- Jun 2024
languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu
'Disprefer' is another good one! It fits well with a wonderful pungent comment about some holiday meal by my nephew when he was about 10: Well, I don't love the parsnips …. Apparently it was a common construction for his classmates in 4th grade, a truth-in-humor bit of sass enjoyed by all. I'll introduce 'disprefer' to him as a high-falutin' possibility for his more grown-up years.
disprefer = don't love ?
The problem with "object to" as an alternative to "disprefer" is it doesn't mean the same thing. And in the specific example, there's no evidence that people who commonly choose one word/phrase/construction over another object to the word/phrase/construction not chosen, so "object to" doesn't work.
I have become a dyed in the wool descriptionist because of Language Log, and have been known to cite entries here in battle against of the prescriptionistas of the Axis of Evil within the blogosphere.
on reasonable uses of "disprefer" — it's probably true that its meaning is not immediately apparent, and using it when addressing general audiences probably avoided (dispreferred?), but of course, it depends on the context I think. It is a term that has an obvious jargon aspect, but that doesn't seem to me to make it uniformly verboten. Other, DNA would never have entered the popular lexicon, or quantum… I'm sure those parallels are inapt in several ways, but my point, which I think still stands, is that while clarity to the broadest audience possible is often a laudable goal, this also doesn't mean it should be the only or always the chief goal. It seems to me technical words get disseminated and incorporated popularly through their use outside of strictly technical fora, and while several people said they did a double take or didn't immediately understand the word (or misunderstood its meaning), it's also true that this can happen with perfectly reasonable, standard vernacular constructions, especially reasonable standard constructions that are expressing a counter-intuitive (even if true) claim. Just sayin' — "can people understand this without giving it but a moment's thought" is a high (or ultra-low) car to hold all non-technical communication to. (That said, I also have a love for arcane words, shades of meaning, and being able to express certain moods/valences/concepts precisely. THAT said, I'm no linguist, and probably won't be using this word commonly for all my talk.)
To me, dis- negates in words like disagree, and displease. If you disagree with a position, that (generally) implies that you agree with the opposite position. If you displease someone, you make them angry or unhappy, you don't leave them feeling neutral.
On the other hand, I feel that dis- neutralises in words like disprove, disapprove, disenchant, disentangle, disembark, discharge, and so on. If you disprove something, you haven't necessarily proved the opposite. If you disapprove of an action, that doesn't mean you would approve of the opposite action. If you're disenchanted, it doesn't necessarily mean you now hate what you were formerly enchanted with. And clearly once you disentangle something it's back to zero; you haven't "anti-tangled" it.
The main problem with disprefer is that it violates de Buitléir's rule: If *I* use a word you're not familiar with, your education or experience is lacking. If *you* use a word I'm not familiar with, you're being a show-off or making up words.
I also like "infelicitous" for this purpose.
On lackey, more or less following up on Mark Liberman's comment above: except in period references (where it refers to 'a footman, esp. a running footman; a valet' — OED2, citations from 1529), the word now comes with a sneer.
So what's the problem here? The problem is that it's not a word except to small, relatively closed circles of specialists such as linguists (saving your reverences). And, pace those people who think its meaning is clear on first sight, it's not (and it's telling that some people's response to Amy's saying that she hadn't understood it was to chastise her rather than admit that perhaps they were wrong about its transparency). Hell, I have an MPhil in linguistics, and even I dislike it and would try to avoid it if possible. I think it's fine for use in the field, where you can expect that your readers will be familiar with it, but it's solipsistic verging on insulting to use it with the public at large; showing off specialist vocabulary (which this is) is not polite.
I don't think it's that specialist of a word... :shrug:
Having read this, it appears that there is a reasonable consensus and, given that, I will probably add it to my vocabulary as it does fill a niche – but I'll be careful where and with whom I use it.
I wonder what makes it so ugly — its newspeakiness?
rant against the horrible solecism, duck tape
And the exact meaning of "dis-" varies from word to word, but it always includes reversing the polarity of some semantic component (rather than just neutralizing it). Connect X to Y = position X such that it is joined to Y Disconnect X from Y = position X such that it is separated from Y Approve X = assert that X is good Disapprove X = assert that X is bad Prefer X = when selecting from a set choices, choice X first Disprefer X = when selecting from a set of choices, chose X last
I don't think "disprefer X to Y" is a mistake, but I do think it is almost always more awkward-sounding to me than "prefer Y to X", and the meaning is equivalent.
prescriptivist habits, but "disprefer" seems a straightforward, useful coining to me.
