23 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Nov 2023
    1. Vie scolaire Dans ce domaine, le nombre de recours a augmenté significativement : 1 787 recours en 2022 (1 760 devant les tribunaux administratifs et 27 devant les cours administratives d'appel), contre 1 138 en 2021, soit une augmentation de 57 %. Le contentieux relatif à la vie scolaire représente désormais 46 % de l'ensemble des recours enregistrés par les rectorats (contre 34 % en 2021). Ainsi se confirme la tendance à l’augmentation des litiges portés par les familles et les usagers année après année (instruction dans la famille, examens de l'enseignement scolaire, sanctions, notamment). Le nombre de recours constaté en 2022 représente près du triple du nombre annuel moyen de ce type de recours constaté pour la période des vingt dernières années, qui s'élève en effet à 635.
    2. Vie scolaire Le nombre de décisions rendues dans les litiges traités par l'administration centrale en matière de vie scolaire a continué de progresser (72 décisions rendues en 2022, contre 43 en 2021, 36 en 2020 et 34 en 2019), représentant 16 % du total des litiges traités par l'administration centrale (72 décisions sur un total de 460), contre près de 10 % en 2021. En revanche, le contentieux de la vie scolaire s'élève à 40 % des litiges si l'on regroupe les décisions juridictionnelles intervenues dans des affaires suivies par l'administration centrale et celles suivies par les services déconcentrés (1 471 décisions sur un total de 3 655), contre 33 % en 2021. En 2022, l'ensemble du contentieux de la vie scolaire a augmenté (+ 40 % : 1 471 décisions en 2022 contre 1 051 décisions en 2021), et ce, dans une proportion bien supérieure à 2021 (+ 5 %) et 2020 (+ 21 %), après avoir diminué en 2019 (- 5 %).
  3. Aug 2023
    1. Global Teams

      Experience unmatched growth and efficiency through our team augmentation solutions. We understand that building a highly skilled team is essential for success, and that's where we come in. Leverage our vast network of seasoned experts who possess the expertise and knowledge to complement your existing team's strengths. Whether it's short-term or long-term collaboration, our team augmentation services are designed to accelerate your projects and elevate your business to new heights.

    1. Global Teams

      Streamline your operations and fuel innovation with our staff augmentation services. We know how crucial it is to have the right personnel to drive your business forward. With our extensive talent pool, we help you find the perfect match for your requirements. Our highly qualified professionals seamlessly integrate into your company culture and adapt to your processes, allowing you to reduce hiring costs and enhance productivity without compromising on quality.

  4. May 2023
    1. I tried to come up with three snappy principles for building products with language models. I expect these to evolve over time, but this is my first passFirst, protect human agency. Second, treat models as reasoning engines, not sources of truth And third, augment cognitive abilities rather than replace them.

      Use LLM in tools that 1. protect human agency 2. treat models as reasoning engines, not source of truth / oracles 3. augment cog abilities, no greedy reductionism to replace them

      I would not just protect human agency, which turns our human efforts into a preserve, LLM tools need to increase human agency (individually and societally) 3 yes, we must keep Engelbarting! lack of 2 is the source of the hype balloon we need to pop. It starts with avoiding anthromorphizing through our idiom around these tools. It will be hard. People want their magic wand, not the colder realism of 2 (you need to keep sorting out your own messes, but with a better shovel)

  5. Sep 2022
    1. The ARPA community was about, "Hey, we're in deep trouble and we're getting in deeper trouble. We need to get more enlightened and we need to do what Doug Engelbart called... we need to not just augment human beings, augment human intellect, but we have to augment the collective IQ of groups." Because most important things are done by groups of people. And so we have to think about what it means to have a group that's smarter than any member rather than a group that is less than the stupidest members.

      !- salient : collaboration - the key point of the internet, or what was then called the "intergalactic network" was collaboration at scale to solve global challenges - The Most Important things are done by groups of people

  6. Aug 2022
    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20220810205211/https://escapingflatland.substack.com/p/gpt-3

      Blogged a few first associations at https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2022/08/communicating-with-gpt-3/ . Prompt design for narrative research may be a useful experience here. 'Interviewing' GPT-3 a Luhmann-style conversation with a system? Can we ditch our notes for GPT-3? GPT-3 as interface to the internet. Fascinatiing essay, need to explore.

