298 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2020
    1. Free data-driven attribution model Use Google’s advanced machine learning to more accurately distribute credit to all ad clicks that led to a conversion

      In other words, "just trust us" to magically figure it all out.

      I'd trust you more if you explained more about how do it. Maybe if I clicked "Learn more"?

    1. Privacy Can Be Complicated. Let Osano Make It Simple
    2. quantum blockchain

      Do they really use a quantum blockchain? What exactly do they mean by that? Probably just a buzzword they're using to attract interest but aren't actually meaning literally.

    3. Did the marketing team create a new landing page that isn't searchable? Osano is aware of hidden pages and keeps you in the loop about what is loaded where – everywhere on your site.

      How would it "know" about hidden pages unless the site owner told them about their existence? (And if that is the case, how is this anything that Osano can claim as a feature or something that they do?) If it is truly hidden, then a conventional bot/spider wouldn't find it by following links.

    1. But good copywriting starts with listening to your clients and stealing their words.Yes, that’s it. Stealing.
    1. You know the type of testimonials that sound like they’re written by a marketer? The sugar-coated words that tell you how wonderful, amazing, and super-perfect a service or product is?Do you think anyone believes these fantastic testimonials? Well?
    2. But a subtle call-to-action gives people an excuse not to do as you ask. Starting a call-to-action with if, is the best way to give people an excuse. Be bossy and tell people exactly what you expect them to do.
    3. ask yourself for each sentence: what does this mean? If you can’t come up with a specific answer immediately, then cut or rephrase until your text is concrete and meaningful.
    4. Marketing drivel seems hard to avoid. Most websites are full of it.A dash of sleaziness sneaks into your copy without you noticing it. Creepiness crawls into your brochure just because you couldn’t find the right words.
    5. And when you talk to potential customers on the phone, you sound genuine, helpful, and frank. No fluff. No marketing drivel.
    1. Part of the problem of social media is that there is no equivalent to the scientific glassblowers’ sign, or the woodworker’s open door, or Dafna and Jesse’s sandwich boards. On the internet, if you stop speaking: you disappear. And, by corollary: on the internet, you only notice the people who are speaking nonstop.

      This quote comes from a larger piece by Robin Sloan. (I don't know who that is though)

      The problem with social media is that the equivalent to working with the garage door open (working in public) is repeatedly talking in public about what you're doing.

      One problem with this is that you need to choose what you want to talk about, and say it. This emphasizes whatever you select, not what would catch a passerby's eye.

      The other problem is that you become more visible by the more you talk. Conversely, when you stop talking, you become invisible.

    1. Gentics Mesh is your friendly, enterprise-grade, open-source headless CMS To be honest, it’s more than that: it’s your application development platform to develop your websites, your IoT applications, your mobile apps, your smart devices and your digital signage solutions. With its best-in-class APIs, a complete feature list and great documentation, you’ll get your projects done successfully in less time, no matter which technology you prefer.
    1. Frequently Asked Questions What's this? It's a free game from your friends at Humble Bundle! Are you sure it isn't a mistake? It's not a mistake. Some companies spend money on Super Bowl ads or billboards. We'd rather spend it supporting game developers and getting you an awesome game for free. But there has to be a catch, right? No catch! The game is yours to keep and play forever. Just be sure to redeem your free game before the expiration time. What about the developers? Are they getting paid? Of course! We work closely with developers to bring you free games. They 100% approve, and are happy for you to play their game! Sounds good! Is there anything I can do to repay such kindness? Sure! You can keep scrolling down this page to check out some of the other deals we're offering. Interesting, do you have any specific recommendations? Glad you asked. We're excited about all the deals we offer, but Humble Choice is a favorite. For only $19.99/month, you get over $200 in total value. Does all of this actually work? If we squint at a spreadsheet, fudge some numbers, and add some hope, it sort of makes sense. But it really helps if you buy something eventually, so we can keep justifying throwing away all this money on getting you free games.
  2. Apr 2020
    1. Duygusal Pazarlama Süreci Duygusal pazarlama, kitleleri markalarla kişisel ve insani bir şekilde bağlayan bir hikaye anlatır. Yeni medya kanalları, cihazları ve platformları ortaya çıktıkça, insanların marka öykülerine bolca erişebilmelerini sağlıyorlar. Dahası, şirketlerin duygusal kimliklerini daha basit hale getirerek kimliklerini ve vizyonlarını aktarmaları için birçok yol var.
    1. Dijital Pazarlama ve Empati Dijital pazarlamadaki hedef kitlenizin tıpkı sizin gibi insanlar tarafından oluştuğunu düşünürseniz sizden ne bekleyeceklerini, ne isteyeceklerini ve nasıl harekete geçeceklerini anlayabilirsiniz. Bu yüzden bu yazımızda pazarlama stratejinize empatiyi nasıl yerleştirmeniz gerektiğini ele alıyoruz.
  3. Mar 2020
    1. Imagine an associate with a photographic memory and excellent pattern recognition who digested and analyzed millions of cases. Would you want that associate working for you for less than the price of one typical billable hour every month?
    1. Another nice SQL script paired with CRON jobs was the one that reminded people of carts that was left for more than 48 hours. Select from cart where state is not empty and last date is more than or equal to 48hrs.... Set this as a CRON that fires at 2AM everyday, period with less activity and traffic. People wake up to emails reminding them about their abandoned carts. Then sit watch magic happens. No AI/ML needed here. Just good 'ol SQL + Bash.

