- Jan 2025
blog.archive.org blog.archive.org
Welcome to the Public Domain in 2025 by [[Internet Archive]]
- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the womb is a school room and every baby attend
for - quote - The womb is a school room and every baby attends - David Chamberlain
- Oct 2024
www.goodreads.com www.goodreads.com
“All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” ― Blaise Pascal, Pensées
- May 2024
github.com github.com
As we discussed in #matrix-spec, since "rooms" are so much more than "chat rooms," and are really a DAG of events
- Jan 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for: elephants in the room - financial industry at the heart of the polycrisis, polycrisis - key role of finance industry, Marjorie Kelly, Capitalism crisis, Laura Flanders show, book - Wealth Supremacy - how the Extractive Economy and the Biased Rules of Captialism Drive Today's Crises
- This talk really emphasizes the need for the Stop Reset Go / Deep Humanity Wealth to Wellth program
- Interviewee Marjorie Kelly started Business Ethics magainze in 1987 to show the positive side of business After 30 years, she found that it was still tinkering at the edges. Why? - because it wasn't addressing the fundamental issue.
- Why there hasn't been noticeable change in spite of all these progressive efforts is because we avoided questioning the fundamental assumption that maximizing returns to shareholders and gains to shareholder portfolios is good for people and planet.**** It turns out that it isn't. It's fundamentally bad for civilization and has played a major role in shaping today's polycrisis.
- Why wealth supremacy is entangled with white supremacy
- Financial assets are the subject
- Equity and bonds use to be equal to GDP in the 1950s.
- Now it's 5 times as much
- Financial assets extracts too much from common people
- Question: Families are swimming in debt. Who owns all this financial debt? ...The financial elites do.
- wealth supremacy and white supremacy are entangled
why is, are so many working class whites driving toward the hard right and wanting to support, you know, what seemed to us kind of insane policies? Well, people are desperate. They're looking for the answer. They're looking for the problem, and they're being told the problem is immigrants. And we don't look at wealth as the problem.
- for: the real BIG LIE, elephant in the room - wealth inequality, working class driven to hard right
- working class driven hard right by wealth supremacy
- Capitalism crisis
- magazine - Business Ethics
- elephant in the room - wealth inequality
- the real BIG LIE
- elephant in the room - wealth supremacy
- Laura Flanders show
- elephant in the room - financial industry at heart of polycrisis
- magazine - Business Ethics - founder - Marjorie Kelly
- book - Wealth Supremacy - How the Extractive Economy and the Biased Rules of Capitalism Drive Today's Crises
- polycrisis - key role of finance industry
- Marjorie Kelly
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die Niederlande setzen bereits seit den 90er Jahren gegen Überschwemmungen darauf, die natürlichen Flussläufe mit ihren Überflutungszonrnen wiederherzustellen. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/inondations-face-aux-crues-les-pays-bas-ont-decide-de-cooperer-avec-la-nature-20240103_ZTCNUBBIMBFHDCKIQDX32AHXSM/
- Sep 2023
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
This is one of the challenges of being reactive to the public mood, rather than shaping it. Donald Trump, too, launched his first presidential campaign by elevating arguments and rhetoric from right-wing media, but he also shaped what the media was talking about. DeSantis has largely followed the trends, and the trends shift.
While Donald J. Trump seemed to hold say over what was trending and the media was discussing, Philip Bump notices that Ron DeSantis seems to be trailing or perhaps riding the trends rather than leading them.
Is this because he's only tubthumping one or two at a time while Trump floats trial balloons regularly and is pushing half a dozen or more at time?
- Jul 2023
preferredmd.io preferredmd.io
How to improve operating room efficiency
Uncover the main reasons why your patients cancel surgeries and what to do about it. Read more about schedule and manage surgeries
- May 2023
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Mallon, Thomas. A Book of One’s Own: People and Their Diaries. First Edition. St. Paul, Minn: Hungry Mind Press, 1995. https://www.amazon.com/Book-Ones-Own-People-Diaries/dp/1886913021
Recommended by Mark Bernstein at Tinderbox Meetup.
