- Oct 2023
casetext.com casetext.com
public assistance for needy individuals and families who are residents of the state and whose income and property are insufficient to meet the costs of necessary maintenance and services as determined by the state department and to assist such individuals and families to attain or retain their capabilities for independence, self-care, and self-support, as contemplated by article XXIV of the state constitution and the provisions of the social security act and the food stamp act. The state of Colorado and its various departments, agencies, and political subdivisions are authorized to promote and achieve these ends by any appropriate lawful means through cooperation with and utilization of available resources of the federal government and private individuals and organizations.
- Sep 2023
casetext.com casetext.com
shall be eligible for emergency assistance
casetext.com casetext.com
Section 26-5.3-104 - Emergency assistance for families with children at imminent risk of being placed out of the home
www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.edu
substantial limiting factor in permitting them
Note: The word "TEST", or "INCOME and ASSET TEST/REQUIREMENT/CRITERIA" are not terms used in this statue to define who is eligible to participate in SNAP. ...
no State agency shall impose any other standards of eligibility as a condition for participating in the program.
Neither State statute, nor state agency administrative rule shall not impose any additional standard for participation (i.e. eligibility criteria)
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter
[in spite of and not to be controlled by] any other l [statutory rules] of this chapter [of which "definition: household" is included See: statutory construction, SCOTUS, "20190611092122150_00000055.pdf" and Georgetown Law "A-Guide-to-Reading-Interpreting-and-Applying-Statutes-1.pdf"
www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.edu
parents and their children 21 years of age or younger who live together
Is not listed as an exception to categorical eligibility, and, therefore, is included in "all other provisions of this chapter" and is, therefore, overruled by categorical eligibility (as "households" are eligible "notwithstanding" all "other provisions of this chapter" except those exceptions listed, as m(4) of this definition of "household" was). If Congress wanted to mandate household categorical eligibility was bound by the requirement of parent and child living within the same 4 walls, then m(2) would have been included as m(4) was (see SCOTUS statutory construction)
individual or group of individuals constitute a household if they reside in an institution or boarding house,
A listed overruling exception to categorical eligibility
(m) (1) “Household” means—
casetext.com casetext.com
Nothing in this article shall be construed to prevent the state department from complying with federal requirements for the food stamp program expressly provided by federal statute
casetext.com casetext.com
No later than October 1, 2010, the state department shall create a program or policy that, in compliance with federal law, establishes broad-based categorical eligibility for federal food assistance benefits pursuant to the supplemental nutrition assistance program.
casetext.com casetext.com
provide phased-in services aimed at reunifying families where a child has been placed out of the home, where appropriate, by tapping into other available federal funds or through moneys realized from cost avoidance in prevention of placement;
Reunify Other federal programs (SNAP+ CAT EL)
Out-of-home placement is often the most expensive and disruptive method of providing services to troubled families
You are perpetuating the most disruptive service. And the most expensive.
The general assembly finds and declares that: (a) Maintaining a family structure to the greatest degree possible is one of the fundamental goals that all state agencies must observe
casetext.com casetext.com
Family preservation services
(1) "At-risk family" means a family unit with a child who meets out-of-home placement criteria as established by the state board or who, without intervention, risks continued involvement with the child welfare system as established by the state board.
uscode.house.gov uscode.house.gov
will permit low-income households to obtain a more nutritious diet through normal channels of trade by increasing food purchasing power for all eligible households who apply for participation
households who apply for participation
Congress further finds that increased utilization of food in establishing and maintaining adequate national levels of nutrition will promote the distribution in a beneficial manner of the Nation's agricultural abundance and will strengthen the Nation's agricultural economy, as well as result in more orderly marketing and distribution of foods
advance.lexis.com advance.lexis.com
If a participant does not agree with or fails to participate in a program or service identified in the IRC, the participant shall continue to receive the basic cash assistance grant that the participant received at the time the appeal is requested during the pendency of any appeal process.
www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.edu
benefits shall not be reduced or terminated prior to the receipt of the final agency decision unless:
If they were cognizant enough to include in the rule for SNAP; we can assume they would've been cognizant enough to include it in TANF if they wanted it.
library.municode.com library.municode.com
Supportive payment
Appeals From Administrative Proceedings & Your Legal Options
www.courts.state.co.us www.courts.state.co.us
State Government Agency Appeals 1. What is an appeal of a state government agency decision or action?
