4,133 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2017
    1. All of these are people Loy would have known, or at the very least known of, and would have been in some form of contact with.

      consider using a semicolon prior to this sentence

    2. their

      I don't think you need this "their"

    3. ,

      Maybe place this after photograph.

    4. surrealist movement

      I'm guessing this is probably a personal decision, but I would capitalize these movements.

    5. avant garde movement

      Same as before, should this be capitalized?

    6. movement

      Should Movement be capitalized here since it's a proper noun?

    1. All 34 financial institutions, including Bank of America (BAC), JPMorgan Chase (JPM), and Citigroup (C), would be able to continue to lend to even under grim economic conditions -- a 10% unemployment rate, a sharp decline in housing prices and a severe recession in the eurozone. div.cnnhdr{-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;line-height:1em;vertical-align:top;height:30px;padding:8px 10px 7px 10px;width:300px;background:#77b7d9;color:#fff;font-family:'CNN',Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:500}div.cnnhdr img{max-width:120px;margin-bottom:-1px}div.collapsible{width:300px}div.collapsible.expanded{width:780px}div.collapsible.expanded #sa_CtgkNlyehsGc{width:100%;min-width:780px}.collapsible #sa_CtgkNlyehsGc{border:0;max-width:300px;width:100%;min-width:300px}#sa_CtgkNlyehsGc{border:0;max-width:750px;width:100%;min-width:300px}.sa-hide-attribution #sa_CtgkNlyehsGc-img{display:none}#sa_CtgkNlyehsGc-img,#sa_CtgkNlyehsGc-img 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      Talking about how 10% has unployment rate and decline is housing prices

  2. Oct 2017
    1. You biography looks great! You are about 250 words over word count, so I would suggest looking at some places which you can condense and remove some of the material. One example of this is some of the quotes you use. Another example is when you're taking about Nicholls' argument. I also think that you need to move Nicholls' argument to a paragraph or two earlier. I would suggest to not end on Nicholls' argument, but rather the ambiguous nature of their relationship. You really want to end on fact instead of another critic's opinion.

    2. interactions

      Use a new word here. You say interaction in the previous sentence, so if you want to say interactions here, change interaction to relationship

    3. are

      make sure to change to is to have subject-verb agreement

    4. Yet, the frequency, nature, and depth of Pound’s interaction with Mina Loy remains ambiguous.

      This is an additional reason why I would be hesitant to quote Nicholls' argument as fact. Their relationship remains ambiguous. So while you can describe Nicholls' perspective and hypothesis, it remains a hypothesis.

    5. Peters

      Say Nicholls instead of Peters. His first name is Peter. Also, here, you will want to say "Peter Nicholls," using his full name the first time you refer to him.

    6. Finally, and most surprisingly, Peters notes the marked similarities in word choice and vocabulary between Pound’s Hugh Selwyn Mauberley and Loy’s work as hints that Pound truly admired–and perhaps at times even strove to emulate–Loy’s abstract, emotionless writing style.

      Why I hesitate to take this as true is because Pound came before Loy. So you really need to qualify what you're saying because Nicholls has honestly a pretty controversial, and arguable, opinion.

    7. as hints that Pound truly admired–and perhaps at times even strove to emulate–Loy’s abstract, emotionless writing style.

      You need a citation or a quote here, something to actually prove what you're saying. Also, it's Nicholls' (not Peters'). Peter is the first name so you'll want to use his last name when referring to him. The first time you will want to use both his first and last name.

      The other thing, is that it's Nicholls' hypothesis. This isn't a proved fact, and you need to express it as Nicholls' opinion, his hypothesis, etc. not as a proved fact.

    8. erse?”

      You need one more sentence here to explain what point you're trying to make, to unpack these two examples of their interaction. What explicitly are you trying to say?

    9. points to the contrary

      I don't think this is what you want to be saying here. Pound admired and complimented Loy, but he still remains eminent in literary thought. Loy has a rise in appreciation currently, but their relationship does not actually point to the contrary. Pound was a critic of hers, not the other way around.

    10. Pound famously coined the term logopoiea–defined as “a dance of the intelligence among words and ideas and modification of ideas and characters”–to describe Loy’s writing.

      I would place the definition in a separate sentence. You already have a colon in this sentence so there are too many ideas in one sentence

    11. wherein the eminent Pound was a mentor or role model to the relatively obscure Loy


    12. one-way one

      just say "one-way"

    13. Wilmer states that Pound is frequently misunderstood: “If Pound is obscure, it is largely because of his wide frame of reference; he was also an educator, who used poetry to introduce his readers to works and ideas he had discovered for himself. It is hardly his fault that his syllabus has never been adopted” (Wimer).

      I'm actually not sure if you need to quote Wilmer here. You frame your entire biography through the eyes of Loy, so to quote other authors seems to be unnecessary. I would either have Pound's biography as separate from Loy's perception of Pound, or I would remove this quote.

    14. Pound remains a divisive figure today. His brilliance as a poet, translator, and thinker are countered by his anti-American rhetoric and association with fascism, resulting in his imprisonment and fall from grace. Loy recalled that Pound “was like a child, and an old professor at the same time” and that he “was a sensitive man who didn’t think other people were sensitive.” Wilmer states that Pound is frequently misunderstood: “If Pound is obscure, it is largely because of his wide frame of reference; he was also an educator, who used poetry to introduce his readers to works and ideas he had discovered for himself. It is hardly his fault that his syllabus has never been adopted” (Wimer). Following his institutionalization,, Pound returned to Venice and stopped writing. He died in Venice on November 1, 1972. His legacy is vast; Pound is widely considered the father of imagism and recognized for his work in both the imagist and modernist sphere

      You say "Pound remains a divisive figure today" in this paragraph, looking generally at Pound's legacy, but then insert where he died following his institutionalization. I would move the two sentences on his move to Venice and subsequent death to earlier, before you begin to look at his legacy. That way the ideas will connect

    15. ,,

      extra comma

    16. If Pound is obscure, it is largely because of his wide frame of reference; he was also an educator, who used poetry to introduce his readers to works and ideas he had discovered for himself. It is hardly his fault that his syllabus has never been adopted”

      I'm not sure if you actually need this entire quote here. You highlight Wilmer's expression of Pound as misunderstood, but the quote addresses a lot more than just that. So I would cut out the second sentence, if not more of the quote.

    17. “was like a child, and an old professor at the same time” and that he “was a sensitive man who didn’t think other people were sensitive.

      maybe remove "and that he 'was'" and instead add "..." so that the quote is one long quote. Up to you, but it's a little awkward the way it is.

    18. His brilliance as a poet, translator, and thinker are countered by his anti-American rhetoric and association with fascism, resulting in his imprisonment and fall from grace.

      perhaps change the end of this sentence to "countered by his anti-American rhetoric, association with fascism, and imprisonment." The sentence as you have it doesn't clearly express the point you're making, which is "his brilliance in... is countered by..."

    19. Deemed insane, he spent 1946 to 1958

      I would say "several years, between 1946-1958," or something like that. Right now this sentence is a little choppy.

    20. He became an anti-war advocate, making several hundred broadcasts airing his political stances, many of which were anti-semitic and pro-fascism, in addition to explicitly critical of the United States’ war effort.

      Run on sentence, too many ideas in one sentence

    21. began to become

      Just say "became"

    22. In Paris, Pound developed a relationship with the young Ernest Hemingway, wrote an opera (which Mina Loy attended), and collaborated with T.S. Eliot in the editing of the latter’s famous poem “The Waste Land.”

      You have a lot of information in this sentence. I suggest 1. Including the dates he was in Paris, 2. List out these in terms of accomplishments. I.e., "Pound accomplished..." or "While in Paris, Pound was in connection two three major poets of the century..." somehow to frame how these are presented. There's a connection between them, so why not pull that out and make it stronger?

    23. Paris, and the impact

      No comma. Impact of what? WWI or his move to Paris? Specify

    24. the landscape of England, and the course of Pound’s career.

      Suggested revision: "changed not only the landscape of England, but also the course of Pound's career"

    25. His poetry focused on concrete, succinct language.


    26. His most famous work, “In a Station of the Metro,” was written in 1913. From 1912 to 1914, he also launched the Imagist movement, producing the first imagist manifesto.


    27. arrived

      Perhaps a stronger verb

    28. and soon published numerous collections of poetry and became an influential contributor to the New Freewoman/Egoist, Poetry, Others, The Little Review, and numerous other literary magazines.

      A little wordy. Perhaps only use one "and" or separate into two different sentences? I think the information is important, but I get a little lost in what you're saying here

    29. but traveled to both London in his twenties.

      Fragment sentence

    30. University of Pennsylvania.


    31. behind the literary movement.

      Maybe specify which movement? E.g. "this movement" since you mentioned modernist movement before

    32. “To speak of the modern movement is to speak of [Ezra Pound]; the masterly impresario of modern poets, for without the discoveries he made with his poet’s instinct for poetry, this modern movement would still be rather a nebula than the constellation it has become” (Loy 157-8).

      This quote is very good! I love the metaphor that she uses: it really sets up the focus of your biography from the start. Excellent!

    1. using the style tag and writing the CSS inside it or by using the link tag to link to a style sheet. Either of these tags go in the head portion of your HTML. 

      How to include CSS in a page/site. Goes in the Head

      1. Use <style> tag or</li> <li>Use <link> tag that points to a style sheet.</li> </ol> </style>
    1. Launching OER Degree Pathways: An Early Snapshot of Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative and Emerging Lessons

      This is an early formal report on the findings of the ATD OER Degree program. I'm annotating as a part of the Open Education 2017 conference in Anaheim, where this snapshot was presented by Richard Sebastian and Rebecca Griffiths, and invite others to do the same. Im suing the opened17 tag, along with at tag related to this particular presentation there: opened17BXfW

    1. lowest MAPQ of reads indel realignment then increases is at MAPQ26 and in fact over 94% of increases are for MAPQ60 reads.


      Good to get summary stats for indel realigner step and check lowest MAPQ of reads realigned by indel realigner step. It is likely to be safe if lowest MAPQ is >20 for majority of realigned reads as those reads will be included anyways by HC (see table above)


      Where to get this stats?

      I can see target_intervals.list from realign step and recalibrated score summary from BQSR step under recal.data.table. How should I interpret these files and check if majority of indel realigned reads have MAPQ of >20 or other way around?

      Read Changes to alignment records under https://software.broadinstitute.org/gatk/documentation/article.php?id=7156 can get OC tag to extract realigned read intervals and then extract those reads from both original bam and realigned bam to check change in MAPQ

      To subset realigned reads only into a valid BAM, as shown in the screenshots, use samtools view 7088_snippet_indelrealigner.bam | grep 'OC' | cut -f1 | sort > 7088_OC.txt to create a list of readnames. Then, follow direction in blogpost SAM flags down a boat on how to create a valid BAM using FilterSamReads.

    1. We are currently on the cusp of releasing a brand new version of the extension. See roadmap for more details The old one can still be found here: worldbrain.io/download

      Missing information:

      • Exact feature set of current version
      • Upcoming features: comment, tag and cluster pages, cloud support
    2. Easy [] - Updating the Acknowledgments Page. Adding Photos/Descriptions of everyone. Speak to @swissums for more details. [] - Adding Filter hooks for search queries. Medium [] - Add a note/notes to a page see issue #56 [] - Add bookmarks to new index implementation, speak to @poltak for further instructions. [] - Work on the Testing Suite see issue #102 Hard [] - Replacing Chrome History View see issue #101 [] - Add a read later version of the page issue #57

      I'd remove all this and instead link to a tag we give the corresponding issues, because It will be hell of a lot of work to keep this list up to date. Goes a bit like: https://github.com/WorldBrain/WebMemex/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aenhancement

      we could just link it behind the part above "easy, medium and hard tasks"

    1. latin and Greek

      Latin and Greek seems to be the language every student must know back then. According to the Notes on the State of Virginia by Thomas Jefferson, even college of William and Mary's "...admission of the learners of Latin and Greek filled the college with children." I understand that in the past, Latin and Greek were the base foundation of education and language, but I do not understand in what way they could be utilized into the people's ever day life. To this day, I still question why my elementary school taught us Latin since third grade.


    2. Encouraged therefore by the sentiments of the Legislature, manifested in this statute, we present the following tabular statement of the branches of learning which we think should be taught in the University, forming them into groups, each of which are within the powers of a single professor.

