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- longitudinal
- france
- lang:en
- netherlands
- multi-country
- language
- is:preprint
- development
- screen
- behavioral science
- daycare
- saudi arabia
- united states
- spain
- children
- turkey
- carer
- learning
- united kingdom
- poland
- parenting
- canada
- developmental psychology
- passive
- Israel
- book
- lockdown
- reading
- vocabulary
- norway
- acquisition
- exposure
- COVID-19
- russia
- germany
- Feb 2021
Oliver, D. (2020). David Oliver: Getting defensive over patient experience in the pandemic. BMJ, 371, m4604. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m4604
- Jun 2020
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Hill, A. (2020, June 19). Coronavirus: 4.5m people in UK forced to become unpaid carers. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/jun/19/coronavirus-45m-people-in-uk-forced-to-become-unpaid-carers