InformedAssessment,Trauma-InformedTreatmen

      (DCW) a Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project (Waiver). The Colorado Waiver focused on five interventions to build on existing child welfare practice: Family Engagement, Permanency Roundtables, Trauma-Informed Assessment, Trauma-Informed Treatment and Kinship

    7. Coloradohasintentionallydesignedabroaddefinitionofcandidacyforplacementpreventionservicesthatpushestoservechildren,youthandfamiliesasearlyaspossibleand,ideally,beforeareportismadetothechildwelfaresystem.

      Colorado has intentionally designed a broad definition of candidacy for placement prevention services that pushes to serve children, youth and families as early as possible and, ideally, before a report is made to the child welfare system.

    8. ColoradohasapproachedFamilyFirstimplementationasabroadsystemstransformationeffortthatcutsacrossmultipleofficeswithintheColoradoDepartmentofHumanServices(CDHS),includingtheDivisionofChildWelfare(DCW),OfficeofBehavioralHealth(OBH),OfficeofEarlyChildhood(OEC),andOfficeofEconomicSecurity(OES).Otherstateagencies,includingtheColoradoDepartmentofHealthCarePolicyandFinancing(HCPF)andtheColoradoDepartmentofPublicHealthandEnvironment(CDPHE)havebeenessentialinensuringaholisticapproachtoimplementation

      Colorado has approached Family First implementation as a broad systems transformation effort that cuts across multiple offices within the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), including the Division of Child Welfare (DCW), Office of Behavioral Health (OBH), Office of Early Childhood (OEC), and Office of Economic Security (OES). Other state agencies, including the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) have been essential in ensuring a holistic approach to implementation.

    1. Colorado’s vision is that all children, youth, parents or kin caregivers with these risk factors will be eligible for Title IV-E prevention services—both those who are involved in the child welfare system and those who have not been the subject of a child maltreatment report but share characteristics that deem them at serious risk of out-of-home placement.

      families who ARE INVOLVED. ....AND.... NOT INVOLVED with the child welfare system

    2. Reunification, adoption or guardianship arrangements that are at risk of disruption
    3. the existing system cannot just be modified; rather, a fundamental shift in service delivery and support to families must occur.

      **annotations were started in a draft version of this document (HERE) and then continued here.

    1. The IMPACT organization.
    2. I would have preferred a “Yes/No” option for this question. I believe that Boulder County’s prevention services are better than most districts and we can do so much better at the same time. The IMPACT partnership in Boulder County should be a state and national model. Money diverted from savings by not committing clients is key to providing more services in the community. Many other districts struggle with prevention due to funding and there seems to be a gap in how this is accomplished. Providers are struggling to stay open and are constantly dealing with hardships due to funding. Great therapist and support workers often leave organizations that serve this population due to low pay. The key to making the Family First initiative a success is creating and maintaining a robust, well-funded system of care in communities. A system of care that incentivizes front line workers. These service providers are currently under funded and the work is difficult, which is a recipe for poor service delivery.

      "I believe that Boulder County's prevention services are better than most districts"

    1. Family First Prevention Services by Colorado Lab

      CDHS surveyed counties to understand where services rated by the Family First Clearinghouse as " promising", "supported", or "well-supported" are currently offered. Counties and providers can submit updates and corrections here: https://udenver.qualtrics.com jfe/form/SV_1X6b6p8f4jh6TJz

    1. There are two main-levelquestions in the IV-E PreventionCriteria section.10. Click a radio button for thedesired response (only oneradio button can be selected).Note: If the selections made inthe IV-E Candidacy section arechanged, all answers in the IV-EPrevention Criteria panel will bedeleted.


      Referenced from the FFSPA Implementation Guide for Directors (HERE)

    1. HOUSE BILL 11-1196

      House Bill 11-1196: Flexible Funding for Families, was signed into law. The bill redefined family preservation services to serve "appropriate families who are involved in, or who are at risk of being involved in the child welfare, mental health, and juvenile