Computer programmer here. 'Disprefer' is a somewhat uncommon, but entirely standard, word at my work. I would guess that it's most common use is in restricting some other preference. E.g. "sort by age, but disprefer objects that need disk access".
The ones which are close to the meaning of 'not X' are so only because the phenomena of often (though not always) viewed as binary. But, as the remain forms clearly indicate, this doesn't come automatically from the meaning of the prefix.
Don't prefer A = not prefer A Disprefer A = prefer not-A
OK apparently meaning isn't immediately clear to some. But I disapprove of your approach, and disagree with your conclusion. I don't need to disinter my dictionary to understand the word. Simple comparison with other words that use the prefix will disgorge the meaning with a minimum of discomfort, all from the comfort of your armchair. I don't mean to discourage dictionary use, but rather, to encourage examining the language you already know. Without such comparison, blind prescriptionist obedience to dicta from the dictionary may lead one astray. For even in the pages of the dictionary, one may find numerous examples of disobedience to its every dictum.
There's a void — a need where a word should fit. There's a construction — a prefix and a root, which fit together to fill the void. Meaning is clear on first encounter. A need is met. What is the problem?
John: But that's exactly what I did! Dis- + prefer should theoretically mean "don't prefer" or "unprefer". So what does that mean? You're neutral? I understand the meaning now from the comments. But I don't think the meaning is clear from the components. Just to check my understanding of dis-, I checked a few online dictionaries, and roughly speaking… dis- = lack of, not, apart, away, undo, remove The reason I was confused was that to me, dis- simply neutralises a word. It multiplies the meaning by zero, yielding zero. It's not like anti-, which multiplies by minus one, changing the sign and changing the meaning to the opposite. If you said anti-prefer, I'd have a better idea of what the word meant.
If you said anti-prefer, I'd have a better idea of what the word meant.
I'm no linguist, and can barely aspire to lackeydom (takers?), but I'm taking quite a shine to "disprefer". Meanwhile… to "object to" something, it seems to me you have to express your objection, where to prefer or disprefer you need only choose, possibly with no one else the wiser. So, he's wrong again.
So what's the problem here? The obvious reasoning is that "dis-" is a common English prefix, and "prefer" is a common English verb. You don't need a dictionary entry to explain or justify combining them. The dictionary entries for "dis-" and "prefer" should be all that's needed, and any reasonably fluent speaker should be able to make or understand the combination. Granted, "disprefer" may not be a common word, but it shouldn't be a mystery to anyone with any familiarity with English.
I've never come across this word before, but I immediately understood it and see its usefulness. I'm likely to use it in the future.
Amy: It's a real word. I use it all the time (of course, I'm a linguist, and I allow the possibility that I picked it up from my linguist chums, though it doesn't seem particularly jargony to me). For me, "disprefer X" means something like "not choose X when other options are available". This is subtly different from "prefer anything over X", quite different from "not prefer X", and totally distinct from "dislike X" or "object to X".
Perfectly useful jargon: if we say that of alternatives ABCD, we disprefer C, we mean "definitely choose something else if possible", almost as strongly as if we said C was the worst alternative.
It baffled me, because I wasn't sure whether it meant simply "don't prefer", or the stronger "dislike". Despite having read the article, the possibility that it meant that "prefer anything over" didn't occur to me until I saw blahedo's comment. "Disprefer" is the most disunconfusing word I've heard in a long time.
*Other things being equal, we should disprefer blogs to journalism. USE prefer journalism to blogs.* I can't say he's clearly wrong about this one, depending on the information structure of discourse or text. If blogs are the topic, there's a lot to be said for making it the direct object rather than an oblique, the object of a preposition.
*It's interesting as a spelling pronunciation, preferred by some speakers, dispreferred by others. USE not* Fiske fails to note that dispreferred expresses a contrary negation, not simply a contradictory one. The writer is excluding the possibility that the dispreferring speakers might be merely indifferent to the pronunciation in question, but the use of not would include that possibility.
Appropriate word choice in the same way that "liked by some, disliked by others" is appropriate.
The most important nontechnical use of 'disprefer' (for me) is to say that among a sea of choices to which I am largely indifferent, there is some choice that is particularly my least favourite—I may not have any legal, moral, or other objection to it, I just don't like it. I wouldn't say I use this all the time, but I certainly use it regularly when it's appropriate.