      Another example of using SQL + CRON job + Bash to remind customers of cart that was left (again no ML needed here)

    2. I will write a query like select from order table where last shop date is 3 or greater months. When we get this information, we will send a nice "we miss you, come back and here's X Naira voucher" email. The conversation rate for this one was always greater than 50%.

      Sometimes SQL is much more than enough (you don't need ML)

  4. Feb 2020
    1. How to Build an Effective Marketing Strategy for Your Business?EveryDesignsFeb 17 · 4 min readHaving an effective marketing strategy is very important for your business. Marketing is a tool that has the potential of growing your business exponentially. In an effort to outrank competitors, the business tries to plan a marketing strategy that exceeds the marketing budget for your brand.As a strategic planner, you would want to have a strategy that helps your business in gaining potential clients, therefore, we bring you the best marketing strategy for your business-Top 5 Effective Marketing Strategy for Your BusinessFor any business, there are many different channels to market their business. Every business uses these channels differently, but there are some channels that are supposed to be the best and give the best ROI. The following are the top 5 best marketing strategies for your business-Content MarketingBill Gates, one of the richest men on the globe, said: “Content is King”. Content marketing is a relatively new marketing strategy that uses content that provides value to the user.This type of marketing involves creating and sharing content like a blog, video, social media post, and other helpful content. By sharing this content, your business can expand its approach and brand your business.Since this type of marketing involves content creating and sharing you would need to focus more on content quality over content quantity. One viral post is enough for your brand to kickstart your business.Photo by Kaleidico on UnsplashIf you are a startup and do not have a team that can produce quality content, you can outsource or hire a freelancer to do that. You need a content writer to produce content and graphic design services that can produce good graphics to support your content.Email MarketingEmail Marketing is a method of sending business emails and emails about your business to your customers. Sending emails to clients with discounts, blog posts, and promotional emails to the clients to help your customers to find your services again.If you have their email with you then it is them who put it there, therefore, you surely know that they are interested in your services. You can target them again and again until you sell them.Photo by Webaroo on UnsplashIf you have already made a sale with them, then you can re-target them with an offer. So, email marketing is the best method to make your business grow.Use User-Generated ContentUser-generated content is content-generated by your customers. Online platforms like social media, review platforms, websites are one of the most used platforms by people.You can use review, blog, video, etc. generated by your customers to feature it on your social media or on your blog platform.There are a lot of benefits when it comes to using this type of approach. You can get content and your customers would feel appreciated for you featuring their content.This way you can get loyal customers for life and the customers who see the featured content themselves would generate this type of content in expectation of getting featured. You can repeat this step with as many customers as you can.Influencer MarketingInfluencers are people who have a good social media reach. You can partner with influencers in your field and get their audience to see your business. The influencer’s audience trusts the influencer and you can dwell on this feature and have them recommend your product. In exchange, you can provide money, discounts, free products, etc.Digital MarketingDigital marketing is the best marketing field for customers. The online world is an ever-expanding world with a lot of potential. People spend hours online on social media and Google, whenever you need to search anything, you simply search it on Google. Isn’t it?You just need a website design with good UX/UI and you are good. You can use digital marketing to market your business online and build an online store or service business.The importance of digital marketing is of primordial importance in this era as most of the business has already turned online, therefore, you should also.ConclusionFor an effective marketing strategy, you must plan your way out. You can use these channels to market your business but, you should never be limited to these channels. There are a lot of other channels where you can find potential customers.Marking StrategyEffective Marketing

      Marketing strategy is essential for business growth, therefore having a marketing strategy improves your business, this guide helps your business.