      In Thomas Jefferson's "Notes on the State of Virginia", Query 15, "Colleges, buildings, and roads," discusses some of his views and observations of what kinds of these things existed at the time. He starts off by giving an overview of the College of William and Mary, which once was "the only public seminary of learning in this state" (276). T.J. describes the structure of W&M's first schools of learning at the time, which consisted of only six schools or "professorships" (Law, medicine, mathematics, moral philosophy, modern languages, and Indian conversion to Christianity). He comments that it would be proper for the college to soon add more professorships, specifically more of those of science and the ancient languages and literature of the North. I would say that these observations of W&M served as some inspiration to Jefferson's ideas for UVA that he describes in the Rockfish report. The commissioners provide an outline of the desired branches of learning which consist of ten branches, covering significantly more material than the six offered by W&M at the time. Also, Jefferson sticks to his notion of the importance of the Ancient Languages and the Sciences which he suggested for W&M, which can be seen through the prevalence of these languages and a vast variety of scientific topics within the proposed branches. Jefferson used his observations of the only Virginian college of the time and expanded on its structure when designing his own university. http://web.archive.org/web/20110221131407/http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=JefVirg.sgm&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&tag=public&part=15&division=div1

    1. There are further projects we might undertake, i

      To do list going forward as suggested by Bethany Nowviskie.

      1. more effective communication
      2. foster collaborations
      3. find nobility in metadata enhancement, project maintenance & forward migration
      4. more agendas of empathy
      5. greater attention to matters of accessibility, minimal c computing (not sure what this is exactly!!)
      6. Libraries - need robust discourse around ephemerality. ( this is the concept of things being transitory, existing only briefly.)
      7. attend to the environmental & human cost of DH : CARBON FOOTPRINT , PRICE TAG
      8. bring technological savvy & deep historical conscience into the politics of 21st century.
      9. Amplify our voices
    1. This sort of findings will be stored and coded in a knowledge network so as to promote the examination and analysis of the social interaction in the Greek society

      found it and annotate with person tag this is a development server

    1. Then, based on qualitative data analysis findings and observations we classified VAMs into particular types and designed the resources needed for the computational treatment of the proposed framework.

      found it and annotate with person tag this is a development server

    1. his ~ choice of words-"small people" -infuriated the public

      Speeches that are delivered across any media should be very thoroughly examined before the public ever hears them. Typically in speeches and advertisements alike there is a tag line for the audience to take away that is memorable and catchy.

      If this were an advertisement in the form of an appealing commercial, "BP cares about the small people" seems like a great phrase to bring in customers who like the idea of a family oriented, personal business. In this case, it is not the word choice of the speech that create controversy, but rather the words in context. It is hard to make a corporation who just had a major accident that will seriously affect natural life feel like a company with good intentions and a familial atmosphere. You also have to consider the attitude of the audience to determine how open they are to accepting your statements. A consumer watching TV or reading an online ad may be neutral or accepting of your product without much convincing. In this case, however, the audience was not open-minded consumers.

      This speech serves not only to assuage the current audience, but also will be for reference in the future. When someone looks into BP, they will not only judge their products but their track record as a company. If they handled the issue well, it could potentially change the minds of customers who have bad first impressions of what they stand for. Additionally, if the spill has any sort of lasting impact as an ecological issue, it is likely that their statements will follow in the story, therefore they had to choose carefully to please multiple audiences.

  3. Sep 2017
    1. Thanks to Maha Bali for organizing this public annotation of an important text. As Maha mentioned briefly at the end of her blog post, the theme of this text and digciz conversation connects nicely with the 2017-18 Marginal Syllabus theme of Writing Our Civic Futures. For those who don't know, the Marginal Syllabus convenes and sustains conversations about issues of equity in teaching, learning, and education. Writing Our Civic Futures invites educators - and those who care about education, like students - to a year of social reading, collaborative web annotation, and public conversation that explores our civic imaginations and literacy landscapes. As civic engagement changes and evolves, Writing Our Civic Futures will consider implications for connected learning and teaching. Click here to learn more about Writing Our Civic Futures and the Marginal Syllabus. As you read and annotate this text, you're invited to tag your annotations with "marginalsyllabus" (as I've done, below). And we'll be sure to add The Copenhagen Letter to a list of complementary syllabus texts featured on the Marginal Syllabus website.

    1. The Public Domain Mark operates as a tag or a label, allowing institutions like those as well as others with such knowledge to communicate that a work is no longer restricted by copyright and can be freely used by others.  The mark can also be an important source of information, allowing others to verify a work’s copyright status and learn more about the work.

      This tool allows for people in all different job areas to be aware of works and their copyright statuses

    1. The devil stands ready to fall upon them, and seize them as his own, at what moment God shall permit him

      God and satan are a tag team on sinners!

    1. Une élection est l’occasion de réviser le pacte social. Celle de 2017 vient en France après une décennie de faible croissance économique qui n’a permis de réduire ni le chômage ni la dette publique. L’économie allemande a bénéficié d’une parité monétaire favorable à ses exportations mondiales, les gouvernements français ont profité de l’euro pour financer la dette à moindre coût et maintenir les emplois publics. Cependant, la réduction de la mobilité sociale qui va de pair avec le vieillissement relatif de la population, la concentration territoriale des difficultés sociales et la pression financière que les « dépenses contraintes » font peser sur la majorité des foyers renforcent le désenchantement du monde thématisé voici un siècle par Max Weber 1 . Une pauvreté durable pour beaucoup et un monde social marqué pour la plupart par l’emprise des données que nous consommons et émettons par tous les canaux d’information, et qui augmentent en permanence l’inquiétude de l’avenir. Tout nous incite à tenir les biens immatériels qui sont au cœur du social pour des instances pratiquement automatisées et garanties, et à limiter notre information à ce qui vient confirmer nos croyances. Dans une démocratie tenue pour un service, le vote exprime une réclamation privée autant qu’un engagement civique.

      Première annotation, yallah.

    1. When discussing personal attachment in class, I like to use the analogyof packages (gifts) that have nametags attached to them with strings. Hereis a package with a string attached to a paper tag that says ‘‘John’s view’’and over here is a package with a string attached to a tag that is labeled‘‘Ann’s view,’’ and so on for each package. I ask students to imaginepulling out a pair of scissors and cutting all the strings and throwingthe nametags away. At this point we can just examine the packages andnot concern ourselves with whether they ‘‘belong to’’ any particularperson. There is now no ‘‘your view’’ and ‘‘my view,’’ only ‘‘the view thatwe are examining right now.’’ Doing this makes it much easier to changeone’s mind, and to avoid feeling that one has to ‘‘dig in’’ anddefendapersonal position.

      I feel like this is a good way to approach opinions in philosophy. Often people offended very quickly by another's own opinions, and not labeling someones opinion as their won provides protection from backlash.

    2. When discussing personal attachment in class, I like to use the analogyof packages (gifts) that have nametags attached to them with strings. Hereis a package with a string attached to a paper tag that says ‘‘John’s view’’and over here is a package with a string attached to a tag that is labeled‘‘Ann’s view,’’ and so on for each package. I ask students to imaginepulling out a pair of scissors and cutting all the strings and throwingthe nametags away. At this point we can just examine the packages andnot concern ourselves with whether they ‘‘belong to’’ any particularperson.

      This is a helpful analogy for students to understand the concept of personal attachment. The author created this analogy to show how it's more important to be concerned about the belief in general, and not worry about the person who possesses that certain belief.

    1. For my visual annotation I chose paragraph 31 on page 150. "I was shocked to realize that some things are not worth acquiring." When I analyze this quote I picture a poor man/woman who are surprised that a wealthy person is throwing away a perfectly good meal or leftovers. The poor people sort of live to the fullest, where as the rich people take what they have for granted because they have so much and do not realize it.

    1. Unlike abranch, however, a tag does not get spontaneously updatedoncommit.

      Indeed. They are pointers to commits. And any published tag SHOULD NOT be updated.

    1. blood-brain barriers

      By clicking the fluoride tag, I found many other articles mentioning how fluoride is dangerous for blood-brain barriers in some way. For an example: http://www.naturalnews.com/055455_fluoridated_medications_prescription_drugs_blood-brain_barrier.html

    2. fluoride

      By clicking on this tag, I was brought to a page with about 50 other articles from Natural News about various negative effects of fluoride.

    1. FireDisc, the premium portable propane cooker

      Missing H1 tag on homepage - please update this section to H1 intead of H2

    1. intrigued to learn

      There was a also brief mention of the Hypothesis API, including: Read a single annotation; Search for annotations for a URI, user, group, tag, or text; Create annotations; Update annotations; Delete annotations

    1. In parallel, we engineered a new KDM5B construct with a 10X HA-tag SM (HA-KDM5B) (5) to complement FLAG-KDM5B (formerly referred to as SM-KDM5B), as shown in Fig. 4A. As a first application of this technology, we wanted to test if polysomes interact with each other to form higher-order structures that can translate two distinct mRNAs at the same time.

      To determine whether multiple polysomes can interact with one another to translate multiple mRNAs, the authors transfected two KDM5B genes into the cell, one containing the HA SM tag and one containing the FLAG SM tag. These two tags can be detected by different antibodies bound to different color fluorochromes.

    2. HA

      A protein used by influenza virus to enter cells and infect them. Here it is used to as a tag to label proteins as they are translated so that translation and protein movement can be seen.

    3. To measure the lifetime of Fab binding, we performed fluorescence recovery

      Photobleaching or FRAP uses laser light to quench the fluorescence being emitted by the fluorescent tag. The fluorescence can be recovered by Fab antibodies leaving the translated proteins and being replaced by new antibodies. Thus, this experiment can determine how length of time that the Fab antibodies can bind to the newly translated proteins. These experiments were used to gather baseline data to determine the rate of transcriptional elongation.

    4. Besides their brightness, NCT also revealed differences in the mobility of polysomes. We quantified this by measuring the mean squared displacement of tracked polysomes as a function of time.

      Using the FLAG tag described above, the authors measured how quickly the ribosomes translated the proteins by determining when the ribosomes left the mRNA after translation.

    5. To determine precisely how many nascent chains exist per site, we calibrated fluorescence by imaging a new beta-actin plasmid containing a single 1X FLAG tag rather than the 10X SM FLAG tag

      To determine how many proteins are being translated at any one time from a single molecule of mRNA, beta actin was labelled with only one FLAG tag (rather than 10). Multiple proteins can be translated from one mRNA using polysomes.

    1. This chapter gives a brief tutorial on using the free and open-source programming language LIVECODE for programming behavioral experiments for cognitive research. The tutorial will cover some basic LIVECODE operations, programming a Stroop experiment, and scripts for preliminary data-analysis.

      test tag...

      Doing some tests with the r package hypothesisr, super convenient way to get all the annotation data from pages within a url.

    1. H1

      You can remove the tag labels here unless they help you. They aren't needed by the designers.

  4. Aug 2017
    1. The feeling of logging into the WELL for just a minute or two, dozens of times a day, is very similar to the feeling of peeking into the caf‚, the pub, the common room, to see who's there, and whether you want to stay around for a chat. As social psychologist Sara Kiesler put it in an article about networks for Harvard Business Review: "One of the surprising properties of computing is that it is a social activity. Where I work, the most frequently run computer network program is the one called `Where' or `Finger' that finds other people who are logged onto the computer network."

      It is most definitely a social activity. No matter what website you are visiting, there is usually a comments section where people can tag each other or respond to each other - whether the two people know each other or not

    1. Hosting a discussion on Hypothesis breaks up

      Are annotations sorted by time or by place on the page?

    1. nav#MegaDropDown h3 { color: #F42434; margin: 0; font-size: 1.7em; } div.Wrapper em { line-height: 1.3; font-size: 0.9em; color: #969696; margin-top: 5px; font-style: italic; display: inline-block; } div.Wrapper ul.SubMenuList li > a { color: #003d79; padding: 3px 0; display: inline-block; position: relative; overflow: hidden; } div.Wrapper ul.SubMenuList li > a:hover { background-color: transparent; color: #f42434; padding-left: 20px; } div.Wrapper ul.SubMenuList li > a:before { position: absolute; content: ""; display: inline-block; width: 6px; height: 6px; border-top: 3px solid #f42434; border-right: 3px solid #f42434; -moz-transform: rotate(45deg); -ms-transform: rotate(45deg); -o-transform: rotate(45deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); transform: rotate(45deg); left: -15px; top: 50%; margin-top: -4px; -moz-transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out; -o-transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out; -webkit-transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out; transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out; } div.Wrapper ul.SubMenuList li > a:hover::before { left: 0; } div.RadMenu_Default ul.rmRootGroup, div.RadMenu_Default div.rmRootGroup { background: none; border: 0; } div.RadMenu .rmPopup { border: 0; padding: 15px 20px; position: relative; white-space: normal; width: 940px; background: transparent; box-shadow: none; } .SubMenuList { padding: 10px 0; } .LeftCont { border-right: 1px solid #ccc; display: inline-block; width: 70%; } .AboutCont.LeftCont { width: 24%; } .RightCont { display: inline-block; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; padding-left: 20px; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; width: 29%; } .latestNews.RightCont { width: 75%; } .LeftCont .float-left, .LeftCont .float-right { width: 50%; } .financial-cont, .get-in-touch-cont { padding-top: 10px; } .RightCont .get-in-touch-details, .RightCont .latestNewsDetails { margin-top: 10px; color: #969696; } .RadMenu .RightCont .get-in-touch-details a { color: #969696; padding: 0; line-height: 1.4; font-size: 0.9em; } .RadMenu .RightCont .get-in-touch-details a:hover { color: #003d79; background-color: transparent; } About UiBS The Company Certifications Careers Latest News UiBScms - New Release “The New CHA Platform for a holistic guest experience” was presented by Mr. Polykarpos Yiannoudes, at the 39th Annual Hotel Conference with the launching of the new Cyprus Hotel Association website at www.cyprushotelassociation.org. 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Pause on state hover. Not available for mobile devices loader: 'none', // pie, bar, none (even if you choose "pie", old browsers like IE8- can't display it... they will display always a loading bar) playPause: true, //true or false, to display or not the play/pause buttons pauseOnClick: true, //true, false. It stops the slideshow when you click the sliders thumbnails: false, // true, false time: 5500, transPeriod: 1500, navigationHover: true }); });

      how about this - what is happening



    1. Given his propensity to slam the German Chancellor on immigration, but at the same time laud her as his favorite world leader, the President’s electoral base would to well to place increased scrutiny on this policy position

      See how this tag looks. Does it appear in the right location?