Colorado Judicial -self help
advance.lexis.com advance.lexis.com
24-4-106. Judicial review.
An Introduction to Judicial Review of Federal Agency Action
2016 Congressional Research Service
ChatGTP Appeal Notice for Joshua https://chat.openai.com/share/d1789e39-8511-4902-ba21-154c6d648702
SidebariJudicial Review Under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA
2020 Congressional Research Service
caselaw.findlaw.com caselaw.findlaw.com
Supreme Court of Colorado
casetext.com casetext.com
for other good cause shown, the appellate court may, except as otherwise provided in C.A.R. 26(b), suspend the requirements or provisions of any of these rules in a particular case on application of a party or on its own motion and may order proceedings in accordance with its direction.
26(b)"Legal Holiday" Defined.
www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.edu
LII Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure Rule 21. Writs of Mandamus and Prohibition, and Other Extraordinary Writs
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
I'm using Kubuntu 23.04, do not use Snaps, and wish to update to Thunderbird 115 from the installed version 102. Is this possible? It appears as if Ubuntu have stopped providing non-Snap packages for mainstream apps and Thunderbird themselves offer me a tar.bz2 whilst I'd rather use packaged apps. Will Thunderbird 115 be available as an official .deb file at all; will it be in the repos? What's the best non-Snap way to install it and keep it updated?
If any information obtained from the household differs from that which the State agency obtained from available information or the household provided additional changes in information, the State agency shall arrange for the household or it authorized representative to initial all changes, re-sign and date the updated application and provide necessary verification.
Discrepancies. Where unverified information from a source other than the household contradicts statements made by the household, the household shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to resolve the discrepancy prior to a determination of eligibility or benefits. The State agency may, if it chooses, verify the information directly and contact the household only if such direct verification efforts are unsuccessful. If the unverified information is received through the IEVS, as specified in § 272.8, the State agency may obtain verification from a third party as specified in paragraph (f)(9)(v) of this section.
casetext.com casetext.com
any governmental body or officer or any lower judicial body exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions
docdrop.org docdrop.org
UsingC.R.C.P. 106(a)(4) to obtain interlocutory appeal of discretionary decisionsin county court criminal cases
www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.edu
effect of the decision in Hill v. Hawes is to give the district court power, in its discretion and without time limit, and long after the term may have expired, to vacate a judgment and reenter it for the purpose of reviving the right of appeal.
Take this in combination with my previously made arguments of ccr meeting convenience, using electronic mail, law stating lack of receipt of notice as good cause....as well as ccr rules about good cause includes homelessness and disability. *Look for precedent on good cause (hell, look for a source of precedents and law interpretation period, and then look up perfect on everything,.. reopening appeal, BCE, reparations, damages, fcs case)
Also, at minimum for strategy to reopen: use anything as an avenue for an action to be taken, then appeal it using misconduct as a just and request an opinion on the interpretation interpretation of law (if can't just directly ask the higher court to make a ruling as part of the lessor request). Mechanism thoughts: 1. With TANF final decision, ask for a reconsider or file a motion asking for both an order to reinstate snap as well as an interpretation of the law that the household in its ENTIRETY is included under BCE. 2. Going direct to higher court- I think can choose either. Might have read that COA lacks ability to order/remand/compel, technically speaking.
- Mar 2023
www.coloradosos.gov www.coloradosos.gov
4.203.1 Designating a Head of HouseholdA. The local office shall allow a household to select an adult parent of children (of any age) living inthe household, or an adult who has parental control over children (under 18 years of age) living inthe household,
I am the obvious "Head of Household" between my daughter and myself as she is my biological daughter, under 18, whom I am the sole caretaker, and whom my parental rights have not been terminated. And, the open DHS child welfare case is still pre-adjudication, meaning DHS has not proven grounds for their claimed allegations they used to defend taking temporary custody, and which I strongly contest and know are not founded. Point being I have never stopped for one day, up through current day, taking daily responsibility for and being the ultimate manager of my daughter's care for all needs, that DHS's involvement was not at my doing or consent, and DHS should and I expect DHS to remove themselves immediately from infringing any further in our family.