    1. Top 10 Important Online Marketing Tools for Entrepreneurs 4.0 Thank you for your rating! Why not leave a message? Any additional feedback or questions are welcome below. Your Name Your Email Address Phone Number Message the Author Cancel By Shiv | Contact Author less than a minute ago Marketing tools are like a helping hand for many entrepreneurs. As time is money using online marketing tools make your job easy and fast and also saves money. Marketing tools are like a helping hand that makes your job so easy. These tools are designed in such a way that it saves you time, effort and money. Apart from finding customers, one of the most difficult problems faced by entrepreneurs is to save time and manage cash flow. Using tools for marketing your business ensures you meet your goal on time. Here are the top 10 most important online marketing tools for entrepreneurs- Hubspot- Inbound Marketing Tool If you want to buy one tool to grow your business exponentially, this is the tool you should buy. Hubspot offers an inbound marketing tool that promises you with attracting leads, converting them and closing the deal. This tool acts as a funnel for your business that narrows downs your audience into your customers and finally generates revenue out of them. You can get started using the Hubspot tool with just $113 per month. You can also get online tutorials on how to use Hubspot tools online or you can always call or email their support team to help you out. Freelancing Graphic Design Platform by EveryDesigns Marketing is impossible without good designs. In marketing, we have a lot of promotional content that uses heavy design work to attract customers. We, humans, are visual animals and it is easier to influence us visually rather than any other means. You can use the EveryDesigns platform to get designs for your business. It is a one-stop destination for your business to get any graphic design services. The innovation that they offer in their services is by organizing a contest for your designs where multiple designers work from around the world. You choose the best design submitted by designers and pay for only that design. You get multiple design options to choose from, along with a 100% money-back guarantee. MailChimp- Email Marketing MailChimp is the best tool when it comes to email marketing. As an entrepreneur, you know how important email marketing is. If you strategize your email marketing outreach, you can attract very valuable customers to your business website. The best part is that it provides some of its features for free, which is enough for a startup or small business to get started and if you want to buy the paid version, then it is as low as $10 per month. Zoom- Conference Meeting Tool Zoom is a web as well as an app-based conference meeting organization tool that helps you in connecting with different team members throughout the world. You can also use this tool to organize a webinar and post it on youtube by recording it. You can pretty much do anything, it is a better version of skype where you can whiteboard as well. The basic version can be used for free and the paid version with pro features starets at $20 for each member. Klusster- Publication Community Kluster is a tool used by digital marketers to spread content and attract customers to their website. Kluster offers a platform to publish content written by you and promote business. As an entrepreneur, you should understand the importance of the backlink for your website. Klusster is one such platform providing quality publications for businesses. The best part it's free. Grammarly-Content Optimization Tool As a marketer or entrepreneur, you know the power of content marketing. It is the most powerful way of branding your business. Creating content can be tough but, the most important thing is creating grammatically correct content. That’s where Grammarly comes and saves the day. It automatically suggests your corrections for every mistake you made. The basic version is free and the paid version with advanced features is $30. You can really see the difference in your writing after using Grammarly. Zoho Social-Social Media Marketing Tool Social media is a platform that has numerous potential and if you are not using social media then you are missing out on a huge opportunity. There are around 4.3 billion social media users and the primary rule of business is where there are people, there is business. Zoho Social is a social media management tool that helps you in promoting your business on multiple social media channels. You can use different channels like Facebook, Twitter Instagram, etc. and post your content, images using one app. UberSuggest- Digital Marketing Tool UberSuggest is a free digital marketing tool provided by Neil Patel Digital. This tool is best for a digital marketer who does not want to spend a big amount of money on buying digital marketing tools. This tool is very easy to use and offers many features that are enough for you to get started with your website’s SEO. Yoast SEO- WordPress Plugin for SEO Yoast SEO is a plugin that you can install on your WordPress site. This tool is a well-researched tool that recommends you SEO corrections that you should make in order to rank your website for specific keywords. It is the best on-page SEO management tool and comes with a one-time price tag of $89 for one website. You can also subscribe to their service starting from $19 per month where you get all the premium features with multiple plugins in one. If you do not want to buy Yoast SEO Plugin then you can also use the free version of the plugin but it is recommended that you should use the premium version if you want to stay ahead off of your competitors. Google- Search Engine & Other Tools You heard it right. Google is a tool that everyone uses and earlier in this post, I’ve said where there are people there is business, therefore, you should also use it. Google's market share when it comes to search engines is 80-90%. As an entrepreneur, you should aim for ranking your website higher in the high volume search keywords. To do that, you would need your website to be optimized according to the Google guidelines and recommendations. Google Offers multiple tools like search console, analytics, tag manager, etc to manage and optimize your website. You should use these tools to make your website better. Conclusion You can use these tools to have leverage over your competitors and quickly increase sales for your business. You are an entrepreneur and time is money for you, therefore, you should use these tools to save time and money. Comment below, what tool are you using to manage your business along with pricing and if you are using any of the above-mentioned tools, tell us your experience. Tags marketing tools / List of best marketing tools

      Marketing tools are like a helping hand for many entrepreneurs. As time is money using online marketing tools make your job easy and fast and also saves money. Top 10 Important Online Marketing Tools for Entrepreneurs

    1. Get the complete Freshdesk feature list in your mail box The complete feature list is an excel sheet containing generic helpdesk features and features specific to each support channel Freshdesk has.

      Why do they want to send it to my mail box instead of just letting me download directly?

