- Last 7 days
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
It becomes possible
for - universal ledger - necessary but not sufficient
comment - traumatized humans who succeed to become the next generation of abusers will always game any system design
- Feb 2025
superuser.com superuser.com
I tested it and it works, but be careful, there is no source code I can see and to modify headers you need full permissions on all pages. You can also enable/disable it from Firefox add-on manager, as needed.
- Jan 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
unless we can use our capacities for thought in an arena of rational discourse there's no hope of closing the dread Gap in time to savor ourselves
for - quote - the return of rational discourse is necessary to save ourselves - source - Youtube - The End of Organized Humanity - Noam Chomsky - 2024, Dec
- Nov 2024
www.nature.com www.nature.com
the targets of the Paris Agreement are now beyond the reach of incrementalism.
for - climate target of 1.5 Deg C - incrementalism won't work - rapid system change is necessary
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
even if we were successful in phasing out fossil fuels, we would still fail. on the climate boundary. We would still breach the 1. 5 degree Celsius boundary if we do not come back into the safe space on the biosphere boundaries. Because biodiversity, freshwater, land, and nutrients will determine the ability of the planet to buffer
for - quote - Johan Rockstrom - successful phase of of fossil fuels - is a necessary but not sufficient condition for station under 1.5 degree Celsius
- Feb 2024
rwu.brightspace.com rwu.brightspace.com
Human beings, at some level, need bias to survive. So, are we biased? Of course. Virtually every one of us is biased toward something, somebody, or some group.
- Jan 2024
gitlab.com gitlab.com
That helps us keep GitLab simple as long as we can.
- Nov 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
One such way that social media accounts are exploited is when users are enticed to download malicious browser extensions that request read and write permissions on all websites. These users are not aware that later on, typically a week or so after being installed, the extensions will then download some background Javascript malware from its command and control site to run on the user's browser.
library.scholarcy.com library.scholarcy.com
Locke even grants absolute power to the master over them
slaves seen as a necessary and embedded part of European life
He argued against hereditary servitude, but the laws governing slavery in the New World allowed for it.
t mentions that Locke strongly opposes slavery, he was involved in forming a colony where owning slaves was allowed.
hypocritical, and contradiction
This portrayal made them enemies of mankind and justified wars against them.
He argued that colonization of America provided a solution to this problem, as it was seen as "free" land available for European settlers.
idea that this is free to use as not being used for the proper purpose?
It is important to note that Locke's theory only included certain individuals, propertied European men
colonization in America was important for Locke's conceptualization of the state of nature and his defense of enclosure. Indigenous Americans were portrayed as hunter-gatherers, and only enclosed lands were seen as producing value.
- Aug 2023
github.com github.com
Speed is great but if it doesn't conform to the specification, that's not a great case for using it for future development
- Apr 2023
Practical reasoning is a goal-directed sequence of linked practical inferencesthat seeks out a prudent line of conduct for an agent in a set of particular circumstances known by the agent. Where a is an agent, A is an action, and G a goal, thetwo basic types of practical inferences are respectively, the necessary conditionscheme and the sufficient condition scheme (Walton, Pract. Reas., 1 990; see alsoSchellens, 1 987).G is a goal for aDoing A is necessary for a to carry out GTherefore, a ought to do AG is a goal for aDoing A is sufficient for a to carry out GTherefore, a ought to do A
- Goal Directed sequence
- Agent Awareness
- Act may be sufficient or necessary for Goal. *Therefore, Agent carries Act out
- Required to Understand the Qualification Weight of Act is it necessary or sufficient?
- Nov 2022
Doing everything PID 1 needs to do and nothing else. Things like reading environment files, changing users, process supervision are out of scope for Tini (there are other, better tools for those)
- Jun 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Short-lived victories, however, came at a long-term cost. Evangelical leaders set something in motion decades ago that pastors today can no longer control. Not only were Christians conditioned to understand their struggle as one against flesh and blood, fixated on earthly concerns, a fight for a kingdom of this world—all of which runs directly counter to the commands of scripture—they were indoctrinated with a belief that because the stakes were getting so high, any means was justified.
- Nov 2021
www.varvet.com www.varvet.com
Now after a long debugging session, our developer has found the timing issue. They now realize that there is a wait_until method in the API, and immediately think that, "hey, this sounds like what I need!"
Its existence confuses people into thinking that it is necessary, when in fact it isn’t.
- Sep 2021
andrewm.codes andrewm.codes
Run the Rails server (bin/rails s) and the Webpack Dev Server (bin/webpack-dev-server) via your preferred method. Two terminal tabs will work or create a Procfile and run via overmind or foreman.
- Aug 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Qantas mandates full Covid-19 vaccination for all its employees. (2021, August 18). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/aug/18/qantas-mandates-full-covid-19-vaccination-for-all-its-employees
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
‘We need a healthy and ready force’: Pentagon to mandate Covid vaccine for US military. (2021, August 10). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/09/us-military-covid-vaccine-mandate-military
- Jul 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Ledford, H. (2021). Should children get COVID vaccines? What the science says. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-01898-9
- May 2021
Welle (www.dw.com), D. (n.d.). ECHR rules obligatory vaccination may be necessary | DW | 08.04.2021. DW.COM. Retrieved 19 May 2021, from https://www.dw.com/en/echr-rules-obligatory-vaccination-may-be-necessary/a-57128443
- Mar 2021
www.sitepoint.com www.sitepoint.com
As to opinions about the shortcomings of the language itself, or the standard run-times, it’s important to realize that every developer has a different background, different experience, different needs, temperament, values, and a slew of other cultural motivations and concerns — individual opinions will always be largely personal and, to some degree, non-technical in nature.