4.505.4 Verification of Household CompositionA. If questionable, the local office shall verify any factors affecting the composition of a household.The household's statement regarding food purchasing and preparation shall generally beaccepted because of the difficulty of verifying such arrangements.
This declares guidance to the county to generally accept a families declaration of the household composition (i.e. should generally accept my claim that my daughter is qualified 'living in home' without excessive scrutiny and as long as I can provide a reasonable basis and evidence for it) due to the often very complex nature of living circumstances.
2) A household in which at least one (1) member receives services from theFamily Preservation Program.
Additionally, our family qualifies under this qualifier as well. We do receive service from the Family Preservation Program (enacted in 2018 out of the U.S. Family First Prevention Services Act, which includes services all families with children who have been or are at risk of being placed out-of-home). My daughter is in fact residing in a QRTP facility (Chase House) awaiting the mandated Independent Assessment to determine medical and related needs, both being specific fundamental creations of the FFPSA.
1) Households in which all members receive, or are authorized to receive,SSI, Colorado Works (CW),
This rule declares that our eligibility for SNAP, and therefore determination of whether my daughter is qualified as "living in home", is met based on the fact that we qualify for the TANF (Colorado Works) Program. Said another way, if my daughter is qualified as "living in home" by TANF rules (CCR 9 2503-6, C.R.S. 26-2-706); which is the only section in the CCRs & CRSs where "living in home" is defined in Colorado Law), she qualifies as eligible for SNAP.
C. Eligibility1. Basic Categorical Eligibility (BCE)a. BCE households are:
(cont'd to next)
4.206 CATEGORIES OF ELIGIBILITYA. Households applying for SNAP must be determined eligible using one of the following categoriesof eligibility: Basic Categorical Eligibility (BCE)
(cont'd to next)
- Feb 2023
bjoc.nl bjoc.nl
Het project dat in stap 1 geladen wordt https://snap.berkeley.edu/snap/snap.html#present:Username=cfkaligula&ProjectName=H2L3-DataHouden bevat een fout in het blok "initialiseer lijsten", dat werkt niet omdat daarbinnen nog Engelstalige variabelen worden gebruikt die vertaald zijn naar Nederlandstalige namen.
- Dec 2022
forum.audacityteam.org forum.audacityteam.org
I have yet to see a Snapd or Flatpak build of Audacity that I'm happy with. Those builds are beyond our control as they are made by 3rd parties. I do find it mildly annoying that Flatpak direct users that have problems with their builds to us.
annotation meta: may need new tag: the runaround?
- Nov 2022
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
- Sep 2022
Approximately half (49.2 percent) of all U.S. children between theages 1 and 20 years will at some point reside in a household that receives foodstamps.14
Holy shit!
- May 2022
- Mar 2022
ludocode.com ludocode.com
Today, on my machine, the KCalc Snap takes a full seven seconds to start up. Not just the first time after boot; every time, without fail. Seven seconds to start a calculator.
Snap is the slowest of all, largely because it stores all its data in squashfs images. Snap mounts all registered snaps at startup instead of just extracting the metadata they need beforehand, possibly in an effort to mitigate this slowness. They’re just moving part of the slow startup time to the boot time of your computer. All sorts of snap crap now shows up in mount and fdisk -l. The more snaps you have installed, the slower your computer will start, even if you don’t use them.
- Jan 2022
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
snap list --all and remove with snap remove --revision XXX gnome-3-26-1604
- Nov 2021
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
Although Flatpak is similar to Snap, I think it matches the freedom standards that many Linux users are usually looking for, much better than Snap.
the snap-based chromium cannot access files on my separately-mounted /opt filesystem. The non-snap chromium has no such limitation. Until or unless the snap version ever is able to access all the filesystems on my device, I am willing to live with the risk of a PPA-based version.