- humor
- good point
- different meanings
- "disprefer"
- jargon
- unintuitive
- construction
- definition
- solecism
- meets a need
- newspeak
- concensus
- intuitive
- dis-
- clarity
- I don't understand
- hypothetical
- there is a need/niche for it
- first sighting
- +1.0
- picturesque speech
- ambiguous
- awkward
- words: whether they are familiar enough to be used
- word
- confusing for newcomers
- word usage
- descriptive versus prescriptive linguistics
- missing/lacking
- word choice
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Linguistic description is often contrasted with linguistic prescription
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
"Less favored" or "less preferred" may be the preferable word choice most of the time (because it's usually about degree of preference, not merely a binary "preferred or not")
Because it's about degree (on a continuum), it would usually be clearer (and therefore preferred) to specify whether, for instance, you mean "less preferred" or "least preferred". "dispreferred" is ambiguous in that regard: I had assumed it meant (was using it to mean) less preferred ( not the most preferred), but apparently others (https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=2186) read it and see "least preferred".
Why invent ugly new words when there is adequate vocabulary available?
Because it's neither a new word, nor an ugly word, any more than "distaste", "dislike" is an ugly word.
Not preferring is not the opposite of preferring, but rather the absence of preferring.
Referring to how "dis-" might imply it's the opposite.
I can see their point,which I think is that "To favor or prefer (something) less than the alternatives." simply makes it not your maximum preference (so in that sense, it would merely be the absence of the state of being the maximum), not necessarily your minimum (least favorite) rated/preferred choice.
But I think it can actually mean the opposite of preferring. To me, to disprefer something is nearly the same as if you show a distaste for something.
If you want to stop receiving this email, then hit the Unsubscribe link. Because you asked for this email and confirmed that you wanted it, the right thing to do is to follow the directions to unsubscribe from it.
it is important to regularly clean your email list to avoid sending emails to individuals who have previously asked to be removed.
Is that all it means? Usually when I see this term, it sounds like they mean cleaning out inactive contacts, not just those that have asked to be removed.
I mean, obviously you would remove those who ask to be removed... But it seems you would do so immediately, not "regularly" at some later time. I guess it depends how you implement your list system?
github.com github.com
How can I wait for container X before starting Y? This is a common problem and in earlier versions of docker-compose requires the use of additional tools and scripts such as wait-for-it and dockerize. Using the healthcheck parameter the use of these additional tools and scripts is often no longer necessary.
github.com github.com
Locking the conversation in this issue for the reason @stevvoe mentioned above; comments on closed issues and PRs easily go unnoticed - I'm locking the conversation to prevent that from happening
docker inspect --format='{{.State.Health.Status}}'
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
(This isn't a duplicate because it's explicitly seeking a workaround given certain constraints, not just asking for direct replacement.)
github.com github.com
(If you are a representative of an upstream for which there exists an image and you would like to get involved, please see the Maintainership section below!)
we strive to heed upstream's recommendations on how they intend for their software to be consumed.
github.com github.com
created against https://github.com/docker-library/official-images (which is the source-of-truth for the official images program as a whole)
On Windows, that interface doesn't really exist (and is really difficult to emulate properly)
we leave it up to each image maintainer to make the appropriate judgement on what's going to be the best representation / most supported solution for the upstream project they're representing
Explicit health checks are not added to official images for a number of reasons, some of which include:
github.com github.com
docs.docker.com docs.docker.com
Rootless mode executes the Docker daemon and containers inside a user namespace. This is very similar to userns-remap mode, except that with userns-remap mode, the daemon itself is running with root privileges, whereas in rootless mode, both the daemon and the container are running without root privileges.
forum.gitlab.com forum.gitlab.com
How can I make it work on my local runner and also for forks who cannot use my runner on GitLab.com 2 wth the provided SaaS runners?
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
Running Docker inside Docker lets you build images and start containers within an already containerized environment.
If your use case means you absolutely require dind, there is a safer way to deploy it. The modern Sysbox project is a dedicated container runtime that can nest other runtimes without using privileged mode. Sysbox containers become VM-like so they're able to support software that's usually run bare-metal on a physical or virtual machine. This includes Docker and Kubernetes without any special configuration.
Bind mounting your host's daemon socket is safer, more flexible, and just as feature-complete as starting a dind container.
Docker-in-Docker via dind has historically been widely used in CI environments. It means the "inner" containers have a layer of isolation from the host. A single CI runner container supports every pipeline container without polluting the host's Docker daemon.
While it often works, this is fraught with side effects and not the intended use case for dind. It was added to ease the development of Docker itself, not provide end user support for nested Docker installations.
This means containers created by the inner Docker will reside on your host system, alongside the Docker container itself. All containers will exist as siblings, even if it feels like the nested Docker is a child of the parent.
github.com github.com
Enhancing the isolation of containerized microservices (root in the container maps to an unprivileged user on the host).
