- Dec 2023
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
- for: accronym - GCC, Global Chinese Commons
Humans however, do not just need bread and butter, they need identity and belonging just as much, if not more, hence the emergence of what I believe we can best call, at this moment of history, ‘CoordiNations’.
- for: portmanteau - coordiNation, definition - coordiNations
Distributed Autonomous Organizations
for: question - DAO book?
question: DAO book?
- @Michel, does it make sense to coauthor a volume on existing DAOs? This might compliment our cosmolocal book?
Indeed, fortunately, digital technology has also changed material consumption and production. 2008, the global financial crisis which created mass youth unemployment in many different countries and urban areas, saw the emergence and then exponential growth, of what is called the ‘urban commons’.
- for: urban commons - history
Once Satoshi Nakamoto published his white paper on Bitcoin on the P2P Foundation Ning forum
for: adjacency - Satoshi Nakamoto white paper - bitcoin - P2P Foundation Ning forum
adjacency between
- Satoshi Nakamoto white paper
- bitcoin
- P2P Foundation Ning website
- adjacency statement
- I didn't realize that Satoshi Nakamoto first published his paper on the P2P Foundation Ning website.
ecological ‘thermo-dynamic’ accounting, which would allow for context-based sustainability
- for: thermodynamic accounting - Indyweb blockchainless provenance
Contributory accounting
for: open source - contributory accounting, Indyweb - contributory accounting, open source accounting - indyweb - provenance
- Indyweb's people-centered, interpersonal design enables granular contributory accounting within the network through the feature known as provenance, that tracks the evolution of shared ideas within a network
- this is done without blockchain, a blockchainless ecosystem
noosphere, the sphere of interconnected cultural exchange and cooperation,
for: noosphere, symbolosphere, meaningverse, comparison - noosphere, symbolosphere, meaningverse
comparison: noosphere, symbolosphere, menaingverse
- The last two terms originate in Stop Reset Go's Deep Humanity praxis and are comparable to the noosphere.
The symbolosphere stresses the symbolic nature of the experience
the GS2 transition was more painful than GS1, and so very likely, the GS3 transition will be harder
for: GS3, Global System Three transition, mutual coordination economics
- GS3 will be more difficult than GS2
- social contract needs to be updated to include
- new relation with nature and non-human beings
- stronger multilateral relasionships to protect the planet
- In Michel's view, a cosmolocal coordination will be required
- The alternative is coercive eco-fascism to prevent massive ecological damage while we continue to overconsume planetary resources
- definition: mutual coordination economics
- an economic system that maximizes freedom of choice within earth system boundaries with minimal coercion
- it is a new synthesis of markets, states and commons via decentralized p2p networks
This dissatisfaction with the dominant role of the state, or similar dissatisfaction by what others consider the failing market-based neoliberal order, may now go into different directions
for: different possible socio-economic-political futures
- Michel outlines the possibilities then selects the last one as the one he situates himself in and will write on, namelyl:
- A dream to integrate:
- markets,
- networks,
- state functions, AND what we could call
- ‘the Commons’
- A dream to integrate:
- Michel outlines the possibilities then selects the last one as the one he situates himself in and will write on, namelyl:
Global System Two
- for: definition - Global System Two
Global System One
- for: definition - Global System One
Peter Pogany, Rethinking the World
for: book - Rethinking the World
book: Rethinking the World
- author: Peter Pogany
- urban commons - history
- adjacency - Satoshi Nakamoto white paper - bitcoin - P2P Foundation
- mutual coordination economics
- book - Rethinking the World
- blockchainless accounting
- open source accounting - Indyweb - provenance
- definition - coordiNation
- author - Peter Pogany
- comparison - noosphere - symbolosphere - meaningverse
- thermodynamic accounting - Indyweb blockchainless provenance
- Indyweb - contributory accounting
- Global System 3
- definition - Global System Two
- question - DAO book?
- open source - contributory accounting
- different possible socio-economic-political futures
- Global Chinese Commons
- GS3
- portmanteau - coordiNation
- definition - Global System One
- accronym - GCC
Those concepts of education, media, parenting, political economy etc are all human constructs — classifications or categories we created to help us think about things in bite-sized chunks. They are the products and tools of analysis, reductions of reality. They’re all orange-side techniques and artefacts!
for: question - kariotic flow - examples of purple side
question: kariotic flow - purple side examples
- Could Kylie provide corresponding purple side examples fo these specific orange side processes?
By consistently avoiding and devaluing the activities of the purple-side Archetypes, we have effectively disconnected the brakes, and disconnected our civilisation from reality.The orange-side
for: salience mismatch, question - provide examples - kariotic flow
question: Can Kylie provide an example of some damaging right side activities and how it could be corrected by including the corresponding left side activities?
for: kariotic flow
While I appreciate the general idea, the explanation in terms of the 6 parts of the kariotic flow wheel is not clear. I found a strong salience mismatch
concrete examples would go a long way to bridge the explanatory gap between the salience landscape of the author and that of the reader
So Kairotic Flow doesn’t analyse and it doesn’t bring together the results of analysis. Instead, it focuses on relevant scope as a whole, in context, allowing patterns to emerge into our awareness, without taking things apart in the first place.
for: critique - without analysis, kariotic flow - emptiness, kariotic flow - entanglement
critique: without analysis
- really? Or has the analysis just gone to a deeper, subconscious level?
- everything a person has learned in life creates a complex network of ideas that is like a giant, invisible toolbox ready to be drawn upon when the environmental context cues trigger a response from the toolbox
- this would be impossible if years of past analysis and abstraction was not already done
- any intelligent response to an event that emerge in our environment is not arbitrary, but draws upon this complex, learned past
To restate another way, every single time we try to navigate real life (including the metacrisis) by focusing our attention on human-created constructs like economy and education, we automatically double down on dissociating from reality. As Daniel says, it is reductionistic to do this. That’s the nice way of putting it. Losing touch with reality is also the literal definition of psychotic.
for: critique - language
question: navigating without language
- critique: language
- adjacency between
- kariotic flow
- word intent
- epoche
- is the author sayng that we can and must navigator without language and ideas? If so, I don't see how that is possible, since language shapes the way we experience reality. Decades of languages training has become a part of the way we experience reality now and I don't see how it can become undone.
- I've explored my entire life, in fact to determine it's itt is possible to undo this deep linguistic conditioning
- my latest explorations of epoche are towards this direction
Culturally, and throughout our global civilisation’s systems and structures, we systemically and continuously overemphasise the innovating-constructing-standardising Archetypal activities on the orange side of the Kairotic Flow cycle, while devaluing and avoiding the nurturing-decomposing-reorienting activities of the Archetypes on the purple side of the cycle.This might not sound like much, but the consequences are profound.
for: kariotic flow - metacrisis explanation, question - salience
question: salience
- critique,: inadequate explanation
- I don't understand the salience of why the right half needs that left half.
- I think the ideas are too abstract and while years of experience may make the author familiar with our salience, to a new mind looking at the ideas for the first time, there is a salience mismatch because they semantic fingerprints are different
- a few concrete examples of , how this works to explain the metacrisis would be very helpful
- there isn't enough time spent illuminating and explaining what each of these 6b abstract ideas are our why they are assigned such strategic importance. Hence, I do not appreciate their salience and the salience mishmash occurs
Unfortunately, whenever we attempt to orient thought, choice and action using these human-created concepts, we’re effectively navigating towards the centre or essence of the concept’s definition, and as an inevitable consequence are simultaneously orienting away from reality-as-it-is, as a whole. (The map is not the territory!)
for: critique - language constructs
critique: language constructs
- it is an inherent aspect of language that words are loci of a specific aspect of reality
Kairotic Flow focuses not on problems or solutions, but on responding as wisely as possible to continually changing life conditions.
for: terminology - problems - solutions
terminology: problems - solutions
- the two ways of speaking seem equivalent to me.
- critique - inadequate explanation
- adjacency - kariotic flow - epoche
- salience mismatch
- question -; salience
- kariotic flow - emptiness
- critique - without analysis
- question - provide examples - kariotic flow
- kariotic flow - entanglement
- terminology - problems - solutions
- question - kariotic flow - examples - purple side
- kariotic flow - metacrisis explanation
- explanatory gap
- critique - language constructs
cleantechnica.com cleantechnica.com
for: critique - of Simon Michaux
- summary
- Simon Michaux has been writing about the shortage of Lithium, copper and other metals required to build the technologies for a rapid energy system transition.
- Based on Michaux's analysis, there will be a large shortage of such minerals. However, Michael Barnard disputes Michaux's claims as detailed in the article. Michaux's arguments have been used to advocate for degrowth. While degrowth may still be a viable futures trajectory, shortage of minerals may not be one of the reason. Lack of circular economy processes or continued exploitation practices that sustain inequality and rampant consumerism and economic growth may still be valid reasons to consider for degrowth however.
picturing.climatecentral.org picturing.climatecentral.org
for: visualizations - sea level rise at 3 Deg C
- Look to canal cities like Venice or Amsterdam for inspiration because if it cities are salvagable, parts of them will become canal cities.
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
- annotate
- for: emissions reduction - net zero cities
www.circle-economy.com www.circle-economy.com
- annotate
- for: emissions reduction - circular economy
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
- annotate
- for: emissions reduction - consumer-oriented policies
- for: futures, futures - climate change
- annotate
docdrop.org docdrop.org
if we look at Humanity in in 2023 so as I said in the beginning we've accumulated enormous power that's absolutely true but what do we do with 00:32:37 this power uh we destroy so many other species and habitats and are now endangering the the balance of the whole ecological system and the survival of 00:32:51 our own civilization and it's not just the ecological damage we now have an entire men to choose from of how we might destroy ourselves
- for: quote - Yuval Noah Harari, quote - polycrisis
I admire Jared Diamond he was my kind of role model when I wrote sapiens I remember reading his book gun J and 00:28:29 steel when I was in university and it kind of blew my mind open that hey you can actually write such books you can write meaningful uh uh uh books based on 00:28:41 good science which Encompass thousands of years
- for: adjacency - Jared Diamond - Yuval Noah Harari
in many parts of the world you see a kind of conservative suicide that conservatives are abandoning their kind of traditional role to slow down and conserve 00:26:09 institutions and traditions and so forth and they still call themselves conservatives but they become this kind of new radical party which is more about ignoring traditions and destroying 00:26:23 institutions and then it becomes the job of liberals to be the audience of the institutions
- for: insight - conservatives destroying instead of conserving
what you see in a lot of modern politics is this delicate dance between conservatives and 00:24:40 liberals which I think that uh uh for many generations they agreed on the basics their main disagreement was about the pace that both conservatives and 00:24:52 liberals they basically agree we need some rules and also we need the ability to to change the rules but the conservatives prefer a much slower Pace
for: quote - social constructs - liberals and conservatives, social norms - liberals and conservatives, insight - social norms
in other words
- the tug of war between liberals and conservatives is one of the difference in pace of accepting new social norms
adjacency between
- social norms
- liberal vs conservative
- stories
- adjacency statement
- When stories are different between different cultural groups, the pace of accepting the new social norm can need quite different due b to the stories being very different
does your scholarship suggest why so many societies do that rather than 00:20:09 saying maybe we start with a Declaration of Human Rights today maybe we write a new one from scratch based on what we know today um because it's very difficult to reach an agreement between a lot of 00:20:21 people and also you know you need to base a a a a real Society is something something extremely complex which you need to base on empirical experience 00:20:34 every time that people try to create a completely new social order just by inventing some Theory it ends very badly you need on yes you do need the ability 00:20:46 to change things a long time but not too quickly and not everything at once so most of the time you have these founding principles and shr find in this 00:20:58 or that text also orally it doesn't have to be written down and at least good societies also have mechanisms to change it but you have to start from some kind 00:21:12 of of of of social consensus and some kind of of social experience if every year we try to invent everything from scratch then Society will just collapse
for: insight - creating new social norms is difficult
- creating new social norms is difficult because society is complex
- society adheres to existing social norms. Adding something new is always a challenge
- social norms are like the rules of a game. If you change the rules too often, it doesn't work. Society needs stable rules.
analogy: changing social norms, sports
- changing social norms is difficult. Imagine changing the rules off a sports competition each time you play.
the question is often do people acknowledge that say the basic rules of their society were created out of the human imagination or are there some kind 00:15:49 of objective thing that came from outside let's say from God you look for instance at the history of slavery so you know the 10 Commandments in the in the 10th commandment there is an 00:16:02 endorsement of slavery the 10th commandment says that you should not covet your neighbor's H uh wife or ox or field or 00:16:14 slaves implying that there is nothing wrong with holding slaves it's only wrong if you CET your neighbor's slaves then God is angry with you now because the Ten Commandments uh don't 00:16:27 acknowledge that they were created by humans they don't have any mechanism to amend them and therefore we still have the tenth commandment and nobody has the power to change the to to strike out 00:16:40 slavery from The Ten Commandments now the US Constitution in contrast as everybody points out it was written partly by slaveholders and also endorses 00:16:52 slavery but the genius of the American Founders The Genius of the American institution is that it acknowledges its own that it's the result of of of human 00:17:05 creation it starts with with the people not with I am your God and therefore it includes a mechanism to amend itself
for: insight - holy vs human scriptures
- Harari touches on an important point here. If some edict is interpreted as written by "God", then it is very difficult or impossible to amend.
