86 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:27:15][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo explore les méthodes d'enseignement direct et constructiviste, en discutant de leurs avantages et inconvénients, et comment elles peuvent coexister dans une même classe pour améliorer l'apprentissage des élèves.

      Points forts : + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction aux méthodes d'enseignement * L'enseignement direct n'est pas obsolète * Le constructivisme a mauvaise presse dans certains milieux * Importance de définir clairement chaque méthode + [00:01:00][^4^][4] Coexistence des méthodes * Les deux approches peuvent cohabiter * Nécessité de comprendre quel type de constructivisme et d'enseignement direct est utilisé * La recherche en éducation peut aider à sortir de ce clivage + [00:03:00][^5^][5] Exemples pratiques en classe * Illustration avec des exemples concrets de classe * Différentes stratégies pour aborder les erreurs des élèves * Importance de l'adaptation de l'enseignant selon la situation + [00:08:00][^6^][6] Dialectique entre imitation et enquête * Enseigner implique une dialectique entre montrer et cacher * Importance de l'imitation dans l'apprentissage * Exemples de chorégraphie et de lecture pour illustrer cette dialectique + [00:20:00][^7^][7] Formation des enseignants * Défis de la formation des enseignants pour naviguer entre les deux méthodes * Importance de l'évaluation de l'état épistémique des élèves * Nécessité de sortir du format classique question-réponse-tâche

      Avez-vous des questions spécifiques sur cette vidéo ou un aspect particulier que vous souhaitez approfondir ?

  2. Aug 2024
  3. Jun 2024
    1. here's a way to do direct to 00:16:46 Consumer sell and can make some money and don't just be like so worried about being on the music platform streaming and now you're diluted because the AI

      for - new music sales model - direct to consumer - helps mitigate AI music

  4. May 2024
    1. for - post comment - Linked I - Daniel Schmachtenberger - why good people comply with evil - direct citizen action - networked commons

      summary - A great short video that is a teaser to a longer podcast conversation on the topic of confirmation bias, and recognizing it to empower citizens during this time of rapid whole system change.

  5. Apr 2024
    1. ur materials naturally fall into two classes,Materials Camples and literature; they represent oneand the same thing— commodities, the one inconcrete form and the other in abstract form. One is thecommodity and the other describes it.

      the definitions of samples and literature here are presumed and not well defined.

      In the case of note taking for text-based cases, one could potentially considers direct quotes as the "samples".



  6. Jan 2024
    1. for - Rainbow body - Deep Humanity - superorganism - multi-level communication - adjacency between - contemplative practice - direct experience of body's cellular activity

      summary - Father Tiso and his catholic lineage combined with scholarship in Tibetan studies places him in a unique position for interfaith dialogue - His research interest in investigating the extraordinary and unexplained Tibetan meditation phenomena of Rainbow Body manifested by the greatest practitioners at the time of death (including contemporary ones) sheds light on the Rainbow Body phenomena in many spiritual traditions and challenges the scientific community to come up with an explanation for it. - If scientifically proven true, it offers an extraordinary possibility of human potential - Contemplation could be the practice technique that could directly bridge normal human consciousness with the microscopic world around us, which to date, is only accessible through scientific instrumentation.

      question - Does deep contemplative practice offers a direct access to the microscopic reality? - If so, how does it accomplish this direct communication with human cells, and indeed, even the universe itself? - Father Tiso shares centuries old recorded visual drawings of experiences reported by Rainbow Body practitioners and speculates whether these drawings represent direct experience of the cellular scale of our human form - Indeed, could it even be at the quantum level of experience, since rainbows are an optical phenomenal?

