- Mar 2025
www.adurocleantech.com www.adurocleantech.com
for - plastic recycling - plastic upcycling - plastic pollution
- Nov 2024
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Throw Out Your Black Plastic Spatula by [[Zoë Schlanger]]
Lots of links to journal articles and published studies here.
optical sensors in recycling facilities can’t detect them, black-colored plastics are largely rejected from domestic-waste streams,
www.mohawk-finishing.com www.mohawk-finishing.com
Putty sticks (aka paint sticks) are good for filling in nicks and dings on furniture.
These putty sticks and some crayons are also great for restoring the colored index lines on typewriters as well as other colored metal parts and occasionally on some plastic typewriter keys.
M231-10104 SYY Red<br /> M230-0054 Crimson Rose #SN292<br /> M230-0046 COCONUT, COTTON, BRIE, HEAVY CREAM, SNOWFLAKE <br /> M230-0090 Picket Fence
- Oct 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Nicht nur #BP investiert in mehr fossile Infrastruktur und verzichtet auf Dekarbonisierungsziele. Große Firmen und Investmentgesellschaften geben die Orientierung an „Environmental, social and governace“- (ESG-)Standards zunehmend auf. Für #BlackRock, #Vanguard, #JPMorgan und #StateStreet spielen sie keine oder nur noch eine geringe Rolle, die EU hat sie verwässert. Der Guardian berichtet darüber in einem gut recherchierten Überblicksartikel. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/oct/13/very-concerning-bp-dilutes-net-zero-targets-as-global-retreat-from-green-standards-gathers-pace
- plastic
- Shell
- by: Julia Kollewe
- BP
- by: Jillian Ambrose
- Vanguard
- Unilever
- Climate Action 100+
- European Sustainability Reporting Standards
- State Street
- ESG standards
- lowering of climate ambition
- Lewis Johnston
- by: Kalyeena Makortoff
- Greenpeace
- ShareAction
- fossil expansion
- Quilter Cheviot
- JP Morgan
- BlackRock
- Gemma Woodward
- Sep 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Der kalifornische.Generalstaatsanwalt hat einen Prozess gegen Exxon Mobil angestrengt, weil der Konzern.den Verkauf von nichtwiederverwenbarem Plastik über Jahrzehnte mit Fehlinformationen über Recycling gefördert habe. Die Firma hätte gewusst und bewusst verschwiegen, dass eines ihrer Hauptprodukte erheblich zur Plastik-Verschmutzung beiträgt. NGOs, die Exxon ebenfalls verklagten, begrüßen, dass damit ein Ölkonzern auch wegen der Plastikverschmutzung juristisch zur Rechenschaft gezogen wird, under erwarten weitere Prozesse dieser Art. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/23/climate/california-exxon-mobil-plastics-pollution-recycling-lawsuit.html
- Beyond Plastics
- Surfrider Foundation
- by: Karen Zraick
- by: David Gelles
- Richard Wiles
- California
- legal action
- The Fraud of Plastic Recycling
- Exxon Mobile
- Heal the Bay
- Jane Patton
- Sierra Club
- San Francisco Baykeeper
- Plastic Recycling
- Bruce Huber
- Center for Climate Integrity
- Center for International Environmental Law
- Jul 2024
DIY Restoring Yellowed Plastic Featuring Royal Mercury Typewriter
Yellowed plastics can be treated with sunshine (or other UV light for several days) and hydrogen peroxide (3%) to repair the yellowing.
- Mar 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
for - progress trap - microplastics - rain - progress trap - plastic
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
- Feb 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Eine Koalition von NGOs wird weiterhin gegen das Project One genannte größte petrochemische Werk Europas kämpfen, das in Belgien errichtet werden soll. Mit großer Energie wird bei der EU für dieses Projekt lobbyiert, das wegen seiner Umweltfolgen bereits einmal gestoppt wurde. Das Projekt würde die Plastikverschmutzung enorm vergrößern und zusätzlich zu hohen Treibhausgasemissionen führen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/22/ngos-lodge-legal-challenge-against-vast-new-petrochemical-plant-in-antwerp
- Jan 2024
www.euronews.com www.euronews.com
for - progress trap - tires - micro plastic p pollution
www.publichealth.columbia.edu www.publichealth.columbia.edu
for - progress trap - micro plastic in bottled water
- Aug 2023
www.lesswrong.com www.lesswrong.com
I replace the metal rings (which I find harder to work with) with plastic rings.
Some users find that plastic book rings are easier to use than metal ones.
- Jun 2023
Die Verhandlungen für ein internationales Abkommen zu Begrenzung des plastikmülls sind extrem schwierig, unter anderem weil die Öl produzierenden Länder inklusive der USA verhindern wollen, dass Mehrheit sentscheidungen akzeptiert werden, und damit praktisch ein Vetorecht beanspruchen. Die Emissionen, die durch die plastikproduktion entstehen, sind größer als die Emission durch Flug und Schiffsverkehr zusammen. https://taz.de/Verhandlungen-zum-Plastikabkommen/!5935914/
- Apr 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Informationsreicher Artikel des Guardian über eine neue Anlage von #ExxonMobil zum chemischen Recycling von Plastik im texanischen Baytown-Komplex. Viele Basis-Informationen zu dieser umweltschädlichen Technik und ihrer Verwendung durch die Ölindustrie, um von der wachsenden Produktion von Single Use-Plastik abzulenken. Anlagen zum chemischen Recycling werden vor allem in räumlicher Nähe von Communities, die bereits extrem und der Verschmutzung durch Plastik und Abgase leiden Chemisches Recycling gehört auch zu den Geschäftsfeldern der #OMV-Tochter #Borealis. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/apr/10/exxon-advanced-recycling-plastic-environment
- NGO: Minderoo Foundation
- institution: Natural Resources Defense Council
- NGO: Unearthed
- pyrolysis
- institution: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- expert: Phaedra Pezzullo.
