63 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2025
    1. they see systems of oppression working in concert rather than separately. For instance, the way sexism is experienced depends not only on a person’s gender but also on how the person experiences racism, classism, ageism, and other forms of marginalization within particular historical and cultural contexts.

      SEXISM Chapter 1 (UNO)

  2. Apr 2023
    1. A conclusion from the cohort study is that women’s and men’s careers develop in a relatively similar way, but that on average it takes a year or so longer for a women to become employed as a professor.
    2. A central question asked by many, and which has also been topical for this study, is why the proportion of female professors is so low, when the proportion of women and men is equal in other employment categories and among doctoral degree holders.What are the differences between women’s and men’s routes to employment as a professor? Will any differences between women and men be equalised over time? Another question is whether more women than men leave higher education and, if so, does this explain why there are fewer women than men at professor level? The expression “the leaky pipeline” is often used for this phenomenon. A follow-up question is whether women and men leave higher education for different reasons and, if so, what are these reasons? We also asked the question whether the small proportion of women at professor level is due to differences between the conditions in different scientific fields, or if it is due to circumstances within each field? The Swedish Research Council’s follow-ups show that women apply for research grants aimed at junior researcher to a lesser extent than men do. We asked the question why this is so?
    3. The study also shows that, in all scientific fields, women face more challenges than men do.
  3. Aug 2022
    1. Magie's game was becoming increasingly popular around the Northeastern United States. College students attending Harvard, Columbia, and University of Pennsylvania, left-leaning middle class families, and Quakers were all playing her board game. Three decades after The Landlord's Game was invented in 1904, Parker Brothers published a modified version, known as Monopoly. Charles Darrow claimed the idea as his own, stating that he invented the game in his basement. Magie spoke out against them and reported that she had made a mere $500 from her invention and received none of the credit for Monopoly.[7] In January 1936, an interview with Magie appeared in a Washington, D.C. newspaper, in which she was critical of Parker Brothers. Magie spoke to reporters about the similarities between Monopoly and The Landlord's Game. The article published spoke to the fact that Magie spent more money making her game than she received in earnings, especially with the lack of credit she received after Monopoly was created. After the interviews, Parker Brothers agreed to publish two more of her games but continued to give Darrow the credit for inventing the game itself.[11] Darrow was known as the inventor of Monopoly until Ralph Anspach discovered Magie's patents and her relation to the Monopoly game while fighting a legal battle with the Parker Brothers because of his Anti-Monopoly game. Subsequently, her invention of The Landlord's Game has been given more attention and research. Despite the fact that Darrow and the Parker Brothers capitalized on and were credited with her idea, she posthumously received credit for one of the most popular board games.[3]

      This is a fascinating bit of trivia, and that should be better known by the general public.

  4. Jul 2022
  5. Jan 2022
    1. Men need to turn up to the teacher courses I attend on empathy and restorative practice. Men are consistently in the minority at these events and whilst the men who do attend are inspiring, the empty seats are a reminder that change is not happening quickly enough.

      The issue of who does and doesn't show up to faculty development has enormous impacts. Connecting it to violence in society is a chilling insight.

    1. “Born 1930: The Unlost Generation” by Caroline Bird, Harper’s Bazaar, Feb. 1957

      Note that even in this definition of the hipster, the masculine is used throughout. Most of the subsidiary descriptions also drip of the "male" here as well, jobs, interests, etc. Would there have been female hipsters?

    1. I had never heard of a Josephite marriage, a union inspired by the relationship between Joseph and the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus.

      Why is this framed with Joseph's name instead of Mary?

  6. Nov 2021
    1. He is anxious to have his boys better equipped for the American man’s life than he himself was.

      Noting the painful amount of male pronouns and references in this essay.

  7. Aug 2021
  8. Mar 2021
    1. Always sympathetic, never condescending, she presented her readers with characters they knew and understood, the 20th-century equivalents of Huck Finn or Louisa May Alcott’s little women, and every bit as popular: Her books sold more than 85 million copies, according to HarperCollins.