    2. Start your 21-day free trial. No credit card required. No strings attached.
  5. Jan 2020
    1. 15 Best Marketing Tools to Increase your Sales Whether it’s a small business or an enterprise, every business needs to have its marketing game on point. Big businesses invest heavily in marketing and promoting their products on various platforms but, a small business cannot afford big marketing budgets. This article lists best marketing tools By Jenny Targa13th Jan 20200:00/15:0323 claps+20 Share on23 claps+20 Share onShare onWhether it’s a small business or an enterprise, every business needs to have its marketing game on point.Big businesses invest heavily in marketing and promoting their products on various platforms like Google, social media, banner ads, etc. but, a small business that cannot afford big marketing budget hence, lacks behind and fails.Did you know around 90% of the startup fails within the first year of establishment? Do you know why?Well, there are lots of variable factors that result in business failures but one of the major ones is marketing. Marketing is all about running the right campaign based on the products, audience, and channel.To make your campaign optimized and organized you need to have the right tools. In this article, we will provide you with an 18+ marketing tool that will definitely increase your sales.Content Generation Tool“Content is King”You've got to have the best content to see business growth. Whether it’s Google or your customers, everyone expects content that helps them in solving their problems. If you can solve someone's problems, then you are most likely to make him your customer for life.To generate content that helps your customers in solving problems, you need to find the problem first. So, the following tool helps you in creating the best content-Google Google is the most used search engine in the world with 80-85% of market share. Ranking your website for keywords helps you in increasing sales.What do you do when you want to buy or search for something?Google it!But, how Google will help you in creating content that ranks and viewers find interesting?Google can help you in finding the topics or problems people are facing related to your industry. You can then create content like articles, videos, etc. solving that issue. Simple, isn’t it?Just put in the keyword related to your industry and you can get various topics to write about from the suggestion section as well as on auto-fill keywords. People are searching for all these keywords and questions.For example- Search for the keyword “How to start a business” on google.comYou’ll notice Google is providing you with auto refill options. All of these can be your potential content topics.When you scroll down you’ll notice there are few suggestions provided by Google, they are your content topic.And hey, it’s FreeGoogle TrendsGoogle Trends is yet another amazing product that is free and provides you with some amazing results. They are best if you want to find out what is trending and where is it trending.If your customers are from specific demographics like the US, Google Trends can give you location-specific results related to your industry. You can create content specific to that region.You can use related queries or interests by region to create a specific topic for your content. The content created not only ranks for the keyword for a specific region but also brings relevant traffic to your site.EveryDesigns When you are creating content or marketing your business you need to have graphic design services. Around 80-90% of all the people are visual meaning creating a moving design can influence the viewer in buying your products.EveryDesigns provides the best designs by organizing a design contest. You just have to provide the brief and you will receive different concepts crafted by multiple designers.You can then select your favorite design and pay for only that design. It’s the world's easiest way of getting the design, isn’t it?BuzzSumoBuzzSumo helps you in generating ideas, high-quality content, track performance, and identify influencers to promote your content.The above dashboard shows you the engagement with a variety of filters to narrow down your analytics. You can use this data to create content that gets engagement as well as social signals.You can also use this tool to find the best social media channels to get your content shared and increase engagement.Content Optimization ToolNow, you have created high-quality content that not only ranks but also engages your visitors. But, it is important for optimizing content for grammatical errors, keyword density, and other important optimization. The following tools can help you in optimizing your content.GrammarlyGrammarly can help you in removing any grammatical errors and provide you with replacement words. Grammarly also provides you with a content score that can make your job easy. Higher the score better than the content.  You also get to find whether it is engaging or boring based on the writing tone. If you want to make your writing your English professor then you got to have Grammarly.It is free as well as pro versions, you can for free if you are on a budget but, if you have bucks and find a grammar correction tool then this is it.Yoast SEO PluginYoast is an SEO plugin that helps you optimize your on-page SEO. If you use WordPress as your website CMS then this must be your go-to plugin. Yoast not only helps you in writing title, description but also helps in optimizing content by scoring content based on a variety of SEO factors.If everything is green like the title, description, Yoast Analysis then you are good to go, but if you find something in red or orange then improve that factor by highlighting it, until it turns green.Website ManagementHaving an online presence is important nowadays, and what is the best way to be online then having a website?A website helps your business in getting more customers and creating a global presence. If you have a website then you must require a website management tool. The following are the tools that can help in managing your website-WordPressWebsite management is the basic requirement that every business having a website needs. Using a CMS like WordPress can help you in making your job easy.You do not need to learn the programming language to work on WordPress. There are different plugins that help your website from the functioning part and you can use page builders to drag and drop.You can even use WordPress to build your own e-commerce website. About half the websites use WordPress to operate their website.Email MarketingIf you ask me, email marketing is the best way of getting quality sales. You only get those mail ids who are interested in your product. Everyone is not your customer and email marketing funnels downs only your customers.Using this method of marketing, people will visit your website regularly, which sends a good signal to Google and affects your ranking positively. The following are the best tools that you can use for marketing your brand via email-MailChimpMailChimp is one of the well-known email marketing tool that powers hundreds of webmasters in powering their marketing campaigns. The best part is it's free and comes with enough features to make small business.When you start to get more customer base then you can use their paid plan which is as low as $9, Cheap marketing tool isn’t it?HubspotHubspot is not just an email marketing tool but a group of inbound marketing tools that consist of conversational bots, email marketing, and other tools.These tools are designed specifically to create a marketing funnel that drives your customers through various stages of sales. These stages as defined by Hubspot are Attract, Engage, and Delight.Hubspot has free as well as paid software. You can start with the free version and eventually when your business starts getting bigger, you can purchase the paid version to increase the functionality of the software.Social Media MarketingSocial media is one of the biggest channels that has the potential of making or breaking your brand image. The daily visitor count on social media websites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter is in millions, which makes it a potential source for brands to increase their customer engagement strategies.Tracking social media signals from users will ensure that your products or services are indeed perceived as good. If you find people posting a negative review for your service or product quality, you can quickly get into damage control and prevent spoiling the brand image.The tool that can help you in tracking, optimizing and using social media to its full potential is as follows-MeetEdgarMeetEdgar is a social media marketing tool that takes your social media campaign to auto-pilot. The biggest challenge that comes when handling a social media account is finding the relevant content, optimizing it and posting the content. You have to repeat the same process on different social media accounts. This is a lot of work.Tools like MeetEdgar automate these processes and speed up your campaign. There is an A/B testing option, tracking and unlimited library of content, so you don’t have to worry about producing the content yourself.The first month is free so you can try their service and if you find yourself liking the product then it is the best option for you to handle your social media channel.Crowdfire AppCrowdfire App is a software that helps you compile content to post on your social media account. The algorithm helps the user in finding the relevant content based on your niche.It assists you in optimizing your social media, it is a very powerful tool for handling your social media account. There are free as well as paid versions available in the market. The real potential of your social media can be utilized when you get the paid version of the app.Statistics Tracking ToolsStatistics or Data is the most important part of any marketing campaign. Data-driven marketing helps in keeping track of what you did right and what you did wrong?Planning different strategies and organizing different campaigns for your business can be overwhelming for you to track and certainly impossible.Data collection tools help you in tracking your progress and ranking your various campaigns. The tools that are best at tracking your data are as follows-Google Analytics & Search ConsoleGoogle Analytics & Search Console are free tools that help you in tracking your website visitors. These tools have become a marketing standard for every website.These tools are designed to provide data on user activity and engagements within your website as well as Google. The basic difference between search console and analytics is, the search console provides the data on the website performance on Google whereas analytics provides website performance on the visitor side.CrazzyEggCrazzyEgg is another marketing tool that provides valuable stats that the Google analytics and search console lacks. It adds another layer of information that can help you in improving your website performance.Features like heatmaps, scrolling, A/B testing, user site recording, etc. can provide an additional layer of data that can help you in optimizing your website.It is a paid product but the first 30 days are free.SEO ToolsSEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it is one of the most important factors when it comes to online marketing. The main objective of SEO is to rank the website higher in the SERPs for specific keywords.To do so, you would need a variety of tools, the following are the list of tools that you can use to improve your site’s SEO-UberSuggestUberSuggest is another best marketing tool that helps you in making your business increase sales. It is a free tool and provides you with data like search volume, Keyword ideas, content ideas, web traffic, SEO difficulty and much more. If you are into digital marketing then this tool will help you in optimizing not only your content but also helps you in auditing your website and getting backlink data of your competitor.It is one of the best marketing tools that can make your website rank higher in the SERPs, free of cost.AhrefAhref provides you with a list of tools to use for optimizing your website as well as tracking your competitors. One of the most used tools that makes it best in the market is the content explorer. You can use this tool for content creation.The number of tools that you get from Aherf is enough to make your website rank higher. You can run a site audit, analyze competitors for their backlinks, track your backlinks, and much more.You can get a free trial for $7 and the full basic pack for $99.ConclusionMarketing is very important and when you are a small business it becomes a basic necessity. It is a method of helping your customers find your product.How many of the tools have you used before?What are your favorite tools?Or did I miss your favorite tool?