I might just leave it installed, in case Canonical ends up replacing more important deb packages with snaps. (I might also drop Ubuntu if they do that.) As long as there isn't a snap directory cluttering my home dir, I can tolerate snapd lurking in the background for now.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I'll use any of them, so long as it's not somebody's proprietary BS.But even if Canonical gave up on keeping all of Snap distribution private in-house, it would still be my last choice because of all the issues Snaps have (and other options don't).
They wanna be to Linux what the Play Store is to Android, what the App Store is to iOS.But we don't do that around here. We use Flatpak round 'ere.
annotation meta: may need new tag: company [aspiring] to be bigger / take over the world
I am concerned with duplicated dependencies though, that's my primary aversion to flatpak/snap/AppImage/etc.
packaging is difficult to maintain on linux with so many different distros that software companies to support.Flatpak, snap, and appimage makes it easier to ship once for a lot of distros that support them.
Flatpack is just a slightly less crappy snap.
And this is why I left Ubuntu. If I want a SNAP I will install a SNAP. Otherwise stay out of my crap.
- Sep 2021
docs.google.com docs.google.com
If something long and thin snaps, it breaks making a short, loud sound, and if you snap it, you break it, making a short, loud sound:
- Mar 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, January 14). RT @jimtankersley: The Biden ‘American Rescue Plan’ goes big: $1.9T, incl almost every Dem stimulus priority under the sun: State/local… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1349993219988328449
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Tankersley, J., & Crowley, M. (2021, January 14). Biden Outlines $1.9 Trillion Spending Package to Combat Virus and Downturn. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/14/business/economy/biden-economy.html
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
Here is a link to install a deb version of chromium, seems like it be easier to use another browser myself.
Not sure but might be a chromium snap problem. Snaps have very few permissions, can try going to software centre/store and see if you can give more permissions, should just be on/off switch, or might need to use another browser(deb not snap). Chromium might have a deb only version now again, but not sure if for 19.10 or only 20.04.
- Feb 2021
fairfoodnetwork.org fairfoodnetwork.org
- Jan 2021
linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io linuxmint-user-guide.readthedocs.io
When Snap was introduced Canonical promised it would never replace APT. This promise was broken. Some APT packages in the Ubuntu repositories not only install snap as a dependency but also run snap commands as root without your knowledge or consent and connect your computer to the remote proprietary store operated by Canonical.
Although it is open-source, Snap on the other hand, only works with the Ubuntu Store. Nobody knows how to make a Snap Store and nobody can. The Snap client is designed to work with only one source, following a protocol which isn’t open, and using only one authentication system. Snapd is nothing on its own, it can only work with the Ubuntu Store.
- use of proprietary hosted services
- Snap
- proprietary software
- security: backdoors
- Canonical
- proprietary software/service seeking broad support/integration/acceptance in/by other software/platforms/vendors
- proprietary protocol
- proprietary hosted services as a competitive advantage
- monopoly
- importance of open-source
- Snap: bad
- consentless
- Linux Mint
- unacceptable
blog.linuxmint.com blog.linuxmint.com
We took a stance on an issue.
ubuntu.com ubuntu.com
Snaps each pick a ‘base’, for example, Ubuntu18 (corresponding to the set of minimal debs in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS). Nevertheless, the choice of base does not impact on your ability to use a snap on any of the supported Linux distributions or versions — it’s a choice of the publisher and should be invisible to you as a user or developer.
Snaps sound a lot like container images in this respect.
Ubuntu also supports ‘snap’ packages which are more suited for third-party applications and tools which evolve at their own speed, independently of Ubuntu. If you want to install a high-profile app like Skype or a toolchain like the latest version of Golang, you probably want the snap because it will give you fresher versions and more control of the specific major versions you want to track.
sudo apt purge chromium-browser chromium-chromedriver Bye bye, fake Chromium packages.
Debian still maintains Chromium as a regular package in their APT repository. We can configure Ubuntu to get it from there, and continue to receive timely security updates along with all of our other OS updates. This makes sense from a security perspective, since Debian is where Ubuntu already gets most of its packages, and is a very well known high-profile project. There is no need to risk installing software from some random source or telling your system to trust a PPA.
