- Nov 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
As national Democrats began to come to terms with losing the Virginia governor’s race and confronted a far closer race than expected for governor of New Jersey,
Say hello to Jake.
- Oct 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Well, I took 2 and I added to itself three times. So 2 plus 2 is 4. 4 plus 2 is equal to 6. Now that's only one way to think about it. The other way we could have though
An annotation here over the transcript.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
transportation workers and paralyzing a nation dependent on generators for much of its power.
Hi guys.
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
Over the past several months, I have found the granular addressability so indispensable, I find it annoying when people don't use purple numbers
Viva direct links!
docdrop.org docdrop.org
shared a document with me that that outlined a vision for bringing open internet in our interoperable federated annotation to chromium in a much bigger way
That document, now annotated by many including David, is here.
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
McConnell will get to outright refutation of Trump and the strategy, such as it is, that the former president is peddling -- a ha
Hi Steve
sanfrancisco.fi sanfrancisco.fi
great pool of international talent who can take your company to the next level through earned media
Hi Steve.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
t its vaccine requires a booster to prevent severe disease or hospitalization. Instead, it c
“I just worry that we haven’t clearly defined what the goal” is, said Dr. Paul Offit, an infectious disease expert with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Like this.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
an having a switch that i could turn on and off i guess that i would choose what the developers had delivered and on that note i've just got to say once again
I can make a note.
these tools work together
docdrop.org docdrop.org
like to annotate like the Bible Shakespeare various other things what exactly does that mean when you annotate the Bible
This was a bit of a surprise. Isaac Asimov was a prolific annotator.
- Sep 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
employees. The needle then moved by another five points or so after the second mandate, adding 750 more vaccinated workers. By contrast, Dr. Lubarsky said, fewer than 1,000 employees systemwide have requeste
Like so
Several other states also have imposed mandates for health care workers, including New York,
Hi George.
www.notion.so www.notion.so
the left of this to-do to reorder
An annotation.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
nd it's a good time to have a look on board and show you why Amel have such a good reputation as thoroughbred
way with hydraulic steerin
like so.
- Aug 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
in the last part of the course, it's very much going to be in a way that marries considerations of po
Global War on Terror I should in after 9/11 when
Still going on.
Instead, he wrote, the propagandist and the propagandee make propaganda together.
Dope shit.
- Jul 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
, the spring that pioneers once used to water their hayfields and filled people’s taps fo
Hi guys.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
ce. So it's well named when they call it the Bartos Theater because it's a place where you can watch a movie, but it's not a place where you can give a talk. Now, on a subject of does it happen, here's a talk I attended a while back i
So you should all have a s
embed.la.utexas.edu embed.la.utexas.edu
quod Lēthē appellābātur
Here's an annotation.
na-biz-dev.hosted.panopto.com na-biz-dev.hosted.panopto.com
meters that measure things throughout the city. 2:41
Try this.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Democrats unveiled in the Senate this week promises to reshape the government’s
Like this.
- May 2021
github.com github.com
Open, and interoperable
Yes! We wrote a blog post a while back that is relevant here: https://web.hypothes.is/blog/soul-searching/
How to deal with disinformation
Same answer here. Services need to vet and manage their annotations for disinformation. However, some services may do a poor job of that. If those services become known as bad actors based on [insert: third party credibility scoring system] then user agents might refuse to show them, flag them in the UX as disreputable, or require user overrides in order to show them.
Aww thanks :)
Should pages have access to annotation content at all
No! Maybe ranges / selections, but not content.
Can the user prevent the page from filtering annotations
Yes-- the user must be in control. Otherwise every authoritarian government, sleazy corporation, and misguided disgruntled web citizen will be censoring at every opportunity.
These shouldn’t be shared with the page
In our implementation, the client frame cannot be accessed by any scripts on the page. The page can see that ranges are inserted into the DOM, but not the annotations associated w/ them.
it’s not displayed multiple times
If the browser is doing the fetching, then why not provide the annotations simultaneously to all three, for instance by recording them in the DOM / Shadow DOM. If they user doesn't like multiple systems activating, then they can simply disable them.
what a user can do and see on their own device
The term "User agent" says it all. Browsers are the agent of the user. :)
stored locally in their browser
Annotations that are only stored locally, within a single device, certainly have a place but probably an extremely minor one. It seems likely most will want their annotations to be stored w/ a service, and thus able to be fetched to any device they happen to be using.
