30 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. Feb 2024
    1. If one had to deal with the drain of such critique for every answer, perhaps site usage would go down. People have lives to lead and the OP is apparently already happy. IMO, it is time to move on.
    2. n the end, this site is about helping community. All the associated answers and comments are available for a visitor to peruse and consider. It is decidedly less valuable to the community when all answers are identical.
  3. Jun 2023
    1. we present a novel evidence extraction architecture called ATT-MRC

      A new evidence extraction architecture called ATT-MRC improves the recognition of evidence entities in judgement documents by treating it as a question-answer problem, resulting in better performance than existing methods.

    1. We also compare the answer retrieval performance of a RoBERTa Base classifier against a traditional machine learning model in the legal domain

      Transformer models like RoBERTa outperform traditional machine learning models in legal question answering tasks, achieving significant improvements in performance metrics such as F1-score and Mean Reciprocal Rank.

  4. Apr 2022
  5. Dec 2021
  6. Aug 2021
    1. Question and Answer Website Development: Functionality and Best PracticesTimur YilmazTech JournalistMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipQuestion and Answer Website Development: Functionality and Best PracticesAug 25, 202117 min readSocial media is a jumping-off point for many people to get informed. Yet, on such platforms, users are more likely to voice opinions rather than share knowledge. That's when the websites to ask questions become a good help. For example, Quora's monthly active user base grew from 200 million to 300 million in 2018 alone. In 2021, the 6.6 million downloads of the Reddit app represented a 128% increase over the previous year. What is a selling point for this kind of platform and how to build one? How do they remain beneficial in a years-long run? How Q&A websites managed to survive social network dominance? Read on to find out.

      Social media is a jumping-off point for many people to get informed. Yet, on such platforms, users are more likely to voice opinions rather than share knowledge.

      That's when the websites to ask questions become a good help. For example, Quora's monthly active user base grew from 200 million to 300 million in 2018 alone. In 2021, the 6.6 million downloads of the Reddit app represented a 128% increase over the previous year.

      What is a selling point for this kind of platform and how to build one? How do they remain beneficial in a years-long run? How Q&A websites managed to survive social network dominance? Read on to find out.

  7. Feb 2021
    1. <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>tantek</span> in #meta 2021-02-21 (<time class='dt-published'>02/22/2021 08:49:58</time>)</cite></small>

  8. Oct 2020
    1. He says that he sees the combination of long form pieces and Q&A as a new level of support. “We used to have level one, which was sending a ticket to the help desk, and it was something we could easily resolve for you. Level two was a more complex problem that maybe required an engineer or specialist from a certain team to figure out. I look at this new system as a level zero.” Before sending us a ticket, folks can search Teams. If they find a question that solves the problem, great. If they need more details, they can follow links to in-depth articles or collections that bring together Q&A and article with the same tags.“
    2. In an effort to rethink how documentation works, we recently introduced Articles, longer-form prose that can sit side by side with shorter Q&A.
  9. Jul 2020
  10. Jun 2020
  11. May 2020
  12. Dec 2019
  13. Oct 2019
    1. more negative

      shouldn't this be more positive? (the CI is 0,043; 0,302) And the unstandardized regression coefficient is 0,172.

    2. 0.12 to 0.34 point

      Waarom noem je hier twee keer de Confidence interval en niet een keer de ongestandaardiseerde regressiecoefficient (van 0,23)?

    1. BY status3 exposure3

      Does this sequence matter? The assignment doesn't really say what is the moderator en what the predictor?


      Maakt deze volgorde uit in de syntax? (bij mij staat er eerst descriptive en dan homogeneity)

    1. Squaring, summing, and averaging the solid red arrows (within-groups differences) yields the within-groups variance

      Can you explain this? Or can you give an example?

    1. (Standard) normal distribution one or two means > 100 t distribution one or two means each group > 30

      What is the difference between these two? When does your sample have to contain >100 people (because when you test 2 means you have 2 groups and do a t-test right, so each group has to be over 30 so a minimum of 60?)

    1. 6.3.2 Data generating process

      In test exam 1 there is a question about this, but I didn't understand it and reading this did not make it any clearer.. Are there other ways to grasp this?


      Hoe krijg ik dit in mijn syntax erbij? Zodat je niet die hele tabel Candy weight krijgt? En is dit belangrijk voor in het tentamen?

    1. We have learned that larger samples have smaller standard errors (Section 3.3.1). Smaller standard errors yield larger test statistic values and larger test statistics have smaller p values. In other words, a test on a larger sample is more often statistically significant.

      Why do larger samples have smaller standard errors?

    1. Wouter de Nooy

      Question regarding bonus point. It says the following in the syllabus: "Students earning less than half of all points receive a fraction of the full bonus point that corresponds to the proportion of all points awarded.". How exactly is that calculated?

  14. Jun 2019
    1. ownload the data set candies.sav and use SPSS to apply a Fisher-exact test to the association between candy colour and candy stickiness

      Wat is het verschil tussen een Fishers exact test en een Chi-kwadraat test?

    1. Download the data set candies.sav and use SPSS to bootstrap the t test on average weight of yellow and red candies (the example above). The test is available in the Analyze>Compare Means menu.

      Wanneer gebruik je one sampled t test, independent t-test en paired sampled t-test? (wat is het verschil tussen deze)

  15. Mar 2019
  16. Oct 2017
    1. 9.7 Controlling for Covariates


      Could you go through how to work with these type of models (covariate) how do they differ/ also in SPSS?

    1. 8.1 The Regression Equation


      Could you go through the equation, where do the values come from, how to work with it, maybe an example question? Thanks!