I have nothing against snap in theory, but spamming my mounts, processes, and filesystem is just too darn much
blog.pagefault-limited.co.uk blog.pagefault-limited.co.uk
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
You can use Chromium from the Debian buster repository.
www.theregister.com www.theregister.com
"in the Ubuntu 20.04 package base, the Chromium package is indeed empty and acting, without your consent, as a backdoor by connecting your computer to the Ubuntu Store. Applications in this store cannot be patched, or pinned. You can't audit them, hold them, modify them or even point snap to a different store. You've as much empowerment with this as if you were using proprietary software, i.e. none."
forums.theregister.com forums.theregister.com
the bloody mount points. I couldn't believe that when I realised what was going on. I got the wire brush and dettol out and scraped it off my drive. Never, ever again.
It won't work if $HOME is not under /home. Really. Not even if you softlink. You need a bind mount
There's a lot of advice online showing how to get rid of snap. (e.g.: https://cialu.net/how-to-disable-and-remove-completely-snaps-in-ubuntu-linux/ worked for me) so the only result (so far, a few months later) is that Chromium has lost a user, and having upgraded Ubuntu since the original Warty, if snap becomes obligatory I'll have to take a look at Mint, or Devuan.
I managed to remove it myself this morning...apparently it used to get it's hooks in so deep it was very difficult to remove the daemon as it interconnected with ubuntu-desktop for....reasons.
Good. Hate snap. It's insidious and a pain to deal with.
Plus, have you seen how many loopback mounting points it creates? "df" becomes very hard to use as it buries your actual drives with it's own. One for the daemon, one for GTK, one for Gnome, one for each of the snaps you have installed....
it's an absolute resource hog
Besides running contrary to the principles that lead a lot of people to Linux systems (a closed store that you can't alter...automatic updates you have no control over....run by just the one company)
The strangest "quirk" I had was that I couldn't get the web browser to save a file directly to an attached, encrypted drive. Permissions problem. So I had to save to an interim folder then move it across by hand. Utter pain.
So they want to "reduce fragmentation" OK.
I found that snap can cause lots of issues. I installed keepass using snap, and it installed as a sandboxed app. Very nice for security you would think. Well, a short while later, after 3 upgrades to keepass, it deleted the oldest snap container, which just happened to contain my password file. So secure that even you can't use your passwords now!
Call me cynical, but is Snap possibly a resource hog as well?
It appears that Canonical is continuing it's vice grip of unliateral, maybe dictatorial control on the development of Snap to the benefit of Ubuntu, but to the detriment of groups like Linuxmint, and all other non-Ubuntu based Linux distributions - like CentOS/Redhat, Suse/openSuSe, Solus, Arch/Manjaro, PCLinuxOS, etc, that are pushing Flatpak as a truly cross-distro application solution that works equally well and non-problematic for all. .
If upstream code presumes things will work that dont in snap (e.g. accesses /tmp or /etc) the snap maintainer has to rewrite that code and maintain a fork. Pointless work. Packaging for .deb is a no-brainer.
It's Snap that drove me to Arch, so it did me a huge favour. Seeing things like GNOME as a snap and other 'core' products wasn't something I was comfortable with. Personally, I prefer flatpaks as a packaging format when compared to snap and appimage. I agree that Linux needs an app delivery format, but snap's current implementation isn't it.
By design, snap apps have no access to /etc. They live in their own little world, but instead of a normal chroot, they are splatted all over the standard Linux filesystem layout. With other bits mounted hither and thither. Its a mess, and subject to change with each release.
The cost of snap is too high. Its Linux ffs. We want it lean, mean, open, stable, file based, and bash friendly. We want our tools to work together, and above all, we want choice. Snap is none of that.
Its not too complicated but it is an annoyance. I want /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, /etc/nsswitch.conf, /etc/rc.local and all the standard stuff to work. The heavy lifting is done in the kernel. All they need to do is leave it alone. Its getting harder to make Ubuntu behave like Linux.
