- Jan 2024
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Die Desinformation zur globalen Erhitzung hat sich von der Klimaleugnung hin zum Säen von Zweifeln an möglichen Lösungen verschoben. Einer neuer Studie zufolge sind wichtige Strategien auf Youdas Tube das Herunterspielen der negativen Konsequenzen, Erzeugen von Misstrauen in die Klimaforschung und vor allem die Behauptung, dass vorhandene technische Lösungen nicht praktikabel sind. Außerdem werden Verschwörungstheorien wie die vom Grand Reset bemüht. https://www.repubblica.it/green-and-blue/2024/01/17/news/negazionismo_climatico_youtube-421894897/
Studie: https://counterhate.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/CCDH-The-New-Climate-Denial_FINAL.pdf
- May 2023
Ein Bericht von Umwelt-Organisationen und des Center for Countering Digital Hate ergibt, dass Google nach wie vor viel Geld mit Anzeigen in der Umgebung von Inhalten von Klimleugnern verdient. 2021 hatte Google versprochen, auf solche Werbung zu verzichten. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/02/technology/google-youtube-disinformation-climate-change.html
- Nov 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Kale, S. (2021, November 11). Chakras, crystals and conspiracy theories: How the wellness industry turned its back on Covid science. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/11/injecting-poison-will-never-make-you-healthy-how-the-wellness-industry-turned-its-back-on-covid-science
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Wiseman, E. (2021, October 17). The dark side of wellness: The overlap between spiritual thinking and far-right conspiracies. The Observer. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/oct/17/eva-wiseman-conspirituality-the-dark-side-of-wellness-how-it-all-got-so-toxic
- conspiracy theory
- online community
- uncertainty
- mental health
- QAnon
- influencer
- policy
- pseudoscience
- wellness industry
- social media
- health
- lang:en
- disinformation
- right wing
- anti-vaccine
- wellness
- wellbeing
- debunking
- conspirituality
- worldview
- infodemic
- is:news
- science
- Center for Countering Digital Hate
- misinformation
- ideology
- trust
- psychology
- spirituality
- Aug 2021
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
The Daily 202: Nearly 30 groups urge Facebook, Instagram, Twitter to take down vaccine disinformation—The Washington Post. (n.d.). Retrieved August 2, 2021, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/07/19/daily-202-nearly-30-groups-urge-facebook-instagram-twitter-take-down-vaccine-disinformation/?utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social
- Jul 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Majority of Covid misinformation came from 12 people, report finds | Coronavirus | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/17/covid-misinformation-conspiracy-theories-ccdh-report?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
- Aug 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Hurst, D., & Murphy, K. (2020, June 22). Trump’s misleading information enables China to sow discord among allies, research finds. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/jun/23/trumps-misleading-information-enables-china-to-sow-discord-among-allies-research-finds