76 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. there still seems to be a little bit of Gap in data that doesn't account for 0.2 de celsus warming that is present extra scientists have not been able to comfortably explain over the past in fact several years why there is this little bit of extra global warming it is a major major Gap

      for - stats - climate crisis - global mean temperature gap in models vs measurement of - 0.2 Deg C - from The Print - YouTube - Low clouds disappearing over earth, rapidly acceleration heating - 2024, Dec

  2. Oct 2024
  3. Jun 2024
  4. Jan 2024
    1. The classification scheme used here is possibly the clearest one I've had the chance to see, one I wish I had seen in use at every place I worked at. Here are the broad categories: Surrogate variable that is measured: the thing we measure because it is measurable Variable of true or greater interest: the thing we actually want to know about Measurement technique of surrogate variable: whether we have the ability to get the actual direct value, or whether it is rather inferred from other observations Artefactual influences: what are the things that can mess up the data in measuring it Certainty of "Normal Range": how sure are we that the value we read is representative of what we care about?

      What are we really measuring with metrics, and how could things go wrong?

  5. Dec 2023
    1. key measures of isolation and lonelinessmay miss whether they are reaping the benefits of social connection in other ways,such as feeling adequately supported or having high-quality, close relationships

      Interesting defense of all the fine distinctions in the glossary earlier - though intriguing that "resilience" and "thriving" aren't in the glossary.

  6. Oct 2023
    1. Figure 6 shows a high-impedance 10x probe where the input impedance is 9MΩ, the input impedance inside the oscilloscope is 1MΩ, and the total input impedance is 10MΩ. For 10x probes, the signal has 10x attenuation via impedance matching, and the higher attenuation ratio reduces the signal-to-noise ratio. Because the ripple is a small signal, it is better suited a 1x probe without impedance matching because the signal is not distorted.

      to measure small signal, it is better to use 1x without impedance matching

  7. Jul 2023
      • Title
        • What gets measured, gets…manipulated.
      • Subtitle
        • The impossible business of quantifying a planet resistant to quantification.
      • Author
        • Meg Chatham
  8. Jun 2023
    1. I want to point out that it’s disappointingly rare for UX studies to assess the quality of the work produced with the tool that’s being studied. Output is, after all, the goal of much computer use, and the quality of this output is an essential element in judging the user interface.

      Agreed, much of user testing focuses on the experience of the user when using the tool and depends upon users speaking to voluntarily making the quality of output part of their evaluation of the tool.

      A possible counter: UX research professionals are not subject matter experts in the work deliverables generated in using the tool and not equipped to assess the quality of those deliverables. But that doesn't address the need the author calls out. Solving this will depend on the domain in which the tool is used and connecting with SMEs that can evaluate output in that domain.

      In educational technology, we measure the quality of output by measuring the growth in students' mastery against state standards as they use the tool. This is why reporting has become the key feature for EdTech products.

  9. May 2023
    1. Why are folks so obsessed with notes per day? Perhaps a proxy for toxic capitalism and productivity issues? Is the number of notes the best measure or the things they allow one to do after having made them? What is the best measure? Especially when there are those who use them for other purposes like lecturing, general growth, knowledge acquisition, or even happiness?

  10. Apr 2023
  11. Mar 2023
    1. We create product not to show how good we are, but to measure how good we are.

      We create product not to show how good we are, but to measure how good we are.

      — Naval (@naval) February 19, 2023
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  12. Feb 2023
    1. Instead of trying to resolve in general this problem of how macroscopic clas-sical physics behavior emerges in a measurement process, one can adopt thefollowing two principles as providing a phenomenological description of whatwill happen, and these allow one to make precise statistical predictions usingquantum theory

      To resolve the measurement problem from quantum mechanics into the classical realm, one can use the observables principle and the Born rule.

    2. Principle (The Born rule). Given an observable O and two unit-norm states|ψ1〉 and |ψ2〉 that are eigenvectors of O with distinct eigenvalues λ1 and λ2O|ψ1〉 = λ1|ψ1〉, O|ψ2〉 = λ2|ψ2〉the complex linear combination statec1|ψ1〉 + c2|ψ2〉will not have a well-defined value for the observable O. If one attempts tomeasure this observable, one will get either λ1 or λ2, with probabilities|c21||c21| + |c22|and |c22||c21| + |c22|respectively.
  13. Nov 2022
    1. Measurement requires stopping the action, getting outside of it and holding it up against a yardstick, exactly the opposite of the activity that would create products or ship them, make customers happy or move our business forward in any way.
  14. Sep 2022
  15. Aug 2022
  16. Feb 2022
    1. We can’t help it: we measure what is possible, not necessarily what matters.