    1. 35 per month

      See I had no idea about this. And I love youtube. If they actually want to make money from stuff like youtube red or youtube tv they need to promote it more. I know they give free 1 month trials of youtube red which is smart.

    2. Theses are exclusive shows and movies produced solely for subscribers. Some of the platform’s biggest stars are involved, including PewDiePie, Lilly Singh, and Rooster Teeth

      I wonder if youtube keeps updating the app will it increase how long it says up? People like trendy things. I f youtube stays with the trends...

    3. YouTube TV will give you access to live TV from more than 40 providers

      I think most people watch youtube for free so this isn't even the part of the app that makes them the most money

    4. Just a few short years ago, there was a dearth of quality television streaming options for people desperate to cut the cord. If you wanted to watch live TV in any way, shape, or form, you needed to splash out on a costly cable subscription. Which was frustrating.

      I feel like at this point everyone takes the internet and youtube for granted

    1. One camp—made up of semantic idealists who fetishize taxonomies—is to tag and organize it all. Once we’ve marked everything and how it relates to everything else, they hope, the world will be reasonable and understandable.

      Love this quote

    1. whom the same Cindy thoughtfully christened Mädchen Two. This tag-team progression was disconcerting, especially for the new dog, who was expected to possess both the knowledge and the personality of her predecessor.

      why name the new dog after an old dog that died in something unexpected? this family is just reminding themselves of their recent loss and setting up the dog for misery since she is being held to the standards of the previous dog. all a dog wants to do is to please its owner but this family is making it very hard for her to do because she is being compared to another dog.

    1. @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx){ .rmq-c5ac8812{background-image: url(https://d31x7hvfv30ebb.cloudfront.net/prod/5e/53/d6330645836697dd573aaa167b24d5760c89-1187x564-square520.png) !important;}}Create and Publish a Powtoon AnimationYouth VoicesWill you:Use Powtoon to create an animated introduction to you! (See&nbsp;Powtoon Animation Slides 5 - 12.)Seven Clicks:Create an account/ Log in: powtoon.comCreate a New ProjectStart from a scratch template (edit)It will take a while to load – refresh if necessaryGive it a title (top left)Skip layout, choose background (do not use premium)Add 10 slidesUpload Media:Background: Choose a theme and color.Sound: Upload your MP3 file and choose background music. Adjust volume so that we can hear you clearly.Images: Find and upload images you annotated on your script.Use this checklist as you work on your animation. Check off the things you have already done.Powtoon Checklist:___ Script complete___ Audio file recorded and converted___ Introduction slide___ Sounds: Voiceover and background music___ Images: a combination of characters, objects, png images, and personal images.___ Text: I have a variety of text and effects timed with my voiceover.___ Each sentence in my voiceover has images and text to support it.___ Concluding slidePost Your Powtoon on Youth Voices:Copy the embed code from your Powtoon animationCreate a discussion on Youth Voices. Remember to add a Featured Image and a unique, great title.In Visual mode, paste your embed code, then remove the final &lt;/iframe&gt; and replace the angle-brackets &lt; ... &gt; with flat parentheses [ ,,, ] See how.Choose the Category: Powtoon and publish!@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx){ .rmq-41302c13{background-image: url(https://d31x7hvfv30ebb.cloudfront.net/prod/90/e2/90c0f6f14aa90b3ccceba9bca187d46b9f75-2048x1152-square520.jpg) !important;}}What is a Powtoon Animation?Youth VoicesWill you:Choose three Powtoon introductions to watch and comment on using Hypothes.is. (See the Powtoon Animation Slides, page 4.)Each time you annotate, consider using these sentence starters: I really liked learning that you… I like how you showed this by ….Use a tag to show us your best annotations.After you have annotated three Powtoon animations, linked above, add a specific, unique tag (e.g. "PowtoonComments") to your most thoughtful, inspired annotations.This will give you a URL that you can use to point others to your most thoughtful annotations about the Powtoon introductions. You can submit this URL as evidence for this XP, and your readers or evaluators will be able to click on that LINK and easily find your best annotation. Here's How to Submit One Link for Multiple Hypothes.is Annotations.@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx){ .rmq-d42a1acb{background-image: url(https://d31x7hvfv30ebb.cloudfront.net/prod/e7/8a/173a9fc2ecf88c68ce9e6fd7b67a051ca7bf-775x547-square520.png) !important;}}Record Your Bio. Export the MP3. Embed it on Your Bio.Youth VoicesRecord your three-paragraph Bio on Audacity, on your phone, or by using Vocaroo or Online Voice Recorder.Use any method you have of getting an mp3 file of your voice onto your desktop (email it to yourself, download it..).Upload your mp3 into the media library on YouthVoices then embed it at the top of your Bio. Here are the steps you need to follow:Log inGo to the DashboardUpload New Media, and drag or upload you mp3 into the box that says Drop files here.Once it's up in the library, copy the URL.Embed it at the top of your Bio by typing this Wordpress shortcode at the top of your text in Visual mode: [audio mp3="http://www.youthvoices.live/wp-content/uploads/URfileName.mp3"][/audio]Save ChangesHere's a screencast (start at 3:30) about embedding on Youth Voices.@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx){ .rmq-afd47984{background-image: url(https://d31x7hvfv30ebb.cloudfront.net/prod/c2/3e/92cfec6a93865f01895500172c935367a8cd-625x263-square260.png) !important;}}You, Immigration, and JusticeYouth VoicesWrite three paragraphs about yourself, using Google Docs.CHECK OUT THIS GUIDE FOR ELLS.Paragraph 1: Who are you?What's important to know about you? When were you born? Where have you lived?What do you like to do in and out of school? What are you particularly good at, and how did you get that way? &nbsp;What are your plans for the future, and your dreams?Paragraph 2: How did immigration impact you?Write about the biggest ways in which your life changed when you immigrated.&nbsp;How did your family structure change? &nbsp;Were these changes positive or negative? &nbsp;How do you feel about the languages you speak?Paragraph 3: What is justice/injustice?Write about an incident where you experienced or witnessed an injustice.Where was it? &nbsp;Who was involved? &nbsp;What happened? &nbsp;What was unfair about it?Once you have finished writing to the end of your first draft, READ YOUR BIO TO A FRIEND OR TWO AND TO YOUR TEACHER/MENTOR. Share the document with other youth and with your teacher/mentor. Ask them to write comments and make suggestions on your Google Document.Under the blue share button on Google Docs, make sure that you have made your Doc public and open to comments. Here's how.Make revisions, proofread, and spell check your Google Doc. @media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx){ .rmq-969359d9{background-image: url(https://d31x7hvfv30ebb.cloudfront.net/prod/d5/8a/2492566cfb8d836e32939cca3c66bc8857e7-2739x1556.jpeg) !important;}}Choosing a Goal for Stress ManagementYouth VoicesWill you:Choose a stress management technique that best fits into your lifestyle and daily schedule. Consider the following potential stress management techniques. (Find a more exhaustive list at WebMD). Choose one to research&nbsp;more thoroughly for yourself by annotating the resources you find online with&nbsp;hypothes.is:Physical exercise (i.e. yoga, walking, jogging, etc.)Listening to MusicMeditationBreathing Exercises (i.e. belly breathing, etc.)Other leisure activities (i.e. drawing, journaling, etc.)In determining which technique to FOCUS on, consider the following questions:Is the technique one you will stick with? Will you find it enjoyable enough? Why?Can you find time to fit this technique into your daily life? When might it fit&nbsp;into your day?What are some of the physiological benefits of the technique you have chosen?Once you have decided upon a technique, create a discussion post on Youth Voices.Share your stress management goal and the reasoning behind why the technique you've chosen is the best one for you.Refer to resources for examples. Include links to your Hypothes.is annotations for any resources you reference in your writing. (You can find the link to any of your annotations by clicking on the share symbol under your comment, then copy the link that is attached to that specific annotation.)Add Categories, including "Stress."@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx){ .rmq-4f8eb8d0{background-image: url(https://d31x7hvfv30ebb.cloudfront.net/prod/41/6f/9cfb7e50bde85ecd69efa8d2ae856dac1c33-5000x3000-square520.jpg) !important;}}Stressors and Their EffectsYouth VoicesWill you:Watch these two short videos from TED Ed in NowComment:"How stress affects your body""How stress affects your brain"Both videos are in the same NowComment document, where you can watch without logging in. To comment or reply, log in and click on the specific times that you think are important.Here's what to write each time you stop the video:&nbsp;In the Comment box:What do you see and hear at this time stamp? (Summarize in your own words.)&nbsp;In the Additional Thoughts box:What makes this significant?How does it relate to you or something else you've read, seen, or heard?Considering the video content, write a discussion post on Youth Voices that includes the following:What are the stressors that impact your day-to-day life?How have you felt those stressors impact your body's physiology, your emotions, and your learning?What was interesting or surprising about the videos regarding the effects of stress and how it may impact your physiology and brain?Why might it be important to find healthy ways to manage your stress?(Optional) You might also add a link to a tag on NowComment that points to your three best comments. Here's How to Submit One Link for Multiple Comments on a NowComment DocumentHere's how to do it:Compose in Google Docs.Read your writing aloud to a group of peers, and ask for comments.Revise and make&nbsp;grammar and spelling corrections.Publish your writing as a Youth Voices discussion post. Please choose a few categories for your post (including "stress").@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx){ .rmq-412918b6{background-image: url(https://d31x7hvfv30ebb.cloudfront.net/prod/46/11/b38eb5b9eef1541de47b1e92b40bfcd9a792-2991x1436-square520.jpg) !important;}}Researching the Physiological Effects of StressYouth VoicesWill you:Read and annotate the following articles using hypothes.is.from Harvard Health Publications, “Understanding the stress response” from the American Psychological Association, “Understanding chronic stress”One more credible article of your choice. Talk with your teacher or mentor about why you believe an article you have chosen is reliable and useful before you start&nbsp;annotating.Each time you annotate: Summarize the sentence or paragraph in your own words. Say why this is significant. Make a connection to something in your life or something you have read or seen elsewhere. As you read, be sure to highlight and annotate any of the following information:Definition(s) of stressEffect(s) of stress on the body's physiologyLong-term effect(s) of chronic stressSuggested stress management strategies and their benefits.Use tags to show us your best annotations. Here's how:After you have annotated the two articles linked above, plus another one, you need to add a specific, unique tag (e.g. "5beststress") to your five most thoughtful, inspired annotations about stress. This will give you a URL that you can use to point others to your five most thoughtful annotations about stress. You can submit this URL as evidence for this XP. Here are the steps for How to Submit One Link for Multiple Hypothes.is Annotations.@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx){ .rmq-f345db6d{background-image: url(https://d31x7hvfv30ebb.cloudfront.net/prod/0c/80/e2434cf89fb6d6a71f3cddd3fe79cf802784-3723x2482.jpeg) !important;}}The Effects of Mindful Stress ManagementYouth VoicesConsider&nbsp;the stress management goal you created for yourself. Put your technique int

      Some ideas to get your started

    1. he still speaks.

      As a UCCer with a tag line that 'God is still speaking' - I wonder, is there where that comes from? It makes sense.

    1. markdown_display_priority

      I don't know why or when my annotations will be properly applied.

      This is quite confusing. The interface remembers my tag, but not the content of my annotation.

      It does not seem to allow the application of an annotation to text inside of an iframe. This prevents proper testing of hypothes.is as a jupyter notebook annotation tool.

      In some ways it's great, but the interface and user model could use a lot of work. If it allowed annotations inside iframes I'd gladly navigate those rough edges. But without that feature it's hard to justify trying to use this for the purpose of annotating notebooks.

