- Aug 2024
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a very good advice in order to calculate or estimate the duration of the project is that you ask non-experts
for - neuroscience - time estimation - non-experts are better at providing time budgets - neuroscience - non-experts give better time estimates than consultants
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- Apr 2023
Bei der Tagung von Weltbank und Internationalem Währungsfonds wurden nur winzige Reformschritte unternommen. Nach der Ansicht der Fachleute von NGOs werden sie nicht ausreichen um ärmeren Ländern den Kampf gegen die globale Erhitzung zur erleichtern. Nach wie vor stellt die Weltbank hohe Summen für die Finanzierung fossiler Energien zur Verfügung.
- Nov 2022
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Hello! Daisy Thomas is my name. I recently earned an Economics Ph.D. degree from the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. I earned my CSET AND CBEST (Multiple Subjects) teaching certificates on the side and graduated with a 7.75 GPA! I am an expert in Economics, statistics and Money Market. I worked on this Economics Homework Help and for exam purpose take my economics exam website and my client was so impressed with my work and also gave me 9.2/10 ratings. If you want to me to work for you then you can hire me anytime, I will never disappoint you.
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Not every highlight needs to become a "card" — and having things in my notes that are highlighted but don't need to be turned into further notes does not mean that I have failed by "over-highlighting." Useful notes are messy, and time is valuable. A sense of completionism is nice for some things but mostly just gets in the way when it comes to learning. I read about 10% of the articles that show up in my feed. I take highlight about 50% of those, and affirmatively take notes on about 10% of those. This doesn't mean I wasted my time reading, or that I failed at notetaking because I should have done a better job of taking comprehensive notes. It means I used judgment, and used my time wisely, and focused on things that were worthwhile from a return on investment perspective.
While there are rules and processes for taking notes, it's small personal tidbits like this that are harder fought knowledge for the beginner who generally only learns these bits through work and experience.
- Aug 2022
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Local file Local file
The experts have the responsibility of making clear the actuallimits of their understanding and of the results they have so far achieved,
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
That is why building a Second Brain is a journey of personalgrowth. As your information environment changes, the way yourmind operates starts to be transformed.
This also happens with the techniques of orality, but from an entirely different perspective. Again, these methods are totally invisible even to an expert on productivity and personal knowledge management.
Not even a mention here of the ancient Greeks bemoaning the invention of literacy as papering over valuable memory.
- May 2022
www.otherlife.co www.otherlife.co
and link me to a paid course, no doubt
I will agree that there are far too many "influencers" and "gurus" out there selling something in the note taking space. Almost none of them know what the hell they're talking about.
- Apr 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
Lazarus Long. (2022, January 23). So, @JeffreyZients is in charge. But not in charge. Https://t.co/jquOlmNGlx [Tweet]. @LazarusLong13. https://twitter.com/LazarusLong13/status/1485394084835389441
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. ‘RT @CAUSALab: Interested in #causalinference? Learn from Top Experts in the Field. Summer Courses Offered at the Harvard T.H. Chan Schoo…’. Tweet. Twitter, 20 December 2021. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1483138177837715464.
- Mar 2022
www.newsweek.com www.newsweek.com
How Fauci fooled America | Opinion. (2021, November 1). Newsweek. https://www.newsweek.com/how-fauci-fooled-america-opinion-1643839
www.eff.org www.eff.org
Also like most people, we are not experts on military strategy or international diplomacy.
Interesting question: should non-experts debate a topic they care about?
Pros: Thinking more and consuming less, valuing the topic by talking about it, maybe morals are personal and can be debated by everyone? Cons: Easy to overstate confidence and be misinformed, supporting existing views may be more useful overall.
- Jan 2022
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Children construct intuitive theories of the world and alter and revise those theories as the result of new evidence.
A very sophisticated way to say that kids make things up as they go along! Perhaps the authors' surprise comes from the fact that adults are not so different?
There seems to be more agreement than not with Bada & Olusegun (2015) regarding the overall value of constructivism. However, it's unclear if the Piagetian-dismissing authors of Reconstructing constructivism would agree with constructivism as explained by Bada and Olusegun.
In my experience as a First-Year Composition educator, I can say that students value the process of active learning far more than, say, formulaic, fill-in-the-blank assignments. Perhaps this is because there's more recursive inquiry and metacognition in active, process-oriented learning that reflects the theory theory?
- Jul 2021
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So, what are you waiting for? Grab our SharePoint consulting services!
- May 2021
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Prominence as a critic tends to reinforce itself. The person who appears on news shows is the person who gets to star in a documentary is the person who gets to testify before the Senate is the person who gets invited back onto the news shows, and so forth.