      Margaret Wheatley has a great quote about this, though you say it quite perfectly as well.

      "the measures define what is meaningful rather than letting the greater meaning of the work define the measures" (Wheatley, 2005, p. 162).

      Wheatley, M. (2005). The uses and abuses of measurement. In Finding our way. Leadership in uncertain times (pp. 156–162). San Francisco: Berret-Koehler.

  17. Jan 2022
    1. Don’t rely on metrics that treat all users the same. Explore how subgroups of users interact with a platform, and develop metrics of user experience for these subgroups.
    2. Values, rather than numbers, should drive decision-making. Ask whether what you measure accurately reflects your priorities. Many of our most cherished values are not amenable to quantitative measurement.
    1. Goodhart's law is an adage often stated as "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure".[1] It is named after British economist Charles Goodhart, who advanced the idea in a 1975 article on monetary policy in the United Kingdom:[2][3] .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}Any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it for control purposes.

      We measure what we find important.

      Measures can and often become self-fulfilling targets. (read: Rankings and Reactivity by W. Espeland and M. Sauder https://www.stmarys-ca.edu/sites/default/files/attachments/files/rankings-and-reactivity-2007.pdf)

      When a measure becomes a target it ceases to be a good measure.

      So why measure?

      Is observation and measurement part of a larger complex process which isn't finished until the process itself is finished?

      This seems related to the measurement problem in quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's cat, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and the observer effect).

  18. Dec 2021
    1. https://www.archaeology.org/issues/339-1905/trenches/7567-trenches-england-folkton-drums-stonehenge-measurement

      The diameter of the Folkton Drums and the Lavant Drum seem to be based on the "long foot" (1.056 ft) discovered by Andrew Chamberlain and Mike Parker Pearson. The drums ratios are 1:7:8:9 to the long foot respective (the Lavant Drum last).

      What was the origin of the stone used to manufacture these? Do the designs on the drums have a potential mnemonic use for the builders which may have used them as measuring devices?

      These are held by the British Museum: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/H_1893-1228-15

      Their round nature may have made them easy to roll out measurements. the grooved "tops" may have allowed them to roll on wooden beams of some sort.

      What relationship, if any, is the bone pin that was found with them?

      <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>Alison Fisk </span> in "The Folkton Drums. Three cylinders carved from chalk about 5,000 years ago, during the Neolithic period. Decorated with geometric designs and stylised faces. Discovered, along with a bone pin, in a child’s round barrow (burial) in Yorkshire in 1889. #FindsFriday #Archaeology https://t.co/6IyUTN9bCt" (<time class='dt-published'>12/11/2021 09:11:48</time>)</cite></small>

  19. Nov 2021
    1. structure of the measurement and analysis
      1. Findings, solutions and good practices in regard of online learning during the pandemic. mixed method approach
      • collect data through surveying students each week
      • analyze quantitative data using ANOVA
      • compare results to the analysis from qualitative data triangulation: quantitative, qualitative data and literature
  20. Sep 2021
    1. The procedure for taking C-V measurements involves the application of DC bias voltages across the capacitor while making the measurements with an AC signal

      appiy a DC bias voltage first then input a AC signal?

    1. e task. Attention to time in labour depends in large degree upon the need for the synchronization of labour. But in so far as manufacturing industry remained c

      We attend to time in large measure as a need to be able to synchronize our work.

    2. Thus John Harrison, clock-maker and former carpenter of Barton-on-Humber (Lincs.), perfected a marine chronometer, and in 1730 could claim to have brought a Clock to go nearer the truth, than can be well imagin'd, considering the vast Number of seconds of Time there is in a Month, in which space of time it does not vary above one second . . I am sure I can bring it to the nicety of 2 or 3 seconds in a year.

      State of the art of timepieces in 1730.

      Could be interesting to see a graph of accuracy of timekeeping over time.

  21. Jun 2021
    1. #AnnoConvo: A Conversation about Annotation, Literacy, and Learning

      While watching the end of this presentation I find myself thinking:

      "We measure what we care about" is an interesting truism, but we need to remember to question why we care about particular things.