      Hopefully, this can be fixed, in which case I'll edit this annotation to acknowledge that annotation inside iframes works. That would mean the annotation of Jupyter notebooks would be be a process capable of supporting code review on a notebook via GitHub.

    1. PeerJ review #1:

      Basic reporting

      The paper have clear language, significantly improved since first review. The dataset is augmented with extra material, and referenced properly from Figshare with https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.3980463.v5

      Argumentation is well-structured and founded, although a couple of citations or examples are missing, e.g. claim that HTML allow ambiguous structures, or the novel (and unnecessary) use of RDF/XML in a script tag.

      See https://via.hypothes.is/https://essepuntato.github.io/papers/rash-peerj2016/2017-07-06.html#rash-eval for my detailed review per section of this version.

      Experimental design

      The paper describes well the motivation and design of the RASH framework, while also giving an extensive and up to date review of comparative technologies and approaches. The paper explains also challenges and peculiarities encountered in its implementation.

      RASH is a well-designed subset of HTML that emphasizes document structure and semantic annotations. I think it could also be argued that unlike "any HTML5" this design also improves longevity for articles published in RASH HTML.

      My only slight concerns is the extension of WAI-ARIA roles (e.g. "doc-endnotes"), which I could not find any citations for being allowed (or not) within HTML5; as well as the novel use of RDF/XML in a HTML script tag.

      Validity of the findings

      The survey part provides valuable insight into the uptake potential of RASH-like technology - although this should be taken with a grain of salt as the relative low number of survey participants means the data is (as the authors point out) NOT statistically significant. The paper do however provide a good qualitative analysis of the findings, which warrants their inclusion.

      The authors provide well-reasoned conclusions. While my previous review identified some speculative language, this have now been improved.

      Comments for the author

      I am Stian Soiland-Reyes http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9842-9718 and believe in open reviews.

      This review is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

      The authors present the RASH framework, a subset of XHTML for academic publishing, along with software tools for its validation and conversion. The paper review the state of art in academic HTML publishing, motivate and detail the design of the framework, and evaluate its uptake and future challenges.

      While personally I would have welcomed a more visionary/revolutionary approach for changing academic publishing for the Web, the authors take a more conservative approach with emphasis on pragmatic tooling to support existing authoring workflows (e.g. support LaTex and MS Word). From this, RASH can provide a valuable stepping stone for more structured and accessible Web publication workflows for academic publishing.

      I think this is a solid article that presents an important contribution to the further development of web-based scholarly communication.

      I Recommend this article as "Accept" - although I have left some annotations in https://via.hypothes.is/https://essepuntato.github.io/papers/rash-peerj2016/2017-07-06.html#rash-eval that I hope the authors will consider (along with this review) if a revision nevertheless take place.

    2. with the attribute type set to application/rdf+xml for adding plain RDF/XML content [19].

      Would RDF/XML actually be valid within XHTML's script tag? Do you mean within a CDATA block? This custom script block sounds dangerous to me without specifying clearly exactly how it should be used and escaped, as (unlike JSON-LD) and Turtle), RDF/XML specifications do not define how use it inside <script> within HTML/XHTML (perhaps deliberately).

      IMHO no-one should encourage RDF/XML anymore, so I would prefer if RASH never even recommended that :)

  5. Jul 2017
    1. text inside second definition term (dfn) node end tag

      I like the way this is describe. Helps to understand, in terms of an actual image, what XML really is.

    2. The markup used in digital humanities projects is descriptive, which means that it describes what a textual subcomponent is. Descriptive markup differs from presentational markup, which describes what text looks like. For example, presentational markup might say that a sequence of words is rendered in italics, without any explanation of whether that’s because they’re a book title, a foreign phrase, something intended to be emphasized, etc. Descriptive markup also differs from procedural markup, which describes what to do with text (e.g., an instruction to a word processor to switch fonts in a particular place).

      This was illuminating for me. As a member of the Neopets/Proboards/Geocities generation, I learned basic presentational markup from a relatively young age. I had literally never considered the possibility of descriptive markup until this class. I think I love it so much because it combines my interest in textual analysis with the comforting tags I spent so many years perfecting in my messages and webpages. The tag-based structure of XML is almost second-nature to me.

    1. Microlectures are just what they sound like

      Actually, microlectures are NOT just what they sound like. This implies an abbreviated lecture (ie., Ted talk or Khan Academy). Instead these are strategically designed 60 second presentations incorporating metaphors and keywords, designed to arouse curiosity. Learning takes place when the learner actively participates in knowledge acquisition and synergy.

    1. This guideline covers road-traffic-related air pollution and its links to ill health. It aims to improve air quality and so prevent a range of health conditions and deaths.


    1. If you have more than 3200 tweets, the free and Open Source Twitter Archive Eraser (TAE) is the tool you’re looking for. Unfortunately, this only works for Windows. I’ve not yet found a similar solution for Mac or Linux. If you know of one, please share this in the comments.
    1. THIS TEXT

      Finally figured this out!

    2. and put in your own Hypothes.is username.

      I pasted the code into the page, but it was just displayed as text. In Wordpress I clicked the Text tab of the page editor and then highlighted the stuff I added and tagged it as "code" with the code button. It was marked up with <code> so I believe it's correct now. Follow up: That worked. Follow up 2: I was getting the "code" format of fixed width courier type font text leaking from my list of annotations over to the menu on the right side. An ugly hack of adding a second close </code> code tag at the end "fixed" the formatting. See example (<code>[hypothesis user = 'jeffblackadar']</code></code>) I don't like it but I thought I'd mention it.

    1. using an HTML meta tag to identify annotation preferences

      This is just a back-of-the-napkin sketch of an idea, not a formal proposal.

    1. Que faire ? Récemment, le Nobel d’économie Joseph Stiglitz expliquait auMonde : « La première priorité est d’aider les victimes de la mondialisation à se former afin qu’elles acquièrent les compétences leur permettant d’occuper de nouveaux emplois. Mais il faut également créer de nouveaux jobs, notamment du côté des services. […] Où trouver les ressources ? En augmentant l’imposition des plus aisés, par exemple ».

      J'ai mis cette note avec Nico

    1. Can I get an RSS feed to follow new annotations on a document? Yes! You can get RSS and Atom feeds by URL, Tag and User.

      Handy! I wonder if I could tie this in with RSS readers to get something akin to Pocket, but not siloed.

  6. Jun 2017
    1. sin jerarquías

      Creo que la jerarquía opera en su almacenamiento e indexación (finalmente necesitas que el script busque el tag.)

      Al mismo tiempo, pienso en de qué modo la folksonomía estrecha lo decible; hasta que punto su condición memética y contagiosa tiende hacia la isotropía.

    1. A tag on the vehicle, sensors at toll plazas, a charging system (prepaid/postpaid) built on the principles of interoperability and other enabling infrastructure should solve the issue.

      Is this related to Aadhaar?

      This is standard RFID?


      Consider making this a animated element with rotating tag lines Work Hard Play Hard and 2 others?

    1. # search for all annotations with the tag IndieEdTech and return them in json format. s = searchurl(tag = 'IndieEdTech') l = retrievelist(s) # print the title of each article annotated. for entry in l: e = Annotation(entry) print(e.title)

      I don't get it. Is this all I need to put into a Jupyter Notebook?

    1. Artikli bbażati b’mod qarrieqi fuq informazzjoni disponibbli pubblikament, iżda wkoll dokumenti li nkisbu b’mod illeċtu. Fi kliem KMPG, l-informazzjoin qed tintuaża biex tpenġi lil Malta b’mod skorrett bħala ġurisdizzjoni offshore, jew inkella tax haven.

      Learn more about MaltaFiles and projects of the EICnetwork here: https://eic.network/projects/malta-files

    1. CASCA. I know not what you mean by that; but I am sure Caesar fell down. If the tag-rag people did not clap him and hiss him, according as he pleased and displeased them, as they use to do the players in the theatre

      Casca associates Ceaser’s behavior to that of an actor performing on a public stage rather than the behavior of a political leader, evident when he says Ceaser’s followers “clap him and hiss him.” Casca’s criticism of Julius Ceaser’s performance and his followers who clap for him is a modern idea that can apply to the politicians of today as well.

  7. May 2017
    1. Tag. Referring to any child as it is demeaning and hurtful.Instead of the child hollering, "You're it!" we recommend,"You're special!"Red Rover. Inappropriate labeling of children as animals. Also,the use of the word red evokes Communist undertones.Sardines. Unfairly leaves one child alone at the end as theloser--a term psychologists have deemed unacceptable.Hide-and-seek. No child need hide or be sought. The modern childruns free in search of himself.Baseball. Involves wrong-headed notions of stealing, errors andgruesome hit-and-run. Players should always be safe, never out.Hopscotch. Sounds vaguely alcoholic, not to mention demeaning toour friends of Scottish ancestry.Marbles. Winning others' marbles is overly capitalistic.Marco Polo. Mocks the blind.Capture the flag. Mimics war.Kick the can. Unfair to the can.

      I love how the author mocks the ban by making lists of other games that should be banned for different reasons.

    1. Unlike pure-paradigm architectures, rhizomes mix and match multiple architectural paradigms along with emergent structures to create high-dissonance information environments.

      As I read this I think of this tag cloud that show categories of ideas on my http://tutormentor.blogspot.com blog

    1. volksschauspielhaften

      <font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **volksschauspielhaften**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      trans. folk spectacle stick


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Volk**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. n; -(e)s, Völker 

      1. people; (Nation) auch nation; das deutsche Volk the Germans, the German people (oder nation); die Völker Afrikas the peoples of Africa

      2. nur Sg. (Einwohner) people Pl.; (Masse) the masses Pl.; pej. auch hoi polloi, the plebs Pl.; (Pöbel) mob, rabble; die gewählten Vertreter des Volkes the people's elected representatives; im Namen des Volkes in the name of the people; Volkes Stimme geh. the voice of the people; das Volk Gottes REL God's chosen people, the elect; ein Mann aus dem Volke a man of the people; ein Gerücht etc. unters Volk bringen fam. spread a rumo(u)r etc.; etwas unters Volk bringen fam. (verkaufen) sell, get rid of; sich unters Volk mischen mingle with the crowd; blödes Volk! beleidigend: you stupid lot! fam.; * auserwählt, fahrendII 2*


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **fahrend**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I Part. Präs. fahren 

      II Adj. 

      1. Fahrzeug: moving; auf den fahrenden Zug aufspringen jump on the moving train (fig. on the bandwagon)

      2. (wandernd) travel(l)ing, itinerant; fahrender Ritter HIST knight errant; fahrender Sänger HIST wandering minstrel; fahrendes Volk travel(l)ers, Am. gypsies, migrants


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **fahren**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. fährt, fuhr, gefahren 

      I v/i. (ist);

      1. Person: (auch reisen) go (mit by); selbst lenkend: drive; auf Fahrrad, Motorrad: ride; längere Strecke: travel (by); auf Schiff: sail; mit dem Aufzug/Bus etc. fahren auch take the lift (Am. elevator) / a (oder the) bus etc.; ich fahre öffentlich (mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln) I use (oder go by) public transport (Am. transportation); fahr rechts (bleib rechts) keep to the right; (bieg rechts ab) turn right; an den Straßenrand fahren pull over to the side of the road; nach Köln fährt man sieben Stunden mit dem Auto: it's a seven-hour drive to Cologne; mit dem Zug: it's a seven-hour train journey to Cologne, it's seven hours on the train to Cologne; langsamer/schneller fahren slow down / accelerate; über einen Fluss etc. fahren cross a river etc.; ich will noch mal fahren auf Karussell etc.: I want another ride

      2. (abfahren) leave, go; wir fahren in fünf Minuten we're leaving in five minutes

      3. (in Fahrt sein) be moving; * fahrend II 1* 

      4. Fähigkeit: sie fährt gut/schlecht she's a good/bad driver

      5. (verkehren) run; das Boot/der Zug fährt zweimal am Tag the boat/train goes twice a day, there are two sailings / two trains a day

      6. AUT etc. (funktionieren) go, run; das Auto fährt nicht (ist kaputt) the car isn't going (oder won't go); das Auto fährt ruhig the car is quiet(-running); mit Benzin/Diesel fahren Fahrzeug: run on petrol (Am. gas) /diesel; Person: have a petrol- (Am. gas) /diesel-engine car; mit Strom fahren be driven by electric power; mit Dampf fahren be steam-driven

      7. mit der Hand etc. durch/über etwas (Akk.) fahren run one's hand etc. through/over s.th.

      8. in etwas (Akk.) fahren Kugel, Messer etc.: go into s.th.; Blitz: hit (oder strike) s.th.; in die Kleider fahren slip into (oder slip on) one's clothes; aus dem Bett fahren jump (oder leap) out of bed; der Hund fuhr ihm an die Kehle the dog leapt at his throat; * Himmel 2, Hölle 1* 

      9. etwas fahren lassen (loslassen) let go of s.th.; alle Hoffnung etc. fahren lassen fig. give up (oder abandon) all hope; einen fahren lassen fam. let one go, fart vulg. 