    2. here we have a string of spheres of different colors all right that would be indicative perhaps of some kind of contact i mean i'm just speculating now 00:14:40 this is pure hypothesis but my sense is that these are very much related to what we see inside the cells

      for - claim - painting of meditation experience - direct experience of cells of body

      claim - painting of meditation experience - direct experience of cells in body <br /> - This is an extraordinary claim and would imply we could actually experience our bodies at a microscopic level

  7. Nov 2023
  8. Aug 2023
    1. Although it is possible to manually craft all the necessary HTTP requests to get the signed keys and manually upload the file to the storage backend, thankfully we don’t have to. Rails already provides us with the @rails/active_storage package, which greatly simplifies the process.
    1. Now this is where the magic of our activestorage library from node package manager comes in. At the top of our CreateAccount.js file we need to import a Component, DirectUpload, from this library…
    1. It probably isn’t even a stretch to suggest that herds and flocks of many other animals use a form of direct democracy in making their decisions. Again despite the myths, “alphas” do not make decisions for others, “leadership” roles rotate regularly, the “law of two (or four) feet” tests the group’s readiness for consensus, and principles such as the “first follower” enable wild creatures to reach a decision in their group’s best collective interest. Dissenters and unpersuaded group members are free to go off and look for another group, except at critical times (such as breeding season, or when under attack), when all members of the group instinctively pitch in to share the extra burden or workload, or help work through the crisis or challenge. We’re not so different, or, at least, we weren’t.
      • for: animal decision-making
      • adjacency
        • animal herding behavior and
        • direct democracy
      • claim
        • herds and flocks of many other animals (other than human) use a form of direct democracy in making decisions
        • Alphas do not alone make decisions, as leadership often rotates
        • The law of "two feet (or four" tests the group's readiness for consensus and the "first follower" principle
        • dissenters and unpersuaded group members are free to go off and look for another group
          • except at critical times such as
            • breeding season
            • under threat
  9. Jul 2023
  10. Jun 2023
    1. Die Libération fast die Hauptthesen des Buchs how to blow up a pipeline von Andreas Malm zusammen. In dem Beschluss, Les Soulèvements de la terre aufzulösen, wird auf dieses Buch verwiesen. Malm hält unter bestimmten Umständen Gewalt gegen Sachen für legitim oder sogar notwendig wobei es sich dabei aber immer um materielle Objekte handelt, die direkt zur Schädigung anderer, etwa durch enorme Emissionen, beitragen. https://www.liberation.fr/idees-et-debats/que-dit-le-livre-comment-saboter-un-pipeline-cite-dans-le-decret-de-dissolution-des-soulevements-de-la-terre-20230623_4MW7TTALUFFTJFMF7UPKYRULA4/

    1. Direct Instruction, a technique in which great hopeswere invested in the USA in the 1970s and 1980s.

      Direct Instruction was a method promulgated in the 1970s and 80s that touted 'teacher-proof' methods, but ultimately didn't pan out. Some of the early gains seen in use of the method were ultimately attributed to generous resourcing rather to the program itself.

      Generous resourcing might then be a better method to attempt from the start? (snarkmark)

    1. Are protected members/fields really that bad? No. They are way, way worse. As soon as a member is more accessible than private, you are making guarantees to other classes about how that member will behave. Since a field is totally uncontrolled, putting it "out in the wild" opens your class and classes that inherit from or interact with your class to higher bug risk. There is no way to know when a field changes, no way to control who or what changes it. If now, or at some point in the future, any of your code ever depends on a field some certain value, you now have to add validity checks and fallback logic in case it's not the expected value - every place you use it. That's a huge amount of wasted effort when you could've just made it a damn property instead ;) The best way to share information with deriving classes is the read-only property: protected object MyProperty { get; } If you absolutely have to make it read/write, don't. If you really, really have to make it read-write, rethink your design. If you still need it to be read-write, apologize to your colleagues and don't do it again :) A lot of developers believe - and will tell you - that this is overly strict. And it's true that you can get by just fine without being this strict. But taking this approach will help you go from just getting by to remarkably robust software. You'll spend far less time fixing bugs.