Another specific example of this has been noted by Zeynep Tufekci of an economist becoming the face of criticism of the education space being open or closed during the coronavirus pandemic. The woman, who had no background in public health or epidemiology, became the public face of the argument about whether schools should be open or closed.
it makes a difference whether the argument made before Congress is “Facebook is bad, cannot reform itself, and is guided by people who know what they’re doing but are doing int anyway—and the company needs to be broken up immediately” or if the argument is “Facebook means well, but it sure would be nice if they could send out fewer notifications and maybe stop recommending so much conspiratorial content.”
Note the dramatic difference between these spaces and the potential ability for things to get better.
- Apr 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Ellie Murray [@EpiEllie] (2020) I saw a tweet about how there isn’t enough discussion of what experts got wrong on COVID, so here’s a thread of things I got wrong. Tweet. Retrieved from: https://twitter.com/epiellie/status/1378016842174898185
- Mar 2021
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OC. (2021, January 22). Leadership. One of the most important and non-trivial steps taken by @JoeBiden is the decision to prioritize the protection of those at the highest risk. In Israel, our analysis shows that municipalities at low SES have the lowest rates of vaccination of at-risk populations.1/4 https://t.co/1aiqymQlMQ [Tweet]. @MDCaspi. https://twitter.com/MDCaspi/status/1352590064900038662
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Darren Dahly. (2019, September 4). It seems appropriate to do a thread on our recent session about the use of Twitter by statisticians. Https://t.co/eFwLDuXnOU [Tweet]. @statsepi. https://twitter.com/statsepi/status/1169313702715281408
- Jan 2021
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This phrasing is similar to Law ABC (see: www.fakelink.com/laws/abc).
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United States of America
This the name of the country I live in.
This is Latin.
supersede section 238 of Public Law 116–94.
Very true.
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u/acholcombe (2020, August 6) Trust in scientific findings and experts, but, rationally, not in what experts tell us to do. Reddit. Retrieved from: https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciMeta/comments/i4cxtz/trust_in_scientific_findings_and_experts_but/g1f5z2n/
- Sep 2020
Several interviews and workshops have been conducted to investigate integrated information technology support for crisis response management in the SoKNOS project(SoKNOS 2009)
Similar to the "expert interviews" approach to understand the design space and required resources from an expert PoV (used in PCS design).
- Jul 2020
Protogerou, Cleo, and Martin S. Hagger. ‘A Checklist to Assess the Quality of Survey Studies in Psychology’, 14 July 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/uqak8.
- Jun 2020
statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu
Tsolaki, Vasiliki, George E. Zakynthinos, and Dimosthenis Makris. ‘The ARDSnet Protocol May Be Detrimental in COVID-19’. Critical Care 24, no. 1 (December 2020): 351. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-020-03081-4.
- Mar 2019
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- Feb 2019
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Deone Zell
Deone is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Francisca Yonekura
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Francisca. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Matthew Worwood
Matthew is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Neil Witt
Neil is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Alexandra Williams
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Alexandra. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Catherine Wilkinson
Catherine is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Niki Whiteside
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Niki. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Ken Varnum
Ken is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kate Valenti VP Operations
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Kate. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Michael Thomas
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Michael. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
David Thomas
David is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Lori Swinney
Lori is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Nachamma Sockalingam
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Nachamma. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jason Smith
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Jason. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Paul Signorelli
Paul is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Diane Sieber
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Diane. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
William Shewbridge
William is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Ramesh Sharma
Ramesh is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Gilly Salmon
Gilly is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jeff Ritter
Jeff is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Michael Reese
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Michael. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Ruben Puentedura Founder
Ruben is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jeanne Po
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Jeanne. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Renee Pfeifer-Luckett Director, Learning
Renee is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Doug Peterson
Doug is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Rob Peregoodoff
Rob is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
David Parkes
David is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Sunay Palsole
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Sunay. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Chaohua Ou
Chaohua is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Javier Nó Sánchez
Javier is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kristi Newgarden
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Kristi. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Ruth Nemire
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Ruth. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Carol Munn
Carol is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Damian McDonald
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Damian. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Shannon McCarty
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Shannon. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Sheila MacNeill
Sheila is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Danielle Logan
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Danielle. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Joan Lippincott
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Joan. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Meggan Levitt
Meggan is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Mark Lee
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Mark. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Deborah Lee
Deborah is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Fernando Ledezma
Fernando is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jill Leafstedt
Jill is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Victoria Mondelli
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Victoria. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Alexandra Pickett
Alexandra is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Roberta (Robin) Sullivan
