20 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Oct 2023
  3. Jan 2023
    1. Woit does provide problems, but they are all at the back of the book. It would have been better to see them between chapters. That provides a natural break in the material and gives the student a quick check on his understanding.

      Homework problems are pedagogical devices and many (most) authors place them in the text near where they would be profitably be done. They also provide a useful break in the text to prompt more novice students to actually perform them at the end of a section.

      More advanced students, however, should have caught on eventually at the need to work out examples for themselves which are presented in a textbook, but they should also be seeking out additional problems where ever they appear in the text, not to mention seeing out any outside additional problems, making up their own, and exploring any additional questions these pose.

      In mathematics textbooks this working of problems, expanding on them and seeking out new ones is often a large part of what is lurking behind the sometimes nebulous sounding idea of "mathematical sophistication". The rest of that equation typically includes experience with the various methods and means of proofs and some basic background in logic.

  4. Nov 2022
    1. Hello! Daisy Thomas is my name. I recently earned an Economics Ph.D. degree from the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. I earned my CSET AND CBEST (Multiple Subjects) teaching certificates on the side and graduated with a 7.75 GPA! I am an expert in Economics, statistics and Money Market. I worked on this Economics Homework Help and for exam purpose take my economics exam website and my client was so impressed with my work and also gave me 9.2/10 ratings. If you want to me to work for you then you can hire me anytime, I will never disappoint you.

  5. Oct 2022
    1. Folders are generally kept at a minimum but are frequently used for:templates, administration, plugin requirements, excluded files, and very high level categories of like-kind notes (think projects)

      Done !

  6. Sep 2022
  7. Jan 2022
    1. So it was with somewhat mixed feelings that I learned some American high school teachers assign “The Sympathizer” as required reading in their classes. For the most part, I’m delighted. But then I worry: I don’t want to be anyone’s homework. I don’t want my book to be broccoli.

      Especially love:

      I don’t want to be anyone’s homework. I don't want my book to be broccoli. —Viet Thanh Nguyen

      This is an unfortunate side effect of novels assigned for reading in school.

  8. Nov 2021
    1. assignments like in Finlandteachers not showing for online meetings, differently from Finland

      assignments like in Finland teachers not showing for online meetings, differently from Finland

      too much assignments lack of communication teacher student lack of motivation

  9. Sep 2021
  10. Apr 2019
    1. Please annotate how you have felt about the current situation with the Team-preneurship class here. I will compile your annotations into a document that I can present at the next organizational meeting. I would like our needs and feelings to be represented in this process. Thanks, guys. 

      I most definitely am disappointed to hear that we will not be involved with the Team-prenuership class. I am really hoping that we are able to get to cooperate with them once their ideas are more developed. Being able to interact with a verity of people and effectively understand, and communicate ideas to them is a fundamental part of being a successful entrepreneur. I was really looking forward to being able to see how the business ideas of the other class progress and develop throughout the quarter. I also believe that our classes data research could be a benefactor to the other class. Although this first week of class seemed to be somewhat disorganized and chaotic, I have high hopes for the rest of the semester.

    1. Acknowledging this divide, I used more “push” techniques than I typically would to try and bridge the two divided groups: actively giving feedback and general advice in some situations. That said, I still spent most of my time using “pull” tactics: paraphrasing what other people said and then posing a question to pull in other perspectives on ideas, etc.

      I see your awareness of the group dynamics in the room as reflective of your training as a facilitator. I will be actively following your work on here to better learn and understand how to do large-group facilitation and coaching - thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!

    1. body language displayed: confidence, familiarity amongst one another, some nervousness, and excitement.

      I noticed that you called out the nonverbal communication they were expressing. I think that's a really productive angle to assess team dynamics from, and I got a better sense of what happened that day (since I wasn't there) reading your description than from a few others. The jangle of creative energy on different wavelengths is a powerful place to start.

  11. Oct 2018
    1. Lastly, 35% of teens say they often or sometimes have to do their homework on their cellphone. Although it is not uncommon for young people in all circumstances to complete assignments in this way, it is especially prevalent among lower-income teens. Indeed, 45% of teens who live in households earning less than $30,000 a year say they at least sometimes rely on their cellphone to finish their homework.
    2. This is even more common among black teens. One-quarter of black teens say they are at least sometimes unable to complete their homework due to a lack of digital access, including 13% who say this happens to them often. Just 4% of white teens and 6% of Hispanic teens say this often happens to them. (There were not enough Asian respondents in this survey sample to be broken out into a separate analysis.)
    3. This aspect of the digital divide – often referred to as the “homework gap” – can be an academic burden for teens who lack access to digital technologies at home. Black teens, as well as those from lower-income households, are especially likely to face these school-related challenges as a result, according to the new Center survey of 743 U.S. teens ages 13 to 17 conducted March 7–April 10, 2018.
    4. Some 15% of U.S. households with school-age children do not have a high-speed internet connection at home, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of 2015 U.S. Census Bureau data. New survey findings from the Center also show that some teens are more likely to face digital hurdles when trying to complete their homework.
  12. Aug 2018
  13. Dec 2016
    1. There are no private spaces for children; there is no private time… I assign a type of extended schooling called “homework,” so that the effect of surveillance, if not the surveillance itself, travels into private households, where students might otherwise use free time to learn something unauthorized from a father or mother, by exploration or by apprenticing to some wise person in the neighborhood…. children must be closely watched if you want to keep a society under tight central control. Children will follow a private drummer if you can’t get them into a uniformed marching band.”)