- In contrast, human scriptures such as a country's constitution, a scientific law, rules of a sport, engagement rules of the stock market or an economic system are all created by humans and can be amended
- Why is gay marriage so volatile a subject? It's because there is one interpretation that holy scripture only condones relationships between a man and a woman.
there are good stories and bad stories uh good stories I mean this is very on a very very simplistic level but good stories 00:13:23 benefit people and bad stories can create you know Wars and genocides and and the most terrible crimes in history were committed in the name of some fictional story people believed very few 00:13:38 Wars in history are about objective material things people think that we fight like wolves or chimpanzees over food and territory this is not the case 00:13:52 at least not in the modern world if I look for instance at my country which is at present in at War the Israeli Palestinian conflict is not really about food and territory there is enough food 00:14:04 between the Jordan and Mediterranean to feed everybody there is enough territory to build houses and schools for everybody but you have two conflicting stories or more than two conflicting 00:14:17 stories in the minds of different people and they can't agree on the story they can't find a common story that everybody would be happy with and this is the the Deep source of the conflict
for: stories - consequences of good and bad stories, inisight - war and genocide - when people violently disagree on stories,
- disagreement of stories
- not just wars, but climate change skeptics believe a different story than environmentalists
- hyperobjects and evolution play a role as well in what we believe
- disagreement of stories
what you're referring to is the idea that people come together and through language culture and story they have narratives that then create their own realities like the 00:12:04 sociologist abely the sociologist wi Thomas said if people think people believe things to be real then they are real in their consequences
for: Thomas Theorem, The definition of the situation, William Isaac Thomas, Dorothy Swain Thomas, definition - Thomas Theorem, definition - definition of the situation, conflicting belief systems - Thomas theorem, learned something new - Thomas theorem
definition: Thomas Theorem
- definition: definition of the situation
- "The Thomas theorem is a theory of sociology which was formulated in 1928 by William Isaac Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas:
If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences.[1]
In other words, the interpretation of a situation causes the action. This interpretation is not objective. Actions are affected by subjective perceptions of situations. Whether there even is an objectively correct interpretation is not important for the purposes of helping guide individuals' behavior.|
- comment
- learned something new
key insight: polarization
- Behaviors subsequently are enacted out of a set of beliefs.
- If there are a multitude of conflicting belief systems emerged from different cultures, then real conflicts can emerge out of the disharmony of conflicting beliefs
- This is a very important insight into the polarization we see in the world today
adjacency between:
- polarization
- Thomas Theorem
adjacency statement
- polarization can be explained by the Thomas Theorem
the modern economic system the modern Financial system is based on the same 00:11:02 principle the most successful fiction ever created is not any God it's money
for: example - fiction - money
- money is also a fiction, possibly the most powerful one humans have ever created.
this God is very clearly a 00:09:27 human invention now it doesn't mean it's necessarily bad and it doesn't certainly doesn't mean it's unimportant the fictional stories humans invent are some of the most powerful forces in history 00:09:40 and very often they can also be positive forces there is nothing inherently wrong in fiction
for: quote - Yuval Noah Harari, quote - nothing wrong with fictions
quote -This God is very clearly a human invention. Now it doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. It doesn't certainly mean its unimportant.
- author: Yuval Noah Harari
even religious people would openly tell 00:08:19 you that all the gods in the world are fictional stories invented by humans except one not my God my God is is true but Zeus and Shiva and whatever other 00:08:33 gods other people have they are fictions invented by humans and um I think that again the scientific consensus is is is just the same view with an addition of 00:08:46 one additional God my God is also like Zeus and and and like Jupiter and like Thor and like all these others it is also a fictional story created by humans
for: narratives - science and religion, stories - science and religion, symbolosphere, meaningverse, multi-meaningverse
- Harari is saying that both science and the diversity of religions are both telling a story. Both are fictional in the deeper sense that they are all stories and stories are all created by humans in the symbolosphere
- Science, or religion, cannot be found merely in the books that write about them, no matter how many libraries or harddrives of 1s and 0s they take up
- How do we know this? Easy. If an ant or butterfly or sunflower is exposed to a physical book or pdf on on ANY scientific subject, or ANY religious topic, will it understand it? No, of course not. Only a human fully conditioned into the symbolosphere will be able to interact with that physical or informational object and get something meaningful out of it. That is because we have all learned to co-participate in a collective meaningverse.
the Catholics are much more straightforward about these things they to everything so you know chimpanzees for instance according to Catholic dogma chimpanzees don't have souls when they die they 00:06:36 don't go to chimpanzee heaven or chimpanzee hell they just disappear now where are Neals in this scheme and if you think about this kid whose mother is a sapiens but whose father is a 00:06:49 neandertal so only his mother has a soul but his father doesn't have a soul and what does it mean about the kid does the kid have half a soul and if you say okay okay okay okay neander had Souls then 00:07:02 you go back a couple of million years and you have the same problem with the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees again you have a family a mother one child is the ancestor of 00:07:16 chimpanzees the other child is the an is our ancestor so one child has a soul and the other child doesn't have a soul
for: question - Catholic church claim - humans have a souls but other creatures do not
- question: Do only humans have souls?
- Harari explores this question about the Catholic church's claim that humans have a soul and shows how messy it is
- Where does "having a soul" begin or end, if we go down the evolutionary rabbit hole?
we need to understand this deep inheritance within us in order to to to understand our emotions our fears our behavior in 00:04:50 the 21st century
for: quote - deep inheritance of evolutionary adaptations
- we need to understand the deep inheritance within us in order to understand our emotions, our fears and our behaviors in the 21st century.
- author: Yval Noah Harari
we are certainly special I mean 00:02:57 no other animal rich the moon or know how to build atom bombs so we are definitely quite different from chimpanzees and elephants and and all the rest of the animals but we are still 00:03:09 animals you know many of our most basic emotions much of our society is still run on Stone Age code
for: stone age code, similar to - Ronald Wright - computer metaphor, evolutionary psychology - examples, evolutionary paradox of modernity, evolution - last mile link, major evolutionary transition - full spectrum in modern humans, example - MET - full spectrum embedded in modern humans
- evolutionary paradox of modernity
- modern humans , like all the living species we share the world with, are the last mile link of the evolution of life we've made it to the present, so all species of the present are, in an evolutionary sense, winners of their respective evolutionary game
- this means that all our present behaviors contain the full spectrum of the evolutionary history of 4 billion years of life
- the modern human embodies all major evolutionary transitions of the past
- so our behavior, at all levels of our being is a complex and heterogenous mixture of evolutionary adaptations from different time periods of the 4 billion years that life has taken to evolve.
- Some behaviors may have originated billions of years ago, and others hundred thousand years ago.
- evolutionary paradox of modernity
Examples: humans embody full spectrum of METs in our evolutionary past
- fight and flight response
- early hominids on African Savannah hundreds of thousands to millions of years ago when hominids were predated upon by wild predators
- cancer
- normative intercell communication breaks down and reverts to individual cell behavior from billions of years ago
- see Michael Levin's research on how to make metastatic cancer cells return to normative collective, cooperative behavior
- normative intercell communication breaks down and reverts to individual cell behavior from billions of years ago
- children afraid to sleep in the dark
- evolutionary adaptation against dangerous animals that might have hid in the dark - dangerous insiects, snakes, etc, which in the past may have resulted in human fatalities
- obesity
- hunter gatherer hominid attraction to rich sources of fruit. Eating as much of it as we can and maybe harvesting as much as we can and carrying that with us.
- like squirrels storing away for the winter.
- hunter gatherer hominid attraction to rich sources of fruit. Eating as much of it as we can and maybe harvesting as much as we can and carrying that with us.
- fight and flight response
- question - Catholic church claim - humans have souls but not other creatures
- insight - conservatives are destroying instead of conserving
- Adjacency - polarization - Thomas Theorem
- quote - nothing wrong with fictions
- stories - consequences of good and bad stories
- narratives - science and religion
- insight - holy vis human scripture
- symbolosphere -science and religion
- definition - Thomas Theorem
- insight - war and genocide - when people violently disagree on stories
- meaningverse - science and religion
- holy vs human scripture
- evolution - last mile link
- example - fiction - money
- analogy - changing social norms like changing rules of a sport
- evolutionary psychology - examples
- quote - polycrisis
- similar to - Ronald Wright - computer metaphor
- quote - Yuval Noah Harari
- insight -creating new social norms is difficult
- conflicting belief systems - Thomas theorem
- adjacency - Jared Diamond - Yuval Noah Harari
- quote - social constructs - liberals and conservatives
- evolutionary paradox of modernity
- evolutionary winners - humans embody full spectrum of all past METs
- paradox - ancient evolutionary traits in modern humans
- learned something new - Thomas theorem
- stories - science and religion
- adjacency - social norms - stories - liberals vs conservatives
- definition - definition of the situation
- stone age code
- social norms - liberals and conservatives
- key insight - Thomas Theorem
- insight - social norms
- stories - conflicting and hyperobjects
- example - humans display full spectrum of past MET
- quote - paradox - ancient evolutionary traits in modern humans
billmckibben.substack.com billmckibben.substack.com
- annotate
- Nov 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- for:social tipping points - within safe and just earth system boundaries
theconversation.com theconversation.com
cascadeinstitute.org cascadeinstitute.org
- for: social tipping point - tools, cascade institute, Boolean Causal Loop Analysis, BCLA, Cross-impact balance, CIB, socio-cognitive mapping, cognitive-affective mapping, ideological state-space
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
- for: COP28 - Johan Rockstrom
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for: commented on - Trump and failings of political system, poem - Trump a symptom of failing political system
commented on
I wrote a poem in the comment section of this video:
- Oh what a web we weave, when we practice to deceive
- What a distance Trump will fall, when Jack Smith and the other upholders of truth disentangles it all!
- What lesson have we learned, what has hindsight allowed us to see
- about the fragility of this gift called democracy?
- Whose ideal is that men and women are all equal another way of saying we are all sacred?
- We pay a heavy price for not taking care of our disenfranchised sisters and brothers
- for without job and pay they may seem powerless but the minions of poor left behind,
- not lifted by the rising tide of unequal prosperity
- at least have a vote to vent their anger and victimhood of being forgot
- and comes along the next power-hungry, fork-tongued, snake-oil salesman
- who recognizes the strength in the weakness of the minion
- enough to exploit for personal gain the aggregate vote of the disenfranchised many
- plunging democracy and its constitutions into crisis
- Not only in the US, but all around the world
- we witness the same phenomena
- as the failings of liberal democracies that have left masses behind,
- unintentional failings of democracy,
- is exploited by the opportunist to seize power
and institute intentional forms of non-democracy
The bottom line (below):
- Regardless of political ideology,
- genuine empathy for all
- not just in theory, but in practice
- is the path to a just, stable and thriving society
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
- for: poison or nutrients - depends on dose, micronutrients, micronutrients - arsenic
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Globally, 70% of today’s urban growth (PDF) occurs outside the formal planning process.
for: interesting fact - urban growth and slums, quote - urban growth and slums
interesting fact: urban growth and slums
quote: urban growth and slums
- globally, 70% of today's urban growth occurs outside the formal planning process
- this is definitely a unique urban planning problem of large metros, especially in the Global South
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
- for: three great separations, alienation, financial capital vs social capital, the great simplification, linked in post - social capital
Why do we feel so dissatisfied with the Western way? I think it’s because we have valued financial capital over social capital.
for: The Great Simplifcation, Nate Hagen, The Great Complexification, The Great Alienation, three great separations
- Last night, I had a thought about Nate Hagen's "The Great Simplification" project. Seeing Annilina's post this morning made me think of a recent film I annotated on the isolated Jarawa people living on a once desolate island off the coast of India
- Watching the events of modern Indians exploited the Jarawa is like watching colonialism unfold in realtime.
- The Jarawa people interviewed said how they are happy with the life they have lived before modernity discovered them.
- Progress, especially the Western flavored one beginning with Colonialism, the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution has set a trajectory for what we might call "The Great Complexification".
- Remember when watches and clocks were all mechanical spring and windup? Now billions of them depend on batteries. Do we really need to modernize everything? It simply creates more waste and greater demands on nature for natural resources. Do we really need exponentially increase stuff with an Internet of Things?
- Western influenced progress has led us into multiple progress traps, which now make up the many threads of the current polycrisis.
- Along with the Great Complexification, we also have the Great Alienation. John Ikard writes of the "Three Great Separations":
- the agricultural revolution
- the industrial revolution
- the industrial agricultural revolution
- These created successively more alienation. As progress marched towards modernity, we created more and more technology that broke apart community and making us dependent on transportation and communication technology to maintain it or some proxy of it. Today, we live in cities teeming with millions, yet there is widespread alienation in the mere act of walking or driving down a crowded street.
