102 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Mehr als 1000 große Müllkippen weltweit sind immer wieder gefährliche Methan-Leck, vor allem wegen organischer Abfälle. Besonders viele von ihnen befinden sich in Südasien, aber auch in Argentinien und Spanien. Der Guardian hat entsprechende Satellitendaten auswerten lassen, die bis 2019 zurückgehen, stellt die Ergebnisse in einer Infografik dar und gibt Hintergrundinformationen. Studien besagen, dass sich die Methan-Emissionen nicht gemanagter Müllkippen bis 2050 verdoppeln könnten https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/12/revealed-the-1200-big-methane-leaks-from-waste-dumps-trashing-the-planet

  2. Feb 2024
    1. Michel Forst, UN-Berichterstatter zur Aarhus-Konvention, hat die europäischen Regierungen aufgefordert, Klima-Aktivist:innen zu unterstützen statt sie zu kriminalisieren. Die zunehmende Repression gefährde das Erreichen der Pariser Klimaziele und Demokratie und Menschenrechte in Europa. Forst erwartet, dass Protest und direkte Aktion zunehmen, weil die aktuelle Politik vieler europäischer Regierungen die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zu globaler Erhitzung, Biodiversitätsverlust und Umweltverschmutzung nicht respektiert. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/28/european-nations-must-end-repression-of-peaceful-climate-protest-says-un-expert

      Positionspapier von Michel Forst: https://unece.org/sites/default/files/2024-02/UNSR_EnvDefenders_Aarhus_Position_Paper_Civil_Disobedience_EN.pdf

    1. In Barcelona und 200 anderen katalanischen Städten wurde Anfang Februar der Wassernotstand ausgerufen. An der spanischen Mittelmeerküste, in Sizilien und Nordafrika herrscht starke Dürre. Südandalusien leidet set 2016 kontinuierlich unter Trockenheit. Der Kommentar im Guardian beschhäftigt sich vor diesem Hintergund mit dem Widerstand gegen Klima- und Wasserschutmaßnahmen, der populistisch angeheizt wird. Es sei noch nicht ausgemacht, dass auch in der Landwirtschaft das Verständnis für die Gründe der Krise wachse. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/feb/15/spain-water-barcelona-farmers-tourism-catalonia-drought

      Karte des European Drought Observatory: https://edo.jrc.ec.europa.eu/edov2/php/index.php?id=1052

  3. Jan 2024
    1. in particular one region of catalonia which is the region of uh yada plade in the in the inner part of catalonia

      for - earth construction hot spot - Inner Catalonia , Spain

    1. 2023 erzeugte der Tourismus 3,3% des Bruttosozialprodukts der Welt. Der Gesamtumsatz des internationalen Tourismus betrug 1,4 Billionen Dollar. Dass der Umsatz von 2019, vor der Corona-Epidemie, noch nicht wieder erreicht wurde, liegt an deutlichen Veränderungen des chinesischen Tourismus. Die neuen Zahlen der Weltlttourismusorganisation enthalten keinerlei Angaben über die durch den Tourismus verursachten Treibhausgasemissionen. Frankreich, die beliebteste Destination der Welt, rechnet 2024 mit über 100 Millionen Touristen. https://www.liberation.fr/economie/transports/tourisme-le-nombre-de-voyageurs-devrait-battre-son-record-en-2024-la-france-toujours-premiere-destination-mondiale-20240120_MSGSE75DCZD67GBRDNA4UPBVLI/

  4. Dec 2023
    1. Durch einen 1,4 Milliarden Euro Deal besteht die Möglichkeit, die Doñana-Region in Andalusien, Europas größtes Feuchtgebiet, zu bewahren. Die Gegend, zu der einen Nationalpark gehört, leidet vor allem unter Wasser Stress. Der Deal soll einen auch symbolisch wichtigen Konflikt beenden, bei dem konservative und reaktionäre politische Kräfte die Bauern unterstützt hatten, die illegal Wasser für Erdbeer- und Himbeer-Anbau verwendet haben. Die spanische Umweltministerin Teresa Ribeira erklärt ausführlich Prinzipien einer Green transition, die so durchgeführt wird, dass die Lebensbedingungen in einer Region verbessert werden und die Bevölkerung sie unterstützt. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/27/spain-environment-minister-hails-andalucia-wetlands-deal-green-transition

