- Jul 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Lifelong is to keep the habit and refine as needed.
( ~ 13:00 )
Stage 3, iteration, is about increasing fluency of mastery. Cognitive schema automation. Building up the habit.
Consistency -> Accuracy -> Speed
Varied practice is necessary, and fine-tune the technique based on experiment in application.
( ~10:00 )
After relevance comes the awareness stage (you become aware of your mistakes)...
Making mistakes raises your awareness about how you do the skill and ensures you improve on it. By just doing theory you can't learn from mistakes and you can't possibly read up on EVERYTHING.
Reflective process is necessary. Kolb's. Experiment.
After relevance comes the "plateau period" where a lot of practice is being done with a lot of mistakes; there seems to be little progress. Most people give up here.
You need a growth mindset and just continue.
( ~ 5:00 )
The first stage of learning a complex skill is creating relevance, not in the sense of making knowledge relevant to your life; but rather in seeing what is relevant to learn at this point in the learning career.
Building a map...
The actions are exploration and challenge. Exploration = getting diverse opinions from others and learning the theory & variables. Challenge = open-mindedness for other beliefs and assumptions.
Reminds me of 10 Steps to Complex Learning for curriculum design, where doing a skill decomposition is one of the first steps in designing the curriculum, and either being an expert or having access to experts is paramount.
RAIL stands for:
- Relevance
- Awareness
- Iteration
- Lifelong
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Jun 2024
oztypewriter.blogspot.com oztypewriter.blogspot.com
Carl Sundberg’s European-made Remington Portable Typewriters by [[Robert Messenger]]
- Henry Dreyfuss
- New South Wales Rail Authority
- typewriter design
- Philip Stevens
- Charles Jaworski
- Laird Fortune Covey
- Crosley Hotshot
- read
- Maya Stein
- Ray Dietrich
- Cycolac
- Ettore Sottsass
- Remington typewriters
- Montgomery Ferar
- Southfield, Michigan
- Detroit, Michigan
- Richard Penney
- Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART)
- Tom Tjaarda
- industrial design
- Ed Johnson
- Royal Oak, Michigan
- Eliot Noyes
- Remington Ten Forty
- Barbie typewriter
- Alfons Boothby
- typewriters of authors
- Carl Sundberg
- Anton Demmel
- Powel Crosley
- John Steinbeck
- Sundberg-Ferar
- Karl Baughman
- David Chase
- John Tjaarda
- May 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Typewriter Cleaning and Repair Basics #2 Type Bars, Case, and Crinkle Finish
Segment comb cleaning - isopropyl alcohol (gentler solvent) - odorless mineral spirits - Lacquer thinner (maybe a bit too aggressive) - naphtha (lighter fluid) take care for flammability and ventilation
Work solvent into bearing between type bar and segment comb. To dry things out one can used compressed air when done or just air dry.
If sticking keys not due to being gummed up, bend portions slightly for better alighment.
Do not lubricate the segment comb.
Only lubricate the carriage rails when necessary.
Exterior cleaning
Brass bristle or nylon bristle brushes (toothbrushes) can be used to clean the exterior of the typewriter and/or cases with mild detergents or other solvents. Depending on the finish, try the brush and solvent on a small portion to determine colorfastness and potential scratching first.
- Feb 2023
- Jan 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Moloney, C. (2021, December 30). Southern cancels London Victoria trains for two weeks over Covid. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/dec/30/southern-cancels-london-victoria-trains-for-two-weeks-over-covid
- Mar 2021
blog.metrolinx.com blog.metrolinx.com
metrolinx. (2020, November 19). How COVID has impacted transit – Metrolinx releases ridership map covering all GO Transit rail routes. Metrolinx News. https://blog.metrolinx.com/2020/11/19/how-covid-has-impacted-transit-metrolinx-releases-ridership-map-covering-all-go-transit-rail-routes/
- Aug 2016
brooklynrail.org brooklynrail.org
There was a culture then, almost a requirement, that one needed to build platforms and contexts (social or political) to support one’s thesis, and then material practice would follow. These issues were pressing, because by this time I had begun to teach at Cooper Union. I was negotiating between promoting a rigorous painting model and a new context—conversations with students and colleagues about contemporary art issues and institutional critique. So it was a very complicated time for me as an educator, to figure out how to insist on a conversation about painting rigor in relation to contemporary art. I continued to go the way that I needed to with my own work, both protecting it from the institutional framework and furthering my ideas about painting in school and in the studio—it was a tough, amazing time.