      But they were quite often sexist, and don't always hold up for modern readers.

  9. Feb 2021
  10. Dec 2020
    1. Mrs. Vincenzo Ardenghi

      "Mrs Vincenzo Ardenghi" is actually "Anna Heaton Fitch Farnham" from the provenance, widow of William Farnham, the treasurer of Yale.

  11. Oct 2020
    1. To make matters worse, her proctor kept calling her “sweetheart.”

      I'd like to see more reporting on this - who exactly are these proctors we're outsourcing our teaching to? How are they screened? What's their code of conduct? How is a complaint registered?

  12. Sep 2020
    1. This absolute self-dependence is a great virtue in a man. In a woman it has a serious drawback of morally separating her from the mass of her sex, and so exposing her to misconstruction by the general opinion.

      So much of the sexism portrayed by the narrators seems so on the nose, and inverted by the actions of the women in the novel. Rachel is strong, assertive, and segacious. Lady Verinder, kept her agency, and did not bend under the scrutiny of Mr. Cuff, Penelope was right about Rachel's feelings for Franklin, whereas Betteredge was none the wiser. And Rosanna, though tragically, also maintained her agency. I wonder if this was Collins's intent, is he making a critique?

  13. May 2020
  14. Feb 2020
  15. Nov 2019
    1. Tea cites Chavisa Woods’s recent memoir of sexism 100 Times, Andrea Lawlor’s Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl and Brontez Purnell’s Since I Laid My Burden Down as examples of books that have fearlessly and artfully tackled themes of power and gender relations, misogyny and sexual violence. “Right now, I think the [publishing] industry is responding to what is happening and saying: ‘Yes we really need these voices, we need these ideas out in the world.’

      So true!

      My review of Chavisa Woods's book is here.

  16. Jul 2019
  17. May 2019
    1. Missandei, too, was failed. As one of the only two central people of colour in the entire series, her exit – her fridging, frankly – at the hands of a white woman was nothing short of woeful. She deserved so much more.
    2. And that's not all. In 'The Last of the Starks' alone, the writers stuck two fingers up at Brienne after using her to service Jaime's internal struggle regarding his twisted devotion to Cersei. Then there was Sansa Stark's conversation with The Hound about the abuse she suffered at the hands of Ramsay Bolton, Littlefinger, and Joffrey, and the way in her suffering was, in the words of actor Jessica Chastain, used as "a tool to make a character stronger".
    3. Following Rhaegal's death at the hands of Euron, Dany abandoned all reason to charge at him head on, endangering both herself and her last remaining dragon. Rather than attack from behind at speed, showering the fleet and their men in flames, she acted on impulse. Reason abandoned her.
    4. That also does Jaime a disservice, implying that his love cannot possibly be as great and all-encompassing as Cersei's because she is their mother, and he is merely their father. He remains pragmatic, Cersei is deranged.
    5. there has been one constant throughout: when women experience loss, they lose their minds.
    1. The writing staff on Game of Thrones has always been male-dominated, with only four episodes in the show’s history being credited to female writers. Season eight is written and directed entirely by men (only one woman, Michelle MacLaren, has ever directed Thrones), although there has been at least one woman in the writer’s room, Gursimran Sandhu, this time around.

      These statistics are saddening. Fess up, HBO!

    2. I forgave the show for its cruel treatment of Sansa a season ago, when it became clear that her story was one of survival rather than victimhood. But Thrones rarely passes up an opportunity to remind us of her rapes. It undermines a character who has refused to be beaten or defined by her suffering, especially when, in the latest episode, she credits her abuse for transforming her from a ‘little bird’ into what she is now. As Jessica Chastain pointed out on Twitter, it was Sansa and Sansa alone who transformed herself into the strong and savvy leader she is – not the men who abused and manipulated her. If the writers don’t understand that, how can we trust them to tell Sansa’s story properly?

      Why did people let this go live?

      Because sexism is rampant, and more "allowed" than nazism, I reckon.