With Sysbox, containers can run system-level software such as systemd, Docker, Kubernetes, K3s, buildx, legacy apps, and more seamlessly & securely.
container runtime
Root-privileges: As a container runtime, Sysbox requires root privileges to operate. As a result, the Sysbox-In-Docker container must be launched in "privileged" mode.
Note that, for the general use-case, Sysbox is expected to operate in a regular (non-containerized) environment (i.e., host installation).
As its name implies, Sysbox-In-Docker aims to provide a containerized environment where to execute the Sysbox runtime.
github.com github.com
Isn't a simple go get github.com/mayflower/docker-ls/cli/... sufficient, you ask? Indeed it is, but including the generate step detailed above will encode verbose version information in the binaries.
- May 2024
www.rfc-editor.org www.rfc-editor.org
Please note that '+' characters are frequently used as part of an email address to indicate a subaddress, as for example in <bill+ietf@example.org>.
Nice of them to point that this is a common scenario, not just a hypothetical one.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Choosing names from a list is a lot more user-friendly and less error-prone than asking them to blindly type in an e-mail address and hope that it is correct and matches an existing user (or at least a real e-mail account that can then be sent an invitation to register). In my opinion, this is a big reason why Facebook became so popular — because it let you see your list of friends, and send message to people by their names instead of having to already know/remember/ask for their e-mail address.
Sorry for the issue necromancy
pixabay.com pixabay.com
You cannot sell or distribute Content (either in digital or physical form) on a Standalone basis. Standalone means where no creative effort has been applied to the Content and it remains in substantially the same form as it exists on our website.
That seems fair enough...
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This is probably confusing because the "host" in --network=host does not mean host as in the underlying runner host / 'baremetal' system. To understand what is happening here, we must first understand how the docker:dind service works. When you use the service docker:dind to power docker commands from your build job, you are running containers 'on' the docker:dind service; it is the docker daemon. When you provide the --host option to docker run it refers to the host network of the daemon I.E. the docker:dind container, not the underlying system host.
When you specify FF_NETWORK_PER_BUILD that was specifying the docker network for the build job and its service containers that encapsulates all of your job's containers.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
return &container.HostConfig{ DNS: e.Config.Docker.DNS, DNSSearch: e.Config.Docker.DNSSearch, RestartPolicy: neverRestartPolicy, ExtraHosts: e.Config.Docker.ExtraHosts, Privileged: e.Config.Docker.Privileged, NetworkMode: e.networkMode, Binds: e.volumesManager.Binds(), ShmSize: e.Config.Docker.ShmSize, Tmpfs: e.Config.Docker.ServicesTmpfs, LogConfig: container.LogConfig{ Type: "json-file", },
lists.debian.org lists.debian.org
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
For Linux systems, you can – starting from major version 20.04 of the Docker engine – now also communicate with the host via host.docker.internal. This won't work automatically, but you need to provide the following run flag: --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway
gitlab.com gitlab.com
I'm closing this issue as extra_hosts config is now passed to build containers and services.
github.com github.com
While the RSpec team now officially recommends system specs instead, feature specs are still fully supported, look basically identical, and work on older versions of Rails.
Whose recommendation should one follow?
RSpec team's recommendation seems to conflict with this project's: https://rspec.info/features/6-0/rspec-rails/request-specs/request-spec/:
Capybara is not supported in request specs. The recommended way to use Capybara is with feature specs.
RSpec Rails defines ten different types of specs for testing different parts of a typical Rails application. Each one inherits from one of Rails’ built-in TestCase
I want RSpec Rails development to be fast, and lightweight, much like it was when I joined the RSpec project.
As of right now the full build takes over an hour to run, and this makes cycling for PRs and quick iterative development very difficult.
If we do this, it will become deeply unsustainable for us to maintain RSpec Rails in the future. We have too many Rails versions today, and we expect the rate of Rails releases to increase as time goes on.
this has now become unsustainable and we want to take this tradeoff to best serve the needs of the community
This makes ongoing maintenance difficult, as it requires that RSpec Rails' maintainers be conscious of every Rails version that might be loaded.
Our need is therefore best characterised by cost of maintenance. Having to maintain several versions of Rails and Ruby costs us a lot. It makes our development slower, and forces us to write against Rails versions that most people no longer use.
- software development: quick iterative development
- maintenance burden
- trade-offs
- semantic versioning
- testing: speed of tests (fast/slow test suite)
- software development: things preventing quick iterative development
- unsustainable
- maintenance burden to support older versions/devices
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
roberts-rules.com roberts-rules.com
SO MOVED! This is a common statement which means nothing. One must state the actual motion so as to avoid confusion in the audience. Everyone has the right to know exactly what is being moved and discussed. "So moved!" is vague and pointless. Do not allow your club members to be vague and pointless.
