22 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. in a recent study with a very large group of six-month-old infants 100% of infants show this preference so it's not just a small statistically significant difference it's huge virtually every infant shows this

      for - innate connection - innate care for others - study of infants with puppets show 100% preference for compassionate play over selfish play - Youtube - Tukdam talk - An Overview Of CHM’s Work On “Well-Being And Tukdam” - Prof. Richard J. Davidson

    1. in Vermont, Native Americans lived here—well, like everywhere in North America—they lived here in Vermont for over ten thousand years. The ecosystem was basically intact, and that’s because they had that ethical system built into their fundamental cultural assumptions—the assumptions that guided their lives. They didn’t think about them. They didn’t question them. They were simply the assumptions, the unthought assumptions.

      for - philosophy matters! - biodiversity crisis - 10,000 years of preservation vs 100 years of clearcut - David Hinton - comparison - polycrisis - climate crisis - two unthought assumptions - philosophical differences - Indigenous people of Vermont vs European settlers - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton

      comparison - polycrisis - climate crisis - biodiversity crisis - Indigneous people of Vermont - vs European settlers - unthought assumptions - unthought assumptions of Indigenous people took care of forests for 10,000 years - unthought assumptions of European settlers clear cut all the forests in 100 years - These are philosophical differences - PHILOSOPHY MATTERS!

  2. Oct 2024
  3. Jun 2024
    1. perhaps 100 million human researcher equivalents running day and night t

      for - stats - AI evolution - equivalent of 100 million human researchers working 24/7

      stats - AI evolution - equivalent of 100 million human researchers working 24/7 - By 2027, the industry's aim is to have tens of millions of GPU training clusters, running - millions of copies of automated AI researchers, or the equivalent of - 100 million human AI researchers working 24/7

  4. May 2024
    1. Die großen US-Investmentgesellschaften BlackRock, JPMorgan Chase und State Street haben sich zu großen Teilen aus der Koalition Climate Action 100+ zurückgezogen, in der sich Unternehmen zur Dekarbonisierung verpflichten. Damit werden dieser Koalition 14 Billionen (14.000 Millionen) Dollar entzogen. Republikanische Politiker:innen versuchen schon länger zu verhindern, dass Investionen an Dekarbonisierungszusagen gebunden werden. Die Investment-Gesellschaften argumentieren jetzt, dass Climate Action 100+ nicht nur eine Offenlegung fossiler Investionen, sondern eine Steuerung verlangt habe. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/16/business/dealbook/wall-streets-climate-retreat.html

    1. Zum Hintergrund des Rückzugs großer Investoren der Wall Street aus dem Netzwerk Climate Action 100+. Der Rückzug ist vor allem das Ergebnis zunehmenden Drucks aus der Republikanischen Partei. Er hängt auch damit zusammen, dass Climate Action 100+ in einer Phase 2 von seinen MItgliedern nicht nur Informationen über die Klimafolgen von Investitionen verlangte, sondern Aktionen gegen fossile Emissionen. Dem Journalisten David Gelles zufolge werden die Wall Street-Firmen ihre bisherige, auf Redukton von Emissionen ausgerichtete Linie aber nicht völlig aufgeben. Weitgehend ist und bleibt diese Firmenpolitik aber kosmetisch. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/20/climate/wall-street-environmental-pledge-retreat.html