    3. To hear Tyrion and Varys – characters who have always been portrayed as egalitarian – say that Jon’s gender would make him a better leader than Daenerys is just depressing.

      This grated on me in S08E04. In a huge way.

    4. In its early years it might have lured in the typical male fantasy crowd with sex, violence and alpha-male characters like Ned and Robb Stark, Robert Baratheon and Jaime Lannister, but before you knew it a woman was on the Iron Throne, her main challenger was also a woman, and Westeros was stuffed full of female assassins, knights, wily politicos and Dame Diana Rigg.
  18. Apr 2019
    1. Then another email. “Thank you very much, just one more question, for technical reasons, would it suffice if we credit D. A. Kaplan or Kaplan ink?” I wrote back and said no, photo credit should be Deborah Abrams Kaplan. And then I asked what the technical reason was for the requested change. I wondered to myself if my name was too long. And then I wondered if it was because I am a woman. But I dismissed that thought as ridiculous, because they’re not using a photo of a woman, but rather a photo of matzah. For those who aren’t familiar with aspects of orthodox Jewish practice, some require keeping a strict separation between men and women, so as not to tempt the men.

      An orthodox Jewish publication wants to keep the full names of women hidden so badly, that it prefers to pay a lot money rather than address women as full human beings.

    1. Women in science are cited less than their male colleagues. They have a harder time getting work published in notable journals, including the flagships Science and Nature. They are likely paid less than their peers (a 2013 study found that women working in physics and astronomy were paid 40 percent less than men). And they are more likely to face workplace harassment.
    2. Researchers are protesting grant processes that overwhelmingly fund male-led projects, and scientific societies are reforming their sexual harassment policies.
    1. Despite the controversy Rumisa doesn't regret making the poster. "I'm kind of happy that my poster got a lot of attention," she says.

      Damn straight. Radiant doing.

    1. In recent years feminism has, finally, become the mainstream, the norm.

      I don't understand why feminism has become 'the norm' only in recent years. I don't understand why girls don't stick up for themselves. Girls are equal to boys!

    1. Yasmin Behbehani had just walked into her third-period health class when her friend asked her if she had seen the list. “There’s a list of the girls’ names,” her friend Nicky Schmidt, a fellow senior at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School in Maryland, said. “And we’re ranked.”

      In this story the boys in a school in Maryland rated the girls in their class. When the girls found out they fought back.

    1. because there aren’t enough spacesuits small enough to fit both women available, a discovery that was made when McClain did her first spacewalk last week.

      This is really sad since you would think a company as big as NASA would have suits for girls, especially since almost everyone dreams about being an astronaut and certain girls' dreams are probably ruined by this.

  19. Sep 2018
    1. In 2007, the pharmaceutical company Bayer gave up on a male contraceptive “that involved an annual implant and a quarterly injection,” as my colleague Olga Khazan reported in 2015. The company, she wrote, “concluded that men would consider the regimen—in the words of a spokesperson—‘not as convenient as a woman taking a pill once a day.’”


    2. College enrollment has historically been higher among women who have access to the pill, and “birth control has been estimated to account for more than 30 percent of the increase in the proportion of women in skilled careers from 1970 to 1990,” the report reads.

      But how has their academic performance been [negatively] impacted by bad side effects?

    3. he might have mood swings.

      Greater aggression? --> more frequent violence toward women?

    4. most men wanted to continue using the injectable birth control—more than 80 percent of them said they would choose to use it.*


    5. 38 percent had an increased libido, and 23 percent felt pain at the injection site.

      How are these so comparatively bad?

    6. “It was believed women would tolerate side effects better than men, who demanded a better quality of life,”


  20. Mar 2018
    1. Last month at Portland State University, when biologist Heather Heying made the point that women and men are biologically different, protesters in the audience screamed and excoriated her and tried to damage the sound system before they were removed. “We should not listen to fascism. Nazis are not welcome in civil society,” a protester scowled.

      The belief that sexism is at the root of fascism, although well founded, causes hyperactivists to censor scientists.