- Dec 2022
www.target.com www.target.com
6qt Clear Storage Box White - Room Essentials™<br /> Outside Dimensions: 13 1/2" x 8 1/8" x 4 5/8"<br /> Interior Dimensions at bottom: 11 1/2" x 6 3/8" x 4 3/8"<br /> Ideal for a variety of basic and lightweight storage needs, for use throughout the home<br /> Opaque lid snaps firmly onto the base and provides a grip for easy lifting<br /> Clear base allows contents to easily be viewed and located<br /> Indexed lids allow same size storage boxes to neatly stack upon each other<br /> BPA-free and phthalate-free<br /> Proudly made in the USA
Specifications<br /> Closure Type: Snap<br /> Used For: Organizing<br /> Capacity (Volume): 6 Quart<br /> Features: Portable, Lidded, Nesting, Stackable<br /> Assembly Details: No Assembly Required<br /> Primary item stored: Universal Storage<br /> Material: Plastic<br /> Care & Cleaning: Spot or Wipe Clean<br /> TCIN: 80162146<br /> UPC: 073149215284<br /> Item Number (DPCI): 002-02-9534<br /> Origin: Made in the USA<br /> Description<br /> Organize, sort and contain! The Room Essentials 6 Quart Storage Box is ideal for a variety of basic and lightweight household storage needs, helping to keep your living spaces neat. The clear base allows contents to be easily identified at a glance, while the opaque lid snaps firmly onto the base to keep contents contained and secure. Stack same size containers on top of each other for efficient use of vertical storage space. When storing items away, use good judgment and don’t overload them or stack them too high; be mindful of the weight in each box and place the heaviest box on the bottom. This storage box is ideal for sorting and storing shoes, accessories, crafts and other small items around the home and fits conveniently on 16" wire closet shelving, bringing order to closets. The overall assembled dimensions of this item are 13 1/2" L x 8 1/8" W x 4 5/8" H.
Examples of this and similar products in use as a box for zettelkasten: - https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN5GmVoIhCwma1czj27bXlVDKIUfbOU3a91dYuPBNZaGsEhcZYllmotxup6OxUHhA?pli=1&key=RlhXMTM0WUpuQ2hlQkdDNzA0S1BmNzVQblo4Ti1n - https://imgur.com/a/rW8TZKt
- Nov 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The Chinese room argument holds that a digital computer executing a program cannot have a "mind," "understanding" or "consciousness,"[a] regardless of how intelligently or human-like the program may make the computer behave.
Chinese room? AI
www.stclaircollege.ca www.stclaircollege.ca
Room booking button
- May 2022
theconversation.com theconversation.com
In 1962, the story of Sherri Finkbine, the local Phoenix, Arizona host of the children’s program, “Romper Room,” became national news. Finkbine had four children, and had taken a drug, thalidomide, before she realized she was pregnant with her fifth child. Worried that the drug could cause severe birth defects, she tried to get an abortion in her home state, Arizona, but could not. She then traveled to Sweden for a legal abortion. Finkbine’s story is credited with helping to shift public opinion on abortion and was central to a growing, national call for abortion reform laws.
- Apr 2022
laist.com laist.com
Viper Room to become a mixed-use property... ugh...
- Mar 2022
en.itpedia.nl en.itpedia.nl
The IT Equipment Room (MER, SER and DER) guidelines
It is clear that the Equipment_Rooms (MER, SER and DER) are important spaces for a company. Much of the business depends on these spaces. That is why many companies draw up minimal guidelines to ensure continuity.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
unterscheidung zwischen syntax und semantik syntax ist dasjenige was mit regeln und symbolen zu tun hat das ist sozusagen der symbolische war der symbolische ansatz von künstlich den games logische 00:14:29 schlüsse das ist die syntax regeln und bedeutungslose symbol davon unterscheidet soll die semantik also im bereich des bedeutsamen oder auch wie er 00:14:41 dann analysieren sagt dass mentalen und er vertritt die these dass wir von der syntax von operationen logischen art mit symbolen nie auch wenn sie noch so komplex sein sollten zudem an tischen 00:14:55 behalten gelangen können das heißt dadurch dass computer nur symbolisch operieren nach gewissen regeln können sie die bedeutung erlangen tja das ist eine starke these und hier unten haben
Syntax - Struktur vs. Semantik - über die Struktur hinausgehendes (Emergenz?) Computer können Syntax kopieren und ggf. perfektionieren, sie simulieren nach Searle jedoch nur die Semantik. Interessanter Anschlusspunkt für Zimmerli und seinen Gedanken zu Syntax, Binarität usw.