Did my first Xubuntu 20.04 LTS last month: no (dependency) trouble at all to remove snap and its systemd tentacles...
My biggest issue with snap is not the concept per se but that it's a mostly Ubuntu thing and FlatPak and AppImage are similar ideas. For once it would be nice if the Linux world would consolidate around a single technology instead of fragmenting like this.
If we're not careful, it could become the new 'systemd' problem It probably already is. I don't want to sound too Stallman, but this is the inevitable "company" influence you'll always have. Companies do have their objectives which they will pursue determinedly, since they are not philanthropic (no judgment, just observation). Systemd and Red Hat. Nvidia and their drivers. Google and Android. Apple and iOS. Manufacturers with MS only support. And Canonical also has a history there: the Amazon links, Unity, Mir, and now snap.
- app stores: bad
- abandoning/migrating away from
- Flatpak
- annoying
- Chromium snap: removing
- Linux: reasons people use/choose it
- want it to just work
- by design
- systemd: bad
- unintended consequence
- downsides/cons
- Snap
- too much noise
- needs to be standardized
- infectious problem
- Canonical
- losing a prospective customer/user because of a deal-breaker
- insidious
- snap: removing
- isolation (security)
- resource hog
- surprising behavior
- snap: bad
- leave it alone
- Chromium snap: bad
- unfortunate
- messy
- bind mount
- dependency mess
- irony
- too much control/influence by a single company/entity
- fragmented community
- snap
- cynical
- AppImage
- arbitrary limitations
- core principles
- arbitrary limitations leading to less-than-ideal workarounds
- Apple
- problems
- could be easier / more difficult than it needs to be
- standard
- packaging software
- I have this problem too
- software freedom
- core values
snapcraft.io snapcraft.io
The rationale for branches is simple. Each snap in the Snap Store has a default track called ‘latest’ in which there are four channels named ‘stable’, ‘beta’, ‘candidate’ and ‘edge’. These are all typical buckets in which snaps are published for an extended period, perhaps months or maybe even years. Branches on the other hand are short-lived silos for publishing snaps.
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
The downside is the installation files are bigger than the traditional Debian package manager (DEB) files. They also use more hard drive real estate. With snaps, every application that needs a particular resource installs its own copy. This isn’t the most efficient use of hard drive space. Although hard drives are getting bigger and cheaper, traditionalists still balk at the extravagance of each application running in its own mini-container. Launching applications is slower, too.
The application is executed in an encapsulated, ring-fenced way, so its files can’t interfere with those on your computer. You can even install multiple versions of the same application, and they won’t cross-pollinate or fight amongst themselves.
The upside to snaps is they make installations simpler because they avoid the heartache of dependency hell. This is what occurs when a new application can’t run either because a required resource isn’t available, it’s the wrong version, or its installation overwrites files required by existing applications so they can’t run.
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
The chromium browser has been available as a deb package for all supported Ubuntu releases and as a snap since version 60, and the time has come to start transitioning away from the debs.
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
All right, whoever, who wanted to get the latest Chromium work without worrying about snaps, get it from here 15, unzip it and make a executable link to executive file “chrome” in it. It opens instantaneously (in a snap). This Chromium web browser is NOT installed, but lives in a folder called chrome-linux.
Just saying “snaps are slow” is not helpful to anyone. Because frankly, they’re not. Some might be, but others aren’t. Using blanket statements which are wildly inaccurate will not help your argument. Bring data to the discussion, not hearsay or hyperbole.
I don’t find the software slow, I find the startup time for snap packages when the start for the first time on a session slow, but that has been improved, and it’s public that the snapcraft team has been working hard to improve that.
None of what I’ve said is provided out of the box with apt/deb, and they can only be done in ways that are way to much complex for most non-technical users and in some points they require more work, and some things are simply not available with apt/deb, like the possibility to isolate dependencies, app confinement at the level snaps provide, the possibility to use the same package on other distros (including those that don’t have apt/deb) and different versions of the distro (same package will work on old and new versions independently on how it was built…
This example of the chromium really shows that unless snaps or other similar format was used, applications would have to be sometime very heavily patched to work on older versions of systems to the point that it generates so much work that it would not be worth do to it otherwise, or at least not worth when the snap option exists and doesn’t require that much more work.