      10. fig.: sie ist sehr gut/schlecht damit gefahren she did very well/badly out of it; was ist nur in ihn gefahren? what's got into him?; der Schreck fuhr ihm in die Glieder he froze with terror; * Haut 4*, Mund etc. 

      II v/t. 

      1. (hat); (lenken, besitzen) drive; (Fahrrad, Motorrad) ride; er hat das Auto gegen den Zaun gefahren he drove the car into the fence; ein Auto zu Schrott fahren drive a car into the ground; bei einem Unfall: write a car off, Am. total a car; ein Schiff auf Grund fahren run a ship aground; jemanden über den Haufen fahren fam. knock s.o. down, run s.o. over

      2. (hat); (befördern) take, drive; (Güter) auch transport; ** spazieren 

      3. (ist); (Aufzug, Skilift) ride in; (Karussell, U-Bahn etc.) ride on; (Segelboot) sail; (Ruderboot) row; Boot fahren go boating; Rad fahren cycle; Roller fahren scooter; (Motorroller) ride a scooter; Schlittschuh fahren skate; Schlitten fahren (rodeln) toboggan; (Pferdeschlitten) ride in a sledge (Am. sleigh); Ski fahren ski

      4. (hat oder ist); (Strecke) cover, travel; (Kurve, anderen Weg etc.) take; (Umleitung) follow; (Rennen) take part in; (Umweg) make; sie fuhren eine andere Strecke they took a different route; Kurven fahren weave about (Am. back and forth); Slalom fahren do a slalom

      5. (hat oder ist); (Zeit) record, clock; (Rekord) set; wir fuhren gerade 100 km/h, als ... we were doing 62 mph when ...; das Auto fährt 200 km/h (leistet) the car will do (oder can reach) 124 mph

      6. (hat); (Normal, Super) use, run on

      7. TECH (Hochofen) operate; INFORM (Programm) run

      8. (Sonderschicht) work

      III v/refl. (hat): dieser Wagen fährt sich gut this car is pleasant to drive (oder handles well); unpers.: auf dieser Straße fährt es sich gut this is a good road to drive on


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Himmel**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -s, - (Pl. selten, meist poet.) 

      1. sky; MET auch skies Pl.; lit. heavens Pl.; am Himmel in the sky; unter freiem Himmel in the open air; unter südlichem Himmel under southern skies; der Rauch steigt zum Himmel (auf) the smoke is rising up into the sky; der Himmel lacht fig. (die Sonne scheint) the sun has got his hat on

      2. REL heaven; im Himmel in heaven; in den Himmel kommen go to heaven; zum oder in den Himmel auffahren oder gen Himmel fahren bibl. ascend into heaven; im Himmel sein euph. be with the angels; Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen fig. move heaven and earth; Himmel und Hölle Hüpfspiel: hopscotch

      3. fig. heaven, paradise; der Himmel auf Erden geh. heaven on earth; den Himmel auf Erden haben geh. live in paradise; aus heiterem Himmel fam. (completely) out of the blue; in den Himmel heben fam. praise to the skies; im sieb(en)ten Himmel sein oder sich [wie] im sieb[en]ten Himmel fühlen fam. be on cloud nine, be walking on air, be in the seventh heaven; ihm hängt der Himmel voller Geigen geh. he thinks life's a bed of roses; das schreit oder fam. stinkt zum Himmel it's a scandal; vom Himmel fallen appear from nowhere; ... fallen nicht (einfach) vom Himmel ... don't grow on trees; Erfolge, Fortschritte etc.: don't (just) happen by themselves; Wolken am politischen Himmel clouds on the political horizon; * Meister 2* 

      4. in Ausrufen: dem Himmel sei Dank! thank heavens!; der Himmel ist oder sei mein Zeuge! altm. as God is my witness!; gütiger oder du lieber Himmel! fam. my goodness!, good Heavens!; um Himmels willen! for Heaven's (oder God's) sake!; weiß der Himmel! fam. God knows; Himmel (noch mal oder Herrgott, Sakrament)! fam. for heaven's sake!; Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn oder Wolkenbruch Sl. bloody hell, Am. holy smoke

      5. vom Bett etc.: canopy; im Auto: roof; fam. (Gaumen) roof of one's mouth


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Haut**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. f; -, Häute 

      1. meist Sg. skin; helle/dunkle Haut haben have a fair/dark skin; nass bis auf die Haut soaked to the skin; auf bloßer Haut tragen wear next to one's skin; er trägt die Jacke auf der bloßen Haut auch he's got nothing on under his jacket; sich (Dat.) die Haut aufschürfen graze o.s.; sich (Dat.) die Haut an den Knien etc. aufschürfen skin (oder graze) one's knees etc.; viel Haut zeigen fam. hum. Person: show a lot of bare flesh, be scantily clad; Kleidung: be very revealing

      2. abgezogene, von kleinem Tier: skin; von großem Tier: hide; abgeworfene, einer Schlange etc.: slough; auf Braten: skin; einem Tier die Haut abziehen skin an animal

      3. einer Frucht: skin; meist entfernt: peel; einer Wurst, auf der Milch: skin; auf Flüssigkeiten: film; (Membran) membrane; um Organe: tunic; am Fingernagel: cuticle; TECH, eines Ballons, Flugzeugs etc.: skin; (Überzug) sheathing

      4. nur Sg.; fam. fig.: eine ehrliche/gute Haut an honest / a good soul; mit Haut und Haar(en) completely, hook, line and sinker; aus der Haut fahren go through (oder hit) the roof, go ballistic; es ist zum Aus-der-Haut-Fahren! it's enough to drive you up the wall!; eine dicke Haut haben have a thick skin, be thick-skinned; seine Haut retten save one's skin (fam. hum. bacon); sich seiner (Gen.) Haut wehren defend o.s. (with all one's might); ihr ist oder sie fühlt sich nicht wohl in ihrer Haut she feels (rather) uncomfortable (oder uneasy); ich möchte nicht in seiner Haut stecken I wouldn't like to be in his shoes; er ist nur noch Haut und Knochen he's just skin and bones; es kann eben keiner aus seiner Haut a leopard can't change its spots; das geht einem unter die Haut it gets under your skin; seine Haut zu Markte tragen (sein Leben riskieren) risk one's neck; (sich verkaufen) sell o.s.; Frau: sell one's body; seine Haut teuer verkaufen sell one's life dearly; * faul I 2*, heil


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Mund**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -(e)s, Münder mouth; den Mund aufmachen open one's mouth; fam. fig. speak up; mit vollem Mund sprechen talk with one's mouth full; aus dem Mund riechen have bad breath; sie küsste seinen Mund she kissed him on the lips; ein Mund voll fig. a mouthful; Flüssigkeit: auch a gulp; von Mund zu Mund beatmen give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation; es ist in aller Munde everyone's talking about it, it's the talk of the town; Mund und Nase aufsperren oder aufreißen fam. fig gape open-mouthed (in astonishment); halt den Mund! fam. shut up!; den Mund nicht aufmachen oder auftun fam. fig. not utter a word; sie hat den Mund nicht aufgekriegt fam. fig. she didn't say a word; den Mund voll nehmen fam. fig. talk big, shoot one's mouth off; jemandem den Mund verbieten fig. stop s.o. saying anything, silence s.o.; jemandem etwas in den Mund legen fig. put words into s.o.'s mouth; jemandem das Wort aus dem Mund nehmen fam. fig. take the words (right) out of s.o.'s mouth; jemandem das Wort im Mund umdrehen twist s.o.'s words; jemandem nach dem Mund(e) reden fig. echo s.o.'s words; um zu gefallen: say what s.o. wants to hear; jemandem über den Mund fahren fam. fig. cut s.o. short; nicht auf den Mund gefallen sein fam. fig. have the gift of the gab; sich (Dat.) den Mund verbrennen fam. fig. put one's foot in it; von Mund zu Mund gehen Neuigkeit: be passed on from one person to the next, fam. do the rounds; in Redewendungen  auch Maul; * berufen IV 1, Blatt 1, fransig 2, stopfen II 1*, wässrig etc.


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **spazieren**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/i. walk (around), stroll; spazieren gehen go for a walk (oder stroll); er geht gern im Wald spazieren he likes to walk (oder go for walks) in oder through the woods; wir waren im Wald spazieren we went for a walk in (oder through) the woods; spazieren fahren go for a ride (oder run, fam. spin) (in the car); jemanden spazieren fahren take s.o. for a ride (oder run, fam. spin) (in the car); jemanden spazieren führen take s.o. (out) for a walk; den Hund spazieren führen auch walk the dog


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Meister**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. m; -s, - 

      1. (im Handwerk) master (craftsman); ein Meister im Bäckerhandwerk a master baker; seinen Meister machen take one's master craftsman's diploma

      2. (Künstler, Könner) master (auch fig., iro.); alter Meister MUS, Kunst etc.: old master; ein Meister im Lügen a master at (oder in the art of) lying; seinen Meister finden fig. find (oder meet) one's match; Übung macht den Meister Sprichw. practice makes perfect; früh übt sich, was ein Meister werden will Sprichw. you can't start too young; es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen Sprichw. you can't expect to get it right first time

      3. SPORT etc.: champion; (Mannschaft) champions Pl. 

      4. im Betrieb: foreman

      5. als Anrede, vertraulich: Sl. guv, chief, Am. Mac

      6. in Märchen: Meister Lampe Master Hare; Meister Petz Master Bruin (the Bear)


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **faul**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I Adj. 

      1. Obst, Gemüse, Ei, Zähne etc.: rotten, bad; Fisch, Fleisch: bad, präd. Brit. off, Am. bad; (stinkend) putrid; Holz: rotten; Wasser: foul, brackish; Luft: foul

      2. (träge) lazy, idle; faules Aas fam. pej. Mann: lazy sod (Am. bum) Sl.; Frau: lazy bitch; fam. hum. lazybones (Sg.); auf der faulen Haut liegen oder sich auf die faule Haut legen take one's ease; er, nicht faul, handelte sofort he was on the ball and took immediate action; am Wochenende war ich mal so richtig schön faul I had a really lazy time at the weekend

      3. fig. pej. Ausrede: lame; Kompromiss etc.: shabby; Friede: phon(e)y fam.; Witz: bad; Scheck, Wechsel: dud; (verdächtig) Person: shady; Sache: fishy; fauler Zauber humbug; da ist doch etwas faul there's something fishy about it; etwas ist faul im Staate Dänemark something is rotten in the state of Denmark

      4. (säumig) Zahler: late

      II Adv.: faul herumliegen laze around (oder about); häng hier nicht faul rum, hilf mir lieber fam. instead of hanging around doing nothing you could help me


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **heil**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. Adj. (unversehrt) Person: unhurt, unharmed, safe and sound; Sache: undamaged, intact; (geheilt) healed, cured; Welt: intact, ideal, sugarcoated iro.; etwas heil überstehen come through (s.th.) unscathed; da bist du noch mal mit heiler Haut davongekommen iro. you got off lightly this time; wieder heil machen fix, mend; Kinderspr. (einen verletzten Finger etc.) make s.th. better; die Vase etc. ist heil geblieben didn't break, is still intact (oder in one piece)


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Maul**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. n; -(e)s, Mäuler 

      1. ZOOL mouth; (Kiefer) jaws Pl.; (Schnauze) muzzle, snout

      2. Sl. von Menschen: trap, gob; ein großes Maul haben have a big mouth, be a big-mouth; ein böses/loses Maul haben have a malicious/loose tongue; das Maul halten keep one's mouth shut; halt's Maul! shut up!; sich (Dat.) das Maul zerreißen gossip (über + Akk. about); jemandem das Maul stopfen fam. shut s.o. up; er hat sechs Mäuler zu stopfen fam. fig. he's got six hungry mouths to feed; jemandem übers Maul fahren cut s.o. short; dem Volk aufs Maul schauen listen to what people are saying;  auch Mund


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **berufen**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I v/t. (unreg.) 

      1. zu einer Funktion: jemanden zum Vorsitzenden / zu einem Amt berufen appoint s.o. chairman / to an office; jemanden auf oder an einen Lehrstuhl berufen offer s.o. a chair (at university); an einen Ort: nach Berlin berufen werden be called to Berlin

      2. fam. ** beschreien 

      II v/refl. (unreg.): sich berufen auf (+ Akk.) als Autorität, Quelle etc.: cite, quote, refer to; auf jemanden persönlich: mention s.o.'s name; sich auf jemanden als Zeugen berufen appeal to s.o. as a witness; sich darauf berufen, dass ... plead that ...; darf ich mich auf Sie berufen? may I mention your name?; (zitieren) may I quote you?