  10. Apr 2023
    1. The Core Services Program was established in 1994 to provide strength-based resources and support to families when children and youth are at imminent risk of out-of-home placement, in need of services to return home or to maintain a placement in the least restrictive setting possible.
    2. Core Services Program goals Focus on family strengths by directing intensive services that support and strengthen the family and/or protect the child/youth Prevent out-of-home placement of the child/youth Return children/youth in placement to their own home or unite children/youth with their permanent families Provide services that protect the child/youth
    3. recognition that children/youth need a safe and stable family and that separating children/youth from their families and communities removes them from natural supports and often causes trauma, leaving lasting negative effects.
    1. If you are appointed after a petition for removal has been filed, ask whether prevention services were offered before removal—including services for the parent, kinship caregiver, or child. If appropriate for your client’s goals, advocate for prevention services as an alternative to removal
    1. “Hard Services”: the purchase of services or distribution of cash payments for the following:- housing funds, including rent, repairs, utilities, or rent deposits- food or money for food- clothing- transportation to include fares, auto repair, auto fuel, auto insurance or bus pass- uncovered medical or dental expenses- appliances, furniture- emergency shelter- employment related expenses, such as tools or dues

      Hard Services are the cash assistance provision of Core Services Program https://hyp.is/TQDKaM2QEe2bRYONRlo7aA/cdhs.colorado.gov/child-welfare-core-services-program

    2. County departments must make all of the Core services, except for county designed services, available toany client who meets the criteria for the service
    1. Programs should be based on well-articulated theories.
    2. Programs should have a primary focus on a population served by the child welfare agency.
    3. however, in describing the models on which their program is based, administrators tend to focus on service delivery characteristics (most notably caseload size and service duration) rather than on the theoretical underpinnings of the service delivery model.
    4. service programs designed to provide follow-up care to families to whom a child has been returned
    5. In 1993, Congress passed legislation establishing title IV, part B-2 of the Social Security Act, creating funding for family preservation and family support programs.
  11. Mar 2023
    1. 7.301.21 Family Services Plan Timing Requirements [Eff. 09/01/2007]The Family Service Plan document must be completed:A. Within sixty (60) calendar days of opening an assessment in the automated case managementsystem for children in their own homes, including Core Services program cases in which thechildren are not in out-of-home placement. There may be one Family Services Plan for the familyin these cases.

      Assessment began at least as early as 10/8/23; by maximum of 60 days after, Core Services Program services should have been initiated.

    2. 7.303.15 Service Time FramesA. Services may be provided for up to eighteen (18) months
    3. “Diagnostic and Treatment Planning Services”: various evaluations of the child and family tofacilitate the development of the Family Services Plan and the move of the child to a permanentplacement.


    4. Core Services Programs may include any of the following elements of service:
    1. Family preservation is the foundation The Core Services Program is based on a foundation of research and practice in family preservation. Family preservation services are generally short-term, family-based services designed to support families in crisis by improving parenting and family functioning while keeping children/youth safe.
    2. Family preservation services There are 10 designated types of family preservation services, listed below, and this array of services constitutes the Core Services Program. Aftercare Services: Any of the Core Services provided to prepare a child for reunification with his/her family or other permanent placement and to prevent future out-of-home placement of the child. County Designed Services: An optional service tailored by the specific county in meeting the needs of families and children in the community in order to prevent the out-of-home placement of children or facilitate reunification or another form of permanence. County designed services encompass components of the menu of Core Services, yet are structured in their delivery and tracked uniquely to gain detailed data on evidenced-based programs, as well as programs that are providing positive outcomes in communities around the state. Day Treatment: Comprehensive, highly structured services that provide education to children and therapy to children and their families. Home-Based Intervention: Services provided primarily in the home of the client and include a variety of services, which can include therapeutic services, concrete services, collateral services and crisis intervention directed to meet the needs of the child and family. See Section 7.303.14 for service elements of therapeutic, concrete, collateral, and crisis intervention. Intensive Family Therapy: Therapeutic intervention typically with all family members to improve family communication, functioning, and relationships. Life Skills: Services provided primarily in the home that teach household management, effectively accessing community resources, parenting techniques, and family conflict management. Mental Health Services: Diagnostic and/or therapeutic services to assist in the development of the family services plan and to assess and/or improve family communication, functioning, and relationships. Sexual Abuse Treatment: Therapeutic intervention designed to address issues and behaviors related to sexual abuse victimization, sexual dysfunction, sexual abuse perpetration, and to prevent further sexual abuse and victimization. Special Economic Assistance: Emergency financial assistance of not more than $2,000 per family per year in the form of cash and/or vendor payment to purchase hard services. See Section 7.303.14 for service elements of hard services. Substance Abuse Treatment Services: Diagnostic and/or therapeutic services to assist in the development of the family service plan, to assess and/or improve family communication, functioning and relationships, and to prevent further abuse of drugs or alcohol.
    1. return to families from which they have been removed
    2. Family Preservation Services -- services for children and families designed to help families (including adoptive and extended families) at risk or in crisis, including:
    3. services designed to improve parenting skills (by reinforcing parents' confidence in their strengths, and helping them to identify where improvement is needed and to obtain assistance in improving those skills) with respect to matters such as child development, family budgeting, coping with stress, health and nutrition.
    4. preplacement prevention services programs, such as intensive family preservation programs, designed to help children at risk of foster care placement remain with their families;
    5. Criterion #2: Programs should be based on well-articulated theories