Authors should have some control over which annotations can be shown (at least by default) when their page is being viewed
Your "at least by default" suggests that this might be a preference that a user could override? It might be fairly annoying to have my annotation agent behaving differently on different pages based on the whims of authors, governments, etc. The potential for authors to abuse this and to limit critique, discussion, etc seems quite problematic. Why should authors be able to limit the perspectives available to me?
Perhaps if browser-native clients are unconfigured by default, then connecting them to a service becomes an explicit act of the user-- but at that point, the experience is under the control of the user, not the author.
Sources could be declared in many ways
Nicely covered.
smaller, common-interest groups where users opt-in and can self moderate
But we don’t wish to allow full fledged web rendering and script abilities.
Agree. However, based on frequent requests we are planning to allow some limited interactivity, such as H5P widgets.
Send a proposed change to the page / link creation for pages
I think this is a massive use case too. There should be well known annotation groups or types that are generally used to communicate things like this.
Incremental, careful progress
I love the way you've put this.
Content, not presentation
I love the thinking... though in practice it may be difficult to avoid the basics of presentation.
Browsers should provide and standardize the general infrastructure to allow building different visions, not lock in to a single use-case.
authors must be provided an appropriate level of control over how their content is presented to the user.
One view is that this control is manifest through standards. Authors encode and test their websites with browsers, and have confidence that any modern browser will reproduce their site fairly faithfully. That is a form of control. But that doesn't necessarily mean that authors should be able to limit the perspectives available to users, and which communities they want to invite over the content they're consuming.
The browser is the user’s agent.
Yes! The web server is the author's agent, the browser is the user's agent. When a page is delivered into a user's browser, it has crossed into the user's turf.
Annotations may not be appropriate in all contexts
Clients might suppress the view of annotations at certain URLs, page types or using other classifications by default.
A browser user isn’t necessarily interested in seeing annotations
For sure this should be able to be toggled on and off, and is perhaps off or 'unconfigured' by default.
how can the browser ensure web content and browser UI is securely distinct from annotations and prevent malicious use.
Proper sandboxing! And by limiting annotation content to simple types, like markdown, etc.
Where does creator identity come from?
It seems that the identity scheme in place is a choice of a particular service. Users will choose the ones that suit them. Clients will display annotations and the identity of annotators who made them.
annotation service
The service! :)
Who chooses where a newly created annotation will be stored?
Users should choose services, switch between them while taking notes, and per annotation can choose which to store with.
What about extensions - how can existing annotation tools plug into this system without showing redundant UI/annotations.
3rd party tools and browser native tools should use the same mechanisms to listen and fetch for annotations. It should be easy for users to move between the different systems and which they prefer, even on a moments notice.
Is so, how can we prevent duplication between the page and the browser UI
It's possible that one needent bother preventing it. Pages might tend to pull from private groups layers when they need to display inline.
Can a page ingest and display annotations in-line with content
Yes! I seem to recall an example of this somewhere already.
Can a page filter some annotations based on content
This seems problematic. :)
Can a page opt-out of showing annotations
One of the most important questions. We wrote about it here and here. Many people voiced their feelings about this in the six months or so that we spent investigating it and exploring it.
The tension is between what users want and what authors want. The way the web works now, authors control what is delivered by the web server, users control how they consume web content. If I want to install the "Drumpf" chrome extension, I can, and web sites can't (easily?) block me from doing so. Greasemonkey is another good example of this.
If the browser comes w/ the native ability to fetch, anchor and display annotations, but as the user I have the ability to decide which services I subscribe to-- then should page authors be able to block me from that? And if you think they should, should that blockage only be for public commentary, but not personal notes or private group annotation?
One particularly thorny problem is around how governments and other public entities might want to use that same blocking power to prevent you from marking up their sites and documents. Should your government, or any government, be able to block its citizens or others from critical analysis of documents that it hosts? And if not, then how do you distinguish them from just any old page author.
For the moment, a countermeasure that authors can employ is to add shrapnel to their web pages which blocks some of the strategies that are used. Wordpress plugins are available that do this. In a crude sense, this may be a reasonable compromise.
Or hide by default
Should a user be able to override the page author's preference? Probably.
Can a single page display annotations from multiple sources
A single ... client? Yes! A multi-service capable annotation client is one of the most important things we can build next.