- expert: Veena Singla
- expert: Taylor Uekert
- expert: Luke Metzger
- process: plastic production
- NGO: Environment Texas
- actor: ExxonMobil
- Sep 2022
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Notably absent from the debris was plastic from nations with lots of plastic pollution in their rivers. This was surprising, says Egger, because rivers are thought to be the source of most ocean plastic. Instead, most of the garbage-patch plastic seemed to have been dumped into the ocean directly by passing ships.This suggests that “plastic emitted from land tends to accumulate along coastal areas, while plastic lost at sea has a high chance of accumulating in ocean garbage patches”, Egger says. The combination of the new results and the finding that fishing nets make up a large proportion of the debris indicates that fishing — spearheaded by the five countries and territories identified in the study — is the main source of plastic in the North Pacific garbage patch.
!- leverage point : ocean plastic pollution
- Aug 2022
www.esa.int www.esa.int
Every 60 seconds the equivalent of a lorry-load of plastic enters the global ocean. Where does it end up? Right now, researchers simply don’t know. But in a bid to help find out, an ESA-led project developed floating transmitters whose passage can be tracked over time, helping in turn to guide a sophisticated software model of marine plastic litter accumulation.
Huh? The plastic ends up in the Garbage Patches - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_garbage_patch
This is a surprising and disappointing oversight by ESA.
- Jun 2022
www.cardiff.ac.uk www.cardiff.ac.uk
European farmland could be biggest global reservoir of microplastics, study suggests
Example of a progress trap Planetary Boundary / Doughnut Economic Category: Biophysical: Chemicals, Water Socio-Economic: Food, Health
- Nov 2021
www.thermofisher.com www.thermofisher.com
Polypropylene containers are autoclavable. The recommended autoclave cycle for empty containers is 121°C at 15 psi for 20 minutes. Care must be taken to allow free air circulation into and out of vessels during the autoclave cycle, especially during the venting and cooling stages. If the container is not properly vented, collapse or implosion (sometimes confused with melting) can occur. When autoclaving bottles and carboys, the cap threads must be completely disengaged from the container; the cap can be set loosely over the mouth opening at a rogue angle to ensure the threads don’t inadvertently engage. Once the container is completely cooled, the cap can be aseptically tipped into place and tightened down.
This is virtually identical to pressure cooker conditions. Thus these tips likely apply equally to cooking. Moreover, I take this as evidence that is appropriate for cooking food in the pressure cooker, though it may warp under stresses (so stacking containers may cause warping).
- Sep 2021
oceana.org oceana.org
Take “biopolymers” for example. These naturally-derived materials are biodegradable, but they typically require the searing heat of an industrial composting facility to fully decompose. In many U.S. cities, these facilities do not exist – and placing them in the recycling bin isn’t the solution, either.
twinings.co.uk twinings.co.uk
we are changing all our traditional teabags into a new type of paper that is entirely plant based and fully biodegradable when placed into local authority composting.
Oddly specific type of composting...
- Apr 2020
www.greenpeace.org www.greenpeace.org
Last year, Nestlé used 1.7 million tonnes of plastic packaging
- Mar 2020
www.thenation.com www.thenation.com
Dictators and tyrants routinely begin their reigns and sustain their power with the deliberate and calculated destruction of art
Art terrifies tyrants! Here's one tiny small example, but there are unfortunately hundreds of thousands examples of this.
- Oct 2019
www.nature.com www.nature.com
simulate the activated sludge process of a municipal waste water treatment plant and so better understand the fate of nanoplastics in urban environments
www.nature.com www.nature.com
it has become a seemingly essential part of our life. It helps us to preserve food, keep warm, communicate with the world and much more
- Apr 2019
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Although ostensibly inert, like Chernobyl’s ‘undead’ isotopes, plastics are in fact intensely lively, leaching endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
- Feb 2019
ategroup.com ategroup.com
Ecoaxis introduced industrial IoT solution for plastic processing machines which help to improve efficiency, productivity and quality. Our IoT (Internet of Things) gateway helps connect your various plastic processing machines and utilities to capture and securely transfer accurate data to the cloud for advanced analytics.
- Jul 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Plastic time is described as unanticipated, un-reflexive and fluid, as the “experience of temporal ‘scraps’, of gapsin the schedule”, and as “the negative space of busyness”[p. 233]. Plastic time flies under the radar, being unplanned and non-immersive, and associated with neither productivi-ty nor leisure. It is interruptible, but can also expand until some other activity presents itself.
Definition of plastic time.
Adds nuance to the idea of digital time as plastic -- morphable in some ways. rigid in others, asynchronous but also rhythmic in its own way (especially around the examples of web surfing and TV viewing) when the experience of time is lost.
Does plastic time also hint at kind of materiality?? Time as tangible?
Accord-ingly, and in the interests of exploring how broader shifts in time use have may coevolved with digital technologies, we now look to work by Rattenbury et al. [37], which relates the always-on quality of digital technologies to more gen-eral shifts in the organization of everyday life. These are changes that have resulted in a temporal experience that they describe as plastic, a temporal experience that is both shaped by and shapes the use of digital technologies.
Look up Rattenbury paper
Again, seems to indicate a socio-technical temporal experience where temporal experiences influence and are influenced by digital technologies.
- Dec 2015
tiki.oneworld.org tiki.oneworld.org
This problem of plastic has to be solved – and quickly. This guide for kids gives a good run down and should make anyone think twice before using plastics frivolously.