  22. Apr 2021
    1. A crucial difference between representations of relative error inthese equations compared withEquations 6and7 for the single-facet designs is that three sources of measurement error varianceare separately represented, withpt2ntequaling specific-factor error,po2noequaling transient error, andpto,e2ntnoequaling random-responseerror. Effects fortasks, occasions, and their interaction are includedin the denominator for the D-coefficient but not the G-coefficientbecause those effects can change the absolutemagnitude of scoresbut not their relative differences.
    1. At 110m in diameter, Waun Mawn

      Sort of curious that so many of these circles were around 105m in diameter on average. What might have caused this sort of regularity? What sub-measurement may have this resulted from?



  23. Feb 2021
  24. Jan 2021
    1. Because many early students of psychology were also trained in such “hard” sciences as biology and physiology, it is not surprising that these researchers turned to such physical measures in their attempts to understand mental functioning. Unlike today’s testing efforts, however, individual differences were not the focus of these studies. On the contrary, such differences were generally considered to be the result of imperfect control of experimental conditions, and every effort was made to design stud-ies in which such differences were minimized.
      • hard science
      • origin of species
      • eugenics

      individual difference



  25. Oct 2020

      This article details the methods and results of a research experiment done to determine whether/ how physiological measurement technologies can be used with educational research methods to investigate subjective learning experiences. Describes research methods and data collected. 8/10, very interesting article and a very interesting and well done study but very specific to this one topic. e

    1. When Wojcicki took over, in 2014, YouTube was a third of the way to the goal, she recalled in investor John Doerr’s 2018 book Measure What Matters.“They thought it would break the internet! But it seemed to me that such a clear and measurable objective would energize people, and I cheered them on,” Wojcicki told Doerr. “The billion hours of daily watch time gave our tech people a North Star.” By October, 2016, YouTube hit its goal.

      Obviously they took the easy route. You may need to measure what matters, but getting to that goal by any means necessary or using indefensible shortcuts is the fallacy here. They could have had that North Star, but it's the means they used by which to reach it that were wrong.

      This is another great example of tech ignoring basic ethics to get to a monetary goal. (Another good one is Marc Zuckerberg's "connecting people" mantra when what he should be is "connecting people for good" or "creating positive connections".

  26. Sep 2020
    1. Yet another disadvantage to poorly chosen metrics is that they can lean into something called Goodhart’s Law, a subset of the moral hazard of gameplay specific to measurement. A good summation of the law comes from British anthropologist Marilyn Strathern, who describes it like this: “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure”

      compare with Heisenberg principle



  27. Aug 2020
    1. Historically, it was defined as one minute (1/60 of a degree) of latitude along any line of longitude. Today the international nautical mile is defined as exactly 1852 metres (about 1.15 miles).
    1. Where these systems most notably differ is in their units of volume. A US fluid ounce (fl oz), about 29.6 millilitres (ml), is slightly larger than the imperial fluid ounce (about 28.4 ml). However, as there are 16 US fl oz to a US pint and 20 imp fl oz per imperial pint, the imperial pint is about 20% larger. The same is true of quarts, gallons, etc.; six US gallons are a little less than five imperial gallons.
  28. Jul 2020
  29. Jun 2020
  30. May 2020
    1. Grifoni, A., Weiskopf, D., Ramirez, S. I., Mateus, J., Dan, J. M., Moderbacher, C. R., Rawlings, S. A., Sutherland, A., Premkumar, L., Jadi, R. S., Marrama, D., de Silva, A. M., Frazier, A., Carlin, A., Greenbaum, J. A., Peters, B., Krammer, F., Smith, D. M., Crotty, S., & Sette, A. (2020). Targets of T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in humans with COVID-19 disease and unexposed individuals. Cell, S0092867420306103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.05.015

  31. Apr 2020
  32. Feb 2020
    1. socially-recognized standards of measure

      See Simon Schaffer, "Ceremonies of Measurement: Rethinking the World History of Science," Annales HSS, 70, no. 2 (April-June 2015): 335-360. [PDF].

      Schaffer: "No doubt all this explains why some historians have identified the advent of European modernity with the rise of the quantitative spirit, and, simultaneously, with the capacity of these Europeans to travel, loot, accumulate, and dominate beyond the limits of their own world and, in principle, everywhere."