- It is the irony of modernity that it packs so many people into small spaces, and yet we are all estranged to each other.
In the West, social welfare guarantees everyone a place to sleep, food, and free education.
for: social welfare
- not universally true in the West.
- The Great Alienation
- agricultural revolution
- The Great Complexification
- financial capital vs social capital
- John Ikard
- linkedin post - social capital
- alienation
- The Great Simplification
- industrial revolution
- social welfare
- alienation - industrial revolution
- three great separations
- agricultural industrial revolution
emergencemagazine.org emergencemagazine.org
- for: annotate
Energy transitions can happen without the engagement of the oil and gas industry, but the journey to net zero will be more costly and difficult to navigate if they are not on board.
for: energy transition without willing participation from the fossil fuel industry
- What data does the IEA base this claim on?
Economies that are heavily reliant on oil and gas revenues face some stark choices and pressures in energy transitions.
for: stats - oil and gas - steep drop in revenues of fossil fuel producer economies
stats: oil and gas - steep drop in revenues of fossil fuel reliant economies
- per capita net income from oil and natural gas among producer economies will be 60% lower in 2030 in a 1.5 °C scenario.relative to revenues between 2010 and 2022.
- many producer economies are not diversifying into clean energy fast enough to compensate for these steep revenue drops
excessive expectations and reliance on CCUS
for: quote - Carbon Capture expectations - unfeasible
- If oil and natural gas consumption were to evolve as projected under today’s policy settings, this would require an inconceivable 32 billion tonnes of carbon captured for utilisation or storage by 2050,
- including 23 billion tonnes via direct air capture to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 °C.
- The necessary carbon capture technologies would require 26 000 terawatt hours of electricity generation to operate in 2050,
- which is more than global electricity demand in 2022.
- And it would require over USD 3.5 trillion in annual investments all the way from today through to mid-century, which is an amount equal to the entire industry’s annual average revenue in recent years.
- If oil and natural gas consumption were to evolve as projected under today’s policy settings, this would require an inconceivable 32 billion tonnes of carbon captured for utilisation or storage by 2050,
A productive debate about the oil and gas industry in transitions needs to avoid two common misconceptions. The first is that transitions can only be led by changes in demand.
for: double bind - oil and gas industry committing to clean energy, oil and gas industry - Mexican standoff - SIMPOL
- The oil and gas industry faces the dilemma of the first mover. Nobody wants to take the risk to commit
- It's a Mexican standoff but maybe SIMPOL is the solution
For producers that choose to diversify and are looking to align with the aims of the Paris Agreement, our bottom-up analysis of cash flows in a 1.5 °C scenario suggests that a reasonable ambition is for 50% of capital expenditures to go towards clean energy projects by 2030, on top of the investment needed to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - required investments in clean energy
stats: oil and gas industry - required investments in clean energy
- 50 % of capital expenditure by 2030 and reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions
- Wow, is it really possible for the industry to spend 50 % of their budget on clean energy in 7 years? This would be unprecedented, given that greenwashing is all we've ever seen in the past.
Some 30% of the energy consumed in a net zero energy system in 2050 comes from low-emissions fuels and technologies that could benefit from the skills and resources of the oil and gas industry.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy
stats: oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy
- only 30 % of the energy consumed in a clean energy future within 1.5 Deg C comes from low emission fuels and technologies that benefit from oil and gas industry resources
- this leaves a huge deficit of 70 %.
- How will the transition account for these human and technological resources?
Many producers say they will be the ones to keep producing throughout transitions and beyond. They cannot all be right.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - fight for survival
stats: oil and gas industry - fight for survival
- competing oil producers will have to reach an agreement on who has the right to produce the remaining carbon budget
- 24 million barrels a day are still produced in a 1.5 Deg C scenario but are largely uncombusted
- 75 % of that will be used in petrochemical and other industry
- 920 billion cubic meters of natural gas
- 50% of this for hydrogen production
In a scenario that hits global net zero emissions by 2050, declines in demand are sufficiently steep that no new long lead-time conventional oil and gas projects are required. Some existing production would even need to be shut in. In 2040, more than 7 million barrels per day of oil production is pushed out of operation before the end of its technical lifetime in a 1.5 °C scenario.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - steep drop in production
stats - oil and gas industry - steep drop in production
- no new fields can be developed to meet a 1.5 Deg C scenario
- any new developments face the certain risk of being a stranded asset
- by 2040, 7 million less barrels of oil are produced each day to meet a 1.5 Deg C scenario
The production, transport and processing of oil and gas results in just under 15% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. This is a huge amount, equivalent to all energy-related greenhouse gas emissions from the United States.
for: stats - oil and gas industry operational emissions
stats: oil and gas industry - operational emissions
- 15% of all global emissions are from the production, transport and processing of fossil fuels
Oil and gas producers account for only 1% of total clean energy investment globally.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - clean energy investments
- Inclusive transformation
- Clearly, transforming the dirty fossil fuel industry into clean energy industry requires migrating as much of those 12 million dirty energy jobs as possible. We can't alienate the fossil fuel industry.
- the barometer to measure this paradigm shift in fossil fuel industry narrative is their investment into clean energy. Over the years, majors have acted like politicians, promising significant clean energy investment, then backsliding. There is no more time for that.
- Inclusive transformation
This new IEA report explores what oil and gas companies can do to accelerate net zero transitions and what this might mean for an industry which currently provides more than half of global energy supply and employs nearly 12 million workers worldwide.
for: stats - oil and gas industry - profit split, stats - oil and gas industry - reserves split
stats: oil and gas industry profit split
- 50 % to governments
- 40 % to investments
- 10% to shareholders and debt
stats: oil and gas reserve splits
- majors: 13 % production, 13 % reserves
- National Oil Companies: 50% production, 60 % reserves
Oil and gas projects currently produce slightly higher returns on investment, but those returns are less stable.
stats - oil and gas vs clean energy returns
stats: oil and gas vs clean energy returns between 2010 and 2022
- 6 to 9 % for oil and gas
- 6 % for clean energy
If all national energy and climate goals are reached, this value is lower by 25%, and by 60% if the world gets on track to limit global warming to 1.5 °C.
for: stats - fossil fuel industry - valuation in a 1.5 Deg C world
stats: fossil fuel industry - valuation in a 1.5 Deg C world
- current 2023 valuation: 6 trillion USD
- current NDCs met (short of a 1.5 Deg C world): 4.5 trillion USD
- 1.5 Deg C world: 2.4 trillion USD
for: IEA 2023 report - exec summary - Fossil Fuel industry, IEA 2023 report - exec summary - Oil and Gas industry
- this is the IEA summary of the position of the Oil and Gas industry and what they must do in order to transition to a net zero world by 2050 and avert 1.5 Deg C global mean temperature.
- it contains a lot of useful information and statistics
To align with a 1.5 °C scenario, these emissions need to be cut by more than 60% by 2030 from today’s levels and the emissions intensity of global oil and gas operations must near zero by the early 2040s.
The production, transport and processing of oil and gas results in just under 15% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.
for: stats - oil and gas industry, stats - fossil fuel industry
- stats: oil and gas industry
- stats: fossil fuel industry
- The fossil fuel industry's production, transport and processing operations accounts for 15% of global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.
Oil and gas producers account for only 1% of total clean energy investment globally.
for: stats - oil and gas industry, stats - fossil fuel industry
stats - oil and gas industry
- stats - fossil fuel industry
- Oil and gas producers account for approximately 1% of total clean energy investment
- 60 % of that comes from 4 companies
industry which currently provides more than half of global energy supply and employs nearly 12 million workers worldwide.
for: stats - oil and gas industry, stats - fossil fuel industry
stats - oil and gas industry
- stats - fossil fuel industry
- supplies approximately 50% of all total global energy
- employs 12 million people directly
- Since 2018, annual revenues average 13 trillion USD
- revenue split
- 50 % to governments
- 40% to investment
- 10% to shareholders and debt
- Major oil companies account for 13 % of all reserves
- National Oil Companies (NOC) account for
- over 50% of all production
- close to 60% of all reserves
if governments deliver in full on their national energy and climate pledges, then oil and gas demand would be 45% below today's level by 2050 and the temperature rise could be limited to 1.7 °C. If governments successfully pursue a 1.5 °C trajectory, and emissions from the global energy sector reach net zero by mid-century, oil and gas use would fall by 75% to 2050.
for: Nationally Determined Contributions insufficient to meet 1.5 Deg C, NDC insufficient to meet 1.5 Deg C
stats: climate change - NDC
- current NDCs
- 45% reduction in fossil fuel usage by 2050
- NDCs to meet 1.5 Deg C
- 75% reduction in fossil fuel usage by 2050
- current NDCs
- energy transition without willing participation from the fossil fuel industry
- stats - oil and gas industry - competition for producing the remaining carbon budget
- stats - fossil fuel industry - valuation in a 1.5 Deg C world
- stats - oil and gas industry - steep drop in production to meet 1.5 Deg C
- stats - oil and gas industry
- stats - oil and gas industry - repurposing for clean energy
- stats - oil and gas industry - clean energy investment
- stats - fossil fuel industry
- Nationally Determined Contributions insufficient to meet 1.5 Deg C.
- stats - climate change - NDC
- stats - oil and gas - steep drop in revenues of fossil fuel producer economies
- IEA 2023 report - exec summary - Fossil Fuel industry
- double bind - oil and gas industry committing to clean energy
- stats - oil and gas industry - operational emissions
- stats - oil and gas industry - reserves and production split
- NDCs insufficient to meet 1.5 Deg C
- IEA 2023 report - exec summary - Oil and Gas industry
- IEA 2023 report - current Carbon Capture expectations are not feasible
- stats - oil and gas vs clean energy returns
- stats - oil and gas industry - required investments in clean energy
- stats - oil and gas industry - no new fields to meet 1.5 Deg C
- stats - oil and gas industry - profit split
- migration - fossil fuel to clean energy
- fossil fuel to clean energy migration shortfall
- oil and gas industry - Mexican standoff - SIMPOL
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the overwhelming majority of our time is spent looking down and as we should have talked about in previous videos we really care about 00:03:57 the hinges that you place in your spine so if you're on a laptop or looking down on your phone there's generally a hinge that we put into our neck and keep it there for a period of time and that 00:04:09 section and it can be right at the top if we're looking at you we've down or it can be lowered down if we're hinging down a lot more towards more of a 90-degree angle the longer in those shapes and the average American at 00:04:22 least can sit you know 10 to 14 hours a day particularly in today's climate without raising an eyebrow it can be just a simple thing that we do and if that's sitting down looking down is a 00:04:33 constant thing then what happens is we take that overloaded tissue to bed and sleep is our recovery time
- for: BEing journey - unconscious body posture - sleep impacts
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hypoglossal nerve stimulator
for: sleep apnea - treatment - surgical implant
treatment: sleep apnea
- surgical implant
- for moderate to severe cases
- hypoglossal nerve stimulator
two Dental devices
for: sleep apnea - treatment - dental devices
treatment: sleep apnea
- dental devices
- for moderate sleep apnea
- mandibular advancement splint
- tongue retaining device
- for: sleep apnea - treatment - CPAP air pressure machine
if you've got atrial fibrillation which is an irregular heartbeat highly recommend testing for obstructive sleep apnea
- for: sleep apnea - symptoms - irregular heartbeat
when you have sleep apnea this is something that is called dipping and non-dipping people who have no apnea in the blue notice 00:07:11 what happens their blood pressures go down at nights here in the 3 A.M to 6 a.m goes down at night they're systolic and diastolic but the people who have apnea they don't get the benefit of that dipping they're not getting the benefit 00:07:25 of rest at night it's because of sympathetic nervous system activity
for: sleep apnea - blood pressure comparison, dipping vs nondipping
interesting fact: sleep apnea
- dipping and non-dipping
- normal person relaxes blood pressure at night (dipping)
- sleep apnea patient has elevated blood pressure at night (non-dipping)
in a normal person this is what their sympathetic nervous 00:06:45 system activity looks like and people with sleep apnea who are having these difficulties at night this is what their sympathetic nervous system looks like during the day when they're actually not having apnea it's because it's ramped up 00:06:57 and this is a problem that causes their blood pressure to not be able to relax
- for: sleep apnea - sympathetic nervous system - comparison
when we're looking here at sleep apnea we're looking at these bars here and you can see that people with 00:06:21 sleep apnea the most likely time for them to die is between midnight and six o'clock in the morning and you can imagine why that would be
for: stats - sleep apnea - most likely time to die
stats: sleep apnea
- most likely to die between midnight and 6am
let's take a look at everything here before the purple line
for: sleep apnea - graph
graph: sleep apnea
- incredible how many times our breathing is obstructed!