      III v/i. (unreg.) österr. JUR appeal

      IV Adj. 

      1. (befähigt) qualified, competent; aus berufenem Munde from a reliable source, on good authority, straight from the horse's mouth fam.; berufen sein / sich berufen fühlen zu (+ Inf.) be/feel competent enough (oder qualified) to (+ Inf.); moralisch: have / feel one has a mission to (+ Inf.); ich fühlte mich (nicht) berufen einzugreifen I felt called upon / I didn't feel it was for me to intervene

      2. zum Priester etc. berufen sein have a calling to be a priest (oder to the priesthood etc. ); zur Malerei etc. berufen sein have a vocation for painting etc.; sich zu Höherem berufen fühlen feel one is destined for higher things


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Blatt**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. n; -(e)s, Blätter 

      1. BOT leaf; von Blüte: petal; Kelch: sepal; kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen fig. not mince matters (oder one's words)

      2. Buch: leaf; (Seite) page; (Papier) sheet; hast du ein Blatt Papier? do you have a piece of paper?; 500 Blatt Papier 500 sheets of paper; ist das Blatt voll geschrieben? have you used (oder filled) up that page?; das steht auf einem anderen Blatt fig. 

      a) that's a completely different matter,

      b) that's another story fam.; ** unbeschrieben 

      3. MUS (Notenblatt) sheet; vom Blatt spielen/singen sight-read / sight-sing; etwas vom Blatt spielen/singen auch play/sing s.th. at sight

      4. (Zeitung) (news)paper

      5. Kunst: (Druck) print; (Zeichnung) drawing; (Stich) engraving


      a) (Spielkarte) card; (gezogene Karten) hand; ein gutes/schlechtes Blatt haben have a good/bad hand; das Blatt hat sich gewendet fig. the tide has turned

      b) Spielfarbe im deutschen Kartenspiel: spade

      7. TECH plate, lamina, (Folie) foil; Säge, Ruder etc.: blade (auch FLUG)

      8. MUS für Blasinstrumente: reed

      9. Jagd: shoulder


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **fransig**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. 

      1. verziert: fringed

      2. (ausgefranst) frayed; sich (Dat.) den Mund fransig reden fam. fig. talk till one is blue in the face


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **stopfen**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I vt/i. (Strümpfe etc.) darn, mend; Oma stopft beim Fernsehen Granny does her darning while watching TV

      II v/t. 

      1. (hineinstopfen) stuff (in + Akk. into); (füllen) (Kissen etc.) stuff; (Pfeife, Wurst) fill; sich (Dat.) das Hemd in die Hose stopfen tuck one's shirt into one's trousers; sich (Dat.) Süßigkeiten in den Mund stopfen stuff sweets into one's mouth; jemandem den Mund stopfen fig. silence s.o., shut s.o. up fam.; ** gestopft 

      2. (ausfüllen, zumachen) (Lücke) fill; (Loch) auch plug

      3. (mästen) stuff, fatten

      III v/i. 

      1. (sättigen) be filling; Reis stopft auch rice fills you up

      2. (verstopfen) cause constipation; das stopft auch that gives you constipation


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **beschreien**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      v. v/t. (unreg.); fam.: ich will es nicht beschreien touch (Am. knock on) wood, I don't want to put the kiss of death on it


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **unbeschrieben**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      adj. Adj. Papier: blank; INFORM empty; ein unbeschriebenes Blatt sein fig. (unbekannt) be an unknown quantity; (unerfahren) be inexperienced; er ist kein unbeschriebenes Blatt fam. fig. (hat schon einiges auf dem Kerbholz) he hasn't kept clear of trouble


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **gestopft**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">


      I P.P. stopfen 

      II Adv. fam.: gestopft voll jampacked, chock-a-block, chock-full


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **Schauspiel**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. n 

      1. THEA play; drama

      2. fig. spectacle, sight


      </font><font color="steelblue" face="arial" size="4"> **haften**</font><font color="black" face="arial" size="3"></font>

      <font color="black" face="arial" size="3">

      n. v/i. (für for) (bürgen) be liable, be responsible, answer; (bei einem Schaden etc. belangt werden) be held responsible; haften für (garantieren) guarantee; Sie haften mir persönlich für etwaige Schäden I shall hold you personally responsible for any damage</font>

    1. I feel these two proud black womens on this 2 mins video, because to us black people all lives matter but in general blacks lives matter to us the most. One question, the white people forgot that black people build America , so why is we treated like s**t.

    2. The government of America isn’t doing anything to stop this, its like they with it too, a white cop kills a black male his badge get suspended. The cop don’t even go to trial, but the other way around us black people get 25 years to life in prison .

    1. Employment Policies Institute

      SourceWatch has an article about the Employment Policies Institute. Note that the organization in this article is not guaranteed to match the article in SourceWatch. Please read with care.

      If you read the linked article, we invite you to summarize it in a comment below. If this is a mismatch, please tag a reply "mismatch".

    1. Employment Policies Institute

      SourceWatch has an article about the Employment Policies Institute. Note that the organization in this article is not guaranteed to match the article in SourceWatch. Please read with care.

      If you read the linked article, we invite you to summarize it in a comment below. If this is a mismatch, please tag a reply "mismatch".

    2. SourceWatch has an article about the Employment Policies Institute. Note that the organization in this article is not guaranteed to match the article in SourceWatch. Please read with care.

      If you read the linked article, we invite you to summarize it in a comment below. If this is a mismatch, please tag a reply "mismatch".

    1. Employment Policies Institute

      SourceWatch has an article about the Employment Policies Institute. Note that the organization in this article is not guaranteed to match the article in SourceWatch. Please read with care.

      If you read the linked article, we invite you to summarize it in a comment below. If this is a mismatch, please tag a reply "mismatch".

    1. The cure? All of the experts GreatSchools contacted seemed to agree. “Exercise,” says McEwen, pointing at studies that claim physical activity stimulates hippocampus growth, and group exercise (think team sports lke soccer and games like tag) fosters neuron development.Medina concurs: “Exercise is one of the best things children can do to combat stress. It increases neurons’ creation, survival, and resistance to damage and stress.” Monica R. Fleshner, Ph.D., integrative physiologist at the University of Colorado, also agrees, explaining, “maintaining regular physical activity is one way to help promote both stress resistance and stress resilience.”

      This is true because while the hippocampus can be affected, exercise and doing helpful and healthy things to lower the stress levels can help that brain development. By doing exercise and things to help lower stress, it will be beneficial to the brain as well. I think exercise is a great way to cope and deal with stress and to make it easier. It can be an escape for most people and for many, it's helped them achieve their biggest obstacles.

  8. Apr 2017
    1. FilterBubbler lets you collaboratively “tag” pages with descriptive labels and then analyze any page you visit to see how similar it is to pages you have already classified.

      It would be good to explain why this is like filter bubbles we have in our every day lives? What can we learn from this? What can we teach from this? Why should we do it at all?

    1. //<![CDATA[ window.webpackManifest = {"0":"main.5f020f80c23aa50ebedf.js","1":"vendor.81adc64d405c8b218485.js"} //]]>
    1. The Sea Shall Take Them Home

      As we discussed in class, beautiful, evocative titel but it nees a tag on that lets people know this is about burial/cemeteries

    1. "name_en"

      English name


      The English name of the organization


      Existent in less than 100 entries.


      http://schema.org/name + language tag "en"

    1. "name_en"

      Englische Bezeichnung


      Der Name der Einrichtung in Englisch.


      Vorhanden bei weniger als 100 Einträgen, fehlt bei ca. 22.000 Einträgen.


      http://schema.org/name + language tag "en"

    1. This number is expected to grow to a trillion(two to three orders of magnitude!) in a few years.

      Comment 3 - public with tag. "What is this based on: current growth? Exponential growth?

    1. University of Oklahoma

      Sarah and David Wrobel's project here is so cool: they leveraged the Hypothes.is tag feature to have students explore the "layers" of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath. While the idea of such layers could perhaps be said about any literary text, for Steinbeck there was something explicit about the layers of that particular novel. As he wrote to his editor at the time:

      "The Grapes of Wrath" was published, Steinbeck wrote: "There are five layers in this book, a reader will find as many as he can and he won't find more than he has in himself."

    1. exigence, or an imperfection marked by urgcney

      This is actually a great, succinct definition of exigence. I wanted to tag it because I actually wasn't happy with the definitions of exigence in the previous articles, even though exigence was central to those arguments.

    1. *Marx, Karl. Manifesto of the Communist Party. Generic NL Freebook Publisher, n.d. EBSCOhost, login.ezproxy.csupueblo.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=1086199&site=ehost-live&scope=site.http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-communism-and-marxism/http://flowpsychology.com/10-marxism-strengths-and-weaknesses/http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/marx.HTMLhttps://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Base-superstructure_Dialectic.pnghttps://thecharnelhouse.org/tag/modernity/https://www.britannica.com/biography/Friedrich-Engels

      use APA style for references

    1. I would love to see the app bring in geography in some way, in order to emphasize local community. If you tag the location of your action, you can then leverage data to show what people are doing all around you. For example – imagine being able to check out your local park and see all the actions people have made towards positive goals there.

      Love the map mashup idea. (übernommen aus Reaktion 1 von Brad F.)

    1. Musk has made clear his near-term goal is is to drop the launch costs to 10% of the current costs, with a longer-term goal of dropping the launch price tag to 1%. If successful, a launch that costs $62 million in 2016 will eventually be $620,000.

      He is definitely smart enough to invent something like this but it will take some years. He is doing the same thing with Tesla. They are expensive cars but his goal is for them to be affordable for everone

    1. In addition, the reference should also include “[dataset]” within the reference citation so that it becomes easily recognizablewithin the production process. This additional tag will not be visible within the reference list of the article.

      Articles should be tagged as data set (not visible in reference list)

    1. we may have to think hard about how online speech can be free – including free as in beer (provided without a monetary cost) or as in kittens (requiring ongoing care)

      Again, I have difficulty with the underlying naivete of this article. There isn't anything that is truly free, especially not "free" beer or "free" kittens (or cute animals of any sort) or free news or free media. Somebody pays for it, one way or another. That "free" beer usually comes with a price tag: cover or door charge (minimum menu purchase); that "free" kitten requires food, care, vet bills, etc. I suggest that we start with defining exactly what we mean by "free" online speech and for what purpose(s) we want to support it and how much it will actually cost in terms of funding (hosting servers), managing (controlling/tracking/indexing) the posts (and archives), and to whom the participants are accountable.

    1. “Conceptually, you could get data about your health, you could get data about your whereabouts, how often you're working, how long you're working, if you're taking toilet breaks and things like that.”

      Oh come on.

      Yes, theoretically you could make an implanted device, of some kind, that can do this. But that's not even close to the same thing as saying that this particular device can do this. Which it can't. It's a NFC tag with no ability to measure or influence the body it's implanted into.

    1. People stink at tagging. They often forget.

      I don't think it's just forgetfulness. Tagging requires exact resolution of an idea to a tag. But when doing exploratory reading, deciding on the correct tag to use is often difficult and time-consuming (and rarely consistent across time).

      A tag recommender would be a cool extension.

  9. Mar 2017
    1. Since most core functionality was solidly in place by this time, it became possible to squash larger numbers of site-wide bugs by relating them to the current sprint’s stories.

      Not sure I understand how this would work. Obviously if there are open issues related to issues that is fine but you can't just tag unrelated work onto an existing ticket.

    1. In most systems, gentilic nouns not identified as such in the Hebrew, but only in Aramaic. See the gentilic adjective.

      Q: did we tag any Hebrew nouns as "gentilic" in our parsing system? If not, should we delete this entry?

    1. Top tags 50

      Filter your annotations by tag. Or, search by any field or keyword in the search bar.

    1. eliminated swings from their playgrounds, along with merry-go-rounds, tube slides, track rides, arch climbers and teeter-totters

      And tag? Recess would not be useful if there is nothing to do

    1. sfdsf dsfdsf ds

      this is my first tag


    1. Who am I? I am "doing" French history.

      This is fascinating! What an excellent articulation of the self. I'm willing to bet that I'm going to be using the "embodiment" tag a fair number of times in this text, and this is a great place to start.

      Here, Cixous is already recognizing that her "self" is at least partly a racially, historically, and politically situated body. Simply by being the rhetor she is, she is actively "doing" French history by participating in the public sphere. It may not have been as dangerous for her as it was for Douglass or Palmer or Stewart, but much of what she had to say was still revolutionary, and her body is an important part of that revolutionary performance.

    1. d.

      cite source. Use parenthetical citations for all information learned from other sources. the lead in/tag format is most useful. [X explains that . . . . (21).

    1. I would like to see a few changes on this page:

      1. every summary from a secondary source needs to be cited using the lead-in/tag format or the tag only format.

      2. I also think this information is too general and a little misleading. What does Fawcett write about women's roles? How does she set the stage in the work you read? Use quoations, summaries and evidence-based presentation.