      In other words, make the member variable itself private, but can be abstracted (and access provided) via public methods/properties

    2. Public and/or protected fields are bad because they can be manipulated from outside the declaring class without validation; thus they can be said to break the encapsulation principle of object oriented programming.
    3. Using a property or a method to access the field enables you to maintain encapsulation, and fulfill the contract of the declaring class.
  11. Mar 2023
  12. Jan 2023
    1. I still recall as a child being very impressed by an interview withthe Sufi writer Idries Shah, who remarked how curious it was that somany intelligent and decent human beings in Europe and Americaspent so much of their time in protest marches chanting the namesand waving pictures of people that they hated (“Hey hey, LBJ, howmany kids did you kill today?”). Didn’t they realize, he remarked, howincredibly gratifying that was to the politicians they weredenouncing? It was remarks like that, I think, that eventually causedme to reject a politics of protest and embrace one of direct action.

      Reject politics of protest and embrace one of direct action.

      Graeber provides in interesting example here of why direct action is more important than protest. This seems particularly apt for Donald Trump who seems only to want attention of any sort as long as it's directed at him.

    1. ğ>ͩ 2ͩ ōƈͩ §ĥ¢̘Z Ł€ͩ Sͩ ȁÒXͩ 0ªͩ $Úƭ :ͩ Ƨͩ .ͩ/ BŲ?úͩ Wͩ ̄”ͩ 27Ċͩ On͞ęͩ ½ͩ ,ďͩ :ͩ Ä+&*øͩ ©? žŎ 7ͩ Wͩ ʊ ǩͩ

      Do you think that the photos the Hubble Space Telescope is taking at the moment will be more finely represented than van Gogh's painting?

    1. Success in handling the human element, like success inhandling the materials element, depends upon knowledge of theelement itself and knowledge as to how it can best be handled.
  13. Oct 2022
  14. Aug 2022
    1. 都是可以根据 RoutingKey 把消息路由到不同的队列


  15. Jul 2022
    1. D2M allows for the direct streaming of multimedia content to phones. The technology’s theory is that it can be used to directly broadcast information geared toward citizens, as well as to combat fake news, send out emergency warnings, and aid in disaster management, among other things. In addition, live sports, news, and other content can be broadcast on mobile devices. Furthermore, there should be zero internet data usage while the material streams without any buffering at all. Furthermore, there should be zero internet data usage while the material streams without any buffering at all.

      Definition DIrect 2 Mobile

  16. Jun 2022
    1. a safe climate and a healthy biosphere require profound changes to direct drivers, such as phasing out fossil fuels or halting deforestation. However, direct drivers resist intervention because they underpin our current economies and governance institutions (Ehrlich & Pringle, 2008). Thus, interventions often spark considerable opposition from vested interests who benefit from the status quo, including its prevalent externalization of costs.

      Direct drivers resist intervention due to vested interests and resistance to moving out of comfort zones.

  17. May 2022
  18. Jan 2022
    1. But this is not the main reason. The other three programs try to achieve the connection or linking between different topics or cards (mainly) by assigning keywords. But this is not what Luhmann's approach recommended. While he did have a register of keywords, this was certainly not the most important way of interconnecting his slips. He linked them by direct references (Verweisungen). Any slip could refer directly to the physical and unchanging location of any other slip.

      Niklas Luhmann's zettelkasten had three different forms of links.

      • The traditional keyword index/link from the commonplace book tradition
      • A parent/child link upon first placing the idea into the system (except when starting a new top level parent)
      • A direct link (Verweisungen) to one or more ideas already in the index card catalog.

      Many note taking systems are relying on the older commonplace book taxonomies and neglect or forego both of the other two sorts of links. While the second can be safely subsumed as a custom, one-time version of the third, the third version is the sort of link which helps to create a lot of direct value within a note taking system as the generic links between broader topic heading names can be washed out over time as the system grows.

      Was this last link type included in Konrad Gessner's version? If not, at what point in time did this more specific direct link evolve?