sometimes this 00:04:37 can happen up to a hundred times in an hour that means at least once a minute or more maybe even twice a minute that this is happening you can expect that people are not going to get very good sleep with this
for: stats - sleep apnea cycle
stats: sleep apnea cycle
- can happen up to 100 times an hour!
for: polysomnograph, oxygen saturation levels, graph - sleep apnea, sleep apnea - monitoring
description: sleep apnea oxygen saturation process
- oxygen saturation cycles through the night with peaks and troughs
- abdominal movement attempts to draw air in but is obstructed
- when a threshold of oxygen deprivation occurs, the brain wakes up and awakens the person to remove the obstruction
they wake up in 00:02:31 the morning with headaches they don't feel well rested they fall asleep very easily while not really being engaged or it could be very subtle things like fibromyalgia body aches low energy
for: sleep apnea - symptoms
symptoms: sleep apnea
- waking up in middle of night gasping for air
- wake up in morning with headache
- wake up not feeling well-rested and low energy
- fibromyalgia
- body aches
typically men more than women when they gain weight tend to store fat in their tongue and so 00:01:55 their tongues will swell you can see that really nicely on MRI actually because fat shows up as basically white tissue on MRI the other thing is that men's Airways are larger and so because of the law of Laplace which we don't 00:02:07 have time to get into larger Airways are more collapsible and so they're easier to close off with pressure placed on the outside so that's why men are typically more at risk for obstructive sleep apnea 00:02:18 but women are also at risk for sleep apnea especially after menopause
for: sleep apnea - enlarged tongue in overweight men, sleep apnea - post menopause in women, sleep apnea - increased risk - overweight men, sleep apnea - increased risk - post menopause women
increased risk: sleep apnea
- men: overweight
- women - post menopause
- sleep apnea - enlarged tongue in overweight men
- stats - sleep apnea - most common time of death
- sleep apnea - sympathetic nervous system - comparison
- dipping vs nondipping
- sleep apnea - post menopause in women
- increased risk - sleep apnea
- sleep apnea - increased risk - overweight men
- sleep apnea - treatment - oral devices
- sleep apnea - graph
- sleep apnea - increased risk - post menopause women
- polysomnography
- hypoglossal nerve stimulator
- sleep apnea - monitoring
- sleep apnea - symptoms
- sleep apnea - blood pressure comparison
- sleep apnea oxygen deprivation process
- sleep apnea - treatment surgical implant
- sleep apnea - symptoms - irregular heartbeat
- sleep apnea - treatment - CPAP air pressure machine
- stats - sleep apnea cycle
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- for: progress trap - free market, example - government policy - why it's needed
www.theglobeandmail.com www.theglobeandmail.com
for: James Hansen 2023 paper, Global Warming in the Pipeline, claim - IPCC underestimating global warming - James Hansen
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- for: natural medicine - heart and stroke health - extra virgin olive oil - chia seeds - cayenne pepper
for: sleep apnea - silent reflux connection
- this natural doctor applies nutrition to resolve sleep apnea and silent reflux problem
once we get under stress we hit what they call the sympathetic nervous system the sympathetic nervous system causes a a a stoppage 00:27:18 to the to the digestive system in other words you know with this pure sympathetic is what we call the rest and digest so when you're relaxed you digest food better okay when you're when you're in the skin tense 00:27:31 so what happens is when you get tense the digestive system doesn't function correctly so now you got food in there you need you need you need that acid you need the enzymes to work correctly but nothing's working so you got food 00:27:44 sitting in there that's not getting digested all right so what does it do it's got to go somewhere
- for: stress - affects digestion - sympathetic nervous system
taking a walk after meals good it it actually helps you maybe digest better
- for: acid reflux - walking after meal helps digestion
every person who got apnea got to be on vitamin d vitamin d makes a tremendous change for so many different 00:24:20 chemical changes in our entire body uh it affects you not only our immune system because you know we look at covet they you know they found like eight over eighty percent of every covert case had deficiency of vitamin d so you think about if your immune system 00:24:33 is weakened that means other systems are weakened which what does the immune system do it keeps away inflammation you see it's all tied together it's so important so now you say why do i need vitamin d well how much are you in the 00:24:46 sun as we get older we're just not in the sun all that much and oh i eat healthy you're not getting it from you're not from your food you need to supplement
- for: sleep apnea - treatment - vitamin D
for people who have this sleep apnea you may want to start taking a little more magnesium because magnesium what does it do it relaxes it causes the vessel to relax cause the muscles to relax causes all the tissues 00:21:22 to relax and basically when you're getting that apnea things are closing okay so magnesium has been a huge huge change in the research right now so uh you know my favorite magnesiums you know 00:21:34 you have the citrate you have you have the the glycinates those are the best that absorb so i would it was me that's what i would get on uh and try the magnesium because you know sometimes when we just make a little bitty change 00:21:47 it can go a long way because you know unfortunately in the medical field they're not really tuned into nutrition
- for: sleep apnea - treatment - magnesium, magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate
as you start taking weight off number one the weight because as you lose weight you lose 00:16:50 weight in here too i promise you if you are overweight anyone is over 15 pounds overweight you will see a tremendous difference in your sleep apnea it will start getting better and better and better
- for: sleep apnea causes - overweight
for those people who have sleep apnea try gargling with salt water before you 00:14:31 go to bed you may be amazed 40 50 percent of you may say the next morning i don't know what the heck happened but guess what salt water 00:14:42 reduces inflammation so gargling with salt water can be a cure for many of those conditions
- for: sleep apnea - potential treatment - gargling salt water to reduce inflammation, sleep apnea - potential treatment - eliminate sugar
if you have those symptoms like you're always clearing your throat or you're getting that tickle in your 00:11:47 throat or you're getting that post nasal drip it's not science it's not your sinus most of the time if you're having sleep apnea because that acid if you just tuned in with us that acid is making its way up while you're sleeping 00:11:59 most of the time these symptoms happen at night okay and you can get the residual during the day and you're waking up like you're always doing that i can guarantee that the majority of you you're going to have silent reflex that silent reflex is 00:12:13 affecting your breathing
for health - sleep apnea - silent acid reflux connection
health - sleep apnea - silent reflux connection
- if you have sleep apnea and you are experiencing post nasal drip, coughing, clearing throat etc, that is the acid coming up from your stomach and obstructing breathing
the ringo pharyngeal reflux
for: health - sleep apnea, sleep apnea - acid reflux - laryngopharyngeal reflux, sleep apnea - slient reflux connection
- symptoms
- sleep apnea, silent reflux, post nasal drip, coughing,
- symptoms
- sleep apnea - treatment - magnesium glycinate
- sleep apnea - causes - overweight
- sleep apnea - potential treatment - gargling with salt water to reduce inflammation
- acid reflux - walking after mean helps digestion
- sleep apnea - potential treatment - eliminate sugar
- sleep apnea - treatment - magnesium
- health - sleep apnea
- sleep apnea - acid reflux - laryngopharyngeal reflux
- sleep apnea - treatment - vitamin D
- stress - affects digestion - sympathetic nervous system
- sleep apnea - silient reflux connection
- sleep apnea - treatment - magnesium citrate
- health - sleep apnea - silent reflux connection
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.comLinkedIn1
By chance I was reading Robert Goodin's 30 year old book on Green Political Theory yesterday - yes, how I get my kicks. A statement near the end of the book jumped out at me - and, I think, pertinent to the Netherlands now and the heat and noise in my home town, Oxford re. transport policy."...greens will have to impose tougher restraints on the rich than on the poor; they will have to let the poor continue to damage the environment in ways that they are prepared to prevent the rich from doing."
for: carbon tax, tax the rich, carbon inequality
- an obvious and logical strategy because
- the elites are few in number, but hold much wealth
- the disenfranchised are many in number but hold little wealth
- but the disenfranchised exist in larger numbers
- so when it comes to voting, they are a strategic cohort to win over
- this is in effect the same logic as the Paris Agreement and climate justice
- climate justice requires us to protect the poor and give them the remaining carbon budget whilst those who already have enough must cut back
- an obvious and logical strategy because
hat that's going to mean is that a lot of the things um that again that this wealthy say onethird of our society has normalized will have to change the size of our houses 00:12:01 we shouldn't be building really huge houses anymore I would also go further and say if we are really serious about climate change we need to think about the very large properties that we have which there are many of in our society 00:12:12 that need to be divided to make good quality and reasonable sized houses for say three or four families rather than just one family no more second homes and where second homes are in areas where other 00:12:25 people need to live they are no longer allowed to exist so no more second homes
for: staying within 1.5 Deg C - elites - lifestyle changes - property and building
- Vancouver, B.C. has artificially inflated property market
- Local Vancouver city government does not want to change bylaws that advantage elites
- Climate change equity issues need to become part of the argument
if you look at somewhere like the UK 75% of all our flights are made by just 15% of the population and we know who that 15% are you know they're not the average person or the poor person so we're not talking about 00:12:49 someone who flies occasionally away on holiday we're talking about people who fly really regularly they have their second homes they have their big mansions they have their large cars and this particular group all of those 00:13:02 things will have to change
for: elites - lifestyle change, great simplification, worldview transition -materially-excessive and wonder-poor to materially- sufficient and wonder-rich, awakening wonder, Deep Humanity, BEing journeys
- possible way to have more than one home
- a group can co-create and mutually invest in a regenerative timeshare
- an example is to co-invest in a regenerative local community economy based around a regerative agroforestry system which has community owned and supported agriculture with year round Regenerative work and sustainable accommodations
- Deep Humanity BEing journeys can play a role to re-awaken wonder
- awakening wonder
- great simplification
- staying within 1.5 Deg C - elites - lifestyle changes - property and building
- regenerative timeshare
- Deep Humanity
- elites - lifestyle shift
- worldview transition - materially- excessive and wonder- poor to materially-sufficient and wonder-rich
- BEing journeys
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for: enthnography - Jarawa, African-Asian tribe, Alexandre Dereims, human origins - Jawara, anthropology - Jarawa, Andaman archipelago
- An extraordinary film by filmmaker Alexandre Dereims about the isolated Jawara people, believed to be one of the first peoples to migrate out of Africa and who landed in an island off the coast of India. Their way of life has not changed for tens of thousands of years but unfortunately, is being quickly eroded by the influences of modernity.
- This film documents the life of this ancient tribe, who until recently lived in complete isolation from modernity. Dereims illegally entered the territory to film the Jawara tribe and give them a voice in the context of the Indian governments continual exploitation of the tribe for tourism and their agenda to confiscate their land for modern development.
- The film is a realtime record of how rapidly colonialism and the transformation of takes place. We hear the voices of the Jawara as they speak of the incremental exploitation and corruption of the modern world on their people. When we see this, we realize how little has changed since the 14th century when global colonialism began.
- Instead of preserving the Jawara to have a living reminder of our ancient past and the wonder of human evolution, we myopically exploit them. What a sad commentary on humanity.
new trailmark: deeper reflections
- this trailmark is used to capture deeper reflections not captured in the initial annotation
- this often occurs for me there next day after a night's sleep.
- I believe it happens because the intuitive gut feeling that initially attracted me to the story is not so easily accessible. It could be complex, entangled and difficult to articulate and/or subconscious
deeper reflections
- our own process of cultural construction
- the living Jawara are so valuable ethnographically and anthropologically because they are living, breathing examples of how culture constructs us -
- adjacency between
- Jawara people
- Ronald Wright's computer analogy for modern humans
- Cumulative Cultural Evolution (CCE)
- Deep Humanity
- adjacency statement
- The comparison between the cultural differences between the Jawara people and we modernly enculturated humans is striking. Perhaps not as striking as feral children but still striking. It shows us how easily we ourselves could have such a different experience of life and Worldview if we were born into the Jawara tribe today.
