- Nov 2024
pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Disorder studied: Type 1 von Willebrand disease (T1-VWD).
Type of study: Translational
Model organism: Mouse (inbred strains) Obtained from Jackson Laboratory
VWF plasma protein quantitation (ELISA)
Hertiability calculations
PCR genotyping
QTL analysis
Allele-specific primer extension analysis
Identified new modifier of VWF known as (Mvwf5). Also found two loci unliked to Vwf known as (Mvwf6-7)
Mice with this variant displayed statistically significant decrease in VWF levels, recapitulating the decreasing patterns displayed in humans.
However, another strain of inbred mice with a different mutation did not show an age-dependent decrease in VWF. Suggests strain-specific differences in regulation of VWF levels over time.
Mvwf5 is a cis-regulatory variant altering Vwf mRNA expression.
This is a natural variant of the Vwf allele among inbred strains of mice. Found this variant causes elevation in steady-state levels of Vwf mRNA.
Authors state findings show equivalent of of type 1 VWD is remarkably common in mice and humans. ALso state the Mvwf1 analysis in wild mouse populations suggest this locus is under selective pressure.
Of the 5 potential modifier loci identified, 3 display conservation of synteny with potential human modifier loci.
- Dec 2022
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
I'm a software engineer and ignored wrist and forearm pain for almost a decade. Finally it got really bad so I had to take some steps to improve my condition. I purchased 5 vertical mouses, 1 of the more expensive ones and 4 cheaper ones, to see how they compare.My conclusion is that you just can't judge how a mouse will fit you from reviews. Even reviewers with small hands like mine, had opinions I wholly disagreed with. And I think it's because people use the mouse in a variety of ways. For example, some people rest their hand entirely on their mouse while others use a "floating" hand. Some anchor their wrist and move their hand, while others anchor their elbow and move their forearm. Some have small hands; but, wrist pads and wrist braces raise the wrist, cancelling the problem of (or even overcompensating for) small hands.Especially if you're like me and rest the entire weight of your hand and also anchor your wrist, you're not going to be happy with *any* vertical mouse *at first*, because your hand will feel like it's sagging down the mouse, and when you try to unsag your hand the mouse will feel insecure because you're unanchored your wrist. (This is where the cushion of a wrist brace helped immensely. After 2 weeks I was able to use the mouse even without the wrist brace. But man, did I hate all 5 mouses at first.)Anyway, moral of the story: Bite the bullet and purchase a few mouses. $150 gets you 1 quality mouse and 1 or 2 cheaper ones.Here's a wrist brace I love because it's not plastic-stiff (no affiliation whatsoever): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072392YGD.Here are the products I compared:- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073B12MS6 (Jelly Comb)- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RK96WF8 (VicTsing)- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BIFNTMC (Anker)- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BFCVJZC (Lekvey)- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FNJB8TT (Logitech MX)Miscellaenous:- There's a reason I didn't try the famous Evoluent VM4R. The updated model is getting flack for not living up to its predecessor, and its predecessor apparently hasn't shipped a driver for Mac OSX Catalina, which is what I'm on.- The Anker and Lekvey have exactly the same chassis (and therefore size). The Anker is battery powered while the Levkey is charged. The VicTsing is slightly larger than those. The Jelly Comb is significantly smaller than any of them.- See photo attached for comparisons of things like click and scrollwheel feel. 3.0 out of 5 stars You can't judge comfort from reviews By Andrew Cheong on September 13, 2020 I'm a software engineer and ignored wrist and forearm pain for almost a decade. Finally it got really bad so I had to take some steps to improve my condition. I purchased 5 vertical mouses, 1 of the more expensive ones and 4 cheaper ones, to see how they compare.My conclusion is that you just can't judge how a mouse will fit you from reviews. Even reviewers with small hands like mine, had opinions I wholly disagreed with. And I think it's because people use the mouse in a variety of ways. For example, some people rest their hand entirely on their mouse while others use a "floating" hand. Some anchor their wrist and move their hand, while others anchor their elbow and move their forearm. Some have small hands; but, wrist pads and wrist braces raise the wrist, cancelling the problem of (or even overcompensating for) small hands.Especially if you're like me and rest the entire weight of your hand and also anchor your wrist, you're not going to be happy with *any* vertical mouse *at first*, because your hand will feel like it's sagging down the mouse, and when you try to unsag your hand the mouse will feel insecure because you're unanchored your wrist. (This is where the cushion of a wrist brace helped immensely. After 2 weeks I was able to use the mouse even without the wrist brace. But man, did I hate all 5 mouses at first.)Anyway, moral of the story: Bite the bullet and purchase a few mouses. $150 gets you 1 quality mouse and 1 or 2 cheaper ones.Here's a wrist brace I love because it's not plastic-stiff (no affiliation whatsoever): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072392YGD.Here are the products I compared:- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073B12MS6 (Jelly Comb)- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RK96WF8 (VicTsing)- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BIFNTMC (Anker)- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BFCVJZC (Lekvey)- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FNJB8TT (Logitech MX)Miscellaenous:- There's a reason I didn't try the famous Evoluent VM4R. The updated model is getting flack for not living up to its predecessor, and its predecessor apparently hasn't shipped a driver for Mac OSX Catalina, which is what I'm on.- The Anker and Lekvey have exactly the same chassis (and therefore size). The Anker is battery powered while the Levkey is charged. The VicTsing is slightly larger than those. The Jelly Comb is significantly smaller than any of them.- See photo attached for comparisons of things like click and scrollwheel feel. Images in this review 495 people found this helpful
Another helpful verified purchase Amazon review on some mice. I found this while looking for a mouse that was (1) ergonomic, (2) rechargeable, and (3) wireless.
