18 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Feb 2024
    1. the outright winner was a mysterious character called Thomas Austin Jnr whosent Dr Murray an incredible total of 165,061 over the span of a decade.Second place goes to William Douglas of Primrose Hill who sent in 151,982slips over twenty-two years; third place to Dr Thomas Nadauld Brushfield ofDevon, with 70,277 over twenty-eight years; with Dr William Chester Minorof Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum coming in fourth place with 62,720slips.

      Top slip contributors to OED: 1. Thomas Austin Jnr. 165,061 slips over 10 years (45.22 notes per day) 2. William Douglas 151,982 over 22 years (18.92 notes per day) 3. Thomas Nadauld Brushfield 70,277 over 28 years (1.98 notes per day) 4. William Chester Minor 62,720 slips over 23 years (to 1906) (7.5 notes per day)

    2. Over the seven years that archaeologist-to-be Margaret Murray sent in wordsto the Dictionary, she managed to contribute 5,000 slips.
  3. Jun 2023
    1. undertakesto supply a substantial part of the materials necessary for such manufactureor production

      It does not mean that buyetr cannot supply any materials. Sometimes it has to, however, the bottom line is where this "substantial part" lies. There are three ways to define: economic value, vilume, respective contribution to the end product. Most scholars favour economic value test. This means that CISG does not apply where the value ofb contributions of a buyer to the supply of materials is 50% or more. The importanrt rule is to compare party's contributions to each other and not to the value pf end product.

  4. Jan 2023

      okay what i'm missing here is that the race_result table I think groups rows by race, not by horse. So each horse can have multiple races.

      The above statements asks the dbms to find each race (row) with a specific horse_id, and then average certain column values from all the rows corresponding to the same horse_id. The average is then to be output as a new row containing a single horse id, the sum of that horses earnings across all race rows, the COUNT(*) statement is then used to count how many rows in the horse table had a specific horse id.So really the query is requesting a table with

      horse_id | (earnings sum from race_result rows with horse_id) | (number of race result rows featuring horse_id)

    2. COUNT function provides a count of the rows in a result set. It has two forms. COUNT(*) counts rows regardless of data values in the rows, while COUNT(column_name) counts only non-null values in the named colum
      • COUNT(*) - counts rows regardless of data values in the rows
      • COUNT - (column_name) counts only non-null values in the named colum
  5. Nov 2022
    1. Run in WSL to return current total "word count": find /mnt/c/path/to/obsidian -type f -name "*.md" -exec cat '{}' \+ | wcThis will also count words in syntax - like the word "query" in an embedded query. In fact it probably counts anything separated by whitespace as separate words. But you could do some preprocessing between the cat and the wc if you like.

      Linux command for WSL to count all lines, words count, & character count. OP states at end -wc restricts to word count only

  6. Aug 2022
  7. May 2022
  8. Mar 2022
  9. Oct 2020
  10. Aug 2020
  11. Jul 2020
  12. May 2020