  7. Jul 2022
  8. May 2022
    1. a society-wide hyperconversation. This hyperconversation operationalizes continuous discourse, including its differentiation and emergent framing aspects. It aims to assist people in developing their own ways of framing and conceiving the problem that makes sense given their social, cultural, and environmental contexts. As depicted in table 1, the hyperconversation also reflects a slower, more deliberate approach to discourse; this acknowledges damaged democratic processes and fractured societal social cohesion. Its optimal design would require input from other relevant disciplines and expertise,

      The public Indyweb is eminently designed as a public space for holding deep, continuous, asynchronous conversations with provenance. That is, if the partcipant consents to public conversation, ideas can be publicly tracked. Whoever reads your public ideas can be traced.and this paper trail is immutably stored, allowing anyone to see the evolution of ideas in real time.

      In theory, this does away with the need for patents and copyrights, as all ideas are traceable to the contributors and each contribution is also known. This allows for the system to embed crowdsourced microfunding, supporting the best (upvoted) ideas to surface.

      Participants in the public Indyweb ecosystem are called Indyviduals and each has their own private data hub called an Indyhub. Since Indyweb is interpersonal computing, each person is the center of their indyweb universe. Through the discoverability built into the Indyweb, anything of immediate salience is surfaced to your private hub. No applications can use your data unless you give exact permission on which data to use and how it shall be used. Each user sets the condition for their data usage. Instead of a user's data stored in silos of servers all over the web as is current practice, any data you generate, in conversation, media or data files is immediately accessible on your own Indyhub.

      Indyweb supports symmathesy, the exchange of ideas based on an appropriate epistemological model that reflects how human INTERbeings learn as a dynamic interplay between individual and collective learning. Furthermore, all data that participants choose to share is immutably stored on content addressable web3 storage forever. It is not concentrated on any server but the data is stored on the entire IPFS network:

      "IPFS works through content adddressibility. It is a peer-to-peer (p2p) storage network. Content is accessible through peers located anywhere in the world, that might relay information, store it, or do both. IPFS knows how to find what you ask for using its content address rather than its location.

      There are three fundamental principles to understanding IPFS:

      Unique identification via content addressing Content linking via directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) Content discovery via distributed hash tables (DHTs)" (Source: https://docs.ipfs.io/concepts/how-ipfs-works/)

      The privacy, scalability, discoverability, public immutability and provenance of the public Indyweb makes it ideal for supporting hyperconversations that emerge tomorrows collectively emergent solutions. It is based on the principles of thought augmentation developed by computer industry pioneers such as Doug Englebart and Ted Nelson who many decades earlier in their prescience foresaw the need for computing tools to augment thought and provide the ability to form Network Improvement Communities (NIC) to solve a new generation of complex human challenges.

  9. Jan 2022
    1. Markoff, a long-time chronicler of computing, sees Engelbart as one pole in a decades-long competition "between artificial intelligence and intelligence augmentation -- A.I. versus I.A."

      There is an interesting difference between artificial intelligence and intelligence automation. Index cards were already doing the second by the early 1940s.

  10. Dec 2021
  11. Feb 2021
  12. Sep 2020
  13. Jul 2020
    1. RDFa is intended to solve the problem of marking up machine-readable data in HTML documents. RDFa provides a set of HTML attributes to augment visual data with machine-readable hints. Using RDFa, authors may turn their existing human-visible text and links into machine-readable data without repeating content.
  14. Dec 2019
    1. But another kind of view might be obtained by extracting and ordering all statements in the local text that bear upon consideration A of the argument—or by replacing all occurrences of specified esoteric words by one's own definitions.
    2. A natural language provides its user with a ready-made structure of concepts that establishes a basic mental structure, and that allows relatively flexible, general-purpose concept structuring. Our concept of language as one of the basic means for augmenting the human intellect embraces all of the concept structuring which the human may make use of.
    1. Thompson’s point is that “artificial intelligence” — defined as machines that can think on their own just like or better than humans — is not yet (and may never be) as powerful as “intelligence amplification,” the symbiotic smarts that occur when human cognition is augmented by a close interaction with computers.

      Intelligence amplification over artificial intelligence. In reality you can't get to AI until you've mastered IA.

  15. Sep 2019
  16. Feb 2019
    1. For example, select a given capability, at any level in the hierarchy, and ask yourself if it can be usefully changed by any means that can be given consideration in the augmentation research contemplated. If it can, then it is not basic but it can be decomposed into an eventual set of basic capabilities.

      It would be interesting to do this exercise with the various learning outcomes one might have for a course. Which can be aided by augmentation/technological intervention? Which can't?

    2. he could successfully make use of even more powerful symbol-structure manipulation processes utilizing the Memex capabilities


  17. Sep 2015
    1. the intellectual effectiveness exercised today by a given human has little likelihood of being intelligence limited