  19. Nov 2021
    1. direct labelling”, in which the plot region itself contains the labels for groups of points instead of using a legend. This usually makes the plot easier to read because it puts the labels closer to the data.
  20. Sep 2021
  21. Jul 2021
  22. Jun 2021
  23. May 2021
    1. First of all, I would start off presenting yourself: Dear XYZ support team I am the web developer in charge of example.com website. By presenting you this way, you are establishing the frame to treat you, hinting that you should be presupposed to be somewhat proficient, so they could choose to answer in a more technical detail.
    2. any will catch on with a simple line like "I know what I'm doing, so I'd appreciate an extra-technical explanation!"
  24. Apr 2021
    1. We know the audience for such games is limited. In order for us to produce games up to our standards, we rely on a direct sales model. Our games are not designed for traditional distribution or retail channels. The vast majority of all copies produced will be sent to Kickstarter backers or to people who purchase games through our store.  This means we can spend many more resources on the game's physical production without having to worry about retail viability.
    1. bacteria10

      Only intracellular pathogen bacteria infecting mammalian cells has been reported in 10. Would be interesting to see if this works for a culture of E. coli

    1. To explore the mentor–mentee relationship with a focus on determining the characteristics of effective mentors and mentees and understanding the factors influencing successful and failed mentoring relationships.

      straight to the point

  25. Mar 2021
    1. A word with multiple senses is likely to havemultiple, distinct tokens that can accurately be described as the direct hypernym for one or more ofits senses
    1. In coordpairs, a co-hyponym relationship is labelled 1 whereas other realtionships (direct hyponymy and direct hypernymy) are labelled 0.
    2. In entpairs, a direct hypernym relationship is labelled 1 whereas other relationships (hyponymy and co-hyponymy) are labelled 0.
  26. Feb 2021
    1. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue.

      How it works - what it seeks to accomplish.

    1. he most famous illustration of how the name of a substance is supposed to function in this way is provided not by Kripke, but by Putnam, another leading proponent of the ‘theory of direct reference’. Putnam asks us to imagine a Twin Earth – just like our Earth – which contains doppelgängers of us humans. The only difference between the two Earths is that on Twin Earth the clear, thirst-quenching, etc liquid that fills the oceans, lakes and rivers is not the chemical substance H2O, but another substance – XYZ. Suppose it’s 1750, before the chemical composition of water was discovered. On both Earths, the inhabitants call their liquid ‘water’. And, because it’s 1750, they associate the same mental checklist with that term: both think of ‘water’ as the substance that’s clear, thirst-quenching, boils at 100°C and so on. Now suppose a glass of XYZ is brought from Twin Earth to Earth and presented to Locke. Locke would believe it’s water, because it would tick his mental checklist. But would it be water? Not according to Putnam. Intuitively, that’s merely water-like stuff in the glass, not water. Putnam concludes that, while the term ‘water’ is associated with the same descriptions on Earth and Twin Earth, it has different meanings and picks out different chemical kinds. It is, and was, a necessary condition of something being water that it be H2O, despite this condition not being known back in 1750.
  27. Jan 2021
    1. Hi, I Need some help regarding my Ubuntu, is there any way to reach out to you personally ? Vote: 0 0 Share Facebook Twitter Copy link to comment Reply to SAK Copy link to comment Abhishek Prakash People's Favorite with 100+ Upvotes 30 Replies 3 weeks ago This comment is awaiting moderation Use our community forum, please.
    1. Indeed, the cell-lysate approach was found to be associated with superior sensitivity in some cases5.
    2. using a commercially available reagent (Bio-Rad SPR) that generates RT-qPCR-ready cell lysates with minimal manipulations. Similar reagents are now available from a number of sources (Ambion Cells-to-CT, Invitrogen CellsDirect, Roche RealTime Ready Cell Lysis, etc.)
    1. we demonstrate improved PCR-enhancing cocktails containing nonionic detergent, l-carnitine, d-(+)-trehalose, and heparin. These cocktails, in combination with two inhibitor-resistant Taq mutants, OmniTaq and Omni Klentaq, enabled efficient amplification of exogenous, endogenous, and high-GC content DNA targets directly from crude samples containing human plasma, serum, and whole blood without DNA purification.
    1. We found that a lysis solution containing both the non-ionic detergent (IGEPAL CA-630, chemically equivalent to Nonidet P-40 or NP-40) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) gave the best RT-qPCR yield. This direct lysis to reverse transcription protocol outperformed a column-based extraction method using a commercial kit.
  28. Oct 2020
  29. Sep 2020
    1. His skin was very sensitive, and he had to wear a big straw hat whenever he went out. W

      It's telling the readers directly that his skin is sensitive.