- As Ronald Wright noted, there is likely no difference between the human mental capacity of our 50,000 year old ancestors and ourselves
- The significance of their existence is living proof of CCE, a profound Deep Humanity teaching about how we humans construct the meaningverse and symbolosphere so critical to intertwingled individual and collective experience of reality
- The Jawara and other isolated ingenious progress should be treated with the greatest respect and esteem for being the living examples of our cultural evolution that teaches us the deepest lessons of what we are as humans and how culture profoundly shapes us
- At a minimum, all the tourists the the Indian government have allowed to visit them, as well as the tourist operators should have mandatory Deep Humanity training before being allowed any contact with them in order to preserve their dignity
- striping away all the amenities of modern life, we can see how happy they Jawara people are with so little
- this is a lesson on recognising the wonder of simply being alive, an invaluable Deep. Humanity lesson
- Cumulative Cultural Evolution (CCE)
- our own process of cultural construction
the andaman islands have become the most popular destination 00:11:09 for india's new middle class the ruling nationalist bjp party is denying the jarwa the right to self-determination something that jarawa say is unacceptable 00:11:26 we don't your we're happy together we have no worries
for: Jawara - right to self-determination - indigneous people
- education: self determination
- there is a need to translate to lay people terms what the saliance of this
seventy to eighty percent of indian tourists will arrive in andamans in their package like it's always there like you know just to have a look like how these genres are like and that became actually a commercial business 00:08:48 for all these travel agents in port berlin and people are taking new photographs and they are selling their cds like you know naked ladies dancing it's i feel like it's it's actually sort 00:09:01 of an exploitation like these innocent abortion or primitive tribes
for: SRG intervention - Jawara - tourist education
SRG intervention - Jawara - tourist education
- Is it possible to transform this myopic, ignorant tourism approach into one that could create more cross-cultural harmony?
the increasing number of tourists is starting to make them feel like exhibits in a zoo
for: human exploitation, treating humans like animals in a zoo
example - human exploitation - Jawara
- These images parading the Jawara like curiosity items remind one of centuries earlier when European colonizers treated the people they enslaved as curiosity items - like animals in a zoo
- Zoo's are themselves an icon that represents the distorted anthropogenic perspective and relationship of modern humans to the rest of the biome.
the jarrow have even worse things to tell us they're offering us tobacco and they want to show us how to chew it 00:07:28 it's not good for us they give us alcohol we don't want that either but they still try and make us drink it we don't want any it's bad
for: example - cultural destruction - Jawara - cigarettes and alcohol, example - indigenous genocide, example - forced addiction
- example - cultural destruction
- example - indigenous genocide
- example: forced addiction
- Growing up in Canada in an indigenous community, this struck a nerve.In my childhood, I experience how the Haida first nations people of the Queen Charlotte Islands were reduced from a once proud and self-reliant culture to a dependent one living in government housing, the land they lived on denied to them and forced to live on small parcels of "Indian Reservations", their dignity stripped, and made dependent on alcohol and cigarettes.
- It seems that modernity is simply an arrogant and corrupting force on indigeneity.
- We see the beginning of indigenous genocide by the attempted infection by ignorant modern citizens who interact with the Jawara by attempting to hook them on the extremely destructive and addictive substances of our culture, alcohol and cigarettes
there are armed poachers who shoot at us they steal they kill our pigs we think about it all the time 00:06:53 after the wild pigs it's deer their numbers have decreased dramatically since the poachers forced the jarrow to hunt for them wild game is being sold illegally on the 00:07:12 indian market
for: cultural destruction - Jawara - poachers, modernity - disruption of ecological cycle, example - ecosystem disruption
- example: ecosystem disruption
- example: human cultural ecosystem in balance
- the uncontrolled influence of the outside world always follows. Governments are too shortsighted to understand that this always happens and feel they can control the situation. They cannot. Greed breeds resourcefulness
- In a matter of years, poachers have disrupted the Jawara's traditional diet, forcing them to overhunt deer and disrupt the entire ecological cycle that existed up until then.It's an example of how modernity ruthlessly and rapidly disrupts ecosystems. In this case, ecosystems where humans have integrated in a balanced way.
in the past we used to make candles from beeswax but today we have tortoises the indians give them to us they provide more light and save us from 00:05:19 darkness
for: cross-cultural dialogue - jawara and modernity,
- the tragedy of such myopic relationships and exploitation is that we miss the opportunity to hold cross-cultural dialogues to explore what happens when two human cultures that have developed in isolation meet for the first time.
- the marvel of modern lights to the Jawara, and their quick embrace of it and expression of wonder is reminiscent of the chronicles of earlier European explorers/colonizers who exposed modern inventions and cultural artefacts to aboriginals many centuries earlier
- new trailmark - deeper reflections
- example - forced addiction
- example - indigenous genocide
- example - human ecosystem in balance
- cultural destruction - Jawara - poachers
- Andaman archipelago
- treating humans like animals in a zoo
- example - cultural destruction - Jawara - cigarettes and alcohol
- ethnography - Jarawa
- Jawara
- modernity - disruption of ecological cycle
- example - ecosystem disruption
- education - self-determination - indigenous people
- indigenous genocide
- human origins - Jarawa
- Anthropology - Jawara
- meeting of cultures - Jawara - cultural artefacts - flashlights
- African-Asian tribe
- Alexandre Dereims
- human exploitation
- SRG intervention - Jawara - tourist education
docdrop.org docdrop.org
The flat earth myth and the myth of a Catholic Church fighting against real knowledge gets taken up by another scientist. William Whewell. And this is, again, a very influential figure. This guy even invented the word scientist. And with his history of the inductive sciences, he actually has proof of Christian backwardness. He introduces two Christian authors, and they become a poster childs 00:08:04 for Christian bigotry. Really evil figures. Lactantius and Cosmas Indicopleustes.
- for: etymology - scientist, William Whewell, myth - flat earth - William Whewel, myth - flat earth - Christian villains - Lactantius - Cosmas Indicopleustes
We're in the time of the French Revolution now, a time where revolutionaries break with superstitions from the past. They will only be guided by reason. You have this extremely decorated French historian and geographer that's on a mission. A mission to fight the church. 00:07:15 He published this book on the cosmographical opinions of the Church Fathers, and he really goes for it. He writes how until recently, all science has had to be based on the Bible, and geographers were forced to believe Earth was a flat surface. According to him, this was all because of three irresistible arguments persecution, prison and the stake. I
- for Jean-Antoine Letronne, myth - flat earth, book - The Cosographical opinions of the Church Fathers
there is this French scientist that introduced the idea that medieval people thought the earth was flat, and he believes religion was to blame. He was influenced by an age old movement that created the idea 00:04:30 of dark ages and the rule of the church and suppressing knowledge. If you go all the way back to the 1300s, we find one Italian poet that was quite sure of himself. Petrarch identified two times in history. The time of the Greeks and Romans that was an enlightened age. And basically everything after the fall of the Western Roman Empire was a dark age
for: Jean-Antoine Letronne, Petrarch, myth - flat earth, myth - dark ages
historical myth - flat earth
- historical myth - dark ages
- During the French Revolution, the French historian and geographer Jean-Antoine Letronne promoted the myth that the people of the middle ages believed in a flat earth.
- He was influenced by the Italian Petrarch who promulgated the myth of the dark (in contrast to the light) ages
This myth is mostly the blame of the novelist Washington Irving
for: Washington Irving, book - the History of New York, book - A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus
- Irving was a American writer who wrote fiction for the intent of stoking nationalism. He bent the truth in many ways.
- Among his most famous and impactful historical lies that Irving fabricated in his book on Columbus was that prior to Columbus, the majority of educated people thought the earth was flat. In fact, most educated people believed the earth to be round during the time of Columbus.
interesting fact: knickerbocker
- The term knickerbocker originated in the pseudonym Diedrich Knickerbocker that Irving chose for his book "A History of New York"
Maybe you were even taught this at school, that historically seen the church has stood in the way of scientific progress. 00:00:50 And with the coming of Christendom, the light of reason was taken away and a dark age fell over Europe. I'm here to tell you this is all 19th century propaganda of a number of guys fed up with the church and applying their personal grudges to the entire history of Christianity, And they totally succeeded.
for: historical myth - church opposed science
historical myth: European churches opposed science in the middle ages
- historical fact: European churches supported science in the middle ages
- Washington Irving
- myth - dark ages - Petrarch
- French Revolution - enlightenment - reason - Jean-Antoine Letronne
- myth - flat earth - Christian villains - Lactantius - Cosmas Indicopleustes
- Jean-Antoine Letronne
- myth - flat earth - Jean-Antoine Letronnne
- book - A History of New York
- myth of the flat earth
- myth - flat earth - William Whewel
- myth - flat earth
- myth - dark ages
- historical myth - church opposed science
- book - The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus
- etymology - scientist - William Whewell
pib.socioambiental.org pib.socioambiental.org
- for: annotate, indigenous people - Arara
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the explanatory Gap
for: explanatory gap
- insight
- there is very little research on the role of language in the explanatory gap of the hard problem of consciousness
here must be a self now I'm not talking about a minimal kind of self a pre-reflective kind of self I'm talking about a socio-cognitive construct like philosophers like Dennard 00:03:30 and others have suggested a construct which is of a cognitive type it may also be of a social kind as suggested by social scientists like for example Wolfgang Prince Ian hacking and 00:03:42 even some neuroscientists like Michael Graziano have proposed scientific approaches to the notion of self
- for: synonym - pre-linguistic self - pre-reflective self - minimal self
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hang on a second here you mean i can't drive my car i'm i can't heat my house i can't turn on the lights whenever i want to like well people rightly have all kinds of questions and they can't yet imagine and i would say this is part 00:12:05 of the failure of leadership they can't imagine what that alternative life looks like
for: alternative futures
- we need to provide a detailed vision to the public of what such an alternative future looks like
the curse of the climate crisis is that relative to covet and relative to the war moves in slower motion yes and that's a challenge
- comment
- if we have to wait until planetary tipping points are triggered, it will be too late. There has to be some other less catastrophic event that happens before that. Perhaps some combination of extreme weather events
- We need to trigger sufficiently large social tipping points before planetary tipping points are breached.
- comment
it took leadership and circumstance to ultimately 00:08:08 get a public truly mobilized
- for: key insight - mass mobilization - leadership and circumstances
that's what we need to do today we need to we need to take an inventory of how many solar arrays do we need how 00:06:27 many wind turbines how many electric buses how many electric heat pumps what's the new generation crown corporations we should be establishing to expedite doing that at scale 00:06:40 and deploying it at scale to actually decarbonize and electrify in the short window of time that we have
- for: climate change - wartime mobilization inventory
c.d howe uh who was the 00:04:58 minister in the king government who oversaw all of this
for: C.D. Howe
it's remarkable to me once i started to dig in that the speed and scope of what we did as a country and actually what we specifically did here in british columbia
for: history - wartime mobilization - Canada
trivia: in 6 years, starting from zero, British Columbia produced
- 750 ships (350 ships produced in British Columbia)
- 16,000 military aircrafts (4th largest air force in the world)
800,000 military vehicles (more than Germany, Italy and Japan combined)
we had to mobilize up war production and then convert back to peace time all in the space of six years
for: trivia - Canada wartime mobilization
trivia: Canada wartime mobilization
- In a period of 6 years, Canada ramped up to wartime mobilization and then returned to peace
www.sethklein.ca www.sethklein.ca
The Climate Emergency Unit
for: The Climate Emergency Unit, David Suzuki Institute
www.sethklein.ca www.sethklein.ca
for: Book: A Good War, Seth Klein, Climate Emergency - mobilizing Canada
title: A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency
- author: Seth Klein
- date: 2020
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I'll find the language of Hope and hopefulness hope hopelessness 01:19:11 speak to me more in the sense of are there reasons to still get up clean up suit up and show up and I want to say yes even in the face 01:19:25 of extraordinary difficulty
- for: comparison - hope and hopefulness vs optimism and pessimism
there's things in the 10th Century in what we think of as now as broadly Western and Central Europe 01:13:46 that are beginning to show up particularly in art and architecture and poetry and music not an accident the musician we know that artists are often people who sense 01:13:59 things and are ahead of a culture they give the first articulation to a set of ideas and so if you today if next time you're in Ottawa I invite you to go to the 01:14:10 National Gallery because the National Gallery in Ottawa has one of the world's best collections of European northern European art and it starts about 1300 01:14:22 there's some before that but their collections of that's old enough to get you into it and it works through historically as you work through the rooms and at least it used to last time I brought it was there it brought you 01:14:36 out into a post-modern into postmodern art as if what's beyond what we think of as Modern Art uh into post-modern art
- for: BEing journey - history of art from 10th century to present
let's assume that the price of oil uh is at least at the uh 75 range which keeps us out of trouble Keith is at least floating in Alberta maybe even 80 bucks 01:00:56 a barrel maybe even 85 so that we've got some extra money so uh we're going to appoint you and you get to look around for a female and uh 01:01:10 the two of you have to then look around for uh people who are uh indigenous male and female and the four of you are going to be a group and we're going to give you 01:01:22 um uh uh a hundred billion dollars to spend over 10 years which means that you've got uh 10 billion 100 million no we're going to do more 01:01:37 we're going to give you a billion dollars so you've got a hundred million a year and you're going to be able to give it away in 10 million dollar tranches
for: interesting idea - project to shift consciousness in Alberta
- interesting idea: project to shift consciousness in Alberta
- When there is a surplus use it to spend a billion dollars over the next 10 years, 100 million each year given away in 10 million dollar tranches
- communities of approx. 15,000 people can apply for the 10 million dollar grant to raise consciousness and understand the modernity frame they currently unconsciously live within
- in order to change the system, you have to first be aware of it and how that system is in you
- This is an evolutionary experiment because nobody has tried to change a complex system like this before
if you're going to change a system you're in you have to become conscious of it and the way that system is in you
for: quote - whole system change
quote: whole system change
- if you're going to change a system you're in you have to become conscious of it and the way that system is in you
- author: Ruben Nelson
- date : 2023
the Chinese and the 00:58:35 ancient Hebrews I mean if if those of us who call ourselves Christians were actually had spent more time not reading the Old Testament in English but understanding the thought patterns in 00:58:48 Hebrew behind English which is a whole different story we would find that that Hebrew patterns of thought and Chinese patterns of thought are remarkably similar which suggests that it's not about 00:59:01 eastern western it's it's it's about a time shift that if you go back four or five thousand years you find lots of people who are thinking in relational terms 00:59:14 and in small group terms
- for System change - Ruben Nelson - decentralized, community, relational approach
there's an interesting book by Seth Klein Naomi Klein's brother the 00:56:39 just for about creating a mobilizing federal government provincial um almost a state of emergency to address 00:56:53 climate change uh and and that would if you had extraordinary powers then you could basically say well electric vehicles and 00:57:04 more cars is not the solution and we're gonna go in a different area we're going to secure for example the water supply we're going to secure the air supply 00:57:16 we're going to reduce emissions in a very structured way
- reference
- A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency
- reference
we've become a province in which the the doctrine has become look out for yourself look out for your family and um and if you can 00:21:44 socialize costs and privatize benefits and of course that's what the oil industry is doing it's what the it's what every industry has learned to do
for: meme - business - socialize costs / privatize benefits
meme: business and industry
- socialize costs / privatize benefits
we don't have anybody in Canada 00:51:56 who's serious about how would you help a whole society that doesn't even understand the depth to which it is modern come to terms of the fact it has no future as a modern culture 00:52:10 and how would you help them understand that in a way that doesn't terrify them and see that as an adventure so we could replace the Alberta Advantage which is about low taxes and money in your pocket 00:52:22 to the Alberta Adventure week Alberta could be earn a reputation at least it could I mean we do have enough Mavericks and things we have the possibility of 00:52:34 earning a global reputation of becoming the most extraordinary place in the world that is taking this work seriously
for: perspective shift - modernity to "neo-indigenous"
- how do you transform fear of the perceived great loss of modernity to the gains of neo-indigenous civilization?
