63 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. which leads to another framing insight, which is that the framing of climate change is a problem with a solution instead of framing it as a systemic interdependent web or what’s called a predicament.

      for - climate crisis - climate communications - 3rd framing element - oversimplification of complexity to reductionist linear thinking - " the polluters are the problem, let's find a solution" - Joe Brewer

  2. Sep 2024
  3. Jun 2024
    1. we can't solve this problem

      for - epiphany - we can't solve this problem

      epiphany - we can't solve this problem - We need another name to replace the dualistic framework of - problem - solving - I've felt this for awhile but only this morning in listening here to Nora that the implicit surfaced to explicit articulation - From the etymology, the word "problem" comes from "to put forward" - This is like noticing something salient from an entire complex phenomenological perspective and field of view and salience landscape - We choose one from many - From the etymology of the word "solution", it means - from Latin solutionem (nominative solutio) "a loosening or unfastening," - A holistic replacement for the problem/solution framework which has led to progress traps is absolutely necessary to create new imaginations of alternatives

      to - problem etymology - means to put forward - https://hyp.is/8qr_miFlEe-Lx6ubSiCR6w/www.etymonline.com/word/problem - solution etymology - means to loosen, unfasten - https://hyp.is/yIcQciFmEe-LzBs-xcXIag/www.etymonline.com/search?q=solution

  4. May 2024
    1. It is clear thatthis approach will bring some benefits

      Namely, less metadata.

      Perhaps it could be mitigated via metadata compaction on sync and snapshots to garbage-collect history.

  5. Jan 2024
  6. Sep 2023
  7. Jun 2023
    1. Using Time.now (which returns the wall-clock time) as base-lines has a couple of issues which can result in unexpected behavior. This is caused by the fact that the wallclock time is subject to changes like inserted leap-seconds or time slewing to adjust the local time to a reference time. If there is e.g. a leap second inserted during measurement, it will be off by a second. Similarly, depending on local system conditions, you might have to deal with daylight-saving-times, quicker or slower running clocks, or the clock even jumping back in time, resulting in a negative duration, and many other issues. A solution to this issue is to use a different time of clock: a monotonic clock.
  8. Dec 2022
    1. Email addresses sometimes get reassigned to a different person. For example, employment changes at a company can cause an address used for an ex-employee to be assigned to a new employee, or a mail service provider (MSP) might expire an account and then let someone else register for the local-part that was previously used. Those who sent mail to the previous owner of an address might not know that it has been reassigned. This can lead to the sending of email to the correct address but the wrong recipient. This situation is of particular concern with transactional mail related to purchases, online accounts, and the like.
  9. Aug 2022
  10. Apr 2022
    1. three steps required to solve the all-importantcorrespondence problem. Step one, according to Shenkar: specify one’s ownproblem and identify an analogous problem that has been solved successfully.Step two: rigorously analyze why the solution is successful. Jobs and hisengineers at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California, immediately got towork deconstructing the marvels they’d seen at the Xerox facility. Soon theywere on to the third and most challenging step: identify how one’s owncircumstances differ, then figure out how to adapt the original solution to thenew setting.

      Oded Shenkar's three step process for effective problem solving using imitation: - Step 1. Specify your problem and identify an analogous problem that has been successfully solved. - Step 2. Analyze why the solution was successful. - Step 3. Identify how your problem and circumstances differ from the example problem and figure out how to best and most appropriately adapt the original solution to the new context.

      The last step may be the most difficult.

      The IndieWeb broadly uses the idea of imitation to work on and solve a variety of different web design problems. By focusing on imitation they dramatically decrease the work and effort involved in building a website. The work involved in creating new innovative solutions even in their space has been much harder, but there, they imitate others in breaking the problems down into the smallest constituent parts and getting things working there.

      Link this to the idea of "leading by example".

      Link to "reinventing the wheel" -- the difficulty of innovation can be more clearly seen in the process of people reinventing the wheel for themselves when they might have simply imitated a more refined idea. Searching the state space of potential solutions can be an arduous task.

      Link to "paving cow paths", which is a part of formalizing or crystalizing pre-tested solutions.

    1. Today, many web developers are even using JavaScript's native module syntax, but combining it with bare import specifiers, thus making their code unable to run on the web without per-application, ahead-of-time modification. We'd like to solve that, and bring these benefits to the web.
    1. Making one Comment query per Post is too expensive; it’s N+1 queries (one to fetch the posts, N to fetch the comments). You could use includes to preload all the comments for all the posts, but that requires hydrating hundreds of thousands of records, even though you only need a few hundred for your front page. What you want is some kind of GROUP BY with a LIMIT on each group — but that doesn’t exist, either in Activerecord nor even in postgres. Postgres has a different solution for this problem: the LATERAL JOIN.
  11. Mar 2022
    1. I mean there’s no single answer that will solve all of our future problems. There’s no magic bullet. Instead there are thousands of answers — at least. You can be one of them if you choose to be.'
    1. A problem here would be having mosquitos in and outside your house. The solution is these mosquito systems that they install.

