- Feb 2025
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
ost advertisers are wary of pairing ads with user-generated videos, despitetheir occasionally massive viral circulation, out of fear of being associated with thewrong content.
I always thought about how certain ads were paired with certain videos. I was always curious if companies were ever worried about what videos their ads would be on, and how decisions like that were even made. This confirmed for me that this is also a common thought amongst advertisers. If there ads were playing on not so appropriate videos it would have a bad look on their company and could damage their reputation/brand. The reading confirms that there is a fear of being associated with the wrong content.
Platforms’ are ‘platforms’ not necessarilybecause they allow code to be written or run, but because they afford an opportunity tocommunicate, interact or sell.
This is a confirmation for me because I always knew that social media allowed us to interact with one another and communicate via online. This justifies my thoughts because it claims that platforms not only run codes, but are a way of interaction amongst people. In addition it is a way to sell and make money by sharing new ideas.
- Jun 2024
2012books.lardbucket.org 2012books.lardbucket.org
Semantic noise can also interfere in communication between people speaking the same language because many words have multiple or unfamiliar meanings.
In today's time, slang is becoming much bigger, and the words we think have one meaning can mean multiple things now. For example, you can say the word "bad" out loud; one person might think bad as a negative and another might think bad in slang terms, which is a positive: same language, same word but different meanings.
EncodingThe process of turning thoughts into communication. is the process of turning thoughts into communication
Encoding is almost like a subconscious thought. As they said at the bottom of the paragraph, we notice that the person has headphones on which is the turning thought process so we find a solution to get his attention by waving as a form of communication. We might not think that waving to get someone's attention is a form of communication since it is not verbal but there is silent communication such as waving hello or bye or to get someone's attention, etc.
- Aug 2022
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- Feb 2017
dailymed.nlm.nih.gov dailymed.nlm.nih.gov
Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Nov 2016
dailymed.nlm.nih.gov dailymed.nlm.nih.gov
- UMLS_CUI:C1837915
- UMLS_CUI:C0153405
- UMLS_CUI:C0235967
- DOID_10763
- UMLS_CUI:C0020538
- UMLS_CUI:C0038990
- UMLS_CUI:C0020458
- UMLS_CUI:C0027819
- UMLS_CUI:C0694897
- indication
- UMLS_CUI:C0235848
- UMLS_CUI:C4017161
- UMLS_CUI:C0542230
- UMLS_CUI:C0020507
- confirmed
- UMLS_CUI:C0028081
- UMLS_CUI:C0038986
- DM
- UMLS_CUI:C0700590
- UMLS_CUI:C0019562
- UMLS_CUI:C0032584
- UMLS_CUI:C0023798
- UMLS_CUI:C0031511
- UMLS_CUI:C0392162
- UMLS_CUI:C4017160
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sustained ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular Arrhythmias
Atrial Fibrillation
- Oct 2016
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Angina Pectoris
Acute Myocardial Infarction
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schizoaffective disorder