  30. Aug 2020
  31. Jun 2020
    1. Now all that was gone. In theory, they qualified for a $3,400 federal stimulus check, but they had no bank account or address to collect it. In theory, Dave was entitled to unemployment, but as of May only about 43 percent of the state’s 1.1 million claims had been paid.

      A few paragraphs later this appears: "She set her phone alarm for midnight so that as Thursday turned to Friday, she could check whether Dave’s first paycheck had hit their account. She could hear the clatter of raccoons foraging in a nearby dumpster and the hum of cars rolling through the drive-through. At 12:01 a.m. she looked to see whether Dave’s paycheck had shown up in his account." First they don't have an account for the stimulus money to go to, then they're getting up at midnight to see if the paycheck had hit their account. In addition, it takes about a week to set up direct deposit with most companies.

  32. May 2020
    1. But a subtle call-to-action gives people an excuse not to do as you ask. Starting a call-to-action with if, is the best way to give people an excuse. Be bossy and tell people exactly what you expect them to do.
  33. Apr 2020
    1. The tyranny of the majority (or tyranny of the masses) is an inherent weakness to majority rule in which the majority of an electorate pursues exclusively its own interests at the expense of those in the minority. This results in oppression of minority groups comparable to that of a tyrant or despot
    1. Direct democracy was not what the framers of the United States Constitution envisioned for the nation. They saw a danger in tyranny of the majority. As a result, they advocated a representative democracy in the form of a constitutional republic over a direct democracy. For example, James Madison, in Federalist No. 10, advocates a constitutional republic over direct democracy precisely to protect the individual from the will of the majority
    2. In the New England region of the United States, towns in states such as Vermont decide local affairs through the direct democratic process of the town meeting.[22] This is the oldest form of direct democracy in the United States, and predates the founding of the country by at least a century.
    1. There are “literally zero hoops,” one user in 4chan’s /pol/ forum told another in 2015. “Just sign up for Kindle Direct Publishing and publish away. It’s shocking how simple it is, actually.” Even Breivik, at the start of the 1,500-page manifesto that accompanied his terrorist attacks, suggested that his followers use KDP’s paperback service, among others, to publicize his message.
    1. When Casper filed its S-1 in January, analysts, investors, and business nerds descended on the document like vultures. Not only was it a precarious moment to take a startup public, it was the first time anyone could actually access the raw numbers under the hood of a DTC. “The economics work better if Casper sent you a mattress for free, stuffed with $300,” jabbed NYU Stern marketing professor and tech doomsayer Scott Galloway. “This appears to be Casper’s business,” tweeted number-crunching Atlantic columnist Derek Thompson. “Buy mattress at $400. Sell at $1,000. Refund/return 20% of them. Keep $400, on avg. Then spend $290 of that on ads/marketing and $270 on admin (finance, HR, IT). Lose $160. Repeat.”

      Summary of Casper's business model

    1. remember to re-raise any errors if the show_detailed_exceptions flag (a more appropriate check than consider_all_requests_local) is true
    2. That is a more direct flag to check for whether it is supposed to render the development/diagnostic "detailed" exceptions error page.
  34. Mar 2020
  35. Jul 2019
  36. Apr 2019
    1. using a commercially-available buffer that also requires a 15-minute incubation period prior to direct PCR
  37. Jan 2019
    1. In the field of comfort cooling, Indirect Evaporative Cooling (IEC) is an innovative and revolutionary change. The question is how eco-friendly are they? Evaporative cooling systems are upgraded by regular research and development for them to remain eco-friendly. Being cost effective and reliable is another important requirement to meet the varied industry demands.

  38. Nov 2018
    1. Use of Slack in a FACE-TO-FACE class and how much it increased interaction; brings up a point that concerns me and that's what happens when the instructor/TA appear to be available 24/7 given the nature of Slack; good exploration of motivating students to use it (4/5)

  39. Dec 2017
  40. Feb 2016
  41. Oct 2015