- Jan 2022
www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
Every morning now brought its regular duties—shops were to be visited; some new part of the town to be looked at; and the pump-room to be attended, where they paraded up and down for an hour, looking at everybody and speaking to no one.
Jane Austen’s contemporaries, including everyone from the laboring poor to the royals, shared a belief in the restorative power of spring water and in the consumption of natural remedies. In the years when Austen was writing Northanger Abbey, the warm springs offered at Bath’s Pump rooms were a popular treatmentfor those suffering from loss of appetite, nerves (Mrs. Bennett!), gout, and ailments affecting the stomach, head, and vital parts.
In 1813, a guide to the resort claimed that the waters contained carbon dioxide, azotic gas, sulphates, muriate of soda, selenite, carbonate of lime siliceous earth, and a very small portion of oxide of iron (Guide 32). These properties probably gave the water a sulfuric aroma. As the opening of this chapter suggests, though, whether ill or healthy, the resort provided for all. For the healthy visitor, the prime activity was to consume in ways that are familiar to us: purchasing clothes or textiles, as Catherine learns to do from Mrs. Allen, window-shopping, and people-watching.
These lines express Austen’s awareness of the period’s rapidly growing consumer market, resulting from an unprecedented growth in the middle class, which in turn increased demand for domestic and foreign goods. Purchasing power allowed Bath visitors to pay about one guinea a month for access to the warm spring waters served in the newly renovated Pump Room, and to provide a handsome gratuity to the pumper serving water from the King’s Springs .jpg) (Guide 38). But they would likely also be paying to imbibe other popular drinks, including tea, coffee, and chocolate, which albeit pricey were increasingly affordable to the growing middle-class (Selwyn 215). As any Austen fan knows, the Pump Room continues to serve tourists today. Although bathing is no longer allowed, tea, chocolate, coffee, and warm spring waters can still be imbibed.
Walking the streets of Bath with Catherine as we read through Northanger Abbey’s first volume, we might keep in mind who teaches Catherine her consumer habits, and how the novel’s development may be commenting on these practices. We might also consider how the novel records a turning point in the consumption of natural remedies and other goods extracted from apparently distant communities and environments. How much do our current consumer habits differ from Catherine’s?
- Nov 2021
www.vice.com www.vice.com
with attention to the nuances of issues like diversity and feminism where he has previously faltered in his own writers’ room
How do we intentionally and proactively work to avoid the problem with Jon Stewart by addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the writers’ room?
twitter.com twitter.com
𝚃𝚘𝚖 𝙻𝚊𝚠𝚝𝚘𝚗 💙. (2021, October 30). From the paper—Ventilation makes a big difference further away, but below 1-1.5m then you’d have to be in a gale to be safe! ✅DISTANCE if you can ✅VENTILATE - works even within 2m, but sadly not so much within 1-1.5m ✅PPE if you have to get close #COVIDisAirborne https://t.co/wYuWdG47He [Tweet]. @LawtonTri. https://twitter.com/LawtonTri/status/1454355692593328132
- Oct 2021
english.elpais.com english.elpais.com
Salas, M. Z., Javier. (2020, October 28). A room, a bar and a classroom: how the coronavirus is spread through the air. EL PAÍS. https://english.elpais.com/society/2020-10-28/a-room-a-bar-and-a-class-how-the-coronavirus-is-spread-through-the-air.html
- May 2021
www.impressivewebs.com www.impressivewebs.com
While it’s great how simple and effective the process is of “linking” pages together, I think there’s room for improvement.