But now Chromium is no more available as deb, so what to expect ?
I had one issue with snap and that involved VLC but I can see how it would lead to issues with other packages. I hav the libdvdcss2 package installed to allow me to watch DVDs on my laptop. The snap version of VLC was not aware of that and wouldn’t play the DVD. I had to uninstall the snap and install the .deb package. Just one example, but I know there will be others. Due to the quasi-legal nature of libdvdcss2, I doubt it’ll ever be bundled in a VLC snap package.
snaps have many benefits that are huge: automatic updates List item shorter delivery times between develper and user possibility to use tracks and choose how much on the bleeding edge you want to be way more security and privacy, less dependency issues software available on the same versions independently of distributions and versions of distributions
Moreover, due to the confinement, snap does not allow Chromium to download by default in another folder than /home : “it won’t let the application see files on the host system (save for a few exceptions, like $HOME)”. Is it a definitive point for snap ? If yes, it means that when all apps will be converted to snap without possible backport to debs (if installed without --classic and perhaps excepted Nautilus), it will be impossible to save files issued from them elsewhere than in /home ? Absolutely all my datas (documents, music, videos, photos) are on other partitions, this would be prohibitive…
If folks want to get together and create a snap-free remix, you are welcome to do so. Ubuntu thrives on such contribution and leadership by community members. Do be aware that you will be retreading territory that Ubuntu developers trod in 2010-14, and that you will encounter some of the same issues that led them to embrace snap-based solutions. Perhaps your solutions will be different. .debs are not perfect, snaps are not perfect. Each have advantages and disadvantages. Ubuntu tries to use the strengths of both.
The “no-snaps” ship already sailed years ago…you folks missed that boat. It’s too late to wish for a return to the past. Snaps in Ubuntu have been happening for years already, and will continue regardless of any opinions expressed here.
- challenges
- Chromium
- working on it (improving)
- unfortunate
- be specific
- disadvantages/drawbacks/cons
- too late
- already already decided what they like/prefer (preferences/favorites/winners)
- snap
- user expectations
- software performance
- Ubuntu
- faulty generalization
- +0.9
- hasty generalization
- moving/changing in a different direction than users want
- unhelpful
- Snap
- user experience
- problems
- dependency issues
- already already
- bad user experience
- forking: you can always fork it if you want
- controversial
- momentum/inertia
- constant evolution/improvement of software/practices/solutions
- good point
- reducing the amount of work/effort required (efficiency / maintenance burden)
- packaging software
- pull the rug out from under someone
- not delivering on promise
- shift in preference
- advantages/merits/pros
- surprising
www.addictivetips.com www.addictivetips.com
If you’re not a huge fan of Snap packages, but love using Ubuntu, this guide is for you. In it, we’ll go over how you can remove Snap from your Ubuntu system and make it so that your system will no longer have access to the Snap store or anything like that.
Snap packages are quickly becoming the primary way that Ubuntu users consume software. Despite Snaps dominating Ubuntu, many users still opt to avoid Snap packages in favor of Apt packages that have long been available in Ubuntu.
Sadly, unlike Apt, it isn’t possible to uninstall all of these packages in bulk. You must manually remove each one of these packages by hand.
- Feb 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
It can be easier to apply for farm subsidies than it is to get SNAP benefits, said Joel Berg, a former official with the Department of Agriculture, the agency that administers both programs.
- Nov 2019
bjoc-nl.github.io bjoc-nl.github.io
Het snap blok heet voeg … … samen
herhaal, altijd, en voor
In Snap-NL heten de blokken: herhaal (forever) herhaal invoer keer for Het for-blok is nog steeds niet vertaald ...
zet het op -> maak het (vanwege Snap blok maak variabele waarde)
In de Nederlandse Snap vertaling: commando
- Jun 2017
some analysts expressed concern about a slowdown in the growth of its Snapchat messaging app.
Snap's time has passed? Or was it the fact that I downloaded it?