- we would have to feature the many potential benefits of doing this
- it can't be just a big loss, but the pros must outweigh the cons
what I talk about is reaching what I call uh escape velocity from modernity just like reaching escape velocity from the gravity of Earth if if you're trying to get to the moon and you 00:51:45 don't reach escape velocity gravity will bring you back through the atmosphere and kill you in the process
- for: meme - escape velocity from modernity
there must be a dozen bodies around the world who are trying to rethink it to some extent economics and 00:47:49 capitalism my issue with all of that is it's still within the frame that our last election was in 14 parties basically saying our future 00:48:03 is fundamentally modern now some of them might say and we want a new kind of capitalism but they're still in a modern frame and so I want to go back to your comment about Donald Trump 00:48:16 and others that there are people who kind of intuitively get it that that we do need to shake up the systems in a really serious way that we've got 00:48:29 but you see it actually took that idea seriously I mean it's just for the moment you and I agree and and anybody who's listening to this agree what we've done in effect 00:48:41 is by agreeing to be oblivious to the systems that we're actually in we have left to people who want to shake 00:48:55 up systems for their own good and in service of their own ego you end up with the Daniel Smiths on Donald Trump's and Eragon in turkey and the Prime Minister the 00:49:08 prime minister of Hungary um and Johnson who was prime minister in England uh I mean you end up with people who are thoroughly destructive yes they're perfectly willing to shake 00:49:21 things up but in a sense to no good end
- for: key insight - shaking up the system - populists
- key insight
- This is a good observation. The point that Ruben makes is that populist leaders want to shake up the system, they have tapped into the discontent, but they channel it to their own nefarious ends. They are still thoroughly within modernity, however. so don't get to the root problem.
- for: key insight - shaking up the system - populists
we're in a position as a modern techno-industrial culture this is my view that it's false to say what the oil 00:29:32 companies are saying that we can keep producing oil and gas we'll get the society to pay for carbon capture and storage and and other stuff but it's going to be a technological salvation 00:29:44 and then we can keep on with our life that's one version the the other version is the environmentalist version which the federal government has bought into and that is we'll go green and then we 00:29:57 can keep everything
for: false dichotomy of sustaining modernity
- The pace of modernity can neither be sustained in a high carbon nor a low carbon green economy
- No matter what the political party, they all subscribe to a view of sustaining the same or greater pace of modernity
- libertarians want no constraints
- but nature herself imposes limits
- populations collapse if resources are overused
- human populations who adopt a Libertarian approach eventually encounter a limit anyways
the Americanization of the culture of Alberta and the importance of American capital for the 00:24:23 energy industry but there was a lot of migration from the United States from Nebraska and Montana um up north yeah a third of the people who settled 00:24:35 the Prairies between 1880 and 1913 and a third of the three million who came were American my mother born in the U.S yes a lot of 00:24:48 the established you know people who've been here a while uh on the Canadian prairies we look South and we literally see cousins
for: interesting fact - many Albertans are from America
interesting fact
- 3 million people settled the Canadian Praries between 1880 and 1913
- 30% of them were fromNebrask and Montana
what worries me is again the the long-term future of the economy in a carbon constrained world 00:27:32 and as a futurist uh what what is your perspective on on the the role of oil going into 2050
- for: carbon budget - Alberta, carbon-constrained world - Alberta's future
Alberta is not a humble place we are not people we are extraordinarily male dominated 00:09:00 you know as well as I do that Alberta did not was not really a place where Europeans showed up uh until late in the 19th century
for: key insight - Alberta
- claim
- Alberta is a very patriarchal province. It was settled in the late 19th century so already had a culture of controlling nature.
- claim
sadly the now global sustainability industry is mostly stuck with the very 00:05:03 mindset that is the root cause of the wickednesses we are in over six decades
for key insight - sustainability industry is stuck
key insight
- claim
- sustainability industry is plagued with the same root cause as the problem that it is trying to solve
- claim
Dr Reuben Nelson Reuben was born and raised in Calgary educated at Queen's University 00:02:49 Queen's theological college and the United theological College in Bangalore India
for: Ruben Nelson education
Ruben Nelson bio
- Queen's University, Calgary
- Queen's Theological College
- United Theological College, Bangalore, India
- a leading practitioner of strategic foresight
for: Ruben Nelson interview
- Although this interview focuses on regional politics of Alberta Canada, where Ruben Nelson lives, it is wide-ranging and touches on global and civilization-wide themes.
- carbon budget - Alberta
- system change - Ruben Nelson - decentralized community relational appraoch
- perspective shift - modernity to neo-indigenous
- quote - Ruben Nelson
- - interesting fact - 1/3 of Albertan settlers were American
- limits to growth
- Seth Klein
- comparison - hope and hopefulness vs optimism / pessimism
- meme - escape velocity from modernity
- The Libertarian illusion
- false dichotomy of modernity
- interesting idea - project to shift consciousness in Alberta
- cultural evolution
- carbon budget
- Book - A Good War
- key insight - alberta - patriarchy
- interview - Ruben Nelson
- BEing journey - history of art from 10th century to present
- Liberterians encounter limits
- transition out of modernity
- carbon constrained world - Alberta's future
- key insight - sustainability industry critique
- Ruben Nelson - education
- strategic foresight - Ruben Nelson
- quote - whole system change
- meme - business - socialize cost / private benefit
- key insight - shaking up the system - populists
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one of the things that is true of us I 01:13:59 dare say it is true of all of us in our own ways who are listening to this at whatever time we're listening to it and that is there are voices within as we know when we've been dismissed as a person we know when other people have 01:14:13 seen us merely as a function or have taken a quick glance of us and see nothing there a value and they just and we know how much that shrivels us up you know as we know as persons rather 01:14:26 than as functions we're taught in the modern world to take ourselves as functions to work but not your whole person and so one of the things we know as persons is that we light up like 01:14:38 lightbulbs when other persons recognize us as whole persons as a value as a person
- for: key insight - recognizing the other creates intimacy
in our modern way of thinking the dominant metaphors 01:10:43 are mechanical and in mechanical system is literally the case if you can make the system more efficient you get rid of waste so if you have parts that duplicate each other they're not needed you can get rid of one of them and 01:10:57 that's true for mechanical systems so that waste and mechanical systems can is something you can get rid of and decrease efficiency but in living human 01:11:08 and even biological systems duplication is not waste its resilience
for: key insight - modernity - inefficiency - biological system - resilience
key insight
- in our modern way of thinking the dominant metaphors are mechanical
- and in mechanical system is literally the case if you can make the system more efficient you get rid of waste
- so if you have parts that duplicate each other they're not needed you can get rid of one of them
- and that's true for mechanical systems so that waste and mechanical systems is something you can get rid of and decrease efficiency
- but in living human and even biological systems duplication is not waste it's resilience
- aspectualization and situatedness
you see that issue is at the heart of civilizational transcendence if we can't learn to 01:05:24 understand how we got this way then we have no chance of transcending the way that has now got us
for: situatedness, quote - civilizational transcendence
quote: civilizational transcendence
- you see that issue is at the heart of civilizational transcendence if we can't learn to understand how we got this way then we have no chance of transcending the way that has now got us
- author: Ruben Nelson
- date: 2021
as I fight the system in which I live and think of all the people out marching for black lives matter and good on them for doing it but am i ignoring the system that lives 01:03:54 in me that is am i pretending that that system is out there and is evil and I'm pure or am i recognizing even as I proclaimed that black lives matter and 01:04:07 the system must change that I and those who march with me are part of that system and participate in it far more than we are there acknowledge
for: internal and external change, whole system change - internal and external, wicked problem, meme - the system that lives in me
- Am I ignoring the system that lives in me?
he knows what's at the heart of first enlightenment science 01:02:26 that that is part of the agenda of the Royal Society in 1660 when it was formed but this is in the bottom left-hand corner enough that we can understand reality 01:02:38 and unlike Aristotle we're not understanding it so we can honor it and respect it we're understanding it so we can mess with it
for: Royal Society - founding principles
reference: Royal Society
- https://royalsociety.org/about-us/mission-priorities/#:~:text=The%20Society's%20fundamental%20purpose%2C%20reflected,for%20the%20benefit%20of%20humanity.
- "The Society’s fundamental purpose, reflected in its founding Charters of the 1660s, is to recognise, promote, and support excellence in science and to encourage the development and use of science for the benefit of humanity."
the Center for the 01:00:29 Study of existential risk dedicated the study and mitigation of risks that could lead to human extinction or civilizational collapse and the interesting thing is that modernity is 01:00:41 not on their list either in fact it's not on the list of any of the agencies that now are dedicated to do this work
for: Center for the Study of Existential Risk - excludes modernity
- Center for the Study of Existential Risk still assumes a modern framework to solve the polycrisis
here is the human 00:50:39 journey the big arrows indicate the way that it in fact developed in history the small errors indicate that of the seven point seven billion of us on the planet people are moving in every direction 00:50:52 from each of those phases and some in each of those phases want to hang on to those phases are not move that's what those great black circles are the little black circles our people who want to 00:51:04 just hang on to what they've got and not move but others are on the move and what's more they're on the move in every possible direction
for: cultural evolution - diverse movements, cultural transition - diverse movements
- Bill Reese and Rubin Nelson believe that the dynamic / relational quadrant of indigenous culture is the most viable futures
horizons Canada is the 00:57:47 internal think-tank of the Government of Canada that does strategic foresight
for: Horizon Canada - strategic foresight think tank
- Horizon Canada still makes the biggest assumption of all, an intact modernity
the official fantasy of the 20th century after the war but now also the 21st century is this that of course they will 00:53:15 all become like us and after the war we called it development and they were then third world countries would become first world some second world countries as well and the interesting thing is is 00:53:30 that fundamentally that really hasn't changed if you scratch under the paint of the UN's sustainable development goals what you find is they want to take the very best fruits of modernity and 00:53:42 make them in a fair way distribute them more evenly across the planet so that everybody has the advantages of a modern life and as billa suggested that's a 00:53:56 fantasy that isn't going to happen there isn't enough planet for that to happen but nevertheless this is the official fantasy it drives the OECD and the folks at Davos and the UN and most 00:54:08 universities
for: key insight - modernity framework is the major narrative, quote - modernity framework is the major narrative
key insight: modernity framework is the major narrative
- quote: modernity framework is the major narrative
- the official fantasy of the 20th century after the war but now also the 21st century is this that
- of course they will all become like us
- after the war we called it development
- they were then third world countries would become first world
- some second world countries as well
- and the interesting thing is is that fundamentally that really hasn't changed
- if you scratch under the paint of the UN's sustainable development goals what you find is they want to take the very best fruits of modernity and make them in a fair way distribute them more evenly across the planet so that everybody has the advantages of a modern life and
- as Bill (Reese) suggested, that's a fantasy that isn't going to happen
- there isn't enough planet for that to happen but
- nevertheless this is the official fantasy that drives
- the OECD and
- the folks at Davos and
- the UN and
- most universities
- of course they will all become like us
- the official fantasy of the 20th century after the war but now also the 21st century is this that
we've got to leave the bottom left-hand corner and that only gives you three other spaces to go to and I've already noted that one of those spaces may be a place that has a certain utility short-run 00:50:27 but don't try to build your culture there because you can't do it it's a place that you want to be in for a while but then you wanna leave so it really only gives you two places
for: major cultural paradigms, modernity - leaving, cultural transition, cultural evolution, MET, Major Evolutionary Transition, kiey insight - 4 major cultural paradigms
key insight: 4 major cultural paradigms
- This matrix doesn't quite capture what Ruben is proposing because he later talks about neo-indigenous, which means taking elements of modernity but within an overall indigenous framework, so a hybrid
- It would be worth exploring implications for an evolutionary framework of Major Evolutionary Transitions (MET)
let me put in a good word for post modernity to say that it may not be a space you can build a house in and live in but it may be a kind of 00:48:27 wilderness it may be a space you can escape to for a while from modernity to get a different perspective on modernity and one of the things postmodern thinking has done for us is give us perspectives on modernity we hadn't seen 00:48:39 within modernity
- for: post-modernity - temporary perspective of modernity
we're young we get formed we behave in particular ways and it works for us and so we get reinforcement 00:10:11 and we continue to use it and it's important to understand that overshoot is not about being bad overshoot is about being context insensitive that we 00:10:25 use behaviors that have been successful and that's important we use them because they work but we use them after the conditions have changed enough that in fact we should be adapting new behaviors
for: overshoot - context insensitive
key insight: overshoot
- overshoot is not bad, it is context insensitive. We enact old behaviors that have been deeply conditioned into us for a particular context, but the context has changed, while our behavior has not
talking about a double overshoot and that language isn't well established in the literature yet that 00:06:58 folks get the overshoot that is ecological that we're in ecological overshoot but they don't understand that we're also in cultural and even civilizational overshoot and those are 00:07:10 new concepts that are just emerging they're not well established in the literatur
for: double overshoot, definition - double overshoot
definition: double overshoot
- ecological and cultural overshoot
- whole system change - internal and external
- major cultural paradigms
- cultural transition - diverse movements
- overshoot - context insensitivity
- key insight - recognizing the other creates intimacy
- post-modernity - temporary perspective of modernity
- quote - Ruben Nelson
- cultural evolution - Ruben Nelson
- meme - am i ignoring the system that lives in me?