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
Strictly speaking, a cell (cellular) phone is a mobile phone, but a mobile phone may not necessarily be a cell phone. "Cellular" refers to the network technology
The cell phone providers usually call them "mobile" phones which is more precise since "cell" refers to a kind of technology.
However, it is increasingly becoming just a "phone", as landlines continue to disappear from households.
In Australia, it has traditionally been a "mobile" - never a "cell" (unless you are deliberately trying to sound American!).
regional diferences
The one clarifying term might be "my phone" - this would guarantee it to be a mobile phone, rather than a landline.
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
81 View upvote and downvote totals. This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. Most people are focused on attribution (and rightfully so), but it seems that not much attention is being paid to the share alike part of the CC license. In AI contexts, copyright law is still being tested in court and many things are uncertain. There is a very real risk that training an AI on this site's data will not necessarily be considered "fair use" (it fails the "serves as a substitute for the original" test, among other things), which means there's a risk that the trained model will be considered a derivative work and thus required to carry a license similar to CC-BY-SA 4.0.
One of the key elements was "attribution is non-negotiable". OpenAI, historically, has done a poor job of attributing parts of a response to the content that the response was based on.
We contributed free work to the company because the content is under a CC BY-SA license. It is fine to make money off our content as long as they adhere to the license. This forbids selling the content to OpenAI, though, since they do not provide attribution or release their derivative works under a compatible license.
One way to look at it is that corporations are never your friend. They love talking about building communities and ecosystems, but eventually they need to monetize user-generated content and change licensing to make your content their property. When their policies and promises change overnight 180° all you get "we are sorry you feel that way", "our hopes and prayers" and "that was a deliberate business decision we had to make with a heavy heart". And then they laugh all the way to the bank.
Doing free work for a company to make THEIR place a better one, only because you were gamed into doing that. The solution is never contribute to anything that is controlled by private company.
Humans are meant to exploit machines, not the other way round. Exploiting us, who helped make the world a little bit better, in this way, is a turning point. It makes the world for us worse instead of better.
I feel violated, cheated upon, betrayed, and exploited.
I wouldn't focus too much on "posted only after human review" - it's worth noting that's that's worth nothing. We literally just saw a case of obviously riduculous AI images in a scientific paper breezing through peer review with noone caring, so quality will necessarily go down because Brandolini's law combined with AI is the death sentence for communities like SE and I doubt they'll employ people to review content from the money they'll make
"that post is written in a very indirect and unclear way" -- that is intentional, no? The company has been communicating in this style for quite some time now. Lots of grandiose phrases to bamboozle the audience while very little is actually being said. It's infuriating.
On the surface, this is a very nice sentiment - one that we can all get behind.
What could possibly go wrong? Dear Stack Overflow denizens, thanks for helping train OpenAI's billion-dollar LLMs. Seems that many have been drinking the AI koolaid or mixing psychedelics into their happy tea. So much for being part of a "community", seems that was just happy talk for "being exploited to generate LLM training data..." The corrupting influence of the profit-motive is never far away.
If you ask ChatGPT to cite it will provide random citations. That's different from actually training a model to cite (e.g. use supervised finetuning on citations with human raters checking whether sources match, which would also allow you to verify how accurately a model cites). This is something OpenAI could do, it just doesn't.
There are plenty of cases where genAI cites stuff incorrectly, that says something different, or citations that simply do not exist at all. Guaranteeing citations are included is easy, but guaranteeing correctness is an unsolved problem
GenAIs are not capable of citing stuff. Even if it did, there's no guarantee that the source either has anything to do with the topic in question, nor that it states the same as the generated content. Citing stuff is trivial if you don't have to care if the citation is relevant to the content, or if it says the same as you.
LLMs, by their very nature, don't have a concept of "source". Attribution is pretty much impossible. Attribution only really works if you use language models as "search engine". The moment you start generating output, the source is lost.
- Brandolini's law
- changing the rules
- good point
- open content
- community effort
- greed
- generative AI: citing sources
- open license
- ChatGPT: not citing sources
- generative AI: not citing sources
- collaboration
- StackExchange: negative
- Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
- feeling exploited
- it may sound good on the surface but not actually be good
- AI: large language model
- putting profit first
- generative AI: attribution
- generative AI: stealing people's content and using for training without attribution
- online community
- generative AI: incorrectness
- Creative Commons
- AI: training
- AI-assisted but still depening on human review
stackoverflow.blog stackoverflow.blog
Plenty of companies are still figuring out how to integrate “traditional AI” (that is, non-generative AI; tools like machine learning and rule-based algorithms)
developers.redhat.com developers.redhat.com
Podman provides some extra features that help developers and operators in Kubernetes environments. There are extra commands provided by Podman that are not available in Docker.