    1. home

      Again, I would add a character dialogue tag so we know who's speaking.

    2. You want me to get out and push?

      Excellent taunt. Also: because there is 6 lines that are one line, a single dialogue attribution tag would be helpful right about here.

    1. techniques for efficiency

      I suggest add target="_blank" attribute to the a tag.

      Because the google docs are opening at the same page, it's hard to come back to the reading material.

    1. carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to global warming

      Scientists analyzed this claim and conclude it is completely inconsistent with the science:

      evaluation card

      Find more details in Climate Feedback's analysis of this article

    1. gave $10,000 to conservative activist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, which works closely with Breitbart and is an unofficial arm of the Trump campaign. Ironically, Project Veritas did actually attempt to infiltrate the campaign of rival candidate Hillary Clinton. It successfully infiltrated outside groups aligned with it, secretly recording and then publishing internal campaign details, which Trump used repeatedly on the stump. The tweets come after multiple investigations into Russian interference in the election. The CIA, FBI and National Security Agency concluded that operatives for Russian President Vladimir Putin did intervene during the campaign. Trump’s administration is under mounting pressure over its alleged communications with Russian officials in the weeks before Trump officially entered the White House. National security adviser Michael Flynn was forced to resign just 24 days into the role over allegations that he’d discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with its ambassador in the lead-up to Trump taking office. This week, it was widely reported that Attorney General Jeff Sessions met with Russian officials during the presidential campaign, even though he’d previously denied doing so, under oath, to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Sessions has since recused himself from the Russia investigations. This article has been updated with more details, including comment from Kevin Lewis. Related Coverage White House Weighing Policy Of Separating Mothers And Children Crossing U.S. Border Jeff Sessions Recuses Himself From Russia Investigations Bill Maher Shreds The Media For Praising ‘Defective’ Trump’s Speech To Congress Chelsea Clinton And Kellyanne Conway Share Unlikely Friendly Moment On Twitter Do you have information you want to share with the Huffington Post? 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} buffer += escapeExpression(stack2) + "</div>\n <img src=\""; if (stack2 = helpers.getThumbHref) { stack2 = stack2.call(depth0, {hash:{},data:data}); } else { stack2 = depth0.getThumbHref; stack2 = typeof stack2 === functionType ? stack2.apply(depth0) : stack2; } buffer += escapeExpression(stack2) + "\">\n </a>\n</div>\n"; return buffer; } function program6(depth0,data) { var buffer = "", stack1, stack2; buffer += "\n<div class=\"plr-frame\">\n <a href=\""; if (stack1 = helpers.link) { stack1 = stack1.call(depth0, {hash:{},data:data}); } else { stack1 = depth0.link; stack1 = typeof stack1 === functionType ? stack1.apply(depth0) : stack1; } buffer += escapeExpression(stack1) + "\">\n <div class=\"plr-ad\">\n <div class=\"plr-line\" style=\"text-align:center;\">\n <div class=\"plr-sponsor-name plr-line-text\">" + escapeExpression(((stack1 = ((stack1 = depth0.sponsor),stack1 == null || stack1 === false ? stack1 : stack1.name)),typeof stack1 === functionType ? stack1.apply(depth0) : stack1)) + "</div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"plr-img-wrapper\">\n <div style=\"background: url('"; if (stack2 = helpers.getThumbHref) { stack2 = stack2.call(depth0, {hash:{},data:data}); } else { stack2 = depth0.getThumbHref; stack2 = typeof stack2 === functionType ? stack2.apply(depth0) : stack2; } buffer += escapeExpression(stack2) + "') no-repeat center center;\"></div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"plr-title\">"; if (stack2 = helpers.title) { stack2 = stack2.call(depth0, {hash:{},data:data}); } else { stack2 = depth0.title; stack2 = typeof stack2 === functionType ? stack2.apply(depth0) : stack2; } buffer += escapeExpression(stack2) + "</div>\n </div>\n </a>\n</div>\n"; return buffer; } stack1 = helpers['if'].call(depth0, depth0.ryot, {hash:{},inverse:self.program(3, program3, data),fn:self.program(1, program1, data),data:data}); if(stack1 || stack1 === 0) { return stack1; } else { return ''; } }, }]); window.NATIVEADS_QUEUE.push(["injectCSS", " .plr-frame { box-sizing: content-box; width: 300px; height: 250px; margin: auto; padding-bottom: 20px; padding-top: 30px; background-color: white; 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      There's a lot you can do with 10,000 dollars good for trump for giving back to the community

    1. Instead of <script class="js-hypothes-config" type="application/json"> just use HTML attributes on the embed.js script itself

      I'm not in favor of this because a) I think JSON is a simple and widely understood format and b) There is one clear obvious way of expressing booleans, arrays and nested data structures in JSON, whereas in HTML you have to invent your own way of doing it.

      One additional complication is that although there is a method document.currentScript which code can use to get a reference the <script> tag which caused it to be run, this property is not supported in IE so we'd need a workaround.

    2. And that tag needs to contain valid JSON (which is all too easy to get wrong)

      I'm really not convinced that this is a problem. JSON is ubiquitous, especially in the field of web development. Additionally, we present a helpful error message if the config fails to parse.

    1. Eating with friends and family and not having everyone glued to their smart devices." Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock"...checking up on the latest post that their friend made on Facebook when they're sitting exactly four feet away." - adamrocks84 var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Eating with friends and family and not having everyone glued to their smart devices.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#eating-with-friends-and-family-and-not-having-everyone-glued-to-their-smart-devices-8"; curSlideObj.anchor = "eating-with-friends-and-family-and-not-having-everyone-glued-to-their-smart-devices-8"; curSlideObj.index = 7; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#eating-with-friends-and-family-and-not-having-everyone-glued-to-their-smart-devices-8";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads ="\n\t<div data-bi-ad data-ad-container class=\"ad dfp\" data-adunit=\"desktop\/tech\/sai\/slideshow\" data-authors=\"megan-willett\" data-pagetype=\"slideshow\" data-refresh-frequency=\"4\" data-region=\"Slideshow One Page Ad Desktop\" data-responsive=\"null\" data-sizes=\"970x250,728x90,600x200,600x480,300x250\" data-tag=\"features,reddit,internet,digital-culture,tech-insider\" data-url=\"\/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12\/\" data-views=\"10001-500000\">\n\t<\/div>\n\n\t<script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n\t\t(function() {\n\t\t\t'use strict';\n\t\t\t\/\/ Notify the DFP code that a new ad has just been rendered\n\t\t\tamplify.publish('adRender');\n\t\t}());\n\t<\/script>\n"; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "A certain amount of ignorance." Flickr"Sure, [the internet has] made me more educated about several topics but, in many ways, I feel like I know too much because everything gets posted now." - GirlDontThrowawayMad var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;A certain amount of ignorance.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#a-certain-amount-of-ignorance-9"; curSlideObj.anchor = "a-certain-amount-of-ignorance-9"; curSlideObj.index = 8; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#a-certain-amount-of-ignorance-9";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Everything not being spoiled immediately." Paul Szoldra/Tech Insider- Zandyne var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Everything not being spoiled immediately.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#everything-not-being-spoiled-immediately-10"; curSlideObj.anchor = "everything-not-being-spoiled-immediately-10"; curSlideObj.index = 9; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#everything-not-being-spoiled-immediately-10";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Being able to have debates/discussions without being sh---y to one another." LaVladina/Flickr"Anonymity is a sure-fire way to make anyone act like a childish a--hole in a reasonable discussion." - VheloGrace var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Being able to have debates/discussions without being sh---y to one another.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#being-able-to-have-debatesdiscussions-without-being-sh-y-to-one-another-11"; curSlideObj.anchor = "being-able-to-have-debatesdiscussions-without-being-sh-y-to-one-another-11"; curSlideObj.index = 10; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#being-able-to-have-debatesdiscussions-without-being-sh-y-to-one-another-11";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Enjoying the moment or wanting to do something because it's fun." Flickr / JasonParis"People seem like they just want to do things so they can take pictures with their phones and post to social media. [They] just want to show off to their friends and have everyone look at them and be jealous." - drsquires var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Enjoying the moment or wanting to do something because it's fun.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#enjoying-the-moment-or-wanting-to-do-something-because-its-fun-12"; curSlideObj.anchor = "enjoying-the-moment-or-wanting-to-do-something-because-its-fun-12"; curSlideObj.index = 11; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#enjoying-the-moment-or-wanting-to-do-something-because-its-fun-12";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads ="\n\t<div data-bi-ad data-ad-container class=\"ad dfp\" data-adunit=\"desktop\/tech\/sai\/slideshow\" data-authors=\"megan-willett\" data-pagetype=\"slideshow\" data-refresh-frequency=\"4\" data-region=\"Slideshow One Page Ad Desktop\" data-responsive=\"null\" data-sizes=\"970x250,728x90,600x200,600x480,300x250\" data-tag=\"features,reddit,internet,digital-culture,tech-insider\" data-url=\"\/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12\/\" data-views=\"10001-500000\">\n\t<\/div>\n\n\t<script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n\t\t(function() {\n\t\t\t'use strict';\n\t\t\t\/\/ Notify the DFP code that a new ad has just been rendered\n\t\t\tamplify.publish('adRender');\n\t\t}());\n\t<\/script>\n"; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Mix tapes." ramsey everydaypants/Flickr "Like the cassettes. I would sit [for] hours in front of the radio, wait[ing] for just the right song to come on and then [I would] hit record." - rubaduck   var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Mix tapes.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#mix-tapes-13"; curSlideObj.anchor = "mix-tapes-13"; curSlideObj.index = 12; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#mix-tapes-13";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "My work ethic." Adikos/Flickr"90% of my internet use at work is not business related, and those hours cannot be made up. I am not as productive as I once was, and I'm lucky I own the place. Otherwise I'd fire [myself]." - Scrappy_Laue var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;My work ethic.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#my-work-ethic-14"; curSlideObj.anchor = "my-work-ethic-14"; curSlideObj.index = 13; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#my-work-ethic-14";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Kids playing outside a lot more." Shutterstock"Neighborhoods are ghost towns now.” - El_Frijol var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Kids playing outside a lot more.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#kids-playing-outside-a-lot-more-15"; curSlideObj.anchor = "kids-playing-outside-a-lot-more-15"; curSlideObj.index = 14; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#kids-playing-outside-a-lot-more-15";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "I miss my attention span." Reuters/Phil Noble- addywoot var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;I miss my attention span.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#i-miss-my-attention-span-16"; curSlideObj.anchor = "i-miss-my-attention-span-16"; curSlideObj.index = 15; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#i-miss-my-attention-span-16";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads ="\n\t<div data-bi-ad data-ad-container class=\"ad dfp\" data-adunit=\"desktop\/tech\/sai\/slideshow\" data-authors=\"megan-willett\" data-pagetype=\"slideshow\" data-refresh-frequency=\"4\" data-region=\"Slideshow One Page Ad Desktop\" data-responsive=\"null\" data-sizes=\"970x250,728x90,600x200,600x480,300x250\" data-tag=\"features,reddit,internet,digital-culture,tech-insider\" data-url=\"\/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12\/\" data-views=\"10001-500000\">\n\t<\/div>\n\n\t<script type=\"text\/javascript\">\n\t\t(function() {\n\t\t\t'use strict';\n\t\t\t\/\/ Notify the DFP code that a new ad has just been rendered\n\t\t\tamplify.publish('adRender');\n\t\t}());\n\t<\/script>\n"; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Serendipity." flequi/Flickr"Running into friends you hadn't seen in a long time, and having a great time without planning it all out. Flipping through the channels one by one, and something catches your attention that you would never watch using a guide." - Piktoggle var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Serendipity.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#serendipity-17"; curSlideObj.anchor = "serendipity-17"; curSlideObj.index = 16; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#serendipity-17";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Writing." Flickr/daniel sandoval"I used to write when I was bored. Now it's a lot harder to be bored, so I have to actively choose to sit down and write, which means that I write less and there's less variety in topic/format." - laidymondegreen var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Writing.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#writing-18"; curSlideObj.anchor = "writing-18"; curSlideObj.index = 17; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#writing-18";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "Privacy!" Shutterstock"Have you ever googled your full name and city/state/location? It's insane how much personal information you can find about yourself online if you know how to search for it." - Whatsamattahere var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;Privacy!&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#privacy-19"; curSlideObj.anchor = "privacy-19"; curSlideObj.index = 18; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#privacy-19";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); "My innocence." Shutterstock- ParkourPants var curSlideObj = {}; curSlideObj.title = "&quot;My innocence.&quot;"; curSlideObj.postTitle = "People on Reddit reveal what they miss most about life before the internet"; curSlideObj.url = "http://www.businessinsider.com/what-do-you-miss-about-life-before-the-internet-2015-12/#my-innocence-20"; curSlideObj.anchor = "my-innocence-20"; curSlideObj.index = 19; curSlideObj.embeds = {}; curSlideObj.slideShareButtonsEnabled = true; curSlideObj.name ="/#my-innocence-20";curSlideObj.embeds =[];curSlideObj.html ="";curSlideObj.ads =""; BI.vaop.push(curSlideObj); SEE ALSO: Russia is threatening to ban Reddit More: Features Reddit Internet Digital Culture Tech Insider facebook linkedin twitter email print window._taboola = window._taboola || []; _taboola.push({mode:'thumbs-1r', container:'taboola-below-main-column', placement:'below-main-column'}); ×     by Taboola by Taboola Sponsored Links Sponsored Links Promoted Links Promoted Links Recommended from the WebEverQuote Insurance QuotesSan Jose, California: This Brilliant Company Is Disrupting a $1…EverQuote Insurance QuotesUndoHome ChefSan Jose: This Meal Service is Cheaper Than Your Local StoreHome ChefUndoFree Solar EnergyThere Is a No Cost Solar Program in California? 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      This would be a good thing to talk about in the interview, this seems to be a major difference. It isn't so much a problem in many situations but when trying to have a family event it can prevent people from connecting in real life.