- major evolutionary transition
- Horizon Canada - stratetic foresight think tank
- key insight - 4 major cultural paradigms
- definition - double overshoot
- wicked problem
- futures - dynamic relational - indigenous
- Center for the Study of Existential Risk - excludes modernity
- quote - modernity framework is the major narrative
- internal and external change
- key insight - modernity framework is the major narrative
- cultural frameworks
- cultural transition
- modernity - leaving
- double overshoot
- quote - civilizational transcendence
- summary - Horizon Canada
- cultural evolution - diverse movements
- key insight - mechanical system inefficiency - biological system resliency
- Royal Society - founding principles
- cultural evolution
- situatedness
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
- for: annotate, doughnut economy critique, r3.0, Ralph Thurn
www.science.org www.science.org
- for: resilient cities, living cities, IPCC - cities, future earth - cities, complexity - cities, climate change - clities, Xuemei Bai - IPCC cities report
link.springer.com link.springer.com
for: definition - stuporism, philosophy - of wonder
definition: stuporism
- the philosophy of wonder encountered in everyday life
for: regenerative cities, living cities, urban permaculture, Pocket hoods, relocalization, Mark Lakeman, Portland villages, people-oriented city-villages, city-village, pocket neighborhood, communititecture, urban planning, urban planning - city villages
- Mark gives a tour of his work at his company, Communittecture in applying permaculture principles to redesign communities in urban environments.
- The central focus is designing based on commons principles of actually creating lived environments where healthy socialization is a primary design objective.
- The design involves creating common areas that residents can share, from common food gardens to many mini-parks and recreation areas where families can gather.
- The modern community has alienated socialization, creating groups of juxtapositioned strangers. There are two different design categories:
- retrofitting existing neighborhoods
- designing greenfield new neighborhoods
- Communititecture home page
in portland we've legalized the 00:12:50 transformation of street intersections into public squares as many as any residential neighborhood wants all of them if they like and then the streets that connect the intersections together are all available now for being recreated 00:13:02 and you are able to put things in this space between the sidewalk and the curb and between the sidewalk and your property line 00:13:15 free of charge and free of permit so really what you might say liberalized the community right of way to be reinvented based on the initiative of local residents who are right 00:13:32 there
for: question - ordinances for street intersection transformation
question: ordinances for street intersection transformation
- how easy is this to do in other cities around the world? Check with city officials.
- cars obviously still have to get to homeowner's garages so this does not stop automobile traffic
- question - ordinance - street intersection transformation
- urban permaculture
- relocalization
- city-village
- people-oriented city-villages
- Mark Lakeman
- regenerative cities
- communititecture
- Pocket hoods
- urban planning - city villages
- pocket neighborhood
- urban planning - regenerative
- living cities
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for: Ross Chapin, Pocket Neighborhood - example - Langley Washington
- Pocket neighborhood pioneer introduces an example of a pocket neighborhood
for: complexity - example - google maps - unsafe areas
www.bostonreview.net www.bostonreview.net
permanent security”
for: definition - permanent security, examples - permanent security
definition: permanent security
- Extreme responses by states to security threats, enacted in the name of present and future self defence.
- Permanent security actions target entire civilian populations under the logic of ensuring that terrorists and insurgents can never again represent a threat. It is a project, in other words, that seeks to avert future threats by anticipating them today.
example: permanent security
- Russian-Ukraine war
- Vladimir Putin reasons that Ukraine must be forcibly returned to Russia so that it cannot serve as a launching site for NATO missiles into Russia decades from now.
- Myanmar-Rohingya conflict
- The Myanmarese military sought to squash separatism by expelling and killing the Rohingya minority in 2017
- China-Uyghur conflict
- China sought to pacify and reeducate Muslim Uyghurs by mass incarceration to forestall their striving for independence forever
- Israel-Palestine conflict
- Israel seeks to eliminate Hamas as a security threat once and for all after the 2023 Hamas attack on Israel
- US-Iraq-Afghanistan
- The US sought to eliminate Saddam Hussein's nuclear capabilities and to eliminate Osama Bin Laden for his bombing of the World Trade center.
- Russian-Ukraine war
And while European powers and settlers in their colonies did not set out to exterminate the peoples they conquered, they killed any who resisted, claiming that their hands were forced.
- for: colonialism - justifying death
The Spanish thought they had been mandated by God to spread the faith and were thus justified in annexing all territories not populated by Christians in order to convert the heathens.
for: colonialism - role of religion
- Using religion as justification of violence committed against the other is liberally found throughout history
- for: israel-Palestine conflict, colonialism, Israel-Hamas conflict,annotate, genocide
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Today, the U.S. is spending hundreds of millions to address the crisis of methane emissions. But as Tony Ingraffea says, this should have happened a decade ago (https://lnkd.in/eaFpkTrj) and it didn't because of a single person.And none of this is in the past. Ernest Moniz is the single person in the entire world most responsible for legitimizing the hoax of #carboncapture. And carbon capture is only reason that the global oil&gas cartel has been given a green light to #drilldrilldrill.These lies matter, and they are devastating our world
for: big oil cover up, big oil - MIT, big Oil Ernest Moniz, methane emissions coverup, PBS - The Power of Big Oil, climate change - big oil lobby, quote - Ernest Moniz, quote Edmund Carlevale, quote - methane emissions coverup
- Today, the U.S. is spending hundreds of millions to address the crisis of methane emissions. But as Tony Ingraffea says, this should have happened a decade ago (https://lnkd.in/eaFpkTrj) and it didn't because of a single person.
- And none of this is in the past. Ernest Moniz is the single person in the entire world most responsible for legitimizing the hoax of #carboncapture.
- And carbon capture is only reason that the global oil&gas cartel has been given a green light to #drilldrilldrill. -These lies matter, and they are devastating our world.
- author: Edmund Carlevale
date: Nov 16, 2023
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Agreed that this is very well done; however to attribute "mindless consumerism" solely to economic design is an oversimplification. It overlooks the significant role of trauma, mental health, spiritual poverty, etc. In many ways mindless consumerism has become 'medicine' for the masses to dull their pain and deep sense of isolation (all of which is welcomed under the current system as it feeds capitalism).
for: feedback - Weall - system change explainer video
- good observation by Claire Elizabeth Wiliiams
- for: explainer video - system change, not climate change, Weall, Wellbeing Economy Alliance
www.theelephant.info www.theelephant.info
- for: music that unites, music as a force, Jerusalema
2billion-strong.com 2billion-strong.com
for: future cities - Africa, CommuniTgrow, urban planning - Africa, African cities, futures - African cities, 2 Billion Strong, Gita Govin, Richard Rubin, Alistair Rendall
- 2 Billion Strong
- A Regenerative Solution to Building Sustainable African Cities
- 2 Billion Strong
- author
- Gita Govin
- Richard Rubin
- Alistair Rendall
- date: 2012
- summary
- This book outlines the vision from sustainable architectural firm CommuniTGrow for a template for a future sustainable African city. The first project launching in 2024 is the Milkwood Development in Cape Town:
for: Deep Humanity, epoche, BEing journey, Douglas Harding, Zen, emptiness, awakening, the Headless Way
- adjacency between
- Kensho
- Zen
- Douglas Harding's Headless Way
adjacency statement
- this paper explores the parallels between Zen b experienced of Kensho and Douglas Harding's Headless Way
- can this technique be adapted for Deep Humanity BEing journeys and mass awakening /epoche?
I avoid the terms ‘Enlightenment’ and ‘enlightened’ due to their association with a final permanent state and morally perfect individuals.5 Unfortunately, as we know from experience, there have been a significant number of ‘enlightened’ masters in Western Buddhist centres engaging in sexual misconduct. For those who have faith in enlightenment this is an uncomfortable mystery (Domyo 2019).
for: comparison - awakening - enlightenment, Kensho
- the author makes an astute observation and articulates an uncomfortable reality about the association of the word enlightenment with so called enlightened masters who have behaved quite immorally.
- this is a good reason to choose v one word v over they other, although in my experience, both these words have been used at times to describe individuals who have behaved immorally, that is, to bring suffering instead of ease it. I don't if Kensho is a word that is a description of a very specific experience that is decoupled from model behaviour?
- in the end, it may be different to simply add a caveat when using both terms .
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Xylitol kills off streptococcus butans which is the primary cavity causer in the mouth it's also I I became aware of 01:32:38 this only recently a potent anti-fungal the sweetener Xylitol it itself is not anti-fungal but if you take it in the presence of those fermenting microbes like pediococcus and look at ostock 01:32:52 those microbes specifically convert Xylitol to a whole range of anti-fungal components
- for: xylitol - anti fungal
conventional mouthwashes are very harmful it's been well documented if you use a conventional mouthwash your blood 01:32:00 pressure goes up for a long time because you've eradicated oral microbes that you needed that were producing such things as night uh as nitrosamine not sorry as nitric oxide that reduces blood 01:32:12 pressure uh and and they're not selective for bad microbes they kill everything including good ones
- for: Progress trap - mouthwash, mouthwash - blood pressure
- for: microbiome, gut health, MET in Individuality - microbiome, complexity - human microbiome, fermentation - health
there's a microbe in the mouth called fusobacterium nucleotide it over proliferates it's okay to have normally but it over proliferates when 01:28:39 you have bleeding gums gingivitis or periodontitis where it then enters the bloodstream this is called translocation and colonize the colon and the evidence is very good it is a principal cause of 01:28:52 colon cancer colon cancer starts in the mouth incredibly and doesn't get there by swallowing gets her through the bloodstream translocation
for:holistic medicine - example - oral microbiome and colon cancer, oral microbiome - colon cancer, bleeding gums - colon cancer, gingivitus - colon cancer, periodontitis - colon cancer, bloodstream translocation, complexity - example - human body - colon cancer - oral microbiome
- colon cancer starts in the mouth!
Oral-Intestinal Microbiota in Colorectal Cancer: Inflammation and Immunosuppression (2022)
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8824753/
- Abstract
- It is widely recognized that microbial disorders are involved in the pathogenesis of many malignant tumors.
- The oral and intestinal tract are two of the overriding microbial habitats in the human body. Although they are anatomically and physiologically continuous, belonging to the openings at both ends of the digestive tract, the oral and intestinal microbiome do not cross talk with each other due to a variety of reasons, including
- intestinal microbial colonization resistance and
- chemical barriers in the upper digestive tract.
- However, this balance can be upset in certain circumstances, such as
- disruption of colonization resistance of gut microbes,
- intestinal inflammation, and
- disruption of the digestive tract chemical barrier.
- Evidence is now accruing to suggest that the oral microbiome can colonize the gut, leading to dysregulation of the gut microbes.
- Furthermore, the oral-gut microbes create an
- intestinal inflammatory and
- immunosuppressive microenvironment
- conducive to
- tumorigenesis and
- progression of colorectal cancer (CRC).