      Whether it’s a small business or an enterprise, every business needs to have its marketing game on point. Big businesses invest heavily in marketing and promoting their products on various platforms but, a small business cannot afford big marketing budgets. This article lists best marketing tools

  6. Dec 2019
    1. Тут полезно помнить, что вы не пытаетесь заставить клиента принять вашу работу без правок. Наоборот: вы готовы дорабатывать текст, если это нужно, чтобы решить задачу клиента. А что это за задача и как она меняется — вы не знаете. Нужно узнавать. Для этого и нужны все эти вопросы.
    2. На презентации нужно не столько водить клиента по фактоидам, сколько восстанавливать контекст: вот такая была задача, вот как мы ее решали, вот какие части этой страницы помогают тут всё сделать.
    1. Affordable SEO Packages

      Looking for affordable SEO packages? Find cheap Search Engine Optimization Packages that fit your business. Get an audit report today.

    1. 7 Best Services that are Essential for Your Startup Growth Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps December 12, 2019 As an entrepreneur, the primary focus of your startup is to grow big and increase brand awareness. For any startup, the initial stages are the most challenging one. Many businesses fail because they cannot withstand this stage. If you want to increase your business growth then you need to do business strategy and planning. Initially, you need help from other businesses for certain services that you cannot do on your own. Here is the list of 7 services that you need for growing your startup. Market Membership In order to increase country growth Government promote businesses and commerce. Financial System is the backbone of a country. Therefore, the Government establishes promotion council for every niche market. These promotion councils have one primary objective and that is to promote businesses and create big market share globally. Some of the benefits that you can experience by subscribing to these council memberships are an increase in business growth, new leads, marketing, discounted promotional booths in trade fares and much more. Office Space Services In order to run your office you need to have an office. The best option that you can have is to rent out a building. But an even better option is Co-working space. Here, many other startups and businesses share the office space and amenities required by any businesses. The rates are decided on per seat bases which are very nominal. IT services- Website, Graphic Design & technical support For any business, being online is now very essential. This is the digital age, where every business is turning online. In order to meet this digital need you need to have some IT support. There are a lot of services that come under this department like website designing, logo design services, etc. For website services, it is best to use word press, as it powers 23% of all websites in the world. This platform is an open source platform and very easy to use. For an affordable solution to your graphic needs like logo design, you can use a good logo designcontest website that provides affordable services. There are a lot of IT services that you might need. So, researching about them on Google will be very helpful. Marketing Services Marketing your businesses is very important part of any business. What’s the purpose of any business if they cannot find you? You can use multiple marketing streams to get customers, but the best marketing channel that every business is using is Digital Marketing. Other marketing methods used by businesses are merchandise marketing using tools like t shirt design online. Accounting Services Hiring an accountant can be very costly. So, the best option is to outsource this service. You can choose any local accountant for this job. Customer Relationship Management As the name suggests, it is another part of business that cannot be overlooked. Establishing a good relationship with your customer is essential for your business to grow. These third party services help you in engaging your customers more. Human Resource Services As a startup you need to hire people to make your job easy and fast. This can be done using effective Human Resource services. HR services can handle the hiring process which saves you time and money. Investing Investment is an essential need for your business. If you cannot find a good investor then your fund can get easily exhausted fast. To run a business in this competitive world you need to have an investor who not only provides you funds but, also helps you in mentoring. The best resource to find investors is using services like Gust.

      This guide will help you in finding the necessary services that your startups needs. These services helps your businesses to grow faster.