How are annotations linked-to/shared
There may need to be a couple different approaches. Certainly the scroll-to-text work is a great example of URL-decoration, which could (and should) be extended to enable pulling individual or collections of annotations from services. A potentially useful approach we created is what we call the "bouncer" URL, which sniffs whether a browser is "annotation capable" and if so, passes a decorated URL to the browser, and if not attempts to proxy the page on the fly w/ an embedded annotation client.
The bouncer URL for this annotation is here: https://hyp.is/VKkMzrkhEeuzahdJq5gLPw/github.com/bokand/web-annotations
Can a page?
Pages should definitely be able to announce that there are definitive or relevant annotations about their contents from specific services / communities, users should have ways of automatically or manually subscribing or listening for those annotations. They should be able to announce that to either browser clients, or locally embedded clients or both-- preferably in ways that will become standard.
How are annotations discovered?
Clients should find elegant ways to let users know that annotations from services and community groups that they're listening to are available for the page that they're on. Doing this in a way which is helpful but not distracting, especially as the number of annotations increases will be an evolving problem-- clients will probably be noisier about it initially, and much more restrained later.
How to deal with abusive/bullying annotations
Moderate them at the service level, either through community moderators, or service-level systems / filters, or both.
How to prevent spam
Services should prevent or disincentivize spam through a range of different strategies. Some services will do better than others. Users will tend to favor them.
How far can/should the user agent go in mediating and moderating annotations?
At the individual annotation level, I'm not sure it should moderate at all. However, there may be levels of UX that it can implement which aid in moderation, for instance, the way potentially low quality comments sometimes are collapsed by default on reddit or other places.
Whose responsibility is this
imho this is the responsibility of services that store and deliver annotations to clients, and the operators and communities behind those services. users should choose services, and they'll choose those services based on their quality. some websites [insert the worst most awful website you can think of] we find offensive, but our user agent still delivers them to us faithfully, unless the website is spoofing a certificate or is included on community lists suggesting it contains malware. it's important for many reasons that the web operate this way.
This is a bootstrapping problem
Indeed :)
Clearly the article and its comments are conceptually linked; however, to make this link useful we need something deeper than today’s hyperlinks. This is the connection to links we mentioned in the introduction.
Interesting, because you're using the word link two ways here. One as in hypertext link, which is a "pathway for traveling from one document to another", and the other is more as in a "connection between a comment and the passage in a text that its about". For this latter concept, perhaps anchor is more appropriate?
asapbio.org asapbio.org
consider pinging authors every month to update or renew a request for review
Also, if a preprint is published, and that's clearly visible, then it may become obvious that the utility of a review is naturally lower from the author's pov-- and maybe you stop pinging them.
Low adoption of such a system may also reinforce the idea that most authors don’t want comments, even if they do.
Good point!
Preprint servers may wish to avoid encroaching on the role of journals.
The availability of overlay systems like Hypothesis suggests that review infrastructure could be separate and distinct from the preprint service, even though visually it appears to be "over top" of the content. If the review functions are also then carried out by different communities, then maybe this mitigates the sense that the preprint services are encroaching-- rather they're just facilitating the discovery.
- Apr 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
And notice the difference here. Now we're not solving for the hypotenuse.
So, here's another bit.
The longest side of a right triangle is the side opposite the 90 degree angle-- or opposite the right angle.
So here is a useful piece of instruction about the Pythagorean theorem.
ia800205.us.archive.org ia800205.us.archive.org
Hi Mark. This is a link.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
It will take extensive group efforts across competing interests to push states closer
here's another annotation.
Maryland offers a microcosm of the issues states face as they rush to open enough vaccination sites to meet President Biden’s goal of making every adult eligible for Covid-19 shots by May 1. It has encountered nearly all the geographic, demographic and human behavioral challenges that come with a public health task of this scale.
Hi Ben
- Mar 2021
sidebar is not necessarily convenient for social commenting
Can you expand your thoughts here?
rolling fee
Discussion of Kraken rolling fees,
docdrop.org docdrop.org
it irritated me that i didn't know that we were taking the shield up there
This seems like an important point
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
docdrop.org docdrop.org
let freedom ring
I have a dream my little children
Hi Geo!
paleorxiv.org paleorxiv.org
Ammonite aptychi from the Lower Jurassic of Port Mulgrave near Whitby, U.K., are reported for the first time in association with ammonites of the Family Hildoceratidae,Subfamily Harpoceratinae.