This is because Podman’s local repository is in /var/lib/containers instead of /var/lib/docker. This isn’t an arbitrary change; this new storage structure is based on the Open Containers Initiative (OCI) standards.
Podman commands are the same as Docker’s When building Podman, the goal was to make sure that Docker users could easily adapt. So all the commands you are familiar with also exist with Podman. In fact, the claim is made that if you have existing scripts that run Docker you can create a docker alias for podman and all your scripts should work (alias docker=podman). Try it.
This article does not get into the detailed pros and cons of the Docker daemon process. There is much to be said in favor of this approach and I can see why, in the early days of Docker, it made a lot of sense. Suffice it to say that there were several reasons why Docker users were concerned about this approach as usage went up. To list a few: A single process could be a single point of failure. This process owned all the child processes (the running containers). If a failure occurred, then there were orphaned processes. Building containers led to security vulnerabilities. All Docker operations had to be conducted by a user (or users) with the same full root authority.
stackoverflow.co stackoverflow.co
AI-powered code generation tools like GitHub Copilot make it easier to write boilerplate code, but they don’t eliminate the need to consult with your organization’s domain experts to work through logic, debugging, and other complex problems.Stack Overflow for Teams is a knowledge-sharing platform that transfers contextual knowledge validated by your domain experts to other employees. It can even foster a code generation community of practice that champions early adopters and scales their learnings. OverflowAI makes this trusted internal knowledge—along with knowledge validated by the global Stack Overflow community—instantly accessible in places like your IDE so it can be used alongside code generation tools. As a result, your teams learn more about your codebase, rework code less often, and speed up your time-to-production.
docs.gitlab.com docs.gitlab.com
When a job uses needs, it no longer downloads all artifacts from previous stages by default, because jobs with needs can start before earlier stages complete. With needs you can only download artifacts from the jobs listed in the needs configuration.
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
You'll need to either stop transpiling or use a Node-based transpiler, like those in jsbundling-rails and cssbundling-rails.
The asset pipeline is a collection of components that work together. Here's a list of what they might be.Concatenation for merging together many files into one big file.Minification for compressing the contents of a file to make it smaller in size.Pre-compilation for using your language of choice to write CSS or Javascript.Fingerprinting to force reloading of asset changes (i.e., cache busing).
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I can confirm that this is still actual for Rails 7 - jpEg converts to jpg and your production fails.
nickjanetakis.com nickjanetakis.com
It’s generally good from a separations of concerns point of view and to reduce risk – migrations are scary enough as it is!
Personally I’m not a fan of running migrations in an ENTRYPOINT script.I think it’s best suited to run this separately as part of your deploy process
COPY --chown=ruby:ruby
Debian Slim is a variant of Debian that’s optimized for running in containers. It removes a ton of libraries and tools that’s normally included with Debian.
I know Alpine is also an option but in my opinion it’s not worth it. Yes, you’ll end up with a bit smaller image in the end but it comes at the cost of using musl instead of glibc. That’s too much of a side topic for this post but I’ve been burned in the past a few times when trying to switch to Alpine – such as having network instability and run-time performance when connecting to Postgres. I’m very happy sticking with Debian.
mattbrictson.com mattbrictson.com
If you are okay with the user appending arbitrary query params without enforcing an allow-list, you can bypass the strong params requirement by using request.params directly:
Performing a redirect by constructing a URL based on user input is inherently risky, and is a well-documented security vulnerability. This is essentially what you are doing when you call redirect_to params.merge(...), because params can contain arbitrary data the user has appended to the URL.
commandmasters.com commandmasters.com
Use case 1: Delete a ref, useful for soft resetting the first commit
This is essentially what --update-refs does, but it makes things a lot simpler; it rebases a branch, "remembers" where all the existing (local) branches point, and then resets them to the correct point afterwards.
An alternative approach would be to rebase the "top" of the stack, part-3 on top of dev. We could then reset each of the branches to the "correct" commit in the newly-rebased branch, something like this:
Don't think that I just naturally perfectly segment these commits when creating the feature. I heavily rebase and edit the commits before creating a PR.
www.digitaltrends.com www.digitaltrends.com
openai.com openai.com
We train our models using:
We exclude sources we know to have paywalls, primarily aggregate personally identifiable information, have content that violates our policies, or have opted-out.