Robin is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Paul Turner
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Paul. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Nicole Weber
Nicole is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Melissa Langdon
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Melissa. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Lisa Koster
Lisa is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Thierry Koscielniak Chief Digital Officer
Thierry is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jessica Knott
Jessica is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
David Kernohan
David is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
AJ Kelton
AJ is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Amarjit Kaur
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Amarjit. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Dr. Wendi Kappers
Wendi is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jim Julius
Jim is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Connie Johnson
Connie is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Shakir Hussain
Shakir is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Bill Hogue
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Bill. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Richard Hodges
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Richard. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Doug Hearrington
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Doug. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Tom Haymes
Tom is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Syed Mustafa Hassan
Syed is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Heather Haseley
Heather is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kelsey Hall
Kelsey is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Martin Halbert
Martin is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
David Gibson
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for David. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Rob Gibson
Rob is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Aline Germain-Rutherford
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Aline. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Maya Georgieva
Maya is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
James Frazee
James is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kevin Forgard
Kevin is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kenn Fisher
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Kenn. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Yvette Drager
Yvette is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kimberly Eke
Kimberly is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Julie Delello
Julie is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Rebecca Davis
Rebecca is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Janet Corral
Janet is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Deborah Cooke
Deborah is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Chun-Yen Chang
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Chun-Yen Chang. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Stephanie Bulger
Stephanie is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Cheryl Brown
Cheryl is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Malcolm Brown
Malcolm is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Marwin Britto
Marwin's Twitter account is private, so I wasn't able to add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jonathan Brennan
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Jonathan. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Dr. Braddlee
Braddlee is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Mohamad Ridwan Bin Othman
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Mohamad. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Dror Ben-Naim Founder & CEO
Dror is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Helga Bechmann
Helga is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Ronald Bergmann
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Ronald. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Elizabeth Barrie
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Elizabeth. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Noreen Barajas
Noreen is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Maha Bali
Maha is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
John Augeri
John is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Kevin Ashford-Rowe
Kevin is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Panel of Experts
I've started curating a HorizonReport2019 Twitter list of the folks involved in shaping the 2019 report. Join us in annotating the report preview. I'm adding a note to each name below about my effort to add them to the list. Check out the notes below or visit the list and let me know who is missing!
Kumiko Aoki
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Kumiko. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Serdar Abaci
I couldn't find a Twitter handle for Serdar. If you know what it is, reply below or tweet me @xolotl and I'll add them to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Jean Amaral
Jean is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
Bryan Alexander
Bryan is added to the HorizonReport2019 Twitter list.
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- reneepfeiferluckett
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- deonezell
- jessicaknott
- jasonsmith
- fernandoledezma
- richardhodges
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- mohamadridwanbinothman
- eli2019
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- katevalenti
- drbraddlee
- ruthnemire
- syedmustafahassan
- nachammasockalingam
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- heatherhaseley
- catherinewilkinson
- michaelthomas
- davidgibson
- davidkernohan
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- janetcorral
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- billhogue
- chunyenchang
- deborahcooke
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- michaelreese
- sunaypalsole
- jonathanbrennan
- ronaldbergmann
- kristinewgarden
- experts
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- kennfisher
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- malcolmbrown
- kevinforgard
- rameshsharma
- nikiwhiteside
- matthewworwood
- serdarabaci
- jillleafstedt
- yvettedrager
- alexandrawilliams
- horizonreport
- damianmcdonald
- shakirhussain
- paulsignorelli
library.educause.edu library.educause.edu
the expert panel
I've started curating a Twitter list of the folks involved in shaping the 2019 Horizon Report. Visit the list and let me know who is missing.
framework.thoughtvectors.net framework.thoughtvectors.net
At first, Engelbart's text seems aimed at experts at his level. It is challenging to think how to relate to his work as a novice.
I have been reflecting on this paragraph in my blog. http://eltnotes.blogspot.com/2019/02/amid-experts-and-augmented-novices.html
- Sep 2018
www.apmreports.org www.apmreports.org
Colleges and universities generally don't like state officials telling them what to do. "Professors pretty much have academic freedom to construct learning in the way they think best," Butler said.
- Nov 2017
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SMEs to read and respond to comments and conversation within the Social Learning framework.
- Dec 2016
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The firm identified two separate hacker groups, both working for the Russian government, that had infiltrated the network, said Dmitri Alperovitch, CrowdStrike co-founder and chief technology officer. The firm had analyzed other breaches by both groups over the past two years.
Dmitri Alperovitch from CrowdStrike was the first on the scene and made the determination that two Russian groups had