- Feb 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
they tangle cheap goods and convince you to trade away every other value
Like this.
to explain how mastery courses actually work
I should have known this would work-- but it's kind of cool that the youtube track playing in the background here is also getting transcribed in THIS video.
in and of itself this is kind of interesting
Isn't it amazing that YouTube itself doesn't really expose this incredibly important part of their data in a UX which is user-friendly?
that's what the doc drop um means
Actually the docdrop referred to our original service, which just allowed you to drag and drop a PDF and get annotation added (while hosting the document) :) But I love you riffing on the concept.
quick demonstration of doc drop
You didn't show off the cool search feature at the top of the page! :) for instance in this video, if you search for the word "highlight" it looks like this:
I personally think this is one of the most powerful things-- and it's not even annotation related!
basically that's that's the system
Whoops you didn't save that annotation. #UXfail on our part. :)
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
- Jan 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
So I can search for the word Gandhi and there it is
The search is my favorite feature. SO useful even separate from the annotation!
www.govinfo.gov www.govinfo.gov
DOD presently lacks the integrated, transaction-driven, double entry accounting systems that are necessary to properly control assets and accumulate costs. As a result, millions of transactions must be keyed and rekeyed into the vast number of systems involved in a given business process.
I'm curious-- did this ever get addressed? Can't find any subsequent reference to its resolution.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
It's a slash or "forward slash" technically. Backslashes are only used regularly on windows machines actually, because apparently bill gates decided back in the day to invert a tradition that was already very well entrained in the unix community.
an ocr layer
Change to: "selectable text layer".
that the system is able to read the text in your article as text and not as one big image
Nope, OCR is a process by which the pixels of an image of a page are converted to actual semantic (symbolic) text. For instance the system can read the text in a native (true) PDF but it has never been OCR'd. Here's a good primer on the three different kind of PDFs, In short, they are image PDFs, native PDFs and image PDFs that have been OCR'd (searchable).
already is an ocr layer added
It's not called an OCR layer when it's there natively, it's called a "text layer" or perhaps a "selectable text layer". In fact, it's always just called a text layer.
anagora.org anagora.org
Anyone can run an Agora of their own if they so desire
I think you want to distinguish, by analogy, between the Web and a website. Is the Agora equivalent to the Web? Or is an Agora equivalent to a website?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
you cannot silence the president of the united states it is much more beneficial to know
Is it really more beneficial to know? Let's separate two things: 1) the ability to know, and 2) the ability to amplify. Trump has a website for instance at whitehouse.gov. He can make statements and post them, and other people who care to know can discover them there. Trump's fundamental speech is not denied. But just because he has a right to be heard, and we do want to be able to know what he's saying, doesn't mean we want to force a private company to give him unrestricted access to one of the most powerful social platforms in the world. In other words, he can open his mouth and say the words, but does that mean he should have unrestricted right to the highest form of social amplification? No. In fact, one could make a strong case that it has been social media's reluctance to restrict his bullshit that has indeed encouraged him to take it to the n-th degree.
advocacy of violence
But not incitement to riot, which is illegal, and which is arguably what the president did yesterday prior to the march on the capitol by the crowd. https://codes.findlaw.com/us/title-18-crimes-and-criminal-procedure/18-usc-sect-2101.html
s being met with kind of a shrug
Glenn doesn't bother talking at all about whether private social platforms should have any rights to enforce their own rules or decorum on their platforms. Hypothesis would have banned Trump a long time ago-- not because he's a republican, or a conservative, or even an idiot, but because his participation on the platforms has not been constructive so much of the time.
barred from using social media
He hasn't been barred outright from using social media. Presumably most social platforms in the world are still available to him. However, he was suspended from Twitter for 12 hours for 3 specific tweets which were violations of their terms of service-- and which directly led to or followed the riot. True, facebook banned him till the end of his presidency for reasons not having to do with his use of their platform. While within their rights, this seemed much less defensible. However, neither represents a complete ban on all social media.
you have a very clear analytical
He's an amazing intellect, but he's not infallibly right in all things!
allowing our emotions to enable people to depict it as bigger
Well certainly I agree intellectually with the fundamental point here. But, in the case of what Trump did yesterday, is Glenn arguing that Twitter let its emotions get away with it? If anything they've been incredibly restrained, no? Glenn is suggesting Twitter was overreaching, but he doesn't go so far as to draw the hard line. So, hard to tell.