    1. PubChem implements both manual and automated processes

      If a Legacy tag doesn't neccesarily mean the content is outdated, no longer relevant or erroneous, how can its application to compounds reliably be automated? How often are contributions that are perfectly valid and current marked Legacy due to their vendors not updating Pubchem? Michael

    2. If a data contributor is designated as “legacy”, all records deposited by the contributor are also designated as “legacy”. 

      Are their cost implications for vendors regarding the legacy tag for their submissions? Michael

    1. Unlike her musical counterpart, the original poster of Rosie the Riveter did not attempt to motivate or empower female workers.

      Was there one big piece of propaganda used to tag along with our songs? There were no images inside the book

  10. Feb 2017
    1. For my supplemental text I choose to read "The College Amenities Arms Race" by Cara Newlon. More specifically, I selected this article, because the title somewhat stunned me but also resonated with my thinking.

      The article begins with a list of relatively luxurious amenities recently add to some college campuses including "free movies [theaters]", "leisure [pools] with biometric hand scanners", and "climbing [walls] to make exercise interesting". As the article mentions, this may sound like an extravagant getaway, but it is becoming increasingly more common for college campus to possess such amenities or amenities of the same nature. As one might expect, this amenities come with a hefty price tag. In fact, "costs have been on the rise" following the depression, creating an atmosphere of competition between colleges' possession of amenities. However, as Newlon states "some of this construction has been necessary", due to an increase in enrollment.

      This students are much different from the students of the past. They are a product of the amenities "arm race" and not only look for, but almost expect, such amenities to be provided. Although, these added amenities due contribute to the looming debt students face as they exit college and enter into the real world. Students, however, are willing to pay such high prices, which entices colleges to add amenities as a savvy "business decision". And so due to the encouraging business model, colleges continue to invest and compete by adding more and more amenities to catch future students' eyes.

      I feel that this article relates to the main text, because the race for luxurious amenities somewhat takes away from the importance of incorporating nature into the academic environment. On a more obvious level, the amenities must be built on land that was previously unoccupied. This means that natural space is being taken away or at the very least diminished. Furthermore, such amenities promote activities outside of nature in man-made structures. In the same regard, this also diminishes the restorative property of nature for students. Overall, the amenities take away from what nature can offer. If thinking from the perspective of the article, is the business appeal of adding such amenities worth the potential health and happiness of college students?

      Newlon, Cara. "The College Amenities Arms Race." Forbes, 31 July 2014, https://www.forbes.com/sites/caranewlon/2014/07/31/the-college-amenities-arms-race/#73afd2bd4883. Retrieved 19 February 2017.

    1. Across the United States, test publishers, software companies, and virtual charter school companies moved rapidly to sell pressured schools, districts, and states the products that they needed to comply with NCLB, frequently at a high price tag.

      Thus removing the ability of controling assessment from education experts in schools and giving it to large corporations

    1. He is unique because he has limitless resources, he has the resources of this entire community here. Investigation reveals that he can tag resources from Pakistan as well

      Unique case

    1. Sharing Tags By default, the git push command doesn’t transfer tags to remote servers. You will have to explicitly push tags to a shared server after you have created them. This process is just like sharing remote branches – you can run git push origin [tagname]. $ git push origin v1.5 Counting objects: 14, done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (12/12), done. Writing objects: 100% (14/14), 2.05 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done. Total 14 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0) To git@github.com:schacon/simplegit.git * [new tag] v1.5 -> v1.5 If you have a lot of tags that you want to push up at once, you can also use the --tags option to the git push command. This will transfer all of your tags to the remote server that are not already there. $ git push origin --tags Counting objects: 1, done. Writing objects: 100% (1/1), 160 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done. Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) To git@github.com:schacon/simplegit.git * [new tag] v1.4 -> v1.4 * [new tag] v1.4-lw -> v1.4-lw Now, when someone else clones or pulls from your repository, they will get all your tags as well.

      how to push tags to origin.

    1. the drunk-driving arrest of Marquette Frye, an African American man in Los Angeles, had sparked six days of rioting in the city, which killed 34 people, injured 1,000 more, and caused tens of millions of dollars in property damage

      The so-called Watts riots. More background here at Publishing the Long Civil Rights Movement.

    1. The text contained in the <title> HTML tag and the PageRank value of each page are the only metadata that Google seems to use to any meaningful and consistent extent in providing its search service

      Are you sure about this?

      https://twitter.com/valexiev1/status/833559734544453633 seems to question this statement – and I would think Google uses the embedded metadata that they help 'standardise' at http://schema.org.

    1. (his right hand was broken in a brawl at a meeting in Indiana and never healed prop· erly),

      One of the things I note with embodied rhetoric is that Douglass and the abolitionists weren't the first movement to face physical violence for their beliefs, but they were a movement where physical violence could not be distanced from their advocacy. Douglass not only uses his scars as a rhetorical tool, that scarring is significant to the construction of his own identity. I'm looking to Harriet Wilson's Our Nig, particularly at the end where the protagonist, Frado, contrasts herself against her husband, a fugitive slave who's touring the abolitionist lecture circuit, and notes his "back showed no marks of the lash, erect as if it never crouched beneath a burden." The scars of slavery aren't just a demonstration of his condition, they're a part of how his identity was formed.

    1. Tag. Referring to any child as it is demeaning and hurtful.Instead of the child hollering, "You're it!" we recommend,"You're special!"

      (S) This is too much. I don't think minor things like that can hurt someone (unless someone is really mentally unstable)

      (C) The fun of games, is that they are a challenge, and that it is difficult to complete. That is why you feel special when you win. Taking the challenge away, ruins the fun.

    2. Human targets? What's tag? What's a snowball fight? What's aclose play at second?

      (A) Where's the fun?

    1. military conflict capturing troops or a leader do not necessarily mean victory

      Go seems to be more focused on finding and controlling tactical positions.

    2. no two games are the same

      So interesting the number of possibilities form a seemingly basic game. I found some calculations of the number of possible legal moves in a game on a 19x19 board at Sensei's Library, an affinity space for Go players. They report that there are 2.082 × 10^170 leagal moves, for me that is mind blowing.

    3. first time player

      Easy to learn; hard to master

    4. Chinese strategy

      I has thought Go was Japanese, thanks for the heads up.

    1. It’s because we can see everyone’s Four Elements

      Clearly, I didn't tag my post correctly because I can't see it here. I typed 4elements into the labels sections on Blogger. I will try again tomorrow in class.

    1. In the United States, automation tools generally have been deployed more aggressively by conservatives, researchers say. Pro-Clinton hashtags, in some cases, got “colonized” by pro-Trump tweets during the election season, according to the paper by Howard and Woolley. And for the third presidential debate, Trump’s supporters — and in some cases, likely bots — began tweeting the “#TrumpWon” hashtag a half-hour before the event began.

      Tag Colonization

    1. A well chosen tag prompts us to think about our own thinking, to reflect upon how it is that one idea is connected to another in our own minds

      Indeed! Thinking about thinking and learning about learning is what Open Learning 17 is about, is it not? To what extent do open web technologies, tagging and collaborative processing of ideas invite us to break open new ways of pursuing and managing learning using tools like Hypothes.is?

    1. Udacity

      Interestingly, as of 5 Feb 2017, the Udacity tag line "Be in Demand" does not appear anywhere on the homepage.

    1. Serious

      In the Rules/Guidelines of /r/AskReddit note --{Serious} Tags-- under the heading Thread Tags

      *Calling attention to the sentence:

      "This tag designates the thread is is applied to as a serious post, off-limits for joke replies and irrelevant or off-topic comments and discussion."

  11. Jan 2017
    1. One idea is that when we encode problematic information as memory, unless we tag it as ‘wrong,’ we might accidentally retrieve that wrong info as real

      This counter strategy may backfires.

    1. narrative games

      Esta es una etiqueta tan amplia que resulta poco interesante. La aventura gráfica bien diseñada utiliza mecanismos muy diferentes a los de otras formas de contar historias que se incluyen en este artículo. Si se meten todos en el mismo saco, no es posible profundizar en la cuestión. De hecho es lo que sucede en el texto, intenta abarcar cosas tan diferentes que deriva en una concatenación de vaguedades.


      This tag is so wide that it is of little interest. Well designed adventure games use much different mechanics than the other storytelling media included in this article. If we put them in the same boat, we cannot talk the matter in depth. That is precisely what happens with this text: it tries to cover things so different that it ends up being vague.

    1. After the French Revolution, this new form of ‘seeing’ afforded physicians and anatomists a more accurate perception and experience of body’s variation allowing them an unparalleled proximity to the ‘truth.’

      Can we perhaps track times that "truth" appears explicitly? I think that might be a useful tag to collect, if we could figure out a way to track all the different invocations of "truth" throughout the semester -- when it appears in scare quotes, when it is capitalized, etc.

      It might turn out to be too big a thing to track, though.

    1. Human targets? What's tag? What's a snowball fight? What's aclose play at second?

      He does a great job here of opening his next paragraph. He keeps his writing interesting, with a good sense of humor.

    2. Referring to any child as it is demeaning and hurtful.

      In games like tag or man from mars, you are often inflicting emotional strain on the child by singling them out in a hurtful way.

    3. What's tag? What's a snowball fight? What's aclose play at second?

      Dodge ball seems like a very violent sport but when you think about it, we do activities for fun everyday that could be just as violent.


      See my "page note" for annotating guidelines--& remember our class tag: p2r2017 (you can go back and add it with the "edit" pencil if you forget!)

    1. In other words, we need to conceive culture and its inno-vations as working bottom up through feedback and feed-forward loops. These loops arenecessarily as bio-materialist as they are social.

      @Kplynch re: our earlier "bottom-up" conversation

      p.s. why can I not tag people on this thing

    1. OER also represents an opportunity to have one's own materials enhanced.

      This document talks about educational resources being "enhanced" but some educators and scholars may worry about their work being misused or modified in inappropriate ways or exploited for commercial gain. In "Forking the Academy", Konrad M. Lawson lists disciplinary and personal obstacles to sharing and collaborating:

      • The Economy of Citations
      • The Taboo of Plagiarism
      • The Cult of Originality
      • The Brick in the Wall
      • The Fear of Transparency
      • The Incompleteness Aversion
      • The Stolen Idea
      • The Fear of Misuse

      Read Lawson's ProfHacker series on GitHub for more on how scholars and educators can collaborate on open resources.

    1. “It’s hard to know what could possibly reconcile a history like this,” he said. “What can you do to make amends?”

      That is very true, you can't put a price tag on everything.

    1. This short biographical encyclopedia essay is the counterpoint to the Byron movie; both are part of what I will call the “myth” of Lord Byron. Both are part of the conversation about him, his image, his reputation...

      This essay is roughly twenty years old. Its author, Leslie Marchand, is also the author of the “standard” 3-volume biography of Byron (“standard” meaning accepted by most/many specialists as the best existing biography): he’s a renowned scholar. Of course, this doesn't mean he will have a "neutral" attitude towards Byron...

      If possible, I want you to link your annotations to places in the text where this version and the BBC biopic version of Byron's life seem significantly different; or where the movie treats a particular moment in a manner you think worthy of commenting on.

      You may also make general comments (do the two versions seem to “match”?), using the "Page Note" setting, if you have a point that does not naturally link to any specific text.

      This is the first time we've used Hypothes.is, so part of what we're doing here is practicing with the interface. Be sure to "post to public" (either right away, or reset "only me" annotations after rereading/editing). Remember: you can reply to existing annotations!And please use our course tag (see below): you can add tags after the initial post by editing as well...

    1. Browser software may ignore this tag.

      This is genius! Innovations and standards can live together on the web.