  12. Feb 2022
    1. But if you can’t show them what that means, on a human level, you’ve missed your opportunity as a filmmaker.

      I think documentaries, podcasts, books, any form of media, if done right can shed light on important issues that people might have otherwise not known. People know housing disparities exist, but when you force them to see it i think real change can happen.

  13. Jan 2022
  14. Feb 2021
    1. I wanted to keep reviewing restaurants, but I didn’t want to go back into their dining rooms both because of the risk and because I was afraid readers would take it as an all-clear signal. When the governor halted indoor dining again in December, my selfish reaction was relief. Then I briefly got depressed. How would restaurants survive? And how would I keep writing about them?One answer had already started to appear on sidewalks and streets in the form of small greenhouses, huts, tents and yurts. Inside these personal dining rooms, you can (and should) sit just with people from your own household. If the restaurant thoroughly airs the space out between seatings, any germs you breathe in should be the same ones that are bouncing around your home. Many restaurants instruct their servers to stay outside the structures as much as possible, though some don’t.

      Syntax of question and answer reveals itself again. His doubts and negativity are addressed within the first highlighted paragraph with a question coming to Pete's mind. He realized his influence as a critic and decided to take the right step to prevent anything bad from occurring. Despite his sacrifice, the next paragraph he discusses the clever solutions restaurants had come up with which solved his problem for the most part. This description underlines yet more change that brought upon good things, which is the main idea he is relating to the food scene. He creates a comparison between an at home setting along with the solutions restaurants have come up with to further emphasize his point of safety amidst COVID.

    1. This can be useful in cases like multistep registration. Previously in # rails we used to stick all of the validations in the class and then we're # stuck validating them all everytime
  15. Dec 2020
    1. This is an opportunity to fix a bug: if you're on a page that redirects to a login page if there's no user object, or otherwise preloads data specific to that user, then logging out won't automatically update the page — you could easily end up with a page like HOME ABOUT LOG IN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret, user-specific data that shouldn't be visible alongside a 'log in' button:
  16. Nov 2020
    1. So, how does an SPA work? JavaScript loads in the browser and loads data from an API. Most of the rendering is done on the client Side. But search engine bots have a hard time indexing the page because it doesn't have much without JS.
    1. This scenario demonstrates one drawback of CSS: With all the style rules that need to be applied to multiple elements on multiple pages, things can get pretty redundant. And redundancy can eat up your time and cause friction whenever you need to change a color, font, or any other style aspect across your site.
  17. Oct 2020
    1. You can see that behaviour in this example. Select a range of text and hit the tab key. Because the <textarea> value changes, the current selection is cleared and the cursor jumps, annoyingly, to the end.
    1. Just like elements can have children... <div> <p>I'm a child of the div</p> </div>...so can components. Before a component can accept children, though, it needs to know where to put them. We do this with the <slot> element.
    1. The primary motivation behind virtual-dom is to allow us to write code independent of previous state. So when our application state changes we will generate a new VTree. The diff function creates a set of DOM patches that, based on the difference between the previous VTree and the current VTree, will update the previous DOM tree to match the new VTree.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: for: "code independent of previous state."

      annotation meta: may need new tag: for: diffs other than source/text code diffs (in this case diffs between virtual DOM trees)

    2. Manual DOM manipulation is messy and keeping track of the previous DOM state is hard. A solution to this problem is to write your code as if you were recreating the entire DOM whenever state changes. Of course, if you actually recreated the entire DOM every time your application state changed, your app would be very slow and your input fields would lose focus.
  18. mdxjs.com mdxjs.com
    1. Before MDX, some of the benefits of writing Markdown were lost when integrating with JSX. Implementations were often template string-based which required lots of escaping and cumbersome syntax.
  19. Sep 2020
    1. Please focus on explaining the motivation so that if this RFC is not accepted, the motivation could be used to develop alternative solutions. In other words, enumerate the constraints you are trying to solve without coupling them too closely to the solution you have in mind.
    2. A huge part of the value on an RFC is defining the problem clearly, collecting use cases, showing how others have solved a problem, etc.
    3. An RFC can provide tremendous value without the design described in it being accepted.
  20. Jun 2020
  21. May 2020
    1. If you update your pages and push to github, people revisiting the pages who have already got cached copies will not get the new pages without actually cleaning their browser cache. How can a script running in a page determine that it is stale and force an update?
  22. Apr 2020
  23. Mar 2020
    1. However imagine we are creating a format string in a separate file, commonly because we would like to internationalize it and we rewrite it as: <?php$format = 'The %s contains %d monkeys';echo sprintf($format, $num, $location);?> We now have a problem. The order of the placeholders in the format string does not match the order of the arguments in the code. We would like to leave the code as is and simply indicate in the format string which arguments the placeholders refer to. We would write the format string like this instead: <?php$format = 'The %2$s contains %1$d monkeys';echo sprintf($format, $num, $location);?> An added benefit is that placeholders can be repeated without adding more arguments in the code.
    2. $format = 'There are %d monkeys in the %s';