- Here, we review
- the oral to intestinal microbial transmission and
- the inflammatory and immunosuppressive microenvironment, induced by oral-gut axis microbes in the gut.
- A superior comprehension of the contribution of the oral-intestinal microbes to CRC provides new insights into the prevention and treatment of CRC in the future.
Insights into oral microbiome and colorectal cancer – on the way of searching new perspectives (2023)
- https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcimb.2023.1159822/full
- Abstract
- Microbiome is a keystone polymicrobial community that coexist with human body in a beneficial relationship.
- These microorganisms enable the human body to maintain homeostasis and take part in mechanisms of defense against infection and in the absorption of nutrients.
- Even though microbiome is involved in physiologic processes that are beneficial to host health, it may also cause serious detrimental issues.
- Additionally, it has been proven that bacteria can migrate to other human body compartments and colonize them even although significant structural differences with the area of origin exist.
- Such migrations have been clearly observed when the causes of genesis and progression of colorectal cancer (CRC) have been investigated.
- It has been demonstrated that the oral microbiome is capable of penetrating into the large intestine and cause impairments leading to dysbiosis and stimulation of cancerogenic processes.
- The main actors of such events seem to be oral pathogenic bacteria belonging to the red and orange complex (regarding classification of bacteria in the context of periodontal diseases), such as
- Porphyromonas gingivalis and
- Fusobacterium nucleatum respectively,
- which are characterized by significant amount of cancerogenic virulence factors.
- Further examination of oral microbiome and its impact on CRC may be crucial on early detection of this disease and would allow its use as a precise non-invasive biomarker.
- gut health
- mouthwash - blood pressure
- microbiome
- MET in Individuality
- oral microbiome - colon cancer
- gingivitus - colon cancer
- holistic medicine - example - oral microbiome - colon cancer
- bloodstream translocation
- periodontitis - colon cancer
- fermentation - health
- bleeding gums - colon cancer
- complexity - example - human body - colon cancer - oral microbiome
- complexity - human microbiome
- xylitol- anti fungal
- progress trap - mouthwash
- MET in Individuality - microbiome
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for: BEing journey - adapt to, DH, Deep Humanity
- Potentiality coupled with limitations - Daseitz Suzuki and the elbow does not bend backwards.
- The experience of the unnamable quality present in every moment - infinite potentiality
- The mundane is the extraordinary. Even when we name it and discover it in all our scientific discoveries and articulate it, and mass produce technologies with it, is is still miraculous
- Nora Bateson's book Combining and the Douglas Rushkoff podcast interview
- potentiality
- adjacency statement
- both are alluding to the pure potentiality latent in the moment
- language can be contextualized as an unfolding of the space of potentiality to a specific trajectory. Each word added to the previous one to form a sentence is a choice in an infinite, abstract space of symbols that communicates intentionality and is designed to focus the attention of the listener to one very narrow aspect of the enormous field of infinite potentiality
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
from the buddhist point of view it's about the nature of perception and conception usually our perception of the world that is to say the life that we have through our senses what is revealed through our senses is instantly merged with our conceptualization so that interpretation which is essentially the play of our imagination it's our mental activity when it gets as it were fused into the appearance
for: epoche, perceptual interpretation, perception - epoche, perception - bottom up sensation and top down conceptualisation, lebenswelt
key insight
- Those is an important observation, namely that our ubiquitous, everyday act of perception, performed thousands of times a day is a near-instantaneous fusion of
- sensory information and
- conceptualising from our accumulated lebenswelt
- in third context, Husserl's epoche or phenomenological reduction is a way to give us insight into this otherwise invisible process that normative social learning deeply conditions into us.
- Indeed, one of the unique traits of our species is our individual and collective immersion into a virtual world of ideas, the symbolosphere.
- The 24/7 immersion in this world would not be possible unless we institutionalised decades of education in our stake childhood years to steep use all in at m language training that forges ideas out of intention and symbols, creating the deep associations necessary for effortless meaning-making and linguistic participation as adults
- Those is an important observation, namely that our ubiquitous, everyday act of perception, performed thousands of times a day is a near-instantaneous fusion of
- annotate
- for: Dzogchen teachings - James Low, epoche - meditation, epoche - perceptual interpretation
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
- for: Nora Bateson, Book - Combining, space of possibilities, disorientation, Douglas Rushkoff, Team Human
docdrop.org docdrop.org
all mass people are learning that that you know what you put in comes out you're connected to it you are nature so you can't destroy it or you'll destroy 00:17:47 yourself so that's mirroring the reality of interconnection actually
- for: ignorance becomes the mirror-like wisdom
it was sort of a little bit secret you know tantra had this tendency of hearing about esoteric you know secret because it just goes against the grain 00:06:55 of the of our backward world where we are supposed you know where we think where we're taught to expect to be miserable and therefore we feel safe when we are and if we ever feel really happy we 00:07:07 think something's going to go wrong and then we get nervous you know we're programmed like that
for: tantra - origins of the secret aspect
- historically, tantra was kept secret since the social norm was that we were taught to be miserable
the word dharma before buddha meant something like law religion something that holds you in a pattern holds you like traps you in a pattern where you can bear to live or something like that 00:03:49 but buddha said dharma means reality holds you in freedom from suffering he flipped the meaning into the opposite meaning where it holds you in freedom
for: definition - dharma
definition: dharma
- the Buddha flipped the meaning - dharma means reality holds you in freedom from suffering
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
for: meme - violence, patriarchy, men - expressing feelings
- violence is the language of the inarticulate
- meaning
- men have been conditioned by society to shut down their feelings and the only way they can express it is through egoistic expression of violence, anger and control
toda.org toda.org
for: conflict resolution - Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Toda Peace Institute, Lisa Schirch, 5 point peace plan
title: 5-Point Peace Plan to Protect Civilians, Address Trauma, Invest in Democracy, and Dismantle Hamas and the Israeli Occupation
- author: Lisa Schirch
date: Nov 2023
- There is no military solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
- A just political solution is essential.
- This article expands the narratives of what is necessary at this moment when too many simply say “there is no other way” or “ceasefire” which both leave many questions unanswered.
- This 5-point peace plan identifies a range of strategic principles and bridgebuilding processes to protect the safety and ensure the democratic freedoms of both Israelis and Palestinians.
- It emphasises the shared humanity and traumas of both Palestinians and Jewish Israelis.
- A sustainable peace will require that journalists and
political leaders use their power to focus on
- protecting civilians,
- dismantling Hamas,
- ending occupation,
- addressing trauma, and
- investing in democracy.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
- for: individual/collective gestalt, social tipping points
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
- for: climate departure project - potential stakeholder
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
- for: example - complexity - automobile, example - progress trap - automobile
inquiringmind.com inquiringmind.com
In the West we talk about how matter—body and brain—might be the necessary conditions for the emergence of the mind. That is the scientists’ assumption. However, there is another hypothesis, which is that consciousness itself is the basic stuff of the universe and that we are the emanation of that consciousness as opposed to the origin or the evolutionary source of it. Of course, to accept that we would have to give up the idea that everything is based on some material property
for: materialism Vs panpsychism
- Husserl's phenomenology, especially his views on epoche in his later years lean more towards panpsychism although they are different in a nuanced way.
- there is direct, pure biological phenomenological experience ,- Epoche may give us a taste of it, interment meditation may go further and the deepest meditation of decades of intense practice may re-immerse us in it.
- Feral children who grow into feral adults, an extremely rare occurrence, may have an immersive experience of it
- social conditioning of language bind meaning tightly to our construction and experience of objects in our sensory field
- it is extremely difficult to disentangle our conditioned meaning with prelinguistic phenomenological experience of reality
- spiritual awakening or enlightenment would appear to show that it is possible
- When we attach such strong meaning to ideas, such as to scientific ideas, "material* objects, in spite of their attached, implicit symbolic complexity, appear to have a natural, autonomous and obvious existence.
- in this way, our conscious constructs become solidified and mistaken for concrete, autonomously existent objects. Consciousness then comes to mistaken variants of consciousness itself with autonomously existent objects
Otherwise we’d be second-guessing ourselves at every moment: Who is deciding to buy a house or have a child? FV: That’s right. Every decision would be suspect. So evolution has designed you so that you just want to hurry on with your solidified self. That is what the sense of being a separate organism is all about.
for: self awareness of no-self, adjacency - evolution - no-self - Fransisco Verella, quote - Fransisco Verella, quote - evolution - solidified self, question - awakening to no-self
quote: Fransisco Verella
- Evolution has designed you so that you just want to hurry on with your solidified self. They is what the sense of being a separate organism is about.
date: 1999
- Verella claims evolution has designed us to have no self awareness of no-self, the origins of the self.
- even this phrase seems like an oxymoron 'self awareness of no-self!'
- question
- how would a less complex, more primitive life form even have self awareness? What does that mean biologically? At that most rudimentary level, I suppose it would mean sensory feedback signals,
- question
- Does this imply that (emotionally or affectively) awakening to your origins of self leads to second guessing ourselves as well? From observation of the behaviour of awakened individuals, this does not seem to be the case. Rather, authentically awakens individuals appear to be associated with much higher levels of wisdom and compassion, which would seem to confer evolutionary fitness
: Why do you think it is so hard for people to awaken to the true nature of things, even after being told of scientific research or after having a personal experience of no-self? FV: My hypothesis is that evolution has shaped human beings to disregard the basic sources of our being. We were built to forget how we were put together.
for: evolution - forgetting our non-self nature, adjacency - evolution - non-self - Fransisco Verella, adjacency - evolution - no-self - Fransisco Verella
adjacency between
- evolution
- non-self
- Francisco Verella
- adjacency statement
- Verella makes the interesting claim that evolution designer is to be blind to our lack of self
- in fact, major evolutionary transitions in individuality embed the creation of a new higher order individual at each major stage of transition.
- More fundamentally, major evolutionary transitions to individuals at each level need to define a biological self through a new physiological boundary between what constitutes a new unitary individual "self" (our inner world) and the rest of the environment ( our new outer world)
- It will be interesting to see how Verella's claim reconcile with that
In some sense, a heightened degree of self-awareness is antievolutionary.
for: quote - Fransisco Verella, quote - evolution - no-self
quote: Fransisco Verella
- In some sense, a heightened degree of self-awareness is anti evolutionary
- date: 1999
- quote - evolution - solidified self
- materialism Vs panpsychism
- self awareness of no-self
- adjacency - evolution - non-self - Fransisco Verella
- resolving materialism as a constructive act of consciousness
- quote - Fransisco Verella, quote - evolution - no-self
- quote - Fransisco Verella
- evolution - forgetting our non,-self nature
- question - evolution - awakening to no-self
- adjacency - evolution - no-self - Fransisco Verella
docdrop.org docdrop.org
these skills of of from the first gaze to the conversation to hard conversations amid conflict these to me are the essence of moral life
for: list - skills for knowing another
list: skills for knowing others
- deep, authentic gaze
- accompaniment
presence, listening and meaningful questions
in every conversation respect is like air when it's present nobody notices and when it's absent it's all anybody can think about and in any conversation your 00:30:52 conversation is happening on two different levels what we're nominally talking about and the under conversation which is the flow of emotion passing between us with every comment I make I'm either making you 00:31:04 feel safer or less safe I'm either showing you respect or not
for: quote - respect
quote: respect
- in every conversation respect is like air. When it's present, nobody notices and when it's absent it's all anybody can think about.
- author: Book - Crucial Conversations
when we're being we're talking across difference is to stand in the other person's standpoint it's to ask the other person in three separate ways in three 00:30:13 different kinds what am I missing here tell me more about your point of view tell me more tell me more tell me more and if you ask them three or four times in different ways you'll be astonished how the third and fourth answer is 00:30:25 deeper richer and more complicated than the first first answer
- for: effective communications - in polarized situations
my favorite questions are ones that take 00:23:48 them out of their daily experience and get them 30,000 feet looking at their life and so it's like what crossroads are you at
- for: how to ask good questions
I had a student uh a couple years ago two years ago named 00:17:41 Jillian Sawyer and Jillian's uh dad died of pancreatic cancer uh while she was in college
- for: good story - accompaniment
you can see how powerful it was when my kid my oldest son was about 14 00:17:05 or 12 months I can't remember um he woke up he woke up at 4 in the morning every morning and I played with him till 10:00 a.m. when I left uh and I remember thinking one day you know I know him better than I've ever known 00:17:18 anybody and he's known me better than anybody's known me because I was so emotionally open and play and no words had crossed between us cuz he couldn't yet talk and yet there was a a deep bond 00:17:30 between us
- for: importance of play
when Jimmy greets 00:15:11 anybody he's greeting someone anybody made in the image of God he's looking into the face of God he's looking at somebody with the in a soul of infinite value and dignity he's looking at somebody so important that 00:15:24 Jesus was willing to die for that person now you could be Christian Jewish Muslim Muslim Buddhist atheist agnostic I don't care but greeting each person you meet with that level of reverence and respect 00:15:36 is a precondition for seeing them well
- for: good story - everyone is sacred