  33. Jan 2020
  34. Nov 2019
    1. This brings me to the crucial issue. Unlike the position that exists in the physical sciences, in economics and other disciplines that deal with essentially complex phenomena, the aspects of the events to be accounted for about which we can get quantitative data are necessarily limited and may not include the important ones. While in the physical sciences it is generally assumed, probably with good reason, that any important factor which determines the observed events will itself be directly observable and measurable, in the study of such complex phenomena as the market, which depend on the actions of many individuals, all the circumstances which will determine the outcome of a process, for reasons which I shall explain later, will hardly ever be fully known or measurable. And while in the physical sciences the investigator will be able to measure what, on the basis of a prima facie theory, he thinks important, in the social sciences often that is treated as important which happens to be accessible to measurement. This is sometimes carried to the point where it is demanded that our theories must be formulated in such terms that they refer only to measurable magnitudes.
  35. Oct 2019
    1. Zachary Stein - "On the Ethics of Planetary Scale Measurement Meta-Structures"

      "We measure what we care about and we care about what we measure."

      "You could be handed a measure and start caring about something that you didn't care about before, just because you're measuring it now."

      "... it's the locus of trust. It's part of the common wealth of the community is a trustworthy measure. The only way that a community can work. And then of course they encode power..."

      "Measurements help certain groups understand things."

      "In fact maybe we should pause and think very deeply about the whole domain of things that we shouldn't ever measure.... A meta-modern approach to measurement, respects the immeasurable and partitions off regions that are not to be measured."

      "Once you start to factor all of these things (meaning, ethics, objectivity, efficiency) that's when you realize we should not measure some stuff."

      "People who think about measuring new things should also think about the ontology of absence. ... Every time you measure something, think about what you left out."

      "Measurement simplifies complexity by showing you "this" at the expense of "that". So the meta-modern approach is like I see this but I'm also aware of that"

      "Who is measuring who? for what purpose? who is deciding what well being is?"

      "Put the measurement tools into users hands. Don't come from behind the curtain and say ta-daa this is your score. Let them configure and play with the assessments themselves. This will lead to a better assessment system because a million minds are better than a hundred (or whatever your team-size is. Secondly, it empowers as opposed to just internalize."

      "As much as possible empower the person who is being measured, let them see how they're being measured, and actually be able to augment the measure so it's like if you have a mirror, you want to be able to clean the mirror, adjust angles, magnify etc. you want to have that capability for them (measured ones). And then they feel like they are not a test subject, but participants"

    1. It must also understand why different outsourcing projects succeed or fail. The Institute for Government has previously showed that there are several conditions that make outsourcing more likely to succeed.2 Above all, these include: •the existence of a competitive market of high-quality suppliers•the ease of measuring the value added by the provider •the service not being so integral to the nature of government as to make outsourcing inappropriate.*

      Outsourcing conditions

    1. So, maybe all measurement is just training? Training that is useful until we are able to operate on that granularity of perception without formalized symbols? If so, measurement may only be valid for areas where we as organisms seem to lack skill and declare a willingness to be more skillful? Maybe even in areas like gratitude, multi-perspectival ability or joint decision making. Even though all those areas might feel too tender for deliberate currency design?

      Great perspective on measurement.

  36. Sep 2019
  37. Jul 2019
  38. May 2019
  39. Apr 2019
  40. Feb 2019
    1. In such a future working relationship between human problem-solver and computer 'clerk,' the capability of the computer for executing mathematical processes would be used whenever it was needed. However, the computer has many other capabilities for manipulating and displaying information that can be of significant benefit to the human in nonmathematical processes of planning, organizing, studying, etc.
  41. Dec 2018
  42. Oct 2017
    1. The SNA approach allowed for more nuance in understanding the relationships than other analyses would have.

      Did they look at any outcomes of the different circuits? For example, did Circuit C have more successful prosecutions? Or less re victimization? Any way of measuring whether one network was better than another?

  43. Jul 2017
    1. there are two different measurements for the length of a foot in the United States: the International Foot (also commonly called the foot) and the U.S. Survey Foot. The International Foot (which we were all taught in school) is defined as 0.3048 meters, whereas the U.S. Survey Foot is defined as 0.3048006096 meters. The difference of the two equates to 2 parts per million.

      For example, in a measurement of 10,000 feet, the difference would be 0.02 feet (just less than one-quarter of an inch). In a measurement of 1 million feet, the difference is 2 feet.

  44. Jan 2017
  45. May 2016
  46. Apr 2016
  47. Aug 2015
  48. afghanag.ucdavis.edu afghanag.ucdavis.edu
    1. jerib

      A jerib or djerib is a unit of land measure. While some countries have standardized this to a hectare, in most countries this unit of measure varies locally. It can be a few acres or hundreds of meters square.