We recently improved source links in ChatGPT(opens in a new window) to give users better context and web publishers new ways to connect with our audiences.
Our models are designed to help us generate new content and ideas – not to repeat or “regurgitate” content. AI models can state facts, which are in the public domain.
When we train language models, we take trillions of words, and ask a computer to come up with an equation that best describes the relationship among the words and the underlying process that produced them.
www.fs.usda.gov www.fs.usda.gov
Wilderness permits are required for entry into all Gifford Pinchot National Forest Wildernesses. The self-issuing permits are free and are available at all trailheads leading into these Wildernesses, and at Forest Service Ranger Stations.
github.com github.com
To point out subtle caveats, corner cases and pitfalls that may cause an advanced user's otherwise working script to fail under future circumstances.
www.brickowl.com www.brickowl.com
www.bricklink.com www.bricklink.com
Walk into store to buy bread, get to till, no you MUST buy 1 kilogram of fillet steak as well so that the average price of the goods you buy is more than what the bread costs, which is the only thing you need. Leave bread, walk out. It does not matter how good you explain it, buyers do not understand how you have an item on the shelf you are not willing to sell for the price you are advertising it at, or for which you need a degree in mathematics to work out how many you must put in a cart before you can, well, pay for it at checkout. I would rather BL take this away altogether. You already have minimum buys to avoid small orders, you can already set a minimum lot quantity for purchase. Why give an impression that an item can ship by itself, when you as the seller is not willing to sell it like that? It confuses buyers when sellers willfully shows prices for goods they are not willing to sell at. Rather suggest, if sellers really want to use this, that the quantities the buyer wants cannot be added to the cart unless the minimum average is met automatically. That way the cart is managed for the buyer and nobody has to know the why and the wherefores of why an item cannot be bought for the price it is listed at.
github.com github.com
# This is manual way to describe complex parameters parameter :one_level_array, type: :array, items: {type: :string, enum: ['string1', 'string2']}, default: ['string1'] parameter :two_level_array, type: :array, items: {type: :array, items: {type: :string}} let(:one_level_array) { ['string1', 'string2'] } let(:two_level_array) { [['123', '234'], ['111']] }
wiki.haskell.org wiki.haskell.org
This intuition is generally more useful, but is more difficult to explain, precisely because it is so general.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
proton.me proton.me
mullvad.net mullvad.net
brave.com brave.com
If you're on Bluehost, move to a new provider (and not Hostgator, since they are owned by the same company).
- Apr 2024
forums.mozillazine.org forums.mozillazine.org
Ain't it possible that every message I send or forward will just be replaced to the outbox and will be send by Thunderbird in the background ? I really hate it that every message sends itself away, running on top of all other windows, and it makes me wait till it has been sent from reading my other messages...
www.summet.com www.summet.com
Personally I don’t find necessary to see the whole progress of how a mail is sent step-by-step, I just want to send the e-mail. Can’t understand why they are showing me all these but anyway
kb.mozillazine.org kb.mozillazine.org
One problem with using this extension is that the author stopped supporting their extensions years ago and has not been heard from since. You also need to bypass the version check per this article.
kb.mozillazine.org kb.mozillazine.org
An alternative way to remove the All Mail folder would be to login into Gmail webmail using a browser, left click on the gear icon in the upper right corner and select Settings, select the Labels tab, find All Mail, click on Hide and uncheck "Show in IMAP". Logout and delete "All Mail." and "All Mail.msf" in the Gmail accounts local directory in the Thunderbird profile.
How did I not know about this before?
Do NOT try to delete the All Mail folder by deleting its contents. That will delete all of the messages for the account when Thunderbird syncs the folder.
The "All Mail" folder in a Gmail IMAP account has a copy of all messages for that account, doubling the number of messages downloaded for offline folders. Thunderbird tries to download only one copy of a message from a Gmail IMAP account and have the folders point to that copy. However, that doesn't help if the message was created using Thunderbird. [1] If you decide to keep offline folders enabled and have a Gmail IMAP account, uncheck "All Mail" in Tools -> Account Settings -> Account Name -> Synchronization & Storage -> Advanced. As a precaution right click on the Gmail account name in the folder pane, select subscribe in the context menu, expand the folder listing and verify the All Mail folder is not subscribed. Disabling it from being synced should have unsubscribed it. Exit Thunderbird and delete "All Mail." and "All Mail.msf" in the accounts local directory.