passed the only vote against the authorization to use military force
Barbara Lee is a total hero in my book for this vote. Here I completely agree.
it's not effective even if if it were desirable anyway
Again, this is where Glenn loses me the most. There's no reason Twitter needs to allow Trump to use their service, which has certain properties that make it in many ways much more powerful than Fox or Newsmax or a white house press conference, just because he also has those outlets.
rights are absolute
Again-- the government can't regulate your speech, your political speech, or whatever, unless it violates key norms which are well known through case law, but private companies bear no requirement to be the vessels through which that speech travels. This is important, because it's the basis by which some services might impose their own community guidelines to more narrowly constrain the speech they will permit.
we're going to empower tech companies silicon valley companies
Wait-- we're not empowering social media platforms to increase their censorship powers, these private companies-- which created their respective platforms out of whole cloth-- have always been able to deny speech to whomever they want. They are not regulated entities.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we have we haven't felt we needed to go there
trump is essentially ceding the dominion point here.
i don't believe that you're really questioning the uh the dominion machines because we did a hand re-tally a 100 re-tally
In other words, Brad is saying they did a hand recount so it doesn't matter about the Dominion machines. All the machines do is make counting faster initially on the day of the election, so if you count the votes by hand (they did it twice) then it doesn't matter if there are issues with the machines.
president trump uh we've had several lawsuits
Brad Raffensperger's beginning response
- Dec 2020
blog.codinghorror.com blog.codinghorror.com
Branching is very logical to a programmer's mind but it doesn't correspond to the way conversations take place in the real world.
This is flawed for a number of reasons.
First: branching, threaded forums like Reddit and HackerNews are happening in "the real world".
Oh, perhaps you mean like when people are hanging out together in the same room? What about when groups of them have side conversations-- or maybe when someone's talking two people in the audience will whisper to each other.
Even more to the point: in a discussion we often naturally conclude one line of thinking and then pop the stack to pursue other lines immediately after. This is branching. Threaded conversations naturally accommodate this, where flattening this might in fact make it more confusing.
Indeed online and IRL conversations are quite different because they have different properties-- fundamentally that live conversations have to be synchronous, whereas online ones don't. If online paradigms give us advantages shouldn't we take advantage of them?
The question really be: Which is best, when? Not: "Because it seems unfamiliar we should dismiss it."
Branching makes discussions get off track, and reading a thread that is branched is discombobulating and unnatural.
Let's state this a different way. "Branching allows multi-party 'conversations' to naturally explore the logical space around a topic." Sure, it may require time to go read all of the 100s of branches and 1000s of replies in a well-trafficked Reddit post, but that's only because you're a human with limited time and attention. At least those sub-conversations were able to happen in the first place between their counterparties, who seemed perfectly happy to have them, and not "discombobulated" in the least.
Note that each branch becomes a referenceable object that can be linked to and which others can discover later as a useful exploration of its own topic space.
For instance, this one.
One might even go a step further and say that the largest discussion forum on the Web, aka "the front page of the Internet" was only possible because branching let discussion flourish in the way that it did.
ward.highsm.fed.wiki ward.highsm.fed.wiki
growing number of us
ward.highsm.fed.wiki ward.highsm.fed.wiki
growing number of us
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
able of complying if served with a wiretap order. The mandate would include bei
Further down
Essentially, officials want Congress to require all services that enable communications
Hi Fed Wiki Folks. Here's a note.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Beginning of Ian Linkletter
audrey waters
Beginning of Audrey Waters
jessie stommel
Beginning of Jesse Stommel
um corey doctorow
Beginning of Cory Doctorow
- Nov 2020
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
both Arab and Muslim
"both Arab and Israeli" FTFY.
- Oct 2020
docdrop.org docdrop.org
The way that we celebrated was we would drink champagne, and we would take the little metal container for the cork and put the cork in it with a little label. We had acoustic tile ceilings, and we would put the cork up there,
I remember that Lab! The corks were all over the ceiling and it was such a fun idea. Plus those scientists drank a lot of champagne!
I actually had one of my first jobs in that lab-- titrating samples from the sea floor w/ acid to see how much CO2 would be released from the calcium carbonate, as a proxy for biologic life in the form of shells of phytoplankton.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
The spike in Swedish unemployment looks identical to the spike suffered by its neighbors.
