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- personality psychology
- working memory
- cognitive psychology
- social processing
- social psychology
- trust information
- learning
- developmental psychology
- social science
- social associative learning
- is:preprint
- trust
- judgement
- behavioral science
- social cue
- aging
- age difference
- fMRI
- lang:en
- decision making
- research
- social cognition
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- public trust
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- policymaker
- deepfake
- information
- online platform
- interaction
- shallowfake
- malinformation
- vaccine
- behavioral science
- information environment
- academic
- misleading
- censorship
- bots
- lang:en
- technology
- decision making
- search engine
- scientific information
- provenance enhancing technology
- science
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- preparation
- causal understanding
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- threat
- COVID-19
- collective behavior
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- conflict
- adaptation
- challenge
- behavioral science
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- solution
- cooperation
- decision making
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- government
- collectivist
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- behavioral economics
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