Reviewer gives some thoughts on the different ways ppl use mice and how that effects they need (or lack thereof) for a wrist brace.
smile.amazon.com smile.amazon.com
I'm building a work from home setup for my wife with 34" Ultrawide LG monitor running macbook pro in closed display mode. We were using Apple Magic Mouse but we noticed alot of stress to the arm and decided to buy an ergonomic mouse. I bought four mice all together : Anker B2C, 2 of the Jellycomb (MV045 & MV09D) and iClever TM209G to compare. Out of the 4 mice, this iClever mice was the last one to come out of the box for the test and honestly I was kind of bummed out only to find out the same exact Jelly Comb MV045 mouse inside the box just with different branding. The iClever didn't have bluetooth where as the Jellycomb did. I honestly didn't even try setting this one up as the form factor was rather uncomfortable for us. Here's the deal, you get what you pay for. All mice performed a good job. Fairly easy to connect with included usb dongle. However, the cheaper jellycomb kept disconnecting when connecting using the dongle. Fortunately it also has bluetooth mode and the connection was much better. I prefer bluetooth over the usb dongle because the dongle takes one more usb port that could be available for other devices on my Caldigit Soho USB C Docking station! Anker mouse lacks bluetooth but I didn't have any issue with its wireless connection using the dongle.
A helpful Amazon review on 4 ergonomic wireless mice. I found this while looking for a mouse that was (1) ergonomic, (2) rechargeable, and (3) wireless. The viewer covered 4 different mice: - Anker B2C - 2 of the Jellycomb - MV045 - MV09D - iClever TM209G
This page is for the iClever, but the reviewer claims that it's just like the Jelly Comb MV045.
devblogs.microsoft.com devblogs.microsoft.com
PS C:\> Get-CimInstance win32_POINTINGDEVICE | select hardwaretype
Command for getting hardware type of mouse via Windows PowerShell.
dvps.highrez.co.uk dvps.highrez.co.uk
I came here after reading a couple articles (one on Super User & one on MS's help forums) recommending X-Mouse Button Control as a general way to disable back buttons on mice.
Note: this doesn't seem to work on Windows 11 for Microsoft USB IntelliMouse Optical.
- Feb 2022
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Mallapaty, Smriti. ‘Where Did Omicron Come from? Three Key Theories’. Nature 602, no. 7895 (28 January 2022): 26–28. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00215-2.
- Dec 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Sefik, E., Israelow, B., Mirza, H., Zhao, J., Qu, R., Kaffe, E., Song, E., Halene, S., Meffre, E., Kluger, Y., Nussenzweig, M., Wilen, C. B., Iwasaki, A., & Flavell, R. A. (2021). A humanized mouse model of chronic COVID-19. Nature Biotechnology, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41587-021-01155-4
- Aug 2021
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Repeated treatment with (-)U-50,488H (s.c. or i.c.v.) significantly enhanced antinociceptive effect of both mu-opioid receptor agonist (morphine) and delta-opioid receptor agonists
Just confirming what I believed to be the case. I couldn't remember whether I'd read results of this specific sort, so I figured I should look it up. Chronic KOR agonism appears to be an ideal opioid hack.
- Jul 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Wool, Lauren E, and The International Brain Laboratory. ‘Knowledge across Networks: How to Build a Global Neuroscience Collaboration’. Preprint. PsyArXiv, 14 July 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/f4uaj.
- May 2020
This is it. I'm done with Page Translator, but you don't have to be. Fork the repo. Distribute the code yourself. This is now a cat-and-mouse game with Mozilla. Users will have to jump from one extension to another until language translation is a standard feature or the extension policy changes.