If you sometimes want to use some of the disabled features when using a broadband connection consider using two profiles which use common directories outside of the profile to store the messages. One profile would disable features as described below. The other could keep them enabled. That way depending upon which Thunderbird shortcut you use you can easily switch configurations with minimal side effects.
superuser.com superuser.com
However, I don't want or need any email from the account other than when I check it manually.
From here, you can configure the FIRST SYNCHRONIZATION OPTION (Important! If you mess with the lower options you might delete copies on the mail server).
support.mozilla.org support.mozilla.org
Compacting folders does nothing for me -- I don't know why. I compacted them today for the first time in about a year, and the folder size remained unchanged. I don't generally delete emails, so that's likely why, but that doesn't mean I need to keep local copies of 12.5GB of emails.
support.shaw.ca support.shaw.ca
And SHAW should absolutely be helping, it's as simple as providing the correct server details that you enter into your email client software/app. They don't have to support the software or tell you how to do it, but at the very least should inform their customers this is the likely problem and then provide the link to their help page.
community.verizon.com community.verizon.com
I got no actual help from my long Verizon Support chat session and I kept asking if there is a block list they use that they could check (or a whitelist I could be added to...but fat chance) my IP for, since that is clearly what the error is calling out, but they never acknowledged that particular part of my questions, just ignored it.
I found that there was an entry for our external IP, which may well be the problem. I thankfully had the ability to change the external IP our internal postfix server NATs to to something else, and voila! the messages go through just fine. I know not everyone has that flexibility to select another IP
www.brickowl.com www.brickowl.com
em360tech.com em360tech.com
Unlike traditional search engines that rely on keywords, Perplexity AI focuses on understanding your intent. It analyzes your query, the context of your previous interactions, and your overall knowledge base to determine what you're truly seeking.
www.perplexity.ai www.perplexity.ai
I ran across an AI tool that cites its sources if anyone's interested (and heard of it yet): https://www.perplexity.ai/
That's one of the things that I dislike the most about ChatGPT is that it just synthesizes/paraphrases the information, but doesn't let me quickly and easily check the original sources so that I can verify (and learn more about the topic by doing further reading) the information for myself. Without access to primary sources, it often feels no better than a rumor — a retelling of what someone somewhere allegedly, purportedly, ostensibly found to be true — can I really trust what ChatGPT claims? (No...)
Perplexity AI's biggest strength over ChatGPT 3.5 is its ability to link to actual sources of information. Where ChatGPT might only recommend what to search for online, Perplexity doesn't require that back-and-forth fiddling.
www.perplexity.ai www.perplexity.ai
Imagine having instant access to the world's knowledge in your pocket. Something that everyone should be able to use and the discerning should appreciate.
We don't anthropomorphize the technology but instead give it to you to wield.
Perplexity is a tool that you use, not an AI you talk to.
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
As it competes with generative AI search features from established tech titans like Google and Microsoft, Perplexity has another factor working in its favor: novelty, Friedman said. “I think many people are rooting for Perplexity because they represent the new player, the new paradigm, the new product,” he told Forbes. And if its quick growth and popularity among some of tech's highest profile people indicates anything, it looks like that novelty has some staying power.
www.careercontessa.com www.careercontessa.com
Strong organization sets a great example for your team at work and shows that you mean business. Keeping things in order ensures less stress, a greater sense of control, and sets you up for success.
Asking questions ensures they fully understand whatever it is they’re doing. They don’t go into projects blindly or assume anything. They ask probing questions to gain a complete understanding of what it is they’re trying to accomplish, why they’re working towards that goal, and everything else in between. Having an analytical mind ensures that they don’t let any details slip through the cracks.
Some may mistake their numerous, detailed questions as a trait of a perfectionist, which can be the case, but not always. Accuracy can be misinterpreted as perfection. If you’re detail-oriented, don’t let the fear of appearing as a perfectionist keep you from doing quality work.
Then, they reread it and check it for typos and grammatical errors, put it down, check it for context and completion, and repeat. They may do this again and again until they arrive at a product they feel good about.
superuser.com superuser.com
… aaand it’s gone – they did indeed decide to remove the option flag, as they always do
This will fix the problem, as long as the Chrome developers do not decide to remove this option.
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
Why do they follow these nouns? Sometimes it is imperative for them to follow the nouns they modify. For example, in your example, there's a difference between "proper reptiles" and "reptiles proper"
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
strictly limited to a specified thing, place, or idea the city proper
english.stackexchange.com english.stackexchange.com
It's definition 6 from Merriam-Webster: 6 : strictly limited to a specified thing, place, or idea
Thanks for pointing to this! There are so many different meaninsg/senses of "proper". That's the one!