Not in percentage change. Denmark increased by 44% or more? Sweden increased by about 28%.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the name of something and when you press the button to go to the link if it wasn't there it made the card
This is a phenomenally important UX insight and affordance that has become a foundation of how all modern wiki-linking knowledge graph tools work today. Kudos to Ward for this!
divinations.substack.com divinations.substack.com
If you take a bong rip and close your eyes, you can imagine a world where Roam is a new sort of internet. Where people can publish ideas and reference each other’s ideas in deep, interlinked ways. It’d be like a giant public brain, instead of a private second brain.
This section 6 is a key bit on how Roam can function as a much larger 2nd global brain.
- Sep 2020
bother well you get as Mexican commercials nevermind turn it on mama de casas she was dead at Sarah Bush Sania what did I forget something else like what why must one of those News
00:09:37 whose gun is mine I like to shoot yeah so I some warning you don't try anything smart with me move I told you my name what's yours min
Hey, this is cool.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
annotation for transparent 01:01:16 inquiry initiative which is essentially using hypothesis social annotation as a kind of backbone to making research evidence more open
This is one of my favorite projects! Here's the background on it: https://qdr.syr.edu/ati/ati-initiative
climate feedback
This is one of the first high quality examples of civic annotation focused on the critical analysis of news--here wrt Climate reporting. (And they happen to use Hypothesis to do it) https://climatefeedback.org/
there's a incredible list and i think that hypothesis may still maintain it i've at least seen it a few times
Here's the list. Getting a bit out of date. I didn't really even set out to create a list, but people kept telling me about more and more annotation projects and eventually it found it's way into a doc, and then a spreadsheet. A lot of the early efforts are in here, maybe not so many of the more recent ones.
incredibly robust archive of these liquid margins uh webinars
I agree! Here the archive.. https://web.hypothes.is/liquid-margins/
i mean we had a math show
Here's the Liquid Margins 008 Math episode..
the science and the classroom initiative
Science in the Classroom is a AAAS project here.
ontario garcia and i have a forthcoming book titled annotation
hypothesis's first scholar in residence
Welcome aboard Remi! Here's the full announcement: https://web.hypothes.is/blog/researching-annotations-power-with-our-first-scholar-in-residence/
current lit review in the journal information learning sciences has a nice again review of some social annotation practices and technologies
the very first web browser
Here's Marc Andressen's post calling for some guinea pigs to test it.
i've also contributed with a dear friend and colleague um juan pablo alperin in his his research lab at the at simon fraser university
The guy is standing there by the water cooler and makes some comment on some baseball team, takes exception to it, punches him in the face. Utterly strange
Hi Mark.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
morgan freeman jimmy kimmel sean penn julia roberts henry golding
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
I think I saw some Republicans wandering around here the last couple days in fact I met a couple of them really nice people
There was this group of republicans in suits running around the conference (Young Republicans maybe), it was obviously a clash of cultures. I think the speaker before me had made a fairly obvious political statement of some kind and I just wanted to acknowledge them.
he began to understand that his existence at this particular time was perhaps not in directly related to the evolution of the universe itself
This is related to his discussion of the Ouroborous.
I think a really interesting question is: What is the genius of using an ouroborous to frame this conceptualization of the extreme scales of the small and the large? It wasn't obvious, but I think it's beautiful. I'm still trying to figure out exactly why.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
rising can see what immediately caught my eye trump in his own way is acknowledging
Make an annotation.
www.techdirt.com www.techdirt.com
that seemed questionable to me, as I would bet that the NY Times most certainly does not allow any of its bloggers to accept money from outside sources for its blogging.
Like so.
www.kingarthurbaking.com www.kingarthurbaking.com
ted cheese; your guests will have fun doing the rest. This recipe makes
docdrop.org docdrop.org
is deeply analogous um to the way evolution works in that evolution is a process by which um there's variation and then there's selection put on it and
I've always thought so too! Right William?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
dagrs.berkeley.edu dagrs.berkeley.edu
Grzegorz Grudzi ́nski
Hello world
- Aug 2020
docdrop.org docdrop.org
if you get a video that has a couple million views
Still working on this part.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
here um i'm as uh frannie said you know
This part of this etrajkc;kjfd
docdrop.org docdrop.org
ilos to bring you're 16 okay so almost there so coming in off the
eering to control the power so it's quite a low-maintenance your easiest as I can say my way down steering-oar it to sell reach which would be nice I thought that it might be too tight to be on the safe side and here we go coming forwards but now
osf.io osf.io
- Jun 2020
app.getpocket.com app.getpocket.com
o wearing the clot
fixedly for a few seconds. “Now I shall know you again,” said Mr. Utterson. “It may be useful.”