  21. Feb 2018
    1. Women, meanwhile, are natural stoics, blessed with psychological strength.

      Nope! We're actually just told from a young age that if we show too much emotion we will be deemed "hysterical" and not taken seriously.

  22. Oct 2017
  23. May 2017
  24. Mar 2017
    1. Still, it was a reminder that as a woman in tech, she should be prepared to have her authority questioned at any moment, even by some guy trying to get a job at her company.
  25. Feb 2017
    1. The HR rep began the meeting by asking me if I had noticed that *I* was the common theme in all of the reports I had been making, and that if I had ever considered that I might be the problem.

      Holy shit! If people haven't quite Uber already, this has got to be the end of the line...

    1. h were more lo her satisfaction to find her Project condemn'd as foolish and impertinent, than to find it receiv'd with some Approbation,

      It is better for a woman to receive scrutiny and criticism prompting publication denial, as opposed to being somewhat praised but still denied a chance at publication.

      Basically merit vs. sexism, and Astell argues that merit is far superior. I don't think very many would dispute that.

  26. Oct 2016
    1. The Big Bang Theory. While Bernadette remains inept in her job, she enjoys a somewhat more successful relationship with Howard

      Female that cant be both good at her job and relationship.

    2. For both Amy and Bernadette the gender role expectations occur outside work and within the domestic spaces of the various characters on the show
    3. Amy is expected to take care of Sheldon,

      Why is the female expected to do this?

    4. Bernadette also assumes a care-taker role, though the role sometimes becomes a competition with his mother.
    5. fe-male scientists are represented as attrac-tive, stylish, and fashionable (39). What the the naïve expert lacks in knowledge she makes up for in appearance (Flicker 312). Among


    6. female scientists strug-gle to find equilibrium (Long et al. 359). These characters frequently fall in love with and marry male characters,

      Why is it mostly women that fall in love and get married?

    7. female scientists’ capabilities get downplayed while their ineptitude gets played up in professional settings, sometimes highlighting their lack of skills

      What does this teach young children? How does this affect younger generations?

  27. Jul 2016
  28. Dec 2015
    1. The problem is that the idea that women are not as good is so deeply embedded in the mind of so many people in positions of power, that it is not even recognized. It’s a belief system that leads one to automatically and without awareness, connect “women” with “lower standards” and “woman as good as a man” with “the exception.”And its cumulative effects are profound. It’s why women must be 2.5 times as good as men to be considered equally competent. It’s why holding blind auditions for orchestras increase women’s chances of advancing to final rounds by 50%.
  29. Jun 2015
    1. In my exuberance about all the awesome tweets I was reading, I didn’t think about the thousands of men out there who would be reading the same tweets and feel incensed at the injustice of this one poor man being pilloried for a single comment he made in bad taste. If you don’t look at the situation from the perspective of millions of women who work everyday in a world where unconscious bias against women in science and technology is pervasive, you see only this one man and what happened to him. I hope some people out there, men in particular, who have only been looking at this situation from Tim Hunt’s perspective, will try to open their minds to the way systemic bias impacts your female colleagues and see the whole event from that lens.

      Really interesting point about "blindness" to systemic problems or scenarios!

  30. Sep 2014
    1. The researchers linguistically coded job descriptions found in a U.S. Department of Labor database that were predominately populated for masculine-themed words such as active, ambitious, analytical, competitive, dominate, challenging, confident, decisive, determined, independent, leader, objective, etc., as well as feminine-themed words such as committed, connected, cooperative, dependable, interpersonal, loyal, responsible, supportive, trust, etc. The results confirmed that job descriptions for male-dominated jobs contained more masculine-themed words associated with male stereotypes than job descriptions from female-dominated jobs and vice versa.

      I wish society would spend more time dismantling the gender coding of these words than wringing its hands over the repercussions of using them with their present connotations. We clearly can't ignore how the words we choose make people feel, but I can't help feeling like we do so sometimes at the cost of addressing deeper structural issues.

      It seems sexist to me that these researchers begin from the assumption that these words are gendered.

  31. Aug 2014