      as in...DHS's, attorneys', magistrates', untrained counselors' flippant remarks regarding intervention about what's best and right and should and shouldn't ... are not well-articulated theories

    1. The Family First Transition Act temporarily suspends the requirement that at least 50% of title IV-E prevention services expenditures be for “well-supported” practice for two fiscals years
    2. The Family First Prevention Services Act (Family First) creates an expanded entitlement/50% reimbursement of federal funds to provide services to keep children and youth safely with their families.
    3. Supported and well-supported services in Colorado’s prevention plan should be paid for using the Core Services Program allocation, Child Welfare Services Block, or State General Fund.
    1. 26-5.3-105. Eligibility requirements - period of eligibility - services available.(1) Families with children at imminent risk of out-of-home placement shall be eligible for emergency assistance. Assistance shall be available to or on behalf of a needy child under twenty-one years of age and any other member of the household in which the child lives if:
    2. Emergency assistance provided pursuant to this article shall be used for, but shall not be limited to, the following: (a) Twenty-four-hour emergency shelter facilities or caretakers for children who must be removed from their homes in emergency situations; (b) Counseling, including crisis counseling available by telephone twenty-four hours a day; (c) Information referral; (d) Intensive family preservation services; (e) In-home supportive homemaker services; (f) Services used to develop and implement a discrete case plan, as provided by the federal “Social Security Act”; (g) Day treatment services for children.
    3. 26-5.3-105. Eligibility requirements - period of eligibility - services available.(1) Families with children at imminent risk of out-of-home placement shall be eligible for emergency assistance. Assistance shall be available to or on behalf of a needy child under twenty-one years of age and any other member of the household in which the child lives if:
  12. www.chhs.colostate.edu www.chhs.colostate.edu
    1. RationaleAs evidence-based research becomes the norm in child welfare practice, countiesare more interested than ever in evaluating the effectiveness of services and placementsprovided to children and families in the system.
    2. Formally referred to as family preservation services (FPS), the Colorado CoreServices Program is based on “assistance that focuses on family strengths and includesservices that empower a family by providing alternative problem-solving techniques,child-rearing practices, and responses to living situations creating stress for the family”(C.R.S. 26-5.5-103). The Core Services Program also includes the provision of resources(e.g., special economic assistance) to serve as support systems for children and families.
    3. RationaleAs evidence-based research becomes the norm in child welfare practice, countiesare more interested than ever in evaluating the effectiveness of services and placementsprovided to children and families in the system.
    1. erefore, toassist states in providing services designed to support families and helpkeep them together, the Congress enacted legislation as part of theOmnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 ( OBRA 1993) that authorized$930 million in federal funds to states over a 5-year period for familypreservation and support (FPS) services. Family preservation servicestypically target families already in crisis whose children would otherwisebe removed from home. Family support services are community-basedactivities intended to prevent the kinds of crises that family preservationservices are aimed at alleviating. To receive federal funds for theseservices, each state had to submit a grant application in 1994 and a 5-yearplan in 1995 that set quantifiable goals and methods for measuringoutcomes

      FPS - Family Preservation and Support Services - OBRA 1993. Originally called FPS in CO, then changed to "Core Serv Prog"