  5. Feb 2024
  6. Jan 2024
  7. tantek.com tantek.com
    Time to begin again: restarting my #100Days of #IndieWeb project for 2024, as a #100Posts of IndieWeb project, and congrats to the IndieWeb community on a fully completed 2023 IndieWeb Gift Calendar! Last year I completed 48 out of a planned 100 posts in my #100DaysOfIndieWeb project, for nearly 48 days (some days had multiple posts). Instead of resetting my goals accordingly, say down to 50, I’m going for 100 again, however, this time for 100 posts rather than 100 days, having learned that some days I find the time for multiple posts, and other days none at all. Looking back to the start of last year’s 100 Days project, it’s been one year since I encouraged everyone to own their own notes^1. Since then many have started, restarted, or expanded their personal sites to do so. Some have switched from a #Twitter account to a #Mastodon (or other #fediverse) account as a stopgap for short-form status posts. A step in the right direction, yet also an opportunity to take the leap this year to fully own their identity and posts on the web. In 2023 Twitter also broke all existing API clients (including my website). I did not feel it was worth my time to re-apply for an API key and rebuild/retest any necessary code for my semi-automatic #POSSE publishing, not knowing when they might break things again (since there was no rational reason for them to have broken things in the first place). I manually POSSEd a few posts after that, yet from the lack of interactions, either Twitter’s feed algorithm^2 isn’t showing my posts, or people have largely left or stopped using Twitter. Either way, when your friends stop seeing your posts on a silo, there’s no need to spend any time POSSEing to it. On the positive side, the IndieWeb community really came together in 2023, shining brightly even through the darker days of December. We, the IndieWeb community (and some beyond!) provided a gift (or often multiple) to the rest of community for every single day of December 2023^3, the first time we successfully filled out the whole month since the 2018 IndieWeb Challenge^4, and only the second time ever in the seven years of the IndieWeb Challenge-turned-Gift-Calendar. By going through the various gifts (more than 2 per day on average!), there are many interesting numbers and patterns we could surface. That deserves its own post however, as does a summary of the 48 posts^5 of my 2023 100 Days of IndieWeb attempt, so I’ll end this post here. Happy New Year to all, with an especially well deserved congratulations to the IndieWeb community and everyone who contributed to the 2023 Gift Calendar. Well done! Let’s see what else we can create & share on our personal sites in 2024 and continue setting a higher bar for the independent web by showing instead of telling. #ShowDontTell This is post 1 of #100PostsOfIndieWeb. #100Posts ← ✨ → 🔮 Post glossary: API https://indieweb.org/API POSSE https://indieweb.org/POSSE silo https://indieweb.org/silo ^1 https://tantek.com/2023/001/t1/own-your-notes ^2 https://indieweb.org/algorithmic_feed ^3 https://indieweb.org/2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar ^4 https://indieweb.org/2018-12-indieweb-challenge ^5 https://tantek.com/2023/365/t2/no-large-language-model-llm-used - Tantek
  8. Dec 2021
    1. Daf Yomi—a study program launched in the 1920s in which Jews around the world read one page of the Talmud every day for 2,711 days, or about seven and a half years

      An interesting concept.

  9. May 2021
  10. Sep 2020
  11. Jun 2020
  12. Dec 2019
    1. Effective use of data follows a kind of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. The base of the pyramid involves capturing all the relevant data, being able to put it together in an applicable processing environment (be that a fancy real-time query system or just text files and python scripts). This data needs to be modeled in a uniform way to make it easy to read and process. Once these basic needs of capturing data in a uniform way are taken care of it is reasonable to work on infrastructure to process this data in various ways—MapReduce, real-time query systems, etc. It's worth noting the obvious: without a reliable and complete data flow, a Hadoop cluster is little more than a very expensive and difficult to assemble space heater. Once data and processing are available, one can move concern on to more refined problems of good data models and consistent well understood semantics. Finally, concentration can shift to more sophisticated processing—better visualization, reporting, and algorithmic processing and prediction. In my experience, most organizations have huge holes in the base of this pyramid—they lack reliable complete data flow—but want to jump directly to advanced data modeling techniques. This is completely backwards. So the question is, how can we build reliable data flow throughout all the data systems in an organization?
  13. Jun 2019
  14. inst-fs-pdx-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-pdx-prod.inscloudgate.net
    1. They now play a bigger part in consulting with faculty members on pedagogy and on course design—as well as how to determine the best ways to use educational technology in all kinds of courses.


  15. Sep 2018
    1. There is a provision that the nomination of the judges of the superior courts shall be vested in the General Government, but it would seem that the constitution of the courts is to be left to the local governments ; and I put the question, What does this mean ? Do you mean that the local governments are to establish as many courts as they please, declare of how many judges they will be composed, and that the General Government will have to pay for them ? Is a local government to say, here is a court with three judges ; we want five, and those five must be appointed and paid by the General Government ?

      §§.92(14), 96, and 100 of the Constitution Act, 1867.

  16. May 2017
    1. Impressively, that’s exactly what happened: people spammed the line with stories about space aliens. Which led to an amazing statement from ICE, describing the calls as a cheap publicity stunt “beyond the pale of legitimate public discourse” that is both “absurd” and “shameful.”


  17. Feb 2017
    1. Thus liberty and independence will ever be prevalent motives with republicans, pomp and splendour with those attached to monarchy. In mercantile states, such as Carthage among the ancients, or Holland among the moderns, interest will always prove the most cogent argument; in stales solely or chiefly composed of soldiers, such as Sparta and Ancient Rome, no inducement will be found a counterpoise to glory.

      Reminiscent of Aristotle's classification of constitutions by their ends. Though I note he grants Monarch's "pomp and splendor" while Aristotle gave them "self-preservation."

  18. Dec 2016
    1. You gotta go for what you knowMake everybody see, in order to fight the powers that beLemme hear you sayFight the Power

      This shows how Public enemy started a physical movement among the people. Many took to the streets to participate in non-violent protests for the cause. Many were forced to hear what they had to say and there was a push for change. Public Enemy never wanted the protest to be violent, they just wanted change.

  19. May 2015