- software project created to address shortcomings in another project
- +0.9
- reaction / reacting to
- everyone has different preferences
- what is important/necessary for one person may not be for another
- non-technical reasons
- everyone has different background/culture/experience
- good point
- runtime environment
- software preferences are personal
- JavaScript
- annotation meta: may need new tag
github.com github.com
I think that's fine, but I also don't particularly care about @mikeycgto's desire to not have the linking comment be present in the minified JS.
- Feb 2021
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
Activities are a necessary abstraction on top of Ruby.
- Nov 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Things that cause the error to go away If I change any one of the following factors (which should not make any difference), then everything works fine:
github.com github.com
I've only done components that need to/can be Svelte-ified. For some things, like RTL and layout grid, you can just use the MDC packages.
- Oct 2020
medium.com medium.com
We don’t need to apply refactorings we don’t want.
We don’t have to compromise the architecture, API or semantic structure of our code base.
github.com github.com
Unfortunately something along these lines will always be necessary when handling these sorts of pathological cyclical dependency cases without using require.
Sometimes unfortunately you have to point out what about other libraries visions does not fit with your goals to ultimately lay the question to rest.
- Sep 2020
Actions aren't necessary, otherwise they would have been implemented from the start. But they do allow for easier code-reuse and better shared libraries without exploding/complicating the ecosystem.
- May 2020
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
In particular, if you set this parameter to true, our solution creates a technical cookie on iubenda.com (domain) which is used when the cookie on the local domain is not found.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
It may be the case that several sufficient conditions, when taken together, constitute a single necessary condition (i.e., individually sufficient and jointly necessary)
being a male is a necessary condition for being a brother, but it is not sufficient—while being a male sibling is a necessary and sufficient condition for being a brother
in order for human beings to live, it is necessary that they have air
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
A real-world example of this would be an e-commerce site that allows users to “hold” items in their cart while they’re using the site or for the duration of a session. In this scenario, the technical cookies are both necessary for the functioning of the purchasing service and are explicitly requested by the user when they indicate that they would like to add the item to the cart. Do note, however, that these session-based technical cookies are not tracking cookies.
I'm not sure I agree with this:
[the technical cookies] are explicitly requested by the user when they indicate that they would like to add the item to the cart.
The only thing they requested was that the item be held in a cart for them. They didn't explicitly request that cookies be used to store information about items in the cart. They most likely don't understand all of the options for how to store data like this, and certainly wouldn't know or expect specifically that cookies be used for this.
In fact, localStorage could be used instead. If it's a single-page app, then even that would be necessary; it could all be kept in page-local variables until they checked out (all on the same page); such that reloading the page would cause the cart data held in those variables to be lost.
- Apr 2020
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
purposes are grouped into 5 categories (strictly necessary, basic interactions & functionalities, experience enhancement, measurement, targeting & advertising)
Strictly necessary (id 1). Purposes included:Backup saving and managementHosting and backend infrastructureManaging landing and invitation pagesPlatform services and hostingSPAM protectionTraffic optimization and distributionInfrastructure monitoringHandling payments
- Mar 2020
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Technical cookies, preference, session and optimization cookies
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
The exemption to the consent requirement only clearly applies to non-tracking technical cookies strictly necessary for the functioning of services that were expressly requested by the user. A real-world example of this would be an e-commerce site that allows users to “hold” items in their cart while they’re using the site or for the duration of a session. In this scenario, the technical cookies are both necessary for the functioning of the purchasing service and are explicitly requested by the user when they indicate that they would like to add the item to the cart.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Technical cookies, i.e. those needed to provide the service. These include preference cookies, session cookies, load balancing cookies etc.
www.privacypolicies.com www.privacypolicies.com
When you visit your favorite online store, you expect the items you add to your shopping cart to still be in your shopping cart when you check out. Cookies make that happen. If you opted out of those cookies, you would, in essence, be opting out of the very reason you went to that site in the first place. Asking a customer if they want to allow cookies to make their shopping cart work would be like asking them if they want the thread to keep their shirt together.
In fact, some are essential for the proper functioning of a website. The EU understands this and makes an exception for cookies that are "strictly necessary" to fulfill the services requested by your site visitors.
www.adrianjock.com www.adrianjock.com
The cookies that are non-essential will be sent to the browsers only if the visitors accept them.
ico.org.uk ico.org.uk
While we recognise that analytics can provide you with useful information, they are not part of the functionality that the user requests when they use your online service – for example, if you didn’t have analytics running, the user could still be able to access your service. This is why analytics cookies aren’t strictly necessary and so require consent.
- Feb 2020
opensquare.nyupress.org opensquare.nyupress.org
By Any Media Necessary The New Youth Activism
- Oct 2013
rhetoric.eserver.org rhetoric.eserver.org
It follows, then, that the only necessary parts of a speech are the Statement and the Argument. These are the essential features of a speech; and it cannot in any case have more than Introduction, Statement, Argument, and Epilogue.