  5. Oct 2023
    1. Doñana

      Die Chancen für eine Erhaltung der Feuchtbiotope des Doñana-Nationalparks in Andalusien sind deutlich gestiegen. Ein Abkommen zwischen der Provinzregierung und der provisorischen Zentralregierung sieht vor, dass keine zusätzliche Bewässerungslandwirtschaft in dieser Region genehmigt wird. Viele NGOs hatten für die Rettung des Gebiets kampagnisiert, das durch die globale Erhitzung und durch Wasserentnahmen für die Agroindustrie bedroht ist. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/oct/04/wetlands-win-reprieve-after-deal-between-spain-and-andalucia

  6. Sep 2023
  7. Jul 2023
    1. Thermischer Stress bei Hitzewellen gefährdet die Ernten bei vielen Nutzpflanzen im Mittelmeerraum. Anders als Wassermangel lässt er sich nicht ausgleichen. Die Libération hat den Agroökologen Serge Zaka zu den Folgen der globalen Erhitzung für die Landwirtschaft und zur unzureichenden Reaktion der Regierungen befragt. Gefährlich für die Lebensmittelversorgung sei vor allem die Spezialisierung von Ländern und Regionen auf die Produktion einzelner Produkte.


  8. Jun 2023
    1. Reportage über Produktion und Nutzung von grünem Wasserstoff in Spanien. Eines der Probleme – abgesehen von den hohen Produktionskosten – ist der Wassermangel im Landesinneren. Das ohnehin knappe Wasser wird im Moment für die Landwirtschaft gebraucht, so dass es fraglich ist, wann Spanien grünen Wasserstoff in andere europäische Länder exportieren kann.


  9. Apr 2023
  10. Mar 2023
  11. Nov 2022
    1. Το δημοκρατικό Ισραήλ διασώθηκε το 1973 μόνο χάρη στην ύπαρ-ξη της φασιστικής Πορτογαλίας, όπου προσγειώνονταν τα αεροπλάνατης αμερικανικής αερογέφυρας, της φασιστικής Ισπανίας, υπεράνω τηςοποίας τα αεροπλάνα μας ανεφοδιάζονταν και της φασιστικής Ελλάδας,από τα λιμάνια της οποίας ενεργούσαν ο Έκτος Στόλος και οι νηοπομπές. Στη διάρκεια του πολέμου της Μέσης Ανατολής η Τουρκίαεπέ τρεψε σε σοβιετικά αεροπλάνα να διέρχονται από τον εναέριο χώροτης και έφερε εμπόδια σε εμάς. Αντίθετα, η Ελλάδα επέτρεψε στονΈκτο Στόλο να συνεχίσει να ενεργεί από τις βάσεις της και τούτο είναιη μεγάλη διαφορά μεταξύ Ελλάδας και Τουρκίας σε στιγμές κρίσεως.

      Το 1976 ο επικεφαλής της όλης αμερικανικής επιχείρησης, ναύαρχος Zumwalt, ειπε τα δικτατορικά καθεστώτα της Πορτογαλία, Ισπανίας & Ελλαδας ηταν που έσωσαν το Ισραηλ. Αντιθετα, η Τουρκία πηγε με Σοβιετικούς.

  12. Apr 2022
  13. Feb 2022
  14. Jan 2022
    1. New Developments, Frontline Golf, Sea Views, Frontline Beach and more

      Great Marbella Estates is a group of professionals with years of experience in the real estate market, the important mission we pursue is helping our clients to meet and get their right property.

      Our team has access to all the properties available for sale in the Costa del Sol and direct contact with the new development constructors and developers.

      We are people who understands people, we ourselves has bought properties before and know all the challenges involved first hand.

  15. Oct 2021
    1. Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer

      is:webpage lang:en COVID-19 graph case death Germany Sweden UK Afghanistan Africa Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antigua Barbuda Argentina Armenia Asia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Cote d'ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czechia Democratic Republic of Congo Denmark Djobouti Dominica Dominician Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Europe Europian Union Faeroe Islands Falkland Islands Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mashall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North America North Macedonia Northern Cyprus Norway Oceania Oman Pakistan Palestine Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philipines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South America South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor Togo Trinidad Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turks and Caicos Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates USA Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican Venezuela Vietnam World Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe test vaccine chart map table data case fatality rate mortality




  16. Sep 2021
  17. Jul 2021
  18. Jun 2021
  19. May 2021
  20. Apr 2021
    1. The ship of Jaume Ferrer departed for the River of Gold on the 10th of August of 1346, the feast of St. Lawrence.

      The Black Plague began in 1346. Throughout my readings on the Black Death I found out that Majorca (the city Ferrer was from) was not affected until 1348. Jamume Ferrer's crew would have had time to avoid the Bubonic plague if they did not disappear at sea.