You might try this extension: https://github.com/andreicristianpetcu/google_translate_this It does the same thing in the same way as Page Translator and likely will be blocked by Mozilla, but this is a cat and mouse game worth playing if you rely on full-page in-line language translation.
- automated translation services
- automated translation: full-page inline translation
- self-distributed app/extension
- arbitrary limitations leading to less-than-ideal workarounds
- unintended consequence
- recommending a competing option
- trying to prevent one bad thing leading to people doing/choosing an even worse option
- cat and mouse game
- awkward workarounds
- unfortunate policies/laws
- fork
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Apr 2020
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.edu
Click test (cps tester) is a feature providing clicks per second Tool. Our Tool will fulfill the needs of kohi click test tool in the minecraft server for gamers. Now you can take your Clicking speed test. In this Click test 5 scounds u can click as much as u can and your score will appear in Cps counter. click per second is important for your minecraft skills. we are providing clicks per second tool to check your skills.Long time ago Kohi server removed this From their officle site so we decided to put up cps test (clicks per second) tool for you.
- Jan 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The plural for the small rodent is always "mice" in modern usage. The plural of a computer mouse is either "mouses" or "mice" according to most dictionaries, with "mice" being more common.[4] The first recorded plural usage is "mice"; the online Oxford Dictionaries cites a 1984 use, and earlier uses include J. C. R. Licklider's "The Computer as a Communication Device" of 1968.[5] The term computer mouses may be used informally in some cases. Although the plural of a mouse (small rodent) is mice, the two words have undergone a differentiation through usage.
plural mice
- Oct 2019
support.microsoft.com support.microsoft.com
- 断开 PC 蓝牙重连
- 删除设备重连
如果以上不能解决,去微软社区🐎它🐎的,sb bug10
- Mar 2019
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
We have previously shown that antinociceptive effects of morphine are enhanced in histamine H1 receptor gene knockout mice.
H1 antihistamines enhance the opioid high in humans. Hospitals sometimes administer antihistamines in combination with opioids. It's not hard to find people online who are using this combination recreationally.
- Jan 2018
www.scopus.com www.scopus.com
A resource for the allele-specific analysis of DNA methylation at multiple genomically imprinted loci in mice
- Sep 2017
vi.stackexchange.com vi.stackexchange.com
up vote 15 down vote This is one of the few reasons I like to use vim's mouse mode. If you use the GUI version, or your terminal supports sending drag events (such as xterm or rxvt-unicode) you can click on the split line and drag to resize the window exactly where you want, without a lot of guess work using the ctrl-w plus,minus,less,greater combinations. In terminal versions, you have to set mouse mode properly for this to work :set mouse=n (I use 'n', but 'a' also works) and you have to set the tty mouse type :set ttymouse=xterm2 A lot of people say that a lot of time is wasted using the mouse (mostly due to the time it takes to move your hand from the keyboard to the mouse and back), but I find that, in this case, the time saved by having immediate feedback while adjusting window sized and the quickness of re-resizing (keep movving the mouse instead of typing another key sequence) outweighs the delay of moingmy hand.
Simply amazing setup to get multiple screens vim
- Jul 2017
www.informatics.jax.org www.informatics.jax.org
Chr16:53779880 (GRCm38)
The closest one we can get for human SNP
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/snp/?term=rs8043757 https://hyp.is/PoigiHIyEee93tfb1TCdLA/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gap/phegeni
- Jun 2017
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
molossinus.lab.nig.ac.jp molossinus.lab.nig.ac.jp
Takada et al. 2013
NIG Mouse Genome Database: JF1 and MSM SNPs; effective genome browser
- Jan 2017
www.rheingold.com www.rheingold.com
People say that the 1968 Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco was a watershed. After seeing your demonstration, people left that room never thinking about computers the same way again. Would you say that's an accurate encapsulation?
Reception of the Mother of All Demos
- Jun 2016
www.fun-mooc.fr www.fun-mooc.fr
Every graphic element of Pharo that you click on... - With Cmd+Shift+Option, - you'll get a little menu around the graphic element.
I don't get this halo directly, by presing
, which can be a little confusing. What I get is a contextual menu that let's me to select the halo after that. See:After that I need to go to the
add halo
menu. It's kind of indirect, compared with the previous behavior.Am I doing something wrong?
- Apr 2016
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
In 1968 Doug Engelbart showed a hypertext system that could link to regions within documents. I
I love the YouTube videos of his demos. I was only recently made aware of them and was blown away by how many of their ideas are now realities.