    1. 26-5.3-104. Emergency assistance for families with children at imminent risk of being placed out of the home.(1) The executive director of the state department is hereby authorized to include in the state temporary assistance for needy families plan the establishment and implementation of an emergency assistance program for families with children at imminent risk of being placed out of the home. The purpose of the program shall be to meet the needs of the family in crisis due to the imminent risk of out-of-home placement by providing emergency assistance in the form of intake, assessment, counseling, treatment, and other family preservation services that meet the needs of the family which are attributable to the emergency or crisis situation.
  13. Feb 2023
    1. Rack::Session was moved to a separate gem. Previously, Rack::Session was part of the rack gem. Not every application needs it, and it increases the security surface area of the rack, so it was decided to extract it into its own gem rack-session which can be updated independently.
    1. Apple can afford to make user privacy a priority AND be very strict about cookies because its revenue does not strongly depend on advertising.
  14. Jan 2023
  15. Dec 2022
    1. Two questions flow from and support the heart of strategy: (1) whatcapabilities must be in place to win, and (2) what management systems arerequired to support the strategic choices? The first of these questions, thecapabilities choice, relates to the range and quality of activities that willenable a company to win where it chooses to play. Capabilities are the mapof activities and competencies that critically underpin specific where-to-play and how-to-win choices

      Capabilities = activities and competencies that are the foundation to where-to-pay and how-to-win choices



  16. Nov 2022
    1. Doing everything PID 1 needs to do and nothing else. Things like reading environment files, changing users, process supervision are out of scope for Tini (there are other, better tools for those)
  17. Oct 2022
    1. Very nice to differentiate between core notes (notes that we have worked a lot on) and peripheral notes.

      Very nice to differentiate between core notes (notes that we have worked a lot on) and peripheral notes.

      — Bianca Pereira | PKM Coach and Researcher (@bianca_oli_per) October 24, 2022
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

      Coming from the Strange New Worlds Plugin, Bianca Pereira defines core notes (those worked on and thus likely of more value) versus peripheral notes.

      Core notes have a similar connotation to so-called permanent notes while peripheral notes have connection to fleeting notes, though peripheral notes would seem to have a higher connotation of value than fleeting notes.

      Some of this is similar to my commonplacing practice and collection versus my more focused Luhmann-esque zettelkasten practice.

  18. Sep 2022
    1. Maria Kozhevnikov, a neuroscientist at the National University of Singapore and Massachusetts General Hospital

      !- reference : Maria Kozhevnikov - neuroscientist at National University of Singapore, Massachusetts General Hospital - Nangchen tow, Amdo region of Tibet - testing if g-tummo vase breathing technique could raise core body temperature. One monk raised body temp to that normally associated with a fever - published results in PLOS One

  19. Aug 2022
  20. Jun 2022
  21. May 2022
    1. 'm open to considering adding this to core but it's such a rare need (given that you're the first to ever ask for it, and I've never wanted or needed an around(:all) hook) I have a preference for keeping it in external gem if we can do so w/o hooking into rspec's internals
  22. Apr 2022
  23. Mar 2022
    1. I used to maintain a small patch set of issues that affected me and were fixed on the GNOME bugzilla but ignored by main devs. This is was a motivating factor in my switch to to Unity years ago. Sad to hear this situation hasn't improved.
    2. I don't want to agree with you, but I tried to make a few polishing contributions to GNOME games and they got ignored after the first developer response (they told me what to fix, I fixed it). They've been stagnant for over 3 years now.
    3. Submitting changes and having them accepted by GNOME is an exercise in futility if you aren't a GNOME dev.
  24. Nov 2021
  25. Sep 2021
  26. Jun 2021
  27. Apr 2021
  28. Mar 2021
    1. # Parallel Ruby universes ("Rubyverses") - A proposed interface for # parallel, "semi-private" method or method-and-data spaces via # "closely associated" objects.
    1. A proposal to specify the path for bury with classes as values of a hash arg: {}.bury(users: Array, 0 => Hash, name: Hash, something: 'Value') # {user: [{name: {something: 'Value'}]} So all absent nodes could be created via klass.new

      Didn't understand it at first, but now I think it's a pretty clever/decent solution.

      Just a bit more verbose than one might like...