  7. Nov 2019
    1. At some point, we replaced the order of displaying the superpower packs (SP) from ascending to descending

      The revenue from the most expensive pack increased, but in the end the total revenue stayed as before the change

    2. Users don’t appreciate it when you try to trick them out of their money, or when they think you are doing that. A better approach would be to give them the opportunity to get what they want for free (even with a lot of work involved), and give an alternative purchase option. In this case the purchase will be perceived as a small cheat to make life easier instead of a shady scheme to get users to pay

      If you care about reviews

    3. There were four packs respectively containing 25, 50, 150 and 500 superpowers. We increased the biggest power pack from 500 to infinity. Practically, nothing changed. 500 superpowers were more than enough for the entire game, and very few users had spent all of it. However, after the change was made, the revenue from this pack grew by 50%

      Word "infinity" might work well for your sales

    4. I observed a similar effect in my own business when I was producing and selling metal license plates (sold via partner brick-and-mortar stores and through our own online store). At the start, the prices we set were relatively low ($3-5). But in a few months, we raised the prices by 2-3 times, and the plates then cost $15-25. Contrary to our expectations, the conversion rate almost doubled, as well as the average order amount.

      Example of placebo effect on selling license plates.

      $15-25 price range sells more than $3-5. Maybe because the product is unique and people prefer to pay once but expect better conditions

    5. With a vitamin C priced at $3, 100% of participants experienced relief. But the drug priced at $0.1 only worked in 50% of cases

      Placebo effect experienced on people trying to reduce the pain. Higher value of a product = higher effectiveness

    6. The word “free” makes any product more attractive to its potential customers. If you have a way to distribute your product for free, at least partially (a trial option, a limited version), then make sure to use it. This approach will greatly expand the top of your funnel. Once done, you will simply have to learn how to convert these new users into the paying ones

      Try using the word "free" somewhere in your sales. For example, try adding "free delivery for minimum $20 shopping" and you will see increase in sales

    7. When we make decisions, our perception is influenced by a lot of factors such as presentation, packaging, brand, opinions of people around us, experts’ opinions, our own expectations, etc. Each of these factors can ultimately determine how much a person will like your product and how much she will be willing to pay for it

      Summarising, pay more attention to the background behind the final product

    8. In one case, the participants were given brochures describing the capabilities of a new audio system. The only difference between the brochures was that the first one was published on behalf of the system’s manufacturer and the second one on behalf of an independent research center. The participants who had seen the second brochure were willing to pay twice as much as the first group for the audio system

      It's similar to Brain.fm, which includes all the scientific facts on their homepage

    9. those who received coffee when the table was beautifully set appreciated the taste way more, and were also ready to pay more for it

      You will achieve higher sales with better packaging

    10. Joshua Bell, one of the best concert violinists in the world played for free, for 45 minutes, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars at a subway station. He managed to raise $32. Most people (98%) who passed by paid no attention to him, only 2% gave him some money, and less than 0.5% stopped to listen (those were the people who actually recognized him)

      Influence of the environment plays an important role. If a homeless violinist had to play in an opera, he would have been more respected, although he would have been on the same level as he plays on the subway

    11. If you want to change the rules of the game in a field that you are about to enter, try to portray your product as something new and different. Doing so will enable you to set the rules of the game from scratch and be the first one to establish the anchor. And when you install the anchor, do not lower the price; there will still be time for that (making a discount always sounds better than raising the price)

      Tip for establishing new product: visualise your product as a new solution and do not start with a lowered price. Later you will attract customers with a discount

    12. When the sales agents of a health insurance company that was selling its services via phone asked people (who agreed to proceed) why they chose their company, the proportion of those who eventually decided to purchase the insurance increased significantly. As they thought about the answer to this question, the respondents subconsciously convinced themselves that they had made the right choice, further strengthening their decision and eventually leading to their making the purchase

      Marketing trick: ask why someone chose your service, so their mind will be more aware and convinced of the right choice; hence, buy your product again

    13. People also tend to form new “rules” when they encounter something for the first time. Starbucks is very different from other coffee stores. Therefore, when interacting with them, people create new rules instead of resorting to existing patterns

      Therefore Starbucks can be considered as something different than a regular coffee shop

    14. we tend to base our decisions on things we’ve experienced before, to make decisions easier

      We're basing decisions on previous experience rather than considering pros and cons.

      Therefore, after buying one expensive coffee at Starbucks, the next time we will also do it, as we would remember how good it was, but not how expensive.

      That is how we form good and bad habbits, which are so hard to get rid of

    15. It is difficult to find a logical explanation for this, but apparently the prices that end with 9 trigger some kind of automatic mechanism

      When presented with the price catalogues of:

      • $39
      • $34 and $44

      The first option would exceed all the other numbers of orders

    16. Offering to proceed with a $1 per day tariff and the one that costs $350 per year are mathematically equivalent, but trigger different reactions in customers. The first option can be compared to purchasing a water bottle in a grocery store, and the second option is more like purchasing a mobile phone

      Better to present sale in the form of $1 per day than $350 per year

    17. Mathematically equivalent statements are not necessarily equivalent psychologically

      For example, presenting two sets:

      A: A drunken motorist runs over a woman.

      B: A motorist runs over a woman.

      People would choose A as the more likely, but in fact it's just a subset of B.

      Same in this case:

      A: If you fly with this airline once a year, there's a possibility of one air crash in a 1000 years.