don’t k
- May 2020
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
hosting it somewhere on the web that is easily accessible may be best
One such place is docdrop.org
researchintegrityjournal.biomedcentral.com researchintegrityjournal.biomedcentral.com
Comparison between preprintsshared onarXivandbioRxivand their final publishedversions, for example, has shown that overall peer reviewseems to contribute very few changes and that the qual-ity of reporting is similar
But the key question might be another: "In contrast, for those same papers, what were the degree of changes accumulated between the first posted preprint version and the published paper?" Perhaps the rapid feedback of the early preprint process resulted in something more substantive, and perhaps as a result the obvious weaknesses of the papers were corrected before they ever got to the publisher.
the best that we have
This reminds me of Churchill's attribution (apparently said as a quote of someone else) "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others." https://richardlangworth.com/worst-form-of-government
- Mar 2020
charleseisenstein.org charleseisenstein.org
- Jan 2020
www.w3.org www.w3.org
The idea of a system enabling a multiplicity of independent individuals to create lightweight value-added "trails" through a document space was envisaged most prominently by Vannevar Bush as early as 1945 [BUSH]. ComMentor can be thought of as a tool which such "trail blazers" use to add value to contents, and which other people use to find guidance based on these human-created super-structures. The overall architecture can be seen as a platform where value-added providers can provide their services (as a third player next to content providers and end users).
I'd heard of ComMentor before, but I hadn't noticed that Terry and Martin cited Vannevar and mentioned the notion of trails here. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1945/07/as-we-may-think/303881/
www.npr.org www.npr.org
He added: "Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning."
At least five structures were damaged in the attack on the base in Anbar province, which apparently was precise enough to hit individual building
Hi Steve
- Dec 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
True writing
This feels significant enough to have its own WP entry. Without true writing you cannot precisely convey knowledge to people who aren't within earshot.
h.readthedocs.io h.readthedocs.io
To register an OAuth client on an instance of the h service for which you have admin access, go to the /admin/oauthclients page.
Note: This assumes you have installed and are running your own instance of Hypothesis. If not, you'll need to have a Hypothesis team member do this step for you.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Since the time of Henry I, it has been used by the reigning monarch and is the longest-occupied palace in Europe
Make an note.
- Nov 2019
uxdesign.cc uxdesign.cc
article circulating that claims accessibility and aesthetics are at odds with each other
Oh, you mean this one? https://uxmovement.com/thinking/the-aesthetic-accessibility-paradox/ I'll just go ahead and link it to make it ... accessible ... for everyone. :)
reskinned to match ADG3/Confluence
There is a fair amount of theming already provided for and described in our client side docs: https://h.readthedocs.io/projects/client/en/latest/publishers/config/
- Oct 2019
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Backed up at the Internet Archive, here: https://web.archive.org/web/20150711145316/http://ca-political.org/what-we-do/
- Sep 2019
Transparent Review in Preprints will allow journals and peer review services to show peer reviews next to the version of the manuscript that was submitted and reviewed.
A subtle but important point here is that when the manuscript is a preprint then there are two public-facing documents that are being tied together-- the "published" article and the preprint. The review-as-annotation becomes the cross-member in that document association.
www.lawfareblog.com www.lawfareblog.com
From the beginning of the Federal Government, presidents have stated that in an impeachment inquiry the Executive Branch could be required to produce papers that it might with‐hold in a legislative investigation.
Would be great to get a few citations for this.
The President's personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani
Presumably a key question is why a personal attorney would be involved in a state matter.
Digital Medi
- Aug 2019
hypothesis.zoom.us hypothesis.zoom.us
You know, I mean, with the integration with Canvas. I'm kind of going, Why the hell not trying this out. Sure. You know, just see how it works, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I i will permanently adopt it sure either
Why the hell not!
impedagogy.com impedagogy.comDear J…1
I think that if we had this tool in Blackboard we might reach a tipping point among faculty users so that Hypothes.is would bleed back out into folk’s everyday browser use and from there back into the classroom. And from there into the communities we live and share within.