      At first I had reservations about the fact that this requires you to pass a hash ... or rather, once you start using a hash as your "list", you can't just "switch back" to an array (a "problem" I've noticed in RSpec, where you have some tags that are symbols, and some that are hashes: you have to list the symbols first: describe 'thing', :happy_path, driver: :chrome):

      {}.bury(users: Array, 0, 'Value')

      But I think that's okay in practice. Just use a hash for all "elements" in your list:

      {}.bury(users: Array, 0 => 'Value')
    2. I think the issues/problems specified in the comments are not present with a Hash-only implementation. :) I would be supportive of re-considering this feature just for use with a Hash, where I believe 80% of the real-life use cases would (and do) exist. I have encountered this need before in the wild, but not with Arrays.
    1. I'll concede that if you want to do all you can to help improve the strength of the core muscles to transfer force by limiting trunk movement, you've got to use some isometric core exercises.

      Uma justificativa na melhor transmissão de força pelo tronco.

  29. Feb 2021
    1. In addition to the organically formed core team
    2. In the past 1 ½ years something weird happened: a real core team formed around the Trailblazer gems. I say “real” because in the past 15 years of OSS, I’ve had people come and go, being of great help but never staying and taking over long-term responsibilities - which I found to be the pivotal element of a core team. Eventually, those kids convinced me to start the Trailblazer organization on Github and move over all “apotonick gems”. Over the course of time, I saw myself giving away that aforementioned responsibility with a smile on my face, adding owners and collaborators to gems, yes, even giving away entire gems, letting people work on documentation and just trusting someone and their skills. I have no words to describe how good that feels!
    1. In the telecommunications industry, on a conceptual level, value-added services add value to the standard service offering, spurring subscribers to use their phone more and allowing the operator to drive up their average revenue per user.
    2. For mobile phones, technologies like SMS, MMS and data access were historically usually considered value-added services, but in recent years SMS, MMS and data access have more and more become core services, and VAS therefore has begun to exclude those services.
  30. Jan 2021
  31. Dec 2020
    1. Switch the core with one click Power-users and people who need special features of the Linux Kernel that don’t come with the default one, can just switch to a different Kernel with one click. Do you make music or need other realtime features? Just switch to an RT-Kernel. Do you need the newest improved open-source graphics drivers? Just switch to a newer one. Manjaro supports multiple installed Kernels at the same time. Just re-boot your system and make your selection in the boot menu.
  32. Nov 2020
    1. LinkedIn, via the New York Times, reported these ‘soft skills’ as the most in demand in 2016. Communication Curiosity Adaptability Teamwork Empathy Time Management Open-Mindedness

      [[soft skills]]

    1. In Rust, we use the "No New Rationale" rule, which says that the decision to merge (or not merge) an RFC is based only on rationale that was presented and debated in public. This avoids accidents where the community feels blindsided by a decision.
    2. I'd like to go with an RFC-based governance model (similar to Rust, Ember or Swift) that looks something like this: new features go through a public RFC that describes the motivation for the change, a detailed implementation description, a description on how to document or teach the change (for kpm, that would roughly be focused around how it affected the usual workflows), any drawbacks or alternatives, and any open questions that should be addressed before merging. the change is discussed until all of the relevant arguments have been debated and the arguments are starting to become repetitive (they "reach a steady state") the RFC goes into "final comment period", allowing people who weren't paying close attention to every proposal to have a chance to weigh in with new arguments. assuming no new arguments are presented, the RFC is merged by consensus of the core team and the feature is implemented. All changes, regardless of their source, go through this process, giving active community members who aren't on the core team an opportunity to participate directly in the future direction of the project. (both because of proposals they submit and ones from the core team that they contribute to)
    1. I thought about this while re-reviewing it and think it's probably not a good fit for the Yarn core because the use case is mainly for CI's. I believe that a simple shell script should fix most people's problems.
    1. This is Sass based, and therefore doesn't require Svelte components

      Just because we could make Svelte wrapper components for each Material typography [thing], doesn't mean we should.


      • material-ui [react] did make wrapper components for typography.

        • But why did they? Is there a technical reason why they couldn't just do what svelte-material-ui did (as in, something technical that Svelte empowers/allows?), or did they just not consider it?
      • svelte-material-ui did not.

        • And they were probably wise to not do so. Just reuse the existing work from the Material team so that there's less work for you to keep in sync and less chance of divergence.
  33. Oct 2020
    1. Doing a HOC properly, as a library should, with hoisted statics and displayName and ref, etc., is a hassle and would add unnecessary bulk.