      B: 1 in every 1000 flights ends in a disaster

      It also applies in case of graphs:

    18. Do not lower prices. The price that you declare at the very beginning will become the reference point. You can also try to show your customers big numbers before starting to talk about the money

      Advice for marketers

    19. people are guided by the available prices to assess the rest of the offered goods

      For example, court judges were asked to roll a die before passing sentence, and the length of their verdict correlated with the values ​​they got on the dice rolled. Of course, the judges didn’t realize that the die roll had affected them

    20. Salesmen in retail stores try to sell the most expensive things first, or at least offer them to customers. For instance, a person who came to buy a suit is first shown the suits. When the customer makes his choice, then the salesperson suggests appropriate accessories, such as a tie to go with the suit. Compared to the suit’s price, the tie looks very inexpensive and is an easy upsell

      Propose the most expensive thing first.

      Case 1: For example, when someone wants to buy a suit:

      1. Suit
      2. Tie (small price in comparison to suit)
      3. Socks (small price in comparison to suit)

      Case 2:

      1. Overpriced real estate
      2. The right real estate
    21. We rarely think in absolute terms, and we don’t have a universal measure to understand the value of a certain thing. Therefore, we tend to evaluate things by comparing them to others

      The bait principle

      It can be supported by an experiment.

      1st version: Group of people was presented with 3 options:

      • a web subscription ($59) <--- 16% votes
      • a print subscription ($125)
      • print + web subscription ($125) <--- 84% votes

      2nd version: Group of people was presented with 2 options:

      • a web subscription ($59) <--- 68% votes
      • print + web subscription ($125) <--- 32% votes
    22. The lack of a ready-made pattern of behavior makes people rely on “simple” factors in decision-making (such as other people’s behavior, template principles, pre-designed baits, etc.), rather than the correct ones

      Use this for your advantage in sales

    23. The circles drawn in the center of the image above are identical. But depending on their environment, their perceived size changes

      Use this property in marketing:

  8. Oct 2019
  9. Aug 2019
    1. In some markets, a large insurancecompany is forced to pay more than twice the Medi-care fee in part to retain a popular health care system onits plan.

      Companies are having to pay a fee to keep their name popular. Either way that money is still having to be paid somehow.

  10. Jul 2019
  11. Feb 2019
  12. Jan 2019
    1. People, branding your new website require extensive efforts and time for initiating the activities, which will help to build the solid base of your site.  There are so many tasks needed to complete the overall branding as we all know that first impression is your last impression.  Online branding is very important for service providers because as a marketing guy, I know that it would be like stress somewhere the majority of the people are not known about the product. 

      People, branding your new website require extensive efforts and time for initiating the activities, which will help to build the solid base of your site. There are so many tasks needed to complete the overall branding as we all know that first impression is your last impression. Online marketing is very important for service providers because as a marketing guy, I know that it would be like stress somewhere the majority of the people are not known about the product.

  13. Dec 2018
    1. 雖然許多公鏈開發項目方自稱為「第三代區塊鏈系統」,但本質上只是「更快的以太坊」,內部也沒有任何落地的應用出現,僅僅是個空轉的伺服器群,這背後的隱憂是,一旦以太坊完成 POS 實作,解決了 TPS 的交易處理性能問題,可滿足一定程度的商用場景,這些新公鏈的開發者與使用者將一哄而散,重新回到市占率最高的以太坊進行開發。

      <big>评:</big><br/><br/>应对此类预判的有效回应:为什么我们只能有一个以太坊?为什么不能同时存在多个「快速的类以太坊」?<br/><br/>看看国产手机厂商们基于 Android OS 定制的 UI 在大中华区的市场表现吧!自从 Google 退华后,相关的流言就未曾间断——比市面上这群竞品更强更好、哪怕是阉割版的 Google 将重返中国市场,扭转格局。但明眼人们心里清楚,这个全球最大市场已今非昔比,后来居上的模仿者们甚至成功改写了游戏规则。<br/><br/>总有东西能够超越人类的朴素共识,它可能是商品拜物教、地缘政治、意识形态、文化鸿沟中的任意一项。百舸争流,成王败寇。

  14. Nov 2018
    1. The Deck

      A powerful framework for breaking down acquisition, engagement and growth metrics. This will allow you to understand the feedback loops and reinforcing systems that can help predict a companies trajectory.

    1. The way we choose what to buy, like the way we choose how to vote, will never be logical. Trying to make it so has created an environment in which our basest impulses are relentlessly stimulated and amplified. The philosopher Gilles Deleuze once remarked, “It is not the slumber of reason that engenders monsters, but vigilant and insomniac rationality.” If ever there was a creation of insomniac rationality it is the 21st-century advertising business. Its monsters roam the planet.
    2. “Knowing that the seller has faith in their product is a hugely valuable piece of information,” he says. “In luxury goods, for instance, the ad says almost nothing; the cost of the ad almost everything.” Biologists regard the peacock’s tail as an expensive and so unfakeable signal of fitness – a sexual status symbol.
    3. “Flowers are ads. Peacocks’ tails are ads.” Rory Sutherland, vice-chairman of Ogilvy & Mather, and the ad industry’s most vigorous defender, is in full flow over lunch at his agency’s offices in Blackfriars. “One reason I’m not predicting the death of advertising any time soon is that you can see how important it is in nature. A flower is basically a weed with an advertising budget.”
  15. Oct 2018
    1. OTAs