      Compared to below:

      $format = 'The %s contains %d monkeys'
    1. Poedit and other tools can scan your .php files for references of __(), _e(), _n() and so on, and grab those strings for translation, which is awesome, because otherwise you’d have to manually add every single string. Now, when these tools come across _n() in our sources, they know it’s a plural thing, because of a special keyword setting which looks something like _n:1,2, meaning _n() takes at least two arguments, where the first argument is the singular, and the second argument is a the plural, so it grabs both strings. Let’s take a look at how Poedit and other tools will parse our function above: Hello there _n() on line 3! I’m supposed to grab two of your arguments because I have this smart keyword setting, but none of these arguments are strings, so I’ll just skip to the next match
  24. Feb 2020
    1. Nix helps you make sure that package dependency specifications are complete. In general, when you’re making a package for a package management system like RPM, you have to specify for each package what its dependencies are, but there are no guarantees that this specification is complete. If you forget a dependency, then the component will build and work correctly on your machine if you have the dependency installed, but not on the end user's machine if it's not there.
  25. Jan 2020
    1. You might be thinking––"a tool that allows me to write semantic and reusable queries? Sounds like Active Record". It's absolutley true that Active Record already provides a powerful query tool kit. But what happens when even simple queries stretch the bounds of Active Record's capabilities?
    1. Such verbose. Much code. Very bloat. Wow. We've lost all the awesome association introspection that ActiveRecord would otherwise have given us.
    1. That's the problem with therapy: The people who really need help are often the onesnot trusting others (as a result of bad experiences)not recognizing they have a problem in the first placebeing too scared to open up (or leave the house)being too exhausted to goless likely to be able to afford it. (That's only an issue in countries without a proper health care system.)
  26. Dec 2019
    1. But it's not easy to open todo.txt, make a change, and save it—especially on your touchscreen device and at the command line. Todo.txt apps solve that problem.
    1. Sometimes cronjobs fail to run successfully because a required server (like a database or ftp server) is temporarily unavailable due to power failures, hardware failures, software failures, network outages, choice of operating system, pilot error, and the like. Typically, this results in someone being forced to examine crontabs and error reports, determine which cronjobs really need to be run, and then run them manually. This happened to me twice in one week. I don't want it to happen again. Cronjobs are meant to be automated and I want them to stay that way. This is the rationale for noexcuses.
    1. An ssh public key in a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file can have a command="" option which forces a particular command to be executed when the key is used to authenticate an ssh connection. This is a security control that mitigates against private key compromise. This is great when you only need to execute a single command. But if you need to perform multiple tasks, you would normally need to create and install a separate key pair for each command, or just not bother making use of forced commands and allow the key to be used to execute any command.
    1. However, these benefits only accrue to outbound connections made from the local system to ssh servers elsewhere: once logged into a remote server, connecting from there to yet a third server requires either password access, or setting up the user's private key on the intermediate system to pass to the third. Having agent support on the local system is certainly an improvement, but many of us working remotely often must copy files from one remote system to another. Without installing and initializing an agent on the first remote system, the scp operation will require a password or passphrase every time. In a sense, this just pushes the tedium back one link down the ssh chain.
  27. Nov 2019
    1. You might want developers building projects with this CMS to be able to change the behaviour of some UIs, or to be able to provide new components that can be consumed by the CMS. Those components can't easily be included in the JS bundle for the CMS, as it would require recompiling the shipped code with outside references.
    1. However, again you would have to lift state up to the App component in order to pass the amount to the currency components. As you can see, the component composition on its own doesn't help us to solve the problem. That's the point where React's render props pattern comes into play which enhances React's component composition with an important ingredient: a render function.
    1. “The broader issue is clearing space for your transit to get through congestion, and most of that congestion is from private cars, not [ride-hail],” says Ben Fried, the group’s communications head. “Cities need to make transit fast, affordable, convenient." Truly attractive transit has to do that better than private cars.

      problem with transit/possible solution to the problem

  28. Oct 2019