You've probably hit on our most secret desire here. That we could have this kind of cross-cutting impact.
- Jul 2019
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Our laboratory has longstudied theIFN-induced transmembrane proteins (IFITMs) 1, 2, and 3, which utilize a palmitoylated amphipathic helical domain to block membrane fusion between viruses and host cells through alteration of lipid bilayers(10-16). These proteins are also capable of blocking cell-to-cell fusion
Like this
Infections during pregnancy are associated with low birth weights, congenital birth defects, pregnancy complications, and miscarriages(1)
Like this. And type whatever I want.
avalon.law.yale.edu avalon.law.yale.edu
Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.
This was cited by Justin Amash recently in his decision to leave the Republican party.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
He observed that it was “the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.”
Here is the passage in the farewell address.
- Jun 2019
zoom.us zoom.us
It has been our nonprofit technology company was started in 2011 the goal, the problem we're trying to solve is is essentially to bring collaboration to the web at scale
Hey, the point you should have made here.....
oerfuture.net oerfuture.net
Their contributions will not become visible to other scholars
We have new group versions that will allow student's annotations to be public in their own layers so that other people can read them, but cannot respond unless they're invited to the same group ("restricted groups"). We are also creating another type ("open groups") where anyone can participate-- but you'd still get the benefit of the "clean page".
What effect will the annotations and the gaps have on my students?
I assume you know you can create a fresh group for them and direct them to that, so that they get a "clean page" instead of teaching in the Public layer. You don't need to fork the content to do this.
but we do have significant issues with student textbook expense
I'd be interested to know if there are public statements or studies that more formally characterize the issue w/ textbook expense. (Not that it's not obvious, but I'm always curious to see data and different perspectives).
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
financially. Sequoia would let them write che
- May 2019
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
abatha Bundes
- Apr 2019
www.bizjournals.com www.bizjournals.com
Mr. Yoxsimer's
No... that was my Dad's home. :)
Mr. Yoxsimer, 37, and Dan Whaley, 29, who knew each other from tae kwon do classes, toyed with the idea of combining their talents to start a business after a lesson one night in June 1995.
Actually no, we trained in TKD for 2 years before I moved up to Ashland, Oregon for a couple years. When I came back I didn't reconnect w/ Bruce for over a year, because I was feeling a little sheepish that I was still living at my Dad's place and hadn't really established myself yet. I finally called him up one day w/ a very early demo of the ITN concept. To his credit, he saw the potential in my crude prototype and morgaged his house (together w/ my credit card debt) to allow us to get started.
zoom.us zoom.us
And does this relate to the zoom recording thing as well because you could record it and then comment on the pieces of it.
Well here we are, talking about zoom annotation! So, here's an annotation on a zoom transcript where we're talking about zoom annotation!
Hi Craig-- here's a public note to you that any one else could see-- but we could also create a private group here and have a conversation just between ourselves and others.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Like this.
zoom.us zoom.us
Hi I'm and Oberman and I'm from much Paladin State University of Denver and I'm using hypothesis currently in a course and so I teach social work.
Ann starts speaking here about her experience teach with Hypothesis in the classroom. Close this sidebar and click on the text to advance the video to this point (53:29). Ann speaks for about 4 minutes. Worth watching till the end.
- Mar 2019
Local file Local file
www.congress.gov www.congress.gov
3) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The heading 10of subchapter III of chapter 74 of such title is 11amended by inserting ‘‘, PODIATRISTS,’’ after 12‘‘PHYSICIANS’’
github.com github.com
there's a secret agenda here for me, which is that being able to annotate your company's transcripts of things would be very cool could hypothesis work on whatever copy of the transcript
Annotating my mention of annotating transcripts. Meta!
www.congress.gov www.congress.gov
COUNTRY-SPECIFICOFFSET.—Section 2 of the 1Chinese Student Protection Act of 1992 (8 U.S.C. 1255 2note) is amended—
Like this.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The new disclosures about the last moments of Flight 302 came as pilots were discussing what they described as the dangerously high speed of the aircraft after it took off from Addis Ababa’s Bole International Airport.
Like this.
www.rt.com www.rt.com
Now our government and our media are trying their damnedest to lie us into another war, this one with Venezuela. They tell us the Venezuelan people are desperate for necessities like toothpaste, while independent journalists show piles of affordable toothpaste in Caracas.
Does this jibe with this other fact?