      Online Travel Agencies

    2. ¿Por qué el usuario acaba reservando en una OTA en vez de en la página web de tu hotel?  En muchas ocasiones, el usuario termina su reserva en una OTA después de haber visitado la web del hotel. ¿Por qué? a) Porque le genera una mayor confianza b) El proceso de reserva es más sencillo c) Encuentra toda la información que necesita d) Cree que es el único canal que le asegura poder cancelar hasta 24 horas antes de la llegada e) Por encima de todos estos parámetros, cree que es más barato. Y lo peor de todo, a veces es cierto. Si el hotel no cuenta con el mejor precio de venta poco más se puede hacer en un entorno tan determinado por el precio. Pero en el caso de que hayamos logrado ese requisito básico, cualquier establecimiento puede imitar a las OTAs (sí, has leído bien, imitar) y lograr que tu cliente no salga huyendo.
  16. Jul 2018
  17. Jun 2018
  18. May 2018
  19. marketingcollaboration.com marketingcollaboration.com
    1. Insight & Analysis into Modern Marketing Practices

      Project by Bryan Rhoads at Opal.

  20. Feb 2018
    1. A better marketing plan for your open source software project The history and evolution of marketing in open source demonstrates a need for new approaches.

      marketing for open source

  21. Nov 2017
  22. Jun 2017
  23. Mar 2017
    1. SMS Marketing Price has done being the best sort of showcasing, with another 98 percent begin rate and untouchable last outcome rates in like way. Moreover, information sprinkling these days, our union along fixes and did considers in smoking yields a general more first structure for figuring responses than thing affecting and makes your photograph taking as well. From short-code mass lighting up to two-way landline impacting, you have by us an influencing strap identified with modernized Term Marketing Price and an aggregate better than anything routine structure more. SMS Marketing Price

  24. Jan 2017
  25. Nov 2016
  26. fkaknnsd.websitesfortrello.com fkaknnsd.websitesfortrello.com
    1. Crawford and O’Brien, dental marketing tips goal is to help dental experts increase their profits through taking full advantage of conversions and also website traffic producing techniques; which is our specialized. We assist locate the very best means to tailor our cutting-edge online marketing methods-- which have actually been so effective because they enhance affordable, targeted website traffic-- to cause even more customers and more profits for your company. Each campaign is fractional and custom-made to your personal demands, dimension, and success. That's why our returns for clients are much above anything like postcards might return.

      Crawford and O’Brien 1963 E Loma Vista Dr Tempe, AZ 85282 Read More:- Crawfordandobrien.com

  27. Jul 2016
  28. Jun 2016
    1. agnotology - the study of willful acts to spread confusion and deceit, usually to sell a product or win favor. (Coined by Robert Proctor of Stanford University.)

      • tobacco companies
      • climate-change deniers
      • politicians

      Withholding evidence and outright lying are just the two most obvious tactics. They also take advantage of people's desire to be reasonable, by claiming there are two sides to a topic that doesn't actually have any reasonable opposition -- the "balanced debate" scam. And they influence people by conflating the main issue with others -- personal liberty, religious beliefs, capitalism vs socialism.

  29. May 2016
    1. The relatively small baby-bust group is poorly understood by everyone from scholars to marketers.

      Therein lies the rub.

  30. Apr 2016
  31. Feb 2016
    1. gamification is marketing bullshit, invented by consultants as a means to capture the wild, coveted beast that is videogames and to domesticate it for use in the grey, hopeless wasteland of big business, where bullshit already reigns anyway.

      Q: What is the definition of the "Gamification" that he's talking about?

      parents & teachers are a couple of examples of people who've been using strategies or tricks if you will that fall under "gamification" as I understand it to motivate children to learn or to do something in a more fun way

  32. Jan 2016
    1. Land defenders are dying but the news don’t talk about this. Most of media and politics are owned by companies so, we have to force them to serve the people instead. We can’t depend on these guys.

      We need to recognize different values and think that people value land entitlements, family and community, the elderly, connectivity. If we value these, we will want to hear these things reported all the time. Marketing will follow suit. Perhaps marketing will be the first to move...

  33. Nov 2015
    1. If this were true for modern society, it has multiplied in ourage of social media, in which control and value are indissolubly linked to the machine ensemblesthat comprise contemporary digital infrastructures.

      I have studied in my International Marketing course here how social media is a cultural institution in society and has an extremely powerful influence on societal structures regarding preferences, levels of acceptance of products/technology, and how consumers are influenced to use them.

  34. Oct 2015
    1. A ‘Financial Katrina’ is unfolding, which conveniently (for the developers) threatens to wipe out low-income neighbourhoods on potentially high-value land in many inner-city areas far more effectively and speedily than could be achieved through emi-nent domain.

      unplanned change that will allow the government to overcome initial resistance

  35. Sep 2015
    1. To the extent that you are able, try to answer the following questions about your buyers: Age? Professional background? Residence location? Gender? Are your buyers putting the work in their home or business?

      This good helpful info. Use for your next marketing evaluation.

  36. Jul 2015
    1. The keystone that makes all this possible is 'data', which is becoming an endgame for a few and an enigma for others. In simpler words, while ecommerce and tech enabled brands are leveraging data to make better decisions and pursue customers, conventional & brick-n-mortar business lack such granular information about their own customer. How can this situation be evened out?

      Learn from marketing domain!

  37. Jun 2015
    1. 8 Profound Marketing Lessons I Learned From Selling at a Food Market

      A great article of basics for any stall-holder, the lessons can easily be applied to non-food...