- Apr 2021
www.metacritic.com www.metacritic.com
Taken as a whole it disappoints, which is a shame as, beneath the adorable exterior, the concept has far more potential than what has been achieved.
store.steampowered.com store.steampowered.com
Good game with some place for improvements. It has potential.
This is a good game, but it has potential to become an even greater game.
- May 2019
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
"A room to withdraw to, a private chamber attached to a more public room (see withdrawing-room n.); now, a room reserved for the reception of company, and to which the ladies withdraw from the dining-room after dinner" (OED).
- Jun 2017
escapeplanltd.com escapeplanltd.com
P.O.W camp,
We should keep a record of where and when they are set. Date, Country and specific locaiton - this one looks like its a POW camp.
- Apr 2017
oxford.library.emory.edu oxford.library.emory.edu
Game Night
Oxford College Library is offering a Game Night on April 14, 2017, 7-11 pm! We hope to see you there!
- Mar 2017
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
I was in the room with him from my learning space in Clermont Ferrand. I could hear the bad acoustics of the room in which he was/we were?. We were sharing the slides on the screen in Krakow inside the slide share of our hangout on air.
Social presence.
Room, space. confusion
- Sep 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
The morning weighs on my shoulders with the dreadful weight of hope an4 I take the blue envelope which Jacques has sent me and tear it sl6wly into many pieces, watching them . .. . I dance in the wind, watchiμg the wind carry them away. Yet, as I turn and begin walking tovyard the waiting people, the wind blows some of them back on me. ]
Reading this last paragraph, it seems that not even David knows what will happen next in his life. The idea of having hope that something positive will happen in his life now. Or Giovanni won't be executed is weighing him down because even he knows that isn't realistic. Since the ending is so ambiguous I personally took David tearing the envelope Jacques sent him slowly as him trying to start over, but when he threw it in the wind as he was walking away the wind blows it back to him. Making me believe that even though he wants to start over and forget what has happened he won't be able to move forward because something in his past will keep bringing him down. I also believe that the reason why Baldwin made the ending so ambiguous is because during that time maybe he didn’t know what to do next or how to move on. It was said that Giovanni’s room was based off of actual events that happened to Baldwin before he starting writing this book. Baldwin was in a love affair with a man named Lucien Happersberger who ended up marrying a women and that’s why the book is dedicated to Lucien.
I tagged an article where Baldwin talks about Giovanni's Room and what it means to him as well as a very short clip of an interview with Baldwin.
- Jul 2016
bigbudsmag.com bigbudsmag.com
The first thing I do when I consider a room or other enclosed space for indoor growing is to measure the square feet and the cubic feet of the potential grow op.
The first thing I do when I consider a room or other enclosed space for indoor growing is to measure the square feet and the cubic feet of the potential grow op.
this matters because how are u going to have a marijuana grow room without having the right feed and cubic feet to the grow room.
this connects to me because i had seen how a grow room is.
- Jun 2016
starredpaper.com starredpaper.com
The american dream. How misleading it must have been for immigrants and individuals who moved their families into the city in hopes of gaining a more affluent future for them and their families. Cramped and packed, everyone had to deal with unbearable conditions as they dealt with tenement homes and projects that left a lot to be desired. Working in miserable factories, not to take in consideration child labor laws or even regular labor laws. There was a multitude of concerns and a need for change to be done here in this era. Here is a link providing even more photos and insight to what was being dealt with at the time.
- May 2016
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
- Aug 2014
www.theparisreview.org www.theparisreview.org
INTERVIEWER On the subject of being a woman writer in a man’s world, you’ve mentioned A Room of One’s Own as a touchstone. LE GUIN My mother gave it to me. It is an important book for a mother to give a daughter. She gave me A Room of One’s Own and Three Guineas when I was a teenager. So she corrupted me thoroughly, bless her heart. Though you know, in the 1950s, A Room of One’s Own was kind of tough going. Writing was something that men set the rules for, and I had never questioned that. The women who questioned those rules were too revolutionary for me even to know about them. So I fit myself into the man’s world of writing and wrote like a man, presenting only the male point of view. My early books are all set in a man’s world.