  21. Mar 2021
  22. Feb 2021
    1. Pastor-Barriuso, R., Pérez-Gómez, B., Hernán, M. A., Pérez-Olmeda, M., Yotti, R., Oteo-Iglesias, J., Sanmartín, J. L., León-Gómez, I., Fernández-García, A., Fernández-Navarro, P., Cruz, I., Martín, M., Delgado-Sanz, C., Larrea, N. F. de, Paniagua, J. L., Muñoz-Montalvo, J. F., Blanco, F., Larrauri, A., & Pollán, M. (2020). Infection fatality risk for SARS-CoV-2 in community dwelling population of Spain: Nationwide seroepidemiological study. BMJ, 371, m4509. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m4509

    1. Nogués, X., Ovejero, D., Quesada-Gomez, J. M., Bouillon, R., Arenas, D., Pascual, J., Villar-Garcia, J., Rial, A., Gimenez-Argente, C., Cos, M. L., Rodriguez-Morera, J., Campodarve, I., Guerri-Fernandez, R., Pineda-Moncusí, M., & García-Giralt, N. (2021). Calcifediol Treatment and COVID-19-Related Outcomes (SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 3771318). Social Science Research Network. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3771318

  23. Oct 2020
  24. Aug 2020
  25. Jul 2020
    1. Pollán, M., Pérez-Gómez, B., Pastor-Barriuso, R., Oteo, J., Hernán, M. A., Pérez-Olmeda, M., Sanmartín, J. L., Fernández-García, A., Cruz, I., Larrea, N. F. de, Molina, M., Rodríguez-Cabrera, F., Martín, M., Merino-Amador, P., Paniagua, J. L., Muñoz-Montalvo, J. F., Blanco, F., Yotti, R., Blanco, F., … Villa, A. V. de la. (2020). Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Spain (ENE-COVID): A nationwide, population-based seroepidemiological study. The Lancet, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31483-5

  26. Jun 2020
    1. McBride, O., Murphy, J., Shevlin, M., Gibson Miller, J., Hartman, T. K., Hyland, P., Levita, L., Mason, L., Martinez, A. P., McKay, R., Stocks, T. V. A., bennett, kate m, Vallières, F., Karatzias, T., Valiente, C., Vazquez, C., & Bentall, R. (2020). An overview of the context, design and conduct of the first two waves of the COVID-19 Psychological Research Consortium (C19PRC) Study [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/z3q5p

  27. May 2020
  28. Apr 2020
  29. Dec 2018
  30. Oct 2018
  31. Oct 2017
    1. Según ha podido saber El Confidencial Digital, de fuentes de la cúpula económica del Gobierno, con esta “línea de crédito extraordinaria” Moncloa va a tratar de hacer frente a uno de los mayores problemas económicos que debe resolver el país el ejercicio que viene.El préstamo, que se calcula que rondará los 10.000 millones de euros, vendrá recogido en las cuentas públicas para 2018. Unas cifras que el Gobierno aprobará en el Consejo de Ministros de mañana, viernes.

      De momento es un rumor

    1. valley of the Ebro were long and white.

      The Valley of the Ebro refers to the real world location of the Ebro Valley, located in modern day Spain. The valley features long rolling hills of white stone, and although beautiful, hints at a less pleasant theme: infertility.

      We would often picture living, lush landscapes as covered in greenery, farmland, or some other semblance of life. Plain, white hills, seemingly devoid of any other features or flora not only establishes the setting of our short story, but instead allows the author to allude to a feeling of emptiness. "Long and white" serve to corroborate this idea of desolation; a place simply colored white and stretching for a great distance feels very empty. With the subject of this short story revolving around a couple's abortion, emptiness is a core aspect to the setting of this story.

  32. Jun 2017
  33. Feb 2017
    1. Madrid region has an inland Mediterranean climate

      Madrid is really dry normally

  34. Jan 2017
    1. n a village of La Manch

      Don Quixote is from a village called La Mancha of Spain. This village is where the story begins and plays a large part in who Don Quixote is. From this village Don Quixote was quipped, by himself, as Don Quixote de La Mancha.

  35. Feb 2016
  36. Jan 2016
    1. Barbara Mundy, chapter 1 from Mapping New Spain: Indigenous Cartography and the Maps of the Relaciones Geográficas

      Mundy, B. "Spain and the Imperial Ideology of Mapping" in The Mapping of New Spain. Indigenous Cartography and the Maps of the Relaciones Geográficas. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1996

      While Mundy’s approach to the production of maps in the Spanish empire centers on the figure of the king and his connection to territories near and far from him, she does so in order to exemplify the way man in 16th-century Europe positioned himself within the world. Through this view, for example, the maps serve as a way for Phillip II to legitimate his rule over the empire, especially in the New World territories.

      Mundy's research questions explore why different/varied methods of representation were important in the 16th-century European context (i.e. choreographic vs. geographic maps), and how these translated into understanding space in New World from an Old World perspective.

      In order to answer her main questions, she examines two mapping commissions ordered by Phillip II and carried out by Anton van den Wyngaerde and Pedro de Esquivel. She identifies the distinct methods of representation used by the artists taking into account the broader historical and geographical context that would eventually influence the way the territories in the New Spain would be represented, as happened with the creation of the Relaciones Geograficas in New Spain.

      Mundy effectively help us understand the significance of mapping (along with the different methodologies of doing so) from a conceptual as well as a methodological point of view. Her analysis, as well as contextualization of the van den Wyngaerde and Esquivel maps offers a glimpse onto the conceptual frame that informed Europe’s initial understanding of the New World as part of the greater whole that was the Spanish empire. However, as she stresses the importance of the tangible nature of the lands (at least through maps), her visual examples become limited as she only provides an example of Esquivel’s work. It would have been very useful to compare it to the work of van den Wyngaerde (the distinction between choreographic and geographic maps remained unclear without a visual aid).

      Mundy's contribution lies in prompting us to think about different ways of engaging with space, and what that engagement signifies within a given context (i.e. for Phillip II, engaging his New World possessions through visual representations of the maps legitimized his status as king given that he could not physically rule overseas, thus he still has control over this space).

      “In both kinds of maps [van den Wyngaerde’s and Esquivel’s], man defines his relation to the world through his ability to measure it” (Mundy, 4)

  37. Sep 2015
    1. This is a really interesting article about many Latin American intellectuals' opinions on the possibility of Catalonian independence from Spain. Many are urging Cataluña to stay a part of Spain because Barcelona has historically been a city that Latin American intellectuals have lived and worked in and they don't want to lose those cultural ties if Cataluña severs its ties with Spain thus abandoning castellano. The other portion of this article that stood out for me was the quote by Abad which argued that Europe has been doing the right thing by not yielding to every nationalistgroup because that only leads to violence and probelems (I assume he's referring to the case of Latin America here).

    1. The “other embassy” for Venezuelans in Madrid

      This article discusses the recent wave of immigrants from Venezuela to Spain. Some interesting points are that Venezuelans do not need tourist visas to visit Spain and the paragraph on the emerging political party Podemos and its connections to the Venezuelan government.

    1. First Native Case Of Mosquito-Borne Tropical Disease Chinkungunya Confirmed In Spain Aug 26 2015—NEWS—The ECDC said the mosquito species is not the one responsible for the 2013 Americas outbreak. Presence of the Aedes Albopictus mosquito. Source: ECDC. (Click to enlarge) The European Centre for Disease Prevention & Control (ECDC) confirmed the first case of the tropical disease chinkungunya to be transmitted in Spain on August 21. "This is the first chikungunya case reported from Spain without travel history to endemic areas,˝ said the ECDC report. The patient is a 60-year old man of undisclosed nationality who was likely infected in Gandía (Valencia) and who developed symptoms of the disease—which include fever, severe joint pain, muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue and rashes—during a "short" trip to France at the beginning of July. A statement published by the Spanish Health Ministry on August 4 said it was "very likely" the man had been infected by a mosquito of the species Aedes Albopictus in Gandía, "but not conclusive", due to his trip to France "for part of the incubation period". The ECDC believes it "unlikely" the man became infected in France due to the short duration of his stay there and the lack of reported na

      Chinkunguya in Spain

  38. Aug 2015
    1. They were not quite Indios, or Indians, but their lack of limpieza de sangre, or “pure blood,” removed them from the privileges of full-blooded Spaniards

      The Spaniards completely took control.

    2. Motives were plain: said one soldier, “we came here to serve God and the king, and also to get rich.”

      Would God be happy with this statement?

  39. Feb 2014
    1. In his ruling, judge Edmundo Rodríguez Achútegui recognized that Calatrava’s rights as author of the bridge had been infringed, but he ruled that the public utility of the addition took precedence over this private right. “In addition to constituting a singular artistic creation suitable for protection, the work is public one, offering a service to the citizens, and thus satisfies a public interest,” he said. “If we weigh these interests, the public must prevail over the private.

      This seems like a much more reasonable ruling than the one in the Deutsche Bahn case.